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Translated and Interpreted by V.D.N. Rao

Former General Manager of India Trade Promotion Organisation,

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India


Shri Lakshmi Sahasranaama 3

Shri Lalita Sahasranaama 28

Shri Saraswati Sahasraanama 50

( I & III above are from Skanda Purana and II from Brahmanda Purana)


Harih Om/ Naamnaam saashta sahasram cha bruhi Gaargya Maha Matey Mahaa Mahamatey, Maha
Lakshmya Maha Devyaah Bhukti Muktyartha siddhaye/ Gargya Vuvaacha: Sanat Kumara
maaseenam Dwadashaaditya sannibham, Aprucchya nyogino bhaktyaa yoginaa martha siddhyaye/
Sarva loukika karmabhyo vimuktaanaam hitaaya vai, Bhukti Mukti pradam japya manubruhi
Dayanidhey/ Sanatkumara Bhagavansarvagnopi visheshatah, Aastikya siddhaye nrunaam kshipra
Dharmaardha saadhanam/ Khidyanti Maanavaa ssarvey Dhanaabhavena kevalam, Siddhyanti
Dhaninnasya naiva Dharmartha Kaamanaah/ Daaridra dhwamsini naama keva Vidyaa prakeertitaa,
Keva vaa Brahma Vidyaapi kayaa Mrityurvinashyati/ Sarvaasaam saara bhuthaikaa Vidyanaam keva
Keertitaa, Pratyaksha siddhidaam Brahman taa maachakshya Daya nidhye/ ( As Maha Munis
addressed Maharshi Gargya to narrate to them the thousand and odd names of Devi Maha Lakshmi
whose mere recitation should bestow worldly fulfillment and post-life redemption, in reply Gargya
Maharshi addressesd Sanat Kumara, the Brahma Manasaa Putra, who was like the famous
*‘Dwadashaadityas’ or Twelve Suns in a Single Form, to enlighten since the latter was an
Embodiment of the Knowledge of Chaturvidha Purusharthas or the Four Essential Human
Aspirations viz. Dharma or Virtue, Artha or the Means of Accomplishment, Kaama or Objectives ,
and finally Moksha or the Final Redemption.


[* Dwadashadityas are Indra, Dhata , Parjanya, Mitra, Aryama, Pusha, Shakra, Varuna, Bhaga,
Twashta, Viviswan , Amshuman and Vishnu as per Brahma Purana].


Gargya Maharshi further requested Sanat Kumara that the great opulence of Maha Lakshmi’s names
was such as to guide the Worthy to follow Virtue , that Wealth was the most essential input to lead to
Dharma and through it to achieve the Final Goal of Salvation. Saadhu prushtham Maha Bhaaga
Sarva Loka Hithaishinaam, Mahataamesha Dharmascha naanyeshaa miti mey matih/ Brahma Vishnu
Maha Deva Mahendraadi Mahaatmabhih, Samproktam Kathayaa myadya Lakshmi Naama
Sahasrakam/ Yasyocchaarana maatrena Daaridryaanmuchyatey Narah, Kim punasstajjapaa jnaapee
Sarveshtaarthaa nnavaapnuyat/ ( Sanat Kumara readily agreed to describe the names of Maha
Lakshmi in the interest of Universal Welfare since indeed such requests would occur only to Distinct
Category of Persons. The Lakshmi Sahasra Naama was earlier commended by Brahma, Vishnu, Maha
Deva and Mahendra as its mere recitation would destroy poverty and fulfill all kinds of human

Asya Shri Lakshmi Divya Sahasra Naama Stotra Mahaamantrasya; Ananda Kardama Chiklitendiraa
Sutaadayo Mahatmaano Maharshayah; Anushthupcchandah; Vishnu Maayaa Shaktih; Maha
Lakshmih Shri Paraa Devataah; Maha Lakshmi prasaada dwaaraa Sarveshtaartha Siddhyarthey
Japey vinigohah; kraamityaadi shadanga Nyaasah/ (This recitation of Lakshmi Sahasra Naama
Maha Mantra is commended by Maharshis Anada and Kardama, sons of Chikleendra; is composed in
Anushthup-Chanda; Vishnu Maya is the Shakti that propels it; Maha Lakshmi is the Over-All

Supreme Goddess; the Objective is the Achievement of all-rounded Realization; and the Japa and
Nyasa is of the Unification of Limbs and Thoughts).

Dhyaana: Padmanabha Priyam Devim Padmakshim Padmavaasineem, Padma Vaktraam Padma

Hastaam Vandey Padmaamaharnisham/ Purnendu Bimba Vadanaam Ratnaabharana Bhushitaam/
Varadaabhaya hastaabhyaam Dhyaayecchandra Sahodareem/ Ichaa Rupaam Bhagavatassacchida –
ananda Rupinee, Sarvajnaam sarva Jananeem Vishnu Vakashathalaalayaam/Yathopadesham Mula
Mantram Japitwaa Yathaakramam Devyai Samarpya, Tatasshaambhavi Mudrayaa Bhru madhye
lakshya manusandhaaya Sahasra Naama Stotram Japet/

(Salutations to You Mother!You are the beloved of Padmanabha or the Lotus- Stalked Vishnu. You
are the Lotus Eyed, Lotus Faced, Lotus-Handed, Lotus-Smiled and Lotus Surrounded Devi! You have
the Countenance of a fully blossomed Moon; the most tastefully ornamented Figure of all; the
renowned Sister of Chandra; always carrying a protective hand sign to all of your Devotees; sporting
any Body-Form that you desire; the Omniscient; the Mother of all Beings; and the Permanent
Resident of Maha Vishnu’s Chest ! Now, may I meditate you with utmost attention and dedication,
observing unification of my physical limbs and inner vision right on my Forehead betwixt my Eye

Nityaagataananta Nityaa Nandini Jana Ranjani, Nitya Prakaashini chaiva Swaprakasha Swarupini/
Maha Lakshmirmahakaali Maha Kanya Saraswati, Bhogavaibhava Sandhatri Bhaktanugrahakarini/
Ishaavashya MahaMayaa Maha Devi Maheswari,Hrillekhaa Paramaa ShaktirMaatrukaabeejarupini/
Nityaanandaa Nityabodha Naadini Janamodini, Satyapratyayani chaiva Swaprakashaatmarupini/
Tripura Bhairavi Vidyaa Hamsaa Vaagiswari Shiva, Vaagdevicha MaharaatrirKalaratrirstrilochana/
Bhadrakali Karaalicha Mahakaali Tilottama, Kaali Karaalavaktraam Kamaakshi Kamadaa Shubha/
Chandika Chandarupeshaa Chamundaa Chakradharini, Trailokyajanani Devi Trailokya Vijayottama/
SiddhaLakshmih KriyaLakshmirloka Lakshmi Prasadini,Pratyangiradharaa Vela Lokamataharipriya/
Parvati Parama Devi Brahma Vidyaa Pradaayani, Arupaa Bahurupaacha Virupaa Vishwa rupini/
Pancha Bhutaatmikaa Vaani Pancha Bhutaatmika Paraa/

( Devi! You are the ever Dynamic and is always on the Move; the Infinite and Ever Lasting; The
Origin of Joy and the Source of Contentment to one and all; The Ever Lustrous and the Self-Radiant;
You are the Supreme Maha Lakshmi or the Embodiment of Prosperity; Maha Kali or the Supreme
Power; Maha Kanya or the Epitome of Virginity; Saraswati or the Source of Learning; Bhoga
Vaibhava Sandhatri or the Bestower of Affluence and Luxury; Bhaktanugraha Karini or the Provider
of Kindness to the Devotees; Ishaavasya or the Omni-Present; Maha Maya or the Great Illusion; Maha
Devi or the Supreme Goddess; Maheswari or the Distinguished Spouse of Maheshwara; Hrullekha or
The Seed of the Letter Hreem; Parama Shakti the Ultimate Energy and Matrukaa Beja Rupini or
Mother-Seed of Existence in Totality; the Ever Blissful; the Permanent Instructor; the Originator of
Musical Notes; the Greatest Entertainer to humanity; the Embodiment of Truth; the Extraordinary
Form of Self-Radiance; the Tripureswari being the spouse of Maha Deva; Bhairavi the wife of
Bhairava; the Symbol of Vidya or Knowledge; Hamsa or the Emblem of Purity; Vaagiswari or the
Queen of Learning; Shiva or the Better Half of Ishwara or the Sign of Propitiousness; Vaagdevi the
Power of Speech; Maharatri the Symbol of Pralaya; Kalaratri the Mark of Deluge; Trilochana or the
Three Eyed Representation of Satvika-Rajasika-Tamasika features; Bhadrakali or the Great Protector;
Karali the Awesome; Maha Kali the Terminator; Tilottama the most attractive; Kaali the Destroyer;
Karala Vaktraam or of the Dreadful Countenance; Kamakskhi or of the Most Spellbinding Looks;
Kaamada the Fulfiller of Desires; Shubha or the Bestower of Propitiousness; Chandika or Ever Irate;
Chandarupesha or the Form of Dreadfulness; Chamunda the Destroyer of the Demon by that name;
Chakradharini or the Possessor of the Wheel of Destiny; Trailokya Janani or the Mother Figure of the
Three Worlds; Devi! Trilokya Vijayottama or the Victory Symbol of the Three Worlds: Siddha-Kriya-
Loka Lakshmi or the Laksmi of Stability, Action and of all the Lokas; Prasaadini the Bestower;
Pratyangira or the Representation of Terror; Dhara or the Symbol of Endurance like of Bhudevi; Vela
or the Sign of Time; Loka Maata or the Mother of the Universe; Hari Priya or the Beloved of Sri Hari;
Parvati the Consort of Shiva; Parama Devi the Outstanding of the Womanhood; Brahma Vidya
Pradayani or the Conferrer of Brahma Vidya or of the Unique Awareness of the Highest Knowledge;
Arupa or the Formless; Bahu Rupa, yet the Assumer of Endless Forms of Beings; Virupa or the
Negation of any Form; Pancha Bhutaatmika or the Epitome of The Five Elements of Earth-Water-
Illumination-Ether-and the Sky; Vani the Voice and Para or the One Far Beyond the Five Elements! )

Kalika Panchika Vaagmi Havih Pratyadhi Devata, Deva Mata Sureshana Veda Garbhambika Dhriti/
Sankhyaa Jaatih Kriya Shaktih Prakrutirmohini Mahi,Yagnavidya Mahavidya Guhyavidya Vibhavari/
JyotishmatiMahaMaata Sarvamantraphalarada,Daaridradhwamishini Devi Hrudayagrandhi bhedini/
Sahasraadityasamkaashaa Chandrika Chandrarupini, Gayatri Somasambhutissavitri Pranavatmika/
Shaankari Vaishnavi Braahmi Sarvadeva namaskruta,Sevya Durgaa Kuberaakshi Karavira nivashini/
Jayaa Vijayaa chaiva Jayanti cha-apararajita, Kubjika Kaalika Shastri Veena Pustaka dhaarini/
SarvagjnaShaktih ShriShaktirBrahmaVishnuShivaatmika, Ida Pingalikamadhyaa Mrinalatanturupini/
Yagneshani Prathaa Daksha Dakshina Sarvamohini,Ashtanga Yogini Devi Nirbeeja Dhyanagochara/
SarvaTirthasthita Shuddha Sarva Parvata Vasini,VedaShastra Prama Devi Shadangaadi Padakrama/
Shivaadhatri Shubhaananda Yagnakarmaswarupini, Vratini Menakadevi Brahmaani Brahmacharini/

(Devi Kalika assuming Dark Complexion! Panchika or manifested by the Five Elements; Vaagmi or
the Solo Voice; Havih or the Form of Cooked Rice as an oblation to Agni; Pratyadhidevata or the
Guardian Deity of Devas; Deva Maata or Mother Goddess; Sureshaana or the Empress of Devas;
Veda Gabha or the Conceiver of Vedas; Ambika; Dhruti or the Endurer; Snankhya or the Source of
Arithmatic and of Numericals; Jaati or the One who classifies groups of Society; Kriya Shakti or of
Controller of Action; Prakriti- the Nature or Maya; Mohini or the Eternal Enticer or the Magician ‘par
excellence’; Mahi or the Great Earth; Yagna Vidya-Maha Vidya-Guhya Vidya: the Supreme Know-
how of Yagnas, the Possessor of All Round Knowledge and the Fund of Concealed Knowledge;
Vibhavari or the Dispeller of Darkness or Ignorance; Jyotishmati or the Giant Fund of Luminosity;
the Supreme Mother; Sarva Mantra Phala Prada or the bestower of the Fruits of Mantras; Daaridra-
dhwamsini; Devi! Hridaya Granthi bhedini or the one capable of terminating the intricate chords of
anybody’s heart; Devi! You are the effulgence and radiation of thousands of Sun Gods; yet Cool like
Moonshine as Chandrika herself; you are Devi Gayatri, Somasambhuti or the Wearer of Moon as a
Crescent; Savitri the Mother of Vedas; the Omkara Swarupini; Shankari; Vaishnavi; Braahmi; The
One Saluted by all the Devas; Served with reverence by Durga Herself; Kuberakshi or whose mere
glances would make a person prosperous; Karavira nivasini or the Dweller of the charming
‘Karavira’ flowers; the Triumphant; the Ever Victorious; the Great Winner; and the Undefeatable; the
Bala Swaripini; Kaalika Devi; Shastri the Erudite; the Ever Carrier of Books and Veena the Stringed
Instrument; the Sarvagna Shakti or the Powerful Goddess of All-Round Knowledge; Shri Shakti or
the Paramount Power backed up by Brahma-Vishnu and Shivaatmas; ‘Idaa-Pingalika Madhya Mrinala
Tantu Rupini’: Devi Lakshmi is akin to the subtle ‘Nadis’ or the interior veins of human body (like
the tubular stalk of a plant) signifying the stages of Ashtanga Yoga; Yagneshani or the Head of
Yagnas; Prathaa or the Celebrity; Diksha or the one who enables to perform Yagnas; Sarva Mohini or
the All-Alluring; *Ashtanga Yogini or She who is best realisable, among others, by Ashtanga Yoga.

[*Ashtanga Yoga briefly constitutes the Eight Steps of Yama or Morality, Niyama or Discipline,
Asana or the Right Posture of Seating, Pranayama or the Control of Life Force, Pratyahara or
Withdrawal of Senses from Worldly Desires, Dharana or Hold-Up of Concentration, Dhyana or
Focussed Meditation and finally the Samadhi or Alignment of the Self with the Supreme]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Nirbeeja Dhyana Gochara or the One who is perceptible by the climactic meditation beyond Beeja
Shakti or by the Mantrik Words like ‘Hreem’ ‘Shrim’ etc.; Sarva Tirtha Sthita or the Dweller of the
various Tirthas; Shuddha or the Symbol of High Purity; Sarva Parvata Vaasini; Veda Shastra Prada
or the Unique Enlightener of Vedas and Shastras; Devi! Shadaangaadi Padakramaa or the Classifier of
the *Veda Shadangaas or Six Branches of Vedas viz. Siksha, Chandas, Nirukta, Jyotisha, Vyakarana
and Kalpa; Shiva or the imparter of Auspicious -ness; Dhaatri or the Bestower; Shubhaananda or the
Provider of Pure Joy; Yagna Karma Swaripini or the Manifestation of Yagna Karyas; Vratini or the
End-Receiver of Sacrifices; Menaka Devi or the Eminent Daughter of Menaka viz. Parvati;
Brahmaani or the Great Shakti of Brahma Deva viz. Saraswati; Brahmachaarini or the Practitioner of
high Celibacy).

