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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Hawkins, David, 1927—

Orthomolecular psychiatry.

Includes bibliographies.
1. Schizophrenia—Chemotherapy. I. Pauling, Linus
Carl, 1901- joint author. II. Title. [DNLM:
1. Schizophrenia—Drug therapy. 2. Schizophrenia—
Metabolism. 3. Vitamins—Therapeutic use.
WM 203 H393o 1973]
RC514.H35 616.8’982’061 73-190182
ISBN 0-7167-0898-1

Copyright © 1973 by W. H. Freeman and Company

No part of this book may be reproduced

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Printed in the United States of America

International Standard Book Number: 0-7167-0898-1

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In the article Insanity in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1881)
insanity is defined as a chronic disease of the brain inducing chronic disordered
mental symptoms. The author of the article (J. Batty Tuke, M.D., Lecturer on
Insanity, School of Medicine, Edinburgh) then stated that this definition
possesses the great practical advantage of keeping before the student the primary fact
that insanity is the result o f disease o f the brain, that it is not a mere immaterial
disorder o f the intellect. In the earliest epochs o f medicine the corporeal character o f
insanity was generally admitted, and it was not until the superstitious ignorance of the
Middle Ages had obliterated the scientific, though by no means always accurate,
deductions o f the early writers that any theory o f its purely psychical character arose.
At the present day it is unnecessary to combat such a theory, as it is universally
accepted that the brain is the organ through which mental phenomena are manifested,
and therefore that it is impossible to conceive o f the existence of an insane mind in a
healthy brain.

By 1929, when the fourteenth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica was pub­
lished, the situation had changed, largely because of the development of psycho­
analysis by Sigmund Freud. The earlier definition of insanity was deleted, and
replaced by discussions from two points of view: the point of view of the materialistic
that though in many states o f insanity no observable structural changes are found,
they exist all the same, only they are such that our imperfect methods cannot detect
them, and in time they will be discovered . . .
and the point of view of the psychogenic school,

that though mental disease may arise secondarily to physical disorder, the symptoms
are psychological reverberations of that disorder and the body of an individual must
be regarded as environmental to the ego.. . . The many structural changes which are
found in certain forms of insanity should be reviewed as probably secondary to a
perverted mentality.

Psychoanalysis has failed, and psychiatry is now rapidly returning to the scientific
approach, the recognition of the corporeal character of mental disease, with mani­
festations determined to some extent by environmental stress and past experience.
Supportive psychotherapy has great value—an example is the explanation to the
schizophrenic patient and his family that his disturbed behavior and thinking are the
result of an imbalance in the molecular composition of his body, and that this im­
balance can be corrected (Hawkins, Chapter 29 of this volume). The recognition of
the effectiveness of phenothiazines and other drugs (and the ineffectiveness of psycho­
analysis) has accelerated the reacceptance of the concept that mental disease is
disease of the brain, and that the brain itself needs to be treated, by changing its
molecular composition.
The relation of vitamins to mental disease became evident as soon as vitamins were
discovered. One manifestation of pellagra is psychosis. Pellagra is a vitamin-deficiency
disease, and the psychosis is cured (averted) by the provision of an adequate intake of
the vitamin (niacin). It is estimated that in the first decades of this century 10 percent
of the persons in psychiatric hospitals were pellagrins (Kety, 1970). The discovery in
1937 that niacin is the pellagra-preventing vitamin soon led to its trial in controlling
mental disease in patients not suffering from pellagra. Cleckley et al. (1939) and
Sydenstricker and Cleckley (1941) reported some success in treating 48 subjects with
acute mental illness of one sort or another by use of moderately large doses of niacin
(300 to 1,500 mg per day, as compared with the pellagra-preventing intake of about
12 mg per day).
In 1943 Kaufman described the deterioration in mental and physical health of 150
patients with a disease to which he gave the name aniacinamidosis, and in 1949 he
published a larger book on this subject, with discussion of 455 patients. Measure­
ments of impairment of joint mobility and increase in blood sedimentation rate gave
objective information about the progress of the disease.iHe found that most of the
patients improved greatly op a regime of 1 to 5 g of niacinamide per day, in divided
doses (6 to 16 per day), Continuing for as long as nine years (Kaufman, 1955). He
observed no untoward reactions from niacinamide in several thousand patient-years
of continuous usd Hisrecommended intake of niacinamide for treatment of restricted
mobility of joints and other manifestations of aniacinamidosis is 4 or 5 g per day.
Many of his patients showed striking improvement in mental health as well as
physical health on this regime.
Preface vii

The effective introduction of megavitamin therapy for schizophrenia came in the

period from 1952 on through the work of Hoffer and Osmond, as described in several
chapters of this book. After making some studies on a few patients with encouraging
results, they carried out several double-blind and blind comparisons of niacin,
niacinamide, and a placebo. A study with 171 subjects (73 receiving 3 g of niacin per
day for all or part of the period of study, 98 receiving a placebo) gave a statistically
significant difference in the number transferred to the mental hospital and a difference
in the number of suicides (0 and 4, respectively) with borderline statistical significance
(Hoffer et al., 1957). Another study with 82 subjects (43 receiving 3 g of niacin per day
and 39 receiving a placebo) gave a difference with high statistical significance in the
number jdassified as improved or unimproved (HoffeL_,1962L__________________
It is evident from the published accounts of these studies that amounts larger than
3 g per day of niacin or niacinamide are needed for a pronounced therapeutic effect
for many schizophrenic patients. Hoffer and Osmond had in fact observed that daily
amounts of niacin or niacinamide larger than 6 g seemed to be required by some
patients, and also that many patients benefited from receiving 3 to 6 g per day of
ascorbic acid|pther vitamins, especially pyridoxine in amounts 600 mg to 1,500 mg
per day, ha'y&been found tp Jje beneficial. In addition, many schizophrenics, probably
more than 80 percent, suffer from hypoglycemia, which needs to be corrected, as
described in some chapters in this book. The orthomolecular treatment of schizo­
phrenia includes more than the routine administration of 3 g of niacin or niacinamide
per day.
The importance of good nutrition to good health cannot be denied. There is much
evidence to support the thesis that for most people the optimum daily intake of
ascorbic acid is far larger than the usually recommended daily allowance (Pauling,
1970); 3 to 6 g per day, the amount customary in megavitamin treatment of schizo­
phrenia, may well be only the average optimum for most human beings. Little effort
has been expended in the study of the amounts of vitamins required for optimum
health. The decision by most psychiatrists who do not accept the principles of ortho­
molecular psychiatry to restrict the intake of vitamins by their patients to certain
arbitrary levels, without checking the possible benefit for the patient of an increased
intake, cannot be justified.
Part of the resistance to megavitamin therapy is based on the idea that an increased
intake of a vitamin should be subjected to as thorough testing as a new synthetic drug.
This is nonsense; the vitamins are substances to which the human body has long been
accustomed, and the toxicities of the water-soluble vitamins are known to be low and
the side effects few. Another part of the resistance is the result of a misunderstanding
of the meaning of statistical significance. Investigations described as attempts to
replicate Hoffer and Osmond’s results are reported to have failed to show a statistic­
ally significant difference between the subjects receiving niacin or niacinamide and
those receiving a placebo. This conclusion is then incorrectly interpreted as meaning
that the investigations have shown niacin or niacinamide to have no greater value
than a placebo.
For example, Hoffer had reported that mentally ill children receiving niacinamide
and ascorbic acid benefited more than those receiving a placebo. Greenbaum (1970)
then reported that he was unable to confirm the claimed value of niacinamide in his
double-blind study of 17 children receiving niacinamide (1000 mg per day per 501b.
body weight) and 24 children receiving a placebo (also 16 receiving niacinamide and
a tranquilizer). The principal criterion was the increase during the six months of the
study in the score on a clinical scale of observable behavior categories. Greenbaum
reported that “there was no significant difference attributable to niacinamide.” This
statement is seriously misleading. The average improvement in the score was in fact
4.0 units for the niacinamide group and 2.6 units for the placebo group. The difference
between 4.0 and 2.6 is reported as not statistically significant. But we see that
Greenbaum found 54 percent greater improvement in the niacinamide group than in
the placebo group. From Greenbaum’s result we can say that it is more likely that
niacinamide has an effect (54 percent greater than the placebo) than that it has no
effect, but it is not 20 times more likely (P < 0.05, accepted as statistically significant).
The statistical significance is determined by the design of the investigation. If
Greenbaum had got the same result (54 percent more improvement for the niacina­
mide group than for the placebo group) with a larger number of subjects the null
hypothesis of equal effect of niacinamide (in the dosage used) and placebo could have
been rejected with statistical significance (P < 0.05).
Ban (1971) states that “The hypothesis, based on these findings [by Hoffer], that
nicotinamide therapy is useful in childhood schizophrenia was not verified by
Greenbaum in a carefully designed—placebo controlled—study.” I consider this
statement to be wrong. Greenbaum found 54 percent more improvement in the
niacinamide group than the placebo group. Surely 54 percent more improvement is
useful. The amount of improvement, 54 percent, is unreliable, but that is what he
I have discussed this matter in some detail because much of the objection to the
use of orthomolecular methods in psychiatry is based upon similar misrepresenta­
tions of the reported studies.
Another investigation that is quoted as having provided evidence against the
hypothesis that niacin or niacinamide has value in the treatment of schizophrenia was
published by Ananth et al. in 1970, with the title “Nicotinic acid in the prevention and
treatment of artificially induced exacerbation of psychopathology in schizophrenics.”
It is known that a substance, such as the amino acid methionine, whose molecules can
donate methyl groups to other molecules has the property of exacerbating the mental
illness of schizophrenics when it is ingested, and it has been suggested that the effec­
tiveness of niacin and niacinamide in controlling schizophrenia results from the
action of their molecules as methyl acceptors^'-that is, they remove methyl groups
Preface ix

from some methylated compounds in the body that may be causing the mental illness.
In the investigation by Ananth et al. schizophrenia patients were given daily doses of
methionine. Some of the patients also were given niacinamide. All of the patients
showed a pronounced exacerbation of their mental illness. The result has been
interpreted as showing that niacinamide does not neutralize the methyl-donating
effect of methionine in exacerbating schizophrenia by virtue of its function as a methyl
acceptor. This conclusion is, however, not justified, because there was a serious flaw
in the design of the experiment. The patients were given 20 g of methionine per day.
Over 16 g of niacinamide per day would be required to accept the methyl groups
donated by 20 g of methionine, but the patients were given only 3 g. It could have
been predicted that the experiment would fail.
There is thoroughly convincing evidence that the methods of orthomolecular
psychiatry discussed in this book have great value. Some aspects of the scientific
basis of these methods are presented in the earlier chapters. Some of the chapters are
of most interest to biochemists. Most of the chapters can, I believe, be read with
understanding and profit by physicians and by laymen who have some acquaintance
with the terminology of chemistry and other sciences. Despite the progress that has
been made in controlling it, mental illness is still the cause of a tremendous amount of
suffering. The work of Hoffer, Osmond, Hawkins, and others has shown that the
methods of orthomolecular psychiatry can be used to decrease the amount of this
suffering. I join my co-editor, Dr. David Hawkins, and the other contributors to this
book in expressing the hope that it will be found useful not only by scientists and
physicians but also by those who suffer from schizophrenia and by their families.
I thank Dr. Gustav Albrecht for his help.

August 1972 Linus Pauling


Ananth, J., Ban, T. A., Lehmann, H. E., and Bennett, J. (1970). Can. Psychiat. Assoc. J.
15, 15.
Cleckley, H. M., Sydenstricker, V. P., and Geeslin, L. E. (1939). J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112,
Hoffer, A., Osmond, H., Callbeck, M. J., and Kahan, I. (1957). J. Clin. Exp. Psychopath.,
Quart. Rev. Psychiat. Neurol. 18, 131.
Hoffer, A. (1962). Niacin Therapy in Psychiatry. Springfield, 111.: C. C. Thomas.
Hoffer, A. (1970). Report at Annual Meeting, Saskatchewan Division, Canadian Mental
Health Association, Regina.
Kaufman, W. (1943). The Common Form o f Niacin Amide Deficiency Disease: “Aniacina-
m i d o s i s Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Kaufman, W. (1949). The Common Form of Joint Dysfunction: Its Incidence and Treatment
Brattleboro, Vt.: E. L. Hildreth & Co.
Kaufman, W. (1955). J. Am. Geriat. Soc. 3, 927.
Kety, S. S. (1970). In Porter, Ruth, and Birch, Joan, eds., Chemical Influence on Behavior,
p. 76. London: J. & A. Churchill.
Pauling, L. (1970). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 67, 1643.
Sydenstricker, V. P., and Cleclcley, H. M. (1941). Am. J. Psychiat. 99, 83 (1941).

Contributors: xv

Introduction: xvii DAVID HAWKINS


1. Orthomolecular Psychiatry 1 LINUS PAULING

2. Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid, Niacinamide,

and Pyridoxine in Schizophrenic Subjects and Controls 18 LINUS PAULING

3. Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis in Orthomolecular


4. The Genetics of Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 54 Le o n a r d l . heston

5. Perceptual Defect and Role Handicap:

A Theory of the Etiology of Schizophrenia 71 RUTH V. KIRK

6. The Adrenochrome Hypothesis of Schizophrenia—1972.

The Role of Rheomelanin Formation in Some Toxic
Effects of Catecholamine Derivatives 93 MARK D. ALTSCHULE

7. The Méthylation Hypothesis in Relation to ‘Pink Spot*

and Other Investigations 120 A. PAULINE RIDGES

8. Kryptopyrrole in Molecular Psychiatry 146 D. G. IRVINE

9. Biogenic Amines in Schizophrenia 179 EDMUNDO FISCHER

10. The Background to the Niacin Treatment 194 HUM PHRY OSMOND

11. Mechanism of Action of Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide

in the Treatment of Schizophrenia 202 A. HOFFER

12. Levodopa and Mental Illness 263 J . A. YARYURA-


13. Glycolytic Activity in Schizophrenia 279 OTTO W . WENDEL


14. Ascorbic Acid and Schizophrenia 303 MARIJAN HERJANIC

15. Should the Science-based Food Industry be Expected to

Advance? 316 ROGER J . WILLIAMS


16. The Hoffer-Osmond Diagnostic Test 327 H . KELM

17. The Experiential World Inventory in Clinical Psychiatry

and Psychopharmacology 342 A. MONEIM EL-MELIGI

18. Dyschronia: Disorders of Time Perception in Schizophrenia


19. Metabolic Dysperception : The Role of the Family

Physician in its Diagnosis and Management 404 BELLA KOWALSON

20. Subclinical Pellagra 411 R . GLEN GREEN

21. Preliminary Observations of Altered Carbohydrate

Metabolism in Psychiatric Patients 434 W ILLARD E. BEEBE

22. Relative Hypoglycemia in Schizophrenia 452 ROBERT L. MEIERS

23. Blood Histamine, Basophil Counts, and Trace Elements in

the Schizophrenias 463 CARL C . PFEIFFER


24. High-Dosage Levels of Certain Vitamins in the Treatment
of Children with Severe Mental Disorders 513 BERNARD RIMLAND

25. The Use of Parenteral Vitamins in the Treatment of

Schizophrenia 540 ALLAN COTT

26. A Review of Ten Years’ Experience Utilizing Niacin in

Treating Schizophrenia with an Evaluation of Metabolic
Dysperception as a Clarifying Diagnostic Term 544 THEODORE R. ROBIE

27. Halfway Houses: Their Role in the Orthomolecular

Treatment of Schizophrenia 549 h . b . pea rl


28. The Development of an Integrated Community System for
the Effective Treatment of Schizophrenia 571 DAVID HAWKINS

29. The Orthomolecular Approach to the Diagnosis of

Schizophrenia 597 DAVID HAWKINS

30. Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treatment of Schizophrenia


a p p e n d ix The History and Work of Schizophrenics Anonymous 675 JOSEPH R.



Mark D. Altschule, M.D. Andrew Harris, B.S.

Harvard Medical School University of California, San Diego

Willard E. Beebe, M.D. David Hawkins, M.D.

Allen Park, Michigan The North Nassau Mental Health Center,
Manhasset, New York
Maida Bergeson, B.S.
Delano, California Zoltán L. Hegedus, Ch.E., M.S.
John Blethen, B.S. Harvard Medical School
Stanford University
Marijan Herjanic, M.D.
Paul Cary, B.S. Washington University School of Medicine
Stanford University
Leonard L. Heston, M.D.
Allan Cott, M.D. University of Minnesota
New York, New York
A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
A. Moneim El-Meligi, Ph.D. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Venelin Iliev, Ph.D.
Donald F., B.A., M.A.T. New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute
New York, New York

Edmundo Fischer, M.D. D. G. Irvine, B.A., M.A.

National University, Buenos Aires University of Saskatchewan

Leonide Goldstein, D.Sc. Ian T. Keaveny, Ph.D.

New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute Stanford University

R. Glen Green, M.D., C.M. H. Kelm, Ph.D.

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada University of Saskatchewan
Ruth V. Kirk, M.Sc. Joseph R., S.J., Ph.D.
Mental Health Clinic for Children and Fordham University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada A. Pauline Ridges, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The University of Liverpool
Bella Kowalson, M.D., M.C.F.P.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
Robert L. Meiers, M.D. Institute for Child Behavior Research
Belmont Hills Psychiatric Hospital San Diego, California
Belmont, California
Theodore R. Robie, M.D., F.A.P.A.
Humphry Osmond, M.R.C.P., D.P.M. Upper Montclair, New Jersey
New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute
Arthur B. Robinson, Ph.D.
Susanna S. Oxley, B.S. Stanford University
University of California, San Diego
Otto W. Wendel, M.S., F.A.I.C.
Linus Pauling, Ph.D. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Stanford University
H. B. Pearl Roger J. Williams, Ph.D.
Schizophrenia Association of Long Island University of Texas at Austin

Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. J. Yaryura-Tobias, M.D.

