Assignment 2 (Energy Efficiency in Boilers) 2017-2018

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4th Year Mechanical Power

Conservation of Energy / MEP416 Assignment 2 (Energy Efficiency in Boilers)

Prof. Dr. Abdelhafez Hassanein Page 1 of 2

1) A steam boiler generates dry saturated steam at 10 barg. The fired fuel is coal of
gross heating value of 13400 kJ/kg. If the specific fuel consumption is 0.225 kg
fuel per kg steam and the feedwater temperature is 85 °C, find out the efficiency
of the boiler by direct method.

2) A steam boiler raises 5 ton/h of dry saturated steam at 9 barg. The boiler uses fuel
oil with a heating value of 41 MJ/kg. The fuel cost is EGP 4.25/kg. Feedwater
enters the boiler at 26 °C. The flue gas temperature is 315 °C. The exhaust gases
have an average specific heat of 1.15 kJ/kg.K. The amount of the exhaust gases
is 20.1 kg/kg of fuel. The boiler operates 8600 hours per year. Radiation and blow
down losses together are estimated as 3.5%. Calculate:
a) The fuel consumption in kg/h.
b) The combustion and the boiler efficiencies.
c) If an economizer is installed that would raise the temperature of the feedwater
entering the boiler to 100 °C, calculate the annual fuel savings in EGP.

3) A steam boiler raises 10 ton/hr using light fuel oil with a gravimetric analysis of
86% Carbon, 13% Hydrogen, and 1% Sulfur. The fuel costs EGP 3.65/lit, has a
specific gravity of 0.82, and a heating value of 42.5 MJ/kg. The boiler delivers
saturated steam at 800 kPa and operates 5820 hours per year. The feedwater
enters the boiler at 60 °C. An exhaust gas analysis showed that the oxygen
concentration was 7% while the exhaust gas and ambient temperatures were 220
and 27 °C, respectively. Radiation and blow down losses are 1.5 and 2%,
respectively. Determine:
a) The stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio and actual air-to-fuel ratio.
b) The combustion and boiler efficiencies.
c) If a combustion control system was installed that reduced the exhaust gas
oxygen concentration in the exhaust from 7% to 4% at an investment of EGP
500000, find the percent fuel savings, the annual savings in EGP/year and the
simple payback period. You may use the Siegert formula:

 
qexh %  Texh  Ta  
 B
 21  O 2 % 
Where A1 = 0.68 and B = 0.007
O2 %
Excessair factor 
21  O 2 %
4th Year Mechanical Power
Conservation of Energy / MEP416 Assignment 2 (Energy Efficiency in Boilers)
Prof. Dr. Abdelhafez Hassanein Page 2 of 2

4) Upon testing a fire tube boiler in a hospital, the following data were recorded:
Steam produced Saturated @ 9 barg
Fuel fired Light fuel oil
Fuel consumed 625 lit/h
Fuel specific gravity 0.85
Fuel heating value 37400 kJ/lit
Flue gas temperature 261 °C
Ambient temperature 29°C
Oxygen content 4% (vol.), dry basis
Radiation & blowdown losses 4%
Calculate the boiler efficiency and the rate of steam produced.
5) A steam boiler raises 12 tons/h of dry saturated steam at 1MPa. Feed water
enters the boiler at 1 MPa and 20 °C. The boiler utilizes heavy fuel oil with a
heating value of 40 MJ/kg as a fuel. The fuel cost is 3.6 EGP/kg. An exhaust gas
analysis was performed on the boiler at 101.3 kPa and 20 °C; during which the
exhaust gas temperature was found to be 167 °C and the oxygen concentration
was 15.61%. After the installation of a control system (Cost EGP 500,000), the
exhaust gas temperature was 182 °C and the O2 concentration was 6%. The
combined radiation and blow down losses can be assumed constant at 7% before
and after installation. The boiler operates 16 hours/day, 320 days/year. Find:
a) The combustion and boiler efficiencies before and after the installation of the
control system.
b) The percent change in fuel consumption as a result of the tune-up.
c) The annual money saving and the simple payback period.
Exhaust gas losses are given by the Siegert formula. For fuel oil, it reads as
6) A department store has an average hot water requirement for all purposes of
11500 GJ/year; the load is constant allover the year with an average use of 3120
hours/year. A water heater using natural gas as a fuel and having an overall
efficiency of 80% is used to provide the required amount of hot water. The natural
gas has a heating value of 36.5 MJ/m3 and costs EGP 1.10/m3. The department
store produces solid waste at a rate of 676 tons/year. The cost of waste disposal
is EGP 150/ton and has a calorific value of 16 MJ/kg. It is suggested to install a
waste heat boiler having an efficiency of 70% to produce hot water for the store
using the waste as a fuel. The cost of the waste heat boiler is EGP 1,000,000.
a) The percentage of hot water produced by the waste heat boiler.
b) The annual money saving and the simple payback period.

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