Site Specific Safety Plan: Project: Power Supply For Outdoor Advertisement Location: TPS19 On Red Line

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Project: Power supply for outdoor advertisement

Location: TPS19 on Red line


Authorised by Signature Date

Mr. Davis CV
Mr. Mithun Jose


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1. Introduction

2. Induction at site

3. Identification and Responsibility of Key Line Personnel

4. Project Scope of Work Evaluation

5. Hazard/Risk/Exposure Assessment

6. Control Measures

7. Inspections

8. Risk Assessment / Job Task Analysis

9. Hazard Correction

10. Compliance Requirements

11. Training / Instruction and Project Site Orientation Program Subjects / Communication

12. Visitors to Site

13. Sub-contractors

14. Accident / Incident Investigations

15. Welfare Arrangements

16. Record Keeping

Appendix A –Policy Statement

Appendix B – Risk Management/Risk Assessment/Safety Procedures

Appendix C – Accident Investigations

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1. Introduction

‘The company’ operates an integrated management system (IMS) for Quality, Health, Safety
and the Environment. This system is fully compliant with International Standards.

At the top of this system is a policy statement (see Appendix A) that is issued and signed by
the company Chief Executive Officer and communicates our commitment to all issues
relating to these critical areas.

The company IMS is the platform upon which the company bases all its operations.

This site specific safety plan (SSSP) has been prepared as ‘Particular Contract Specification-
and in accordance with the company’s IMS and refers to company policies and procedures
that are relevant to this project.

Appendix B shows the companies procedures that are relevant to this safety plan.

2) Site Induction

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The company will ensure that all employees and contractors and those involved in our activities
and operations will be inducted at site prior to commencing work. This site induction is mandatory.
Specific training for all employees and others forms part of our general health and safety training
program as outlines in section eleven (11) of the safety plan.

Site induction will be primarily related to:

o Emergency evacuation and fire safety procedures

o First Aid procedure and location
o Information of significant hazards
o Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure

All induction training will be recorded and be specific for each individual site.

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3. Identification and Responsibility of Key Line Personnel

In his commitment to the company IMS and in signing the company policy statement, the
General Manager accepts ultimate responsibility for all company operations being carried out
in a manner that is befitting of size and international standing, that is to say that all
operations are carried out in a manner that considers, as a priority, the health and safety of
all it’s employees, sub-contractors, members of the public and any other persons that may
come in to contact with, or be effected by operations, Full and comprehensive
documentation (policies and procedures) detail exactly how the company implements this

For the purpose of this project the following key personnel shall implement Health and Safety
policy on site:




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4. Project Scope of Work Evaluation

Initial Mobilisation

Establish site boundaries

Ministry Letters of No Objections

Secondary Mobilisation

Establish offices, power / utilities

Establish plant/Equipment, stores


Excavation (manual using hand tools)

Cable laying (LV)

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5. Hazard/Risk/Exposure Assessment

Initial Mobilisation HAZARDS RISKS *RATING (0 TO

Establish site boundaries
Ministry Letters of No
Secondary Mobilisation
Establish area, power Machinery Physical injury, 8
utilities Electricity electrocution,
Construction Substance exposure
Site Offloading Machinery Physical injury, 8
Construction Substance exposure
Establish plant, Equipment Machinery Physical injury, 8
stores Electricity electrocution,
Construction Substance exposure
Manual excavation Machinery Physical injury 8
Construction Substance exposure
Cable laying Machinery Physical injury, 10
Backfilling trench Machinery Fall from height 8
Work Platforms Struck by falling

*Risk Rating is calculated by likelihood x severity

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6. Control Measures

Initial Mobilisation HAZARDS RISKS CONTROL

Establish site boundaries Negligible
Ministry Letters of No Negligible
Secondary Mobilisation
Establish Area, power Machinery Physical injury, • Inspected and
utilities Electricity electrocution, tested machinery
Construction Substance • Trained and
exposure licensed
operators and

Establish Plant, Machinery Physical injury, • Inspected and

Equipment stores Electricity electrocution, tested machinery
Construction Substance • Trained and
exposure licensed
operators and
Site Offloading Machinery Physical injury,
Construction Substance • Trained and
Equipment exposure licensed
Materials operators
• Signage
• Traffic
Fitting and Fixtures - Fit Machinery Physical injury • Inspected and
out Decoration Construction Substance tested machinery
Works/Flooring. Glass Equipment exposure • Trained and
Work/ Lighting etc Materials licensed
• Supervision
Use of Machinery and Work Equipment Entanglement • Inspected and
Equipment Machinery Electrocution/Injuri tested machinery
es • Trained and
• Supervision

Use of Paints and Paining, Spraying Occupational • Ensure MSDS is

Hazardous Substances etc Health respiratory available
issues, skin • Good Ventilation
damage etc • Training and
Awareness of
• Health
Structural development Machinery Physical injury, • Inspected and
Construction Electrocution tested machinery
Equipment • Trained and

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Materials licensed
• Supervision