New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute University of Argentina

In this volume we have presented a new concept in psychiatry. Starting from theoreti­
cal premises we have gone on to their experimental verification and demonstration in
the laboratory. We then describe the further development of these concepts in clinical
research and their practical application in diagnosis and treatment. Finally, we
include a description of a functioning model system in which the clinical application
of these principles is extended to the delivery of health-care services to the
The authors have integrated their work to such an extent that the chapters are
logically interconnected and the material is progressively interrelated. The degree of
correlation of the material is notable in that all of the contributors worked in­
dependently of each other in different institutions and locations. The need for even
better communication in this developing new field has resulted in the formation of the
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, of which many of the authors in this book
are founding members.
Much of the biochemical data in schizophrenia research have appeared to be
contradictory, confused, and disorganized. When viewed from a new frame of
reference, however, many of these apparent contradictions become clarified both
theoretically and clinically.
A useful concept with which to approach a great mass of data is that of the radar
screen. Each piece of information results in one dot appearing on the screen, and a
recognizable profile emerges only as the resultant of a great many dots. The frame
of reference that we have tried to develop in this book acts as the screen of the radar
set; it is our hope that a very useful profile will be formed in the mind of the reader as
the data are presented.
The material has been organized into four sections. Section I is devoted to
theoretical concepts, laboratory investigations, and background material. Because
many psychiatrists do not belong to the American Association for the Advancement
of Science, two fundamental papers are reprinted from Science with the permission
of the Association: “Orthomolecular Psychiatry” by Pauling, and “The Genetics of
Schizophrenia” by Heston. Another important concept, that of schizophrenia as a
perceptual disorder, is presented in a basic paper by Ruth Kirk. The biochemical
papers then present hypotheses of the mechanics of the genetic perceptual defect and
possible means of correction. The theoretical concepts develop a view of the illness
as a genetically based perceptual disorder in which the perceptual defect operates by
means of biochemical mechanisms that can be influenced experimentally.
On an abstract level, the numerical frequencies of a specific variable in a given
biologic population will result in a statistical probability curve with extremes of the
population at each end. Ordinary diet obviously cannot fulfil the excessive require­
ments of the persons at the ends of the curve, who are atypical, and whose needs for a
particular substance are also atypical. If the substance is an essential one, these
individuals will become ill under ordinary nutrition, with the clinical type of illness
different for deficiency in different essential substances.
We are concerned with those atypical persons classified as schizophrenic and the
substances that they require for optimum functioning.
Section II is devoted to means of detection of the clinical and biochemical variables
in the schizophrenic patient that are associated with being ill, and are such that
knowledge about them suggests methods of correction. The extent of the perceptual
nature of the illness and the clinical importance of the perceptual orientation to
schizophrenia are stressed by various authors, who discuss several biochemical
disorders of clinical importance.
Section III is concerned with means of correction and the ways to assess the clinical
response when a biochemical abnormality in schizophrenia has been therapeutically
Section IV forms a composite whole and was written for the practicing clinician.
Statistics, tables, and graphs have been avoided except in the few instances where they
were necessary to demonstrate material visually. Lengthy descriptions of method­
ology are also omitted.
The short description of existing treatment systems in the last chapter may seem
oversimplified to the American reader, but clinicians in a number of foreign countries
are not familiar with the great variety of alternate systems and institutions available
in the United States.
The busy clinician who is interested only in the practical aspects of the
Introduction xix

orthomolecular approach, and who has enough theoretical background to

provide a rationale, can turn at once to Section IV, and then go back to the previous
sections for greater details of specific subjects.
The Appendix, which describes the work of Schizophrenics Anonymous, was
written by two of its founders in the New York area. Although this organization has
been growing and developing rapidly, this marks the first time it has been discussed
in any book.
In the final analysis, science is a creative art. Data by and of themselves are mean­
ingless; meaning results only from interpretation. Correlation of data with the
scientist’s personal experience results in a progressively comprehensive synthesis; the
concept of orthomolecular psychiatry provides a new conceptual framework from
which to interpret a great mass of data. The editors hope that this viewpoint will
result in new insights and correlations in the mind of the reader, with resulting benefit
for many suffering patients.

The chapters “ Orthomolecular Psychiatry” and “The Genetics of Schizophrenic and
Schizoid Disease” are reprinted from Science. Both articles are included here by
permission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The chapter on “Perceptual Defect and Role Handicap: A Theory of the Etiology
of Schizophrenia” is reprinted with permission of the British Journal o f Psychiatry.
“ The Use of Parenteral Vitamins in the Treatment of Schizophrenia” first appeared
in Schizophrenia and is reprinted with permission of the American Schizophrenia
Excerpts from Chapter 30, Section IV, were presented at the Pauling Award
Luncheon of the American Schizophrenia Association on April 2, 1971, at the
Biltmore Hotel in New York City.
I am personally indebted to the late William G. Wilson for the basic inspiration
which ultimately resulted in this book, and to his assistant, Helen Wynn, not only for
her continued interest but for her editing of the final section. I want to thank Estelle
Loomis Goldenberg for the extensive work involved in the preparation of the manu­
script, and Mollie Starr Shriftman for her considerable help. Lastly, I want to
acknowledge the invaluable assistance of my wife, Margaret, for her help with the
manuscript and bibliographies and her encouragement during the years in which the
book was being compiled.

July 1972 David Hawkins


Orthomolecular Psychiatry



The methods principally used now for treating patients with mental disease are
psychotherapy (psychoanalysis and related efforts to provide insight and to decrease
environmental stress), chemotherapy (mainly with the use of powerful synthetic drugs,
such as chlorpromazine, or powerful natural products from plants, such as reserpine),
and convulsive or shock therapy (electroconvulsive therapy, insulin coma therapy,
pentylenetetrazol shock therapy). I have reached the conclusion, through arguments
summarized in the following paragraphs, that another general method of treatment,
which may be called orthomolecular therapy, may be found to be of great value, and
may turn out to be the best method of treatment for many patients.
Orthomolecular psychiatric therapy is the treatment of mental disease by the pro­
vision of the optimum molecular environment for the mind, especially the optimum

{Reprinted with permission from Science, 19 April 1968, vol. 160, pp. 265—271. Copyright © 1968
by the American Association fo r the Advancement o f Science.)
concentrations of substances normally present in the human body . 1 An example is
the treatment of phenylketonuric children by use of a diet containing a smaller than
normal amount of the amino acid phenylalanine. Phenylketonuria (Foiling, 1934^
results from a genetic defect that leads to a decreased amount or effectiveness of the
enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of phenylalanine to tyrosine. The patients on a nor­
mal diet have in their tissues abnormally high concentrations of phenylalanine and
some of its reaction products, which, possibly in conjunction with the decreased con-
centration of tyrosine, cause the mental and physical manifestations of the disease
(mental deficiency, severe eczema, and others). A decrease in the amount of phenyl­
alanine ingested results in an approximation to the normal or optimum concentra­
tions and to the alleviation of the manifestations of the disease, both mental and
The functioning of the brain is dependent on its composition and structure; that is,
on the molecular environment of the mind. The presence in the brain of molecules of
N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide, mescaline, or some other schizophrenogenic substance
is associated with profound psychic effects (see, for example, Woolley, 1962). Cher-
kin has recently pointed out (1967) that in 1799 Humphry Davy described similar
subjective reactions to the inhalation of nitrous oxide. The phenomenon of general
anesthesia also illustrates the dependence of the mind (consciousness, ephemeral
memory) on its molecular environment (Pauling, 1961; Miller, 1961).
The proper functioning of the mind is known to require the presence in the brain of
molecules of many different substances. For example, mental disease, usually
associated with physical disease, results from a low concentration in the brain of any
one of the following vitamins: thiamine (Bi), nicotinic acid or nicotinamide (B3),
pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (Bi2), biotin (H), ascorbic acid (C), and folic acid.
There is evidence that mental function and behavior are also affected by changes in
the concentration in the brain of any of a number of other substances that are norm­
ally present, such as L(+)-glutamic acid, uric acid, and y-aminobutyric acid.2


Several arguments may be advanced in support of the thesis that the optimum mole­
cular concentrations of substances normally present in the body may be different
from the concentrations provided by the diet and the gene-controlled synthetic

1 I might have described this therapy as the provision of the optimum molecular composition
of the brain. The brain provides the molecular environment of the mind. I use the word mind as
a convenient synonym for the functioning of the brain. The word orthomolecular may be criticized
as a Greek-Latin hybrid. I have not, however, found any other word that expresses as well the
idea of the right molecules in the right amounts.
2 The literature is so extensive that I refrain from giving references here.
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 3

mechanisms, and, for essential nutrilites (vitamins, essential amino acids, essential
fatty acids) different from the minimum daily amounts required for life or the “recom­
mended” (average) daily amounts suggested for good health. Some of these argu­
ments are presented in the following paragraphs.


The process of evolution does not necessarily result in the normal provision of
optimum molecular concentrations. Let us use ascorbic acid as an example. Of the
mammals that have been studied in this respect, the only species that have lost the
power to synthesize ascorbic acid and that accordingly require it in the diet are man,
other Primates (rhesus monkey, Formosan long-tail monkey, and ring-tail or brown
capuchin monkey), the guinea pig, and an Indian fruit-eating bat (Pteropus medius).3
Presumably the loss of the gene or genes controlling the synthesis of the enzyme or
enzymes involved in the conversion of glucose to ascorbic acid occurred some 20
million years ago in the common ancestor of man and other Primates, and occurred
independently for the guinea pig and for one species of bat and one bird, in each case
in an environment such that ascorbic acid was provided by the food. For a mutation
rate of 1/20,000 per gene generation and for even a very small advantage for the mut­
ant (0.01 percent more progeny) the mutant would replace the earlier genotype within
about 1 million years. The advantage to the mutant of being rid of the ascorbic-acid-
synthesis machinery (decrease in cell size and energy requirement, liberation of
machinery for other purposes) might well be large, perhaps as much as 1 percent; a
disadvantage nearly as large (less by 0.01 percent) resulting from a less than optimum
supply of dietary ascorbic acid would not prevent the replacement of the earlier
species by the mutant. Hence, even if the amount of the vitamin provided by the diet
available at the time of the mutation were less than the optimum amount, the mutant
might still be able to replace its predecessor. Moreover, it is possible that the environ­
ment has changed during the last 20 million years in such a way as to provide a de­
creased amount of the vitamin. Even a serious disadvantage of the changed environ­
ment would not lead to a mutation restoring the synthetic mechanism within a period
of a few million years, because of the small probability of such mutations, far smaller
than of those resulting in loss of function.
Moreover, the process of natural selection may be expected later on to lead to the
survival of a species or strain that synthesizes somewhat less than the optimum
amount of an autotrophic vital substance rather than of the species or strain that
synthesizes the optimum amount. To synthesize the optimum amount requires

3 For references, see Stone (1965). The only other vertebrates known to require exogenous
ascorbic acid are the red-vented bulbul, Pycnonotus cafer, and related passeriform birds.
about twice as much biological machinery as to synthesize half the optimum amount.
As suggested in Figure 1-1, the evolutionary disadvantage of synthesizing a less than

Amount of vital substance

F IG U R E 1-1.
Diagrammatic representation of growth rate or other vital pro­
perty of an organism as function of the concentration of vital
substance in the organism, showing the concentration at which
the differential advantage of an increased amount of vital sub­
stance is just balanced by the differential disadvantage resulting
from an increased amount of machinery for synthesis, and the
concentration that gives optimum functioning without con­
sideration of the burden of the machinery for synthesis.

optimum amount of the vital substance may be small, and may be outweighed by the
advantage of requiring a smaller amount of biological machinery. Evidence from the
study of microorganisms is discussed in the following paragraphs.


Many mutant microorganisms are known to require, as a supplement to the medium

in which they are grown, a substance that is synthesized by the corresponding wild*
type organism (the normal strain). An example is the pyridoxine-requiring mutant of
Neurospora sitophila reported by G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum in their first Neuro-
spora paper, published in 1941.
Several species of Neurospora that have been extensively studied are known to be
able to grow satisfactorily on synthetic media containing inorganic salts, an in­
organic source of nitrogen, such as ammonium nitrate, a suitable source of carbon,
such as sucrose, and the vitamin biotin. All other substances required by the organism
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 5

are synthesized by it. Beadle and Tatum found that exposure to x-radiation produces
mutant strains such that one substance must be added to the minimum medium in
order to permit the growth at a rate approximating that of the normal strain. Their
pyridoxine-requiring mutant was found to grow on the standard medium at a rate
only 9 percent of that of the normal strain. When pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is added to
the medium, the rate of growth of this strain at first increases nearly linearly with the
concentration of the added pyridoxine and then increases less rapidly, as shown in
Figure 1-2.4 The growth rate of the normal strain without added pyridoxine is equal
to that of the mutant with about 10 micrograms of the growth substance per liter in
the medium. At a concentration about four times this value (40 micrograms per liter)
the growth rate of the mutant strain reaches a value 7 percent greater than that of the
normal strain without added pyridoxine.

figu re 1- 2 .
The observed rate of growth of a pyridoxine-requiring Neurospora mutant
(Beadle and Tatum, 1941), as function of the concentration of pyridoxine
in the medium.

The point of maximum curvature of the curve in Figure 1-2, at about 3.2 micro­
grams of pyridoxine per liter (indicated by a cross), may be reasonably considered to
mark the division between the region of vitamin deficiency (to the left) and the region
of normal vitamin supply (to the right), such as might permit the mutant to compete
with the wild type, which has the growth rate represented by the filled circle in Figure
1-2. The point marked by the cross might well correspond to an “adequate” or
“recommended” amount of the vitamin, in that the growth rate of the mutant is only

4 The points in Figure 1-2 represent my measurement of the slopes of the growth curves shown
in Figure 1 of Beadle and Tatum (1941). They agree closely with the points of their Figure 2,
except for one point, that for 1.2 ¿eg/liter, which may have been misplotted.
12 percent less than that of the wild strain, and that the amount of the vitamin would
have to be increased threefold to make up this 12 percent.5
As shown in Figure 1-2, quadrupling the concentration of pyridoxine that gives
the mutant a growth rate equal to that of the wild type causes a further increase in
growth rate by nearly 10 percent. The growth rates of the mutant and the wild type at
very large concentrations of the vitamin have not been measured, so far as I know,
and the optimum concentration is not known. From the work of Beadle and Tatum
(1941) the optimum concentration may be taken to be greater than 40 micrograms per
liter; that is, more than ten times the “adequate” concentration for the mutant and
more than four times the concentration equivalent to the synthesizing capability of
the wild type. The growth rate of the mutant at the optimum concentration is more
than 22 percent greater than that at the “adequate” concentration and more than 9
percent greater than that of the normal strain.

F IG U R E 1-3.
The observed rate of growth of a yj-aminobenzoic-acid-requiring
Neurospora mutant (Tatum and Beadle, 1942), as function of
concentration of the growth substance in the medium.

Similar results have been reported for other mutants of Neurospora. The values
found by Tatum and Beadle (1942) for a />-aminobenzoic-acid-requiring mutant of
Neurospora crassa as a function of the concentration of/?-aminobenzoic acid added to
the standard medium are shown in Figure 1-3. The growth-rate curve is similar in

8 The reported growth rate for the normal strain in a medium with 40 /ie of added pyridoxine
per liter is 3 percent greater than that for the basic medium, as shown by the slopes of the Hi*eS
in Figure 1 of Beadle and Tatum (1941).
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 7

shape to that for the pyridoxine-requiring mutant. The value of the growth rate for
the normal strain of Neurospora crassa with no added/?-aminobenzoic acid is equal to
that for the mutant at a concentration of added p-aminobenzoic acid of about 15
micrograms per liter. A value about 4 percent greater is found for the normal strain at
40 micrograms per liter and for the mutant strain at 80 micrograms per liter, as
indicated in Figure 1-3.

Micrograms of /?-aminobenzoic acid per liter

F IG U R E1-4.
Observed rate of growth of a /J-aminobenzoic-acid-requiring
Neurospora mutant as function of the logarithm of the concentra­
tion of /»-aminobenzoic acid.

It is customary to plot values of the growth rate against the logarithm of the con­
centration of the growth substance, as shown in Figure 1-4. The amount of increase
accompanying a doubling in the concentration of the growth substance is a maximum
at 1.25 to 2.5 micrograms per liter, and decreases thereafter to about half the value for
each successive doubling.
From these two examples we see that there may be a significant increase in rate of
growth of the normal strain through addition of some of the growth substance that it
synthesizes to the medium in which it is grown; that is, that the amount of the growth
substance that is synthesized by the normal strain is not the optimum amount, but is
somewhat less, leading to a rate of growth approximately 7 percent less than the
maximum in the case of pyridoxine (with the normal strain of Neurospora sitophila)
and 4 percent less for /?-aminobenzoic acid (with the normal strain of Neurospora
crassa). Many other examples are known of microorganisms that grow more
abundantly in a medium containing vitamins, amino acids, or other substances th
they are able to synthesize than on a minimum medium.
Evidence supporting the above arguments has been presented recently by Zamen
hof and Eichhorn (1967) in a paper entitled “ Study of microbial evolution through
loss of biosynthetic functions: Establishment o f ‘defective’ mutants.” These author
carried out experiments involving competitive growth in a chemostat of an auxo
trophic mutant (a mutant requiring a nutrilite) and a prototrophic parent in a medium
of constant composition containing the nutrilite. They found that the “defective”
mutant has a selective advantage over the prototrophic parental strain under these
conditions. For example, an indole-requiring mutant of Bacillus subtilis was found to
show a strong selective advantage over the prototrophic back-mutant when the two
were grown together in a medium containing tryptophan: the relative number of cells
of the latter decreased 106-fold in 54 generations. They also found that greater ad­
vantage to the auxotroph accompanies a greater number of biosynthetic steps that
have been dispensed with (earlier block in a series of reactions), with the final meta­
bolite available. They point out that a mutant with a gene deletion would be at a
distinct selective advantage over a point mutant, in that not only the synthesis of the
metabolite, but also that of the structural gene, the messenger RNA, and perhaps the
inactive enzyme itself would be dispensed with, and that accordingly the mutant with
a deletion would replace the point mutant in competition. They mention evidence
that some of the “defective” strains occurring in nature have lost one or more of their
structural genes by deletions, rather than by point mutations.


Most of the chemical reactions that take place in living organisms are catalyzed by
enzymes. The mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in general involve (1) the
formation of a complex between the enzyme and a substrate molecule, and (2) the de­
composition of this complex to form the enzyme and the products of the reaction. The
rate-determining step is usually the decomposition of the complex to form the pro­
ducts or, more precisely, the transition through an intermediate state of the complex,
characterized by activation energy less than for the uncatalyzed reaction, to a com­
plex of the enzyme and the products of reaction, with a rapid dissociation. Under
conditions such that the concentration of the complex corresponds to equilibrium
with the enzyme and the substrate, the rate of the reaction is given by the following
equation (the Michaelis-Menten equation; Michaelis and Menten, 1913):

R _ d[S) ^ kE[S] (1)

dt [5] + (1 IK)
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 9

In this equation [S] is the concentration of the substrate, E is the total concentra­
tion of enzyme (present both as free enzyme and enzyme complex), K is the equili­
brium constant for formation of the enzyme complex ES, and k is the reaction-rate
constant for decomposition of the complex to form the enzyme and reaction pro­
ducts. This equation corresponds to the case in which there are no enzyme inhibitors

Curves showing calculated reaction rate R/R* of catalyzed reaction as
function of the concentration of the substrate, for different values of the
equilibrium constant K for formation of the enzyme-substrate complex.