Ekaaksharaparaa Taara Bhavabandha Vinashani,Vishwambharaa Dhaara Niraadhaaradhika Swara/

Raakaa Kuhuramaavasya Purnimaanumati dyutih,Sinivaali Shiva vashya Vaishvadevi Pishangila/
Pippalaacha Vishalakshi Rakshoghni Vrishtikaarini,Dushtavidraavini Devi Sarvopadravanashani/
Sharada Sharasandhaana Sarvashastra swarupini,YuddhamadhyasthitaDevi Sarvabhutaprabhanjani/
Ayuddhaa Yuddharupaacha Shantaashantiswarupini, Ganga Sarawati Veni Yamuna Narmadaapaga/
Samudravasanaavasa Brahmandashrenimekhala,Panchavaktradashabhuja Suddhasphatika sannibha/
RaktaaKrishna sitaapeeta Sarvavarnanirishvari, Kaalika Chakrika Devi Satyaatu Vatukaasthita/
Taruni Varuni Naari Jyeshthaa Devi Sureswara, Vishwambharadhara Kartri Galargala Vibhanjani/
Sandhyaaraatrirdivaa jyotsnaakalakashthanimeshika,UrviKatyayaniShubhra Samsaraarnava taarini/
Kapila keelikaashokaa Mallika Nava Mallika, Devika Nandikaa Shantaa bhanjikaa bhaya bhanjika/

(Devi! You are the One Word OM that could negotiate us through the Ocean of Dejection and deliver
us from the shackles of ‘Samsara’; the whole Universe is hinged and held on you but you are
supportless yourself; Adhiswara or Beyond Comprehension; You are the Raaka or the Brightest
Moon; Kuhu or the Deity of Full Moon; Amavasya the harbinger of the Shukla Paksha or the
impending phase of brightening Moon; Purnima or the Full Bloom Moon itself; Anumati or the one
giving consent to the Full Moon; Dhruti: the Sustainer of the Brilliance; Sinivali or heralder of New
Moon; Shiva the Symbol of Auspiciousness; Vashya or the Magnetic Force that one gets succumbed
to; The representation of *Vaishwa Devas;

*Dhuri and Vilochana for Kamya Shraddhas; Kaama and Kaala in Naimittika Shraddhas; Pururava-
Ardrava for Parvana Shraddhas; Satya and Vasu in Sapindikarana and Naimittika Shraddhas; Kratu
and Daksha are the Vaishwa Devas and so on];

Pishangila or of Indulgent Physique and of Lenient Nature; Pippala or of the Massive Form of a
Banyan Tree providing relief and shade; Vishalakshi or the Broad Eyed and Visioned; Rakshoghni or
the Demolisher of Evil Forces; Vrishti Karini ot the very cause of Excellent Rains and Crops; Dushta
Vidarini or the Dispeller of Immoralities; Devi! You are the Sarvopadrava naashani or the Great
Distress Shooter; Sharada or the Bestower of Insight and Perception; Shara sandhana: The One ever-
ready to press bow and arrows; Sarva Shastra Swarupini or the Profile of all kinds of Destructive
Weaponry; Yuddha Madhya Sthita or the Central Figure of Battles and Sarva Bhuta Prabhanjani or
the Terminator of all Evil Elements; Ayuddha or by yourself not prone to Battles; Yuddha rupa or
never unhesitant to assume the Fierce Form of Destruction; but basically you are the Shanta or of
Cool temperament and Shanta Swarupini or the Symbol of Peace; Devi! You are the Representation
of the Holy Rivers like Ganga-Sarasvati-Veni-Yamuna-Narmada; you are the Form of Oceans and
indeed of the Totality of the Worlds ornamented with Mountains as your waist-girdle; *Pancha Vaktra
or the Representation of Five Faces of Shiva ;

[ *Aghora looking Southwards, Ishaana looking North East, Tat Purusha visioning East, Vamadeva
who is North-Faced and Sadyojata facing the West]; *Dasha Bhuja or of Ten Hands [* Adya Shakti,
Shiva Shakti, Traana /Tri Bhuvana, Maha Lakshmi, Pancha Tatwa Shakti, Narayani, Savitri, Ananda ,
Nava Durga and Vijaya Shakti];
Shuddha Sphatika Sannibha or the Devi who sparkles like a transcluent crystal; Devi! You assume
various complexions of blood-red, black, white, yellow and so on; you are Nireeshwari or the
Goddess beyond bounds; Kaalika; Chakrika or the Bhagavati residing in Shri Chakra; Satyaa or of the
Emblem of Truth; Vatuka or Brahmacharini; Taruni or an adolescent girl; Varuni or the Varuna
Shakti; Naari or a fulfledged female; Jyeshtha Devi or the Elder Sister of Lakshmi who stands for
Poverty and Misery; Sureshwari or the Empress of Devas; Vishwambhara Dhara or the Omni Present
and the Clutch of the entire Universe; Kartri or the Emblem of Action; Galaargala vibhanjani or the
sifter of poison and a clear throat in figurative sense, ie. the Distinguisher of Evil and Virtue; You are
the Sandhya or the dawn / dusk; Ratri or night; Diva or day time; Jyotsna or Moon-lit night; Kala-
Kashtha-Nimeshika or the Kaalamaana or Time Calculation comprising kaashta / five nimeshas; Urvi
or the Bhu Devi; Katyayani of the * Nava Durgas viz Uma, Katyayani, Gauri, Kaali, Haimavati,
Ishwari, Bhadra Kaali, Chandi and Durga; Shubhra or the Symbol of Purity; Samsaaraarnava Taarini
or the One who could reach a person to safety through the endless Ocean of Samsaara; Kapila or of
red complexion; Keelika or the fulcrum of Existence; Ashoka or the Negation of Despondency;
Mallika as the flower of cleanliness and fragrance; Nava Mallika or the garland knit with fresh
flowers; Devika or a Baby Goddess; Nandika who turns any body happy; Shanta the Sign of
Composure and Self Control; Bhanjika the smasher of impediments and distresses; Bhaya Bhanjika or
the destroyer of fears and obstacles.)

Koushiki Vaidiki Devi Rupaapaadikaatibha, Digvastra Navavastraa cha Kanyaka Kamalodbhavaa/

Shrisoumyalakshanaatita Durgaa Sutraprabhodikaa,Shraddhaamedhaakrutih pragnaadharanevacha/
Shrutissmritirdhrutirdhanyaa Bhutirishtirmanishini, Viraktirvyapini Mayaa Sarvamayaaprabhanjani/
Mahendri Mantrini Simhichendrajaala Swarupini, Avasthaatraya Nirmuktaa Gunatraya vivarjitaa/
Ishanatraya nirmuktaa Sarvaroga vivarjita, Yogidhyaanaata gamyacha Yogadhyana paraayana/
Trayi Shikaa Viseshajnaa Vedanta Jnaanarupini, Bharati Kamalaabhaasha Padma Padmavati kritih/
Gautami Gomati Gauricheshaanaa Hamsavaahini,Narayaniprabhadhaara Jahnavi Shankaraatmaja/
Chitraghanta SunandashrirmanaviShankaratmaja,StambhiniKshobhiniMaariBhramini Shatrumarini/
Mohini Dweshini Veera Aghoraa Rudrarupini, Rudraikaadashani Punya Kalyani Laabhakarini/
Bindunaada kalaatitaa Bindunaada kalaatmikaa/ DashaVayujaakaaraa Kalaashodashasamyuta/

(Koushiki or the Manifestation of Devi Parvati; Vaidiki or the Personification of Vedas; Devi! You
are the Shakti of Surya; Rupaadhika or the One beyond Form and Substance; Atibha or far above
comprehension; Digvastra or clad by the Ten Divine Directions of North-East-South-West-North
East- South East-North West-South West-Skyward-Downward; Nava Vastra or Dressed by Clothes of
Novelty; Kanyaka or Virgin; Kamalodbhava or Materialised from a Lotus; Shri or Bhagavati named
Devi Lakshmi; Soumya Lakshana or of Tranquil Features; Ateeta Durga or the Insurmountable
Fortress; Sutra prabhodika or the Famed Teacher of Veda Sutras and their Interpretations; Shraddha
or Forbearance and Fortitude; Medha or Intellect; Kruti or Configuration; Pragna or the Faculty of
Self-Realisation; Dharana or the Capability of Memory; Kanti or Effulgence; Shruti-Smriti-Dhruti-
Dhanya or the Originator-Sustainer- Approver of Vedas and Shastras; Bhuti or the Creator of
Prosperity; Ishti or the Initiator of the Sacred Homa Karyas; Manishini or the Provider of Descretion
and Practical Sense; Virati or the Detached or Disconnected from Mundane Activities; Vyapini or the
All-Pervasive; Maya the Great Illusion; Sarva Mayaa Prabhanjani or the Destroyer of all
Misconceptions and Deceptions; Devi! You are indeed superior to Mahendra; Mantrini or the
Administrator of all Mantras and hymns; Simhi or the fierce Lioness that encounters all kinds of Evil;
Indrajaala Swarupini or the Portrait of all types of Supernatural Charms and Skills; Avasthaatraya
nirmukta or the Negation / Contradiction of the Natural Features of Jagriti-Nidra-Swapna or
Awakeness-Sleep and Dreams; Gunatraya vivarjita or the Subduer of the Satwika-Raajasika-
Tamasika Gunas; Ishanatraya nirmukta or the Conqueror of Natural Aspirations of Wealth-Health-
Fame; Sarva Roga Vivarjita or the vanquisher of diseases and physical infirmities; Yogi dhyaanaanta
gamya or the Ultimate Goal of Yogic Meditation; Yoga dhyana parayana or the Unique Practioner of
Yoga Dhyana; Trayishikhaa or the possessor of three tresses of hairs viz. the Ruk-Yajur-Sama Vedas;
Vedanta Jnana Rupini or the Paramount Expert in the Knowledge of Vedangas as afore mentioned;
Bharati or Saraswati Devi; Kamala or Devi Lakshmi whose Emblem is a Lotus; Bhasha the
Incarnation of Language or the Expression of Ideas and Thoughts; Padma the manifestation of Lotus;
Padmavati or the One seated and surrounded by Lotuses; Kriti or the consequence of a Deed; Goutami
the Offspring of Goutama Muni; Gomati materialised in the Form of a Sacred River; Gauri the Sign of
Whiteness or Purity viz. Parvati renamed since she did Tapasya to change her body complexion from
Darkness to Fairness; Ishani the Queen of Ishana Direction / North East or the Spouse of Ishwara;
Hamsavahini or the One riding on Swan; Narayani; Prabhadhaara the incessent flow of Illumination;
Jahnavi or the daughter of Jahnu Muni in the Form of Holy Ganga; Shankaraatmaja or the
materialised Soul of Maha Deva; Chitra Ghanta or the Inimitable Bell that warns the Wicked and
guides the Virtuous; Sunanda or the Benefactor of Delight; Shri ot the Icon of Opulence; Maanavi the
daughter of Manu or the Perfection of Womanhood; Stambhini or the Symbol of Perpetuity; Kshobini
or the Fuming Dissenter of Immorality; Maarini the demolisher of Evil; Bhraamini or the Turner of
the Wheel of Fortunes; Shatru Marini or the unsparing eradicator of the Opponents; Mohini the
Mesmeriser; Dweshini the Detester of any thing wreched; Veera the Pictogram of Bravery; Aghora
the opposite of dreadfulness or of pleasantness; Rudra rupini or the Personification of Catastrophe;
Rudraikadashani or of the Unified Presentation of *Eleven Rudras ;

*viz. Mahan, Mahatma, Matimaan, Bhishana, Bhayankara, Ritudhwaja, Urthwakesha, Pingalaksha,
Rucha, Shuchi and Kaalagni; Punya or the Resultant Fruits of Virtue; Kalyani the Profile of
Auspiciousness; Laabha Karini or the Provider of Earnings and Proceeds; Deva Durga or
Insurmountable even to Devas; Maha Durga or the Profile of Inexplicability; Swapna Durga or the
Utmost Mystery even in Dreams;[ alternatively explained as the Great Enigma unknown in reality or
wakefulness, or in the stage of sleep or in dreams];

*Ashta Bhairavi;

[*Mahakali worshipped for Shani Dosha, Neela Saraswati for Brihaspati Dosha, Chhinna mastaka
worshipped for determination, Lalitha Tripura Sundari or Shodashi to correct Budha Dosha, Tripura
Bhairavi / Kaala Bhairavi to accomplish Success, Dhumavati or Alakshmi worshipped by way of
Black Magic, and Bagalamukhi or Peetaambari prayed to for the success of Legal Cases. In addition,
Matangi is worshipped to resolve family problems and Kamala Devi to alleviate Shukra Dosha];

Suryachandraagni Rupa or Devi Lakshmi possesses three eyes of Sun-Moon-Agni; Graha Nakhatra
Rupini or the Representation of Planets and Stars on the Sky; Bindu Naada Kalaateeta or far beyond
the comprehension of a Bindu or Dotted Point on a Surface in Arithmatic or a minute note or mark
of Naada or Sound Wave; yet Devi! You are the Bindunaada kalaatmika or very much situated in the
Bindu as well as the minute sound! *Dasha Vayu Jayaakaara!You are the conqueror of Ten Kinds of
Wind Energy ;

[* comprising five types of Vayu viz. Praana or breathing vital Air; Apaana or Elimination of waste;
Udaana or Sound producing; Samana or digestive and Vyana which enables muscular movement of
expansion and contraction; and five more Upa Vayus viz. Naaga for blurping; Kuram for blinking;
Devadutta for yawning; Krikala for sneezing and Dhananjaya for opening and closing heart valves]
*Kalaashodasha samyuta: Devi Lakshmi involves sixteen Kalas or Phases of Chandra from
Amavashya (New Moon) upto Purnima (Full Moon); [ It is also stated that there are Shodasha
Matrikas too viz. Gouri Padma Shachi Medha Savitri Vijayaa Jayaa, Devasena Swadhaa Swaahaa
Maaturey LokaMaturey, Shanti Pushti Dhruti Tushti Kula Devata Atma Devatah/]

Kaashyapi Kamaladevi Naadachakranivashini,Mridhadhaaraa Sthiraa Guhyaa Devika Chakrarupini/

Avidya Sharvari Bhunja Jambhasura nibarhani, Shrikaya Shrikala Shubhra Karma nirmula karini/
Adilakshmirgunaadhara Panchabrahmatmikaparaa,Shrtitirbrahmamukhavaasa Sarvasampattirupini/
Mritasanjivani Maitri Kamini Kamavarjita,Nirvana margadaa Devi Hamsini Kaalikaa Kshamaa/
Saparya Guninibhinna Nirgunaakhandita Shubha,SwaminiVediniShakya Shambhavi Chakradhaarini/
DandiniMundini Vyaghri Shikhini Somasamhatih,Chintamanischidanandaa Panchabaanaprabodhini/
Vasavi Vaaruni Sevaa Kulikaa Mantraranjani, Jitapranaswarupaacha Kantaa Kamya Varapradaa/
Mantrabrahmana Vidyarthaa Naadarupa havishmati,Atharvanisshrutisshunyaakalpanaavarjitaa Sati/
Sattaajatih pramameyaapramitih pranahagatih, Aparna Panchavarnaacha Sarvadaa Bhuvaneshwari/

(Devi! Kashyapi the daughter of Kashyapa Muni; Kamala Devi;You are the permanent resident of
Shri Chakra from where emerges the Omkara Shabda eternally; Mridhaadhaara or the hold of Maha
Deva himself;  Sthira or Everlasting; Guhya or the most confidential; Devika! Chakra rupini or of the
Form of Shri Chakra; Avidya or Ignorance which again is your Creation too; Sharvari or your own
display of darkness in the nights; Bhunja or surfeit with physical joys; Shambasura nibarhini or the
slayer of Shambhasura by assuming the Swarupa of Indra; Shrikaya with high propensity of acquiring
prosperity; Shri Kala or the Symbol of Chatusshashti Kalas or Art Forms; Shubhra or the paragon of
Cleanliness; Karma nirmula karini or the negation of Activities and Affections; Adi Lakshmi or the
basic incarnation of Maha Lakshmi presided by *Ashta Lakshmis viz. Dhanya-Dhairya-Santana,
Vijaya-Vidya-Bhagya- Gaja and Vara Lakshmis; Gunaadhaara or the Primary Support for the Tri-
Gunas of Satvika- Rajasika-Tamasika nature; *Pancha Brahmatmika paraa or beyond the Swarupas
of Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra-Ishana-Sadashivas; Shruti or the Embodiment of Vedas; Brahma Mukhaa -
vaasa or the One as Saraswati residing right on the face of Brahma; Sarva Sampatti kaarini or the
Provider of all types of wealth ; Mrita Sanjeevani or the One who could revive the life of the dead;
Maitri or Devi you are the personification of pure friendship; Kaamini or of intense craving; yet
Kama varjita or the One fully devoid of desires; Nirvana maargada or the beacon light of the path
towards Salvation; Devi! Hamsini or Hamsa the Representation of Spotlessness; Kalika! Kshama or
the Image of forbearance; Saparya or the most worthy of worship with *Shodashopachaaras[*or the
proverbial Sixteen Services like Aavahana-Aasana- Padya-Arghya- Achamaniya-Shudhodaka Snaana
Naivedyadaka-Vastra-Pushpa- Gandha-Dhupa-Deepa- Naivedya- Taambula-Neerajana-Prarthanaas].

