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Members of the group:

Hazel Salma 1813023001

Iqbal Kurniawan 1813023015
Ela Nur Anisa 1813023023
Athaya Salsabilla Hanun 1813023025
Desti Elly Yanti 1813023027
Anjellia Antika 1813023029
Dicky Syahputra 1813023035
Anan Zahra 1813023053



Teacher (Dicky) : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Good afternoon


Students : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good afternoon Mr.

Teacher : How are you all today?

Students : Alhamdulillah fine, Mr.

Teacher : So, today we will continue our study of the material chemical

Students : Ok, sir

Teacher : Does anyone still remember, last week we studied equilibrium last
chemistry came to matter what?

Iqbal : I am sir, last week we have studied up to the material equilibrium

heterogeneous and homogeneous equilibrium
Teacher : Yeah right, so after last week we studied heterogeneous equilibrium and
homogeneous equilibrium, today we will proceed to the next material,
namely the equilibrium constant.
Students : Fine, Sir
Teacher : So, to start our study, observe the table below accurately

Reaction table
N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) at 25 ° C
Initial Concentration Comparison of
Concentration Equilibrium concentrations at
[M] [M] equilibrium
[NO2] [N2O4] [NO2] [N2O4] [NO2] [NO2]2
[N2O4] [N2O4]
0,000 0.670 0.0547 0.643 0.0851 4.65 x 10-3
0.0500 0.446 0.0457 0.448 0.102 4.66 x 10-3
0.0300 0.500 0.0475 0.491 0.0967 4.60 x 10-3
0.0400 0.600 0.0523 0.594 0.0880 4.60 x 10-3
0.200 0,000 0.0204 0.0898 0.227 4.63 x 10-3

Teacher : After observing the table above what information do you obtain about?
Ataya : I am Sir, after I observed the table above, I obtain information that after
equilibrium, the concentration of [NO2] tends to decrease, and the
concentration of [N2O4] tends to increase.
Teacher : Yes well, is there anyone else who obtain the other information?
Anan : I am Sir, I permit to add information, so after I observed the table above I
obtain the information that the ratio of concentration at the moment
[𝑁𝑂2 ] [𝑁𝑂2]2
equilibrium [𝑁 gives various values, while at gives almost the same
2 𝑂4 ] [𝑁2𝑂4 ]


Teacher : Yes, it is true, at the time of the equilibrium state, the concentration of
product or [NO2] will tend to decrease over time, and when the state is
equilibrium the concentration of reactants or [N2O4] over time it will tend
to increase. Then when equilibrium the concentration ratio at
[𝑵𝑶𝟐 ]
equilibrium [𝑵 produces various values which is nearly 0.1, and at a
𝟐 𝑶𝟒 ]

[𝑵𝑶𝟐 ]𝟐
ratio of concentrations at equilibrium [𝑵 yield nearly constant values
𝟐 𝑶𝟒 ]
is average 4.63 x 10-3. Thus, what can you get from the ratio of
[𝑵𝑶𝟐 ]𝟐
concentrations at equilibrium [ ?
𝑵𝟐 𝑶𝟒 ]

Desti : Sir, from your explanation, I found that the ratio of concentration is in
[𝑁𝑂2 ]2
equilibrium [𝑁 is a fixed value.
2 𝑂4 ]

Teacher : Well yes, that's right. Is there anything you want to ask?
Iqbal : I am Sir, I want to ask, what is the constant value of the equilibrium
concentration at [ ?
𝑁2 𝑂4 ]

Teacher : Well, to answer a question from your friend, pay attention to a reaction

aA + bB cC + dD
So what do you know from this reaction?

Anjel : I am Sir, so from the reaction above where a, b, c. and d is the stoichiometric
coefficient for each of the reacting species A, B, C, and D.

Teacher : Well, from these coefficients can be obtained a constant or equilibrium


[C]c [D]d
[A]a [B]b

So, what do you obtain from the equilibrium constant above?

Desti: I can answer the questions Miss, the product of concentration of the substances
resulting from reaction is raised to the coefficient divided by the reactants to the
power of coefficient

Teacher: Good job, your answer is almost correct. The correct answer is that in an
equilibrium state, the product of the concentration of substances resulting
from the reaction is raised to the coefficient divided by the product of the
concentration of reagent substances raised to the coefficient will have a fixed

Therefore, the equation above is the law of mass action or the law of equilibrium (K)

Teacher: Is there any questions?

Students: -

Teacher: If you don't have any questions, now write down the equilibrium constant of
the reaction in the experimental table.

Anan: Yes Sir,

[NO2 ]2
[N2 O4 ]
Teacher: Alright then, reaction that given above is correct. Now, please notice to the
reaction given below!