Values of the reaction rate calculated from this equation for different values of K
are shown in Figure 1-5. The curves are similar in shape to those of Figures 1-2 and
1-3. At concentrations much smaller than K ~1the reaction rate is proportional to the
concentration of substrate. At larger concentrations, as the amount of enzyme com­
plex becomes comparable to the amount of free enzyme, the reaction rate changes
from the linear dependence. At substrate concentration equal to K ~ 1 the slope of the
curve is one-quarter of the initial slope, and the value is one-half of the value corre­
sponding to saturation of the enzyme by the substrate.
The similarity of the curves of Figures 1-2 and 1-3 to appropriate curves in Figure
1-5 suggests that the growth substance may be involved in an enzyme-catalyzed re­
action in which it serves as the substrate. The normal strain of the organism manu­
factures an amount of the substrate such as to permit the reaction to take place at what
may be considered a normal rate, 90 or 95 percent of the maximum rate, which corr
sponds to saturation of the enzyme. As described above, the gain in reaction rat
associated with the manufacture of a larger amount of the substrate, with a corre
sponding advantage to the organism, might be balanced by the disadvantage to t^
organism associated with the upkeep of the larger amount of machinery required t
manufacture the increased amount of substrate. An increase in rate of this reaction
could also be achieved by an increase in the amount of the enzyme synthesized bythe
organism. Here, again, the advantage to the organism resulting from this increase
may be overcome by the disadvantage associated with the increase in the amount of
machinery required for the increased synthesis. During the process of evolution there
has presumably been selection of genes determining the concentrations of the en­
zymes catalyzing successive reactions such as to achieve an approximation to the
optimum reaction rate with the smallest amount of disadvantage to the organism.
The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is approximately proportional to the
concentration of the reactant, until concentrations that largely saturate the enzyme
are reached. The saturating concentration is larger for a defective enzyme with de­
creased combining power for the substrate than for the normal enzyme. For such a
defective enzyme the catalyzed reaction could be made to take place at or near its
normal rate by an increase in the substrate concentration, as indicated in Figure 1-5.
The short horizontal lines intersecting the curves indicate what may be called the
“normal” reaction rate, 80 percent of the maximum. For K = 2 the “normal” rate is
achieved at substrate concentration [.S] = 2. At this substrate concentration the
reaction rate is only 29 percent of the maximum and 35 percent of “normal” for a
mutated enzyme with K = 0.2; it could be raised to the “normal” value by a tenfold
increase in the substrate concentration, to [5] = 20. Similarly, the still greater dis­
advantage of low reaction rate for a mutated enzyme with K only 0.01 could be over­
come by a 200-fold increase in substrate concentration, to [S'] = 400. This mechan­
ism of action of gene mutation is only one of several that lead to disadvantageous
manifestations that could be overcome by an increase, perhaps a great increase, in the
concentration of a vital substance in the body. These considerations obviously sug­
gest a rationale for megavitamin therapy.


The functioning of the brain and nervous tissue is more sensitively dependent on the
rate of chemical reactions than the functioning of other organs and tissues. I believe
that mental disease is for the most part caused by abnormal reaction rates, as deter­
mined by genetic constitution and diet, and by abnormal molecular concentrations of
essential substances. The operation of chance in the selection for the child of half of
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 11

the complement of genes of the father and mother leads to bad as well as to good geno­
types, and the selection of foods (and drugs) in a world that is undergoing rapid
scientific and technological change may often be far from the best. Significant im­
provement in the mental health of many persons might be achieved by the provision
of the optimum molecular concentrations of substances normally present in the
human body. Among these substances, the essential nutrilites may be the most worthy
of extensive research and more thorough clinical trial than they have yet received.
One important example of an essential nutrilite that is required for mental health is
vitamin Bi2, cyanocobalamin. A deficiency of this vitamin, whatever its cause
(pernicious anem ia; infestation with the fish tapeworm Diphyllobothrium, whose high
requirement for the vitamin results in deprivation for the host; excessive bacterial
flora, also with a high vitamin requirement, as may develop in intestinal blind loops),
leads to mental illness, often even more pronounced than the physical consequences.
The mental illness associated with pernicious anemia (a genetic defect leading to
deficiency of the intrinsic factor [a mucoprotein] in the gastric juice and the conse­
quent decreased transport of cyanocobalamin into the blood) often is observed for
several years in patients with this disease before any of the physical manifestations of
the disease appear (Smith, 1950). A pathologically low concentration of cyanoco­
balamin in the serum of the blood has been reported to occur for a much larger
fraction of patients with mental illness than for the general population. Edwin et al.
(1965) determined the amount of B12 in the serum of every patient over 30 years old
admitted to a mental hospital in Norway during a period of 1year. Of the 396 patients,
5.8 percent (23) had a pathologically low concentration, less than 101 picograms per
milliliter, and the concentration in 9.6 percent (38) was subnormal (101 to 150 pico­
grams per milliliter). The normal concentration is 150 to 1300 picograms per milli­
liter. The incidence of pathologically low and subnormal levels of B12in the serums of
these patients, 15.4 percent, is far greater than that in the general population, about
0.5 percent (estimated from the reported frequency of pernicious anemia in the area,
9.3 per 100,000 persons per year). Other investigators6 have also reported a higher
incidence of low Bi2 concentrations in the serums of mental patients than in the
population as a whole, and have suggested that B12 deficiency, whatever its origin,
may lead to mental illness.
Nicotinic acid (niacin), when its use was introduced, cured hundreds of thousands
of pellagra patients of their psychoses, as well as of the physical manifestations of
their disease. For this purpose only small doses are required; the recommended daily
allowance (National Research Council) is 12 milligrams per day (for a 70-kilogram
male). In 1939 Cleckley et al. reported the successful treatment of 19 patients, and

6 Hansen et al. (1966) report serum Bi2 concentration below 150 pg/ml in 13 of 1,000 consecu­
tive patients admitted to a Copenhagen psychiatric clinic. Henderson et al. (1966) report that 9
of 1,012 unselected psychiatric patients in a region in Scotland were found to have B12 deficiency,
in addition to 5 pernicious anemia patients in the group.
in 1941 Sydenstricker and Cleckley7 reported similarly successful treatment of 29
patients with severe psychiatric symptoms by use of moderately large doses of
nicotinic acid (0.3 to 1.5 grams per day). None of these patients had physical symp.
toms of pellagra or any other avitaminosis. More recently many other investigators
have reported on the use of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide for the treatment of
mental disease. Outstanding among them are Hoffer and Osmond, who since 1952
have advocated and used nicotinic acid in large doses, in addition to the conventional
therapy, for the treatment of schizophrenia (Hoffer et al., 1957; Hoffer, 1962,1966;
Osmond and Hoffer, 1962; Hoffer and Osmond, 1964). The dosage recommended by
Hoffer is 3 to 18 grams per day, as determined by the response of the patient, of either
nicotinic acid or nicotinamide, together with 3 grams per day of ascorbic acid.
Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are nontoxic (the lethal dose, 50 percent effective
[LD50], is not known for humans, but probably it is over 200 grams; the LD50 for
rats is 7.0 grams per kilogram for nicotinic acid and 1.7 grams per kilogram for nico­
tinamide), and their side effects, even in continued massive doses, seem not to be com­
monly serious. Among the advantages of nicotinic acid, summarized by Osmond and
Hoffer (1962), are the following: it is safe, cheap, and easy to administer, and it is a
well-known substance that can be taken for years on end, if necessary, with only
small probability of incidence of unfavorable side effects.
Another vitamin that has been used to some extent in the treatment of mental
disease is ascorbic acid, vitamin C. A sometimes-recommended daily intake of
ascorbic acid is 75 milligrams for healthy adults. Some investigators have estimated
that the optimum intake is much larger (Kyhos et al., 1945), perhaps 3 to 15 grams per
day, according to Stone (1966,1967). Williams and Deason (1967) have emphasized
the variability of individual members of a species of animals; they have reported their
observation of a 20-fold range of required intake of ascorbic acid by guinea pigs, and
have suggested that human beings, who are less homogeneous, have a larger range.
Mental symptoms (depression) accompany the physical symptoms of vitamin-C
deficiency disease (scurvy). In 1957, Akerfeldt reported that the serum of schizo­
phrenics had been found to have greater power of oxidizing N,N-dimethyl-/>-
phenylenediamine than that of other persons. Several investigators then reported
that this difference is due to a smaller concentration of ascorbic acid in the serum of
schizophrenics than of other persons. This difference has been attributed to the poor
diet and increased tendency to chronic infectious disease of the patients (Benjamin,
1958; Kety, 1959), and has also been interpreted as showing an increased rate of meta­
bolism of ascorbic acid by the patients (Hoffer and Osmond, 1960; Briggs, 1962). It
is my opinion, from the study of the literature, that many schizophrenics have an
increased metabolism of ascorbic acid, presumably genetic in origin, and that the

7 References are given in this paper to some earlier work on nicotinic acid therapy.
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 13

ingestion of massive amounts of ascorbic acid has some value in treating mental
Other vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid} and other substances (zinc ion*
magnesium ion/Uric aci<f, tryptophan, L(+)-glutamic acid, and others) influence the
functioning of the brain. I shall review work on L(+)-glutamic acid as a further
example. L(+)-Glutamic acid is an amino acid that is present at rather high concen­
tration in brain and nerve tissue and plays an essential role in the functioning of these
tissues (Weil-Malherbe, 1936). It is normally ingested (in protein) in amounts of 5 to
10 grams per day. It is not toxic; large doses may cause increased motor activity and
nausea. In 1943 Price et al. reported favorable results for glutamic acid therapy of
convulsive disorders (benefit to one out of three or four patients with petit mal
epilepsy; Waelsch, 1948). Zimmerman and Ross (1944) then reported an increase in
maze-running learning ability of white rats given extra amounts of glutamic acid.
Zimmerman and many other investigators then studied the effects of glutamic acid on
the intelligence and behavior of persons with different degrees and kinds of mental
retardation. L(+)-Glutamic acid is apparently more effective than its sodium or potas­
sium salts. The effective dosage is usually between 10 and 20 grams per day (given in
three doses with meals), and is adjusted to the patient as the amount somewhat less
than that required to cause hyperactivity. Several investigators8 have reported an
improvement in personality and increase in intelligence (by 5 to 20 I.Q. points) for
many patients with mild or moderate mental deficiency.


The observation that the psychosis associated with pernicious anemia may manifest
itself in a patient for several years before the other manifestations of this disease be­
come noticeable has a reasonable explanation: the functioning of the brain and
nervous tissue is probably more sensitively dependent on molecular composition than
is that of other organs and tissues. The observed high incidence of cyanocobalamin
deficiency in patients admitted to a mental hospital, mentioned above, suggests that
mental disease may rather often be the result of this deficiency, and further suggests
that other deficiencies in vital substances may be wholly or partly responsible for
many cases of mental illness.
The foregoing arguments suggest the possibility that under certain circumstances a
deficiency disease may be localized in the human body in such a way that only some of
the manifestations usually associated with the disease are present. Let us consider, for
example, a vitamin or other vital substance that is normally metabolized by the

8 A recent survey of the role of glutamic acid in cognitive behaviors has been published by
Vogel et al. (1966). Many references to earlier work are given in this paper.
catalytic action of an enzyme normally present in the tissues and organs of the body
In a person of unusual genotype there might be an especially great concentration of
this enzyme in one body organ, with essentially the normal amount in other organs.
Through the action of this enzyme in especially great concentration the steady-state
concentration of the vital substance in that organ might be decreased to a level much
lower than that required for normal function. Under these circumstances there would
be present a deficiency disease restricted to that organ.
An especially important case is that of the brain. We may, as a rough model of the
human body, consider two reservoirs of fluid, the blood and lymph, with volume Vu
and cerebrospinal fluid, the extracellular fluid of the brain and spinal column, with
volume V2. We assume that a vital substance is destroyed in each of these reservoirs at
a characteristic rate, corresponding to the rate constants kx and k2, that it diffuses
across the blood-brain barrier at a rate determined by the product of the permeability
and area of the barrier and the difference c2 — c± of the concentrations in the two
reservoirs, and that it is introduced from the gastrointestinal tract into the first
reservoir at a constant rate. The steady-state concentrations are then in the ratio

ci/c2 = 1 + (k2V2/PA)
where PA is the product of permeability and the area of the blood-brain barrier. The
steady state corresponds to the following system:
P A c -l

Supply---- > Blood (cx) < > Brain (c2)

fciCx 2 k 2 c2

Inactive Inactive
product product

From this equation it is seen, as shown also in Figure 1-6, that for small values of
k2V2lPA the difference in steady-state concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid and
the blood is small, but that through either decrease in permeability of the barrier or
increase in the metabolic rate constant k2 the steady-state concentration in the brain
becomes much less than that in the blood.
This simple argument leads us to the possibility of a localized cerebral avitaminosis
or other localized cerebral deficiency disease. There is the possibility that some human
beings have a sort of cerebral scurvy, without any of the other manifestations, or a
sort of cerebral pellagra, or cerebral pernicious anemia. It was pointed out by
Zuckerkandl and Pauling (1962) that every vitamin, every essential amino acid, every
other essential nutrilite represents a molecular disease (Pauling et al., 1949) which our
distant ancestors learned to control, when it began to afflict them, by selecting a thera­
peutic diet, and which has continued to be kept under control in this way. The local­
ized deficiency diseases described above are also molecular diseases, compound
molecular diseases, involving not only the original lesion, the loss of the ability to
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 15

Tenfold decrease
in permeability
.O Blood
« Tenfold
increase in k2
IG 0.5
O - -
0 B Brain

o .o S6i
F IG U R E 1-6.
Values of the concentration of a vital substance in the blood and in
the cerebrospinal fluid for three different assumed sets of values of
blood-brain barrier permeability and rate of destruction in the
cerebrospinal fluid.

synthesize the vital substance, but also another lesion, one that causes a decreased
rate of transfer across a membrane, such as the blood-brain barrier,9 to the affected
organ, or an increased rate of destruction of the vital substance in the organ, or some
other perturbing reaction.
It has been suggested by Huxley et al. (1964), partially on the basis of the obser­
vations of Book (1953, 1958) and Slater (1958) on the incidence of schizophrenia in
relatives of schizophrenics, that schizophrenia is caused by a dominant gene with in­
complete penetrance. They suggested that the penetrance, about 25 percent, may in
some cases be determined by other genes and in some cases by the environment. I
suggest that the other genes may, in most cases, be those that regulate the meta­
bolism of vital substances, such as ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid or nicotinamide,
pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, and other substances mentioned above. The reported
success in treating schizophrenia and other mental illnesses by use of massive doses of
some of these vitamins may be the result of successful treatment of a localized cerebral
deficiency disease involving the vital substances, leading to a decreased penetrance of
the gene for schizophrenia. There is a possibility that the so-called gene for schizo­
phrenia is itself a gene affecting the metabolism of one or another of these vital sub­
stances, or even of several vital substances, causing a multiple cerebral deficiency.
I suggest that the orthomolecular treatment of mental disease, to be successful,
should involve the thorough study of and attention to the individual, such as is

9 It has been suggested by Melander and Martens (1958, 1959) and by Hoffer and Osmond
(1966) that the effects of taraxein (Heath et al., 1958) may result from changing the permeability
of the blood-brain barrier.
customary in psychotherapy but less customary in conventional chemotherapy k
the course of time it should be possible to develop a method of diagnosis (measure
ment of concentrations of vital substances) that could be used as the basis for deter-
mining the optimum molecular concentrations of vital substances for the individual
patient and for indicating the appropriate therapeutic measures to be taken. My co-
workers and I are carrying on some experimental studies suggested by the foregoing
considerations, and hope to be able before long to communicate some of our results.


The functioning of the brain is affected by the molecular concentrations of many sub­
stances that are normally present in the brain. The optimum concentrations of these
substances for a person may differ greatly from the concentrations provided by his
normal diet and genetic machinery. Biochemical and genetic arguments support the
idea that orthomolecular therapy, the provision for the individual person of the
optimum concentrations of important normal constituents of the brain, may be the
preferred treatment for many mentally ill patients. Mental symptoms of avitaminosis
sometimes are observed long before any physical symptoms appear. It is likely that
the brain is more sensitive to changes in concentration of vital substances than are
other organs and tissues. Moreover, there is the possibility that for some persons the
cerebrospinal concentration of a vital substance may be grossly low at the same time
that the concentration in the blood and lymph is essentially normal. A physiological
abnormality such as decreased permeability of the blood-brain barrier for the vital
substance, or increased rate of metabolism of the substance in the brain, may lead to a
cerebral deficiency and to a mental disease. Diseases of this sort may be called local­
ized cerebral deficiency diseases. It is suggested that the genes responsible for abnor­
malities (deficiencies) in the concentration of vital substances in the brain may be
responsible for increased penetrance of the postulated gene for schizophrenia, and
that the so-called gene for schizophrenia may itself be a gene that leads to a localized
cerebral deficiency in one or more vital substances.


Akerfeldt, S. A. (1957). Science 125, 117.

Beadle, G. W., and Tatum, E. L. (1941). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA 27, 499.
Benjamin, J. D . (1958). Psychosomatic Med. 20, 427.
1 I Orthomolecular Psychiatry 17

Böök, J. A. (1953). Act. Genet. Statist. Med. 4.