Gunini or the Fund of Excellent Traits; Bhinna or the Distinguished or Outstanding; Nirguna or
Devoid of Characteristics; Akhandita or Fully Integrated or Composite; Shubha or the Auspicious;
Swamini or the Illustrious Master of Life; Vedini or the One who indeed is recognizable through
appropriate means like Dhyana, Yoga and devotion; Shambhari the Maya or the colossal
hallucination; Chakra dharini or the Devi ever existent in the Huge Wheel of Samsara; Dandini the
Unsparing Punisher; Mundini the wearer of slashed wicked heads as a garland; Vyaghri or the
ferocious hunter of crooks; Shikhini or the Ever-Charming and Proud Peahen; Soma samhati or the
own sister of Chandradeva; Chintaamni or the fulfiller of each and every wish; Chidananda or the
Ever Happy; Pancha Bana Prabodhini or the Utiliser the legendary *Five Arrows of Flowers (viz.
Harshan, Rohan, Mohan, Soshan and Maran stated to have been gifted by Brahma to his son
Pushpavan or Manmatha instumental to Shiva’s wedding to Parvati at the latter’s risk of his own
Life!); Bana Shreni or the One with endless stock of Arrows ready for use against the Evil Powers;
Sahasraakshi or the Devi with myriad eyes to discover traces of malevolence; Sahasra bhuja paduka
or the Devi with her countless hands and feet ready to pounce on the malicious; Sandhyavali or the
Controller of three Sandhyas viz. morning-noon-evening; Tri Sandhyabhyaa or the bright
manifestation of the Three Sandhyas; Brahmanda mani mekhala or the One who has Universe as her
girdle as an ornament; Vasavi or the might of Indradeva; Vaaruni Seva has the services of the
capability of Varunadeva at her disposal; Kulika or of excellent family lineage; Mantraranjani or the
One who is thrilled by the chanting of Matras; Jitaprana Swarupaacha or of the Swarupa that conquers
the Inner Souls of her devotees; Kanta or has the bewitching effect on all the Souls; Kamya Varaprada
or the One that grants the desires of each and everybody; Mantra Brahmana Vidyarthaa or the
Scholar-Student of BrahmaVidya Mantra; Naadarupa or the Everlasting Expression of Sound called
Omkara; Havishmati or the One who makes oblations of Havis to Agnideva; Atharvani Shruti of the
Chaturvedas viz. Ruk-Yajur-Saama-Atharva Vedas; Shunya or Devi you are the Form of Nothingness
and mere Maya; Kalpanaa Varjita or The Reality without Fanciful Imagination; Sati the Illustrative
Spouse of Maha Deva called Dakshayani who was offended by her father’s negligence to her husband
and resorted to Self-Immolation only to be reborn as Parvati; Sattaa Jaatih or belonging to the lineage
of Aristocracy and Nobility, Devi is of ‘Pramameya’ characteristic or capable of assessement of the
sincerity of her devotees; She is ‘Apramita’ or has no frontier- limitations; Pranadaa or Life Provider
and the Gati or the destiny and the Last Rufuge! Devi! You are Aparna or Parvati, Pancha Varna or
of Five Complexions; Sarvadaa or the fulfiller of every wish; *Bhuvaneshwari or the Queen of
Chaturdasha Lokas (Fourteen Bhuvanas viz Seven Adholokas of Atala, Vitala, Sutala,Talaatala,
Mahatala, Rasatala and Paatalas besides the Sapta Lokas of Bhuloka, Swarloka, Maharloka,
Janarloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka).

Trailokyamohini Vidyaa Sarvabhartri Kshar aakshara, Hiranyavarna Harini Sarvopadravanaashani/

Kaivalyapadavirekha Suryamandalasamsthita,SomamandalamadhyasthaaVahnimandala samsthitaa/
Kokila kulachakresha pakshatih panktipaavani, Sarva Siddhantamargastha Shadvarnaavara varjita/
Shata Rudraharaahantri Sarvasamharanakaarini, Purusha Pourushi tushtissarva tantra prasutikaa/
Arthanaarishwari Devi Sarva Vidyapradaayani, Bhargavi Yaajushi Vidya Sarvopanishadaasthitaa/
Vyomakeshaakhilapraanaa Panchakoshavilakshana,Panchakoshatmika Pratyakpanchatmika Shivaa/
Jarajjaraa Janitri cha Panchakarmaprasutika,Vaagdevyaabharanaakaaraa Sarvakamyasthita sthitih/
Ketakimallikaashokaa Varaahi Dharanidhruva,Naarasimhimahograsya Bhaktaanaamaartinaashani/

(Devi! You are the supreme enchantress of the Trilokas or the Adho-Bhu-Urthva Lokas; the
Incarnation of Vidya; Sarva Bhatri or the Preserver of One and All; Ksharaakshara or the Transient
yet the Everlasting Universe; Hiranya Varna or the Gold Complexioned Entity of Distinction; Haarini
or the Slayer of the Immoral; Sarvopadrava Naashani or the Extinguisher of all Calamities; Kaivalya
Padavi Rekha or the Periphery of the Path of Kaivalya; You occur in the Surya Mandala; You are
right at the Center of Chandra Mandala; You exist in the Agni Mandala; You are again right in the
Center of Vayu Mandala and also happen to be in the Vyoma (Sky) Mandala; You are Chakrika or
the Wheel of Destiny; the Chakra Madhyastha or the Center of the Wheel and Chakra Marga
Pravartini or the One who travels inside as also Regulates the Wheel as its axis; Devi! You are like a
Koel and all the Living Beings in Creation like Koels imitate and simply follow the regulations laid
by you; Pakshatih or You are the Form of Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha alike; Pankti pavani or
the Liberator and Sanctifier of the Ongoing Generation of humanity; Sarva Siddhanta Margastha or
the One who laid down the paths of Theories and Practices; Shadvarna or the One who is possessive
of Six Complexions of Blue- Black-Red-Orange-Yellow and Green; Vara Varjita as She requires no
boons but bestows them; Shata Rudra Hara or the Sacred names of Hundred Rudras [as given in
Skanda -Linga-Shiva Puranas and Viveka Chintaamani]; Hantri the destroyer of the Sinful; Sarva
Samhara karini or the Terminator of Srishti at the time of Pralaya; Purusha or the Sanatani of
Creation; Pourushi or of the Maha Shakti; Tushti or the Emblem of Happiness; Sarva Tantra Prasutika
or the One who gave birth to All kinds of Tantras; Artha Naareeswari esablishing firmly that
Parameshwara is both Purusha and Prakriti; Devi! You are the Vidya your self and the bestower of
Vidya in all branches of Knowledge; Bhargavi or the memorable daughter of Bhrigu Maharshi;
Yajushi Vidya or the Knowledge of the Sacrifices as per Vedas; Sarvopanishada sthitaa or Present in
all Upanishads in a Subtle Forms; Vyomakeshaa or with the endless Sky expressed in your hairs!
Akhila Praana or the Representation of all the animate and inanimate Beings in Creation;* Pancha
kosha Vilakshana or Unaffected by Five Sheaths of human body viz. Annamaya, Praanamaya,
Manomaya, Vignaanamaya and Manonmakosha maya; in fact, Devi! You are the Pancha
koshaatmika yourself as the presence of these Koshas most essential for the sheer Life of a human
being; Pratyak or evidently felt in the human system; Pancha Brahmamika or the Representation of
Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra-Ishana-Sadashiva as already referred to above; Shiva or the Endowment of
Auspiciousness; Jagadjaraa Janatri or the Mother Figure of the Universe then and always; *Pancha
Karma Prasutika or the Mother of Creation, Growth, Preservation, Extermination, and Transition
before Creation once again; Vakdevi the Goddess of Speech; ‘Aabharanaakaara’ or the tastefully
ornamented Image; ‘ Sarvakaamyasthita Stithih’ or the One surely present at the fullfillment of every
body’s wishes; *Ashtaadasha Chatusshaashthi Peethika: Devi Sati’s Eighteen Peethas and/ or sixty
four Peethaas:

[The *Eighteen Peethas are listed below indicating the name of the Devi, Place and Body Parts
thrown at Sati Devi’s Physique viz. Shankari, Sri Lanka, Groin; Kamakshi, Kanchi, Back part;
Shrunkhala, West Bengal’s Pradyumana, Stomach; Chamundi, Mysore, hair; Jogulamba, Adampur,
AP, Upper Teeth; Bhramaramba, Shrishaila, AP, Neck; Maha Lakshmi, Kolar, Maharashtra, Eyes;
Ekaveera, Nanded, Maharashtra,Right Hand; Maka Kali, Ujjain, MP, Upper Lip; Puruhutika,
Pithapuram, AP, Left Hand; Purnagiri, Tanakpura, Uttarakhanda, Navel; Manikyamba, Draksharama,
AP. Left Cheek; Kamaakhya, Gauhati, Assam, Yoni; Lalitha Devi, Prayaga, UP, Fingers;
Vaishnodevi, J&K, Head; Sarva Mangala, Prayaga, Vakshasthala; Vishalaakshi, Varanasi, UP, Wrist;
and Saraswati, Shringeri,Karnataka, right hand. The Sixty Four Peethas include the popular Devis viz.
Maha Maya at Chandanwadi near Amarnath, J&K, Throat; Shiddhida or Ambika at Jwaalamukhi,
Kangram(Pathankot), Tongue; Ambaji ,Gujarat, heart; Maha Shira, Guhyeshwari, Khatmandu, Nepal,
Knees; Dakshayani Manasarovara, Mt. Kailash, right hand; Bhadrakali, Kurukshetra, Haryana, ankle
bone; Gayatri at Pushkara, Ajmir, Bracelets; Narayani at Shucheendram, near Cape, Tamil Nadu;
Teeth and soon]; Vidyayuta or the Personification of Knowledge; Kaalika or Kaalika Devi;
Aakarshana Shyama or the One who mesmerises with her Black Features; Yakshini or the Deity of
Yakshinis; Kinnareshwari or the Goddess of Kinnaras famed for singing; Ketaki-Mallika-Ashoka or
the Floral Representation of the concerned Flowers; Vaaraahi or the Spouse of Varaha Murti the
Incarnation of Vishnu; Dharani or Bhu Devi the one Saved by Varaha Deva; Dhruva the One Ever
Steadfast; Naarasimhi or of the Shakti of Narasimha, Saviour of Prahlada and the Slayer of the
Demon Hiranyakashipu; Mahograasya or the Colossal Consumer and re-creator of Matter;
‘Bhaktaanaamarti -naashani’ or the Devi who destroys the distresses of the devotees).]

Antarbala Sthiraalakshmir jaraamarana naashani, Shriranjita Mahakayaa Somasuryargni lochana/

Aditirdevamaatachaavyashta putrashta yogini, Ashta Prakritirashtaashata Vibhraajadvikritaakrithih/
Durbhikshadhvamsini Devi Sita Satyacha Rukmini,Khyatija Bhargavi Devi Devayani Tapaswini/
Shaakambhari Mahashona Garudoparisamsthita, Simhaga Vyaghraha Devi Vayugaacha Mahadriga/
Akaaraadi Kshakaaranta Sarvavidyaadhidevata, Mantravyakhyananipuna Jyotisshaastraikalochana/
Idapingalikaamadhya sushumna grandhibhedini, Kalachakraashritopeta Kalachakraswarupini/
Vaisharadi Matisreshtha Varishtha Sarvadipika,Vanayaki Varaaroha Shronivela Bahirbalih/
Jambhini Jrumbhini Jrumbhakarini Ganakaarika, Sharani Chakrikaanantaa Sarvavyadhi chikitsaki/
Devaki Deva Sankaashaa Vaaridhih Karunakara, Sharvari Sarvasampanaa Sarvapaapa prabhanjani/
Ekamatradwimatracha Trimatracha tathaapara,ArthamatraaparaSukshmasukshmaartarthaparapara/

(Internally very tough, besides being sturdy physically too, Devi Lakshmi! You are ever unwavering;
the terminator of the cycle of births and deaths; Shri Ranjita or dazzling due to opulence; Maha Kaya
or of a Giant Figure; Suryachandraagni lochana or of the Three Eyes of Surya, Chandra and Agni;
Aditi Devi / Deva Maata or the Illustrious Mother of Devas; Ashtaputra or Devi like Devaki the
Mother of the Eight Sons; Ashta Yogini or the One realisable by the Eight Yogas of Yama-Niyama-
Aasana-Pranayama-Pratyahara-Dharana-Dhyana-Samdhi already referred to earlier above; *Ashta
Prakritis are the Pancha Bhutas, Sun, Moon and Paramatma as explained as follows: Prithivyo bhava
Aapassarvah Vuyu Bhimah Akashasya Mahadevah, SuryasYugrah Chandrasy Somah Atman
Pashupatih/ ; Ashtashta Vibhrajadvikritaakritih or the Sixty Four Kalaas or Art Forms as illuminated
by Devi; Durbhiksha dhwamsini or the uprooter of shortages of Material Wealth; Devi! You are of the
Images of Sita, Satyabhama, Rukmini, Khyatija or the daughter of Khyati, Bhrugu, Devayoni and the
illustrious Tapaswini or the Murti of Intense Meditation; Shakambhari or the Deity of Shaakas or
Vegetables that sustain human life; Maha Shona or of the Incarnation of Blood red complexion;
Garudopari samsthita or the One carried rightfully by Garuda to Places; Devi! You assume the
Forms of Lions, Tigers, fierce Wind or of huge Mountains; indeed you are the Goddess representing

each alphabet in the Language right from A-kaara to Kshakaara! You are indeed the divine
Personification of Vidya excelling in all Branches of Knowledge; Mantra Vyakhyaana Nipuna or the
Unique Interpreter of Mantras; the exceptional visualiser of Jyotisha Shastra; Devi! you are the
remarkable cracker of the Sushuma Grandhi which is between the Ida and Pingalika Grandhis in the
context of yogic practice; Kalachakarayopeta or the Goddess occupying Kala Chakra and are the
Destiny Maker of all the Beings in Creation; indeed you are the Kala Chakra yourself; Vaisharadi or
Singularly Proficient in all branches of Science and Arts; Mati sreshta or the most Superior in Mental
Faculties; Varishta or the Loftiest; Sarva Deepika or the Ultimate Provider of Brilliance; Vainayaki or
possessive of the might of Vinayaka; Varaaroha or Top Boon Provider; Shroniveda or in the thick of
Vedas; Bahirbalih or the Provider of physical power; Jambhini or conceited with her charm;
Jrumbhini or propelled up all over; jrumbha karini the cause of the blow up or of great magnitude;
Gana kaarini or the Creator of Massive Armies; Sharani or the High Point of Refuge; Chakrika or the
One Prime Mover of the Wheel of Destiny; Sarva Vyadhi Chikitsaki or the Supreme Physician of all
kinds of diseases; Devi Devaki or the Mother Figure of Lord Krishna; Deva Sankaasha or of the
Spendour of Devas; Varadhih or of the Form of Oceans; Karunakara or the One who is totally
Merciful; Sharvari or ‘Shashinam punaroti Sharvari’ or the One who announces Moon is Sharvari ie
Night or Darkness; Sarva Sampanna or the One who is Fully Accomplished; Sarva Paapa Prabhanjani
or destroys all kinds of Sins; Ekamatra or the Single Syllable or Sound viz. ‘Om’ representing the
fully conscious state; Dwimatra or the Double Syllable representing the State of Semi-Consciousness;
Tri Matra stands for Slumber or Sleep; Apara is the Tureeya State of Swapna or of Dreams; Artha
Matra is stated to be of Anuswara or a portion of Pranava; Paraa is the State of Brihad or Macro
Existence where the Inner Being is aligned with Paramatma; Sukshma or of Minute/ Micro
Existence; Sukshmaartha or of such Speciality when the merger of the Minute with Cosmos is
achieved which is of the Most Specialised Nothingness).

