Abb DD2

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Bengt Welin, General Manager, ABB Industry Oy, Pulp and Paper Drives, Helsinki

Carl-Johan Friman, M.Sc., Consultant, ABB Industry Oy, Pulp and Paper Drives

New Direct Drive system opens a new era

for paper machines
chines in another Finnish mill. The start-up
SUMMARY was trouble-free and the drives are running
The development of electrical drives has and lower life cycle cost. ABB introduced very well. The section powers are 37 kW
reduced the need for mechanical drive a new Direct Drive system at the PulPa- and 99 kW and the corresponding speeds
components for paper machines. This per 2001 trade show in Helsinki in June. 600 rpm and 425 rpm.
reduction has been driven by bigger and This new technology significantly im-
faster paper machines with higher re- proves the overall efficiency of paper Customer benefits with the
quirements on powers, control accuracy, machines. Direct Drive
system availability and functionality,
The main benefits deriving from Direct
Drive are:
♦ Lower plant engineering and installa-
tion costs due to fewer mechanical drive
TIIVISTELMÄ components.
ABB on kehittänyt uuden sähkökäyttö- • Pienemmät energiakustannukset vä- ♦ Better paper machine runnability due to
teknologian DriveIT Direct Drive, jolla hentyneiden kokonaishäviöiden vuoksi the synchronous drive with minimal
voidaan parantaa paperikoneen koko- Uusi ratkaisu pohjautuu radiaalivuo- shaft resonance and no gear play.
naistehokkuutta toteuttamalla käytön moottoriin, joka on varustettu kestomag- ♦ Higher availability of the paper machine
mekaaninen laitteisto aivan uudella neettiroottorilla. Lisäksi invertterissä on due to fewer mechanical components
tavalla: ilman vaihteita sekä pulssiantu- toteutettu synkronimoottorin säätöohjel- and no pulse encoders.
reita. Direct Drive -ratkaisun merkittä- misto, muuttamatta nykyistä invertteri- ♦ Lower maintenance costs as a result of a
vimpiä etuja ovat: laitteistoa. Sekä moottorit, että simpler system with fewer components
• Parempi paperikoneen ajettavuus il- invertterit ovat suunniteltu joko vesi- tai and spares.
man akselien ja vaihdevälysten aiheut- ilmajäähdytteisiksi. Synkronimoottori ♦ Lower energy costs due to lower over-all
tamia resonanssi-ilmiöitä ohjattuna ABB:n Direct Torque Control losses.
• Alhaisemmat suunnittelu-, asennus-, (DTC) -säätötekniikalla sallii paperiko- With the Direct Drive, the vision for a
ja ylläpitokustannukset vähentyneen neen ajon kokonaan ilman pulssianturei- very simple paper machine drive is now a
komponenttimäärän vaikutuksesta den käyttöä. reality.
The rebuild of a conventional ABB AC
paper machine drive to a Direct Drive is
very simple. The mill will need new motors
Introduction for the direct driven sections. The conven-
drive directly coupled to the indrive of the tional ABB ACS600 converters need to be
ABB has been delivering drive systems for paper machine section, thus limiting the uploaded with PM-DTC software. The new
paper machines for 100 years. The first sys- mechanical drive, in most cases, to the cou- Direct Drive runs very well in parallel with
tem, the line shaft drive, was replaced by the pling between the drive motor and the pa- existing AC or DC drives.
DC sectional drive in the sixties. In 1983 per machine section.
ABB (Stromberg) was the first company to The first drive of this new generation The Direct Drive
introduce the AC sectional drive for the was installed in a paper machine in Finland
paper industry. Today practically all new in mid 1999. The machine has been run- In the Direct Drive the motor is directly
machines and most rebuilt machines are ning successfully since then. The drive pow- coupled to the paper machine section with
equipped with AC sectional drives. er is 90 kW at 234 rpm. ABB is currently a conventional low speed coupling. The
To further increase reliability and de- replacing the mechanical gearbox with a motor is a radial flux design with a perma-
crease life cycle cost, ABB started to devel- ‘virtual digital’ gearbox. nent magnet rotor. ABB offers a series of
op a new paper machine drive system in the January 2001 saw the second start-up motors of this kind for paper machines. Fig.
mid 90s. The target was for a high torque using this technology for two paper ma- 2 shows the powers and indrive speeds gen- ☛

Paperi ja Puu – Paper and Timber Vol.83/No. 5/2001 385

Fig 1. Metsä-Serla,
Kirkniemi Direct Drive
running in a PM1 dryer
section since July 1999,
replaced old DC motor
and gear in front.

