Cast 27 6 07 Relex Op Adviser Bonne Gouvernance en

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Field: 6-5 SELECTION PROCEDURE EPSO/CAST27/6/07 - RELEX Contract agents — Function group IV Test COMP Competence test in the field: RELEX - Adviser - Operational Section — Good Governance and Security Test comprising a series of multiple-choice questions to assess your competence in the field. Questions are numbered from 1 to 50 Time allowed: 75 minutes Reminder: The testis in your chosen 2nd language You may only choose one answer per question No corrections may be made on the optical reader form (do not use an eraser, correction fluid, etc) No new optical reader forms will be distributed Wrong answers will not be penalised ‘You may use the question paper as a draft DO NOT TURN THE PAGE BEFORE THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN ] TMZORTANE: The selection tests question papers may be taken avay by those candidates ‘resent atthe tests. They ere entitled to these copies as candidates of this selection procedure and we fick ete only, © European Communities, 2007 1. Which of the following is not among the UN’s Millennium Development Goals? a) Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger b) Achieving universal primary education _sy (©) Improving entrepreneurial skills and business culture @) Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 2. In the context of projects financed under the EU's extemal assistance, a logical framework (logframe’) for a project mainly defines: a) the project’s institutional framework and beneficiaries 2) the project implementation timetable and funding conditions @ Project objectives, purpose, results, activities and indicators 4) project auditing and evaluation arrangements 3. Which of the following countries did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol? “ a) Russia ~b),, Australia ©) India _A@)) China 4. The joint statement in which the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission set out the EU’s vision of development is: a), the Millennium Declaration 'b)) the European Consensus © the General Statement on Development Policy 4) the Official Development Assistance Declaration 5. The Declaration on “Aid Effectiveness’ made in 2005 by those responsible for managing development assistance in developed and developing countries was signed in, a) Cotonou b) Rome G Pais ‘Maastricht ‘What is the term ‘Washington Consensus’ widely used to describe? 2) The foreign policy of the White House in relation to developing countries ‘b) An intemational agreement between the G8 countries on development policies IMFORTANT The selection tests question papers may be taken avy by those candidates present atthe tests. They are entitled to these Copies af candidates of this selection procedure und are for ther exclusive woe ey (© Buropean Communities, 2007 EPSOICASTEIGOT FG 1V— Adviser- Operation] ection ~ Good govern and Sci _EN 7. With which extemal region/tegions does the EU have the longest-standing parimership in the field of development? =e eencting partne a) Latin America (0) Aftica, the Caribbean and the Pacific ©) Asia 7d) Mediterranean and Near and Middle East 8. The partnership agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of States and the European Community and its Member States was signed in Cotonou a) 1989 2000 c) 1979 @) 1984 r 9. In the framework of the WTO, the main forum where, inter alia, trade relations between developed and developing countries are discussed is: (@) the Cancun Development Agenda b) the Geneva Ministerial Conference ©) the Doha Development Agenda ))_ the Hong-Kong Ministerial Conference 10-Poverty and social inequalities are the most important problems facing the 21st century. According to the BU, how many people in the world are living on less than 1 dollar per day? a) 0.3 billion 5 b) LObillion ©) 1.6 billion @) 26 billion 11. Which of the following is use calculating the Human Development Index? ©). GDP per capita; adult literacy rate; gross enrolment rate; and life expectancy at birth © b). GDP per capita; adult literacy rate; and life expectancy at birth ©) GDP per capita; GDP growth rate; adult literacy rate; and life expectancy at birth 4) GDP growth rate; gross enrolment rate; life expectancy at birth IMPORTANT: The selection tests question papers may be taken away by those candidates present atthe tests ‘They are entitled to these Copies as candidates ofthis selection procedure and are for theit exclusive se only. (® European Communities, 2007 EFSOICAST2I/GIT PG IV ~ Advise Operational section ~ Good governance and Security _ FN 12. UN-HABITAT is: a) the UN's Food and Agriculture Progranime b) the UN's Population and Reproductive Health Programme @ the UN’s Human Settlements Programme the UN's Environmental Protection Programme 15. In development statistics compiled by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and {d,. Development, ODA stands for: , ‘a) Overseas Development Agency ») Official Development Assistance ©) Organisation of Development Agencies 4: & Overseas Development Assistance 14. To which of the following countries has the European Council granted the status of candidate country for membership of the European Union? @) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia b) Serbia °) Moldova 4), Albania 15, Which of the following is the percentage which the UN encourages developed countries to contribute to development objectives? a) 1%ofGDP oo b) 1%0fGNI Pu ©) 0.7% of GDP Poy. @ 0.7% of GNI : S 16. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency is: 8) one of the organisations of the United Nations Development Programme ») a subsidiary of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development —> © one of the organisations of the World Bank Group ©) a United States agency carrying out multilateral investments IMPORTANT: The selection tess question papers may to taken away by thote candidates present atthe ets They are entitled to these copie w candidates of this selection procedure nd are for thei exclusive ust only © European Communities, 2007 EPSOICAST2T/GON ~ FG IV ~ Adve Operation] section ~ Good goverance and Seurity_EN (yh 1S uy yes w \ 17. The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument provides assistance for the development of an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, That area covers the European Union and which other countries and territories? 