Ekaveeraviseshaakhya Shashthidevi Manaswini,Naishkarmyanishkala Lokagnaanakarmaadhikaguna/

Sabandhvaanandasandohaa Vyomakaara nirupita, Gadyapadyatimika Vani Sarvaalankaara sumyuta/
Sadhubandhapadanyaasaa Sarvoukaaghatikaavalih,Shatkarmikarkashaakaara Sarvakarmavivarjitaa/
Adityavarnaachaparnaa Kaamini Vararupini, Brahmani Brahma Santana Veda Vagiswari Shiva/
Purananyaya mimaamsa Dharmashastraagamashruta,Sadyo Vedavati Sarva Hamsi Vidyadhidevataa/
Vishweshwari Jagaddhatri Vishwanirmana karini,Vaidiki Vedarupacha Kaalika Kalarupini/
Narayani Mahadevi Sarva Tatwa pravartini/ Hiranyavana rupacha Hiranya pada sambhava,
KaivalyapadaviPunya Kaivalya Gyana lakshita/ Brahma sampatti rupaacha Brahmasampatti kaarini/
Varuni Vaarunaaradhyaa Sarvakarmapravartini,Ekaksharaparaayukta Sarva Daridrya bhanjani/
Pashankushanvita DivyaVeenavyakhyakshasutrabhrut,Ekamurtistrayimurtir Madhukaitabhabhanjani/
Saankhya Sankhyavati Jwala Jwalanti Kamarupini,Jagriti Swapna sampattissushuptisweshtadaayani/

(The one and only Icon of Bravery; with only special applications of Action; Shashthi Devi, the
Goddess of Fertility worshipped by barren women and also referred as Devasena one of the two wives
of Skanda Kumara the other wife being Valli Devi; Manaswini or She who is everybody’s inner
thoughts as wealth is sought after by one and all; Naishkarmya or She has no specific Act of her own
as all actions emanate from her only; Nishkala or devoid of any specific characteristic since She is the
Epitome of all Features; Loka Gnaana Karmaadhika or She is beyond the World’s knowledge and
Actions as she is far superior to all conceivable thoughts and Acts; Sabandhwaananda sandoha or the
Promoter of Joy to all her devotees who are considered by her as her own family members;
Vyomakaara or of the Form of Sky; But, She is Nirupita or has no Form; Gadyapadyatmika or the
Personification of Prose or Poetry in Literature; Vani or the Image of Speech; Sarvaalankaara

Samyuta or the One with all conceivable knds of Ornamentation; Sadhubandha pada nyasa or She
adjusts her own steps with those of the virtuous cadre of persons; Sarvouka ghatikaavalih: indeed
Devi! You are conscious of Kalakrama of the Universe as also of the timing of actions by
individuals; *Shatkarmi or fully involved with of the proverbial Six Acts of humanity viz. learning,
coaching, foregoing, beseeching, providing and acknowledging; Karkashaakara or merciless in
dealing with the Evil; Sarvakarma vivarjita or She is totally devoid of all Actions as all Acts are of her
own motivation; Aditya varna or of the Unique Lustre of Surya Deva; Aparrna or Devi Parvati who
was stated to have performed Tapasya to Shiva even without consuming leaves; Kamini or the Icon of
Love; Vara rupini or the Image of Boons; Brahmani or the Shakti of Brahma; Brahma Santana the
Mother of the Brahma the Creator; Veda Vageswari or the matchless reciter of Vedas; Purana Nyaya
Meemaamsa Dharma Shastraagama Shruta or the Personification of all the Desciplines of Knowledge
such as Puranas, Nyaaya or Justice, Meemaamsa or Critical Interpretation and Reasoning; Dharma
Shastra, Aagamaas or Scriptures, Shrutas or Vedas; Sadyo Vedavati or the Instant Form of Vedas;
Sarva or the Omni-Present; Hamsi or Swan the Symbol of Purity and the Carrier of Brahma Deva;
Vidyadhidevata or the Goddess of the Very Root of Knowledge; Vishweswari or the Empress of the
Universe; Jagaddhatri or the Sole Preserver of the Universe;Vishvanirmana karini or the One
responsible for the Construction of the Universe; Vaidiki or the Portrait of Vedas; Veda Rupa or the
Formula of Vedas; Kalika Devi; Kaala Rupini or the System of Kalamaana or Time Calculations;
Narayani or the Illustrious Partner of Narayana; Maha Devi or the Supreme Representation of
Feminity; Sarva Tatwa Pravartini or the Promoting Institution of the Pancha Tatwas or the Five
Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky; Kaivaya Padavi or the Regulating Authority of
Kaivalya or Salvation; Punya or the Return Fruit of Worthy Deeds ; Kaivalya Jnana Lakshita or the
One who is relpete with the Awareness of Salvation; Devi! You are the Brahma Sampatti Rupa or of
the Accomplished Form of Brahma; Brahma sampatti kaarini or the Unfailing Medium of Achieving
Brahma’s Unique Opulence; Vaaruni or the Shakti of Varuna Deva; Varunaradhya or worshipped by
Varuna Deva; Sarva Karma pravartini or the Organiser of all Actions by various Beings; Ekaakshara
para or the Personifiction of the Single Word OM; Aayukta or the Form of Aksharas or Alphabets;
Sarva Daridya Bhanjani or the destroyer of kinds of Poverty; Paashaankushaanvita or the One with a
lash and a stick to control the Beings; Divya or Celestial; Devi the possessor of Veena the musical
instrument, a Book of Scriptures and a Japa Maala or a rosary; Eka Murti, the Advaita the Singular
Form; Trayi Murti or the Trimurti of Brahma-Vishnu-Meheshwara viz. the Creator, Preserver and the
Destroyer; Madhu kaitabha bhanjani or She who was responsible of mutual killings of the two Daitya
brothers named Madhu and Kaitabha at her instance; Sankhya or the Personification of Numerical
Analysis; Sankhyavati the Goddess of Numbers; Jwala or the Eternal Flame; Jwalanti or the Fund of
Radiance; Kamarupini or capable of assuming any Form of her wish; Jaagriti-Swapna sampattih-
Sushuptih or Devi! You are the One who is Awake, or in a state of Dreams or of Deep Slumber; but
always in the Ready State of Fulfiller of One’s own wishes.)

Kapalini Mahadamshtrabhrukutikutilaanana, Sarvaavaasa Suvasaacha Bruhatsrishtischa Shakvari/

Shilpavaichitravidyota Sarvatobhadravasini, Achintyalakshanaakaara Sutrabhashyanibhanjana/
Sarva Vedanta sampattissarva Shastrartha Maatruka,Akaaradi Kshakaaranta sarvavarna kritasthala/
Sarvalakshmi Sadanaanda Saaravidya Sadashiva,Sarvgna Sarva Shaktischa Khecharirupagocchruta/
Animadigunopeta Paraakashtha Paragatih, Hamsayuktavimanasthaa Hamsaarudha Shashiprabha/
Bhavani Vasanaa Shaktiraakritisthaakhilaakhila,Tantra heturvichitraangi Vyomagangaa Vinodini/
Varshaacha Vaarshikachaiva Rugyajussamarupini, Mahanadi Nadi punyaaganya Punyagunakriya/

Samadhigata Labhyartha Shrotavya Swapriyaghruna,Namaakshara ParaadeviUpasarganakhanchita/
Nipatorudwayi janghaa MatrikaMantrarupini, Asinacha Shayaanaacha tishthanti bhavanaadhika/

(Kapalini or the holder of a human skull; Maha damshtra or of huge and powerful jaws; Bhrukuti
Kutilaanana or of twisted and thick eyebrows; Sarvaavasa or the One existent in everybody and every
where; Suvasa or always existent among the Virtuous; Brihatssrishi or of unimaginably endless
Creation; Shakvari or the One riding over a Bull; Chandogana pratishtha or well set in Chandogana or
the innumerable variations of Prosody; Kalmashi or of myriad colours; Karunatatmika or the
Manifestation of Mercifulness; Chaksushmati or the One present in Common Vision of one and all;
Maha ghosha or the immense reverberation of Veda Swaras; Khadgacharma dharaashni or Armed
with Sword in Sheath and a Shield suggestive of ready confrontation with the Evil; Shilpavaichitrya
Vidyota or the Supreme Master of Shilpa or Sculpture; Sarvato bhadra vasini or the Provider of
Security to all always; Achintya Lakshaaakaara or Devi! You are possessive of unimaginable features;
the most erudite coordinator of Sutras and Bhashyas or Basic Principles of Dharma and its varied
Interpretations cum Appreciations; You are indeed the invaluable richness of Vedarthaas and the
Mother Figures of Shastras and their meanings in depth; You are concealed in all the Alphabet Letters
ranging from ‘A’ to ‘Ksha’; You are * Sarva Lakshmi or of Eight kinds of Lakshmi Swarupas of
Dhanya, Dhairya, Santana, Vijaya, Vidya, Bhagya, Gaja and Vara Lakshmis; Sadaananda or Ever
Joyful; Saara Vidya or the Essence of Knowledge; Sada Shiva or Ever Auspicious or of the Shiva
Swarupa; Sarvajna or the Omni-Scient; *Sarva Shakti or the varied Forms of Shakti as described in
Navaavaranas or Nine Enclosures;

[* First Enclosure comprising the Siddhis of Anima, Laghima, Mahima,Ishwita, Vashitwa, Prakamya,
Bhuti, Iccha, Prapti and Sarva Kamya; Eight Matrukas of Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumari,
Vaishnavi,Varahi, Mahendri,Chamunda and Maha Lakshmi; Sarva Devis viz. Sankshobhini,
Vidravini,Vashankari, Unmadini, Mahaankusha,Khechari, Beeja, Yoni, Tri- Khanda, Trilokya
Mohana, and Prakata Yogini; Second Enclosure: Akarshini Shaktis named Kama, Buddhya,
Ahankara, Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha, Chitta, Dhairya, Smrutya, Nama, Beeja, Atma,
Amruta, Sharira, Sarva Ashaaparipuraka and Gupta Yoginis; Third Enclosure Ananga Shaktis of
Kusuma, Mekhala, Madana, Madanatura, Rekha, Vegini, Ankusha, Malini, Samkshobana and
Guptatara; Fourth Enclosure: Sarva Devis of Kshobini, Vidravini, Akarshini, Ahladini, Sammohini,
Stambhini, Jrumbhini, Vashankari, Ranjani, Unmadini, Sadhika, Sampatti Purana, Mantramayi,
Dwandwa Kshayankari, Soubhagya daayaka, and Sampradaya Yogini; Fifth Enclosure: Sarva Devis
of Siddhiprada, Sampatprada, Priyankari, Mangala kaarini, Kamaprada, Duhkha vimochani, Mrityu
prashamani, Vighna niwarini, Sarvanga Sundari, Soubhagya daayani, Ardha Sadhaka Chakra
Swamini and Kulottirna; Sixth Enclosure of Sarva Devis of Sarvajna, Shakti, Aishwarya pradayani,
Jnaanamayi, Vyadhi Vinashani, Aadhara, Papahari, Anandamayi, Raksha Swarupini, Ipsita phala
prada, Rakshakara and Nigarbha yogini; Seventh Enclosure: Vagdevis of Vashini, Kameshwari,
Modhini,Vimala, Aruna, Jayani, Sarveshwari, Koulini, Sarva Rogahara, RahsyaYogini, Baanini,
Chaapini, Paashani, and Ankushani; Eighth Enclosure: Maha Devis of Kameshwari, Vajreshwari,
Bhagamaalini, Siddhiprada and Atirahasya Yogini; and finally the Ninth Enclosure of Maha Devis
viz. Shri Bhattarika, Sarvaanandamaya Chakra Swamini and Paraapara Rahasya Yogini] ;


Khechari Rupa Gocchrita or Devi who indeed exists among all the species that fly on the Sky;
Animadi Gunopeta or Devi is present in all kinds of Shaktis as described in the first Enclosure above;
Paraa Kaashtaa or the Ultimate Destination beyond which there is none; Paraa Gati or the Final Route
to the Ultimate; Hamsayuktya Vimaanastha or Devi Lakshmi! You are air borne on the flight drawn
by Swans; You are seated comfortably inside the flight; You are the Spendour of Sashi or the Moon;
Bhavani or of the Form of Bhava’s spouse ie. Parvati; the Vaasana Shakti or of the Power of all
Faculties or Aptitudes; Akrutisthaa or has the capacity of assuming any Swarupa of her choice; She is
Khila or the Life Force of all the Beings ie. the Charaachara Pranis as also Akhila or the All-
Pervasive; She is the Tantra hetu or the Originator of innumerable Tantras or Esoteric Doctrines and
Rituals; Vichitrangi or of Strange Physical Limbs ranging from peculiar to the weird; Vyoma Ganga
Vinodini or the One happy enjoying in the baths of Akasha Ganga; Varshaa or the Swarupa of Rains;
Vaarshika or You cascade boons to devotees as though by rains; Rukyajursaama rupini or as the Form
of the Vedas; You are the Mighty Swarupa of Sacred Ganga River bestowing Punya in return to the
auspicious deeds that persons perform; You are attainable by the Ashta Yoga climaxing with the Act
of Samadhi inYoga Practice mentioned above; Shrotavya Swapriya Ghruna: it is learnt that you are
Self-Esteemed but indeed you are reachable and compassionate; Devi! You maintain well nurtured
hand nails and strong body parts and even as a Matrika and of Mantra Swarupa you are well
composed while being seated or in bed you are beyond thoughts and feelings that humanity could ever
make guess about.)

Lakshya lakshana yogaadhyaa taadrupyagananaakritih,Naikarupaanaikarupa sendurupa tadaakritih/

SamasataddhitaakaaraVibhaktiVachanatmika,SwahakaraSwadhaakara Shripratyardhaanaganandini/
Gambhira Gahanaaguhya yonilingardha dharini,Shesha Vaasukisamsevya chapalaapara varnini/
Karunyakarasampattih kilakrunmantra kilika,Shaktibeejaatmika Sarvamantreshthaakshaya kaamana/
Agneyi Parthiva Aapya Vayavya vyopmaketana, Satwajnaanatmikananda Brahmi Brahma Sanaatani/
Avidya Vasana Maya Prakritissarvamohini, Shaktirdharana Shaktischa Chidachicchakti yogini/
Vakraruna Maha Maya Marichirmadamardini, Viratswaha Swadha Shudda nirupastissubhaktigaa/
Nrupatia dwayi Vidya Nityaanitya Swarupini, Vairajamarga Sanchaaraa Sarvasatpatha darshini/
Jalandhari mridanicha Bhavani Bhavabhanjani, Traikalika Jnaanatantustrikaala Jnanadaayani/
Naadaatita Smritih Pragna Dhatrirupaa Tripushkara, Parajitaa Vidhaanajna Viseshitagunatmika/

(Devi! You are identifiable and approachable by the Yoga Route either as a mere Aim without any
Swarupa or in an Image Form with Lakshanas or Features; or in a swarupa of what a devotee desires
or as of One Single Advaita Rupa or of Several Rupas; You are however recognisable as of Chandra
Rupa or as of individual wishes; You are of the *Form of Grammar like Samaasaas or common
compounds of nouns or adjectives and Vibhaktis signifying Karakas or Functions;[viz. nominative
vibhakti of Kartas, Accusative vibhakti of Karmas, Instrumental vibhakti of Kaarana; Dative Vibhakti
of Sampradana, Ablative Vibhakti of Apadana; Genitive Vibhakti of Sambandha, Locative Vibhakti
of Adhikarana and Vocative Vibhakti of Sambodhana] or Vachana or Narrative;

You are of the Swarupa of Swaha Devi worshipped in Oblations to Agni or Swadha Devi worshipped
in Pitru Karyas; You are Gambhira or Ever-thoughtful; Gahana or unfathomable; Guhya or enigmatic;
Yoni Lingardha dharni or of Ardhanareshewari Swarupa of both male and female sexes; Sesha Vasuki
Samsevya or attended for you in service by the Well-known Naga Devas named Sesha and Vaasuki;
You are Chapala or the Unsettled and Restless; Varavarnini or of the Distinguished Class pleased to
provide boons; Kaarunyaakaara sampatti or the Lavishness of distributing kindness; Keela krut or the
Dividing Means of Illusion and Reality; Mantra Keelika or the Facilitator by Mantras; Shakti
*Beejatmika or the Originator or of the *Beeja Mantras;

[* OM Haum for Sadashiva, Dum for Durga, Kreem for Kalika, Aim for Saraswati, Kleem as Kama
Beeja for Krishna, Hroom for Bhairava, Gam for Ganesha, Kshraum for Narasimha etc.; In respect of
Maha Lakshmi the Beeja Mantras are : Shreem-Hreem-Aim; Lalita Devi: Ka Ye Ee La Hreem];

Sarva Mantreshta or Fond of all types of Mantras; Akshaya Kaamana or provider of Endless Desires;
You are Agneyi or the Agni Swarupi, Parthiva or of Bhu Swarupini, Aapya or of Jala Swarupini,
Vayavya or of Vayu Swarupi, Vyomaketana or of the Flagship of Sky; Satya Jnaanaatikaananda or of
the Symbol of Truthfulness, Knowledge and joy; Brahmi or possesive of the Energy of Saraswati, or
that of Brahma and Sanatani or the Primordial; You are also Avidya, Vasana, Maya , Prakriti and
Sarva Mohini or the Representation of Ignorance, Desire, Delusion, Nature or Prakriti as against
Paramatma; Sarva Mohini or the Enthralling one and all; Shaktirdharana Shaktischa or Devi! You are
the Embodiment of Shakti, Dharana Shakti or the Holding Capacity, Chidachicchakti or the Enormous
Energy of Ignorance and Illumination alike; Yogni the Supreme Specialist of Yoga; Vaktraruna or of
the Unique Countenance of Redness; Maha Maya; Marichi or the famed Goddess of Dawn on the
Chariot of the Seven Pigs; Mada mardini or the punisher of the arrogant and haughty; Virat
Swarupini; Swaha Devi; Swadhadevi; Suddha or the Insignia of Transparency; Nirupasti or the
Proven Existentionalist or of Rationalism; Subhaktiga or has enormous Following and Devotion;
Nirupita or of Proven Supremacy; Dwayi or of the dual form of Reality and Falsehood; Vidya or the
Symbol of Knowledge; Natyaanitya Swarupini or the Murti of Eternal and Fleeting alike; Vairaja
Marga Sanchara or the One who travels on the Path of Vairagya or of Extreme Detachment and
Objectivity; Satpatha Darshani or the Visualiser of the Path of Virtue and Truth; Jaalandhari or the
Slayer of Jalandhara Daitya the son of the Ocean referred to in Padma Purana; Mridani or the Spouse
of Shiva; Bhavani or Parvati; Bhavabhanjani or the demolisher of Bhava or Samsara; Traikalika tantu
or the regulator of the three Kalaas of the Past-Present-Future; Trikala Jnana dayani or the One who
provides the Awareness of the three tensesof Time; Nadaateeta or far superior to Pranava Shabda;
Smriti or the Personification of Retention Capacity or Veda Swarupi; Pragjna or Intuition or
Reasoning Capacity; Dhatri Rupa or the Picture of Endurance; Tripushkara or the Manifestation of
Trimurtis of Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara; Parajita or Conquered by Devotion; Vidhanajna or the
Expert of Orderliness and Procedure; Visheshita Gunatmika or of Very Exceptional Characteristics).