Böök, J. A. (1958). Proc. Int. Congr. Genet. 10th 1, 81.
Briggs, M. H. (1962). New Zealand Med. J. 61, 229.
Cherkin, A. (1967). Science 155, 266.
Cleckley, H. M., Sydenstricker, V. P., and Geeslin, L. E. (1939). J. Am. Med. Assoc.
112, 2107.
Edwin, E., Holten, K., Norum, K. R., Schrumpf, A., and Skaug, O. E. (1965). Acta Med.
Scand. I l l , 689.
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Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid,
Niacinamide, and Pyridoxine in
Schizophrenic Subjects and Controls


During the past fifteen years many studies of ascorbic acid in relation to schizo­
phrenia have been published.1Our attention was brought to this field by the report by
VanderKamp (1966) that a much larger intake of ascorbic acid is needed by hospital­
ized chronic schizophrenics than by other persons to reach a standard concentration
of the acid in their urine (later verified by Herjanic and Herjanic, 1967). After making
a preliminary quantitative study of the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid, we con­
ducted a loading test (determination of the amount of ascorbic acid eliminated in
the urine during the 6-hour period following oral ingestion of a sample) with schizo­
phrenic subjects in University Hospital of San Diego County and in Mesa Vista
Hospital (a private hospital in San Diego, California), in each case with a parallel
control group of normal subjects. The technique of administering the vitamin was
then improved somewhat, and the program was broadened to include two other

1 See Chapter 14 for a summary of these studies.

2 j Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid 19

t a b l e 2 -1 .

Nature o f the Vitamin Loading Tests

County, ascorbic acid:

46 County patients (23F, 23M), 14 controls (7F, 7M) from UCSD and County
staff; vitamin in orange juice:*
County, niacinamide:
26 County patients, 20 controls from UCSD and County staff; vitamin in gelatin
capsule, with one glass of water.
Mesa Vista, ascorbic acid:
16 Mesa Vista patients, 16 controls from Mesa Vista staff; vitamin in orange juice
(after breakfast); vitamin administered on eight consecutive days, urine collected on
first and eighth days (five patients failed to complete the experiment).
Patton-1, ascorbic acid, niacinamide, pyridoxine:
35 Patton patientsf (18F, 17M), 15 controls! from UCSD staff; vitamins in gelatin
capsules, with one can of Nutrament§ (instead of breakfast), two glasses of water.
Patton-2, ascorbic acid:
28 Patton patients (13F, 15M), of whom 18 (8F, 10M) had been used also in
Patton-1; vitamins same as Patton-1, two months after Patton-1; analysis performed
for ascorbic acid only.
Patton-(l + 2), ascorbic acid:
44 Patton patients (22F, 22M); a combination of Patton-1 and Patton-2 where
values for patients present in both Patton-1 and Patton-2 (8F, 10M) were averaged.
Stanford, ascorbic acid, niacinamide, pyridoxine:
44 controls (6F, 38M) from Stanford staff; vitamins in gelatin capsules, with one can
of Nutrament (instead of breakfast), two glasses of water.

* All vitamins administered orally.

f One ascorbic acid sample and three niacinamide samples were lost during analysis,
t Only 13 controls were used for niacinamide and 11 controls for pyridoxine.
§ Nutrament breakfast drink is a registered brand name.

vitamins, niacinamide and pyridoxine, that had been reported to be of benefit to

some schizophrenic patients. This program was then carried out with a group of
schizophrenics in Patton State Hospital, Patton, California, with a control group
there and a larger control group of normal subjects at Stanford University (Table
2- 1).
In all our studies the schizophrenic groups consisted of persons who had been
diagnosed as such by two physicians. We attempted no differential diagnosis.


The vitamins were given orally to each patient in a dosage proportional to the two-
thirds power of the body weight, with the constant such that a 200-pound subject
received 0.01 mole of ascorbic acid and, if the other vitamins were being studied, 0.01
mole of niacinamide and 0.005 mole of pyridoxine. (An exception was the Stanford
study, in which for convenience each subject received the 200-pound dose of each
vitamin: 1.76 g of ascorbic acid, 1.22 g of niacinamide, and 1.03 g of pyridoxin
hydrochloride.) Complete samples of urine were taken during the 2-hour period pre
ceding the oral dose of vitamins and for each of three 2-hour periods following. The
samples were immediately frozen in solid carbon dioxide (after addition of 1 ml of l ^
hydrochloric acid solution—see section on experimental methods) and taken to the
laboratory for later analysis by the methods described in the section on experimental
methods. No interesting results were obtained from the first samples (before the oral
dose), and the analytical values for this period are not given in this paper. Of the three
later 2-hour samples, the values for a subject were usually proportional, with the
fraction of the dose appearing in the urine during the second period usually about
twice that in either the first or third period. To simplify the discussion, the sum of the
three values (the fraction of the dose appearing in the urine during the period of 6
hours following the oral administration of the dose) is discussed in this report. No
significantly different conclusions were reached by consideration of the results of
analysis of the separate 2-hour specimens.


The fractions of the oral dose of ascorbic acid present in the urine of the subjects
during the next 6 hours are shown in Figure 2-1. The mean values for the five control
groups are consistently higher than those for the five schizophrenic groups (the sixth,
Mesa Vista 8th day, is discussed below).
Because the experimental techniques changed somewhat in the course of the work,
the most reliable comparisons are those between each schizophrenic group and its
control group, which was studied at the same time and by the same methods. Appli­
cation of the Wilcoxon series test (described, for example, by Sokal and Rohlf, 1969)
showed that in each case the null hypothesis that the schizophrenic group and the
control group are randomly selected groups from a uniform population is rejected
with statistical significance. The level of confidence (1 — P, one-tailed) with which
the null hypothesis is rejected has the following values:

County 99.99%
Mesa Vista 99.6%
Patton-1 99.993%
Patton-2 99.97%
Patton-(l + 2) 99.996%

We have formulated another method for statistical evaluation of the results.

Examination of the distribution of the points for normal subjects in the earlier studies
(County, Mesa Vista, Patton) showed that they were not distributed in accordance
with a distribution function approximating the error function in either the fraction
Ascorbic acid—percent recovery
Values of percentages o f an oral dose of L-ascorbic acid found in the urine during the six-hour period after ingestion of
the dose.
eliminated or its logarithm, and indicated instead a sum of three such functions. The
Stanford study, with 44 normal subjects, was carried out to check this point and, as
can be seen from Figure 2-1, gave results supporting the earlier indication. A distri­
bution function derived from the Stanford points by a method formulated by us is
shown as the upper curve in Figure 2-2. This function is the sum of 44 error functions
representing the 44 experimental values. Each error function is normalized to unit
area, centered on its point, and has standard deviation 2.5 times the logarithmic
distance to the third nearest neighboring point.

Ascorbic acid—percent recovery

fig u r e 2 -2 .
Probability-distribution curves, calculated as described in the text, for
percent of ascorbic acid recovered in the six-hour urine for 44 Stanford
control subjects (above) and for 44 Patton schizophrenic subjects (below).

The distribution function shown in Figure 2-2 clearly indicates that with respect to
the handling of ascorbic acid the 44 normal subjects are not essentially similar. The
fraction of ascorbic acid eliminated in 6 hours differed from a normal (mean) value
because of a number of randomly effective environmental and polygenic factors. The
subjects are probably representative of three different populations: the high ex-
cretors (above 25 percent, 17/44), the medium excretors (17 to 25 percent, 16/44), and
the low excretors (below 17 percent, 11/44). It seems to us unlikely that dietary
differences would lead to such a distribution function. The reasonable hypothesis
that the three groups result from two alleles I and h in a single gene locus, and repre­
sent the genotypes 11(low excretors), Ih (medium), and hh (high) could, of course, be
checked by familial studies, which we have not as yet undertaken.
The distribution curve for recovery of ascorbic acid by the Patton-(l + 2) com­
bined group of 44 schizophrenic subjects is shown in the lower part of Figure 2-2.
There is clear indication of three groups, centered on 3.5 percent, 10 percent, and 20
2 I Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid 23

percent, respectively. If the division into separate groups, as indicated in Figure 2-2,
is accepted, there are two obvious alternative explanations of the differences between
the upper curve and the lower curve. The first explanation is that the factor of de­
creased intake of ascorbic acid (poor nutrition of the schizophrenic subjects) operates
to shift all values of percent recovery down. The normal peak around 27 percent
would thus be shifted to 20 percent, that at around 22 percent to 10 percent, and that
around 10 percent to 3.5 percent. The alternative is that the groups are not shifted,
but instead the number of subjects in these groups is changed, with the top group,
around 27 percent, much decreased in the schizophrenic subjects, and the groups
around 10 percent and 3.5 percent much increased. Additional studies will be needed
to check the reliability of this apparent division into groups and to distinguish
between the alternative explanations of the differences between the distribution
curves. There is no doubt, however, that there is a striking difference in the distri­
bution of schizophrenic subjects and control subjects with respect to the recovery of
an orally administered dose of ascorbic acid.
Let us assume that the upper limit of the low-excretor group is 17 percent elimina­
tion of the dose of ascorbic acid in 6 hours. The number of low excretors and the total
group number are the following:

Controls: County 7/14, Mesa Vista 6/16, Patton 3/15, Stanford 11/44.
Schizophrenics: County 38/46, Mesa Vista 12/16, Patton-1 24/34, Patton-2 21/28,
Patton-(l + 2) 31/44.

Of the schizophrenic subjects 76 percent are low excretors, 2.5 times the incidence
(30 percent) for the controls.
The numbers of low excretors can be used in a second test of the null hypothesis
that the schizophrenic group and its control group are selected randomly from the
same population. The values of %2 for a two-by-two test of these groups lead to the
following values of the confidence level of rejection of the null hypothesis:

County 1 —P (two-tailed) > 99.5%

Mesa Vista >96.5%
Patton-(l + 2) > 99.93%

The four control groups show no statistically significant differences with one an­
other, and may be combined into a single control group, with 27 low excretors in 89
subjects; similarly, the single combined schizophrenic group contains 81 low ex­
cretors in 106 subjects. These numbers lead to rejection of the null hypothesis at the
confidence level 1 — P (two-tailed) > 99.9999 percent (%2 = 41.57).
There is no doubt that the schizophrenic patients we studied differed significantly
from the control groups in their elimination of ascorbic acid. It is known that
cigarette smokers tend to have low blood levels of ascorbic acid, but among our sub.
jects there were few smokers, and they did not show a significant difference fromthe
nonsmokers. For example, the average excretion for the five Stanford smokers was
22.26 percent, as compared with 22.16 percent for all 44 Stanford subjects. (The
Stanford subject with the lowest value, 5.16-percent excretion, was a cigarette
smoker; the four others were not in the low group.) The sex of the subjects had no
significant bearing on the results.



In the Mesa Vista series the loading test was repeated after extra ascorbic acid (1.23
to 2.04 g) had been administered each day for seven days. The results of the test on the
eighth day are shown in Figure 2-1. For the control group there was essentially no
change: average recovery increased from 20.0 percent to 21.5 percent, and low
excretors decreased from 7/16 to 5/16. For the 11 members of the schizophrenic
group who were tested on the eighth day,2however, there was a large change: average
recovery increased from 11.3 percent for the 11 subjects to 21.7 percent, and low ex­
cretors decreased from 9/11 to 3/11. There is a striking difference between the
schizophrenic subjects and the control subjects not only in the number of low
excretors but also in the response to an increased intake of ascorbic acid. We sur­
mise that many of the schizophrenic subjects had a high degree of “tissue unsatura­
tion,” which was rectified by the ingestion of about 10 g of extra ascorbic acid during
the week of treatment.


In Figure 2-3 the fractions of the oral dose of niacinamide found in the urine excreted
by the subjects during the next 6 hours are shown. As was found for ascorbic acid, the
mean values of the three control groups are consistently higher than those for the two
schizophrenic groups by about 45 percent (as compared with 90 percent for ascorbic
acid). Comparison of the County schizophrenic group with its control group and of
the Patton schizophrenic group with its control group by the Wilcoxon sequence test
showed that for each pair the null hypothesis that the two groups of the pair are
randomly selected from a population uniform with respect to the handling of

2 Five subjects failed to complete the 8-day study because of departure from the hospital.
Niacinamide—percent recovery
fig u r e
Values of percentages of an oral dose of niacinamide found in the six-hour urine.
niacinamide is rejected with statistical significance, at the following values of the
level of confidence (1 — P, one-tailed):

County 99.8%
Patton 99.98%

The niacinamide distribution function for the Stanford control group, calculated
in the same way as for ascorbic acid (Figure 2-2), is shown in Figure 2-4. It is seen that
a division into two or three groups is indicated, with one group consisting of the sub­
jects with less than 6.4 percent of the dose of niacinamide, the low excretors. Of the 44

Niacinamide—percent recovery

fig u r e2-4.
Niacinamide-recovery probability-distribution curves for 44 Stanford
control subjects (above) and for 32 Patton schizophrenic subjects (below).

Stanford subjects, 19 (43 percent) are low excretors. The second peak indicates the
medium excretors, of whom there are 15 (34 percent) if the upper limit of their range
is taken (rather arbitrarily) at 8.5 percent. The remaining 10 high excretors (23 per­
cent) have values of recovery from 8.6 to 19 percent. Low excretors constitute 40 per­
cent (8/20) of the County controls, 38 percent (5/13) of the Patton controls, 79 percent
(20/26) of the County schizophrenics, and 78 percent (25/32) of the Patton schizo­
phrenics. The values of x2for a two-by-two test of pairs of numbers lead to the follow­
ing values of the confidence level of rejection of the null hypothesis:

County 1—P (two-tailed) > 99.9%

Patton > 99.9%

The three control groups and the two schizophrenic groups may be combined, giving
32 low excretors in 77 control subjects (42 percent) and 45 low excretors in 58

Pyridoxine—percent recovery
fig u r e 2-5.
Values of percentages of an oral dose of pyridoxine found in the six-hour urine.
schizophrenic subjects (78 percent). The statistical significance of this difference is
very high, 99.997 percent (x2 = 17.52). We conclude that with respect to their hand-
ling of niacinamide the schizophrenic groups in our study are significantly different
from the control groups.


The results of loading tests with pyridoxine for 34 schizophrenic subjects in Patton
State Hospital and their 11 control subjects and for 44 normal subjects in the Stan­
ford test are shown in Figure 2-5. The mean value for each of the two control groups
is 17 percent higher than that for the schizophrenic group. Application of the Wil-
coxon sequence test for the Patton schizophrenic group and its control group leads to
rejection of the null hypothesis that the two groups are randomly selected from a
population uniform with respect to the handling of pyridoxine at the confidence level
1 — P greater than 95.7 percent.

Pyridoxine—percent recovery
f ig u r e 2-6.
Pyridoxine-recovery probability-distribution curves for 44 Stanford
control subjects (above) and for 35 Patton schizophrenic subjects (below).

The pyridoxine distribution functions for the Stanford control group and the
Patton patients, calculated in the same way as for ascorbic acid (Figure 2-2), are
shown in Figure 2-6. It is seen that there are indications of a division into three groups.
The group of low pyridoxine excretors, up to 18 percent (vertical line in Figure 2-6),
includes 11 of the 44 Stanford control subjects (25 percent), 1 of the 11 Patton control
2 I Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid 29

subjects (9 percent), and 18 of the 35 Patton schizophrenic subjects (51 percent). The
null hypothesis is rejected at the 99.2 percent confidence level by comparing Patton
schizophrenics with the Patton control group, and at the 99.6 percent confidence
level by comparing Patton schizophrenics with Patton controls plus Stanford con­



Loading tests with the three vitamins administered at the same time were carried out
for 50 control subjects (Patton 6 , Stanford 44) and for 31 schizophrenic subjects
(Patton). Data on subjects with low excretion in one vitamin only, two vitamins, or
all three are given in Table 2-2.
If low values were the result of poor nutrition there would be positive correlation
of the incidence, and the number of subjects low in all three would increase. The
numerals in parentheses in Table 2-2 are calculated from the values of the incidences,
assuming them to be independent of one another. The differences between observed

TABLE 2-2.
Correlation o f Low Excretion in Three Vitamins in Schizophrenic and Control Subjects

Characteristic Controls® Schizophrenics6

Number of subjects 50 31
Incidence of L(AA)C 0.320d 0.742d
Incidence of L(Ni) 0.460d 0.806<*
Incidence of L(Py) 0.240d 0.516d
L(AA) only 3(6.6)« 2 (2.2)*
L(Ni) only 10(11.9) 3 (3.1)
L(Py) only 1 (4.4) 1 (0.8)
L(AA + Ni) 6 (5.6) 8 (9.0)
L(AA + Py) 4 (2.1) 1 (2.3)
L(Ni + Py) 4 (3.8) 2 (3.3)
L(AA + Ni + Py) 3(1.8) 12 (9.6)
Not.low in any 19 (14.0) 2 (0.7)

a P a tto n (6 su b je c ts) p lu s S ta n fo r d (4 4 su b jects),

b P a tto n .
0 A A = a s c o r b ic a c id , N i ** n ia c in a m id e , P y m p y r id o x in e .
d F r a c tio n o f su b je c ts w ith lo w e x c r e tio n o f th e v ita m in .
e V a lu e s in p a r e n th ese s a re c a lc u la te d fr o m v a lu e s o f in c id en ce , r o w s 2 to 4, a ssu m in g in d e p e n d e n c e
in in c id e n c e fr o m o n e a n o th e r .
and calculated numbers are not statistically significant, but there is some indication of
positive correlation, especially for the control group (15 observed low in two or all
three vitamins, 11.7 calculated). The values for the schizophrenic group (22 observed
23.7 calculated) indicate no correlation.
A reasonable possibility is that positive correlation, resulting from poor nutrition
(low intake of all three vitamins or poor assimilation of all three vitamins), operates
for both groups, and is effectively cancelled for the schizophrenic group by another
effect, peculiar to the schizophrenic population, that introduces negative correlation
Let us assume that correlation introduces a factor in the frequency of subjects low in
two vitamins and another factor in the frequency of subjects low in three vitamins.
The value of the first factor is about 5, and that of the second is about 25 (incidences
0.10,0.35, and 0.10 for ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine, respectively, then
give calculated values within 1.5 of the observed values). An effect that increased the
number of subjects low in one vitamin only in the schizophrenic population (relative
to those low in two or three) could account for the differences between the correla­
tions for controls and schizophrenics in Table 2-2. This effect might be a change in
genotype affecting one vitamin only, thus increasing the probability of hospitaliza­
tion for schizophrenia.


Our studies have shown that there is a pronounced difference, with high statistical
significance, in the response of groups of schizophrenic patients and control groups to
orally ingested doses of ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine, as shown by the
fractions of the ingested doses eliminated in the urine during the period of 6 hours im­
mediately following the doses. The observations for ascorbic acid are in general
agreement with the results of many earlier studies, summarized by Herjanic in
Chapter 14; those for niacinamide and pyridoxine are, we believe, new.
Our results indicate that for each of the three vitamins the population, either
schizophrenic or normal, does not show a simple distribution function for the frac­
tion of vitamin eliminated, but instead shows clustering into groups. The upper limit
for the fraction excreted in 6 hours by low excretors has been taken as 17 percent, 6.4
percent, and 18 percent for ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine. The low
excretors of the individual vitamins in the normal population constitute about 30,40,
and 20 percent, and in the schizophrenic population about 75, 80, and 50 percent,
2 I Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid 31

respectively. About 60 percent of the control population and 94 percent of the

schizophrenic population are low excretors for one or more of the three vitamins.
The pattern of excretion of ascorbic acid is changed very little for the control sub­
jects by the ingestion of 1 to 2 g of this vitamin per day for one week, but that for the
schizophrenic subjects is shifted so that it becomes the same as for the controls. It is
likely that the low excretors have a low body store of the vitamin, and that this store
is brought up to the normal value by a sufficiently increased daily intake.
The observations reported in Table 2-2 make possible some statements about the
probability of hospitalization for schizophrenia of persons in different categories of
vitamin excretion (assuming that the low excretors in the schizophrenic group would
remain low excretors if they had been tested at other times, and that the control sub­
jects represent the population as a whole). The ratio of the probability of hospitaliza­
tion for schizophrenia of the various kinds of excretors to that for persons not low in
any of the three vitamins is: low in one vitamin, probability 5 times as great; low in
two vitamins, 8 times as great; low in all three vitamins, 40 times as great.
Only 6 percent of our schizophrenic subjects were found by our tests not to be
low in any of the three vitamins. A complete understanding of vitamins in relation
to schizophrenia has not yet been obtained. There is uncertainty as to the relative
contributions of genetic and environmental factors, and to the effect of the schizo­
phrenic episodes and of hospitalization on the biochemical and physiological
functioning of the patients. There is no uncertainty, however, about the fact that
the great majority, 94 percent, of the hospitalized schizophrenic subjects studied by
us show a low urinary excretion of one or more of the three vitamins which we have
studied, and that this is an indication of a low content of vitamins in the body,
which can be rectified by the methods of orthomolecular psychiatry—the increased
daily intake of the vitamins, as discussed in other chapters of this book.
These vitamins are inexpensive and they are almost entirely nontoxic and free of
undesirable side reactions, as compared with ordinary drugs. Studies of individual
patients might indicate which vitamins are especially needed. We feel, however, that
at the present time these vitamin studies of individual patients need not be carried out
before megavitamin therapy is instituted, because almost all schizophrenics are low
excretors for at least one of the three vitamins, and an increased intake of any of these
vitamins has small probability of doing harm, and large probability of doing good.
This work may be summarized by the following statement: observations made by
administration of an oral dose of ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine, and
determination of the fractions excreted in the urine in the next 6 hours have shown
that almost all of the schizophrenic patients studied are low excretors for one or more
of the three vitamins. These results strongly support the use of mega vitamin therapy
for the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia.

Analysis for Ascorbic Acid by Iodine Titration

All the urine samples were collected in 500-ml plastic bottles which contained 1 ml
of 1 N HC1, to lower the pH of the urine and thus inhibit the oxidation of ascorbic
acid. The samples were kept frozen at —20°C until analysis. For the experiment using
normal subjects at Stanford University, the samples were analyzed immediately after
collection for ascorbic acid and were frozen in small glass bottles at —76°C for later
analysis for niacinamide and pyridoxine. The analysis was performed as follows: add
1 ml of 1 N HC1 to a 50-ml conical flask; add 10 ml mixed urine to flask; add about
3 ml of chloroform; add a 1/4 inch magnetic stirring rod; place on magnetic stirrer
and adjust to highest speed without splattering; titrate with I 2 solution (6.25 g of I2
and 20.0 g of KI in 2 liters of water, 0.0123 M) from a 5-ml buret. In making the end­
point determination, ignore the pink color that sometimes occurs immediately in the
chloroform phase, titrate rapidly until the yellow color of iodine lingers at the point
of addition, and then titrate very slowly until a lasting pink color is seen in the
chloroform phase. The titrations were usually made in triplicate, and the iodine
solutions were standardized every week by titrating weighed amounts of crystalline
L-ascorbic acid.

Analysis for Niacinamide by

Microbiological Assay

The analysis for niacinamide for all County subjects was done by the microbiological
method described by Strohecker and Henning (1966) with use of a strain of Lacto­
bacillus arabinosus (ATCC 8014) responding to niacin, niacinamide, and nicotinuric
acid. The procedure was very time-consuming, and was discarded after the develop­
ment of the chromatographic method described below. The measured amounts were
converted by an empirical factor to correspond to the results of the chromatographic

Analysis o f Niacinamide by
Gas-Liquid Chromatography

Two 0.5-ml samples of urine for this analysis were stored at —76°C. A Varian-2100
gas-liquid chromatograph with flame-ionization detectors was used. The column
2 I Results of a Loading Test of Ascorbic Acid 33

was 5 percent Carbowax 20M on Chromosorb W (regular), with oven at 240°C and
injector and detector at 250°C. The internal standard was 1.00 mg methylniacinamide
in 1.00 ml of water. Standardization was achieved by analyzing 0.5-ml samples of
water containing various amounts of niacinamide between 10 and 1,000 mg, with
standardization runs made before and after each set of urine-sample runs. The 0.5-ml
sample of urine (or niacinamide solution) was thawed and 100 ml of the internal
standard was added. Then 1 ¡ul or 2 [A was injected into the chromatograph. The
only large peaks are those of methylniacinamide and niacinamide, and the amount of
methylniacinamide in urine is very small compared with the amount added.

Analysis of Pyridoxine by
Gas-Liquid Chromatography

Two 0.1 -ml samples of urine for this analysis were stored at —76 °C in glass vials with
teflon-lined caps. The chromatographic column was 1.5-percent OV-lOl on Chromo­
sorb G, with oven at 190°C, injector at 210°C, and detector at 220°C. The internal
standard was heneicosane. Standardization runs before and after each set of urine
analyses were made with 0 . 1-ml aqueous solutions containing between 10 and
1,000 mg of pyridoxine. The 0.1-ml sample of urine (or pyridoxine solution) was
dried in high vacuum, capped, and frozen. Then 0.5 ml of 1 : 1 solution of bis-
trim^thylsilylacetamide in pyridine and 0.1 ml of pyridine containing 125 jug of
heneicosane were added; the container was capped and shaken for 90 minutes,
and 1 ¡ul of the solution was injected into the chromatograph.


We thank Dr. Robert Nichols and Mrs. Dorothy Marshall at University Hospital
of San Diego County, Dr. L. Pratum o f Mesa Vista Hospital, Dr. Halmuth Schaefer of
Patton State Hospital, and the staffs of these hospitals for help in the collection of
the urine samples.
This investigation was carried out with support of grants MH 18149 and MH
18149-02, National Institutes o f Health.

Herjanic, M., and Herjanic, B. L. M. (1967). J. Schizophrenia 1, 257.

Sokal, R. R., and Rohlf, F. J. (1969). Biometry. San Francisco and London: W. H. Freema
and Co. 11
Strohecker, R., and Henning, H. M. (1966). Vitamin Assay, Tested Methods. Cleveland
Ohio: C.R.C. Press. ’
VanderKamp, H. (1966). Internat. J. Neuropsychiat. 2, 204.

Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis

in Orthomolecular Medicine


In medical research and medical practice much use is made of analysis of body fluids,
such as urine, blood, and spinal fluid. Most of the quantitative clinical tests that are
carried out at the present time are for a single substance or a small number of sub­
stances. During the last two or three decades some techniques, especially those of
chromatographic analysis in its various forms, have been developed that permit the
detection and quantitation of scores or hundreds of substances in a single small
sample. These techniques have been used, and are now being used, in medical re­
search by a number of groups of investigators, almost all of whom have sought to
obtain qualitative or only very roughly quantitative analyses (Jellum et al., 1971).
Three years ago we asked the questions “How many and what substances can be
quantitatively measured by techniques so inexpensive that all persons^ regardless of
their wealth and apparent state of health, could afford to be regularly tested ? How
much information about health can be extracted from these measurements ?” These
questions differ from the usual approach, which asks “What substances will be useful
in testing for a certain disease ? How can those substances be measured ?” This latter
approach has led to a state of affairs wherein there are so many individual tests that,
regardless of the best efforts of automation, only the sick are usually willing to payr
high cost of analysis and then only after a physician has tried to guesS which test
they need, other than a few standard ones. Preventive medicine and low-cost medicine
require a new approach.
W e have for these reasons been striving to develop a practical method of analysis of
body fluids that would permit the quantitative evaluation of the amount of each of
several hundred substances in a sample of body fluid with good reliability (standard
deviation for repeated measurements usually less than 10 percent). In this report some
of the methods that we have been using are described, and the results of the applica­
tion of one technique to some normal subjects and to some mental retardates are
The composition of the body fluids of a person is determined by his genotype and
by environmental factors, especially the food that he has recently ingested, the nature
of his digestive processes, the bacteria in his intestines, and bacterial, rickettsial, or
viral infections that may be present (also, in some cases, parasites). We have found
that the composition of the urine of one person on an ordinary diet, with the usual
day-to-day differences, varies greatly from day to day, the average relative standard
deviations for the amounts of single substances on successive days being 75 percent or
more. This difficulty can be largely overcome by using as the only food for several
days a synthetic (essentially complete) diet, Vivonex-100, which consists almost en­
tirely of small molecules, which are completely absorbed into the blood stream in the
small intestine (W initzetal., 1970a, 1970b). We find that the composition of the urine
becomes nearly constant within about four days on this diet. This is in agreement with
qualitative observations which have been made for 13 ultraviolet-absorbing com­
pounds (Young, 1970). We are also studying the effectiveness of fasting to achieve
this result, as well as the extent to which the amounts of some substances are un­
affected by diet.



The goal is to develop an analytical method such that it would be practically possible
to check the state of health at frequent intervals and the course of disease during
periods of illness for all persons throughout their lives. The practical possibility
(largely determined by costs) makes the folllowing requirements:

1. The sample should be collected by the subject himself. This requirement in­
dicates urine as the body fluid to be sampled, with breath as another possibility-
A timed sample should not be required.
2. One sample should be sufficient for checking essentially all conditions and all
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 37

diseases. To achieve this goal would require quantitative analysis for several
hundred substances, preferably by a single analytical procedure.
3. To keep the cost low, the analysis should be carried out by a machine, with the
minimum number of operations by human attendants (possibly only intro­
ducing the sample into the machine).
4. Objective evaluation of the analytical results should be carried out by machine
calculation of amounts of substances and interpretation by reference to infor­
mation stored in the memory bank of the computer.



In our studies of alternative analytical techniques we have for the most part analyzed
samples of urine of normal subjects who have during periods of three to twenty days
ingested only the small-molecule diet Vivonex-100 (usually mild-orange flavor) and
distilled water, and who have refrained from smoking.
A preliminary study showed chromatographic methods of analysis to be the most
promising for our purpose. Our work with five techniques, with consideration of the
economic factor, especially the amount of human labor per sample, has led us to the
following conclusions about these techniques:
1. Low-resolution ion-exchange separation of ninhydrin-positive substances (in­
cluding amino acids) in a sample of urine (Figure 3-1). This method of analysis

H ours

Low-resolution ion-exchange analysis of ninhydrin-positive urinary constituents, made
with an automated commercially available instrument (Beckman Model 121 Amino-Acid
Analyzer). Identification of some peaks is given in Table 3-1.
I-------- 1-------- 1-------- 1-------- 1_____ I_____ I_____ I_____ I---------1-------- 1_____ I_____ I_____ I I 1 I I I I I I
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
High-resolution ion-exchange analysis of urinary constituents absorbing light in the ultraviolet region. This analysis was
performed by Carl Burtis.
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 39

(Moore and Stein, 1956) is presently in use in most protein and peptide labor­
atories. A large amount of industrial effort has been expended in automating
and refining the technique. For moderate cost about 30 substances can be
quantitatively analyzed by this method.
2. High-resolution ion-exchange separation of ultraviolet-absorbing substances in
urine (Figure 3-2). This method of analysis, which uses small-diameter columns
and pressures from 1,000 to 5,000 psi in order to increase the speed and reso­
lution of ion-exchange chromatography, is relatively new (Burtis, 1970). At
present, about 80 compounds can be quantitatively analyzed for moderate cost.
3. Low-resolution gas-liquid partition chromatography of urine sample separated
into two fractions by an ion-exchange column, with each fraction then treated
to form trimethylsilyl derivatives or other derivatives with increased volatility
(Figure 3-3). This method of analysis uses a low-resolution 6-foot packed
column (Horning et al., 1963; Horning, 1968). It is very economical and fast for
the repetitive quantitative analysis of a few compounds at a time. For moderate
cost per sample a 120-substance analysis can be carried out.
4. High-resolution gas-liquid partition chromatography of the vapor from an
untreated urine sample (Figure 3-4). This method (Pauling etal., 1971; Teranishi
et al., 1972) consists of the collection of urine vapor at 80°C and subsequent
analysis on a 1,000-foot 0.03-inch i.d. metal capillary column. This method is
new. A 280-substance analysis can now be carried out for low cost, and further
improvement is possible.
5. High-resolution gas-liquid partition chromatography of a sample of breath
(Figure 3-5). This method (Pauling etal., 1971 ;Teranishi etal., 1972)consists of
the collection of breath volatiles from 15 exhalations and subsequent analysis
on a 1,000-foot 0.03-inch i.d. metal column. This method is new. A 250-sub-
stance analysis can be carried out for low cost. The breath, however, is subject to
greater contamination by the immediate environment of the person than urine.
Breath analysis is probably, therefore, a less practical diagnostic tool than
urine analysis.

The last two methods now seem to be the most promising. Much work remains to
be done on identifying the substances and determining the significance of the
analytical results in relation to health and disease. It is not unlikely that in the course
of time still more powerful and practically convenient techniques will be discovered.
We suggest that it is now possible, using method 4, to provide quantitative analysis
of over 200 urinary constituents, with computerized reduction of this urinary profile
in comparison with other urinary profiles, for a cost of 15 to $10. This cost includes
all expenses: collection of the sample, supply of the apparatus (with a profit for the
manufacturer), analysis, overhead, computation, and report. Our cost estimate is
based on laboratories performing 12,000 analyses per year.
A. Low-resolution gas chromatogram of the basic-neutral urine fraction from DEAE Sephadex column. B. Low-resolution gas chro­
matogram of the acid urine fraction from a DEAE Sephadex column. The chromatograms 3A and 3B were obtained in our laboratory
with an extensively modified Varian Aerograph Model 2100 gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector. The temperature was
programmed to increase from 20°C to 170°C at the rate of 0.5°C per minute. The DEAE Sephadex was prepared by washing with
0.5F NaOH followed by washing with water and stored suspended in 0.OIF p H 5.0 pyridine acetate buffer. A 1 cm x 10 cm column
was poured and washed with 1.5 F, pH. 5.0 pyridine acetate buffer follow ed by w ashing with water; 1 m l o f urine was applied to the
column and then the colu m n w as w ashed w ith 50 m l water follow ed by 75 m l 1 .5 F p H 5.0 pyridine acetate. These washes are collected,
freeze dried, reacted at 80° C for 90 m inutes with 0.5 m l B ST F A , and injected into the^ ch rom a to gra ph . T he colum n was O V -lO l,
packed in a six-foot glass tube. Temperature was linearly programmed from 50° C to 250 C at 1 C per minute.
t i i i i i i i---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1---------- 1
0 1 2

3 4

High-resolution gas chromatogram of urine vapor. The chromatogram was made in our laboratory with an instrument not commercially
available. The temperature was increased from 20°C to 170°C at the rate of 0.5°C per minute.
Figure 3-6 shows experimental reliability measurements for the urine-vap0
method. For comparison, similar measurements for low-resolution ion-exchan
chromatography are also shown. The cost per substance analyzed is 20 times great«
for the low-resolution ion-exchange method than for the urine-vapor method, b^

Time (Min.)

0 16 27 37 46 52 60 67 73 79
Temp (°C)

Time (Min.)
j___ L i I____i____I____ i____ I____ i____ I ■ l ' I j___ L J____ L
86 93 101 107 114 120 128 135 142 150 158
Temp (°C)
High-resolution gas chromatogram of breath, made in our laboratory with use of a noncommercial
instrument. This curve is from Pauling et al. (1971).

the machines for ion-exchange analysis are already installed in many hospitals and
research institutions. The computational equipment and procedures required fo r the
two methods are identical. We discuss below an example of the use of this profit
analysis using the machines that are already available to everyone. The high-cost and
synthetic-diet limitations of this example will probably be eliminated by the eventual
installation of cheaper high-resolution machines.
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 43

Number of compounds
F I G U R E 3-6.
A plot of the maximum relative probable error (=0.67 x the relative standard
deviation of an individual from the mean) versus the number of compounds routinely
quantitated in a single chromatographic analysis with relative probable error less
than or equal to the maximum relative probable error. The dashed curve is for low-
resolution ion-exchange urine analysis for ninhydrin-positive substances, and the full
curve is for high-resolution gas chromatographic analysis of urine vapor.