Scaffolds / Work at Height Machinery Fall from height • Inspected and

Work Platforms Struck by falling tested machinery
object • Trained and
Collapsing scaffold licensed
• Competent
• Guard Rails, Toe
Boards etc
• Supervision

In addition to the above control measures the following methods will also be applied:

• Regular Risk Assessments

• Competency Management Assurance System
• Third party inspections

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7. Inspections

Inspections will be carried out on site as follows:

• Before any operation is carried out for the first time (risk assessments).
• On a daily basis to ensure compliance with site HSE rules and regulations as
specified in company policy and procedures.
• On a weekly basis to ensure compliance with site HSE rules and regulations as
specified in company policy and procedures.
• Whenever there is any significant alteration to operations, structural features, work
conditions that may have an impact on HSE on site.
• Immediately after any accident / incident / near miss.
• At any other time when deemed necessary by project management team.

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8. Risk Assessment / Job Task Analysis

Risk assessments will be carried out in accordance with company procedure and form. See
Appendix B.

9. Hazard Correction

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Company risk assessment will identify typical project hazards; identify the risk level
(classification) and the corresponding corrective measures.

When a new hazard is identified on site, work is stopped immediately and the following
steps are taken:

o Work is stopped and personnel are moved away from hazardous area.
o Where possible the hazard is removed immediately.
o If the hazard cannot be removed then risks are identified and risk control measures
are put in place. Work will not be recommenced until a competent person has
identified that risks have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

See also Appendix B.

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10. Compliance Requirements

All site personnel will go through a site induction process that familiarizes them with site
safety procedures and requirements. Company HSE procedures are shown in Appendix B of
this document.

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9. Hazard Correction

Company risk assessments will identify typical project hazards; identify the risk level
(classification) and the corresponding corrective measures.

When a new hazard is identified on site, work is stopped immediately and the following steps
are taken:

• Work is stopped and personnel are moved away from hazardous area.
• Where possible the hazard is removed immediately.
• If the hazard cannot be removed then risks are identified and risk control measures
are put in place. Work will not be recommenced until a competent person has
identified that risks have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

See also Appendix B for company procedures on risk management.

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10). Compliance Requirements

All site personnel including contractors will go through a site induction process that

familiarizes them with site safety procedures and requirements. Company HSE procedures

are shown in Appendix B of this document.

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11. Training / Instruction and Project Site Orientation Program Subjects /

All company personnel will receive general Health & Safety Training in addition to induction
training which will include:

• Accident / Incident Reporting

• Hazard Identification
• Risk Assessment and Classification
• Risk Control / Mitigation
• HSE for Supervisors / Managers
• COSHH Awareness
• Provision and Safe use of Work

All training records will be maintained and be available on file. In addition records of
operator’s certificates / licences will be kept on file.

As a matter of routine the company conducts toolbox talks for all company workers on the
following subjects:

• Electrical equipment
• Work equipment
• Scaffolding
• Working at height
• Lifting operations
• Manual handling
• Hazardous materials
• Waste segregation
• Machinery
• Housekeeping
• Etc

NB: Training will also evolve as part of the project or where further hazards have been identified
through the risk assessment process or as the result of accident/incident/near miss-investigation

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12. Visitors to Site

All visitors to site will receive visitor site safety induction from competent person (safety
officer) and be issued necessary PPE. Only after completing full site safety induction and be
awarded company induction hardhat sticker will personnel be allowed to accessed site areas
unaccompanied, prior to this or for temporary visitors, they will be assigned to a nominated
person who will be present with them at all times.

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13). Contractors/Sub-Contractors

Contractors and subcontractors will be examined for their suitability by means of ensuring
their health and safety documentation (HSEMS), accidents/incident records, risk
assessments, method statements and previous experience with similar project is to a high
standard, and in line with the company’s health and safety policy.

Sub-Contractors employed by the company will be issued a copy of this safety plan and
required to work within its scope.

Regular safety meetings will be held between the company and sub-contractor safety
representatives to ensure continuous compliance with the safety plan and to discuss any
variations / improvements in safety policy / procedure that may be required to ensure that all
operations are carried out with risks being kept as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) at
all times.

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14). Accident/Incident Investigations

All accidents, incident and near misses are actively investigated and recorded in accordance with
company procedure (see Appendix C). Investigation reports are reviewed and statistics measured.
Continuous efforts are made to “learn lessons” and improve company HSE performance.

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15). Welfare Arrangements

The company will provide suitable and sufficient welfare arrangements for all employees,
contractors and sub-contractors.

The arrangements will be organised in accordance with the site location.

The following will available:

Toilet(s) and washing facilities (numbers according to local regulations

An adequate supply of drinking water
Safe and hygienic area for break times
First aid facilities

This list is not exhaustive.

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16). Record Keeping

Records are kept for:

o Training
o Machinery certification
o Accidents/incidents
o First Aid
o Risk assessments
o Operators licenses
o HSE Audits
o Hazardous Materials and MSDS

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Appendix A – Policy Statement

Contractors will endeavour to protect the Health and Safety of its employees, customers
and the community at large and protect the physical environment in which Company
activities are carried out.