Hiranyakeshini Hema Brahmasutra vichakshana, Asankhyeya Paraardhanta Swaravyanjanavaikhari/

Madhujihva Madhumati MadhumasodayaMadhuh,Madhavicha Mahabhaga Meghagambhiraniswana/
Brahmavishnumaheshadi Jaatavrarthavisehaga,Naabhouvahnishikhaakara LalateyChandrasannibha/
Bhrumadhye Bhaskaraakara Sarvataraakritirhridi,Krittikadibharanyanta Nakshatreshtyarchitodaya/
Grahavidyatmika Jyotirjyotirvinmati jeevika, Brahmanda garbhini Balaa Saptavaarana Devata/
Vairajottama Saamrajya Kumara kushalodayaa,Bagala Bhramaraambaacha Shivaduti Shivatmika/
Meruvindhyadisamsthaana Kashmirapuravasini,Yoganidra Mahanidra Vinidraa Rakshasaashrita/
Suvarnada Mahaganga panchaakhya Panchasamhatih,Suprajata Suveeryacha Suposha Supatisshiva/
Sugruha Raktabeejaanta Hatakandarpajeevita, Samudravyomamadhyasta samabindusamaashriya/
Sowbhagya rasajeevatu ssaraasara Vivekadruk, Trivalyadisupushtangaa Bharati Bharataashriya/

( Devi! You are Hiranya Keshini or of Golden Hair; you are also the Expression of Hema *Brahma
Sutras Golden Threads or Vedic Precepts;

[*Brahma Sutras comprise Four Chapters on Samanvaya or Harmony of Paramatma and Prakriti;
Avirodha or Examination of Conflict Points and Reconciliation; Sadhana or the Means to Achieve
and finally the Phala of Salvation;Veda Vyasa was stated to have revived he Brahma Sutras and
among others Adi Shankaracharya scripted Bhashyaa or Explanations of the Brahma Sutras];
Anankhyeya Paraarrdhantaa Swaravynjana Vaikhari or the Creator of countless words and their roots
of Alphabets, consonants and vowels; Madhu Jihva or Honey tongued; Madhumati or Honey minded;
Madhu maasodaya or the heralder of Sweet Honey Months ahead; the Symbol of Honey; Madhavi or
the Spouse of Madhava; Maha bhaga or of Unique Parts comprising prosperity, fortune and
happiness; Meghagambhira nisswana or of Thunderous Voiced; Your incomparabale quailities are
well known to Trimurtis too; you carry fire in your abdomen, Chandra on your forehead, Sun God
between your eyebrows, the entirety of Stardom in your heart; indeed all the Premier Nakshatras from
Krittika to Bharani are deeply engaged at your service; Graha Vidyatmika or the knowledge of Planets
is in built in your psyche; Jyoti or the Incarnation of Brightness; Jyotirvinmati or the Habitation of
Radiance; Jeevika or Life Itself! Brahmandha garbhini or the Great Conceiver of the Universe; Bala
or the Goddess of Adolescence who is the Queen of *Shri Chakra and of the *Saptaavarana Devatas
viz. Ananda, Sandhya, Uma, Gauri, Kaalika, Tripura and Samhara;

*[The Avarana Krama of Specified Devatas is as follows: Avarana I: Pancha Brahmas and
AngaMurtis viz. Sadyojata,Vamadeva, Aghora,Tatpurusha, Ishana, Mrityunjaya, and Chandra
Shekhara; Avarana II: as * above viz. of the Sapta Tandava Murtis; Avarana III: Ashta Murtis:
Bhava, Sharva, Ishana, Pashupati, Ugra, Rudra, Bhima and Mahadeva; Avarana IV: Ekadasha Rudras:
Shambhu, Pinaki, Girisha, Sthanu, Bhargava, Sada Shiva, Shiva, Hara, Sharva, Kapali and Bhava;
Avarana V: Pancha Vimshat Amrityas like Chandrashekhara, Umamaheshwara, Vrishabhaarodha,
Natya Murti and so on; Avarana VI: Ganapati Rupas (32) like Bala, Siddha, Heramba, Vighna,
Ekadanta, Udhama, Dundhi, Sdankatahara, Varada and so on; Avarana VII: Subhramanyas viz.
Skanda, Agnijaata, Sourabhya, Kartikeya, Kumara, Shanmukha, Senaani, Guha, Brahmanya, Deshika
Murti etc. Avarana VIII: Ashta Bhairavas viz. Asitanga, Ruru, Chanda, Krodha, Unmatta, Kapala
Bhishana, Shambhara and Bhairava; Avarana IX: Astra Murtis viz. Aghora, Maha Paashupatastra,
Shambhastra, Khadgha –ravarana, Swarnaakarshana Bhairava, Vatuka, Maha Shasta; Avarana X:
Veerabhadras: Chaturbhuja, Ahshabhuja, Dashabhuja, Rana, Shodasha bhuja, Dhwatrimshadbhuja,
and Aghora Veerabhadraas; Avarana XI: Parivara Murtis: Purusha, Virabhadra, Nandi, Bhringi,
Siddhi Vinayaka, Maha Ganesha, Vrishabha, Skanda, Chandesha and Maha Devi; Avarana XII:
Vidyeshwaras: Shikhandika, Ananta, Eka Rudra, Ekanetra,Shiva, Sukshma, Shrikantha, Trimurti;
Avarana XIII: Dikpayaih: Indradaya, Vajradaya and Arivatadhya; Avarana XIV: Animadi Shiddhaya,
Shanmukhadaya and Nidhi Deva; Avarana XV: Dasha Maha Vidya and Dasha Maha Bhairava;
Avarana XVI : Maha Prashada Vidya, Rajata Paduka, Swarna Paduka, Ratna Paduka, Chit Paduka
and Nirvana Paduka. This Maha Prashada Paddhati is stated to be practised at the Pashupatinath
Temple at Khatmandu in Nepal as also at Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu as sourced from Sri Kamakoti
Mandali] ;

Vairajottama Samrajya or the Queen of the Tantra Maha Rajya where Devi Viraja resides as the
Odyana Peetha Nilaya or where the waist belt of Devi Sati fell and Brahma Yamala Tantra is stated
to be practised; Kumara Kushalodaya or the reason of the flourish of the welfare of Skanda Kumara; -
*Bagala of the Goddess of Control or Black Magic among the *Dasha Maha Vidyas*viz. Kali,Tara,
Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati,Bala, Matanga and Kamala and
Bagala; Bagala is stated to possess the powers of subduing enemies like sthambhana, jrumbhana,
mohana, achalata, aakarshana and so on];

Bhramaramba the spouse of Mallikarjuna of Shrishaila fame; Shiva Duti the hand maid of Lord Shiva
and the Soul of Shiva himself; Devi! You are also the Meru Vasini and Vindhya Vasini as also the
Goddess of Kashmira pura; Yoga Nidra or the stage of sleep when She is engaged in the review of
worldly happenings; Maha in the stage of Pralaya or Universal Extermination; Vinidra or She is the
negation of Sleep or never sleeps; Rakshasaashrita or the One who is ever vigilant of the weird actions
of Rakshasas so that the necessary actions are taken up; Suvarnada or the Provider of Prosperity and
of Golden Opportunities; Maha Ganga or what stands for by way of depth, purity and auspiciousness;
Panchakhya or the Representation of the Five Elements of ‘Prithivya-Aapas-Tejo-Vaayura-
Akaashaas’ and Pancha samhatih or the Creator and the Preserver of the Five Elements; Suprajaata or
possessive of noble followers; Suveerya or of undisputed valour; Suposha or the Goddess of excellent
wellbeing; Supati or possesive of an Ideal husband; Shiva the Picture of Auspiciouness; Sugriha or the
Dweller of Place of Sanctity; *Rakta beejaanta or the killer of the Demon Rakta beeja;

[*Rakta beeja was the nephew of Shumbha-Nikumbha Brothers- who had the boon of any slash of his
body creating so many of blood drops as of himself and Devi Chamundi extended her tongue so much
that she lapped up all the drops and decimated the demon and Devi Ambika killed the Demon brothers
too eventually];

Hata Kandarpa Jeevita or Devi Lakshmi you are Parvati yourself who revived Manmadha who sought
Shiva to entice Parvati and became a heap of Ash due to the latter’s anger and opened his third Eye;
SamudraVyoma madhyastha Devi! You are the Great Matter that represents the Space between the
Deep Oceans and the High Skies; *Samabindu Samaashriya or the One surrounded by Bindu Chakra;

* Bindu the Zero, the Subtle Body or the Supreme State of Universal State of Singularity as
represented by Para Shakti of Ishwara Tatwa which Creates, Withdraws and Creates again as that Para
Shakti is the characterisation of Iccha Shakti, Jnaana Shakti and Kriya Shakti ie of the Supreme
Energy of Will-Knowledge-Action; Bindu has the inherent; Bindu has the inherent Tatwas or Aspects
of Nivritti-Pratishtha-Vidya- Shanti and Shantyatita that is: Bhu Tatwa-Basis Provider-Vidya or of
Restricted Knowledge or Awareness-Shanti or the Eternal Happpiness and Shantyatita or Bliss;

Soubhagya Rasa Jeevaatu or Devi is featured in various kinds of Wealth and Emotions / Mental
States; Saaraasaara Vivekadruk or is the Characterisation of varied types of perception and insights;
Trivalyadi supushtanga or the Emblem of Three Types of Healthiness viz. Physical, Mental and
Psychological; Bharati or Saraswati; Bharataashrita or She who is close to Bharata or the
Karmabhumi or alternatively stated She is of the Swarupa of Devi Sita worshipped by Bharata)

Nadabrahmamamayi Vidyajnanabrahmamayipara,Brahmanadiniruktischa Brahmakaivalyasadhana/

Kalakeyamahodara Virya Vikramarupini, Badabaagni shikhaa Vaktra Maha kabala tarpana/
Mahaabhuta Mahadarpa Mahasaaraa Makakratuh,Panchabhutamahagrasaa Panchabhutadhidevata/
Sarvapramaanasampattissarvarogapratikriya,Brammandantaravahirvyapta Vishnuvakshovibhushani/
Shaankari vidhivaktrasthaapravaraa varahetuki, Hemamaala Shikhamala Trishikha Panchalochana/
Sarvaagamasadaachara maryadaayatubhanjani, Punyashlokaprabandhaadhya Sarvantaryamirupini/
Saamagaana samaraadhyaa shrotakarna rasaayanaa, Jeevalokaika jeevaturbhadrodaara vilokana/
Tatitkoti lasatkaantistaruni Harisundari, Meena netraacha Sendraakshi Vishalaakshi Sumangala/
Sarvamangalasampanna Saakshatmangaladevata,Dehihruddipika Diptirbrahma paapa pranashani/
Arthachandrollasat damshtraa Yagnavaata vilasini, Maha Durgaa Mahotsaaha Mahadeva balodaya/
Dhakinidya Shakinidya Saakinidya Samastajut, Nirankushaa Naakavandyaa Shadaadharadhidevata/

(*Naada brahmamayi or the Form of Naada Brahmi;

[*Naada or what caused the Union of Purusha and Prakriti; Naada variations are: the Panchamaya
Naada or the Source of Subtle Sound, Sukshmamayi Naada or the Minutest Sound, Pashyanti Naada
or the Perceptible Inner Sound or Voice, Medhyamayi or the Intellectual Sound and Vaikhari or the
Articulated Sound; again Naada encompaasses Five Features viz. Samanyaya or Togtherness of
Prakriti and Purusha-Maya and Reality, Sambandha or relationship, Kshobaka or Inducer / Activator;
and Kshobhya or the Activated and Kshobana or the Activity or the nion referred to earlier. In brief,
Naada is the resultant of Connection-Inducement, Exciter, Excited and Union]

Vidya or the Moola Vidya or the Awareness of Reality and the Fantasy; Jnana Brahma mayi of The
One who is possesive of the Awareness of the distinction; Paraa or the One Beyond of the Awareness;
*Brahma Nadi that enables the subtle flow of Prana Shakti or the Life Force and is called Sushumna
Nadi between the Ida and Pingala Nadis in the Language of Yoga; Nirukti or the Inexplicable or the
Guhya or the Condifential which is One of the Six Vedangaas viz. Siksha, Chhandas, Jyotisha,
Vyakarana, Kalpa and Nirukta; Brahma kaivalya Sadhana or Devi!You are the Unique Means of
Accomplishing Brahma Kaivalya or The Supreme Stage of Moksha; You are the Provider of the
inordinate power to Demon Kalakeya as a boon; Badabagni Shikha Vaktra or the One with the
Exraordinary Countenance spooking Fire; Maha kabala tarpana or the One who is contented with
nothing short of large gulpings of Illusions; Maha Bhuta or of the Inimitable Physique; Maha Darpa
or the Great Form of Egotism and Pride; Mahaasaara or the Essence of Existence; Maha Kratu or the
Exemplary Model of Great Yagnas; Pancha bhuta Mahagraasa or the mouthful gulper of the Five
Elements at the Great Deluge; Pancha Bhutaadhi Devata or the Supervisory Goddess of the Five
Elements; Sarva Pramaana or the Singular Proof of Every Existence or Action; Sampatti the
personification of Wealth; Sarva roga pratikriya or the Top Remedy of all types of diseases;
Brahmanda antar bahir vyapta or the One who is spread all over and beyond the Universe; Vishnu
Vaksho vibhushani or the Ornamental Occupant of Bhagavan Vishnu’s Chest; Shaankari or of the
might of Shankara; Vidhi Vaktrastha or the One present in Brahma and His Mouth Piece viz.
Sarasvati; Pravara or the Magnificent; Vara hetuki or the Bestower of boons to one and all; Hema
Mala or the One is adorned with golden neck lace; Shikha Maala or decked with skulls of Rakshasas;
Trishikha or decorated her crown with Tri Murtis; *Pancha Lochana or Surya Chandraagnis as her
eyes besides her own;

[*Devi is possessive of Five Means of Vision such as Pancha Jnanendriyas (Sense Organs for
Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Eating, Touching); Pancha Karmendriyas (Eyes, Nose,Tongue, Mouth ,
Skin); Pancha Ahamkaras (Mind / Thought, Buddhi/ Understanding, Siddha or Power of Mind and
Angaram or Excitement); Pancha Tanmatras ( Light, Sound, Taste, Smell and Consciousness)];

Sarvagama Sadaachara Maryada or She who is the observation and enforcement of all types of Vedic
Traditions and Established Regulations; Yatu bhanjani or the destroyer of Evil Forces; Punya Shloka
prabandha -dhya or the Essence of Punya Shlokas; Sarvantaryami rupini or the Omni Present Form of
Inner Consciousness; Sama gaana samaraadhya or the One who is prayed through the medium of
Saama Veda; Shrotakarna rashaayana or She is happy to hear the sweet commendations of her
devotees; Jeeeva Lokaika Jeevaatuh or She is the One to provide security to all the Living Beings;
Bhadrodaara vicochana or her mere fleeting looks shower auspiciousness; Tatitkoti Lasastkanti or She
is the personified Illuminaion of countless lightnings; Taruni or the gorgeous female; Hari Sundari or
the Graceful Beauty who conquered the heart of Shri Hari; Meena Netra or Her Looks are like those
of glittering fishes; Sendrakshi or reminiscent of Indra’s boon of his thousand eyes; Visalaakshi or of
those broad and alluring eyes of Parvati Devi settled in Varanasi as Shiva’s companion; Sumangala or
the Insignia of Auspiousness; Sarvamangala Sampanna or the One who gifts away all types
auspicious boons to her devotees; Sakshaat Mangala Devata or indeed She is the Readily Perceivable
Essence of Auspiciousness; Dehi hruddipitika dipti or She is the personified luster of physique and
Inner Self; Jihva paapa pranaashani the alleviator of tongue made vocal sins made by those who
deserve; Ardha Chandrallasodramshtra or Half Moon is akin to her glittering smile of teeth; Yagna
vaata vilaasini or the hallowed radiance of the Place of Yagna ushers in; her very presence there;
Maha Durga or the Supreme Devi who enables the circle of her devotees to overcome all their
tribulations; alternatively Maha Durga is like an insurmountable fortress; Mahotsaaha or
Personification of keenness and fervour; Mahadeva Balodaya or Devi! You are the Emergence of
Maha Deva’s own valour; Dhakineedya or Dhakini Devata’s manifestation of Vishuddha Chakra;
Shaakineedya or the Rupa of Moolaadhara Chakra; Saakineedya or the Presentation of Saakini
Devata worshipping you; Samasta jushta or All these Devis are in relentless Puja to you; Niramkusha
or of Unbridled Nature; Naaki vandya or worshipped by one and all of the Devas; Indeed You are
the *Shadaadhara -Adhi Devata or the Moola Devata of the Six Chakras viz. *Anaahata Chakra,
Aajnaa Chakra, Manipuraka Chakra, Vishuddhi Nilaya Chakra, Moolaadhara Chakra and
Swadhishthaana Chakra.)

Bhuvanajnaananisrenir Bhuvanaakaaaaravallari, Shaswatishaswataakaara Lokaangrahakarini/

Saarasi Maanasi Hamsi Hamsalokapradayani,Chinmudraalankritakara Koti Suryasamaprabha/
Sukhapraanishirorekha Sadadrushtapradayani, Sarvasaamkaryadoshaghni Grahopadruvanashani/
Kshudrajantubhayaghnicha Visharogadibhanjani,Sada Shanta Sada Suddhagrihacchidranivarini/
Kalidoshaprashamani Kolaharapurastitha, Gauri Laakshanaki mukhya jaghanyaakriti varjita/
Mayaavidya Mulabhotaa VaasaviVishnuchetana, Vaadini Vasurupaascha Vasuratna paricchida/
ChahandasiChandrahridaya Mantra swacchandabhairavi,VanamalaVijayanti Panchadivyudhakmika/
Pitaambaramayi ChanchatkuostubhaHarikaamini, Nityatathya RamaRaamaRamaniMrutyubhanjani/
JyeshthaKashthaDhanishtantaSharanginirgunapriya,Maitreya MitravindachaSeshyaseshakalashaya/
Varaanisi Vasalabhyaa saaryavartajanastuta, Jagadutpatti samsthana Samharatraya kaarana/

(Bhuvana jnaana nisshrenih or those Jnanis of the World are enabled to use the ladder to reach
Moksha; Buvakaakara Vallari orYou are the Emblem of the World; Shasvati the Eternal; Shaswata-
Akaraor of the Everlating Form; Lokaanbgugraha karini or the Bestower of Compassion to the whole
Universe; Saarasi or the Resident of Oceans; Manasi the Dweller of the minds and thoughts of all the
Being; Hamsi or the Sign of Purity is in a Swan; Hamsaloka pradayani or the provider of Liberation
to Yogis and Tapaswis; *Chinmudra-Alankrutakara or Devi who is adorned with Chin Mudra or the
Prominent Gesture of Yogic Meditation touching the hand thumb with the forefinger together
signifying the union of inner consciousness with the Supreme or Individual Atma with Paramatma;
[* Mudras or Gestures or Expressions of Inner Thoughts not only in Yoga but in Natya and various
walks of Life ; in HataYoga alone there are stated to be twenty five Mudras, the prominent being
Hridaya Mudra touching the thumb with the fore finger and the ring finger diverting Prana or Energy
from hands to heart and unburden the pent up emotions and feelings in the heart; yet another Mudra is
Yoni Mudra or the interlocking of each of the hand fingers with thumbs up and fingers down making a
hollow in between thus crisscrossing of side energies of hands and balancing the body energies as
though the Primal Energy is invoked from Yoni the Creation Source];

Koti Surya Samaprabha or Devi you are the Unique Reserve of the Radiance of Sun Rays; Sukha
Prani Shiro Rekha or the Determinant of the Head Levels of happiness to all Beings; Sadadrushta
pradayani or the Decider of the measures of Fortune or Hard Luck; Sarva Saankarya doshaghni or the
eradicator of all blemishes and excesses ; Grahopadrava nashani or the Alleviator of Family
Tribulations; Kshudra Jantu Bhayaghni or the demolisher of fearful hazards of Cruel Animals; Visha
Rogaadi bhanjani or the eliminator of poisonous and such other severe diseases; Sadaa Shanta or the
Substance of Tranquility; Sada Shuddha or Ever Clean and Impeccable; Grihacchidra nivarini or the
One who prevents family break-ups and home dissolutions; Kalidosha prashamani or the Rescuer
from the Excesses of Kaliyuga; Kolahala Purasthita or the Prime Occupant of Kolhapuri and the
Outstanding Deity of the Famed Temple; Guari or the Gaura Varna / Parvati who was originally of
Dark Colour but responding to Shiva’s teasing once she resorted to severe tapasya for several years
and secured the boon of changing her complexion and features of unimaginable grace and
attractiveness; *Laakshaniki or the Emblem of Lakshanas or Characteristics;

[*Devi Bhagavata described the names of Kumaris depending on the age of One year to Sixteen years
viz. Sandhya, Sarasvati, Tridha Murti, Kalika, Shubhaga, Uma, Malini, Kubjika, Kaala Samdarbha,
Aparajita, Rudrani, Bhairavi, MahaLakshmi, Pitha Nayaki, Kshetrajna, and Ambika; An alternative
explanation of Dasha Lakshanas is a provided in Maha Bhagavata Purana as follows: Sarga or
Creation, Visarga or Further Creation, Sthanam or Existence, Poshanam or Grace of God, Uthayah or
Karma, Manvantaram, Avataras or Incarnations, Nirodha ot Return to God Head, Mukti and Ashraya;
the Ten Lakshanas are indeed available in Maha Bhagavata Purana while the rest of the Lakshnas are
of lesser Lakshanas]

Mukhya or the Supreme Chief; *Jaghanyakriti varjita or literally meant that She does not possess the
awkward type of physical shape;

[*Bhagvad Gita in Chapter 14 states: Urthwam gacchati Satvastha, Madhye tishthanti Rajsah,
Jaghanya guna vrittistha Adho gacchati Taamasah/ or Those who are of Satva Guna reach the Upper
Worlds, Persons of Rajasika nature tend to attain Earthly births which range from goodness to
unawareness; but those with Jaghanya guna of Tamasika or ignorance and meanness are bound to
land in Adholokas!];

Maya the Illusion; Avidya the Lack of knowledge; Moola Bhuta or the Very Original Cause of Life;
Vasavi or the Manifestation of Indra’s Shakti; Vishnu Chetana or the Enlivener of Bhagavan Vishnu
from his Yoga Nidra;Vaadini or the Tarka Shastra Swarupa; Vasu Rupa or of the Icon of Affluence or
alternatively the Representation of * Ashta Vasus viz. Dhruva, Soma, Dhara, Anila, Anala, Pratyusha
and Prabhasa; Vasuratna paricchada or Bedecked with all kinds of *Gems viz. Diamonds meant for
Venus, Emeralds good for Budha or Mercury, Pearls for Chandra,Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter/ Guru,
Red Corals for Mangala or Mars, Rubies for Surya, Gomedha for Rahu and Vaiduryam for Ketu;
Chaandasi or the Swarupa of Chhandas; Chandra Hridaya or of the Tranquil Heart of Chandra Deva;
*Mantra Swacchanda Bhairavi or the One who is worshipped by Rasya Tantra -Mantra Practices:

[*Some 64 Yoginis have been identified as worshipped including Swacchanda, Ajaika, Chandika,
Tara,Vaaruni, Gouri, Indrani, Varahi, Vaishnavi, Naarasimhi, Kaumari, Maheswari,
Chamundi,Oshtagriva, Charchika, Betali, Pancha Vaaraahi,Chinna mastika, Vindhya vasini,
Jalakaami, Ghatavara, Kakarali,Virupa, Kuberi, Bhalloki, Viraja, Vikata nayana, Maha Lakshmi,
Maha Maya, Rati,Karkari, Sarpasa, Aghora, Rudra -Kali, etc.];

Vanamala or the wearer of a garland of Forest Flowers; Vaijayanti or ornamented with Vishnu’s
beloved Vaijayanti garland; Pancha Divyaayudhatmika or the Five Celestial weapons viz.
Sudarshana Chakra, Panchajanya Shankha, Koumodini Gada, Asi or sword, and Sarangam or bow and
Arrows; Peetambaramayi or Devi the one dressed in yellow silk; Chanchatkoustubha or adorned by
the Magnificent and ever Mobile Koustubha diamond , Hari Kamini the the Sweet Heart of Shri Hari;
Nitya the Eternal; Tathya the Only Reality and Certainty; Rama or the One who mermerises
Narayana; Rama or the the Better Half of Avatara Purusha Rama; Ramani or the One the Tempts one
and all as the One much sought after; Mrityubhanjani or the lashes at the personification of Death;
Jyeshta Devi the Elder Sister of Lakshmi but standing for Impoverishment and Insolvency; Kashtaa or
insensitive wood or the Kaala Parimana; Dhanishthanta or of the high stage of Opulence, the Twenty
Third Nakshatra of the Lunar System indicative of Travel; Sharangi or of the Shakti of Vishnu
Bhagavan’s Bow and Arrows; Nirguna Priya or the Beloved of Bhagavan who is devoid of the Three
Gunas of Satvika- Rajasika-Tamasikaas; Maitreyi or a devotee of Devi like the Vedic Philosopher
wife of Yagnyavalkya whom Lakshmi is fond of; *Mitravinda or of the Forms of the ‘Ashta
Mahishis’ or One of the Principal Queens of Lord Krishna viz.* Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati,
Nagnajiti, Mitravinda, Lakshmana, Kalindi and Maadri; Seshyasheshakalaashaya or She allows
liberties taken by her disciples; Vaaraanasi vaasavaa labhya or She grants her vision to those who are
the residents of Varanaasi; Aryavarta janastuta or the Public who stay in Aryavarta or the belt area of
the Sacred rivers of Ganga and Jamuna are replete with devotions and prayerful tributes to you;
Jagadutpathi samsthana samhara traya kaarana or Yor are the Entire Cause of Creation, Sustenance,
and Annihilation of the Universe).

SiddhaLakshmirmahakaliMahaLakshminamostutey,Sadyojatadipanchagnirupa Panchakapanchakam/
Yantra Lakshmir bhavatyadiraadyadyetey namonamah, Srishtyadi karanakaravitatey doshavarjitey/
Jagallakshmirjagan maatarvishnu patni namostutey,NavakotiMahashakti samupasya padaambujey/
Kanatsouvarna Ratnadhya Sarvaabharanabhushitey,Anantaniyamihishi Prapancheshwara Nayikey/
Atyucchritapadaantasthey Paramavyomanayikey, Nakaprushthagataaradhye Vishnulokavilasini/
Vaikuntharajamahishi Shriranganagaraashritey,Ranganayaki Bhuputri KrishneyVarada Vallabhey/
KotiBrahmaadi samsevye Koti Rudradikirtitey,Matulungamayam khetam Souvarna chashakam tatha/

(Our obeisances to you the Mother of All in the Forms of Amba, the Entirety for Bhagavan Vishnu,
Maheshwari, the Mother of all Lokas, the Archetype of Auspiciousness; Siddha Lakshmi or the
Everlasting Bestower, Maha Kaali, Maha Lakshmi; *Sadyojataadi or the Five Manifestations of
Rudra viz. Sadyojata representing Shrishthi Shakti or of Creation, Vama Deva representing Shiti
Shakti, Aghora or of Samhara Shakti or of Dissolution, Tatpurusha or of Tirodhana Shakti or of the
Power of Concealment, and Ishana or of Anugraha Shakti or the Power of Blessing; * Panchagni
Rupa or of the Pancha Mukhaagni Vidyas; in other words Devi resorts to oblations to the Panchagnis;

[*Chandogya Upanishad refers to the Panchagnis as follows: Antariksha or of Sun, Parjanya or Rain
God Varuna, Prithivi, Purusha and Prakriti; it details the respective oblations to these Panchaagnis are
as follows: The first oblation to Agni is for Antariksha with Surya as the Aajya/ ghee or the fuel-Sun
Rays as smoke-Day time as the ‘Jwaala’ or the flame- Chandra as the embers or coals-Nakshatra as
the sparks;The Second Type of Agni is for Parjanya with Vayu as the fuel-clouds as Smoke-
lightening as the flame- thunderbolts as embers-rumblings of thunderbolts as sparks; the third oblation
to the Tritiyaagni is in favour of Prithvi as Fire-Kaalamaana or Time is the fuel-Akasha as the smoke-
Raatri or the Night as the flame-Chatur Dishas as embers-and Upa Dishas as sparks; Man as the
Chaturthaagni-Vaak or speech as the fuel-Praana or the Life Force as the smoke-tongue as the flame-
netras / eyes as embers-ears as sparks; the Panchaagni is a Woman as the Fire-seed as the flame-
covering membrane as the embers- Ten to Twelve Months as the sparks and finally the birth];

Panchaka Panchakam or the Five Requisites of each of the Five Fires; *Yantra Lakshmi or the One
prayed throughMantras and Penances for several Karya Siddhis;

[ *Examples are Sarva Karya Siddhi Yantra, Shubha Laabha Yantra, Vyapaara Vriddhi Yantra etc.
Shri Yantra, Maha Lakshmi Yantra, KuberaYantra etc. are all with Prosperity Orientation;
ShukraYantra, Vashikarana Yantra or for Akarshana or Attraction; Vidya Yantras like Gayatri Yantra
or Saraswati Yantra; for Subduing Enemies the examples are Bagala murti Yantra or Maha Kaali
Yantra; Heath oriented Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra; Nava Graha Yantras for specific shortcomings in
respect of the Grahas etc.]

Bhavatyadi or Devi! You are the Primary Shakti; Adyadyedi or the Foremost of the First Shakti;
Srishtaadi karanakara or the Cause of the Causes of Creation; Vitatey or of fully Expanded
Manifestation; Dosha Varjitey or Blemishless; Jagallakshmi or the Unique Devi of Maha Lakshmi;
Jagan Maata or the Mother of Universe; Vishnu Patni; Navakoti Maha Shakti samupasya padambujey
or Devi! There are nine crore Maha Shaktis in their worship at your lotus feet; Kanatsouvarna
ratnaadhya or She is ornamented with invaluable gems tastefully studded in golden jewellery;
Sarvaabharana Bhushitey or Possessive of all imaginable ornaments adorned all over the Physique;
Ananta Nitya Mahishi or the Paramount Queen of the Endless and Everlasting Universe;
Prapacheswara Nayaki or the Inimitable Empress of the Prapancha controlling the Pancha Bhutas and
beyond; Atyucchrita padaantasthye or the One realisable at the utmost top of the inconceivable of
Nothingness of the Universe; Parama Vyomanayakey or the Master of all the Celestial Beings far
beyond the Sky Line; Naka prishtha tataaraadhye or most sincerely worshipped by those who left for
the higher Lokas; Vishnu Loka Vilasini or the Devi who is playful and spirited in Vishnuloka; the
Queen of Vaikuntharaajya; *Shriranga Nagarashritye or the Deity called Shri Ranganayaki along with
Ranganatha Swamy;

[ *The Legend states that in course of his Tapasya, Brahma visioned a Vishnu Vimana the
manifestation of Garuda, with Adisesha’s hood covering it and Surya Chandras fanning Vishnu in a
reclining posture; Bhagavan instructed Brahma to sustain worship of Vishnu in eight Swarupas
besides Sriranga, viz. Venkatadri, Srimushnam, Saligrama,Totadri, Badari, Pushkara, and
Naimisharanya and that worship be perpetuated at all these Places as per Agama Shastras; Brahma
entrusted the worship to Shri Ranganatha and his consort Shri Ranga Nayaki to Surya Deva, who later
on passed on to his son Vaiwaswanta further given to Ikshwaku and Shri Rama gifted to Vibhisana at
Shri Ranga; Devi is thus Ranga Nayaki, Bhuputri Sita Devi, Krishney or Rukmini, Varada Vallabhey
or the Consort of Varadaraja Swami viz. Perundevi];

Koti Brahmaadi Samsevye / Koti Rudraadi Keertitey or in the Eternal Time Calculation or Kalamana,
Devi witnessed the worship of Koti Brahmas and Koti Rudras; Maatulingamayam khetam or the
Holder of a Citroen Tree as her Club to punish the Evil; Souvarna Chashakam or the holder of a

golden drinking glass too with the ease of which she destroys the Evil; Padma dwayam: Devi! Padma
dwayam or You carry a couple of Lotuses, Purna kumbham or a Full Pot representative of a never-
ending mercy; Keeram or the Paarot Couple; Varadabhaye or a gesture of shelter; *Paashamamkusha
shankham chakram shulam kripanikaam or the Holder of a Paasha or noose, Ankusha or goad,
Shankha or a conchshell,Chakram or the Holy Disc, Shulam or spear and kripanikaam or a dagger;
Dhanurbanou or the bow and arrows; AkshaMaala or the rosary; Chinmudra or of the Meditative
Gesture of Advaita of Purusha and Prakriti or Reality and Illusion as explained in reference to Mudras
earlier; Api bibhrati or gifted with all those mentioned above; *Ashtaadasha Bhujey or Devi endowed
with Eighteen Hands carrying Aksha Maala or stringed beads, battle axe, mace, arrow, thunderbolt,
Lotus, Pot, Cudgel, lance, sword, shield, conchshell, Ball, drinking cup, trident, noose, discuss or the
wheel; you are also of Mahashtaadasha peethika or of the Eighteen Famed Temples like at Kolhapuri
and at various Ashta Lakshmi Temples dotted all over in Bharat and elsewhere).

BhumiNilaadisamsevye Swamichittanuvartini, Padmey Padmalaye Padmi Purnakumbhabhishechitey/

Indirendindiraabhakshi Kshirasagarakanyakey, Bhargavitwam Swatantreschha vasikruta Jagatpatih/
MangalamMangalanamtwam Devatanamchadevata,TwamuttamuttamanaamchatwamShreyahParam/
Dhanadhanyabhivriddhischa sarvabhoumasukhochraya,Andolikadisowbhagyamattebhadimahodaya/
PutrapoutraabhivridhischaVidyabhogabaladikam,Ayurarigyasampattirashtaishwaryam twamehahi/
Parameshavibhutischa Suksmaatukshmataragatih,SadayapangasamdattaBrahmendraadi padasthitih/
Avyahatamahabhagya twamevaakshobhyavikramah,SamanvayaschaVedhanamavirodhastwamevahi/
Nisshreyasapadaprapti sadhanam phalamevacha, Srimantrarajaraajnicha Srividya kshemakarini/
Shrimbijajapasantushtha AimHreemShreemBijapalika,PrapattimargasulabhaVishnuprathamakinkari/
Kleenkaraartha Savitricha Sowmangalyaadi Devata,Shrishodashaksharividya Shriyantrapuravasini/
Sarva Mangalamangalye Shiveysarvaarthasaadhikey,SharanyeTraimbike DeviNarayaninamostutey/
Punah punarnamastestu saashtaangamayutam punah/

(Devi! You are worshipped all over-be it on Earth or the Lokas in the Skies and beyond; yet you act
as per the wishes of your Swami Vishnu; You are of the Form of Lotus, the Dweller of Lotus, of the
prettiness and purity of Lotus; the One who is always bathed in the Sacred waters from Overflowing
vessels; Indira the illustrious spouse of Srihari, Indendiraabhaakshi or brilliant and serene like
Chandra; Ksheera Sagara Kanyakey or the Maiden that emerged from the Ocean of Milk during the
Churning by Deva-Danavas in their quest for Amrita the Divine Nectar; Bhargavi the dear daughter of
Bhrigu Maharshi; Swatantreccha or entirely independent in your wishes and actions; Vasheekruta
Jagatpathi or You are in the total spell of the Lord of the Universe Maha Vishnu Himself; Mangalam
Mangalaanam cha or the Access to High Prosperity and total Auspiciousness; Devataanaam cha
Devata or the Supreme of the Devatas; Twamuttamottamaanaam cha or Devi! You indeed are the
noblest among the Devatas; twam Shreyah or you are the most accomplished; Paramamritam or the
Supreme possible Nectar of Life itself; Dhana dhanyaabhivriddhischa or the best benefactor of wealth
and food; Sarva bhouma sukhodraya or the provider of all kinds of happiness as though to an
Emperor par excellence; Andolikadi Soubhagyam Mattebhadi Mahodayah or the grantor of Unique
Fortune with endless royal luxuries indicative of intoxicating possessions and facilities symbolised
with fleets of Superior Elephants and so on; You are the only one responsible for family contentment
of good progeny as also of achievement of knowledge and joys; You also bestow good health,
longevity and prosperity; in fact you are the only giver of Ashtaishwaryas or the Eight Kinds of
Opulence of Dhana-Dhanya-Dhairyaadis mentioned already; Paramesha vibhutis cha or you are of the
magnificence of Parameshwara; Sookshmaatsookshma taraa gatih or you are of the tiniest of the
minute form and yet possessive of the Glorious Path of grandeur; Sadaapaanga sandattha Brahmendr

-aadi pada stitih or Devi! It is due to the shower of your kindness that Brahma-Indra and other
Devatas are able to sustain their positions; Avyahata Maha Bhagyam Twameva or you are one that
ensures constant and breakless Fortune; Twamevaakshobhya vikramah or you are the One to sustain
endless energies to them ie. Brahmedaadis; Samanvyayascha vedaanaamanivirodhah swamevahi; You
are the Interpretation of Vedas as also of their sustenance without interruption; Nisshreya sapadaprapti
saadhanam phalamevacha or you indeed are the final Fruit or end-result of the best possible
endeavour in the form of Sadpada prapti or the achievement of Moksha; Devi!You are the Shri
Mantraraja Ragjni or the Sovereign of Mantras or the Vedic Means of Attainment; Shri Vidya
Kshemakarini or the Singular and Safest Means of Shri Vidya or the Highest Form of Knowledge;
You secure the best possible satisfaction by the Recitation of the Seed Mantras of Aim-Hreem-
Shreem as you are the Originator of these Beeja Mantras yourself! Prapatti Marga Sulabha or Easy of
Achievement even in the Prapatti or of worldly-wise manner; She is the foremost servant woman of
Vishnu; Kleemkaaraatha or the Characterisation of the Kleem Mantra which is the Beja mantra of
Savitri; Soumangalyadhi Devata or the Original Root Deity of Propitiousness; *Shri Shoshakshari
Vidya or the Sixteen Lettered Mantra;

[ *Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Saum, Om Hreem Shreem, Ka E Ila Hreem, Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem ,
Sa Ka La Hreem, Sauh Aim Kleem Hreem Shreem : Shreem (Purusha), Hreem Creative impulse,
Kleem creation course, Aim Brahma with Ahamkara or Ego consciousness, Sauh Arthanareeswara,
Om Prakriti/ Purusha, Hreem Saraswati and Brahma, Shreem or Lakshmi and Narayana, Ka E La
Hreem Prayer to demolish Maya, Ha Sa kah La Hreem destruction of blemishes, Sau Aim the
Universe of Surya Chandra Agnis; Kleem Hreem or the Pancha Bhutas ie. K for water, I for Bhumi, H
for Antariksha, R for Agni and S for Merger of Atma with Paramatma];


*Shri Yantra Pura Vaasini or the Resident of Shri Yantra;

[ *Shri Yantra is a Tantrik Instrument comprising Nine Chakras or Wheels each wheel being arranged
within another while all the enclosures being in an over all Circle; each wheel has formations of
triangles interlinked with each another. The Nine Chakras are called respectively as Trailokya
Mohana, Sarva-Aashaa paripurika, Sarva Samkshobhana, Sarva Sowbhagya Daayika, Sarvaardha
Sadhika, Sarva Rakshaakara, Sarva Rogahara, Sarva Siddhi pradaayika, and Sarvanandamaya. The
Interior-Most Central Point of all the Chakras is called Bindu.].

Devi! Sarvamanagala Mangalye or the One who bestows all types of Auspiciousness; Shivey the
Symbol of Propitiousness; Sarvarthasaadhikey or the fulfiller of every wish of all the Beings;
Sharanye or My Final Supplication for Protection;Trayambikey Devi! or the Integrated Swarupa of
the Three Mothers of Lakshmi-Durga-Saraswati; Narayani the Illustrious Spouse of Narayana; My
most respectful reverences to you Lakshmi Devi! My repeated respects to you and prostrations again
and again!

Sanatkumara Vaacha: Yevamstuta Mahalakshmir Brahma Rudraadibhissuraih Namadbhiraartair -

deenascha nissatvairbhoga varjitah/ Jyeshta jushtaischa nishreekai ssamsaartatswa paraayanaih,
Vishnupatni dadou teshaam darshanam drishti tarpanam/ Sharat purnendu kotyaabha dhavalaanga
veekshanaih, Sarvaam satwa samaavishtaam schakrey hrushtaa varam dadou/ (As Brahma, Vishnu
and Ishwara commended Maha Lakshmi as above, the highly pleased Devi who was shimmering like
countless rays of Chandra, showered her kindness by her benevolent glances and got busy with
bestowing boons not only to them but all those present at the Prayers to her. In acknowledgement of
her approval of the Prayers, she replied to the Tri Murtis as follows :
Maha Lakshmirvaacha: Namnaamsashta sahasrammey pramadwaapi yassrukrut, Kirtayetkuley
satyamvasaamya Chandra Taarakam/ Kim punarniyamaa jjaptur madeka sharanasyacha,Matru
vatsaanu kampaaham poshikaa syaamaharnisham/ Mannama smarataam lokey durlabham naasti
chintitam, Matprasaadena Sarvepi swasyeshtaartha mavaapyatha/ Luptavaishnava dharmasya
madvrateshwavakirninah, Bhakti prapatti heenasya vandhyo naamnaam japopimey/ Tasmaada -
vashyam tairdoshairviheenah Paapavarjitah,Japetsaashtasahasram mey naamnaam
pratyahamaadaraat/ Saakshaadalakshmi putropi moodhopi vikalah patitopicha, Avashaat
praapnuyyaad bhaagyam matprasadena kevala/ Spruheyamachiraaddevaa Varadaanaaya jaapinah,
Dadaami Sarvamishtaartham Lakshmiti smarataam dhruva/ Ityuktwaantardadhey Lakshmir
Vaishnavi Bhavatkalaa/ ( May those who rendered my thousand names with complete dedication be
truly blessed with name and fame till such times as Surya and Chandra shine on the firmament. Is it
necessary for me to reiterate that as a mother I should protect them day in and day out since they have
submitted to me with total dedication. Those who take my name with sincerity have nothing to fear
and my grace shall always fulfill every wish of theirs. I assure all those who render my names are
granted full contentment ,even if they disregard the Principles of Dharma that Vishnu precsribed or if
they do not engage themselves in High Devotional Acts adderssed even to me! Those who are illfated
with poverty and penury, misfortune and lack of intiative, dull and lazy, physically challenged or
mentally unsound, do deserve my Grace and Consideration, if only they are genuinely devotional
taking my nanes with passion and intensity. Having blessed all likewise, Maha Lakshmi disappeared).
Sanatkumara Uvacha: Ishtaapurtamcha sukrutam bhaagadevamcha chintitam, Tadetatpravadaam -
yadya Lakshmi naama sahasrakam, Yoginah pathata Kshipram chintitaarthanavaapsyatha/
(Addressing the congregation of Munis, the Illustrious Son of Brahma, Maharshi Sanatkumara
concluded the rendering of Shri Lakshmi Sahasra Naamaaavali and stated that as far as Devatas were
concerned they have the means of Yagnas to secure their shares of blessings from Paramatma; but in
case of mortals, one great adnantage is indeed available to Yogis and such noble beings in the form of
rendings of Lakshmi Sahasra naama by means of which propitousness is assured in their on-going
lives and also the means of attainng Salvation) Gaargya Uvacha: Sanatkumara Yogendra Ityukvaasa
Dayanidhih, Anugrahyayayou Kshipram taamscha Dwadasha yoginah/ Tasmaadeydrahasyamcha
gopyamjapyam prayatnatah, Ashtamya -amcha Chaturdasashyam Navamyaam Bhrigu vaasarey/
Pouramasyamamaayamcha Parvakaaley Visheshatah, Japedwaa Nitya kaaryesh Sarvaankaamaan -
avaapnuyaat/ (As Maharshi made an exit after the rendering of Shri Lakshmi Sahasra Naamaavali,
Garya Muni concluded his address to the Twelve Yogis that the Superlative Rendering of this most
effective Supplication to Maha Lakshmi Devi is best performed in utmost secrecy and regard,
preferably on Ashtaami Tithis, Chaturdashis, Navamis, Fridays, Pournamis,Amavasyas and
especially on Parva Dinas or Festival Days. Indeed such dedicated and most sincere Sahasra Naama
would usher on extreme propitiousness and unreserved fulfillment of desires and ambitions.)

Iti Shri Skaanda Puraney Santakumara Samhitaayaam Lakshmi Sahasra naama stortram/Om Tat Sat/


Preface : Anga Nyaasa and Karanyasa:

Asyashri Lalitaa Sahasranaama Stotra maalaa Mantrasya, Vasinyaadi Vaagdevataa

Rishayah Anushthup Chhandaha Shri Lalitaa Mahaa Tripura Sundari Devataa, Aim-Shaktih,
Sau Keelakam, Mama Chaturvidha Purushartha Siddhardhey Japey Viniyogah; Aim –
Angushthaabhyaam Namah; Kleem –Tarjaneebhyaam Namah; Souh-Madhyamaabhyam
Namah; Souh-Anamikaabhyaam Namah; Kleem-Kanishthikaabhyaam Namah; Aim-Karatala
Kara Prushthaabhyam Namah; Aim – Hridayaayanamah; Kleem-Sirasey Swaahaa; Sou-
Shikhaaya vashat; Souh-Kavachaaya hum; kleem-Netra Trayaaya Voushath;Aim-Astraaya
phat; Bhurbhuvassuvaro dikbandhah/


Arunaam Karunaatarangitaaksheem dhrita paashaankusha pushpa baana chaapaam,

Animaadibhiraavritaam Mayukhai rahamityeva Vibhaavaye Mahesheem/
Dhyayet Padmaasananthaam Vikasita Vadanaam Padma Patraayataaksheem,
Hemaabhaam Peeta Vastraam Karakalitalasaddhema Padmaam Varaangeem/
Sarvaalankaara yuktaam Sakala mabhayadaam Bhakta namraam Bhavaaneem, Shri
Vidyaam Shaantamurtim Sakala Suranutaam Sarva Sampatpradaatmeem/ Sakumkuma
vilepanaamalika chumbi kasturikaam, Samandahasitekshanaam Sashara Paashaankushaam/
Asesha Jana Mohini marunamaalya bhushojjwalaam,
Japaakusuma bhaasuraam Japavidhouh smaredambikaam/
(May I meditate that Maha Raajni whose natural complexion is red; whose eyes are full of
kindness; whose hands are ornamented by a noose, a goad, a bow and flowery arrows and
who is surrounded by Ashta Siddhis like Anima, Garima, Laghima and Vasitwa; indeed she
is right within in me! May I meditate Bhavani, that Shri Vidya or the Symbol of Knowledge,
Shantamurti or the Epitome of Peace and Sarva Sampadpradaatreem or the benelolent
provider of prosperity, as she dispels fears and provides protection to all; She is seated
comfortalbly on a lotus with majestic face, sparkling eyes akin to lotus petals, donning a
golden dress with a benign smile! May I meditate the smiling Mother who sports arrows and
bow, besides a noose and goad; she is decorated with red japa kusuma flower garlands and
ornaments, and with a forehead painted with vermilloin and musk that intoxicated.)
Om Aim Hreem Shreem Shri Matrey Namah/
Shri Maataa Shri Mahaaraahni Shrimat Sihaasaneshwari,
Chidagni Kunda sambhhutaa Deva Kaarya Samudyataa/
Udyadbhaanu Sahasraabhaa Chaturbaahu Samanvitaa,
Raaga Swarupa pashaadhyaa Krodha Kaaraankushojjwalaa/
Manorupekshu Kodanda Pancha Tanmatra Saayakaa,
Nijaaruna Prabhaapura majjadbrahmaanda mandalaa/
Champakaashoka sougandhika lasatkacha,
Kuruvindamanishreni Kanatkotira mandita/
(Sacred Mother!You are the Extraordinary Queen seated on the Throne mounted by lions;
You are generated from the fire-pit of self-realisation; You sparkle with the lustre of thousand
Suryas with four arms with a goad in the right hand as though you spur your devotees to
follow the right path and at the same time displaying your displeasure with a noose up your
upper left hand to correct them where-ever necessary; Devi! You carry a sugar-cane bow with
the determination of materialising the Universe with your left lower hand, while actually
taking up the deed of Creation with the aid of Five Tanmatras or Elements by another hand of
yourself. Indeed the magnificence of your creation is spread all over as Omnipresent. Your
Hairdo is endowed with the natural perfume of Champaka-Ashoka-Punnaaga flowers; You
are embellished with a Crown bejewelled with special precious stones of Kurukulla as though
they signify various emotions and feelings).
Ashtami Chandra Vibhraajadalikasthala shobhitaa,
Mukha Chandra kalankaabha Mriganaabhi viseshakaa/
Vadanasmara maangalya Griha torana jjillikaa,
Vaktra Lakshmi pareevaaha chalan meenaabha lochanaa/
Nava Champaka pushpaabha naasadanda viraajitaa,
Taaraa kanti tiraskaari naasaabharana bhaasuraa/
Kadamba manjari klupta Karna pura Manoharaa,
Taatanka yugali bhuta tapanodupa Mandalaa/
( Lalita Devi! Your broad forehead is dazzling with an adornment of an eighth night’s half
Moon while the Tilaka or the streak of Musk on the forehead is likened to a smudge on
Chandra! Your eye brows represent Victory Arches on the gorgeous face comparable to a
‘Manmatha Bhavana’! Your charismatic eyes are like the sparkle of fishes in the Ocean of
charm;Your nose is comparable to a freshly blossomed Champaka flower; the gleam of the
diamonds worn on the ornament of your nose puts to shame the combined shine of Stars on
the Sky; the decoration of a bouquet of Champaka flowers above your ears is cute and
appealing; indeed You roam around a lot in the Kadamba Gardens. Your ear-rings are
represented by Sun and Moon and have a cosmic relevance.)
Padma raaga shilaadarsha paribhavi kapolabhuh,
Navavidruma bimbhashrinyakkari radanacchada/
Suddha Vidyaankuraakaara Dwijapankti dwayojjwalaa,
Karpura veetika –amoda Samaakarshaddigantaraa/
Nija sallaapa Maadhurya vinirbhita kacchapi,
Mandasmita prabhaapura majjad Kaamesha Maanasaa/
Anaakalita saadrusya chubuka Shree Viraajitaa,
Kaameshabaddha Mangalya sutra shobhita kantharaa/
(Devi! Your rosy and smooth cheeks defy rubies and blood red lips flout corals and bimba
fruit; the two perfect sets of your scintillating teeth represent Dwija-Pankti or the rows of
Learned Brahmanas thus signifying pure Knowledge; the whiff of aroma from your face as
emanated from the camphor and betel leaves that you take in your mouth fills in the whole
Universe signifying that the ‘Omkaara Naada’ from your mouth resonates every where; Your
banter / Chit-chat is far sweeter than the trained tunes of the stringed instrument of Veena and
is suggestive of the resonance of Vedas; Your pretty smile to Kameswara overpowers his
thoughts and mind; Your chin is uniquely shaped and is above depiction; the Mangala Sutra
tied by Kameshwara around Lalita Devi symbolises the very close affinity and inseperability
of Prakriti and Maha Purusha or Shiva and Parvati.)
Kanakaangada keyura kamaneeya bhujaanvitaa,
Ratnagraiveya Chintaakalola Muktaa phalaanvita/
Kameswara premaratna mani pratipanastani,
Naabhyaalawaala romaali lataa phalakuchadwayi/
Lakshya romalataa dhaarataa samunneya Madhyamaa,
Stanabhaara dalan madhya pattabandha valitrayee/
Arunaaruna Kousumbha vastra bhaasvatkati tati,
Ratna kinkinika Ramya rashanaa daama bhushitaa/
Kaamesajnaata soubhagya maadravoru dwayaanvitaa,
Maanikya makutaakaara Jaanudwaya viraajitaa/
Indragopa parikshipta smara tunaabhajanghikaa,
Gudha gulphaa Kurma Prushtha Jayishnu Prapadaanvita/
(Devi! You are ornamented on your excellent hands with golden ‘Angadas’ or armlets and
‘Keyura’ or wringlets as alluded to the Mantras of these descriptions; You are adorned with
diamond and pearl necklaces alluded to the ‘Mantraaksharaas’; Lalitaamba! the intimacy of
Your love with Shiva is evident by the closeness of your body parts including your thin waist,
folds of skin, soft thighs and buttocks covered by bright red saree, your knees ornated with
crowns speckled with nine gems and the legs are decorated by gold-studded Indra Gopa
Manis; Your golden waist-belt has diamond-studded bells called ‘kinkinis’ making mild
vibrations as signified by small recitations of Mantras and Your feet are vaulted like the back
of tortoises indicating ‘Prapada’).
Nakha deedhiti sanchhanna namajjana Tamogunaa,
Padadwaya prabhaajaala paraakruta saroruhaa/
Sinjaana mani manjeera mandita Shri Padaambujaa,
Maraali manda gamanaa Mahaalaavanya sevadhih/
Sarvaarunaa navadyaangi Sarvaabharana bhushitaa,
Shiva Kaameshwaraankasthaa Shivaa swaadheena vallabhaa/
Sumeru shringa madhyathaa Shri mannagara naayika,
Chintaamani grihaantasthaa Pancha Brahmaasana sthitaa/
(Devi! The radiance of your toe-nails rescinds darkness and ignorance and your devotees are
enabled to retract from Tamoguna; your sacred feet which are white and spotless do
oversmart lotus flowers and they too disperse mental dullness just as a Guru enhances
knowledge and sharpness; Your feet are indeed the final goal of worship as they have jingling
anklets like Mantraaksharas which facilitate unreserved devotion. The pace and grace of your
steps are slow yet steady like that of a Swan as they seek to inculcate gradual transformation
and purification of the Soul and there by realise the Final Truth which is deep, complex, hard
to cross through and wade like an Ocean. Thus You are bright, red, clean and blemishless
from top to bottom; You are adorned with all kinds of ornaments and is the Emblem of
Perfection! You are also the Synthesis of Shiva and Shakti and have an ideal partner under
your control; Devi! You are ideally situated on the middle top of Meru Mountain or the
Center of Shri Chakra and as the Empress of Shri Nagara in the Palace of Chitamani Ratnas
as the Prime Deity with Five Brahmas around viz. Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishana and Sada
Shiva; the reference is that Lalitaambika is situated as the Supreme above all the Brahmas).
[Beyond the two Chakras viz. Mulaadhaara and Swadhishtaana in every body, there are
Grandhis or layers called Brahma Grandhi; beyond Manipura and Anahata is Vishnu grandhi;
beyond Vishudda and Agnaa chakra is Rudra granthi; from Ajnaadhaara to the Skull- Center
is stated to be Ishwara Sthaana, above which is stated to be Dwadashanta where Sada Shiva is
situated; finally Devi Lalita is seated as Chit Kalaa above the Pancha Brahmaas]
Maha Padmaatavi sasmtha Kadamba Vana Vaasini,
Sudhaa saagara madhyastaa Kaamaak -shi Kaama daayani/
Devarshigana sanghaata stuyamaamaanaatma Vaibhavaa,
Bhanda –asura Vadhodyukta Shakti senaa samanvitaa/
Sampatkari Samaarudha Sindhura Vraja sevitaa,
Ashwarudhaadhishtitaashwa koti koti bhiraavrutaa/
Chakraraaja Rathaarudha, Sarvaayudha Parishkruta,
Geyachakra Rathaarudha Mantrini parisevitaa/
Kirichakra Ratha -arudha Dandanaathaa puraskritaa,
Jwalaamaalinikaakshipta Vahni Praakaara madhyagaa/
(Maha Devi! You reside in the Maha Padmavati Forest of Lotuses being the contact place of
a person and the Supreme; more specifically in the interior of the Kadamba Vana where
Yantras predominate; also you are in the midst of Sudha Sagara or Bliss or the Center of Shri
Chakra’s Bindushtaana as Kamakshi the Goddess of Kanchipura the bestower of desires;
Devi! You responded to the Prayers of Devaas and Maharshis from ‘Chidagni Kunda’ to
perform the most significant ‘Deva Karya’; You are indeed the best equipped with an army
and armoury of qualities of selflessness, determination and skill to kill Bhandasura the Grand
Fund of Ignorance, Ego, and extreme self-image coupled no doubt with courage, capability
and invincibility; Devi! You have the advantage of having Sampatkari as the Head of
Elephants who is blessed with extraordinary abilities of intelligence to drive the elephants
with features like self-lessness and perfection comparable to sense aptitudes or Tatwaas. Also
there were crores of Shaktis riding horses each of whom specialised in mental abilities to win
over -as alluded- the Evil with Virtue. She rode over the Shri Chakra chariot with her full
armoury; She was accompanied by Mantrini on the Geya Chakra Ratha, Mantrini being
Devi’s mind; Vaaraahi the Commander alighted the Kiri Chakra and was ahead of Devi; You
were in the center of Jwaala maalaas or rings of flames)
Bhandasainyavadhodyukta Shakti Vikrama harshitaa,
Nitya paraakramaatopa nireekshana samutsukaa/
Bhanda putra vadhodyuka Baaalaa vikrama nanditaa,
Mantrnyambaa virachatha vishanga vadha toshitaa/
Vishukra praana harana Vaaraahi Veerya nanditaa,
Kameswara mukhaa loka kalpita Shri Ganeshwara/
Maha GaneshanirbhinnmaVighnayantra praharshitaa,
Bhandaasurendra Nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini/
Karaanguli nakhotpanna Narayana dashaakritih,
Mahaa Paashupataasraagni nirdagdhaasura sainikaa/
(Devi! You were delighted to view the large army about to destroy Bhanda; you were also
happy to witness the gallantry of Nitya Shaktis; you were glad that Shri Bala your daughter
killed the sons of Bhandasura; you enjoyed that Mantrinyamba terminated Vishnga and Devi
Vaaraahi killed Vishukra; then Ganeswara was materialised from your face and the latter
destroyed all the Yantras such as various hindrances; You rained Astra Shastras to demoralise
Bhandasura; as Bhandasura created Hiraynaaksha, Hiranya kashipu, Ravana and other Arch-
Enemies of Devas, you mildly rubbed your finger nails and created the counterparts of
Narayana who exterminated the respective Asuras!; by using Pashupataastra, you let an ocean
of warriors get converted as heaps of ash).
Kameswaraastra nirdagdha sa Bhandasura sunyaka,
Brahmopendra Mahendraadi Deva samsthuta vaibhavaa/
Haranetraagni sandhagdha Kaama Sanjeevanoushadhih,
Shrimadvaagbhava kutaika Swarupa mukha Pankajaa/
Kanthaathahkati paryanta Madhyakuta Swarupini,
Shakti kutaika taapanna Katyatdho -bhaaga dhaarini/
Mula yantraatmikaa Mula kuta traya kalebara,
Kulaamritaika rasikaa Kula sanketa paalini/
Kulaanganaa Kulaantasthaa Kaulini Kulayogini,
Akulaa Saayaantasthaa Samayaachaara tatparaa/
(Devi! You had burnt Shunyaka Nagara along with Bhandasura and his warriors and finally
completed the Deva Karya; Brahma-Upendra-Mahendras were totally gratified and extolled
you. You had then revived Manmatha who was burnt off by Maha Deva’s third eye. Your
resplendent lotus face then revealed the source of speech and the Panchadashi Mantra, which
was the Source Mantra that described Your Neck-to-Waist besides the body- part underneath
as well as the Mula-Mantra; the Tri Kutaas of your physique akin to the Panchadashi are
called Shri-Kama-Kala Kutaas. You are Kulaamrita Rasika or the enjoyer of the nectar of
chastity and purity; ‘Kula’ is stated to be a combined expression of ‘Maataa’ the one who
measures or approves; ‘Maanam’ is the measure or the quantity to be approved and the
‘Meyam’ or the one to be approved; Kula sanketa palini is the Enforcer of of the Kula or
basically the Tradition of Spiritualism and thus Kulaangana is the Force of the Tradition;
Kulantastha or the insider of the Kula conversant with ’Aachaara-Vyvahaaras’; You are the
Kaulini or the household-diety and Kula Yogini or Lalita Devi herself; You are Akula who is
far above a specific Kula as she represents all the Kulas or Traditions; Samayantastha or the
one who is of Shiva-Lalitha’s Identity but as construed by varied contexts; Devi! You
therefore assume various Forms as per exigencies.)
Mulaadhaaraika nilayaa Brahma grandhi Vibhedini,
Manipuraantaruditaa Vishnu grandhi Vibhedini/
Agnaachakraantasthaa Rudra granthi Vibhedini,
Sahasraaraambujaarudhaa Sudhaa saaraabhi varshini/
Tatillataa samaruchisshatchakopari samsthitaa,
Maha Shatktih kundalini bisatantu taneeyasi/
Bhavani Bhavanaagamya Bhavaaranya kuthaarikaa,
Bhadra Priya Bhadra Murtirbhakta Soubhagyadaayani/
Bhaktapriyaa Bhaktigamyaa Bhakti Vashyaa Bhayaapaha,
Shaambhavi Sharadaaraadhyaa Sharvaani Sharma daayani/
Shaankari Shrikari Saadhvi Sharacchandra nibhaanaa,
Shaatodari Shantimati Niraadhaaraa Niranjanaa/
(Devi! You reside inside the Mulaadhaara Chakra that is as Kundalini; You penetrate through
the Brahma Grandhi or the barrier of Brahma and enable your devotees practising Yoga to be
conscious while awake; then a devotee is facilitated to vision Devi in Manipura while in a
condition of stupor; further a devotee has to pierce through the Vishnu Grandhi or the
Vishnu knot when the Yogi becomes unconscious and his body and thoughts are felt
irrelevant; in the Ajnaachaktaanta state the yogi loses his identity; while breaking Rudra
Grandhi the Yogi attains cosmic reality and in Sahasraara Chakra the yogi is stated to seek
Salvation. That stage provides Sudhaa sagara or bliss; indeed Devi! You are above these
stages and chakras as ‘Shatchakopari Samstitha’. You are called as Maha Shakti in union
with Maha Deva and is stated to be in the form of a coiled serpent in the state of ‘Kundalini’
like a thin lotus stem. Devi Bhavani, Bhavanaaamya or Beyond Comprehension as then a
Bhavaaranya Kutharika or She would axe the cycle of births and deaths! You would in that
Form be a Bhadra Priya, Bhadra Murthi, Bhakta Soubhagyadayani, Bhakti Priya, Bhakti
Gamya or realisable by Bhakti alone; Bhakti Vasya or Controllabe by Bhakti only;
Bhayaapaha or you drive out fear of the devotees; Shaambhavi, Sharadaaraadhya, Sharvaani
or the consort of Sharva, Sharma dayani or the provides of Eternal Happiness; Shankari,
Shrikari, Saadhvi or of Purity; Sharacchanda nibhaanana or Luminous like a Full Moon;
Shatodari or slim waisted; Shantimati, and Niradhara or supportless and Niranjana or
Nirlepa Nirmala Nitya Niraakara Niraakula,
Nirgunaa Nishkalaa Shantaa Nishkaamaa Nirupaplava/
Nityamuktaa Nirvikaaraa Nishprapancha Niraashraya,
Nitya Shuddha Nitya Buddhaa Niravadyaa Nirantaraa/
Nishkaaranaa Nishkalankaa Nirupaadhirnirishwara,
Neeraagaa Raaga mathani Nirmada Madashalini/
Nischinta Nirahankaaraa Nirmohaa Mohanaashani
Nirmama Mamataa hantri Nishpaapaa Paapanaashani/
Nishkrodhaa Krodhashamani Nirlobhaa Lobhanaashani,
Nissamshayaa Samshayaghni Nirbhavaa Bhava naashani/
Nirvikalpaa Niraabaadhaa Nirbhedaa Bheda naashani,
Nirnaashaa Mrityu mathani Nishkrya Nishparigrahaa/
(Nirlepa or Transparent; Nitya or Everlasting; Niraakaara or Formless; Nirakula or
composed; Nirguna or Featureless; Nishkala or Undividable; Shanta; Nishkaama or
desireless; Nirupaplava or Imperishable; Nitya Mukta or Ever Unrestricted; Nirvikara or
Immutable; Nishprapancha or Beyond the Universe; Niraashraya or Unfounded; Nitya
Shudda, Nitya Buddha, Niravadya or Irrefutable; Nirantara; Nishkarana or the Causeless
since You are the Cause of Causes; Nishkalanka or Spotless; Nirupaadhi or Unaccompanied;
Nirishwara or the Ultimate; Niraaga or Uncommitted; Raga Mathani or Devoid of
Attachments; Nirmada or Modest; Madanaashani or the destoyer of arrogance; Nischinta or
Worryless; Nirahankaara or Egoless; Nirmoha or Illusionless; Mohanashani or Destroyer of
Obsessions; Nirmama or Selfless; Mamataahantri or terminator of attachments; Nishpaapa or
Sinless; