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UNIT 1- Getting Acquainted

1. Ask the purpose of learning English

2. Listening
 1:02 C
 1:04 A

3. Grammar booster Who, What Where, How old

Use who to ask about people
Use what to ask about things
Use where to ask about places
Use how old to ask about age

4. Grammar practice
Exercise Grammar practice

5. Modification with Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much
more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. An adjective can be attributive (before the noun)
or predicative (after the noun).

• A red apple (attributive)

• The apple is red (predicative)

Adjectives are never pluralized

Outfits adjectives:

It is common to use attributive adjectives to describe the outfits, and go before the noun

• The red sweater

• The yellow cab
• The black cap
• The blue jeans
• The white bag

Physical adjectives:

It is common to use predicative adjectives to describe a person, and go after the noun
• I am short and beautiful

• Johnny is tall and handsome

• Daniel is blond and good looking
• She is a brunette
• They are overweight
• James is muscular and athletic

Adjectives Meaning in Spanish

Athletic Atlético (a)
Attractive, Gorgeous Atractivo (a)
Bald Calvo (a)
Beautiful Hermosa
Blonde Rubio (a)
Brunette Trigueñ a
Handsome Simpá tico
Muscular Musculoso (a)
Old Mayor
Overweight Con sobrepeso
Short Bajo (a)
Slim, Thin Delgado (a)
Tall Alto (a)
Tanned Bronceado (a)
Young Joven

6. Colors:

7. Possessives
Possessive adjectives are used to express ownership

Subjects Possessive adjectives

I My
You Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
They Their

8. Possessive nouns and adjectives Grammar Booster

Add’s to a name or a noun

 Where is Peter’s father from?

 What’s the teacher’s name?

Add an apostrophe (‘) to plural nouns that end in –s

 What are the students’ names?

Add’s to the same or noun that comes last in a list of two or more

 When is Sally and Hannah’s class?

9. Listening
a. 1:06 A

10. Verb to be
Grammar booster

Practice the verb to be

 Existence. I am Angélica Aragón

 Condition of subject. I am tired an exhausted because of my work
 Descriptions. It is a big dog
 Passive constructions. The book is read by me
 Tag Questions. Aren’t you angry, are you?

Affirmative sentences (pronoun + verb to be)

Singular Contraction
I am I’m
You are you’re

She is she’s
He is he’s
It is it’s
Plural Contraction
We are we’re
You are you’re
They are they’re

Question sentences (verb to be + pronoun)

Am I
Are you
Is she ?
Is he
Is it
Are we
Are you ?
Are they

Affirmative answer Contraction

Yes, I am I’m
Yes, you are you’re
Yes, she is she’s
Yes, he is he’s
Yes, it is it’s
Plural Contraction
Yes, we are we’re
Yes, you are you’re
Yes, they are they’re

Negative answer Contraction

No, I am I’m not
No, you are you’re not you aren’t
No, she is + not she’s not she isn’t
No, he is he’s not he isn’t
No, it is it’s not it isn’t

Plural Contraction
No, we are we’re not we aren’t
No, you are + not you’re not you aren’t
No, they are they’re not they aren’t

11. Pronunciation
Use rising intonation in yes/no questions

Use falling intonation in information questions

12. Listening
a. 1:09 A
b. 1:10 A
c. 1:11 A
d. 1:12

13. Nationalities
It is common to use – an, ish, ese at the end of the country:

Country Nationality
Argentina Argentinian
Australia Australian
Bolivia Bolivian
Brazil Brazilian
Canada Canadian
Chile Chilean
China Chinese
Colombia Colombian
Costa Rica Costa Rican
Cuba Cuban
Ecuador Ecuadorean
England English
Finland Finnish
France French
Germany German
Guatemala Guatemalan
Haiti Haitian
Italy Italian
Japan Japanese
Mexico Mexican
Nicaragua Nicaraguan

Nigeria Nigerian
Panama Panamanian
Paraguay Paraguayan
Peru Peruvian
Portugal Portuguese
Russia Russian
Spain Spanish
United Kingdom (UK) British
United States of America (USA) American
Uruguay Uruguayan
Venezuela Venezuelan

14. Listening

15. Capitalization
Use a capital letter to begin a sentence

 It’s a pleasure to introduce my classmate

Use a capital letter for:

 Cities/countries: I live in Beijing. He’s from Colombia

 Nationalities: They’re Honduran
 Languages: I speak Russian and Italian
 Days and months: My birthday is on Tuesday, June 19th
 The word I: My brother and I are students
 Formal titles and names: I’d like to meet Mr. Smith

16. Activities

 Use who to ask about …

 Use what to ask about …
 Use where to ask about …
 Use how old to ask about …

Give 2 physical adjectives, outfit adjectives, predicative adjectives

To introduce yourself

 To introduce yourself:

 Nationalities:
 School supplies:
 Homework-There is and there are:

UNIT 2- Going out

1. Listening
a. 1:17A
b. 1.18 E
c. 1:19 A

2. What kind of music do you like

3. Accept or decline an invitation

4. Listening
1:10 A

5. Preposition time Grammar booster


Use on with the names of days or dates

 On Thursday
 On the weekend
 On Monday morning
 On Sundays
 On New Year’s day
 On a weekend
 On June 7th
 On Monday, November 15th

Use in with periods of time (but not with names of days)

 In 2008
 In the morning
 In July
 In the 20th century
 In the spring
 In the 1950s
 In an hour
 In two weeks
 In ten minutes

Use at with specific moments in time

 At 9:00am
 At sunrise
 At sunset
 At dawn
 At dusk
 At noon
 At midnight


Use on with the names of streets and specific physical locations.