We have carried out the following experiments and calculations to illustrate the
potential usefulness o f quantitative analysis of large numbers of urinary constituents
as a diagnostic medical procedure. The experiments have been with the usual low-
resolution ion-exchange analysis for ninhydrin-positive compounds, which is
presently available in m ost laboratories and hospitals.
The control population consisted of nine persons in the Stanford University
chemistry departm ent community, who received for ten to fourteen days only
Vivonex-100 (mild-orange flavor) as food and distilled water as the liquid component
of the food and as drink. The subjects were non-smokers, and they refrained from in­
take of any medicines during the study. Samples of urine were taken during the day
and night. The day samples and night samples of a subject in general agreed closely
with one another, as described below. Analyses were made by the first method men­
tioned above, low-resolution ion-exchange separation of ninhydrin-positive sub­
We were also able to make similar studies of about 250 mentally retarded patients
who had been receiving the Vivonex-100 food for two months or more. M ost of
these patients were also receiving medication; the results for these patients are not
included in our discussion. Twenty-two mental retardates who had not receiy
medication are discussed below. These subjects were severely retarded patients
wards in Sonoma State Hospital, Sonoma, California. The intake of these patiem
had consisted solely of Vivonex-100 (mild-orange flavor) and tap water for 0ne
month or more before the urine samples were collected. It seems likely that the inges.
tion of tap water rather than distilled water does not have a significant effect onthe
analytical results. The Vivonex-100 ingested by the mental retardates was froma
different batch than that ingested by the controls, and there might have been a small
difference in composition of the food for the mental retardates and for the normal
The low-resolution ion-exchange analysis for ninhydrin-positive substances was
carried out with a Beckman Model 121 automated amino acid analyzer. Amino acid
analyses were performed by Fred C. Westall at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.
AO. 1-ml sample of urine (stored at —76 °C) was applied to both the short column and
the long column of the apparatus. Quantitative determinations were made for 39 sub­
stances or overlapping groups of substances (Figure 3-1). The values for the six
smallest peaks were unreliable, and were omitted in our treatment. Nineteen of the 33
peaks used in the evaluation were identified as amino acids, and one as urea (Table
3-1). Peaks 1 and 2 consist of several substances.
Timed urine samples could not be obtained for the mentally retarded subjects, and
a method of normalization was used for all samples to give a constant value to the
sum of the areas of the peaks. Of the 50 samples studied, three were identical (num­
bers 1, 2, 3, day urine of control subject VIII on the eleventh day on diet), nine
(numbers 21 to 26,11,27,28) were day samples of control subject V on the 0 , 1,3,5,7,
9, 11, 13, and fourteenth day on diet, and 18 were night-day pairs (tenth night,
eleventh day on diet) for the nine normal subjects. The samples for the mental re­
tardates were day samples. Subjects 29 to 46 were undiagnosed mental retardates on
Vivonex-100 for over one month, with no medication. Subjects 47 and 48 were
phenylketonuric mental retardates on Vivonex-100 for over one month, with no
medication. Subjects 49 and 50 were phenylketonuric mental retardates on a low-
phenylalanine version of Vivonex-100.
The average normalized peak area and standard deviations for the 33 peaks are
given in Table 3-1 for all 50 samples and also for the tenth day and eleventh night
samples for the control subjects and the samples for the 22 mental retardates. The
average percentage deviation (ratio of the standard deviation to the mean) is 33 per­
cent for the control subjects and 63 percent, almost twice as great, for the mentally
retarded subjects, despite the greater constancy of their environment (they were con­
fined to the ward and largely to their beds).
A simple check for abnormality in the patterns was made by counting high peaks
(more than twice the average for the 28 control analyses) and low peaks (less than one-
fifth of this average). For the nine control subjects (average for night and day) the
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 45

number of high peaks averages 0 .6 6 per subject and the number of low peaks averages
0.40 per subject; the corresponding values for the 22 mental retardates are 3.64 and
2.16, respectively, about five times as large. Sample 11 , which was very dilute, gave 13
low values by this test, disagreeing with other samples for the same subject, which
showed only one low value. This sample and sample 29, which also was very dilute,
are not included in the foregoing discussion.
No striking pattern of high and low peaks was obvious except for the two untreated
phenylketonuric patients, 47 and 48, who were concordantly high in peaks 1,14, 30,
and 38 and low in peak 2 (47 also low in peak 12,48 low in peak 10). For these two the
phenylalanine peak (38) was eighteen times as large as the average, whereas for the
two phenylketonuric patients receiving the low-phenylalanine Vivonex it was three
times the average (subject 49) and six times the average (subject 50).
We have formulated several objective tests of quantitative lack of concordance of
pairs of samples, and have found that they give closely similar results. The simplest is
the pair noncorrelation index (PNI), given by the following equation:

PNI(AB) = - y ( 3 - 1)
v 7 9 & At + B, V

In this equation and B t are the areas of the ith peak for the two samples A and B,
and N is the number of peaks. This pair noncorrelation index is the average of the
deviation o f the two values of the peak area from their mean.
The 1,225 values of PNI for the 50 samples with one another calculated for 33
peaks show many interesting features.
The triplicate analyses 1, 2, and 3 in pairs give PNI = 0.044, 0.049, and 0.034,
showing a reliability of the analytical technique to about 4 percent.
For subject V analyses of day urine were made on day 0 (before Vivonex diet), day 1
(first day of diet), 3 ,5,7,9,11,13, and 14 (day of resuming ordinary food). The values
of PNI for the pairs of successive analyses are the following: day 0 to day 1, 0.226;
1-3,0.228; 3-5,0.154; 5-7,0.130; 7-9,0.102; 9-11,0.114; 11-13,0.140; 13-14,0.120.
It is seen that from the third day on the values are nearly constant, and considerably
smaller than for the day 0 and day 1. The average of the 21 values for pairs of days 3 to
14 is 0.132. A decrease by about 0.10 (from 0.226 for 0-1) is achieved by three days or
more on the Vivonex-100 diet. We may assume that a value of PNI approaching 0.13
means essential identity of the samples. About 30 percent of the 1,225 values of PNI
lie below 0.2,40 percent between 0.2 and 0.3,20 percent between 0.3 and 0.4, and 10
percent between 0.4 and 0.6.
To obtain more information from the analyses we have made use of another
quantity, the weighted noncorrelation index (WNI). This quantity involves the com­
parison of the two samples A and B not only with each other but also with the average
peak areas for all control subjects. If two samples, A and B, are concordant in a
certain peak in that both show an unusually large deviation from the average, this
R esults o f A nalysis o f 50 Urine Sam ples f o r N inhydr in-positive Substances

Averages for 8 normal subjects

Substance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Day/Night (16) Day (8)

Amount o, (% )‘ Amount o ( %)

3.96 15 3.66 18
0.62 31 0.56 15
~0a — — —
~0a — — —
tryptophan 1.88 22 1.61 17
lysine 1.90 IT 1.81 68
histidine 8.16 (32)c 8.41 31
0.58 24 0.49 25
arginine 0.17 (15)c 0.17 13
1.09 22 0.98 20
1.63 34 1.40 30
0.16 (64)* 0.13 53
3.26 85b 3.47 97
urea 34.73 19a 33.74 18
3.19 28 2.79 30
aspartic acid 0.07 42c 0.07 31
0.53 30 0.49 28
0.92 23 0.83 22
threonine 1.47 43 1.68 36
Averages for 3
Averages for 20 analyses o f sam]
Night (8) retardates 8011

Amount cr(%) Amount * (% ) Amount «* (°/c

4.16 13 4.72 110 3.65 2

0.66 38 0.45 42 0.53 3

2.05 23 0.84 32 1.56 2

1.84 88 2.28 53 2.08 1
8.34 31 8.13 39 12.33 1
0.62 25 0.46 27 0.51 7
0.17 16 0.19 52 0.29 53
1.14 25 0.90 39 1.07 4
1.74 38 1.29 44 1.85 1
0.18 68 0.09 68 0.18 10
2.76 65 0.71 79 1.20 4
36.27 18 19.98 56 39.60 2
3.37 28 2.11 46 3.82 4
0.08 34 0.29 76 0.10 10
0.55 33 0.21 62 0.74 2
1.00 20 0.54 50 0:81 1
1.33 45 1.94 50 1.64 3
serine 12.08 24c 11.74 27
glutamic acid 0.50 21 0.43 27
proline 0.05 38° 0.05 30
0.15 39c 0.16 36
glycine 15.89 29° 18.71 24
alanine 2.93 39 3.31 35
cysteine 0.36 24 0.32 27
0.09 56c 0.09 55
ABA® —0° — — —
valine 0.28 22 0.27 10
methionine 0.73 15 0.71 29
~0a — — —
isoleucine 0.52 21 0.47 11
~0a — — —
leucine 0.71 25 0.63 6
0.11 76c 0.09 65
0.27 26 0.23 15
tyrosine 0.58 37 0.58 33
phenylalanine 0.45 34 0.40 25
~0a — — —
Mean 3.03 34(32)d 3.03 31
Median 0.62 19(26)d 0.58 27

liese peaks were omitted, because they were small and often absent from the
nato grams.
hese two peaks were used in WNI calculation but were omitted from the chromato­
normalization because of their large variation among different normal subjects,
ill peaks with average percentage in normal chromatograms greater than 8 %or less
11.98 23 11.03 35 9.43 3
0.53 22 1.17 111 0.48 4
0.06 29 0.27 173 0.04 49
0.14 44 0.11 45 0.24 4
14.30 30 32.94 33 11.95 1
2.39 35 4.91 44 2.06 1
0.37 29 0.30 42 0.26 5
0.07 65 0.06 52 0.03 10
— — — — — —
0.28 35 0.29 67 0.29 5
0.79 10 0.97 32 0.76 4
— — — — — —
0.55 25 0.42 39 0.49 7
— — — — — —
0.77 29 0.57 40 0.71 3
0.17 53 0.24 72 0.07 20
0.29 29 0.16 64 0.25 1
0.64 40 0.63 49 0.55 3
0.48 37 1.26 228 0.45 8

3.03 35 3.03 63 3.03 35

0.66 30 0.63 50 0.66 30

than 0.2% were omitted from WNI calculation. er(%) is equal to (standard deviation
for a single measurement) (100)/average for all measurements.
d The first values are for all 33 peaks, the second (in parentheses) for the 22 peaks used in
the WNI calculation (not including those marked c)-
e ABA = a-amino-n-butyric acid.
concordance (representing a similar deviation from the normal pattern) should
given extra weight. We have done this in a simple way, by writing

WNI - Y q ; (3-2)

Here Q{ has the value 0 when either A t or Bt is less than Av{ (the average peak areaf0r
the z'th peak), and the value (A{ — Avf) joAvi or (Bt — Avt)/oAvu whichever is the

£ WNI (average for day-night correlation
for normals after 11 days on diet)

WNI (experimental chromatography error)

The value of WNI for low-resolution ion-exchange analysis of 22 substances
versus the days of equilibration of normal subject V on the Vivonex-100 synthetic
diet. The pairs of chromatograms used for calculation of the individual values of
WNI are indicated by the horizontal lines joining the days on which the urine was

smaller, when both At and Bt are greater than Avt. oAv{ is the standard deviation of
the ith peak for a single sample in the group of samples.
Figure 3-7 shows the WNI values for successive days during the equilibration of
control subject V on the synthetic diet.
Values of WNI for day versus night for each of eight control subjects are given to
Table 3-2, and also the average values for each subject with the others, both day and
night. The reliability with which two samples from the same person can be picked
from a group of 48 samples is given in Table 3-3. It is clear that reliable determinations
of individual patterns are possible with only 22 peaks, providing dietary control is
used. We hope that with 200-peak analyses the same determinations of individual

TABLE 3-2.
Values o f the W eig h ted N oncorrelation In d e x f o r C ontrol Subjects

D -N D -D N -N D -N
Subject D -N a next lowest6 average 0 average** average 6

V 0.454 0.535 1.453 1.620 1.721

II 0.401 (0.308)h-0.627 1.255 1.150 1.600
III 0.373 0.493 1.960 1.588 1.913
IV 0.336 (0.308)^-0.730 1.391 2.137 1.622
V 0.580 0.622 1.357 0.980 1.486
VI 0.256 0.333 2.088 2.667 2.874
V II 0.647 1.300 2 .2 2 2 1.543 2.394
V III 0.616 0.684 1.284 1.223 1.600
IX 9 — — — 1.277 —

Average 0.458 (0.573)M).666 1.626 1.576 1.901

a WNI for eleventh day sample and tenth night sample of same subject. b Next lowest WNI to °.
0 Average W NI for eleventh day sample of subject with each of eleventh day samples of seven other
control subjects.
d Average of W NI for tenth night sample of subject with each of tenth night samples of eight other
control subjects.
* Average of W NI for eleventh day and tenth night samples of subject with tenth night samples of
eight other control subjects and eleventh day samples of seven other control subjects, respectively.
f Day sample for subject I was measured three times. Average WNI for the three measurements are
used in Table 2.
9 The day measurement for subject IX was unreliable, because the sample was too dilute.
h II-day and IV-day had W NI = 0.308.

TABLE 3-3.
R elia b ility o f W N I S electio n o f D a y -N ig h t Pair

R an k in R ank in 16
Subject 48 com parisons“ high-low com parisons 0

I 1 6
II 2b 1
III 1 2
IV 2b 2
V 1 1
VI 1 10
V II 1 11
V III 1 2

a Value of WNI for each day sample I to VIII with each of 47 other samples, including night sample
for the same subject.
6 The day sample of subject II and the day sample of subject IV had WNI = 0.308. This caused the
only failure of WNI in picking individual patterns, and probably results from the difference between
normal day and normal night patterns (see Table 3-2).
0 Comparison was made of the number of high peaks (above average) and low peaks for the 16 samples
for subjects I to VIII.
TABLE 3-4.
Average W NI o f Eleventh-day Samples fo r Normal Subjects with One Another and with
Samples fo r Retardates, Using 33 Peaks {See Table 3-1)

Subject WNI Subject WNI

(average) (average)


I 1.231 V 3.240
II 1.167 VI 1.503
III 1.314 VII 1.203
IV 1.583 VIII 1.037
Mean = 1.535
a = 0.711


29 14.732 40 1.957®
30 4.858 41 5.674
31 7.034 42 6.378
32 5.640 43 5.870
33 9.715 44 3.237
34 1.928® 45 12.687
35 5.699 46 6.036
36 4.111 47 6.917
37 2.145a 48 3.723
38 5.762 49 2.611*
39 1.958a 50 4.353*

° It is likely that these retardates do not have a genetic abnormality involving amino-acid metabolism
(see text).
6 Samples 49 and 50 are from phenylketonurics who were being treated by administration of low*
phenylalanine Vivonex-100.

patterns will be possible without dietary control, and we are presently doing experi­
ments to test this possibility.
The day and night average WNI values given in Table 3-2 show that there is a
characteristic difference in pattern of urine collected in the bladder during sleep and
urine collected in the bladder during wakefulness and activity. In only two cases is
the day-day average WNI or night-night average WNI larger than the day-night
average WNI. The null hypothesis that there is no difference between day and night
pattern is rejected with %2 = 19.88 (one degree of freedom), P (one-tailed) *
0.0000083. The average day and night patterns are given in Table 3-1.
The advantages of this quantitative procedure using WNI over a qualitative or
semi-quantitative procedure are illustrated by the failure of a calculation that uses
only the information about whether a peak is above or below average, summing this
information for the 22 peaks. It is shown in Table 3-3 that this method picks only two
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 51

perfect com parisons, even though the sample is restricted to the 16 samples from
norm al subjects.
In the study o f the analyses o f the urine samples for the m ental retardates (samples
29 to 50) we have first checked the values o f W N I w ith the day samples for eight n o r­
m al subjects. (The sam ple from Subject IX is om itted because o f evidence o f ab­
norm ality; see T able 3-2.) Sam ples 34, 37, 39, and 40 have values o f W N I w ith the
eight control sam ples less th an 2.957 (within 2 a o f m ean; Table 3-4). It is accordingly
likely th a t these fo u r m ental retardates do n o t have a genetic abnorm ality involving
am ino-acid m etabolism .
A check can be m ade by exam ining the values o f W N I for these four subjects with
one an o th er an d w ith o th er m ental retardates. These values (including those w ith
representative sam ples 33 an d 45) are given in Table 3-5. It is seen th a t fo r 34, 37,39,
and 40 w ith one an o th er the values are low, 0.713 tQ 2.766, and w ith 33 and 45 they
are higher, 3.369 to 6.882, showing the concordance o f these four w ith one an o th er as
well as individually w ith the control subjects.
O n the o th er h an d , 4 1 ,4 3 , an d 46 show strong correlation w ith one an o th er (W N I
0.559 to 0.818) a n d n o n co rrelatio n w ith the controls (W N I 5.674 to 6.036) and m ost
o f the o th er m en tal retard ates, as is seen from Table 3-6, in w hich 40 and 47 (a
phenylketonuric) are in tro d u ced for com parison. It is accordingly likely th a t the
subjects 41, 43, a n d 46 have a sim ilar genetic abnorm ality involving am ino-acid
m etabolism . W e have n o t yet determ ined the nature o f this abnorm ality. T he tw o u n ­
treated phen y lk eto n u ric subjects, 47 and 48, show good correlation w ith one an o th er
(W N I = 0.080), less goo d w ith the treated phenylketonurics (W N I 0.333 and 0.268
w ith 49, 0.499 a n d 0.446 w ith 50), and p o o r averages, 6.917 an d 3.723, w ith all
o th ers . 1 T he average values o f W N I for the treated phenylketonuric patients 49 an d
50 w ith the eight n o rm al sam ples are 2.611 and 4.353, respectively. W e conclude th a t
the low -phenylalanine treatm en t is biochem ically effective for 49 b u t n o t for 50.
TABLE 3-5.
Values o f W N I fo r Some Pairs o f Retardate Samples

33 34 37 39 40 45

33 0.000 4.782 6.510 5.713 4.844 2.504

34 0.000 0.942 0.891 1.138 6.882
37 0.000 2.766 1.662 3.369
39 0.000 0.713 5.105
40 0.000 4.354
45 0.000

1 The value of WNI for the comparison of samples 47 and 48 is unusually low because peak 38
is phenylalanine and peak 1 is a mixture including phenylalanine, and such a small number of
peaks are used in this type of analysis that the term Q in WNI can be dominated by a pair of very
large peaks. Variations of this extreme extent were not present in the other 48 samples.
How many days must a subject be on the synthetic diet before these genetic
terns can be recognized with use of 22 peaks ? We expect that WNIis a combination 0f
experimental error (WNI exp), dietary variation (WNI diet), genetic variation (ty^j
genetic), and health variation (WNI health). Health variation may be taken to
include variations in disease state, age, environmental stress, and individual nutrj
tional state. The following equation may provide an approximation to the inter­
relationship of those quantities:

(WNI) 2 = (WNI exp) 2 + (WNI diet) 2

+ (WNI genetic) 2 + (WNI health)2. (3 *

Analyses 1 , 2 , and 3 (same sample) have an average WNI of 0.07. Therefore,

WNI exp = 0.07. WNI for subject V after eleven days of equilibration is 0.245.
Assuming subject V to have been in a constant state of health during the eleven days,
we calculate W N I dlet-days — 0.235. Evidently about four days of equilibration on
Vivonex-100 should be sufficient dietary control for most studies.
It is to be expected that the extent of dietary control required will decrease as the
number of peaks increases. When the requirement for dietary control decreases to a
few hours of fasting or less, this method of machine evaluation of individual health
will have far surpassed anything offered to the average person by the present medical
establishment. Orthomolecular medicine, the provision of the optimum amounts of
the substances normally present in the body, may then be supplemented by ortho-
molecular diagnosis, wherein the amounts of substances normally present in the body
of each person are routinely measured.


