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BIG IDEA 5: The composition of the Earth and its atmosphere and the processes occurring within them

shape the Earth’s surface and its climate.

Learners explore the changing states of matter and the physical and chemical processes which influence Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. They learn about
climate change as a natural process in time as well as the result of human activity. Through connections with collaborative studies of landscape, weather and
climate in social studies they build up an integrated picture of the dynamic nature of Earth.

Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of substances that make up the Earth’s surface.

EARLY SCN 0-05a - Investigates the different properties of water and shares their findings with
LEVEL others.
By investigating how water can change from one - Talks about water in nature and how it influences their everyday lives.
form to another, I can relate my findings to everyday - Identifies three main states of water (ice, water and steam) and uses
experiences. scientific vocabulary such as ‘melting’, ‘freezing’ and ‘boiling’ to describe
changes of state.

FIRST SCN 1-05a - Uses more complex vocabulary to describe changes of states of water, for
LEVEL example, ‘condensation’ and ‘evaporation’.
By investigating how water can change from one - Contributes to the design of an experiment to determine the temperature
form to another, I can relate my findings to everyday at which water boils, freezes and melts, ensuring appropriate use of units.
experiences. - Knows that pure water boils at 100°, melts at 0° and freezes at 0°.

SECOND SCN 2-05a - Discusses the necessity of water for life, for example, for the growth of
LEVEL crops, for drinking and in river formation/flow.
I can apply my knowledge of how water changes - Demonstrates understanding of the processes involved in the water cycle.
state to help me understand the processes involved
in the water cycle in nature over time.

SCN 2-17a - Analyses and compares samples of rocks, soil and minerals and reports
their characteristics and uses, using a range of media.
Having explored the substances that make up
Earth’s surface, I can compare some of their
characteristics and use.
BIG IDEA 8: Organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they often depend on, or compete with, other organisms

Learners explore the rich and changing diversity of living things and develop their understanding of how organisms are interrelated at local and global levels.
By exploring interactions and energy flow between plants and animals (including humans) learners develop their understanding of how species depend on one
another and on the environment for survival. Learners investigate the factors affecting plant growth and develop their understanding of the positive and
negative impact of the human population on the environment.

EARLY SCN 0-01a - Describes characteristics of living things and how they depend on
LEVEL each other, for example, animals which depend on plants for food.
I have observed living things in the environment over
time and am becoming aware of how they depend on
each other.

FIRST SCN 1-02a - Demonstrates awareness of how energy from the sun can be taken
LEVEL in by plants to provide the major source of food for all living things.
I can explore examples of food chains and show an - Interprets and constructs a simple food chain, using vocabulary
appreciation of how animals and plants depend on such as ‘producer’, ‘consumer’, ‘predator’ and ‘prey’.
each other for food.

SECOND SCN 2-02a - Describes how energy flows between plants and animals in more
LEVEL complex food chains and webs and ecosystems, using vocabulary
I can use my knowledge of the interactions and such as ‘producers’, ‘consumers’ and ‘herbivore’.
energy flow between plants and animals in
ecosystems, food chains and webs. I have contributed
to the design or conservation of a wildlife area.
BIG IDEA 6: Our solar system is a very small part of one of billions of galaxies in the Universe.

Learners develop their understanding of the Earth’s position within the universe while developing a sense of time and scale. They develop their understanding
of how our knowledge of the universe has changed over time and explore ideas of future space exploration and the likelihood of life beyond planet Earth.

EARLY SCN 0-06a - Describes how the rotation of the Earth in relation to the sun gives
LEVEL us day and night.
I have experienced the wonder of looking at the - Talks about how the pattern of night and day changes over the
vastness of the sky, and can recognise the sun, moon course of a year.
and stars and link them to daily patterns of life.

FIRST SCN 1-06a - Describes how the Earth spins around its axis in 24 hours resulting
LEVEL in day and night.
By safely observing and recording the sun and moon - Observes and records the different patterns of movement of the
at various times, I can describe their patterns of moon and explains why the moon appears to have different shapes
movement and changes over time. I can relate these and positions in the sky at different times in a lunar month.
to the length of a day, a month and a year. - Demonstrates understanding of how the Earth takes one year to
completely orbit the sun.
- Demonstrates understanding of how the tilt of the Earth on its axis
as it circles the sun causes the pattern of the seasons and changes
to the number of daylight hours over the course of a year.

SECOND SCN 2-06a - Reports collaboratively on the key features of the planets including
LEVEL size, distance from the sun, length of day, length of year,
By observing and researching features of our solar temperature, materials from which they are predominantly made
system, I can use simple models to communicate my and the number of moons.
understanding of size, scale, time and relative motion - Uses simple models to communicate understanding of size, scale,
within it. time and relative motion within our Solar System, including how
solar & lunar eclipses occur.
BIG IDEA 7: Organisms are organised on a cellular basis and have a finite life span.

Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of organs of the body, including the senses. They learn about cells as the
basic units of life, and their organisation to form familiar body systems. Through observation, research and practical investigation learners explore the risk and
impact of microorganisms in relation to health, and then in industrial processes. They experience the use of technology in monitoring health and improving the
quality of life and develop informed views on the moral and ethical implications of controversial biological procedures.

FIRST SCN 1-12a - Uses components to make simple models of a skeleton which
LEVEL identify the skull, spine, ribcage and some bones of the arms and
By researching, I can describe the position and leg and which show how the skeleton gives us support and protects
function of the skeleton and major organs of the our organs.
human body and discuss what I need to do to keep
them healthy. - Describes the position and function of major organs including the
brain, heart, lungs, stomach and bladder.  
SCN 1-12b
- Describes how skin, as an organ, provides a barrier to infection and
I have explored my senses and can discuss their
reliability and limitations in responding to the helps to control our temperature.  
- Structures a presentation or report, with support, on how to have a
healthy lifestyle, for example, through a balanced diet, regular
exercise, sufficient sleep and by avoiding substance misuse.  
SCN 1-13a
I know the symptoms of some common diseases - Uses their senses to detect information and explains how they help
caused by germs. I can explain how they are spread to keep people safe.  Investigates the reliability and limitations of
and discuss how some methods of preventing and the senses, for example, using taste tests, limits of sound, optical
treating disease benefit society. illusions and blind-fold games.

- Describes the symptoms of some common diseases including

colds, mumps, measles, chicken pox and flu.

- Provides explanations, supported by evidence, of how some

diseases spread and discusses ways in which some diseases can
be prevented through good hygiene and vaccination.

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