 On Main Street
 On the street
 On Smith Avenue
 On the right
 On the corner
 On the left

Also in big transportations

 On the train
 On the bus
 On the plane
 On the boat
 On a bicicle

Use in with the names of cities, countries, continents and other large location

 In the neighborhood
 In Korea
 In the center of town
 In Africa
 In Colombia
 In the ocean
 In the park
 In the boat (small one, when you have your own boat)

Use at for buildings and addresses

 At the theater
 At the train station
 At the airport
 At the supermarket
 At 10 Main Street
 At the bank
 At work
 At school
 At the art gallery

6. Listening
 1:21
 1:22

7. Grammar Booster preposition exercises

8. Express locations and give directions

Where is the____?

 It’s on the right side

 It’s across from the park
 It’s down the street from the museum
 It’s around the corner from the theater
 It’s between Main (Street) and Mercer (Avenue)

How do I get to the____?

 Turn left at the corner/at the light/on King Street

 Go / Walk/ Drive two blocks and turn right
 Go / Walk/ Drive to the corner of Smith (Street) and Bond (Avenue)

9. Listening
 1:27
 1:28

10. Give directions (home, work)


11. Sports

Aerobics  Aerobic
Archery Tiro al arco
Badminton Bádminton
Baseball Béisbol
Basketball Baloncesto
Beach volleyball / Sand volleyball  Voleibol de playa, vóley playa *
Boat race  Regata
Bowling Bolos
Boxing Boxeo
Bungee jumping Puenting
Canoeing  Piragüismo
Chess  Ajedrez
Cricket Cricket
Cycling Ciclismo
Dancing  Bailar
Darts Dardos
Decathlon  Decatlón
Fencing Esgrima
Field Hockey Hockey sobre hierba
Fishing Pesca
Football Fútbol (UK), fútbol americano (USA)
Futsal  Fútbol sala
Golf Golf
Gymnastics Gimnasia
Handball  Balonmano
Hang-gliding Ala delta- parapente
High jump Salto de altura
Hiking Senderismo
Hockey Hockey
Horse racing Carreras de caballos
Horseback riding Montar a caballo
Hunting Caza
Ice Hockey Hockey sobre hielo
Inline skating Patinaje en línea
Jogging Footing
Judo  Judo
Karate  Kárate

Kayaking Kayak
Long jump  Salto de longitud
Marathon  Maratón
Martial arts Artes marciales
Motor racing  Motociclismo
Motoring  Automovilismo
Mountain biking Ciclismo de montaña
Mountain climbing Montañismo
Parachuting Paracaidismo
Paragliding  Parapente
Petanque  Petanca
Pole vault  Salto de pértiga
Polo  Polo
Pool  Billar (USA)
Push ups  Flexiones
Recreational fishing  Pesca deportiva
Rhythmic Gymnastic  Gimnasia rítmica
Riding  Equitación
Rock climbing  Escalada
Rowing  Remo
Rugby  Rugby
Running  Correr
Sailing  Vela
Scuba diving  Buceo
Skating Patinaje
Skiing Esquí
Skydiving  Paracaidismo
Snorkeling  Esnórquel *
Snowboarding  Snow, snowboard *
Soccer Fútbol (USA)
Squash  Squash
Swimming Natación
Synchronized swimming  Natación sincronizada
Table tennis  Tenis de mesa, ping pong
Taekwondo  Taekwondo
Tennis Tenis
Trampolining  Salto de trampolín
Triathlon  Triatlón
Volleyball Voleibol
Waterpolo  Waterpolo
Waterskiing  Esquí actuático

Weightlifting Levantamiento de pesas, halterofilia

Windsurfing  Windsurf
Wrestling  Lucha libre

12. Make plans to see an event/ listening


1:30- Give directions

13. Talk about musical tastes/ Reading


14. Activities
Writing Booster Capitalization

Some examples of (‘) use

Exercise Grammar booster, prepositions


 Prepositions:
 10 basic questions:
 Nationalities:
 Animals:
 Sports:

UNIT 3 -The Extended Family

1. To identify the family

Family related by blood ties

Bloody ties Meaning in Informal

Mother Spanish
Madre language
Father Padre Dad
Parents Padres
Son Hijo
Daughter Hija
Sister Hermana
Brother Hermano
Aunt Tía
Uncle Tío
Cousin Primo (a)
Grandmother Abuela Grandma
Grandfather Abuelo Grandpa
Grandson Nieto
Granddaughter Nieta

Family related by law

Law Meaning in Spanish

Mother-in-law Suegra
Father-in-law Suegro
Parents-in-law Suegros
Daughter-in-law Nuera
Son-in-law Yerno
Sister-in-law Cuñada
Brother-in-law Cuñado

Family related by religious ties

Religious ties Meaning in Spanish

Godfather Padrino

Godmother Madrina
Godson Ahijado
Goddaughter Ahijada
Family related by upbringing

Upbringing Meaning in Spanish

Stepfather Padrastro
Stepmother Madrastra
Stepsister Hermanastra
Stepbrother Hermanastro
Stepson Hijastro
Stepdaughter Hijastra
Half-brother Medio- hermano
Half –sister Media- hermana

Nuclear family

Nuclear family Meaning in Spanish

Father Papá
Mother Mamá
Son Hijo
Daughter Hija
Brother Hermano
Sister Hermana
Husband Esposo
Wife Esposa
Siblings Hermanos

Extended family

Extended family Meaning in Spanish

Great-great grandfather Tatarabuelo
Great-great grandmother Tatarabuela
Great grandfather Bisabuelo
Great grandmother Bisabuela
Grandfather Abuelo
Grandmother Abuela
Grandson Nieto
Granddaughter Nieta

Great grandson Bisnieto

Great granddaughter Bisnieta
Great-great grandson Tataranieto
Great-great granddaughter Tataranieta
Grandparents Abuelos
Grandchildren Nietos
Uncle Tío
Aunt Tía
Cousin Primo
Nephew Sobrino
Niece Sobrina