It would be desirable to have a low-cost method for quantitative analysis of body

fluids, with determination of the amounts of two or three hundred substances, to
make it possible to check the state of health of all persons at frequent intervals and to

TABLE 3-6.
Values of WNIfor Some Pairs of Retardate Samples

40 41 43 46 47

40 0.000 1.852 3.525 2.508 7.052

41 0.000 0.704 0.559 4.661
43 0.000 0.818 4.351
46 0.000 4.328
4 7 0 .0 0 0
3 I Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis 53

follow the course o f disease during periods o f illness. A discussion o f presently avail­
able m ethods o f analysis has led us to the conclusion th at gas-liquid partition
chro m ato g raph y o f urine vap o r and breath is the m ost prom ising m ethod. A n indi­
cation o f the possibilities is provided by a discussion o f the results o f analysis o f 50
urine sam ples by a less pow erful m ethod (low -resolution ion-exchange chrom ato­
graphy o f ninhydrin-positive substances). O f 18 subjects w ith undiagnosed severe
m ental re tard atio n , fo u r were fo und to be indistinguishable from norm al subjects by
this test; it is accordingly likely th a t these four do n o t have a genetic abnorm ality in ­
volving am ino acids. T hree o f the 18 were found to be closely correlated w ith one
anoth er an d n o t co rrelated w ith n orm al subjects or the other 15 retardates. It is likely
th a t these th ree have the sam e genetic abnorm ality leading to severe m ental re ta rd a ­
tion. T he n atu re o f this ab n o rm ality has n o t yet been determ ined. W e are continuing
this w ork, w ith em phasis o n the analysis o f urine vapor and breath, w ith norm al sub­
jects, m ental retard ates, schizophrenic subjects, and subjects w ith m any other


We thank Dr. Fred C. Westall for arranging for the amino acid analyses and Dr. Ian
Keaveny for writing the computer programs for calculations of PNI and WNI. We
also thank Betsey Dore, D onna Sterling, Sonia Wang, Paul Cary, Dr. Roy Teranishi,
Dr. Carl Burtis, D r. L. D. Brenneman, and John Cheronis for helping in various
ways with this study. The work was supported by a grant (No. 5R O ! MH18149-03)
from the N ational Institute of Mental Health.


Burtis, C. A. (1970). J. Chrom. 52, 97.

Horning, E. C., VandenHeuvel, W. J. A., and Creech, B. G. (1963). In Glick, D., ed.,
Methods of Biochemical Analysis. New York: Interscience.
Horning, M. G. (1968). Biochemical Applications o f Gas Chromatography, p. 253. New
York: Plenum Press.
Jellum, E., Stokke, O., and Eldjarn, L. (1971). Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 27, 273. (The
literature here is extensive. This work is typical of recent work in this area.)
Moore, S., and Stein, W. H. (1956). Adv. Protein Chem. 11, 191.
Pauling, L., Robinson, A. B., Teranishi, R., and Cary, P. (1971). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
68 , 2374.
Teranishi, R., Mon, T. R., Robinson, A. B., Cary, P., and Pauling, L. (1972). Anal. Chem.
44, 18.
Winitz, M., Adams, R. F., Seedman, D. A., Davis, P. N., Jayko, L. G., and Hamilton, J. A.
(1970a). Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 23, 546.
Winitz, M., Seedman, D. A., and Graff, J. (1970b). Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 23, 525.
Young, D. S. Clin. Chem. 16, 681 (1970).
The Genetics of Schizophrenic
and Schizoid Disease


The contribution of genetic factors to the etiology of schizophrenia has been con­
firmed decisively. Because the investigations that have led to this result have un­
covered questions cutting across several fields of inquiry, a fresh look at some central
aspects of the schizophrenia problem is warranted. These questions and the factual
background underlying them are the main concerns of this article. B e c a u s e emphasis
is placed on formulating testable hypotheses, the evidence is organized in support ofa
particular genetic theory.


During the first half of this century, systematic family studies demonstrated that the
distribution of schizophrenia is that of a genetic disease. Relatives of schizophrenics

(.Reprinted with permission o f Science, 16 January 1970, vol. 167, pp. 249-256. Copyright © ^ 0
by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.)
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 55

were found to be afflicted with the illness much more frequently than members of the
general population. The child of a schizophrenic parent, for example, was found to
have a risk o f schizophrenia about 15 times that of a member of the population at
large. It was found that, am ong all classes of relatives, the closer the genetic relation­
ship to a schizophrenic proband (or index case) is, the greater is the likelihood of
schizophrenia in the relative. Finally, and most telling of all, monozygotic twins were
found to be concordant with respect to schizophrenia about four times as often as
dizygotic twins. Several authorities have critically reviewed these basic data (Slater,
1968; Rosenthal, 1967; Shields, 1968). But, despite the supporting evidence, a
genetic etiology for schizophrenia was not widely accepted, especially in this country.
It was pointed out th at the investigators did not pay enough attention to im portant
procedural m atters, such as providing sampling safeguards and insuring against bias
on the p art o f the investigator. But the param ount objection to a genetic interpreta­
tion o f the evidence was the objection that the whole research strategy was faulty. The
results o f these studies, it was held, were just as compatible with transmission o f
schizophrenia through the social environment as with transmission through genes.
The closer the genetic relationship, the closer the social relationship. Were genes or
was noxious social learning responsible for the familial clustering of schizophrenia?
Recently, several studies have been aimed at closing those methodological and
conceptual gaps. In these newer studies diagnoses either were made by raters who did
not know the genetic background of the subjects or were taken unchanged from
medical records. Care was taken to remove sampling biases and, most im portantly,
control groups were used. The strategy permitted separation of the effects of genes
from the effects o f social environment through the use, as subjects, o f children
reared in adoptive or foster homes.
The results o f one such study are shown in Table 4-1 (Heston, 1966). The experi­
mental subjects were individuals born to schizophrenic mothers, and the controls
were individuals born to parents who had no record of psychiatric disturbance. The
members o f both groups had been permanently separated from their biological
mothers in the first m onth o f life and reared mainly in foster or adoptive homes. The
subjects, as adults, were assessed through psychiatric interviews and review of every
available record—for example, school, police, Veterans A dm inistration and medical
—and then evaluated by a team of clinicians. The significant excess of schizophrenia
found am ong those subjects whose biological mothers were schizophrenic seems im­
possible to explain except on a genetic basis. Moreover, among those same experi­
mental subjects, and thus also linked to schizophrenia by the evidence, was an even
greater excess o f various apparently nonschizophrenic disorders. The latter finding,
which is reflected in nearly every entry in Table 4-1, is a central concern throughout
this article.
The prelim inary results from a very similar study which stressed exemplary in­
vestigative safeguards were much the same. Rosenthal et al. (1968) reported that
TABLE 4-1.
Results o f a Study o f Individuals Born to Schizophrenic Mothers and Reared in Adoptive or
Foster Homes, and o f Controls Born to Normal Parents and Similarly Reared

Item Control Experimental probability
(Fisher’s test)

Number of subjects 50 47
Number of males 33 30
Age, mean (years) 36.3 35.8
Number adopted 19 22
MHSRS, means* 80.1 65.2 0.0006
Number with schizophrenia 0 5 0.024
Number with mental deficiency (I.Q. < 70)f 0 4 0.052
Number with antisocial personalities 2 9 0.017
Number with neurotic personality disorderf 7 13 0.052
Persons spending more than 1 year in penal
or psychiatric institution
Number 2 11 0.006
Total years incarcerated 15 112
Number of felons 2 7 0.054
Number serving in armed forces 17 21
Number discharged from armed forces
on psychiatric or behavioral grounds 1 8 U.UZ1
Social group, first home, means§ 4.2 4.5
Social group, present, mean§ 4.7 5.4
I.Q., mean 103.7 94.0
Years in school, mean 12.4 11.6
Number of children, total 84 71
Number of divorces, total 7 6
Number never married, > 30 years of age 4 9

* The MHSRS is a global rating of psychopathology moving from 0 to 100 with decreasing psycho­
pathology. Total group mean, 72.8; S.D., 18.4.
t One mental defective was also schizophrenic; another had antisocial personality.
t Considerable duplication occurs in the entries under “neurotic personality disorder” ; this designa­
tion includes subjects diagnosed as having various types of personality disorder and neurosis whose
psychiatric disability was judged to be a significant handicap.
§ Group 1, highest social class; group 7, lowest.

biological children of schizophrenics reared in adoptive homes exhibited “schizo­

phrenic spectrum” disorders in significant excess over similarly reared controls. The
“schizophrenic spectrum”—an expression coined in a quite reasonable attempt to
find a term that would encompass the various disorders seen among biological
relatives of schizophrenics—included schizophrenia, possible schizophrenia, border­
line states, certain paranoid disorders, schizoid disorders, and the condition known
as inadequate personality.
Karlsson (1966), as one result of his study of schizophrenia in Icelandic families,
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 57

found th at 6 o f 29 persons, some of them siblings, born to a schizophrenic parent but

reared in foster homes developed schizophrenia. None of their 28 foster sibs who
were reared in the same homes developed schizophrenia. This difference, too, is
significant. K arlsson did not ascertain any disorders other than typical schizophrenia
among his subjects.
In two ingeniously designed research projects, adopted individuals served as the
starting point. W ender et al. (1968) studied the biological and adoptive parents of ten
adopted schizophrenics and the adoptive parents of ten normal persons. The bio­
logical parents o f the schizophrenics were found to exhibit significantly more psycho­
pathology than either group o f adoptive parents. In a similar but wider ranging study
conducted by Kety et al. (1968), psychopathology, again reported as “ schizophrenic
spectrum” disorders, was found to be concentrated in significant excess am ong the
biological relatives o f adopted schizophrenics. The adoptive families o f schizo­
phrenics were indistinguishable from the adoptive and biological families of adopted
controls. Since the psychopathology found in these studies was significantly greater
among the group o f biological relatives of the schizophrenic probands than among
the adoptive relatives who actually lived with them, this evidence too strongly favors
genetic over social transmission of schizophrenia.
The results o f the studies of adopted and foster children—results which are strik­
ingly consistent from study to study, considering the vagaries of research in this area
—present seemingly insurm ountable difficulties for adherents of environmental
theories o f schizophrenia. The evidence must surely compel acknowledgment o f a
genetic contribution to schizophrenia, and probably to related disorders as well. To
go further, however, requires information on other types of genetic relationships and
larger num bers o f subjects. Happily, the older family studies can now meet these
needs. F o r perhaps the m ost im portant contribution of the recent studies of adopted
and foster children is the fact that they have confirmed the results of the older studies
in all material respects. The familial clustering of psychopathology that had been
documented in such detail has been linked to one critical variable, a genetic relation­
ship to schizophrenia.


The presence of so much psychopathology other than typical schizophrenia among

relatives o f schizophrenics was first noticed by physicians on visiting days in the
earliest asylums. Isaac Ray, writing in 1863, gave a good description (1968). Because
the relatives’ disabilities resembled schizophrenia, investigators associated with the
Munich school called these disabilities “ schizoid” (schizophrenic-like). Describing
the schizoid individual, delimiting schizoid from psychiatric and general populations,
and placing the schizoid in relation to the schizophrenic were central concerns of
the psychiatry of that day. After perhaps the longest detour in the modern history 0f
science, we have come full circle in returning to the same concerns. Meanwhile
problems of nomenclature have developed.
To me, “schizoid” and “schizophrenic spectrum” seem to denote precisely the
same disabilities, except that the latter term also includes schizophrenia. One con-
sidération that may have led Kety, Rosenthal, Wender, and their co-workers to coin
the new term is the obvious danger of confusing “schizoid” with “schizoid person­
ality.” The latter term, a diagnosis in the American Psychiatric Association and
World Health Organization nomenclature, although descended from descriptions of
the abnormal relatives of schizophrenics, has evolved and changed in meaning so that
it is no longer applicable to most of those relatives. For example, it was not often
applied to relatives of schizophrenics by the rating clinicians in the studies of adopted
and foster children. But other diagnoses currently considered applicable to such
individuals also fit these relatives imperfectly, so no formal categorization is now
available. Because of a central trait of the schizoid—his clinical resemblance to
the schizophrenic—and because of the desirability of maintaining continuity with
older studies, I use the term “schizoid” as a name for the schizophrenic-like
disabilities seen in relatives of schizophrenics, or for the individual manifesting
such disabilities.
Nearly all observers of the schizoid have noted his clinical resemblance to the
schizophrenic, but clinical criteria adequate to reliably distinguish the schizoid from
members of a general or a psychiatric population or even from other kinds of ab­
normal persons with a coincidental genealogical connection to a schizophrenic are
most imperfect (Planansky, 1966; Essen-Môhler, 1946). Although unsatisfactory, the
only means of identifying many—perhaps most—schizoids remains genealogical,
and a clinical understanding of the schizoid can best be gained by reading descrip­
tions of abnormal relatives of schizophrenics (see Alanen, 1966; Kallmann, 1938;
Kringlen, 1967 ; Slater and Shields, 1953, for good examples). The circularity thus in­
troduced is regrettable but inescapable. The schizoid exists, and he sometimes shows
as much impairment psychiatrically as a typical schizophrenic.
Several problematical behaviors have been associated with the schizoid. Among
males, antisocial behavior has been found commonly enough to warrant the older
subdesignation “schizoid psychopath.” Entries in the police records of the schizoid
psychopaths in my study reflected impulsive, seemingly illogical crime such as arson,
unreasoning assault, and poorly planned theft (Heston, 1966). Social isolation, heavy
intake of alcohol, and sexual deviance have been noted frequently. Other schizoids,
both male and female, have been described as eccentric, suspicion-ridden recluses.
The main disability of still other schizoids, mostly females, has been found to be
incapacitating attacks of panic or unreasoning fear in response to ordinary social
On a more technical level the resemblance to schizophrenia is more apparent.
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 59

Rigidity o f thinking, blunting o f affect, anhedonia, exquisite sensitivity, suspicious­

ness, and a relative poverty o f ideas—in variable com binations and intensities—
characterize b o th the schizoid an d the schizophrenic, though such characteristics are
less p ro m in en t in the form er. T hough schizoids do n o t show a well-m arked thought
disorder, delusions, an d hallucinations, descriptions o f some o f the behavioral lapses
o f schizoids, especially the schizoid psychopath, are bizarre enough to suggest micro-
psychotic episodes.
Slater to o k a different approach. H e listed a series o f explicatives, partially re­
produced in T able 4-2, used by relatives o f schizophrenics when describing their ab ­
norm al b u t nonschizophrenic relatives (Slater and Shields, 1953). Slater went on to

TABLE 4-2.
Explicatives Used by Relatives o f Schizophrenics in Describing Their Schizoid Relatives.
(.After Slater and Shields, 1953)

Paranoid eccentricities:
suspicious, sensitive, sullen, touchy, grouchy, morose, resentful, unforgiving,
difficult, quarrelsome, self-conscious, jealous, litigious, critical, and others.
Eccentricities :
giggly, opinionated, pedantic, narrow-minded, meticulous, obstinate, humorless,
rigid, little-minded, spiritualist and many others.
Lack o f feeling:
passive, cruel, calculating, placid, hard and stingy, unsympathetic, cold, withdrawn,
little-feeling, and others.
shy, serious, haughty, snobbish, studious, unforthcoming, taciturn, unsociable,
seeks solitude, and so on.
dependent, tired, slack, unreliable, subservient, and so on.

say (p. 83) th a t “ the sam e o r sim ilar w ords or phrases occur in descriptions o f ab ­
norm al personalities from o th er kinds o f families, b u t m uch less frequently, n o t in
such concentrated form , an d they are usually subm erged by descriptions o f a very
different to n e.”
Because K allm an n ’s investigations o f the families o f schizophrenics were by far the
m ost extensive th a t have been m ade, his concept o f the schizoid is o f critical im p o r­
tance (K allm ann, 1938). F ro m his description (p. 102) it is clear th a t he relied heavily
on the schizoid’s clinical resem blance to the schizophrenic. K allm ann regarded the
distinguishing features o f the schizoid to be the “ fundam ental sym ptom s o f schizo­
phrenia in the m ilder form o f characterological abnorm alities . . . dom inating the
personality o f the individual in question.” K allm ann also looked analytically at
traits o ther th an those obviously associated with schizophrenia or schizoidia th a t
seemed to occur in excess am ong relatives o f schizophrenics, w ith the aim o f
including or excluding them from the group of schizoid traits. On various ground
he excluded all the traits that he considered.
One of the traits which Kallmann considered and rejected, mental deficiency, pg,.
haps deserves another look. About 6 to 10 percent of schizophrenics (see Hallgreil
and Sjogren, 1959) and their first-degree relatives (see Heston, 1966; and Kallmann
1938) are mentally subnormal, as compared with 3 percent of the general population'
The expected reciprocal relationships, an excess of schizophrenics among mental
defectives or their relatives, was found by Penrose (1938) and Böök (1953) among
mental defectives but not by Reed and Reed (1965) in their monumental survey of
the relatives of mental defectives. Also, Kallmann found a much higher rate of men­
tal deficiency (10.8 percent) among relatives of simple schizophrenics, where there is
a clinical commonality of sorts, than among relatives of other subtypes in the
Kraepelinian classification. The evidence for or against an association between
schizophrenia and mental deficiency is inconclusive, and more data are needed before
the matter can be decided.
Obviously there is much yet to be learned before we can describe and delimit
schizoidia. However, the same thing can be said of schizophrenia itself, and in this
regard study of the schizoid may lighten some dark corners. Schizophrenia is defined
operationally, not etiologically. It is the clinician who determines whether schizo­
phrenia is present. But of course the limits of the clinical entity may not correspond
to those of the etiological entity. In fact, the linking of schizoidia to schizophrenia by
genetic evidence raises serious questions about the etiological reality of the clinical
definition of schizophrenia. There has always been a fuzzy border about schizo­
phrenia along which several named entities, including abortive, ambulatory, border­
line, latent, pseudoneurotic, pseudopsychopathic, and reactive schizophrenia and
the “schizotype” of Meehl (1962), have seemed to lie. These terms may best be
viewed as attempts to cope with an operationally defined border between schizoidia
and schizophrenia that is clinically imprecise because it is biologically unreal.