erally needed in a paper machine. increased since almost no magnetizing cur-

The drive panels consist of ABB ACS rent component is needed as the magnetiz-
600 converters. The hardware of the con- ing flux is produced by the permanent
verters is the same as for conventional AC- magnets in the rotor. A further increase in
drives and both air-cooled and water-cooled loadability can be achieved by using water
designs are available. The converter control cooling for the stator where almost all loss- Fig 2. Generally needed powers at low
software is designed for permanent magnet es are produced. indrive speeds (300-600 rpm) in paper
motor, which is one type of synchronous The stator winding is basically the same machine.
motor. Synchronous motors enable tacho- as the winding for an induction motor, but
less operation in paper machines. The drive as already stated the current loading can be quirements and the design speed is achieved
control system, application software and considerably higher. This enables the new only after years of operation.
man-machine control is similar for all ABB reduced-size motor to meet the require-
drive solutions for paper machines. The ments of a direct drive. Fig. 3 shows the size Tacholess operation
new Direct Drive can therefore be used in and weight of a conventional drive includ-
parallel with other ABB drive solutions and ing gear and shafting and the new Direct Tachos for motor speed feedback have
old ACS 600 converters can easily be up- Drive. Guards for rotating parts and other proved to be generally reliable. However,
graded to the new Direct Drive. auxiliary equipment are not shown. The they need regular preventive maintenance
improvements of the new motor include because of their permanently greased bear-
New motor design almost unity power factor and high efficien- ings. On a 50-section paper machine all
cy, especially when output and speed are tachos need replacing at certain intervals in
The geared motor speeds are normally reduced. This is of interest in paper ma- order to prevent unexpected shutdowns,
about 1500 rpm to 1800 rpm on a conven- chines where motors for many sections are tacholess operation was therefore one target
tional paper machine drive. The indrive sized according to the starting power re- in the development of the Direct Drive.
speeds needed for the paper machine are set
by selecting an appropriate gear ratio. The
corresponding motor speeds with a direct
drive would vary from 300 rpm to 600 rpm.
Using a conventional induction motor for
these speeds the motor frame would need
to be at least twice the size as that for a 1500
rpm motor. This is clearly neither practical
nor cost efficient, and this is one reason why
the new type of motor has been developed.
In this motor permanent magnets in re-
shaped slots replace the squirrel cage con-
ductors of an induction motor.
In the rotor design special attention has
been paid to minimizing torque harmonics
to obtain the smooth running characteris-
tics needed in paper machine applications.
Since the rotor is practically lossless, the
motor can be designed for higher output
power and even higher stator loss dissipa-
tion can be allowed. The active, torque pro- Fig 3. Drive configurations with; a) conventional induction motor drive, gear and
ducing part of the stator current can also be jackshaft, b) remarkable weight reduction with the Direct Drive.

386 Paperi ja Puu – Paper and Timber Vol.83/No. 5/2001

Fig 4. Test of
calculated speed in
a dynamic load
change situation.

were based on the available experience and

expertise of the paper industry.
The acquisition cost comprises invest-
The real motor speed is needed both for ments in gears, couplings, accessories and
feedback and monitoring. A method to cal- spares, and accessory systems for the gears.
culate motor speed has been developed and Investments in building structures and
included in the DTC motor control. Fig. 4 foundations, as well as the related engineer-
shows an oscillogram taken in the ABB ing work, also need to be taken into ac-
Pulp & Paper R&D Center for a 37 kW count. Ownership costs can be divided into
drive. The two upper traces show the speed operational costs, maintenance costs and
on the motor shaft measured with a tacho costs resulting from non-availability of pro-
and the speed calculated by the drive. It can duction capacity.
be seen that the two traces are identical with The elimination of the gear units and
no deviations even during dynamic distur- the dimensions of the new drives may result
bances. The third trace shows the motor in savings through having smaller paper
torque change caused by a load step. The mill buildings and drive foundations. The
load change is one third of the nominal load impact on the paper machine side bay needs
representing a big change in the motor op- to be taken into account at the planning
erating conditions. stage on a case-by-case basis. In rebuilds the
Fig. 5 shows the R&D Center equip- removal of gears provides additional space
ment used for the test. High inertia is used for new equipment.
to monitor the drive conditions on a paper Factors affecting the side bay are the
machine and the tacho is of the same type ground floor equipment arrangements, the
normally used on paper machines. placing of electrical rooms and other electri-
cal and mechanical equipment, as well as
Evaluation of the life cycle the maintenance routes between them on
cost savings by replacing the operating floor, and the ventilation
conventional geared drives equipment on the heat recovery floor. The
with Direct Drives indirect benefit of a more spacious working
environment can be of great significance.
In 1996 ABB collaborated with the consult- The outcome of the study was that the
ing company Ramse-Synton Oy, at that total cost savings were of the same magni-
time a J. Pöyry owned enterprise, to study tude as the cost of a new paper machine
the savings potential from replacing a geared drive. About 20% of the cost savings were
paper machine drive with Direct Drive. The related to acquisition costs and 80% to
main parts of this study are presented here. ownership costs. The study also included a
A modern, high-capacity paper machine sensitivity analysis showing the impacts of
was selected as the target for the study. The the changes of different costs, and the com-
breakdown of life cycle cost savings from the ponents of the total life cycle cost savings.
customer perspective includes acquisition Energy costs were one of the main issues in
and ownership cost elements. The estimates ownership costs.

Fig 5. Direct Drive test facility with 7 ton roll.

Paperi ja Puu – Paper and Timber Vol.83/No. 5/2001 387

ABB Industry Oy
Process Industry
P.O.Box 94
Tel. +358 (0) 10 22 2000

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