A + 2B AB2

So, what kind of the reaction above?

Anjel: I can answer the questions Sir. After take a look at it, the reaction above same as the
reaction rate

Teacher: Ok, if the above reaction is also the reaction rate then, which is the rate of

Iqbal: I can answer the questions sir, the rate of progress is

Ratef = kf[A][B]2

Teacher: Then, the reverse rate is?

Ataya: I am Sir, so the reverse rate is

Rater = kr [AB2]

Teacher: Then if the equation rate f = lane, what kind of result will you obtain?

Ataya: If rate f = lane then the solution is

ratef = rater
𝑘𝑓 [AB2 ]
𝑘𝑟 [A][B]2

Teacher: Good job, if ratef = lane, you will get the results as above

𝑘𝑓 [AB2 ]
𝑘𝑟 [A][B]2

Where 𝒌𝒇 and 𝒌𝒓 are rate constants for the forward and reverse directions, respectively.

Teacher: At equilibrium, if there are no net change occurs then both rates will?

Iqbal: So, the two rates must be the same, Sir

Teacher: Yes, definitely right. So, from the equation above, is there anything you want
to ask?
Anan: I am Sir, from the above equation will we obtain a new decision?

Teacher: Good question, from the equation above because kf and kr are constants at a
certain temperature, the ratio is also a constant.

𝑘𝑓 [AB2 ]
𝑘𝑟 [A][B]2

Because it is a constant, it produces a new constant, namely Kc

Teacher : So what do you think the Kc constant is?

Anjel : Kc is a constant, whatever the equilibrium concentration of the reacting species is

always the same as kf / kr

Teacher : Yes, that's a pretty good answer, so Kc is a constant, regardless of the

equilibrium concentration of the reacting species, because this constant is
always the same as kf / kr. The quotient of two quantities is constant at a
certain temperature. Because constant depends on temperature, the
equilibrium constant must also change with changing temperature.

Teacher : Do you think that the equilibrium constant above will give K which is more
than one or less than one?

Desti : I permit to answer Sir, so I think from the above equation the equilibrium constant
will give K less than one, so the equilibrium will be more towards the left.
Teacher : Yeah good, so if K is less than one then the equilibrium will be more towards
the left.

Teacher(Hazel) : Please notice a reaction below

N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g)
Teacher : In the reaction above, what is the phase of each of the equilibrium

Ataya : Miss, so in the reaction above the phase of each equilibrium component is a
gas. N2O4 dan 2NO2 both have gas phase.

Teacher : Correct, thus in each of the equilibrium components in reaction are

gases. Both reactant (N2O4) and product (2NO2) component are in gas

Teacher : Is there any further question?

Desti : I am, miss. As we know from the phase reaction above, what does the
reaction phase relate to the equilibrium?

Teacher : After last week you learned about Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
equilibrium, in reaction above, is it included in Heterogeneous or
Homogenous equilibrium?

Anjel : It’s Homogenous equilibrium, Miss. Because in reaction above, all the
reacting species are in the same phase.

Teacher : Correct, it is included in Homogenous equilibrium reaction, because the

Homogeneous equilibrium applies to reaction in which all reacting
species are in the same phase, namely as gas phase.

Teacher : In your opinion if the equilibrium is in gas phase, can you calculate the
concentration of the equilibrium components?

Iqbal : In my opinion, yes, we can calculate the gas concentration Miss.

Teacher: Good answer. If in the gas phase you can calculate the concentration, how
do you calculate it. Whereas in gas is it not visible?

Anan: Miss, I permit to answer. I don't think it is possible to calculate the concentration
of the equilibrium components if the reaction is in gas phase. So, all you can count
is the pressure.

Teacher: Well yes, very good answer. So, in the equilibrium in gas phase, what can be
calculated is the partial pressure.

Anjel: How do we calculate the partial pressure, miss?

Teacher: Good question, to answer your friend's question observe the equation for the
ideal gas below

PV = nRT
P= (n/V)RT

Teacher: If in a system the temperature is fixed in gas, what will the system pressure

Anan: I am Miss, I think when a system temperature is fixed, the pressure P of a gas is
directly proportional to the concentration in moles per liter of the gas.

Teacher: Well, that's right, at a fixed temperature the pressure P of a gas is directly
proportional to the concentration in moles per liter.
is the concentration of gas in the room.
Take a look at a reaction below
N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g)

mA(g) + nB(g) xC(g) + yD(g)

(Pc )𝑥 (PD )𝑦
𝐾𝑝 =
(PA )𝑚 (PB)𝑛
Guru : from the explanation above how is the partial pressure in each component?

