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MEA (monoethylamine)

Monoethylamine is an amine based chemical used in the chemical absorption of CO2. It is one of the
most mature chemical absorption methods for post combustion CO2 capture.

CO2 reacts with MEA to form a weakly bonded intermediate compound, this compound is later
broken down to MEA and CO2 by application of heat.

Absorption occurs at low temperatures around 40-60 Celcius. MEA reacts rapidly in a reversible
reaction with CO2 at low pressure of about 1 bar. This has a thermal efficiency of 36%.....ref The
cost of carbon capture by Jeremy David and Howard Herzog
Recovery of chemical solvents(regeneration) is achieved by use of low grade heat 100-150 C. This
operates at 5 bar and requires 4MJ/kg CO2 recovered and is provided by low pressure steam….ref
The capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide….


MEA costs$55-$74/tonne of CO2 captured.

US$1.8 per kg thus relatively cheap

Utility Requirements
 1.8kg steam per kg of CO2 captured…ref CAGS
 For Pulverised Coal power station, the energy requirements of 0.317kWh/kg CO2 processed
at about 13% content of CO2 in flue gas….ref CAGS


Relatively non-volatile and inexpensive

Selectively , reversibly and rapidly reacts with CO2
Capture ability of 80-90%

Very corrosive hence requires expensive materials of construction
Degradation in the presence of O2 and SO2
Requires high amount of energy
Forms heat stable salts with acidic gases SO2 and NO2, these cannot be regenerated, this can be
avoided by prior removal of these gases.
Clogging of column and foaming occurs in the presence of particulate matter, these must be
removed prior to CO2 absorption

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