Given a schizophrenic who has a monozygotic twin, the empirical probability that
his twin will also be schizophrenic has been found to be about 0.46 (Table 4-3). Most
of the remaining 54 percent of monozygotic twins of schizophrenics have also been
found to be abnormal. From clinical descriptions included in five studies (Kringlen,
1967; Slater and Shields, 1953; Essen-Möller, 1941; Tienari, 1963; Pollin et al.,
1965) it appears that nearly all of the abnormal though nonschizophrenic co-twins
were schizoid. Overall, only about 13 percent of the monozygotic twins of schizo­
phrenics have been regarded as normal or nearly normal, and, because most of the
errors inherent in this sort of research tend to increase the proportion of apparent
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 61

norm als, this is surely an overestim ate. But, while a critic could easily quibble ab o u t
any o f the p ro p o rtio n s in T able 4-3, a crude but critical conclusion is inescapable:
m onozygotic tw ins o f schizophrenics are ab o u t as likely to be schizoid as schizo­
phrenic. W h at then is inh erited ? These considerations led Essen-M oller (1941) to
regard schizoidia as the basic inherited trait, and K ringlen, in a careful and sensitive
analysis o f tw in research, including his own m ajor study, seems to have reached a
sim ilar conclusion, alth o u g h he regarded the predisposition as less specific (K ringlen,
1967). A t the very least a prim a facie case has been m ade for considering the whole

TABLE 4-3.
Data on Monozygotic Twins o f Schizophrenics

Other Normal
Investigator Pairs Schizophrenia significant or mild
abnormality* abnormality

Essen-Moller (1941) 9 0 8 1
Slater (1958) 37 18 11 8
Tienari (1963) 16 1 12 3
Kringlen (1967) 45 14 17 14
Inouye (1961) 53 20 29 4
Gottesman and Shields (1966) 24 10 8 6
Kallmannf 174 103 62 9
Total 358 166(46.4%) 147(41.1%) 45 (12.6%)

* Investigators* diagnoses: ? schizophrenia, schizophreniform, transient schizophrenia, reactive

psychosis, borderline state, schizoid, suicide, psychopathic, neurosis, and variations o f these diagnoses,
f From Shields et al. (1967).

group o f schizoid an d schizophrenic disorders as alternative expressions o f a single

genotype. M oreover, because m onozygotic twins are identical genetically, there is
presum ptive evidence th a t the range o f variability within pairs can, in principle, be
accounted for by environm ental factors. The genes allow a range o f outcom es.
A critical p o in t to be established is the p roportion o f schizoids or schizophrenics
am ong the first-degree relatives (parents, sibs, children) o f schizophrenics. Table 4-4
gives K allm an n ’s results. N o one else has investigated so m any relatives o f schizo­
phrenics, an d few others have conducted field studies intensive enough to identify
schizoids. The m ore intensive m odern studies have tended to show som ew hat larger
p ro p o rtio n s o f afflicted relatives (H eston, 1966; A lanen, 1966; Lidz et al., 1966). So
did Slater am ong dizygotic twins o f schizophrenics (Slater and Shields, 1953). The
p ro p o rtio n s found by G ottesm an and Shields (1966, 1967) and by O degard (1963)
were som ew hat sm aller. K allm ann’s values m ay be taken as fair average estim ates o f
the p ro p o rtio n o f schizoids or schizophrenics am ong first-degree relatives o f schizo­
Table 4-4 also shows the results of four studies of the children of two schizo.
phrenics. An estimated 66 percent of the children of these matings were schizoidor
schizophrenic; again, this is surely an underestimation because the subjects were
still quite young. The results of one such study, that of Lewis (1957), were n0t
included. Lewis did not give ages, and he stated that his follow-up was incomplete,
Rosenthal has recently reviewed these studies (1966).
An important unknown must now be considered. There is no adequate estimateof
the proportion of schizoids in the general population. Then, is the clustering of

t a b l e 4-4.
Percentages of First-degree Relatives Found to be Schizophrenic or Schizoid

Total: schizoid
Number Schizophrenia* Schizoid plus
Relationship of individuals schizophrenic
<%) (%)

Childrenf 1000 16.4 32.6 49.0

Siblings! 1191 14.3 31.5 45.8
Parents^ 2741 9.2 34.8 44.0
Children of two
schizophrenics § 171 33.9 32.2 66.1

* Age-corrected rates. f From Kallmann (1938). $ From Kallmann (1946).

§ From Kallmann (1938), Kahn (1923), Schulz (1940), and Elsasser (1952).

schizoids among relatives of schizophrenics greater than might occur by chance? Al­
though the proportion of schizoids found in families o f schizophrenics is surely
greater than that expected by even the most pessimistic observer o f the general popu­
lation, a better answer is that neither the relatives of other kinds of psychiatric
patients nor the controls used in psychiatric studies have been found to be afflicted in
significant numbers with disorders of a schizoid character or with any kind of
behavioral disorder to the extent seen in relatives o f schizophrenics. Further
evidence—the small proportion of schizoids found among descendants of normal
relatives of schizophrenics—is discussed below.
While the lack of data for the general population and the related lack of data for
the families of schizoid probands preclude estimates of gene frequency, it should be
noted that schizoid disorders surely afflict a large proportion of the population. With
only isolated exceptions, schizophrenia afflicts about 1 percent of any population. If
each schizophrenic has five living first-degree relatives (about the number in Kail"
mann’s study), a simple extrapolation yields an estimate of 4 percent for the propor­
tion of schizoids plus schizophrenics in the general population. This crude estimate
can only make the point that any population, and especially any psychiatric popula­
tion (persons identified because they came to psychiatric clinics or hospitals), is likely
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 63

to contain large numbers of schizoids. One of the most neutral implications of this
conclusion has an obvious application to the choosing of control groups for research
in schizophrenia.


The most parsimonious explanation of the data is given by the hypothesis that a
defect in a single autosomal gene accounts for the genetic contribution to both
schizoid and schizophrenic disease (the “dominance hypothesis”). By including
schizoid disease (schizoidia), this hypothesis extends that of Slater (1958). The view
that schizoidia and schizophrenia are a single disease genetically is supported by their
clinical similarity and is virtually required by the finding that the disorders occur with
equal probability in monozygotic twins of schizophrenics. Further support for the
hypothesis is presented in Figure 4-1. The proportions of affected first-degree rela­
tives fit reasonably well with the theoretical proportions expected under the domi­
nance hypothesis.
Kallmann presented some data on second-degree relatives (1938). Among 822


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Degree of genetic relationship
Observed and expected proportion of schizoids and schizophrenics.
grandchildren of his schizophrenic probands he found 4.3 percent to be schi*
phrenic and 22.8 percent to be schizoid. The corresponding rates for nephews ^
nieces were considerably lower (3.9 and 6.2 percent). However, Kallmann pointed
out that the normal sibs of his schizophrenic probands contributed many m0re
nephews and nieces than the schizoid or schizophrenic sibs did. While the total of
27.1 percent for affected grandchildren is certainly close to the 25 percent expected
under the dominance hypothesis, the proportions of affected nephews and nieces
may or may not be compatible with that hypothesis.
The segregation of schizophrenia and schizoidia within families fits well with the
dominance hypothesis. In Kallm ann’s study, which included three generations, the
normal children of his schizophrenic probands produced few schizophrenic or schiz­
oid children (1.8 and 2.6 percent, respectively), no m ore than might be expected in a
general population. This is in contrast to the corresponding values of 13.7 and 33.4
percent for the children of the schizoid or schizophrenic children of Kallmann’s
schizophrenic probands (1938).
The matter cannot be so simple, of course. The mechanisms involved in a disease
like schizoidia-schizophrenia will surely be found to be extremely complex. Even
phenylketonuria, which only a few years ago provided a prototype of rigorous sim­
plicity for behavioral genetics, has turned out to be enormously complicated by
secondary biochemical effects and by other, mostly unknow n, factors (lohnson,
1968). Heterogenity is also likely. Probably the m ost completely known genetic
disease in humans, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, occurs in at least
18 variants, each one presumably due to an amino acid substitution at a different
place in the same enzyme (Harris, 1968). But research m ust proceed from hypotheses
based on present understanding. From that viewpoint, and for practical purposes, it
is not at all unreasonable to proceed on the working assum ption th at most schizoidia-
schizophrenia is associated with defects in a single basic biochemical or physiological
pathway, transmitted by a single mode of inheritance. It m atters little that new
research will no doubt turn up complexities that cannot even be imagined today.
Apart from insights gained from analogies to other genetic diseases, there are
factual reasons for expecting that many elements in addition to a single main gene
go into the mix that results in schizoidia-schizophrenia. First of all, there remain
small deviations from the theoretical expectations under the dominance hypothesis,
deviations which have been cited by Shields (1968). These mainly take the form of a
greater resemblance between relatives than can be explained by simple dominance.
For example, the monozygotic twin of a severely afflicted individual is more likely to
be schizophrenic than the twin of a mildly affected individual. If only a single gene
were involved one would expect the risk of schizophrenia for a monozygotic twin of
any schizophrenic to be equal to that of any other. Likewise, the larger the proportion
of schizophrenic relatives, the greater is the risk of schizophrenia for any given indi­
vidual. Another sort of problem is that of accounting for the variability seen among
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 65

schizophrenics; this becomes more difficult when schizoids are included. Although
there are no grounds for expecting any particular degree of resemblance between
affected persons, it has often been argued that, if only one gene were involved, the
range o f observable phenotypes should be smaller than is the case. And the persis­
tence of schizophrenia presents a problem. Before the introduction of antipsychotic
drugs, schizophrenics reproduced at a rate 30 percent lower (Book, 1953), and
schizoids at a rate 22 percent lower (Kallmann, 1938), than the rate for the general
population. Such reproductive deficits should have lowered the rates of occurrence
of a disorder due to a main gene of large effect far below the presently observed rates
for schizophrenia.
Attem pts to account for such findings have led to widespread espousal of polygenic
theories o f schizophrenia (Kringlen, 1967; Odegard, 1963; Rosenthal, 1963). As
Gottesm an and Shields have pointed out (1967), the facts are explained adequately
by polygenic theory. M ost polygenic theorists have regarded schizophrenia as a
threshold trait. But clinically schizoidia and schizophrenia seem to form a con­
tinuum of psychopathology, much as first described by Kretschmer (1925). If there
is a threshold it probably falls between the schizoid and the normal condition, but it
seems th at any such “ threshold” is as likely to be a function of lack of diagnostic
precision as a function o f the disease. It is not necessary to consider other aspects of
the polygenic argum ent here. Known modifiers of the phenotypic expression o f the
disease point tow ard plausible solutions of the problems encountered by the domi­
nance hypothesis and tow ard resolution of the apparent differences between main-
gene and polygenic theories.


One class of modifiers m ust be environmental events in the broadest sense—events

occurring from conception onward that produce some change in the organism. The
nature-nurture dilemma is unreal. It is change in the environment of the cell that
induces change in the genetically mediated metabolic systems of the cell. The func­
tional state of the cell is a result o f the interplay of these determinants. But realization
that phenotypic traits depend on interaction between gene and environment imposes
conditions on research aimed at assessing the environment contribution. Genes
function within cells. They interact with chemical, thermal, or other physical events
and not with the abstractions (“ stress,” for example) that too often have passed for
environmental data. The ultimate questions implicit in the concept of gene-environ-
ment interaction are, for exam ple: How does a noxious learning experience alter the
environment o f the cell ? W hat response is elicited from the genetic program of the
cell ? How is the later operation of the cell modified ? O f course, such questions cannot
be approached directly today. But unless the environmental contribution is too
variable from case to case to allow generalization, it should be possible to build
series of• associations between environment and behavior that would ~point to^ tov^»j
the environmental events that enter into the gene-environment interactionn. ft
- ■the
critical requirement is that such associations be potentially translatable into < 6
that occur at the level of the gene. Despite all the research that has been done ontb
effects of environment on the development of schizophrenia, and despite the sen
for environmental factors demonstrated by the differences between members of
monozygotic twin pairs, practically no associations that meet this requirement have
been established. Clinicians have learned to predict the effects of environmental
features on their patients, but it is difficult to see any etiological clues in this body of
experience. On general clinical grounds it makes sense to continue to study the effects
of environmentally stimulated autonomic and endocrine responses. An association
between lower birth weight and the development of schizophrenia in one member of
a monozygotic twin pair has been reported (Pollin et al., 1965), but it must be quite
imperfect in view of the failure of other investigators to confirm it (Kringlen, 1967;
Gottesman and Shields, 1966). Perhaps differences in autonomic responses among
children of schizophrenics that were described in a preliminary report from a wide-
ranging prospective study (Mednick and Schulsinger, 1958) are the most promising
associations so far defined. Almost everything remains to be done.
A second class of modifiers consists of complex traits that have been linked to
schizophrenia by decades of empirical research. Somatotype has been found by
several investigators to be associated with major modification of schizophrenia.
Mesomorphs are underrepresented among schizophrenics, and especially under­
represented among schizophrenics younger than 25. Ectomorphs are correspond­
ingly overrepresented. Schizophrenic mesomorphs are predominantly paranoid and
have a shorter mean period of hospitalization than other schizophrenics. Parnell
(1958), who has reviewed the subject and contributed his own data, found all these
associations to be statistically significant. A relation between intelligence and the
prognosis in schizophrenia is well known: the higher the intelligence the better the
prognosis. But higher intelligence may also affect the expression of schizophrenia.
Lane and Albee (1965) found that the I.Q. of children who later became schizo-
phrenic was seven points lower than that of their siblings who remained nonschizo­
phrenic. There are a host of other established associations between complex traits
and schizophrenia—for example, patterns of autonomic nervous system reactivity)
immunological phenomena, resistance to certain chronic diseases, and tolerance of
wound shock. Some such traits appear to be only oddities, given our present know­
ledge; others are known to be linked to favorable or unfavorable prognosis in
schizophrenia, and still others are known only to be more frequent or infrequent
among schizophrenics. Several reviews of these findings are available (Gellhorn
and Loofburrow, 1963; Rossetal., 1950; Huston andPepernik, 1958; Rosenbaum-
1968; Freeman, 1958; Rees, 1952).
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 67

The large num ber of such complex traits and the magnitude of the modification of
schizophrenia associated with some of them must mean that they have a significant
role in the ecology o f the disease. F or one thing, they suggest a plausible solution to
the puzzle posed by the persistence of high rates of schizophrenia. Sir Julian Huxley
et al. (1964) postulated th at the gene responsible for schizophrenia conferred suffici­
ent physiological or reproductive advantages to maintain a balanced polymorphism.
They listed several physiological traits found in schizophrenics that could be due to
pleiotropism. A lthough the num ber of traits listed seems large, widespread pleio-
tropism might result from a m utation at a regulatory locus (Britten and Davidson,
1969). But many modifying traits are clearly not due to pleiotropism, and some of
those—particularly differences in somatotype and intelligence—which demonstrably
affect the outcom e in schizophrenia must have conferred general biological advant­
ages through m uch o f m an’s history as well. In either event, schizophrenics posses­
sing advantageous traits would be expected to reproduce at relatively higher rates
than those not possessing such traits. Over time, the evolutionary process would,
theoretically, act to establish sets of favorable traits that, on the average, would tend
to accompany schizophrenia. Theory aside, the popular association between genius
and insanity, thought to be erroneous by Kallmann, was given some substance by
Karlsson’s finding th at creative achievements and schizophrenia occurred in the
same family lines (1968). I reported a similar impression; however, the evidence was
not gathered systematically (Heston and Denney, 1968). Although the problem posed
by the persistence o f schizophrenia remains theoretical and unsolved, further explor­
ation of modifying traits provides as likely a path as any other now in view tow ard
solution o f the puzzle.
Modifying traits also suggest an approach to the problem of deviations from strict
expectations under the dom inance hypothesis. As pointed out above, polygenic
theory can account for such deviations. But traits like somatotype and intelligence
are themselves alm ost certainly polygenic. Polygenic modifiers of a single main gene
explain the same facts, and indeed would yield the same mathematical results as
simple additive polygenic theory per se. A multitude of genes summating to produce
schizophrenia directly or a single main gene plus groups of genes summating to
produce modifying traits account equally well for findings such as the tendency of
monozygotic twins to be concordant with respect to severity of illness.


A main gene of large effect modified by multiple factors, including polygenic traits,
suggests a num ber o f testable hypotheses. Biochemical or other effects of a main gene
should be present in schizoids as well as in schizophrenics. In family studies, the
critical test o f the place o f the schizoid would be his reproductive performance in
matings with normal individuals; 50 percent of the offspring of such matings sh
be schizoid or schizophrenic. However, polygenic modifiers should, on the aver
maintain lesser degrees of disability in particular families. Thus, schizoid parent
should have fewer schizophrenic but more schizoid children than schizophrenic
parents. There is incomplete support for this contention in Kallmann’s study (193^
of the grandchildren of his schizophrenic subjects: the schizoid children of his schizo
phrenic probands had more schizoid and fewer schizophrenic children than their
schizophrenic siblings, but members of the third generation, the grandchildren of the
probands, were too young to yield decisive evidence. Along the same lines, it would
be expected that nearly all schizophrenics should have at least one schizoid or
schizophrenic parent. Although the work of Kallmann and the intensive family
studies of Alanen (1966) and Lidz et al. (1966) support this expectation, more
rigorous evidence is needed. The traits that favorably modify schizophrenia should
be more apparent among schizoid than among schizophrenic relatives of schizo­
phrenics. One would hypothesize, for example, that the more mesomorphic or more
intelligent among the children of schizophrenics would tend to have less severe
illnesses and to have more children than the less mesomorphic or less intelligent.
These hypotheses, and many more that are implicit in the preceding discussion,
constitute a significant refinement of the genetic hypotheses so far explored in


The importance of genetic factors in the development of schizophrenia has by now

been established beyond reasonable dispute, although it is clear that environment
also plays its etiologic role. The results of recent research have refocused atte n tio n on
schizoid disorders, a term applied to psychiatric disorders resembling schizophrenia
which afflict relatives of schizophrenics. The many conceptual and problems
r e s e a r c h

presented by the schizoid are considered.

Schizoids and schizophrenics occur with about the same frequency among mono­
zygotic twins of schizophrenics. About 45 percent of the sibs, parents, and children
of a schizophrenic are schizoid or schizophrenics, as are about 66 percent of the
children of two schizophrenics. From the known risk of schizophrenia for the popu­
lation as a whole, it is estimated that at least 4 percent of the general population will
be afflicted with schizoid-schizophrenic disease.
Since monozygotic twins are identical genetically, it appears that the same geno­
type is compatible with either schizophrenic or schizoid disease. The proportions of
affected first-degree relatives and the segregation of affected individuals within
families closely approximate theoretical expectations based on the hypothesis of a
defect in a single autosomal dominant gene. However, modifying traits play a
4 I The Genetics o f Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease 69

significant role; this is discussed and integrated into the main genetic hypothesis.
Emphasis is placed on hypotheses testable by future research.


I thank James Shields, John Price, Irving Gottesman, and Russell Noyes, who com­
mented on various phases of this manuscript.


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