Ataya: I am, Miss, I think because 𝑉 is the concentration of gas in the room, therefore the

ideal gas equation is

PA = [A] RT ; PB = [B] RT ; PC = [C] RT ; PD = [D] RT

So the equation for the reaction above is obtained

𝑃𝑁𝑂2 = [𝑁𝑂2 ]𝑅𝑇 ; 𝑃𝑁 = [𝑁2 𝑂4 ]𝑅𝑇
2𝑂 4

Teacher: Yes, very good, what about the Kp determination?

Iqbal: So Miss, I think the Kp set in the reaction above is
(PNO2 )2
𝐾𝑃 =
(PN O )
2 4

Teacher: Okay, that's right, at this point, do you have anything else to ask?
Desti: I am, Miss, then what is the relationship between P and ideal gas, miss?

Teacher: Well, a good question so after earlier you wrote down if

PA = [A] RT and PB = [B] RT, the same is true in the above equation
𝑷𝑵𝑶𝟐 𝑽 = [ 𝑵𝑶𝟐 ]𝟐 𝑹𝑻 ; 𝑷𝑵𝟐 𝑶𝟒 𝑽 = [𝑵𝟐 𝑶𝟒 ]𝑹𝑻

Then substitute it into the constant Kp equation, now try to substitute it into the
constant Kp equation!

Iqbal: OK, miss, so I have substituted the KP equation and got the following results
[𝑁𝑂2 ]𝑅𝑇 2
( )
𝐾𝑃 =
[𝑁 𝑂 ]𝑅𝑇 0
( 2 4 )
Then because R and T are fixed, it is removed from the brackets so that it becomes
[NO2 ] 2
( )
𝐾𝑃 = RT 2−0
[N O ]
( 2 4) 0
Teacher: Well, that's right, the Kp equation obtained is as follows
[𝐍𝐎𝟐] 𝟐
( )
𝑲𝑷 = 𝐑𝐓 𝟐−𝟎
[𝐍 𝐎 ]
( 𝟐 𝟒) 𝟎
What new information can you get if the above equation Kp is related to the
equilibrium constant Kc?

Anan: I am, Miss, from the equilibrium constant Kc is the product of the product
substances raised to coefficient of the product of reactants to the power of coefficient
Thus, in this equation
[NO2 ] 2
( )
𝐾𝑃 = RT 2−0
[N O ]
( 2 4) 0
[NO2 ] 2
( )
[N O ]
( 2 4) 0
Is a constant KC, so that the KP constant
got the results
𝐾𝑃 = K C RT 2−0
Teacher: Yes, a very good answer, or in other words the equilibrium constant KP
equation can be written in the following equation
𝑛 𝑅𝑇 𝑛
( 𝑏 )b ( 𝑏) b
𝐾𝑃 = 𝑛 RT = n (RT)b-a
( a )a ( 𝑎) 𝑎

KP = [A]𝑎 (RT)∆n

KP = Kc(RT)∆n

Does anyone know what is the meaning of ∆n from the difference or deviation result?

Anjel: I am Miss, ∆n is moles of gas product - moles of gas reactant

Or it can be written like this

∆n = b-a
∆n = moles of gas product - moles of gas reactant

Teacher: Now, after you know the equilibrium constant KP, now please take a look at
the example of equilibrium reaction problem below

H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI (g)

The equilibrium constant KC for the reaction is 54.3 at 430 ° C. Suppose that in a
particular experiment we put 0.243 mol H2 0.146 mol I2 and 1.98 mol HI, all in a 1.00
L container at 430 ° C. Will the net reaction formed more H2 and I2 or will formed more

Ataya: So, Miss, according to the equilibrium constant, we obtained it

[𝐻𝐼]2 (1,98)2
= = 111
[𝐻2 ][𝐼2 ] (0,243)(0,146)
Because the calculated quotient is greater than Kc

Teacher: Yes, that's right, because this system is not in equilibrium, as a result some
HI will react to form more H2 and I2 (lowering the quotient value). The new
constant is Qc.

So, where is the net reaction occurred?

Students: We don't know it yet, Miss

Teacher(Ela) : Alright to answer the question above, look at the picture below

Teacher: What information do you get from the picture above?

Anan: I am Miss, so from what I observed, I get information that if the value of constant Kc
is greater than the value of constant Qc, the reaction will be in product direction. Then
if the constant Kc is equal to constant Qc then the reactants and products are in
equilibrium, if the constant Qc is greater than the Kc constant, the reaction will go
towards the reactants.

Teacher: Yes, absolutely correct, because the constant Kc is greater than the constant
value of Qc, the reaction will shift from the reactants to the product. Then if
the constant Kc is equal to the constant Qc then the reactants and products
are in equilibrium, if the constant Qc is greater than Kc constant, the
reaction will shift from products to reactants.