The Management and Staff are committed to:

o Ensuring that our services meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

o Ensuring the safety and welfare of our Staff and the protection of our assets.

o Ensuring the prevention of any impact on the environment resulting from our actions.

o Complying with all relevant health, safety and environmental laws and regulations, both
national and international, that applies to our operations.

These commitments will be achieved by:

o Establishing and maintaining a documented Health, Safety and Environmental Management

System (HSEMS) that will meet international standards.

o Ensuring procedures, programmes and guidelines are in place to support the HSEMS.

o Providing the necessary resources for the implementation of the Management System.

o Communicating the Company’s HSE Policy and Objectives to relevant parties including its
employees and customers.

o Ensuring line management commitment to the HSEMS.

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Appendix B – Risk Assessment/Risk Management/Procedures

Contractors maintains procedures for the ongoing identification of health, safety and environmental
aspects or hazards, the assessment of risks, and the implementation of control measures. The
procedures shall cover:

o Routine and non-routine activities of personnel having access to the workplace (including
subcontractors and visitors)

o Abnormal and/or emergency conditions.

o Facilities at the workplace, whether provided by the Company or others.

The methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment must be defined with respect to its
scope, nature and timing to ensure it is proactive rather than reactive, it must:
o Be documented

o Provide for the classification of risks and identification of those that are to be eliminated or

o Be consistent with operating experiences and the capabilities of risk control measures

o Provide input into the determination of facility requirements, identification of training needs
and/or development of operational controls.

o Provide for the monitoring of required actions to ensure both the effectiveness and
timeliness of their implementation.

Results of risk assessments and the effects for control measures must be considered when setting
HSE objectives and targets. All such information must be documented and kept up-to-date.

Prevention and Risk Control

General principles of risk reduction methodologies must be used in the management of health,
safety and environmental hazards. These principles include:

o Avoiding risks

o Evaluating the risk that cannot be avoided.

o Combating the risk at source.

o Adapting to technical progress.

o Replacing the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less dangerous.

o Developing a coherent overall prevention policy that covers technology, organization of

work, working conditions and working environment.

o Giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures.

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o Giving appropriate training and instructions to employees.

Where the need for additional control measures is identified, a systematic review of all control
options must be carried out, with the objective of controlling the risk to As Low As Reasonably
Practicable (ALARP). The control measures must be based on hierarchy principles as follows:

o Elimination of the hazard.

o Substitution.

o Engineering controls (plant & equipment)

o Administrative controls which include procedural, methodological and supervisory controls.

o Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Where the risk is unacceptable, control options that can be implemented immediately must be
addressed first, e.g., eliminate by stopping the activity or introduce appropriate personal protective
equipment while alternative or engineering solutions are investigated.

If improvements in engineering controls are considered appropriate but it is not practicable to

implement these measures immediately, a programme of work must be drawn up that takes into
account plans for future implementation. Such a programme will demonstrate a commitment to
continual improvement.

Operational Control

All Company activities that have significant health, safety and environmental risks, as identified
through risk assessments, must be planned and controlled. The company shall establish and
maintain operational control procedures that would specify how relevant activities would be
conducted. Such procedures will include operating criteria and actions to be taken if these
operating criteria are exceeded.

Procedures must also be established for workplace design, process, installations, machinery,
operating procedures and work organization. Where applicable, emphasis must be given to
integration of Company procedures with operational procedures of customers.

Operational Control is dependent on the activities being undertaken and their associated risk.
Controls may be in the form of specified methods for performing tasks, mechanical control
systems, administrative controls, maintenance checks, alarms, use of protective equipment, etc.

Operational control procedures must be communicated to all relevant parties including suppliers
and contractors.

Operational control procedures must take into consideration future changes in operational
activities that may also modify its HSE risks.

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Appendix C – Accident Investigation

The Company will investigate all accidents, incidents and near misses the following is a clarification
of Accident, Incident, Near Miss and Occupational Illness.

i An Accident is an unwanted event or series of events that has lead to loss

of some kind – e.g. injury, illness (tie off work), asset damage.

ii An Incident is an unwanted event or series of events that has the

potential lead to loss of some kind.

iii A Near Miss is an incident which under different circumstances could

have caused an accident – e.g. tripping and slipping without injury.

4) Occupational Illness is any work-related abnormal condition or disorder,

other than an injury, which is mainly caused by exposure to environmental
factors associated with the employment. It includes acute and chronic
illness or diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion
or direct contact.

The company provides an accident reporting system which is explained to

all employees and contractor during induction.

When an accident, near miss or incident is discovered it is immediately

reported to the supervisor who will inform the relevant emergency services,
i.e. first aid, fire, police and also senior management. The company will
vigorously investigate all incidents, accidents and near miss to look for the
rood cause and to ensure corrective actions are put in place and to learn
from any mistakes, human error or valuations.

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Appendix A - Policy Statement

Appendix B – Risk Assessment/Risk Management/Procedures

Appendix C – Accident Investigation

Appendix D – Record Keeping

Appendix D – Record Keeping

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