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Topic 1 :Site planning and urban design

A. Site Planning / Design Process

Planning and design occur as a process, by which we mean that they follow a logical
sequence of actions or events that must be carried out to arrive at a viable solution. 

Site Planning (by Kevin Lynch)

It is the art of arranging structures on the land and shaping the spaces between”

It is a multi-disciplinary problem-solving operation often involving architects, landscape

architects and engineers, and frequently may require input from physical scientists as
well to address environmental issues. 

It requires a logical objectivity for some steps, but also allows room for subjective
design interpretation at others.

 There are several notable models from which we can draw to understand the basic
components of the site planning and design process.  Kevin Lynch outlines an eight-
stage site planning cycle (see Fig. 1) that includes:

1.Defining the problem

2. Programming and the analysis of site and user
3. Schematic design and the preliminary cost estimate
4. Developed design and detailed costing
5. Contract documents
6. Bidding and contracting
7. Construction
8. Occupation and management (Lynch 11)

Site and Impact Checklist

A.General Site Context

1.Geographic location
2.Political jurisdiction
3.Ecoloical and hydrographic system
4.Nature of the area economy other proposals or projects nearby and their effects on
the site

B.Physical Data,Site and Adjacent Land

1.Geology and soils(underlying geology,soil types,areas of fill or ledge)

2.Water(existing,surface drainage pattern,water table)
3.Topography(contours,pattern of landforms,unique features)
4.climate(regional pattern of temperature,local microclimate,snow fall,ambient air
5.Ecology(plant anfd animal communities,pattern of plant covers,specimen trees
6.Man Made Structures(existing buildings,networks,fences and other human
7.sensory qualities(character and relationship of visual spaces,viewpints and
vistas,quality and variations of light

C.Cultural Data,Site and Adjacent Land

1.Resident and using population(number,social structure,economic staus,organization

and leadership
2.Behavior settings nature,location,participants,rhythm,stability,conflicts
3.Site values,rights and restraints(ownerships,zoning ,economic value,accepted
4.Past and future(history of the site,public and private intentions for future use
5.Site character and Image(user identification with aspects of the site,how site is
organized,meanings attached to the site,symbolic associations,hopes,fears,preferences

D.Correlation of Data

1.Subdivision of the site:areas of consistent structure ,character,problem

2.Identification of key points,azes,areas best left undeveloped,areas where intensive
development is possible
3.Ongoing changes,and those likely to occur without intervention,-the dynamic aspect of
the site
4.Summary of significant problems and potentials,including a summary of the key
positive and negative impacts of the proposal


Site Planning, 2nd Ed., Kevin Lynch

 Program
 Total Budget
 Site Analysis
 Design and construction schedule


 Revised program and schedule

 Schematic site plan showing structures, activity location, circulation, major
outdoor spaces, critical utility mains, plant massing, over-all ground form and
general level of finish
 Rough costs estimated from experience by the length or area of typical features
 Fixed essential site design


 Complete specification of detail, sufficient to assure the solution of all problems

and to allow a detailed costing
 Cost estimated by elements


 Drawings and verbal documents on which the contract bidding is based


 To ensure compliance and to make detailed adjustments as unexpected

problems and opportunities arise



 This phase from aims and resources and the knowledge of the actions and purposes
of the users
 Influence by the site and the technical possibilities
 Furnishes the following:
Quantitative schedule of behavioral settings to be provided
Their linkages
Their desired qualitative characteristics
Resources to be devoted to them (allowable costs including time element)
 Result is an activity diagram
Internal Activities:

1. Statement of Objectives and Performance Requirements

 Typical considerations include accessibility, adequacy, diversity, cost, health and

safety, adaptability and stability, legibility
 Supplemented by technical objectives
 Indicates what aspects of the site are relevant

2. Budget
 Defines what can be done
3. Site analysis
 Sometimes preceded by site selection
 General unoriented reconnaissance
 Systematic inventory of significant information
 Concise identification of site’s essential character, how it maintains itself and is likely
to respond to development and its major problems and potentialities
 Typical considerations include subsurface conditions, topography, climate, ecology,
existing land use, circulation
 Influence goals that are possible and desirable
4. Design and Construction Schedule

 Identifies interrelationship and timing of activities

 Necessary project management tool
 Specifies the time frame for the project’s start to finish



 Deals with patterns of activity, circulation and the physical environment

 Shows building location and form, circulation on the surface, expected activities in all
outdoor and associated indoor areas, general shape and treatment of the ground,
major landscaping and any additional features that will affect the outdoor space
 Accompanied by a duly revised program and budget
 Plan, program and budget are now formally reviewed by the client

The Design Process

Deals with three (3) fundamental patterns of location in space and time:

 Pattern of activity
 Pattern of circulation
 Physical form

Characteristic of the Process

 Alternation of attention from part to part while judgment is reserved (prepares the
mind for studies in which the significance of each partial decision is quickly
understood in every important dimension)
 Simultaneous mastery of the whole that, when achieved, makes each trial
modification reacts on the remainder of the design in all its aspects
 Study carried out in various forms such as plans, sections diagrams of behavior
settings and circulation, model studies, etc.
 Studies proceed in the schizophrenic manner common to all design alternating
between stages of reason and unreason
The Usual Design Process

 A large number of sketch studies

 Proceeds gradually from partial aspects
 Goes into a simultaneous treatment of the whole pattern in all its major dimensions
 Through a process which typically alternates between bursts of unconscious
suggestions and the rational development and criticism of feasible alternatives

Possible Approaches

Unit Analysis:

Piecemeal attack: reserves final judgment until the problem can be seen as a
whole and is based on the cause and effect analysis of the following:
 Possible alternatives of the activity pattern
 Analyze circulation
 Analyze form

Unit Analysis:

Seek the cheapest or most flexible plan possible

Isolated Studies of Use, Form, Site or Circulation

Analyze overall patterns of the whole, alternating with other sketches for the
development of small units of developments



Shows the precise alignment and specification of the road and walk systems, location
and design of utilities and grading plan and is checked for internal consistency and for
compliance with the basic plan, the program and the budget

Precise layout of the structures and paths shown on the Schematic Plan

 Detailing of Vertical Dimension

 Design of road profile
 General grading plan
 Utility layout

Landscaping and Site Details

 Utility fixtures
 Pavement construction and finish
 Street furniture



A set of detailed plans and terms and conditions for the construction work and is the
basis of estimates and work to guide actual construction

Working Drawings
 Precise surveying layout
 Set of road profiles
 Grading plans and spot elevations at key points
 Utility layout

 Landscape plan
 Sheet details


 Outlines work methodology, type and kind of materials, utilities, grading, site
maintenance, etc.

Topic 2 :Cultural heritage planning


There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions
of the world.Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and
intimate relationship between peoples and their natural environment. Certain sites
reflect specific techniques of land use that guarantee and sustain biological diversity.

Others, associated in the minds of the communities with powerful beliefs

and artistic and traditional customs, embody an exceptional spiritual relationship of
people with nature.

To reveal and sustain the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their
environment, to protect living traditional cultures and preserve the traces of those which
have disappeared, these sites, called cultural landscapes, have been inscribed on the
World Heritage List.

Cultural landscapes --
cultivated terraces on lofty mountains, gardens, sacred places ... -- testify to the creative
genius, social development and the imaginative and spiritual vitality of humanity. They
are part of our collective identity.

According to the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage
Convention, cultural landscapes are cultural properties that represent the "combined
works of nature and man" designated in Article I of the Convention.

They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under
the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by
their natural environment and of successive social, economic, and cultural forces, both
external and internal.

History and Terminology

In 1992 the World Heritage Convention became the first international legal instrument to
recognise and protect cultural landscapes. The Committee at its 16th session adopted
guidelines concerning their inclusion in the World Heritage List.

The term "cultural landscape" embraces a diversity of manifestations

of the interaction between humankind and its natural environment. Cultural landscapes
often reflect specific techniques of sustainable land-use, considering the characteristics
and limits of the natural environment they are established in, and a specific spiritual
relation to nature.

Protection of cultural landscapes can contribute to modern techniques of sustainable

land-use and can maintain or enhance natural values in the landscape. The continued
existence of traditional forms of land-use supports biological diversity in many regions of
the world. The protection of traditional cultural landscapes is therefore helpful in
maintaining biological diversity.
The most easily identifiable is the
clearly defined landscape designed and created intentionally by
This embraces garden and parkland landscapes constructed for aesthetic reasons
which are often (but not always) associated with religious or other monumental buildings
and ensembles.

organically evolved landscape.

This results from an initial social,economic, administrative, and/or religious imperative
and has developed its present form by association with and in response to its natural
environment. Such landscapes reflect that process of evolution in their form and
component features.
They fall into two sub-categories:

• a relict (or fossil) landscape is one in which an evolutionary process came to an end
at sometime in the past, either abruptly or over a period. Its significant distinguishing
features are, however, still visible in material form.

• continuing landscape is one which retains an active social role in contemporary

society closely associated with the traditional way of life, and in which the evolutionary
process is still in progress. At the same time it exhibits significant material evidence of
its evolution over time.

associative cultural landscape. The inclusion of such landscapes on the

World Heritage List is justifiable by virtue of the powerful religious, artistic or cultural
associations of the natural element rather than material cultural evidence, which may be
insignificant or even absent.

Inscription of Cultural Landscapes on the World Heritage List

The extent of a cultural landscape for inscription on the World Heritage List is relative to
its functionalityand intelligibility. In any case, the sample selected must be substantial
enough to adequately respresent the totality of the cultural landscape that it illustrates.

The possibility of designating long linear areas that represent culturally significant
transport and communication networks should not be excluded.

General criteria for protection and management are equally applicable to cultural
landscapes. It is important that due attention be paid to the full range of values
represented in the landscape, both culturaland natural. The nominations should be
prepared in collaboration with and the full approval of localcommunities.

The existence of a category of "cultural landscape," included on the World Heritage List
on the basis of the criteria set out in Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines, does
not exclude the possibility of properties of exceptional importance in relation to both
cultural and natural criteria continuing to be inscribed. In such cases, their outstanding
universal value must be justified under both sets of criteria.

Adaptation means modifying a place to suit the existing use or a proposed use. (Burra
Charter Article 1.9)
Assessment of Significance

means producing a succinct statement of significance

summarizing an item’s heritage values. The assessment is the basis for policies and
management structures that will affect the items future and will ensure retention of these
values. ( NSW Heritage Office )
Compatible use means a use which respects the cultural significance of a place. Such
as use involves no, or minimal, impact on cultural significance. (Burra Charter Article

Conservation “means all the processes of looking after a place so as to retain its
cultural significance.” (Burra Charter Article 1.4) “Conservation encompasses the
activities that are aimed at the safeguarding of a cultural resource so as to retain its
historic value and extend its physical life. There are conservation disciplines that
address different kinds of cultural resources. All share a broad concept of conservation
that embraces one or more strategies that can be placed on a continuum that runs from
least intervention to greatest;that is, from maintenance to modification of the cultural
resource.” ( Parks Canada )

All operations designed to understand a property, know its history and meaning, ensure
its material safeguard, and, if required, its restoration and enhancement ( Nara

Conservation Plans set out clearly the conservation needs, priorities and
methodologies for a heritage property. They are used by custodians to guide their
actions and the use of funds.

Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment is a systematic methodology for assessing

potential impacts on heritage resources of proposed development or other actions. It is
embedded in environmental legislation and carried out by heritage professionals who
recommend and design mitigating measures to address impacts.

Cultural significance means aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for
past, present or future generations. “Cultural significance is embodied in the place itself,
its fabric, setting, use, associations, meanings, records, related places and related
objects “( Burra Charter Article1.2 ).

Cultural Tourism is that form of tourism whose object is, among other aims, the
discovery of monuments and sites. It exerts on these last a very positive effect insofar
as it contributes - to satisfy its own ends - to their maintenance and protection. This form
oftourism justifies in fact the efforts which said maintenance and protection demand of
thehuman community because of the socio-cultural and economic benefits which they
bestow on all the populations concerned. 1976 ICOMOS Charter on Cultural Tourism )

Fabric “means all the physical material of the place including components, fixtures,
contents and objects” ( Burra Charter Article 1.3 ).

Groups of buildings comprise groups of separate or connected buildings including

towns or parts thereof which are noteworthy because of their architecture, their
homogeneity, their place in the landscape, or historical, cultural, economic, social,
political or ideological significance, whether abandoned, still-inhabited or newly-built.

Information Sources are all physical, written, oral, and figurative sources which make
itpossible to know the nature, specificities, meaning, and history of the cultural heritage.

Intangible Cultural Heritage means “the practices, representations, expressions,

knowledge, skills – as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces
associated therewith – that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals
recognize as part of their cultural heritage” ( Convention for the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage, Article 2)

Integrity describes “the health and wholeness” of a heritage resource. A resource can
be said to possess integrity when the values for which it was designated are not
impaired or under threat; they are effectively communicated to the public; and are
respected in all decisions and actions affecting the site ( Parks Canada).
Interpretation means all the ways of presenting the cultural significance of a place (
Burra Charter Article 1.17).

Maintenance “means the continuous protective care of the fabric and setting of a place,
and is to be distinguished from repair. Repair involves restoration or reconstruction.”
(Burra Charter Article 1.5)

Management Plans set out clearly the short and long term priorities and methodologies
to be used to monitor, maintain and conserve the significance and authenticity of a
heritage property.

Meaning denote what a place signifies, indicates, evokes or expresses ( Burra Chartler
Article 1.16 ).

Monuments are architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting,

elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings, and
combinations of these features.

Patina means the sense of age or passage of time as reflected in the layers of visible
change to fabric of a building or object.

Period restoration “is the accurate recovery of an earlier form, fabric and detailing of a
site or structure based on evidence from recording, research and analysis, through the
removal of later additions and the replacement of missing or deteriorated elements of
the earlier period. Depending on the intent and degree of intervention, period restoration
maybe a presentation rather than a conservation activity.” ( Parks Canada )

Place “Site, area, land, landscape, building or other work, group of buildings or other
works and may include components, contents, spaces and views” (Burra Charter Article
1.1). Places may have a range of values for different individuals or groups.

Preservation means “maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing state and retarding
deterioration.” (Burra Charter Article 1.6) “Preservation encompasses conservation
activities that consolidate and maintain the existing form, material and integrity of a
resource. Preservation includes short-term protective measures as well as long-term
actions to retard deterioration or prevent damage. Preservation extends the life of the
resource by providing it with a secure and stable environment.”( Parks Canada
Preservation Guidelines) “Preservation standards require retention of the greatest
amount of historic fabric, including the historic form, features and details as they have
evolved over time” ( Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historical

Reconstruction means returning a place to a known earlier state and is distinguished

from restoration by the introduction of new material into the fabric. (Burra Charter Article
1.8); “recreation of vanished or irreversibly deteriorated resources” ( Appleton Charter ).

Redevelopment means “ insertion of contemporary structures or additions sympathetic

to the setting.” ( Appleton Charter )

Rehabilitation is the modification, including adaptive re-use, of resource to

meet various functional requirements such as safety, property protection and
access while preserving the historic character of the structure.

Renovation entails refurbishing and/or adding to the appearance of an original building

or elements of a building in an attempt to “renew” its appearance in keeping with
contemporary tastes and perceptions of “conservation.

Replication means the copying of an existing structure in order to maintain

aesthetic unity and harmony
Restoration means “returning the existing fabric of a place to a known earlier state by
removing accretions or by reassembling existing components without the introduction of
new material;” (Burra Charter Article 1.7) “ to reveal the original state within the limits of
existing material…to reveal cultural values and to improve the legibility of its original
design.” ( Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites)

Setting “means the area around a place, which may include the visual catchment” (
Burra Charter Artilce 1.12 ). This includes natural and built aspects, fixtures and the
activities associated.

Sites are works of human groups or individuals or the combined works of humans and
nature and areas including archaeological sites, cultural landscapes planned or evolved
over time through use or human events, environments of cultural significance, sacred
geographies, and landscapes religious, artistic, historical or other cultural associations.

Statement of Significance is the product of assessment of significance. It briefly

summarizes an item’s heritage value and clarifies why the item is important. The
statement isan important part of the management of all heritage items and forms the
basis for policies, management structures and all good heritage decisions which will
affect the item’s future. ( NSW Heritage Manual )

Sustainability refers to the preservation and management of cultural heritage in such a

way as to ensure that its fabric and values are safeguarded for the benefit of future

Tangible Cultural Heritage includes all resources that have some physical
embodiment of cultural values such as historic towns, buildings, archaeological sites,
cultural landscapes and objects.

Use means the functions of a place, as well as the activities and practices that may
occur at the place. (Burra Charter Article 1.10)


The Cultural Significance of heritage sites has been defined by the Burra Charter as
the “aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future
generations”which is “embodied in the place itself, its setting, use, associations,
meanings, records, related places and related objects.

The goal of conservation is to preserve this significance by ensuring that all

interventions and actions meet the test of authenticity in all respects.

Understanding the relative degree of significance of heritage resources is

essential if we are to rationally determine which elements must be preserved under any
circumstance, which should bepreserved under some circumstances and which, under
exceptional circumstances, will besacrificed.

Degree of significance can be assessed on the basis of the representativeness, rarity,

condition, completeness and integrity and interpretive potential of a resource.

Assessment of the significance of a place, site or monument should be carried out

as a necessary preliminary to any conservation action.

Significance assessment is the process of studying and understanding the meanings

and values of places, objects and collections. It involves three main steps; firstly,
analyzing the object or resource; secondly,

understanding its history and context and thirdly, identifying its value for the
communities which created and/or carefor it.
The key to the process is the concept of Authenticity which has become the universal
concern of the conservation profession since the adoption of the 1972 UNESCO World
Heritage Convention,which defines authenticity as the primary and essential condition of
the heritage.