8) Algeria, Armenia, the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, {Uerbaljan, Belarus, Egypt, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebenon, Libya, Morocco, Moldova, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine 0) Algeria, the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia 8), Algeria, the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia @) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Egypt, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Moldova and Ukraine 18. What is the main object of the European Union's development policy? a) to boost the effectiveness of Community aid }) to increase the aid absorption capacity of developing countries © to reduce poverty @) to ensure respect for human tights, democratic principles and the rule of law 19. The aim of sustainable development is to: achieve zero growth in the richest countries B)) meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ©) extend the use of fossil fuels for as long as possible @) end the dependency of the developing countries on foreign aid 20. The Cotonou Agreement on the EL?’s relations with ACP countries was conchuded for a duration of: a) 6 years b) 7 years ©) 10 years Naa ¥ ue (@) 20 years on it o 71. Since 1995, Transparency International has published an annual "corruption perceptions "index" (CPD ranking countries on a scale from 10 (no corruption) to 0 (maximum corruption) according to the perceived level of comuption. Which of the following four countries was ranked highest in the CPs for the period 2002 to 2006? a) Nigeria b) "Mexico (3c) Bangladesh .¢) Haiti IMPORTANT: The selection tests question pay apers may be taken away by those candidates present atthe test ‘copies as candidates ofthis selection procedure ts. They are entitled to these and are for their exclusive use only © European Communities, 2007 "PSOICAST2IIOT -FGIV— Adviser Operational eton ~Good govemance md Security _ EN Wy ‘22, An estimated 39.6 million people (incl. 6% children) throughout the world were living with HIV/AIDS in 2006. Women accounted for 48% of all adult infections, The disease has a major impact on the socio-economic development of the developing countries. Which of the following statements is false? 8) almost two-thitds of all individuals infected with the AIDS virus live in sub-Saharan Affica 52, (, bY the growth of the epidemic has slowed down in eastem Europe and central Asia (fall in the number of new cases in 2006) ©) in sub-Saharan A fica, 59% of all adults infected are women, In the 15-19 age group, the number of young women infected is often far greater than the number of ‘young men © the sixth Millennium Development Goal isto halt and begin to reverse the spread of AIDS by 2015 Yj 23. Which of the following instruments is not financed from the annual Community budget? ) the European Development Fund b) the Pre-Accession Instrument ©) the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 4) the Instrument for Stability 74. Which ofthe following criteria is not one ofthe criteria for accession tothe European Union? = a) the introduction of a viable market economy 5) the establishment of stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for minorities 3 the adoption and effective application of the Community acquis S) the cessation of the production and use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons 25. The European Union introduced its neighbourhood policy asa response to which particular event? “2, the break-up ofthe Soviet Union in 1991 by the 9/11 terrorist attacks ©) the 2004 enlargement the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000 IMPORTANT: The selection tests question papers may be taken away by those candidates Present atthe tests. They ate entitled to these ‘opiess candkats ofthis selection procedure and are for their exclusive wee ony (© European Communities, 2007 PPSOCISTZT/GU7 FO TY ~ Advier- Operon secon ~ Gond gover nd Seay _EN 26. The ACP-EU Partnership Agreement recognises the complementary role of non-State actors and local decentralised authorities and their potential for contributing to the development process. To this endinon-State actors and local decentralised authorities must: _ C be informed and involved in consultation on cooperation policies and in their Lig plementation, and must be provided with financial and capacity building support ») be informed of cooperation policies and their implementation, and must be provided with financial and capacity building support ©) be provided with financial and capacity building support 4) be informed and involved in consultation on cooperation policies and in their implementation 1) 27. To promote gender equality in development cooperation, the European Commi committed to 2) Only support specific actions in favour of women b) Only mainstream gender in policies and activities “‘,_@) Only monitor outputs through statistics disaggregated by sex ° @) Both mainstream gender in policies and activities and support specific actions in favour of women +28. Which of the following statements is not correct? ‘The African Peer Review Mechanism is concerned with: a) democracy and good political governance Corporate governance and socio-economic development ¢)) the functioning of the African Union Commission 4) economic governance 29. Elections are an essential step in the democratisation process. How does the EU support the electoral process? - B. tackling the issue of illegal logging <2) tackling the issue of governance in trade tackling the issue of governance inthe textile sector ~~"), protecting endangered animal species [MBCRIANT: The selection tests question papers may be taken avay by those candidates presen at the tet ‘They are entitled to these ‘epics ascanddstes of this selection procedure and are for their enchsive use only © Buropean Communities, 2007 ERSOASTZTGD1 ~G IV Advser~ Operational section ~ Good governance an Security EN 34. BU Guidelines on Human Rights have been adopted by the Council, These Guidelines cover: a) the death penalty, torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and women's rights (b) ‘the death penalty, torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, human rights dialogues with third countries, children and armed conflict and human rights defenders ©) the death penalty, children and armed conflict, women's rights and indigenous people rights 4) torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and children and armed conflict 35, Does the EU have a structured dialogue on human rights with China? a) No, China has refused (b) Yes ©) Ithas been suspended d) Not yet 36. The European Security Strategy adopted on 12 December 2003 by the European Council identifies a certain number of key threats for the security of Europe and the intemational community. Which of the following issues is not identified by this strategy as a key threat? ae a) terrorism b) organised crime (ec). illegal migration sal _ 9 proliferation of weapons of mass destruction 37. Which body is responsible for defining and implementing the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union? C3) the Council of the BU b) the European Parliament ©) the European Commission @) the Presidency of the EU (38. Which of the fotlowing new EC extemal aid instruments has been created to address inter alia global or trans-regional security threats? a) the Nuclear Safety Instrument __--2») the Instrument for Stability . ©) the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 4) the European Initiative on Democracy and Human Rights PT GRTANT The election test question papers may be taken avay by those candidates present atthe ests. They are ented to thee ‘copies as candidates of this selection procedure and are for theitexclusise woe oly © European Communities, 2007 EPSOICAST2TIONT -FG IV — Adviser Operational setion ~Good govemance and Secu _ EN 39. Which of the following areas is not eligible for funding under Official Development Assistance? a) Iand mine clearance b) police reform ——% ©) control of small arms and light weapons ) 4)! military capacity-building "40. Which of the following statements is not correct? The concept of Security Sector Reform (SSR): ‘+ a) focuses on the overall functioning of the security system (®) focuses on state rather than on human security ©) addresses both the efficiency and accountability aspects of a security system 6) covers all actors with a role in ensuring security ~ 41. In which of the following countries did the African Union (AU) start to manage a peace- keeping operation in 2004,on behalf of the UN? D> a) Democratic Republic of Congo >-b) Ivory Coast e) Sudan d) Eritrea 42. Which country currently accounts for the production of more than 95% of opium worldwide? a) Myanmar b) Pakistan ©) Tran ( (a) Afghanistan 43, Which of the following Conventions laid down the international standards for the protection of refugees? a) the 1907 Hague Convention the 1951 Geneva Convention ©) the 1967 Brussels Convention 4) the 2000 Palermo Convention IMPORTANT ‘he selection teste question papers may be tkenavay by those candidates presenta the tests. They ar ete to these copies candidates ofthis sclcton procedure and are for their exclnne ces oly © European Communities, 2007 EPSOICASTITIONT - FG 1V — Adviser— Operational seston ~ Good govemace and Security _EN 44. Which of the following European agencies is responsible for the coordination of joint operations at the external borders of the EU? @) Frontex b) Europol ©) Schengen secretariat @) Eurocontrol 45. Which of the following is not among the objectives set out in the Commission’s 2005 Communication on ‘Migration and Development’? °a) promoting the effective usage of remittances b) preventing a brain drain 4°!) promoting opportunities for labour migration “ d) signing readmission agreements with third countries 46. In the 10th European Development Fund, how much is the total incentive reserve set aside to promote good practices in governance? — a) BUR 1 billion b) EUR 3 billion F —#°) EUR 50 million Ne “d) EUR 4 billion aN 47. The Commission communication on governance in the European Consensus on Development was adopted by the Commission in 2a) 2006 _——%b) 2003, c) 2002 ) 2000 48. The Commission communication on governance in the European Consensus on Development outlines the approach for tackling questions of governance a) in the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific b) in Africa ©) in the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, the countries covered by the European neighbourhood policy, Latin America and Asia 4) inno particular geographical region aaa dae cetrtion tests question papers may be taken avy by those candidates present a the tests. They ae entitled to thee copies as candidates of this selection procedure and are for their exclusive use only. © European Communities, 2007 EPSO/CAST27/67 -FO IV — Adviser Operational section ~Good governance snd Security _EN 49. In 2006, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights was replaced by: a) the Human Rights Department “b) the Human Rights Commissariat ©) the Human Rights Committee ‘xd the Human Rights Council 50. Which of the following is false? The aims of the European financing instrument for the Promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide (2007-2013) include 2) building confidence in and enhancing the reliability of electoral processes b) promoting and strengthening the International Criminal Court e)! strengthening the democratisation process by means of government support only 4) promoting political pluralism and democratic political representation IMPORTANT: The selection tests question papers ma 'y be taken away by those candidates present atthe tests. They ae entitled to these copies as candidates ofthis selection procedure and are for ther exclusive use only © European Communities, 2007 EPSOICAST2TIGN? ~FG 1V— Adviser Operation section — Good goverence and Security _EN

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