2. Listening
 2:02
 2:03
 2:04
 2:08
 2:09

3. Talking idioms:

Talking Idiom Traducción Meaning

someone who spends a lot of

a couch potatoe
un sofá de patata time watching TV
a piece of cake un pedazo de la torta
something very easy to do
a stone's throw tiro de piedra
near something
activities that you do on a regular
all in a day's work todo en un día de trabajo
tan bonita como una
as pretty as a picture
imagen be beautiful
be on cloud nine estar en la nube nueve
be very happy
avoid talking about something
beat around the bush irse por las ramas
Lo mejor de ambos a situation where you get the
best of both worlds
mundos benefits of two different things
romper el corazón de make someone sad because you
break someone's heart
alguien don't love them

child's play juego de niños

easy to do
become less shy and more
come out of your shell sal de tu caparazón
friendly and talkative
disagree so much you start
come to blows llegar a los golpes
fighting with the other person
could eat a horse podría comer un caballo
be very hungry
usually used in business, where
dog-eat-dog perro come perro people will do whatever it takes
to succeed
down and out abajo y afuera
a homeless person
for a song para una cancion
very cheaply
get a bite to eat dale un bocado
eat a light meal
get something off the
obtener algo del suelo
ground get a big project started
get the ball rolling rodar la pelota
get something started
have a hard task or many tasks
have your work cut out tener tu trabajo cortado
to complete
have a ball ten un balon
have a good time
have a lot on your plate tienes mucho en tu plato
have a lot of work to do
have a soft spot for tener un punto débil para like someone or something very
someone alguien much
have the advantage over
have the upper hand tener la ventaja
someone else
in hot water en agua caliente
in trouble
involved in something too difficult
in over your head por encima de tu cabeza
to handle
something that is in process or
in the pipeline En la tuberia
being planned
in the red en el rojo
when you owe money
keep an eye on Mantén un ojo en
watch closely
keep your head above mantener la cabeza fuera try hard to survive, usually
water del agua applies to having enough money

make your blood boil haz que tu sangre hierva

make you very angry
mix business with mezclar negocios con mix work with enjoyable
pleasure placer activities
something you don't like or aren't
not your cup of tea no tu taza de té
interested in
when things are going very well;
on a roll en seguidilla
having a lot of success
on the ball en la bola
be quick and smart
over the moon sobre la Luna very happy about something

paint the town red irse de parranda go out and celebrate

play something by ear tocar algo de oído do something without a plan

use your influence to get what
pull a few strings tira algunas cuerdas
you want
put your feet up levanta tu pie have a rest after working hard

put your foot down ponte de pie say no to something

put your money where Pon tu dinero dónde está to support something you think is
your mouth is tu boca important
raining cats and dogs lloviendo gatos y perros raining very heavily
formal processes that make
red tape cinta roja getting things done difficult and
see eye to eye ver a los ojos agree

see red ver rojo become very angry

see the light mira la luz understand something

take a break tomar un descanso stop working for a while

a short sleep during the day (like
take a cat nap tomar una siesta de gato
a short siesta)
take somewhere by tomar un lugar por someone or something that is
storm tormenta very successful and popular
tie the knot atar el nudo get married

under your nose debajo de tu nariz

easy to find
walk on air caminar en el aire
be very happy
when a situation is good for
win-win ganar-ganar
everyone involved

4. Simple present

5. Main verbs

 Idea that is usual, repeated actions, habitual actions in the present. I wake up at 6:00am
every day. I have classes every day from 7am to 9am
 Facts and generalizations. He wishes she is fine
 Opinions. I like my English classes
 Present actions that is happening or not. I sing in a TV show
 Future action. I leave next Tuesday at 5:00am.

Rulers of the third person verbs:

S es passes
Z es dozes
SC es wishes
CH es watches
Consonant y changes Y for ies flies
Anything else s sings

Affirmative sentences (pronoun + verb simple present)

I + vb infinitive
You + vb infinitive
She + vb + S
He + vb + S
It + vb + S
You + vb infinitive

Question sentences (Do/Does + subject +verb infinitive)


Do I
Do you
Does she + verb infinitive ?
Does he
Does it
Do we
Do you + verb infinitive ?
Do they

Affirmative short answer

Yes, I do
Yes, you do
Yes, she does
Yes, he does
Yes, it does
Yes, we do
Yes, you do
Yes, they do

Negative short answer Contraction

No, I do I don’t
No, you do You don’t
No, she does + not She doesn’t
No, he does He doesn’t
No, it does It doesn’t
Plural Contraction
No, we do We don’t
No, you do + not You don’t
No, they do They don’t

6. Grammar practice
Excercices pg 31, 126, 127

7. Listening

8. Activities
50 main verbs:


Writing booster:

 The sentence
 Combining sentences with and or but
o And: to combine two sentences if you want to add information. It’s common, but
not necessary to use a coma before and
o But: to combine two sentences if you want to show a difference or contrast. It’s
common, but not necessary to use a coma before but

9. Compare people
Look for similarities and differences

How are you alike

How are you different

10. Listening
 2:12
 2:13

11. Pronuntiation
Blending sounds

12. Listening

13. Discuss family cultural traditions

Reading exercise

14. Listening


Notepadding exercice


15. Activities
 Review colors
 Verbs sheet 2
 Vivaldi 4 seasons
 Writing booster pg 143
 Listening 2:15
 Grammar booster exercises pg 126

UNIT 4 -Food and Restaurants

1. The menu

2. Listening

 Soft drinks are carbonated nonalcoholic beverages.

 American: soft drinks, soda, pop, soda pop
 British: fizzy drinks
 Bottled water with bubbles= sparkling water or seltzer or club soda

3. Listening


4. There Is/ There Are

Existence or a specific location of the subject:

 There is a person living in the apartment

 There are two cars on the street


Affirmative sentences (there + is/are)

There is a rose in the garden


There are two cushions on the sofa

Negative (there + is/are+ not)

Singular Contraction
There is not a rose in the garden there isn’t a rose in the garden


There are not two cushions on the sofa there aren’t two cushions on the sofa

Question (is/are- vb to be + there+?)

