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UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BOUNDLESSINFORMANT ~ Frequently Asked Questions, 09-06-2012. {U/FOUO) Questions 11) What ie BOUNDLESSINFORMANT? Whats its purpose? (2) who arth intended users of he oa? [3) what ar the ferent views? 14) Where do you get your daa? [5) Do you nave all the dt? What ati missing? (6) Why are you showing metadata ecord count vers content? {7) Do you disingush between ssttned collec and sve collec? \8) what isthe techni architecture for the tol? 19) what re some yeoming eturefeahancoment? 10) ow are new features a views requested and pire?” 1) Why are ecard counts ferent fom other ook lke ASDF and What's On Cover? 1.2) why ithe too! NOFORN? Ie thereareleasble version? 13) How do you comple yourreord count for each count Note: This document is a work-in-progress and wil! be updated frequently as additional ‘questions and guidance are provided. 1) (U) What is BOUNDLESSINFORMANT? What is its purpose? (UIFOUO) BOUNDLESSINFORMANT iss GAO prototype tol for self documenting SIGINT "stam, The purpose ofthe taco fondamentaly sR the manner in which GAO describes ‘Shlstion posture, BOUNDLESSINFORMANT provides te ality to dyancally deserve GAO! llc espabilie (hough metadata record counts) wit no han intervention and graphically ‘splay the information ina map view, br char or simple able, Prior to ‘BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, te method for understanding the eoltion capabilites of GAO's {Sse involved ad oo aurveyng of repos sites, developers andor progr and ofits. By ‘xtactng nfirmation fom every DNI end DNR metadata reser, the too i ale to ces aaa rae {ime snapshot of GAO's collection capably at ny given moment. The tool lows wes oslo & ‘ounty cas mapand view the metadata volume and select Stil abo the collection agai that ‘ountry. The tol ls allows user view hgh level mats by organization an then dill down toa ror actionable evel down othe program abd cover tm Sample Use Cases (UIIFOUO) How many record re coleted for an organizational wit (eg. FORNSAT)? (UINFOUO) Howey receds (and wha tps) are collected agains poriculrSounty? (UIMFOUO) Ae there any visible tends forthe collection? (UMOUO) Wha ses collet sins a specifi county? What ype of ellen? (UIMOUO) What ithe Fel of view fora specif ste? What countries does itcolect Seana? What ype of callin? 2) (W) Who are the intended users ofthe tool? + (UrOUO) Mission an collection manages seoking to understand output characteristics faite based on whats eing ingested into downstea repositories, + you) stegie Managers seeking to understand top level mets athe orenirtionlffice level or teskng fo answer aacalls on NSA collection capability BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - FAQ Page 1 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - Frequently Asked Questions 09-06-2012, + (WiFOUO) Araysts ooking for addtional ses oak for coverage ofa particular technology within aspeiic couny. 3) What are the different views? (UFOUO) Map View ~The Map View is designed to allow users to view overall DI, DNR, ot segregated colton pstre of the agency or site. Clicking om country wil show the collection posture ecord counts, pe of collection, and contributing SIGADS or its gsins tha paticlar uty nado to providing raps dslay of eord cout trends tm ode to bin he ecods {no a county, a normalize phone number (DNR) oan ainisatve region stm (DN must be populated within te record. Clicking ona (within the Ste Spesifie view) wil show the viewsbed Forth swat countries the ste collect agains. (UFOVO) Or, View ~The Organization View is designed tallow ses to view the metadata record ‘outs by orgnizatioslstctare (Le GAO SSO~ RAMA ~SPINNERET) al the way down othe over tem, Since fs not necessary o havea nomalied number o administrtve reson populted, ‘he umber in the Org View willbe higher tan the numbers inthe Map View. (UIFOUO) Simitariy View —"The Similarity View ie curenty&plcehoder view fo an ypeoming este ht wl rphialy slay ses ta oe smi nnature Tis ean be used o Mea res fora dedupition foro to inform analyse of ation SIGADs to tsk for queries (simi 0 ‘Amazons "if yu ke his te, you'l als ike hese” Feature) 4) (U) Where do you get your data? (UfOUO) BOUNDLESSINFORMANT eniaunncndata ends et OMCPLACE pot FALLOUT (DNI ingest peoceseor) an post TUSKATTIRE (DNF ingest proceason. The records are cavichd with organization internation (eg 850, FORNSAT) and cover tem. Every valid DNL and ‘DNR metadate record i agarogated fo provide acount w the appropri evel Seu the diferent Views, question above for addtional formation, 5) (U) Do youhaveall he data? What data i missing? (UIFOUO) The ol resides on GM-PLACE which s only acereied up 19 TS/SUINOFORN, ‘Therefore, the fol doe ot sontin ECT oF FISA dat + (UsFOUO) The Map View only shows counts for ecords witha valid normalized number (DNR) oradminisative region star (DN. + (W/FOUO) Only metadata records hat are sent back to NSA-W through FASCIA or FALLOUT are counted. Therefore, programs with a distributed daa dsibuton system (eg. [MUSCULAR and Teresa RF are not curently counted. + (UIFOUO) Only SIGINT records re caret counted. There ae no ELINT or the “INT™ records iced 6) (U) Why are you showing metadata record counts versus content? (uiroud) (U) Do you distinguish between sustained collect and survey collect? {(UIFOUS) The too carey makes no datneton between sustained calles and survey collec. This Fear ison the ronda. BOUNDLESSINFORMANT—FAQ Page 20 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - Frequently Asked Questions, 09-06-2012, 8) What is the technical architecture for the tool? + tick hr or graphical view ofthe tool's architecture + (UIFOUO) DNI metadata (ASDF), DNR metadata (FASCIA) delivered to Hadoop Disribied Fle System (HDFS) on GM-PLACE + (UiFOUO) Use Java MapRedce jb to ransform/iter and enrich FASCLAIASDF data with business logit assign organization rules oda + (U/FOVO) Bak import of DNUDNR daa (seized Google Protobut objects) into Clouttase enabled by custom agregtos) ‘+ (UNFOUO) Use Java wed app (sted via Tomeat) on MachneShop(fomery TrkeyTower) {a quay Cloudbae + (UIFOUO) GUI riggers queries to CloudRase~ GXT (EsGWT) 9) What are some upeoming features/enhancements? + (UsFOUO) Add technology type (eg. JUGGERNAUT, LOPER) to provide ational sranulariy inthe numbers (UIOUO) Add edtonal deta tothe Dieta view (UIFOUO) Reine the Site Speci view (U/FOUO) Include CASN information (WROUO) Add ability to export data behind any view (psigndspi.casnec count) (U/FOUO) Addin eated o. unseleted) data indicators (OVO) Include her er snes ver ervey cullen 10)How are new features or views requested and prioritized? (UIFOUO) The eam ves lw to accept wer equst fr sitina funconality tehancements, Uses ae az alowed to vote on which anton or eahancement ar most Imporanto them (aswel asad comments). The BOUNDLESSINFORMANT tam wil periodically review all request and riage sosoding to level of ff (Eaey, Medio, Har) and mission impact (High, Median, Low). The team will view te queue withthe project champion and goverment erg committee tobe ade ons the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT road. 11) Why are record counts different from other tools like ASDF and What's On Cover? (UIFOUO) Thee aes number of easons why secord counts may vary. The purpose ofthe too isto provide BOUNDLESSINFORMANT FAQ Page 3.0 UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

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