Teacher: Then according to the answer to the question that you haven't answered
earlier is?

Anjel: I am Miss, if HI will react to form more H2 and I2 then the reaction will occur from
right to left, from products to reactants to reach equilibrium.

Teacher: Yes, very good, because the constant Qc is greater than the constant Kc, the
reaction will shift from product to reactants to reach equilibrium.

Teacher: So, after knowing the equilibrium constant for a particular reaction, we can
calculate the concentration in equilibrium mixture from its initial concentration.

For that, consider the sample questions below

A micture of 0.500 mol H2 and 0.500 mol I2 is placed in a 1.00 L stainless steel flask at
430°C. The equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g) is
54.3 at this temperature. Calculate the concentrations of H 2, I2, and HI at equilibrium.
So, from the example question above, what do you know?

Desti: mol H2 is 0.500 mol, mol I2 is 0.500 mol, volume of solution 1.00 L temperature 430°C
and K at the reaction is 54.3

Teacher: Then, how about its stoichiometry reaction?

Desti: The stoichiometry reaction is 1 mole of H2 reacting with 1 mole of I2 to give 2 moles
of HI

Teacher: Correct, the in suppose if x is the reduction in concentration (mol/L) of H2 and

I2 at equilibrium. So, how much “x” for the equilibrium concentration of HI must be?

Anan: if x is the reduction in concentration (mol/L) of H2 and I2 at equilibrium, the

equilibrium concentration HI must be 2x

Teacher: Then what changes in concentration can you write down?

Ataya: the reaction could be written as follows

H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g)

early (M) 0,500 0,500 0,000
Changes (M) -x -x +2x
Equilibrium (0,500-x) (0,500-x) 2x

Teacher: Very good, then what is the known equation for the equilibrium constant Kc

Iqbal: the value of equilibrium constant Kc is 54.3, then the equilibrium constant Kc is as

𝐾𝑐 =
[𝐻2 ][𝐼2 ]
Teacher: Then after obtained the reaction equation for the equilibrium constant Kc,
what will we do next?

Anjel: after we obtained the equilibrium constant reaction equation to Kc what we have to
do is substituting -x-x, and +2x into the equilibrium constant of Kc

Teacher: That's right, so after you obtained the equilibrium constant Kc reaction
equation, -x, -x, and +2x are substituted into the equilibrium constant reaction
equation Kc. Now how do you substitute it, does anyone want to answer it?

Ataya: I do, Miss.we can substitute it like this

54,3 =
(0,500 − 𝑥 )(0,500 − 𝑥)

Teacher: Alright good answer, then if the equation is like that, How do we get the value
of x?

Desti: to get the value of x, we can root the two sides, Miss.

Teacher: Well yes, that's right, to get the value of x we can root the two sides, then
now write down the equation

Desti : I am miss, so the equation is

√54,3 = √
(0,500 − 𝑥 )(0,500 − 𝑥)

Then the result after being rooted is

7,37 =
0,500 − 𝑥
𝑥 = 0,393
Teacher : Is the concentration of each component of the equilibrium can be
calculated? What is the concentration in each component of the

Anan : At equilibrium state, the concentration can be as follows :

[H2] = (0.500-0.393) M = 0.107 M
[I2] = (0.500-0.393) M = 0.107 M
[HI] = 2 x 0.393 = 0.786 M

Teacher : Well yes correct, the concentration on each component is

[H2] = (0.500-0.393) M = 0.107 M
[I2] = (0.500-0.393) M = 0.107 M
[HI] = 2 x 0.393 = 0.786 M

Teacher : So after you studied the equilibrium constant, then what is the
meaning of the value of equilibrium constant that you can get?

Anjel : Miss, after we studied the equilibrium constant for a particular reaction we
can get the meaning of the equilibrium constant. The first is to predict the
direction of the reaction, and the second is to calculate the concentration of
equilibrium components.

Teacher : yes, correct, so after you studied the equilibrium constant you can get
the meaning of equilibrium constant, namely the constant can predict
the direction of equilibrium reaction, and the second constant can
determine the concentration of equilibrium component.

Teacher : OK , Is there anything else you want to ask?

Ataya : No miss. I think it is quiet clear for today’s lesson.

Teacher : All right, if nobody asks , I think it’s enough for today’s lesson, Good
Afternoon, wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Students : Waalaikumussalam warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good Afternoon Miss,

Thank You very much.

Chang, Raymond. 2003. Kimia Dasar Konsep-konsep Inti edisi ketiga Jilid 1. Jakarta:

Petrucci, Ralph H. 1985. Kimia Dasar Prinsip dan Terapan Modern Edisi keempat-jilid
2. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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