Is there a cup of tea in the kitchen?

Are there two computers in the school?

To uncountable nouns can go with “some, any, much, a lot of”, etc.

To the negative form the quantifier “any” is also used

 There is a painting on the wall

 There are many cars in the street
 There is not any sofa in the bedroom
 There are not any flowers in the garden
 There is not any salt in the soup
 There are many people at the concert

5. There is and there are with count and non-count

6. Non-count nouns: categories and verb agreement

Non- count nouns are common in the following categories:

 Abstract ideas: health, advice, help, luck, fun

 Sports and activities: tennis, swimming, golf, basketball
 Illnesses: cancer, AIDS, diabetes, dengue
 Academic subjects: English, chemistry, art, mathematics
 Foods: rice, milk, sugar, coffee, fat

Al non-count nouns require a singular verb:

 Fat isn’t good for you

 Mathematics is my favorite subject

7. Non-count nouns: expressing quantities

We can make many non-count nouns countable

A slice of bread, a loaf of bread, three pieces of bread, two kinds of bread

The following phrases are used with non-count nouns in order to make them countable:

 Liquids: a glass of, two cups of, a liter of , six gallons of, a bottle of, a can of
 Solids: a cup of, a piece of, three slices of, a kilo of, a spoonful of

8. Language and culture

American British English

 Candy Sweets
 Cookies Biscuits
 French fries Chips
 Chips Crisps

9. Listening
 2:23
 2:25

10. Order a menu

11. Listening

12. Definite article The

Use the definite article the to name something a second time

 It comes with a salad/ OK. I’ll have the salad

Also use the to talk about something specific

 Would you like an appetizer (non specific; general) /Yes, The fried clams sound delicious
(specific; they’re on the menu)
 I´m in the mood for seafood (non specific; general)/ Then I recommend the grilled shrimp
(specific; they’re on the menu)

13. Language and culture

Kind of (in What kind of soup is there? is much more common than type of both spoken and
written American English and is almost always used when talking about foods or drinks

14. Pronunciation The

When we refer to geographical points

 The North Pole.

When we refer to rivers, oceans and seas.

 The Amazon River, the Atlantic Ocean, the East China Sea.

When we refer to things that are unique.

 The Statue of Liberty, the Pope, the Himalayas.

 They are unique, because there is only one of a kind.

When there is only one of a kind in a place or in a surrounding area.

 I need the book that is on the table.

Look at the boy that is in black t-shirt over there.

Note: The is not used when referring to


Correct / Correcto Incorrect / Incorrecto

France is a touristic place. The France is a touristic place.

Exception 1: with countries that include words like kingdom, states or republic the is used.

The United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Republic of China.

Exception 2: with countries with plural nouns. The Philippines.

15. Listening

16. Speak to a server and pay for a meal

17. Listening
 2:29
 2:30

18. Discuss food and health

19. Listening
 2:31
 2:32

20. Language and culture

Healthful is more traditional way to describe foods; healthy is more traditional for describing a
person’s health. It is more common today, however to hear healthy for both meanings.

 Mayo is an informal word for mayonnaise, which is made of eggs and oil

 French fries are fried potatoes

 Super-size portions are extra- extra large

21. Listening

22. Questions with how much and how many

Ask questions with how much for non-count nouns. Ask questions with how many for count nouns

 How much rice is the soup?

 How many eggs are in the fridge?

23. Words that can be count nouns or non-count nouns

Some nouns can be used as count or non-count nouns. The word is the same, but the meaning is

Non count use Count use

Chicken is delicious I bought two chickens

Let’s watch TV We have three Tvs in our house

The sun provides light It’s too bright in here. Turn off on the lights

Some nouns can have a count sense or non-count sense without any real difference in meaning.

I’m in the mood for salad OR I’m in the moon for a salad

I’d like steak for dinner OR I’d like a steak for dinner

24. Plural count nouns: spelling rules

Add –s to most nouns

Cup cups appetizer appetizers apple apples

If a noun end in a consonant and –y, change the y to i and add –es

Cherry cherries berry berries

BUT: Do not change the y when letter before the y is a vowel

Boy Boys

Add- s to nouns that end in –ch, -o, -s, -sh, -x, -z


Lunch lunches radish radishes tomato tomatoes

Box boxes grass glasses

25. Some and any

Use some and any to describe an indefinite number of amount

 There are some apples in the fridge. (Indefinite number: we don’t know how many)
 Are there any oranges? (Indefinite number: no specific number being asked about.)
 There are bringing us some coffee. (Indefinite number: we don’t know how much.)

Use some with non- count nouns and with plural count nouns in affirmative statements

Non-count noun plural count noun

We need some milk and some bananas

Use any with non-count nouns and plural count nouns in negative statements

Non-count noun plural count noun

We don’t want any cheese, and we don’t accept any apples

Use any or some in questions with count and non-count nouns. There is no difference in

 Do you need any cookies or butter?

 Do you need some cookies or butter?

