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Actions of the muscles of the rotator cuff on the Shoulder (Moore, P.

Medial Lateral
Muscle Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Rotation Rotation
Teres minor X
Subscapularis X
Supraspinatus X
Infraspinatus X

Flexion - moving the arm anteriorly (in front of the body)

Extension - moving the arm posteriorly (behind the body)

Abduction - moving the arm laterally away from the body

Adduction- moving the arm from an abducted position medially towards the body

Medial Rotation - from an abducted position rotating the arm anteriorly (as in throwing a ball)

Lateral Rotation - from an abducted position rotating the arm posteriorly (as in preparing to throw a ball)


Supraspinatus m. Exception - Does not rotate the humerus 1st 15 deg. of Abduction
Infraspinatus m. Lateral rotation of humerus
Teres minor m. Lateral rotation of humerus
Subscapularis m. Medially rotates arm & Adducts it

Rule(s): Distal Attachment - Greater tubercle of humerus

Action(s): - Help hold head of humerus in glenoid cavity

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