Authenticity is usually understood in terms of a matrix of dimensions of authenticity: of

location and setting;form, materials and design, use and function and “immaterial” or
essential qualities. Togetherthese form the composite authenticity from which
significance derives. The retention ofauthenticity is the aim of good conservation

Dimensions of Authenticity:
5.Place Spatial layout Use(s) Artistic expression
6.Setting Design User(s) Values
7.“Sense of Place” Materials Associations Spirit
8.Environmental niches
9. Crafts Changes in use overtime
10.Emotional impact
11.Landforms and vistas
12. Building techniques Spatial distribution of usage
13.Religious context
14. Environs Engineering Impacts of use Historical associations
15.Living elements Stratigraphy Use as a response to environment
16.Sounds, smells and tastes
17.Degree of dependence on locale
18.Linkages with other properties or sites
19.Use as a response to historical context


Under existing procedures, the framework adopted by the Institute in the classification
of historic sites and structures for preservation consists of  the following:

1. National Shrine – historic site or object hallowed and honored for their history or
association, e.g.: Rizal Shrine-Calamba, Laguna; Rizal Shrine-Fort Santiago,
Intramuros, Manila; Aguinaldo Shrine, Kawit, Cavite; Pinaglabanan Memorial Shrine,
San Juan, Metro Manila; Quezon Memorial Shrine, Quezon City; and,  Mabini Shrine,
Tanauan, Batangas.
2. National Monuments – objects, structures or sites dedicated to memorialize or give
reverence to a special historic personage or event, e.g: Rizal National Monument, Rizal
Park; A. Bonifacio National Monument, Caloocan City.
3. National Landmarks – sites or structures that are associated with an event,
achievement, characteristic, or modification that makes a turning point or stage in
Philippine history, e.g.: Paoay Church Historical Landmark [also a World Heritage Site],
Ilocos Norte; Miagao Church Historical Landmark [also a World Heritage Site], Iloilo;
Barasoain Church Historical Landmark, Malolos, Bulacan; Sheik Mahkdum Historical
Landmark, Tawi-Tawi; Taal (Town Center) Historical Landmark; and, Pila (Town Center)
Historical Landmark, Pila, Laguna.
4. Heritage Houses – houses of ancestry with notable historical and cultural
significance, e.g.: Syquia Mansion, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur; Houses in Silay City, Negros
5.  Historic Sites – natural areas or places with historical significance, and places
recognized, marked or declared such as; Biak-na-Bato, San Miguel, Bulacan; Pamitinan
Cave, Montalban, Rizal.
6. Classified – structures and sites not falling under the above five categories and
marked are listed as Classified and recorded in the NHI's National Registry of Historic
Structures. E.g.: All Philippine colonial churches which are more than 50 years old, with
or without the official historical marker of the National Historical Institute, by virtue of
NHI Board Resolution No. 3, s.1991.
All sites and structures must fall within the NHI Criteria for Identification of Historic Sites
and Structures. In the identification procedure, all sites and structures must, at least be
50 years old and display a high degree of authenticity to qualify for consideration.

The Global Habitat Agenda: Conservation

and Rehabilitation of Historic and Cultural Heritage
To promote historic and cultural continuity and to encourage broad civic participation in
all kinds of cultural activities, governments atthe appropriate levels, including local
authorities, should:

(i) Identify and document, whenever possible, the historic and cultural importance of
areas, sites, landscapes, ecosystems,buildings, other objects, and manifestations and
establishconservation goals relevant to the cultural and spiritual development
of society;

(ii) Promote the awareness of such heritage in order to highlight the value and the need
for its conservation and the financialviability of rehabilitation;

(iii) Encourage and support local heritage and cultural institutions, associations, and
communities in their conservation and rehabilitation efforts and inculcate in children and
youth an adequate sense of their heritage;

(iv) Promote adequate financial and legal support for the effective protection of cultural

(v) Promote education and training in traditional skills in all disciplines appropriate to the
conservation and promotion of heritage; and

(vi) Promote the active role of older persons as custodians of cultural heritage,
knowledge, trades, and skills.

To integrate development with conservation and rehabilitation goals,

governments at the appropriate levels, including local authorities, should

(i) Recognize that the historic and cultural heritage is an important asset and
strive to maintain the social, cultural, and economic viability of historically and
culturally importantsites and communities;
(ii) Preserve the inherited historic settlement and landscape forms, while
the integrity of the historic urban fabric and guiding new construction in
historic areas;
(iii) Provide adequate legal and financial support for implementation of
and rehabilitation activities, in particular through adequate training of
specialized human resources;
(iv) Promote incentives for such conservation and rehabilitation to public, private,
and nonprofit developers;
(v) Promote community-based action for the conservation, rehabilitation,
regeneration, and maintenance of neighborhoods;
(vi) Support public- and private-sector and community partnerships for the
rehabilitation of inner cities and neighborhoods;
vii) Ensure the incorporation of environmental concerns in conservation
and rehabilitation projects;
(vii) Take measures to reduce acid rain and other types of environmental
pollution that damage buildings and other items of cultural and historic value;
(ix) Adopt human settlements planning policies, including transport and frastructure
policies that avoid environmental degradation of historic and cultural areas;
(x) Ensure that the accessibility concerns of people with disabilities are incorporated
into conservation and rehabilitation projects.”

Source: United Nations Centre for Human Settlements 1996

Topic 3 Urban renewal, redevelopment, regeneration, revitalization

Conceptual Framework for Revitalization of Historic Inner-City Areas

“urban regeneration” refers to reinvestment in the social, economic, cultural, and

physical infrastructure of urbanized areas.

Couch (1990) describes urban regeneration as seeking to bring back investment,

employment,and consumption and to enhance the quality of life within urban areas.

Holcomb and Beauregard(1981) agree with Couch, but they add “growth”and “progress”
to the definition of what they referto as “urban revitalization” and state that, as with
earlier labels (e.g., “urban redevelopment”, “urbanrenewal”, and “urban regeneration”),
urban revitalization implies growth, progress, and infusion ofnew economic activities into
stagnant or decliningcities that are no longer attractive to investors ormiddle-class

Ultimately, all cities are in a state of continuous transition. That is, they are
continually in the process of becoming larger, smaller, better, or worse—in one way or
another, different than they were in the past.

This process of continual transition occurs partly in response to the political,

industrial, economic, and social changes cited by Middleton (1991). Holcomb and
Beauregard (1981) discuss the reasons for continual transition, pointing out that cities
experience periods of growth and decline, both of which lead to transformationof urban
space from one economic and social use to another.

Decay of inner urban space often occurs within the context of such transformation.
According to Clark (1989), inner urban decay, crime, racial tension, riots, mass
unemployment, and falling standards in the provision of urban services are some of the
more obvious and disturbing indicators of a general and deep-seated deterioration in
the social, economic, political, and financial fabric of a city. Middleton (1991) points out
that such decline leads to out-migration of younger and more skilled members of urban
populations as they seek employment elsewhere. The result is that,as Robson (1988)
points out, the population trapped in inner-cityareas tends to mainly comprise single
parents, unskilled workers,and elderly persons.

In recent decades, urban revitalization initiatives have enjoyedincreasing support in

industrialized countries. However, in developing countries, interest in it—both
intellectually and professionally—has rarely extended beyond heritage campaign
groups, a relatively small number of foreign-trained local professionals, and external
advisors who advocate adaptive reuse of heritage structures.

This pattern is perhaps most apparent in the political dimension in developing

countries.For the most part, the legal and administrative framework for conservation of
historic areas in developing countries—insofaras it exists at all—largely consists of a set
of prohibitions against construction within historic areas, although effective enforcement
ofsuch prohibitions is rare. In developing countries, housing areas of earlier vintages
are, for the most part, still seen as “problems” rather than as an aspect of urban life that
can make an important contributionto growth in national income and cultural identity.
In some cases, “modernization” drives have been carried out to the extent that historic
urban cores were decimated. Singapore provides an excellent example of this
phenomenon, in that it has almostcompletely destroyed its stock of heritage buildings.
How Should Historic City Centers Be Revitalized?

Adaptive reuse and cost recovery. Ultimately, all revitalization initiatives

must be financed. A key concern is raising the funds necessary for seeing initiatives
through to completion. One approach toraising such funds is adaptive reuse. Under this
approach, private entities and/or nongovernment institutions are allowed to lease
historic facilities for commercially viable uses that respect their historical value and to
earn a profit from the use to which the facilities are put.

Integrated area development. There exist few examples of initiatives that address
integrated revitalization of entire historic city centers.The reason for this is that such
initiatives simultaneously require

(i) modernization of economic activities within the entire urban core, which
usually requires significant investment in infrastructure;

(ii) restoration of monuments; and

(iii) mass rehabilitation of entire housing areas, which requires a cooperative
financing plan funded by individuals as well as commercial and public sector entities

Full commercialization of historic city centers. Few cities have followed an entirely
commercial model in revitalizing historic urban areas. Singapore provides the best
example of this approach, since it allowed the local redevelopment authority to acquire
allplots of land located within the designated conservation areas.These plots were then
sold to commercial entities for rehabilitationcum-redevelopmentas shops, restaurants,
tourist hotels, or offices.

Transfer of development rights. Both Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro are experimenting
with the North American method of transfer of development rights, which can be applied
to privately held or owned premises listed as monuments and located in areas deemed
ripe for development. Typically, land prices are rising rapidly in such areas due to the
construction of nearby high-rise buildings. In order to encourage renovation rather than
demolition of privately owned monuments, owners are offered alternative plots of land
suitable for development. This intent is to compensate the owners for the income they
forego by not developing the plots occupied by the monuments and to cover the cost of
their renovation. A precondition to success in using this approach is availability of
governmentowned land that can be offered as compensation

From socialism to real estate development. Historic city centers in the PRC offer
numerous opportunities for urban revitalization,mainly because of the current trend
toward privatization, commercialization,and the opening of housing and real estate to

Modernization of commercial activity. An emerging concern within the context of

modernization of historic urban centers is the likely disappearance of traditional forms of
land use and the economic activities associated with them

Tourism. Development of tourism often encourages conservation of monuments and

revitalization of historic urban centers. However,the degree to which the economic
benefits of tourism are distributed across the population of the entire city in question
depends on the manner in which the revitalization initiative is implemented
Conservation of historic monuments. Numerous local and national governments and
religious organizations that administer monuments simply do not have the financial
resource to rehabilitate them—even the most precious ones.

Implementation of Conservation Projects and Heritage Interventions

The process is initiated by establishing a conservation task force that
plans and implements the urban heritage projects in question. It
comprises the following members:
• relevant municipal corporations and/or urban local bodies;
• urban development authorities;
• agencies responsible for financing the initiative, including
infrastructure and housing; and
• private sector investors and developers.

An urban heritage committee is then established for the purpose of monitoring the
implementation process and providing advice to the conservation task force. It
comprises the following:

• relevant NGOs;
• municipal corporations and/or urban local bodies;
• urban development authorities; and
• individuals and specialists with an interest and stake in the initiative.

Proposals for specific development projects within the heritage zone are routed through
the urban heritage committee prior to reaching the conservation task force. This
ensures that such proposals have the concurrence of the urban heritage committee
members, as well as those they represent prior to reaching the conservation task force.
However, care must be taken to avoid procedures based on subjective, bureaucratic
control; instead, procedures should emphasize transparent, objective criteria for
approving or supporting specific interventions.

Any special limitations on development within the heritage zone must be routed through
the urban heritage committee prior to being put into place. As well, the urban heritage
committee may wish to organize public hearings on specific development proposals
likely to impact the urban heritage zone resident community. The purpose of the above
structure is to separate planning andimplementation functions from monitoring and
technical advice.To ensure that these functions remain separate, guidelines are then
established for both the conservation task force and the urban heritage committee that
delineate how planning, implementation,monitoring, management of the information
database, and advocacy are to be carried out. An information campaign targeting all
members of the community that stresses the need for conservation is then formulated
and implemented to ensure participation by all members.A list of buildings, precincts, or
heritage zones that merit conservation is also drawn up. This list is then used to
establish urban heritage zone status for the area concerned in accordance with
relevant urban planning statutes.

The second stage of the information and awareness campaign is then implemented.
The purpose of this second stage is to encourage owners and occupants of heritage
buildings to collaborate with the conservation task force and urban heritage committee
inthe formulation and preparation of specific interventions. These interventions are then
implemented.Throughout the initiative, the conservation task force and urban
heritage committee remain the primary actors in formulating specific interventions,
• adaptive reuse projects for rehabilitating landmark buildings of historical significance to
the heritage zone;
• revenue-generating development projects that raise sufficient revenue that then can
be used to subsidize rehabilitation ofheritage buildings or monuments for which the
revenuegeneratingpotential is weak or entirely lacking;
• provision of affordable home improvement loans for homeowners or renters;
• mitigation of the negative impacts of removing rent control (e.g., through the formation
of renters’ cooperatives as in the case of Bombay’s shawls [mass housing complexes
for workers]redevelopment projects); and
• provision of infrastructure appropriate to the renovated heritage zone in question, as
well as financing for its construction or upgrading.

The following often facilitate implementation of specific interventions such as those

referred to above:
• tax incentives that support private investment;
• ensuring availability of sufficient financing from urban financial institutions for specific
• procuring as much technical assistance as is practicable from urban financial
institutions, urban heritage campaign organizations, NGOs, and state governments;
• obtaining written commitments from all persons with an interestin particular
revitalization projects; and
• generating public interest in schemes that facilitate replication of successful
demonstration projects.
Processes similar to that outlined above have been successful in moving from small-
scale demonstration projects to a full-blown development master plan and an integrated
conservation policy for specific heritage zones.
Source: Steinberg 1998.

Impact of Gentrification
Gentrification is an aspect of urban revitalization that has received considerable
attention in both popular and professional literature. Williams (1983) finds that
gentrification indicates whether an urban rehabilitation program has been successful in
that the principal purpose of urban revitalization is to produce a profitable real
estate market.

When Does Gentrification Occur?

There has been a significant amount of discussion in literature regarding the conditions
that must be fulfilled for gentrificationto occur. For Holcomb and Beauregard (1981), it is
replacement of a neighborhood’s residents with newcomers of higher income,
who, having acquired homes cheaply, renovate them and upgrade
the neighborhood.

Topic 4:Integrated area or integrated rural development (IAD OR IRD)


 Cluster Housing Environment – it’s the most fundamental and enduring form of
human settlement.
 Cluster Housing defined; housing that is joined together so that individual units
share common walls, floors and ceiling and including a share of common open
space and common facilities.
 Cluster Housing – has the flexibility of configuration and space to be organized
into prescribed social groupings.

1. Focus - a focal point that serve a group of houses rather than individual house
2. Unity / Similarity - there is a measure of similarities among the building giving the
whole design a unique appearance.
3. Articulation - each cluster is articulated, group of building are made identifiable
through the use of planting material, design, color, or open space.
4. Spatial Relationships - there is a definable space relating to a group of unit or
5. Identification - a trellised walkway / covered bus stop sign, or special planting
identifying cluster entrances.

1. Development costs are lower since there are fewer areas of developing & less
linear meter utilities for dwelling.
2. Sewerage is cheaper & there is less run- off with cluster since there is less
paving & more ground surface to absorb water.
3. Concentration of Building aids in good drainage, leaving natural water courses &
the drainage networks in its natural state.
4. Reduced maintenance cost for residences & community to realize.
5. Lot size can be reduced & the land thus saves, can be used for common green &
open spaces.

1. Stagger units to relieve row house monotony.

2. Design placement of playground, active recreational areas & connecting walk
pattern to invite friendliness & compatibility.
3. Planting screens, walks or fences to contribute to individual privacy.
4. Design walls without steps or excessive gradient wherein possible.
5. Interim Collector Street which links off-size circulation network to interior building
6. Cluster interrelates to lie into a continuous network of open spaces & recreation.
7. Varied landscape treatment within development of a cluster enhances
individuality or repetition of landscape theme.

 Four (4) to five (5) units are about the minimum units to form a cluster, while 20
units maximum.
 Cluster units within a development shall appear as a unified whole yet each
cluster should be from adjacent to nearby cluster, through buffering, point
variation, architectural theme, plantings, one single access point for interaction.

 Linear – unites the level areas with circulation in a linear pattern.

 Nodal – relates each cluster to itself using the open space for buffer &
 Graduated – has a center or several centers from which units move out in
concentric rings.
Planned Unit Developments or PUD is an approach of designing residential
neighborhoods where it:
- provides better environment for its users
- produces more profits for developers
A means of land regulation which promotes large scale, unified land development
through midrange realizable programs in pursuit in physically curable, social &
economic deficiencies in peripheral land & city scape.
1. Greater flexibility in locating buildings & combining land uses to achieve
reduction in construction costs & preserve open spaces & other amenities.
2. Allow the best use & arrangement of land.
3. Propose to arrange buildings in any durable manner eliminating setbacks to save
natural features.
4. Land & development costs per unit are reduced & so with street facilities &
grading costs.
5. Provides guarantees of quality to the community & approval securities of grading
6. Flexibility in design.
7. Open spaces can be utilized for recreational areas, i.e. playgrounds & parks &
community facilities.
8. Permits small groups of shops, markets, school & churches.
- Direct Street Access
- Court Yard Related
- Path Related
- Street Related (parallel)
Advantages for people living in a planned unit development:
1. Larger houses for less money
2. More choice of house types
3. Presentation of natural features like ponds and lakes
4. Community recreation space
5. Safe pedestrian ways and safer streets
6. More conveniently located schools and shops
Advantages for the developer and builder:
1. Less land use for streets
2. more efficient utility return
3. Better drainage, less grading and site preparation.
4. More varied house types that can reach a wider market
5. More dwelling units and bigger houses
6. The ability to include shops and stores.
Preservation of Natural Features

Instead of developing the whole section with paved streets and narrow fenced yards,
Planned Unit Development permits as much as 30% of the land area to remain in its
natural state, while housing the same number of families as conventional development
sometimes even more. This means that natural features like ponds and rock
outcropping as well as trees and streams can be preserved near the places where
people live.
Community Recreation Space
Open space created by Planned Unit Development can be used for recreation areas like
playing fields and swimming pools and there can easily be areas for open space or
schools and other facilities that is integral to a residential neighborhood, instead of
being in their own separate locations.
Safe Pedestrian ways and Safer Streets
The community open space of Planned Unit Developments can also be used to create
pedestrian greenways connecting houses with schools and large open areas. Such
greenways can be designed so that they cross few or no streets providing safe routes
for children to walk to school or play areas.