UNIT 5- Tecnology and you

1. Listening
 3:02
 3.03
 3:04
 3:05

Vocabulary page book T50

Exercise D

• Now; things that are happening right now at the moment of speaking. I’m doing my
homework now. She’s studying at the library
• Longer actions in progress now. I am becoming a doctor
• Near future. We’re moving on Saturday
• Repetition. I am constantly complaining about my daughter
• Plans for the future. He’s majoring in chemistry

Rules of ing
1 vowel + 1 consonant double consonant +ing hit hitting

1 vowel + 1 consonant + E remove E + ing love loving

Anything else verb + ing saying

Form (pronoun + verb to be+ ing form)

Affirmative sentences (verb to be + pronoun)

Singular Contraction
I am I’m
You are You’re
She is + verb ing She’s + verb ing
He is He’s
It is It’s
Plural Contraction
We are We’re
You are + verb ing You’re + verb ing

They are They’re

Question sentences (verb to be + pronoun)

Am I
Are you
Is she + verb ing ?
Is he
Is it
Are we
Are you + verb ing ?
Are they

Affirmative answer Contraction

Yes, I am I’m
Yes, you are You’re
Yes, she is + verb ing She’s + verb ing
Yes, he is He’s
Yes, it is It’s
Plural Contraction
Yes, we are We’re
Yes, you are + verb ing You’re + verb ing
Yes, they are They’re

Negative answer Contraction

No, I am I’m not
No, you are You’re not You aren’t
No, she is + not + verb ing She’s not She isn’t + verb ing
No, he is He’s not He isn’t
No, it is It’s not It isn’t
Plural Contraction
No, we are We’re not We aren’t
No, you are + not + verb ing You’re not You aren’t + verb ing
No, they are They’re not They aren’t

3. Exercises T130

4. Listening
 3:09
 3:15

5. Reading and listening


6. Adjectives
 3:17
 3:18

7. Vocabulary

8. Comprehension
 3:20
 3:21

UNIT 6- Staying in shape

1. Listening

2. Language and culture

 In British English, soccer is called football.
 In American English, football is a different game, which is called American football

3. Listening

4. Can and Have to (modal verbs)

Use can+ the base form of a verb for possibility

 I can go out for dinner tonight. I don’t have class in the morning
 I can’t play golf today. I´m too busy
 She can meet us at the park, but her husband can´t
 Can you go running tomorrow at three (Yes, I can. /No I can´t.)

Be careful!
 She can play golf very well Can he play tennis?
 NOT She cans play NOT Cans he play?
 NOT She can plays NOT Can he plays?
 NOT She can to play NOT Can he to play

Use have to or has to + the base form of a verb for obligation

 She has to meet her cousin at the airport

 They have to work late tonight
 They don’t have to work late tonight
 Do you have to work tomorrow? (Yes, I do. /No I don´t.)
 Does he have to go to class? (Yes, he does. /No he doesn´t.)

Affirmative sentences (have to or has to + the base form of a verb)

I have + to go classes

You have
She has
He has
It has
We have + to go classes
You have
They have

5. Listening
 3:26
 3:27
 3:28
 3:30

6. The present continuous and the simple present tense: review

7. Listening comprehension

8. The simple present tense: placement of frequency adverbs

Frequency adverbs generally go after the verb be and before other verbs

 I am usually at the pool on Saturdays

 I usually go to the pool on Saturdays

Sometimes, usually, often, generally and occasionally can also go at the beginning or end of a

 Sometimes I go to the mall on Saturdays

 I go to the pool occasionally

Be Careful!
Don’t use never or always at the beginning or end of a sentence

Don’t say:

 Never I go to the pool

 I go the pool always

In negative sentences, most frequency adverbs can go before or after don’t or doesn’t

 Hank usually doesn’t go running on the weekend

 Hank doesn’t usually go running on the weekend

Be Careful!
The frequency adverb always cannot go before don’t or doesn’t

 I don’t always have breakfast in the morning.

 NOT. I always don’t have breakfast in the morning

Be careful!
Don’t use never with a negative verb. Use the frequency adverb ever

 I never eat sweets OR I don’t ever eat sweets

 NOT. I don’t never eat sweets

9. Conjunctions

Las conjunciones son empleadas para enlazar entre sí las palabras y/o oraciones. Hay dos tipos de
conjunciones y la posición que tiene dentro de una oración depende del tipo. Además, hay tres
formas de conjunciones.

Las conjunciones más comunes son “and,” “but” y “or”.

   She works at a bank and goes to university.(Trabaja en un banco y va a la universidad.)
   I like to swim in the ocean, but only if the water is warm.(Me gusta nadar en el océano,
pero sólo si el agua está caliente.)
   We can study now or later.(Podemos estudiar ahora o más tarde.)

Types of Conjunctions

Conjunciones coordinantes: 

Este tipo de conjunción se utiliza cuando queremos enlazar dos frases que tienen el mismo valor.
 and (y),  but (pero),  however (sin embargo),  or (o),  so (así
que),  then (entonces),  therefore (porlo tanto),  yet (aún)…

Posición: Siempre van entre las frases o palabras.

   She likes to sing and dance.(Le gusta cantar y bailar.)

   I want to move to London so I am studying English.(Quiero mudarme a Londres, por lo

tanto estoy estudiando inglés.)
   They are moving to Barcelona, however they really like Madrid.(Se mudan a Barcelona
sin embargo les gusta mucho Madrid.)

Conjunciones subordinantes: 

Se utiliza este tipo de conjunción cuando una de las frases depende de la otra (frase subordinada).
La frase subordinada no tiene sentido sin la otra. La mayoría de conjunciones son subordinantes.
 although (aunque),  as (como),  after (después),  before (antes), 
 if (si),  since (ya que),  so that (para que),  until (hasta),  when(cuando)…

Posición: En general van delante de la frase subordinada.

   I have been working at the bank since 2005.(Llevo trabajando en el banco desde 2005.)
   She is studying English so that she can move to London.(Está estudiando inglés para que
pueda mudarse a Londres.)
   They went to the beach although it was raining.(Fueron a la playa aunque estaba

Form (Forma)

Hay tres formas de conjunciones.

1. Simple: de una sola palabra

2. Compuesta: más de una palabra y generalmente seguido por “as” o “that”
3. Correlativa: rodean a un adjetivo o a un adverbio, tales como “if…then”.

A continuación hay una lista de las conjunciones con su significado, tipo y forma.

