CH 1-P24

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15-98 A gaseous fuel with a known composition is burned with dry air, and the volumetric analysis of products gases is
determined. The AF ratio, the percent theoretical air used, and the volume flow rate of air are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Combustion is complete. 2 Air and the combustion gases are ideal gases.
Properties The molar masses of C, H2, N2, O2, and air are 12, 2, 28, 32, and 29 kg/kmol, respectively (Table A-1).
Analysis Considering 100 kmol of dry products, the combustion equation can be written as
x(0.65CH 4 + 0.25N 2 + 0.10O 2 ) + a(O 2 + 3.76N 2 )
⎯→ 3.36CO 2 + 0.09CO + 14.91O 2 + 81.64N 2 + bH 2 O

The unknown coefficients x, a, and b are determined

from mass balances, 65% CH4
25% N2 3.36% CO2
C : 0.65 x = 3.36 + 0.09 ⎯
⎯→ x = 5.31 10% O2 0.09% CO
H : (4)(0.65) x = 2b ⎯→ b = 6.90
⎯ chamber 14.91% O2
81.64% N2
N 2 : 0.25 x + 3.76a = 81.64 ⎯
⎯→ a = 21.36 Air

[Check O 2 : 0.10 x + a = 3.36 + 0.045 + 14.91 + b / 2 ⎯

⎯→a = 21.23 ]
The N2 balance and O2 balance gives two different a values. There must be a small error in the volumetric analysis of the
products and the mass balance is not completely satisfied. Yet we solve the problem with an a value of 21.36 being aware
of this situation. Then,
5.31(0.65CH 4 + 0.25N 2 + 0.10O 2 ) + 21.36 (O 2 + 3.76N 2 )
⎯→ 3.36CO 2 + 0.09CO + 14.91O 2 + 81.64N 2 + 6.9H 2O

The combustion equation for 1 kmol of fuel is obtained by dividing the above equation by 5.31,
(0.65CH 4 + 0.25N 2 + 0.10O 2 ) + 4.02(O 2 + 3.76N 2 )
⎯→ 0.633CO 2 + 0.017CO + 2.81O 2 + 15.37N 2 + 1.3H 2 O

(a) The air-fuel ratio is determined from its definition,

AF =
(4.02 × 4.76 kmol)(29 kg/kmol) = 26.9 kg air/kg fuel
mfuel 0.65 × 16 + 0.25 × 28 + 0.10 × 32

(b) To find the percent theoretical air used, we need to know the theoretical amount of air, which is determined from the
theoretical combustion equation of the fuel,

(0.65CH 4 + 0.25N 2 + 0.10O 2 ) + a th (O 2 + 3.76N 2 ) ⎯⎯→ 0.65CO 2 + 1.3H 2 O + (0.25 + 3.76a th )N 2

O 2 : 0.10 + a th = 0.65 + 0.65 ⎯
⎯→ a th = 1.2

Then, Percent theoretical air =

N air,act
(4.02)(4.76) kmol = 3.35 = 335%
mair,th N air,th (1.2)(4.76) kmol
(c) The specific volume, mass flow rate, and the volume flow rate of air at the inlet conditions are

( )
0.287 kPa ⋅ m 3 /kg ⋅ K (298 K )
= 0.855 m 3 /kg
P 100 kPa
m& air = (AF)m& fuel = (26.9 kg air/kg fuel)(3.5 kg fuel/min ) = 94.15 m 3 /min

( )
V&air = (m& v )air = (94.15 kg/min ) 0.855 m 3 /kg = 80.5 m 3 /min

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