The intersection of 2 conventional “grid iron” streets creates as many as 16 potential

places where a collision can take place. The neighborhood loop street, possible in
Planned Unit Developments can have as few as 3 potential collision points. In addition
the clear distinction between through traffic streets and neighborhood streets made
possible by Planned Unit Developments provides a generally safer traffic pattern with
fewer cars moving more slowly in the areas where people live.
More Convenient to School and Shops
In conveniently zoned areas, shops can only be placed in sections with commercial
zoning. A planned Unit Development permits small groups of shops and restaurants in
the middle of a residential area giving the kind of convenience often found in the center
of the city but seldom in outlying residential districts. In addition, by placing a school
adjacent to community open space it is likely to be far more centrally located than would
be possible under conventional conditions.
Fewer and Shorter Streets
Developers in large low density areas generally are responsible for buildings that streets
themselves, therefore the fewer and shorter streets needed for Planned Unit
Developments mean a substantial savings for the developer. Thus may be as much as
30% less street area under Planned Unit Developments which not only means less
development cost but more valuable land available for housing.


A publication concerned with property development naturally tends to concentrate on
the physical activities but the question of use is of vital importance comparing the
particular “mix” of activities with those analogous cities & regions.

It is possible to argue that planning control is basically one of land-used; because once
the use of land has been determined the question of precisely what is built is a matter of
detail. In fact, it is a substantial commitment to use land or buildings for particular
purposes which determines their values.
The statutory definition of development is the carrying out of building, engineering,
mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material
change of use in any building or land.
1. Preparation
2. Implementation

3. Objectives
4. Local Authority
Once the decision to proceed with a particular site has been made, there are many
things that have to be done before the site can be purchased and the development
 In the period of preparation the following work to be completed:
 Study of the physical extent & nature of the site
 Investigation of extent & nature of the interest in the land that is
being purchased.
 Preparation of detailed drawings.
 Submission of planning application.
 Negotiations with planning authority.
 Obtaining planning permission.
 Obtaining short and/or long term finance.
 In some cases, securing a pre-letting of whole or part of the project.
 In all cases, through investigation of the market & establishment of levels of
price or rent.
 Preparation of more detailed estimates of cost and possibly bills of quantities.
 Discussion as to the contractor to be selected and possibly some preliminary
negotiations with one or more contractors.
 Implementation brings together at one point in space and times all the raw
materials of the development process.
 A commitment has now been made to a particular site and to particular
buildings at a particular cost spread over a particular time.
It is very difficult to set down objectives for development; in simple terms the
purpose of development is to provide accommodation for occupation for the person
carrying out the development, or for someone else.
 An Occupier - his prime objective is to provide a building within which he can
carry on his business or activities.
 A Property Company – the prime objective, whether it is a small, local one-
man band or multi-national, is to make direct financial profit from the process
of development.
 An Investor – the prime objective is to make direct financial gain. However,
they tend to take long view are more concerned with the flow of income over
an extended period of time.
 A Builder – extends his contracting role and takes on the additional risk of
development, buying land, arranging the finance and organizing sales of
 When he acts merely as contractor, he takes profit related to building cost
and time.
4. LOCAL AUTHORITY – directly related to and ancillary to their statutory public duties.
 According to planner McHarg there are land-use values discernable after
inventory and analysis, namely;
 Productive Value – are those which can be intelligently utilized for economic
gain. I.e. forestry, fisheries, extractive minerals, housing and so forth.
 Performing Values – are those lands which are needed for water purification
and climate, drought water, air control.
 Negative Values – includes land subject to natural disasters where occupancy
by man might lead to costly destructions.
 Intrinsic – are lands which neither produce, perform, nor endanger, I.e. land
having scenic, scientific, and educational value
Patterns of Land Uses
1. Residential land-use
2. Industrial land-use
3. Industrial activities and environment.
4. Commercial land-use

Factors in determining best location

1. Accessibility
2. Site availability
3. Relation of site to prospective
1. Downtown Center
Trend is toward a close integration on two or more shopping levels of department
stores, shopping facilities, hotels, office building, and theaters or parking groups.
2. Regional Center
Contains four (4) department stores plus 50 to 100 more satellite shops and facilities
all fronting on a interval pedestrian mall or shopping walkway.

Parking surrounds the building groups so that all stores face inward to the mall with
their backs to the parking.

Combines major function plus some function of community center plus sale of
general merchandize, apparel, furniture, etc.

3. Community Center

Usually strip of stores but larger than neighborhood center containing a department
store as the major unit.

Parking pattern similar to neighborhood center

Major function: sales of convenience goods and personal services plus sale of
shopping goods.

4. Neighborhood Center

Row of stores, customarily in a strip or line or parallel the highway; parking between
line of store fronts and the highway.

Service is by an alley in the rear. Range from 20,000- 100,000 sq. ft of space contains
a supermarket, drugstore, variety store about half-dozen or more service- type stores,
cater to limited trade area.
Major function sales of convenience goods and personal services

Perquisites of a center are

1. Motivated quality of the Entrepreneur.

2. Supporting population.
3. The site
4. Accessibility

 New towns and other spatial districts (agro/ eco villages)

 Industrial estates/ economic zones development


EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 282 October 30, 1995



SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE ACT OF 1995 [Republic Act No. 7916]

SECTION 3. Purposes, Intents and Objectives. - It is the purpose, intent and objective of this
a)To establish the legal framework and mechanisms for the integration, coordination, planning
and monitoring of special economic zones, industrial estates/parks, export processing zones
and other economic zones;
b)To transform selected areas in the country into highly developed agro-industrial, commercial,
tourist, banking investment, and financial centers, where highly trained workers and efficient
services will be available to commercial enterprises;
c)To promote the flow of investors, both foreign and local, into special economic zones which
would generate employment opportunities and establish backward and forward linkages among
industries in and around the economic zones;
d)To stimulate the repatriation of Filipino capital by providing attractive climate and incentives
for business activity;
e)To promote financial and industrial cooperation between the Philippines and industrialized
countries through technology-intensive industries that will modernize the country's industrial
sector and improve productivity levels by utilizing new technological and managerial know-how;
f)To vest the special economic zones on certain areas thereof with the status of a separate
customs territory within the framework of the Constitution and the national sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Philippines.

SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. - For purposes of this Act, the following definitions shall apply
to the following terms:

a)"Special economic zones (SEZ)" - hereinafter referred to as the ECOZONES, are selected
areas with highly developed or which have the potential to be developed into agro-industrial,
industrial tourist/recreational, commercial, banking, investment and financial centers.

An ECOZONE may contain any or all of the following: industrial estates (IEs), export
processing zones (EPZs), free trade zones, and tourist/recreational centers.

b)"Industrial estate (IE)" - refers to a tract of land subdivided and developed according to a
comprehensive plan under a unified continuos management and with provisions for basic
infrastructure and utilities, with or without pre-built standard factory buildings and community
facilities for the use of the community of industries.

c)"Export processing zone (EPZ)" - a specialized industrial estate located physically and/or
administratively outside customs territory, predominantly oriented to export production.
Enterprises located in export processing zones are allowed to import capital equipment and raw
materials free from duties, taxes and other import restrictions.

d)"Free trade zone" - an isolated policed area adjacent to a port of entry (as a seaport) and/or
airport where imported goods may be unloaded for immediate transshipment or stored,
repacked, sorted, mixed, or otherwise manipulated without being subject to import duties.
However, movement of these imported goods from the free-trade area to a non-free-trade area
in the country shall be subject to import duties.

Enterprises within the zone are granted preferential tax treatment and immigration laws are
more lenient.

SECTION 6. Criteria for the Establishment of Other ECOZONES. - In addition to the

ECOZONES identified in Section 5 of this Act, other areas may be established as ECOZONES
in a proclamation to be issued by the President of the Philippines subject to the evaluation and
recommendation of the PEZA, based on a detailed feasibility and engineering study which must
conform to the following criteria:

a)The proposed area must be identified as a regional growth center in the Medium-Term
Philippine Development Plan or by the Regional Development Council;
b)The existence of required infrastructure in the proposed ECOZONE, such as roads, railways,
telephones, ports, airports, etc., and the suitability and capacity of the proposed site to absorb
such improvements;
c)The availability of water source and electric power supply for use of the ECOZONE;
d)The extent of vacant lands available for industrial and commercial development and future
expansion of the ECOZONE as well as lands adjacent to the ECOZONE available for
development of residential areas for the ECOZONE workers;
e)The availability of skilled, semi-skilled and non-skilled trainable labor force in and around the
f)The area must have a significant incremental advantage over the existing economic zones
and its potential profitability can be established;
g)The area must be strategically located; and
  h)The area must be situated where controls can easily be established to curtail smuggling
 A tract of land which is subdivided and developed according to a comprehensive
plan for the use of a community of industrial enterprises.
 Classification ranges from the most restricted uses for light industry to the
unrestricted heavy industry areas
 Light industry may be located within the central and sub-communities in order
that a considerable amount of employment may be provided close to living areas
 More offensive light industries should be located within special light industrial
zones in the green wedges or adjacent to the heavy industrial districts.
 Heavy Industry should be located at the outer edges of the sub-communities or
within the green wedge areas where they can be connected by the railroad belt
line and made accessible to all railroads on equal terms, and where they can be
quickly reached from employees’ homes.
 Adoption of “performance standards” may obviate the need for arbitrary
distinctions between “light” and “heavy” industry and provide a more rational
utilization of industrial land
 Performance standards for control of smoke, odor glare, vibration, dust, sound,
radiation, water or sewer pollution, and moisture are enforced through the
measurement of the effects of plant operation
 Industrial areas have a density of some 30 to 50 workers per acre while the
areas of heavy industry have less than 10 workers per acre.
 Size of industrial estates vary depending on factors such as types and number of
industries to be accommodated, number of units, size of their employment,
potential industrial growth, availability of land and its development costs,
proximity of transport and availability of workers’ housing.
 Large enough to achieve practical economies of scale but not to the point where
diseconomies of scale, particularly traffic and administrative difficulties may
become serious
 In the US, the most popular factory lot size is from 2,000 m 2 to 25,000 m2. The
smallest plot being 200 m2.
 United Nations has recommended that the smallest industrial lot should have a
frontage of 40 meters and a depth of 65 meters. Room for expansion twice the
original floor space should be provided.
Classes of Industrial Estates

1. Industrial tract - An improved tract of land including provisions for streets

and access roads, and installation of utilities. No buildings are provided.
2. Industrial subdivision - An improved tract of land with industrial building,
designed for a small group or cluster of enterprises. No special services or
facilities are provided in a subdivision.
3. Fully packaged estates - An improved tract of land provided with industrial
buildings and large enough in area to provide sufficient economics of scale to
offer special facilities and services to industrial occupants.

Facilities of Industrial Estate

Parks and open spaces
Standard Factory Buildings
Fire Station
Administrative Buildings
o Bank
o Communications Office
o Canteen for Executives
o Clinic
o Training Area
o Conference Room
o Administrators’ Office
o Accounting Office
o Architecture and Engineering Office

 A more highly restricted type of planned industrial district in which special

attention and emphasis is given to aesthetics preservation of open spaces and
community compatibility.
 A planned industrial district and distinguished from a miscellaneous collection of
industrial structures on separate parcels of land
 Serve the same manner as industrial districts of earlier times
 Industrial parks are not suitable to all industries
 Development was due to effort to become more integrated with home areas of
 Relieve industry of legal problems stemming from zoning.

Offers utilities and services thus won’t encounter problems from local
government in obtaining them.
 There is a signification reduction on site development cost to the industry that
locates with the park
 Provide benefits to industry such as security, eating facilities and club
 Communities housing industrial parks benefit from diversification of local
economy, broader tax base, more community income, and a general stimulant to
the area
 Standards of industrial parks are high to be accepted by residents but not so rigid
to become unacceptable to industries.
 Proper development and restrictions can make land usage predictable and can
protect property values in the park and the surrounding area.
 Density in Industrial Parks range from 15 to 20 workers per acre.
 Typical standard include architectural control through an architectural board of
review, minimum setback of 25 feet with complete landscape treatment of open
areas, provision of adequate enclosed parking and loading spaces, exclusion of
any operation that emit smoke or fumes and limiting noise levels.

 Characterized by the large proportion of raw materials value to production value.
 Located in areas where resources are available, thus minimizing added cost to
transporting raw materials
 These involve processing that add bulk and weight to the products
 Distribution costs and other related problems are minimized if located near
marketing centers
 Second-stage users where processing cost of materials count more than transfer
 Located where linkages are great

1. Cottage Industry – Total assets not exceeding 100,000 pesos.

2. Small Scale Industry – Total assets should be 2 million pesos.
3. Medium Scale Industry – Total assets should be 1 to 4 million pesos.
4. Large Scale Industry – Total assets should be 4 million pesos and up.

 An operating establishment having an employment size greater than 500
 Precedent activity, proximity to raw materials, natural resources, power sources,
and location at major transportation hubs and population centers are several
factors that prompt that continuation of heavy industrial activity
 Facilities include intense manufacturing operations, heavy equipment,
construction and fuel yards, mining and quarrying, major transportation terminals,
and other industrial activities required in an urban economy.
 Locational factors generally favor sites with access to arterial or collector roads
and, where practical or necessary, rail and water access
 Floor area ratios of 0.5 to 1.0 with surface improvements as high as 80% to 90%
of the usable site areas are not uncommon
 Site design focuses on site entry and internal site circulation of potential visitor,
employee, service and facility operating needs, and exterior storage and loading
 An operating establishment having employment size not more than 500
 Product fabrication and assembly operations, storage, and similar industrial
operations in suburban locations
 Reduced levels of noise, smoke, glare, and other environmental pollutants
 Development considerations and site design issues do not differ substantially
from those of the heavy industry
 Characteristics associated with a smaller scale of operation or less noxious
effects on adjacent land uses generally accommodate a different range in uses
that may be sanctioned by local jurisdiction for inclusion in a medium intensity
 An operating establishment having employment size of no more than 15
 Affords more lenient standards given to more compatible nature of permitted
 Uses compromise activities considered least obstructive and operating under
high performance standards relative to off site impacts
 Floor Area Ratios may be less expansive and range from 0.4 to 0.5 FAR, and
operation, including storage, may be required to be exclusively under roof


 Industrial districts qualified as institutional, research, technology, warehouse and
distribution centers reflects unique sets of operating requirements, an affinity for
light-kind uses to collocate, and market-driven pressure to elevate the site
aesthetics for select industrial land-use activities
 Local public controls may allow an industrial district that demonstrate
compatibility with surrounding land activities
 Minimum land assembly, larger minimum lot requirements, increase setback,
screening and buffer requirements, increased landscaped, open space
standards, reduced allowable building profiles, and more restrictive building bulk
 Allowable land-use intensities as low as 0.25 FAR help reduce visual impact on
surrounding areas
 It is not light or manufacturing industry
 Quasi-commercial industrial undertaking such as bakery, laundry and dress
shops closed to the main neighborhood center
 Includes gravel and sand, auto repair shops, which require large site to facilitate
effective screening/buffering


Light-Intensity Non-Pollutive/

Industrial Area (I-1) Non Hazardous

Medium-Intensity Pollutive/Hazardous

Industrial Area (I-2) Pollutive/Non-Hazardous


Heavy-Intensity Highly-Pollutive/Extremely
Industrial Area (I-3)
Highly-Pollutive/ Hazardous


Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous



A. Non-Pollutive/Non-Hazardous

1. Manufacture of Bakery Products

2. Manufacture of Footwear, except Vulcanized or Moulded Rubber or Plastic
3. Manufacture of Transport Equipment, (Not Elsewhere Classified N.E.C.)
4. Manufacture of Photographic and Optical Goods
5. Manufacture of Watches and Clocks
6. Manufacture of Jewelry and Related Articles of Previous Metals
7. Manufacture of Musical Instruments
8. Manufacture of Sporting and Athletic Goods except Firearms, Rubber and Plastic
9. Manufacture of Related Products, Not Elsewhere Classified
10. Marketing Centers for Agricultural Food Products
11. Warehouse and Storage Facilities
12. Manufacture of Office, Computing and Accounting Machinery
13. Manufacture of Professional and Scientific
B. Non-Pollutive/Hazardous

1. Manufacture of Made-up Textile Goods Except Weaving Apparel

2. Manufacture of Wearing Apparel, Except Footwear
3. Manufacture of Wooden and Cane container and small cane ware
4. Printing Publishing and Allied Industry

C. Highly Pollutive/Hazardous

1. Manufacture of vegetables and animal oils and fats

2. Sugar factories and refineries
3. Distilling, rectifying and blending spirits
4. Spinning, weaving and finishing textiles
5. Tanneries and leather finishing
6. Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
7. Manufacture of soap and cleaning preparations, perfumes, cosmetics, and other
toile preparation
8. Manufacture of Cement line and plastic
9. Iron and steel industries
10. Non-ferrous metal basic industries

D. Highly Pollutive/Non-Hazardous

1. Slaughtering, Preparing and Preserving Heat

2. Manufacture of Dairy Products
3. Canning and preserving of Fruits and Vegetables
4. Canning Preserving and Processing of Fish, Crustaceans and similar foods
5. Customary Agricultural and Operation including Livestock and Dairy Farms
6. Processing of Agricultural Food Products, Commercial Food Products
7. Manufacture of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers
8. Wine Industries
9. Malt and Liquors
A. Pollutive/Non-Hazardous

1. Manufacture of Cocoa
2. Manufacture of Food Products N.E.C.
3. Manufacture of Furniture and Fixtures except primary of metal
4. Manufacture of Furniture and Fixtures primary of metal
5. Manufacture of Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionary
6. Manufacture of Cutlery, Hand Tools and General Hardware
7. Manufacture of Structural Metal Products
8. Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products except Machinery and Equipment
9. Manufacture of Electrical Industrial Machinery and Apparatus
10. Manufacture of Radio, Television and Communication Equipment
11. Manufacture of Electrical Appliances and Housewares
12. Manufacture of Electrical Appliances and Supplies N.E.C.
13. Manufacture of Motorcycles and Bicycles
14. Manufacture of Agricultural Machineries
15. Machinery and Equipment except electrical equipment not elsewhere classified

B. Pollutive/Hazardous

1. Grain Mill Products

2. Manufacture of Prepared Animal Foods
3. Manufacture of Textiles not elsewhere classified
4. Manufacture of Wood and Cork Products, N.E.C.
5. Manufacture of Pottery, China and Earthenware
6. Tobacco Manufacturers
7. Knitting Mills
8. Manufacture of Carpets and Rugs
9. Cordage, Rope and Twine Industries
10. Manufacture of Container and boxes of Paper and Paperboard
11. Manufacture of Plastic Products, N.E.C.
12. Manufacture of Structural Clay Products
13. Manufacture of Non-Metallic Mineral Products, N.E.C.
14. Shipbuilding and Repair
15. Sawmills, Planning and Other Wood Mills
16. Manufacture of Drugs and Medicines
17. Manufacture of Chemical Products N.E.C.
18. Manufacture of Rubber Products N.E.C.
19. Manufacture of Glass and Glass Products
20. Manufacture of Engines and Turbines
21. Manufacture of Metal and Wood Machinery
22. Manufacture of Special Industrial Machinery and Equipment
23. Manufacture of Railroad Equipment
24. Manufacture of Motor Vehicles
25. Manufacture of Aircraft
26. Motor shops
A. Highly Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous

1. Manufacture of Basic Industrial Chemicals except fertilizers

2. Manufacture of fertilizers and pesticides
3. Manufacture of synthetic resins, plastic materials and man made fibers except
4. Petroleum refineries
5. Manufacture of miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal

B. Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous

1. anufacture of paints, varnishes and lacquers

2. Manufacture of matches, explosives and fireworks
3. Tire and tube industries

C. Non-Pollutive/Extremely Hazardous

1. Manufacture of compressed and liquified gas



Economic Unit which produce goods or services (farm, mine, factory, store)
At a single physical location and engaged in predominantly one type of economic
 It is not necessarily identical with the business concerned

Central Administrative Office is primarily engaged in management and general

administrative functions performed centrally for other establishments of the same
 Auxiliary Units are establishment engaged in performing support services for
other establishments of the same company


 Outside city limits but within urban distribution area and where transportation
 Contained within central express and pickup districts where rates are lowest
Contained with the local switching district of at least one railroad, preferably in
one terminal district
 Location has lower freight rates than metropolitan areas
 Situation on a good highway close enough to town so truck deliveries can be
 Favored by one-story spread out plants
 Labor must be available at distances with no excessive travel time

 Preferred by industry that is market or contract dominated

 Has difficulties with meeting requirements of locality such as off-street parking


 Preferred for industries that need close proximity to raw materials, low cost
electric power
 Most locations are near bodies of water

1. Site must be readily available for immediate implementation, having suitable and
sufficient land (preferably government land), power, water and sewerage
2. Preferably, the site must have an existing nucleus of industry.
3. Site must be along the coast for the construction of port and harbor facilities or
serviced by railways, arterial road and/or airport to efficiently link the estate to
markets and materials.
4. Site must be near growth centers to insure faster development.
5. Site must conform to the development plan of the community.
6. Site must be located in peaceful areas where normal industrial activities can not
be hampered.
7. Site must be in areas such that considerations can be given ecological balance.
8. As a general rule, site entailing high development cost should be avoided but
land cost should not be determining factor in site selection.
 Must be of rolling terrain because of vastness of land
 Slope could range from 5% to 15% if clearing will pose no problem in terms of
undue expense and destruction of land.
 Substantial areas of moderately flat and inexpensive land can support heavy
loads for building are required
 Area should not be subject to flooding or be flood prone.
 Good drainage and suitable site for installation of treatment facilities for waste
disposal are also advantages to be sought.

Industrial Park Site Standards

1. Minimum land to building ratio – 4:1

2. Minimum building setback of 15 meters
3. Minimum side lot setback of 15 meters
4. 30 to 60 meters of buffer strip is required and must be maintained
5. Plot area coverage and floor area ratio
Industries Area of Plot in Sq. M. Maximum Coverage

Light industry 200 - 2,000 50%

Medium industry 2,000 – 4,000 40%

Heavy industry Above 4,000 35%

6. Land Requirement for pre-planned industrial park

Minimum - 130.0

Ideal - 250.0

7. Industrial land reserve for minimum of 50 years of future growth

Industrial Estate Site Allocation

While maximum possible area should be utilized for factory plots, enough land should
be provided for roads and open spaces for environmental quality. The following
allocation is recommended:

Industrial Area 65%

Roads Not more than 25%

Parks and Open Space 10%

Area Standards

o Based on population and nature of industrial activity

Light Industry - 0.80 hectare per 1000 population

Medium Industry - 2.50 hectares per 1000 population

Heavy Industry - 4.00 hectares per 1000 population

o Based on employment levels

Small Scale - 1/8 hectare (1,250 sq. m.) for 5-15 employees

Medium Scale - ¼ hectare (2,500 sq. m.) for 10-15 employees

Large Scale - ½ hectare (5,000 sq. m.) for 10-20 employees

o Worker-Area Ratio
Average number of workers per gross hectare of industrial land

Heavy Light Industrial Park

Present Ratio 20 70 45

Expected Future 15 55 40

Land Allocation
Amount of land to be allocated for industrial use will depend on the following:

1. Long-term socio-economic development goals of the community, especially

on the level of industrial activity envisioned, classified according to size and
nature. This may be indicated by the projected proportion of employment in
industry in the locality; non-industrial employment to industrial employment.
Normally, one employee in the basic industry generates 1.5 to 2 employees in
the service sector.

2. The viability of suitable industrial sites from social, economic, technological

and ecological points of views.
3. Whether industrial activity is local in character, regional in scope or of national
importance, plans of higher geographical or political levels should be
consulted. Planning industrial areas in this regard will also require
coordination with planners at higher levels.
 Re`adily accessible to local and regional transportation network.
 Must have certain locational advantage with respect to raw materials and in
certain instances, must have links with other related industries facilities.
 Must have ability to attract and retain a suitable labor force.
Accessibility Standards

o Residential Areas
Heavy industries - 1 to 2 kms.

Medium industries - ½ kilometer

Light industries - 100 meters

o Commercial Centers
Heavy industries - 2 to 4 kms.

Medium industries - 2 to 4 kms.

Light industries - 0.5 km.

o Institutional Areas
Heavy industries - 2 to 5 kms.

Medium industries - 2 to 5 kms.

Light industries - 1 to 2 kms.

 Ability of micro-climate to disperse airborne pollutants to harmless proportions
contributes to attractiveness of site
 Dispersion should not occur along critical channels of present and future
 Location near available and continuing sources of water, power and sewer which
can be expanded to accommodate potential growth of estate and its surrounding
 If not within economic distance of utilities, it should be ascertained if these can be
adequately and economically furnished on site.

1. The location, arrangements, character, extent, width and grade of all streets, are
consistent with the approved master plan of the community and related to
existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, public convenience and
safety and to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
2. Where an estate abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial streets, lots
with reverse frontage are provided with screen planting along their rear property
lines, or deep lots with rear service alleys

Figure 1 - Plant Strip along rear Property Line along Arterial Road (Left) Railroad
within estate is provided with parallel streets on each side (right)

4. Where an estate borders on or contains a railroad or highway right-of-way, a

street is provided approximately parallel to on each side of such right-of-way at a
distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land.
5. Feature specifications for streets are:
Right-of- Percent Per Lane
wayWidth No. ofLanes
Type Grade (max) Permanent width(min)

Main 20 m. 5 4 3.50 m.

Secondary 15 m. 7 3 3.50 m.

Local 12 m. 10 2 3.50 m.

6. Dead-end streets are not longer than 100 meters and are provided at the closed
end with a turn-around having an inside roadway diameter of at least 30 meters.
7. Streets are laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street
intersects any other street at more than 60 degrees. Four-way or cross
intersection are to be avoided or minimized.

Figure 2 - Preferred intersection of road at right angle (Top) Maximum depth of

dead-end street and minimum diameter of closed end turnaround

8. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 40 meters are avoided.
9. A tangent at least 30 meters long is introduced between reverse curves on major
and secondary streets.

Figure 3 - Minimum Offset allowable for Street Jogs (Left) Minimum Tangent for
Reversed Curves (Right)

10. When connecting street lines deflected from each other at any one point by more
than 10 degrees, they are connected by a curve with a radius adequate to insure
a safe sight distance.
11. Corner lot must be provided with four-meter chord for streets with right-of-way
widths of 12 meters and with six-meter chord for streets with right-of-way widths
of more than 12 meters.
1. As access to interior lots, alleys and walkways with width not less than 8 meters
are allowed.

2. Sufficient safe vehicular movement is provided for in alley intersections and

dead-end alleys.

3. Pedestrian crosswalks through blocks are paved, have minimum width of 4

meters and a maximum grade of 10 percent.


1. Easements across lots or along rear lines where utilities are necessary must be
at least 2 meters wide.
2. Where an estate is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel or
stream, an easement or right of way prescribed by local/national code must be
maintained. Parallel streets/parkways are provided in connection therewith.

Figure 4 - Easement for Watercourse within Site

1. The length, width and shape of blocks are designed with due regard among other
factors, to the following:
o Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the needs of the industries
o Zoning requirements, if any, as to lot sizes and dimensions;
o Need for convenient but economical access and utility run, proper circulation,
control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and
o Limitations and opportunities of topography.
2. Block length is not more than 400 meters but not less than 150 meters. Any
block over 400 meters long must have a pedestrian crosswalk at its midlength to
provide a means for pedestrian circulation or access to bus waiting stations,
parks and other common facilities in the estate.
1. Every lot should front on a street. Its length and width are adequate to provide
off-street service and parking facilities in addition to its industrial requirements.
2. Lot dimensions must conform to the requirements of the local or national
governments if any and at the same time flexible with a lot of choices. Only
under unavoidable circumstances may the lot width be less than 50 percent of
the lot depth.
3. Corner lots must have extra width to permit appropriate building setbacks from
both streets.
4. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots are allowed only to provide separation
of the estate from arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography
and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least 5 meters, across which
there is no right of access, is provided along the line of lots abutting such a traffic
artery or other disadvantageous uses.
5. Side lot lines are at right angles or radial to street lines.

Figure 5 - Illustration of standards for lots

1. Parks, playfields, or other public open spaces, as part of an estate, must have a
minimum street frontage of 50 meters and are easily accessible to all estate
occupants either through streets or pedestrian walkways.
2. An enclosing greenbelt 30 to 100 meters wide (depending on topography, micro-
climate and activities) must be provided to protect both the estate and the
adjacent land uses from conflicting activities which may arise in the future and at
the same time demarcate the extent of growth of the estate. The greenbelt
should be treated as an integral part of the open space element and as such
should be accessible to and utilize by estate occupants.
Topic 6 Watershed/ river basin, coastal and waterfront development
A watershed is simply defined as "all land area which drains into a stream system,
upstream from its mouth and is surrounded with a divide." A watershed, if properly
managed, will supply water for agricultural and industrial use, including water for
domestic consumption.

Per Section 3 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 705, known as the Revised Forestry
Code of thePhilippines, critical areas of a river system supporting existing and proposed
hydro-electricpower and irrigation works, need immediate rehabilitation as they are to
fast denudation causingaccelerated erosion and destructive floods. They are closed for
logging until fully rehabilitated.

· The Sustainable Management of Forest Resources Act of 1996. This is a bill to

replace PD 705, otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, to
conform withfundamental laws of the land. The salient features of the act are:
· Sustainable Forest Management and Development, which focuses on the resources
rather than the products, shall be the guiding principle in the management, protection,
conservation, utilization and development of forest resources. An integrated Forest
Management System shall be pursued.

· Community-Based Forest Management shall be the principal strategy to promote

sustainable Forest Management and Development.

· The promotion of participation of all sectors of society in sustainable Forest

Management and Development ensuring the equitable sharing of the benefits derived
from the forest.

· The protection and the rehabilitation of forest lands and national parks including all
protected areas shall be given priority to ensure environmental stability, ecological
balance and enhancement of biological diversity.

· The establishment of specific limits of forest lands and national parks.

· The establishment of a dynamic, professional and people-oriented forest service.

· The conservation, utilization, rehabilitation and protection of our forest resources shall
bear a social function, responsibility and accountability to promote a common good.

· Billion Trees Act of 1995. This Act provides for an inter-agency coordination and
implementation of the program with the DENR as lead agency. To ensure the efficient
andeffective implementation of the program, the Bill provides for the following:
· Community Reforestation through Community-Based Forest Management Agreement
(CBFMA) which shall be granted for twenty five (25) years;

· Reforestation of denuded military reservations by the AFP and PNP personnel

assigned in the said areas with corresponding incentives;

· Adoption of a reforestation project or a forested area for protection by private

corporations, foundations, foreign and local NGO's and similar institutions; and
· Establishment of seedling nurseries and mini-forest parks in every city and
municipality. In relation to this provision, every subdivision project to be developed after
the promulgation of this act shall include the establishment of parks of not less than
25% of the requiredtotal spaced in accordance with PD 953.

Watershed Management
In the administration and regulation of land resources for the production of water and
the control of erosion, stream flow and floods, there are at least four phases of
watershed management.

First, the recognition phase, which involves a survey to determine extent, location, and
severity of deterioration of critical or misused areas.

Second, the reforestation phase, which includes the correction of the unstable
conditionsc ausing erosion and floods by vegetation or engineering methods.

Third, the protection phase, which involves not only protection from fires or damaging
agencies but also the maintenance of existing conditions, provided they are acceptable
for the uses to which the area is subject; and,

Fourth, the improvement phase, whereby practices are initiated to increase the yield of
water.This phase may involve various measures of different degrees of effectiveness as
far as theyield of water is concerned.

Topic 7:Protected Areas

National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS), An Act Establishing (RA No.
7586, 1992)


Republic Act No. 7586

To this end, there is hereby established a National Integrated Protected Areas System
(NIPAS), which shall encompass outstanding remarkable areas and biologically
important public lands that are habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and
animals, biogeographic zones and related ecosystems, whether terrestrial, wetland or
marine, all of which shall be designated as protected areas.

Section 3     Categories

The following categories of protected areas are hereby established:

a. Strict nature reserve;

b. Natural park;
c. Natural monument;
d. Wildlife sanctuary;
e. Protected landscapes and seascapes;
f. Resource reserve;
g. Natural biotic areas; and,
h. Other categories established by law, conventions or international agreements
which the Philippine Government is a signatory.

Section 4     Definition of Terms

For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

a. National Integrated Protected Areas Systems (NIPAS) is the classification and

administration of all designated protected areas to maintain essential ecological
processes and life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure
sustainable use of resources found therein, and to maintain their natural
conditions to the greatest extent possible;

b. Protected area refers to identified portions of land and water set aside by reason
of their unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance
biological diversity and protected against destructive human exploitation;

c. Buffer zones are identified areas outside the boundaries of and immediately
adjacent to designated protected areas pursuant to Section 8 that need special
development control in order to avoid or minimize harm to the protected area;

d. Indigenous cultural community refers to a group of people sharing common

bonds of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits, and
who have, since time immemorial, occupied, possessed and utilized a territory;

e. National park refers to a forest reservation essentially of natural wilderness

character which has been withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or any form of
exploitation except in conformity with approved management plan and set aside
as such exclusively to conserve the area or preserve the scenery, the natural and
historic objects, wild animals and plants therein and to provide enjoyment of
these features in such areas;
f. Natural monument is a relatively small area focused on protection of small
features to protect or preserve nationally significant natural features on account
of their special interest or unique characteristics;

g. Natural biotic area is an area set aside to allow the way of life of societies living
in harmony with the environment to adapt to modem technology at their pace;

h. Natural park is a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity
where extractive resource uses are not allowed and maintained to protect
outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for
scientific, educational and recreational use;

i. Protected landscapes/seascapes are areas of national significance which are

characterized by the harmonious interaction of man and land while providing
opportunities for public enjoyment through recreation and tourism within the
normal lifestyle and economic activity of these areas;

j. Resource reserve is an extensive and relatively isolated and uninhabited area

normally with difficult access designated as such to protect natural resources of
the area for future use and prevent or contain development activities that could
affect the resource pending the establishment of objectives which are based
upon appropriate knowledge and planning;

k. Strict nature reserve is an area possessing some outstanding ecosystem,

features and/or species of flora and fauna of national scientific importance
maintained to protect nature and maintain processes in an undisturbed state in
order to have ecologically representative examples of the natural environment
available for scientific study, environmental monitoring, education, and for the
maintenance of genetic resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state;

l. Tenured migrant communities are communities within protected areas which

have actually and continuously occupied such areas for five (5) years before the
designation of the same as protected areas in accordance with this Act and are
solely dependent therein for subsistence; and

m. Wildlife sanctuary comprises an area which assures the natural conditions

necessary to protect nationally significant species, groups of species, biotic
communities or physical features of the environment where these may require
specific human manipulation for the perpetuation.

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