C = Coordinante
S = Subordinante

Inglés Forma C S
  after  simple X
después de
  although  simple X
  and  simple X

  as  simple X
como, cuando, mientras
  as…as  correlativa X
  as long as  compuesta X
siempre que, 
con tal de que
  as soon as  compuesta X
en cuanto, 
tan pronto… como
  as well as  compuesta X
además de, 
así como, también
  because  simple X
  before  simple X
antes de
  both…and  compuesta X
no sólo, sino también, 
  but  simple X
pero, sino
  either…or  correlativa X
  even if  compuesta X
  even though  compuesta X
  however  simple X
sin embargo
  if  simple X
  in case  compuesta X
en caso de que, por si
  in order to  compuesta X
para, con objeto de
  moreover  simple X
  neither…nor  correlativa X
  nevertheless  simple X

sin embargo, 
no obstante
  nor  simple X
  now that  compuesta X
ahora que
  or  simple X
  once  simple X
una vez que
  since  simple X
desde que
  so  simple X
así que
  so that  compuesta X
para que
  then  simple X
  therefore  simple X
por lo tanto, 
por consiguiente
  though  simple X
  unless  simple X
a menos que
  until  simple X
hasta que
  when  simple X
  whereas  simple X
mientras que
  whether  simple X
  whether…or  correlativa X
sin embargo, 
no obstante

10. Prepositions:

Las preposiciones pueden realizar distintas funciones:

- Servir de enlace entre dos palabras o distintos elementos en la oración:

 I'll see you at five o'clock / Te veré a las cinco

- Pueden acompañar a un verbo sirviendo de enlace a su complemento. En este caso, pueden no

alterar el significado del verbo o alterarlo con lo que constituyen una palabra distinta.

 To look / Mirar (no altera el significado del verbo)

 To look after / Cuidar de (se altera el significado del verbo)

- Cuando ponemos un verbo después de una preposición, en inglés normalmente se utiliza la

forma ' ing' y no el infinitivo.

 You shouldn’t go to India without visiting the Taj Mahal.

 No deberías ir a la India sin visitar el Taj Mahal.
 I’m interested in studying psychology. / Estoy interesado en estudiar psicología.

Las principales preposiciones en inglés son:

About alrededor de, sobre
Above por encima de
After detrás de, después de
Among entre (tres o más)
At en, junto a
Before antes de, delante de
Behind detrás de
Below debajo de
Beneath debajo de
Beside junto a
Between entre (dos o más)
But excepto, pero
By por, junto a
Down hacia abajo
Except excepto
For para, por, durante, desde hace
From de, desde

In en, dentro de
Into en, adentro
Like como, igual a
Near cerca de
Off de (alejándose), fuera de
On en, sobre
Over por encima de, al otro lado
Since desde
Through a través de
throughout por todo
till = until hasta
To a, hasta, hacia
Under por debajo de
Up hacia arriba
Upon (poniendo) sobre, encima
With con
Without sin

Posición de las preposiciones

Generalmente, se colocan delante del sustantivo o del pronombre, excepto en los siguientes

a.) Con el pronombre relativo, cuando va seguido de preposición, ésta puede colocarse en la
posición final.

 The girls I study with / Las muchachas con las que estudio (en lugar de: The girls with
whom I study)

b.) En frases interrogativas cuando empiezan por un pronombre interrogativo:

 Who were you speaking to? / ¿con quién estabas hablando? (en lugar de: To whom were
you speaking?)

La preposición y la contracción

La contracción española, es decir, la fusión de una preposición con el artículo definido (al, del) no
existen en inglés. Se traducen siempre por la preposición seguida del artículo definido y separado
de ella (al = a el) (del = de el):

 Tell it to the chairman / Dígaselo al presidente

11. Connectors

Un conector (a sentence connector) es una palabra o frase corta que te permite conectar
oraciones y frases y relacionar ideas.

 Tengo un gato y Elise tiene un perro.

 I have a cat and Elise has a dog.

Conectores de adición
Los conectores de adición nos permiten añadir una frase u oración a otra frase u oración.

Inglés Español Tipo

and Y Adición

also también Adición

too también Adición

in addition además Adición

additionally además Adición

further además Adición

furthermor además, es
e más Adición
además, es
moreover más Adición

 This house has four bedrooms. In addition, it has 3 bathrooms.

 Esta casa cuenta con cuatro recámaras. Además, tiene tres baños.
 This proposal would be quite expensive. Furthermore, I don't think it's very practical.
 Esta propuesta saldría muy cara. Además, me parece poco práctica.

Conectores de secuencia

Los conectores de secuencia nos permiten ordenar frases e ideas.

Inglés Español Tipo

to begin para empezar Secuencia
first primero Secuencia
second segundo Secuencia
third tercero Secuencia
next luego Secuencia
then luego Secuencia
finally finalmente Secuencia
finalmente, por
last último Secuencia

 To begin, I want to thank everyone for coming.

 Para empezar, quiero agradecerles a todos su presencia.
 First, connect the legs of the chair to the base.
 Primero, conecta las patas de la silla a la base.

Conectores de similitud o comparación

Los conectores de similitud o comparación nos permiten comparar oraciones y frases o hablar de
la semejanza entre ideas

Inglés Español Tipo

Likewise igualmente, asimisimo Similitud o comparación

Similarly igualmente Similitud o comparación

correspondingly en la misma medida, de la misma manera Similitud o comparación

in the same way de la misma manera Similitud o comparación

Also también Similitud o comparación

Equally igualmente Similitud o comparación


 Drinking less coffee may help you sleep better. In the same way, drinking less soda will
improve your sleep.
 Tomar menos café puede ayudarte a dormir mejor. De la misma manera, tomar menos
refresco puede mejorar la calidad del sueño.

Conectores de contraste

Los conectores de contraste nos permiten contrastar oraciones y frases

Inglés Español Tipo

However sin embargo, no obstante Contraste
Nevertheless sin embargo, no obstante Contraste
Nonetheless sin embargo, no obstante Contraste
Yet sin embargo, pero Contraste
on the other hand por otro lado, por otra parte Contraste
on the contrary al contrario, por el contrario Contraste
even so aun así Contraste
Though aunque Contraste
notwithstanding sin embargo, no obstante Contraste
Alternatively alternativamente Contraste
Conversely en cambio, por el contrario Contraste
Instead en cambio, por el contrario Contraste

UNIT 7- On vacation
1. Language and Culture
 The guard in the photo (English man) is called a Beefeater. Beefeaters guard the palace in
London where the Queen of England lives
 In British English, a vacation is called a holiday.
 In American English, a holiday is a day of celebration and/or commemoration of an event
 Incredible means very good. However, it can also mean too strange to believe or very
difficult to believe and have a negative meaning
o The flight was delayed five hours, and they lost our luggage
o Incredible
 Cool has several meanings
o Casual expression; it means very good. The cruise was cool
o Temperature; it means a little cold. The days were warm and the evenings very

2. Listening
 4:02
 4:03

3. The past of be

Affirmative sentences (pronoun + verb to be)

I was
You were
She was
He was
It was
We were
You were
They were

Question sentences (verb to be + pronoun)

Was I
Were you
Was she ?
Was he
Was it
Were we
Were you ?
Were they

Affirmative answer
Yes, I was
Yes, you were
Yes, she was
Yes, he was
Yes, it was
Yes, we were
Yes, you were
Yes, they were

Negative answer Contraction

No, I was I wasn’t
No, you were you weren’t
No, she was + not she wasn’t
No, he was he wasn’t
No, it was it wasn’t
Plural Contraction
No, we were we weren’t
No, you were + not you weren’t
No, they were they weren’t

4. Language and culture

 Pretty is a common spoken intensifier, but it is not used in formal writing. It means quite
of kind of

 That’s OK, I’m fine is more polite way to turn down an offer or help than No, thanks
 In English- speaking countries, it is common to offer help two times. It’s traditional to stop
offering help after someone has declined assistance twice

5. Listening

6. Intensifiers
 So
 Pretty
 Really
 Quite
 Very
 Kind of
 Rather

7. The simple past tense

Regular verbs: spelling

+ ed +d +ied

Visited arrived study- studied

Watched changed try- tried

Played liked

8. Listening

Affirmative sentences (verb simple past –ed- d- ied / irregular verbs)

She + vb ed, d, ied / irregular verb
You + vb ed, d, ied / irregular verb


Question sentences (Did + subject +verb base form)

Did I
Did you
Did she + verb base form ?
Did he
Did it
Did we
Did you+ verb infinitive ?
Did they

Affirmative short answer

Yes, I did
Yes, you did
Yes, she did
Yes, he did
Yes, it did
Yes, we did
Yes, you did
Yes, they did

Negative short answer Contraction

No, I did I didn’t
No, you did You didn’t
No, she did + not She didn’t
No, he did He didn’t
No, it did It didn’t
Plural Contraction
No, we did We didn’t
No, you did + not You didn’t
No, they did They didn’t

9. Grammar exercise
Page 78 B

10. Pronunciation of past verbs

 4:07
 4:08

/d/ /t/ /id/

 Cleaned packed wanted

 Arrived walked needed
 Changed liked waited
 Called watched lifted
 Stayed missed avoided
 Enjoyed stopped visited
 Rained cooked

11. Speaking


12. The simple pasty tense: spelling rules for regular verbs
Form the past tense or most verbs by adding –ed to the base form

 Play played

Form verbs ending in –e-or –ie- add –d

 Smile smiled
 Tie tied

For one syllable verbs ending in one vowel+ one consonant, double the consonant and add –ed

 Stop stopped
 Plan planned

For two syllable verbs ending in one vowel+ one consonant: if the first syllable is stressed, add-

 Visit visited

If the second syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add –ed

 Prefer preferred

For verbs ending in a consonant and –y, change the –y to –i, and add –ed

 Study studied

Be careful!

Do not use –ed for irregular verbs

13. Listening and culture

LEN from the Longman corpus:

 Exciting is one of the 2.000 most frequent words in spoken American English.
 Interesting is one of the 1.000 most frequent words

A souvenir is an object you keep to remind you of a special occasion or place you have visited

14. Listening and vocabulary

 4:12
 4:13
 4:14

15. Exercise
 4:15
 4:16

UNIT 8- Shopping for clothes

1. Vocabulary

2. Video

straw, swim trunks, singlet, dress pants, hoodie, sheath dress, long sleeve top, flip flop, bow, cargo

paja, bañador, camiseta, pantalones de vestir, sudadera con capucha, vestido ceñido, top de
manga larga, flip flop, lazo, pantalones cargo

3. Language and Culture

A number of clothing items have different names in American English and British English

American English British English

 Sweater Jumper
 Purse Handbag
 Panties Knickers

Variation in clothing sizes, colors, and styles always use the preposition in, for example:

Do you have this shirt in a darker color? In size 40? (or in a 40)?


Would you be nice enough and Would you be kind enough have the same meaning, but English
learners almost always use kind enough. Students be encouraged to vary their speech

4. Listening

5. Exercise
Page 88

Lesson 1

6. Vocabulary

7. Grammar Uses of object pronouns

As direct objects

Direct object (noun) Direct object (pronoun)

 I want the cardigan I want it

 I love these pumps I love them

In prepositional phrases

Prepositional phrase (with nouns) Prepositional phrase (with pronouns)

 We gave the V-neck to Jane We gave the V-neck to her

 He’s buying a blazer for his wife He’s buying a blazer for her
 We gave the loafers to the clerk We gave the loafers to him
 Is he buying a blazer for his wife? Is he buying a blazer for her?

In a sentence with both a direct object and a prepositional phrase, the direct object comes first

 We gave the hat to Jane. NOT. We gave to Jane the hat

 He’s buying it for her NOT. He’s buying for her it
 We gave the V-neck to the clerk NOT We gave to the clerk the V-neck

8. Grammar practice
Page 88 and 89

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

I me

You you

He him

She her

It it

We us

They them

9. Listening
 4:22/ 4:25
 4:24/ 4:26

10. Vocabulary
English Spanish
Bathing suit     Traje de baño
Bathrobe  Bata de baño
Belt     Cinturón
Beret     Boina
Bikini     Bikini
Blouse     Blusa
Bonnet     Gorro de bebé
Boots     Botas
Bow tie     Moño, pajarita, corbatín, corbata de lazo)
Boxers     Boxers
Bra Brassiere     sostenedor, corpiño
Braces/ suspenders     Tiradores, tirantes
Button     Botón
Buttonhole    Ojal
Cap     Gorra
Cardigan     Saco liviano de lana
Cloak     Capa
Clothes hanger     Percha
Coat     Saco, abrigo
Cotton     Algodón
Denim jacket     chaqueta de mezclilla, chumpa de lona
Dress     Vestido
Duffle coat     Abrigo de lana
Flip-flops     Chanclas
Gloves     Guantes
Handkerchief     Pañuelo
Hat     Sombrero
Heel     Tacón
Helmet     Casco
High-heeled shoes     Zapatos de tacón alto
Hood  Capucha
Jacket     Chaqueta
Jeans     Pantalones de mezclilla, pantalones de lona, vaqueros
Knee-length socks  Medias 3/4
Knickers     Calzón, bombacha

Lace     Encaje
Linen     Lino
Lining     Forro
Mackintosh     Abrigo de tela o lana gruesa
Neckerchief     Pañuelo de cuello
Nightdress/ nightgown     Camisón
Overcoat     Gabardina
Pajamas     Pijamas
Pocket     Bolsillo
Polka-dot     A lunares
Polo shirt     Polo
Raincoat     Impermeable
Sandals     Sandalias
Scarf     Bufanda
Shawl     Chal
Shirt     Camisa
Shoelaces     Cordones
Shoes     Zapatos
Shorts     Pantalones cortos
Skirt     Falda
Slacks     Pantalones informales
Slip     Fustán
Slippers     Pantuflas
Sneakers     Zapatos tenis
Socks     Calcetas, calcetines, medias
Sole     Suela
Strapless     Sin tirantes
Striped     Rayado
Suit     Traje
Sweater     Suéter
Swimming trunks     Short de baño
T-shirt     Camiseta
Three-piece suit     Traje de tres piezas
Tie     Corbata
Tie-pin     Traba de corbata
Tights     Medias, mallas
Top hat     Sombrero de copa
Underwear     Ropa interior
Vest     Chaleco
Wide-brimmed hat     Sombrero de ala ancha
Zip fly     Bragueta de cremallera

11. Responses

 Of course
 Absolutely
 Definitely
 OK
 Sure
 Certainly

12. Video
Scene 1

Scene 2

Lesson 2

13. Vocabulary

14. Listen to infer



 Men’s underwear
 Athletic wear
 Outerwear
 Lingerie
 Sleepwear
 Hosiery

15. Comparative adjectives

Use comparative adjectives to compare two people, places, things, or ideas

 Do you have these pants in a larger size? This pair is a little tight
 I need shoes that are more comfortable. These are very small
 Do you have a pair of less expensive gloves? These are just too expensive

Use than after the adjective when you compare two items

 That suit is nicer than the one I’m wearing

 These gloves are more expensive than the other ones

+ er +r + ier consonant + er

Small smaller large larger heavy heavier big bigger

Cheap cheaper loose looser pretty prettier hot hotter

BUT use more or less with adjectives that have two or more syllables and don’t end in –y

More expensive / less comfortable

16. Comparative adjectives spelling rules

Add –er to one syllable adjectives. If the adjective ends in –e add –r

Tight tighter loose looser

If an adjective ends in a consonant- vowel- consonant sequence, double the final consonant
before adding –er

Hot hotter

For most adjectives that end in –y, change the y to I and add –er

Pretty prettier

To make the comparative form of most adjectives that have more than two syllables, use more
or less

Affordable more affordable convenient less convenient

When comparing two things that are both in the sentence, use than before the second thing

 She’s less practical than her sister

 The weather is warmer there than here

17. Listening
4:28/ 4:30 y 4:31

18. Language and culture

In the U.K., the first floor is always called the ground floor. The next floor is called the first floor. In
the U.S., and Canada, the first floor may be called the ground floor or the first floor. The next floor
up is called the second floor.

Floor is more common in multi-story buildings; level is more common in malls.


LEN: A common error for English learners is to say in the top/ground floor and on the basement

On the top/ground floor and in the basement



1. Capitalization
Use a capital letter to begin a sentence

 It’s a pleasure to introduce my classmate

Use a capital letter for:

 Cities/countries: I live in Beijing. He’s from Colombia

 Nationalities: They’re Honduran
 Languages: I speak Russian and Italian
 Days and months: My birthday is on Tuesday, June 19th
 The word I: My brother and I are students
 Formal titles and names: I’d like to meet Mr. Smith

2. The Sentence
In English, a sentence is a group of words that expresses a thought. A sentence has a subject and a
verb. When you write a sentences, begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

Subject Verb

The play is great

She loves music

3. Combining sentences with and or but

Use and to combine two sentences if you want to add information. It’s common, but not
necessary, to use a coma before and.

My cousin loves rock music, and she’s a great dancer

Use but to combine two sentences if you want to show a difference or contrast. It’s common, but
not necessary, to use a coma before and.

My cousin loves rock music, but I love classical

My cousin loves rock music, but I don’t


Be careful! In traditional formal writing, writers avoid beginning sentences with And or But.

Don’t write: My cousin loves rock music. And she’s a great dancer.

Don’t write: My cousin loves rock music. But

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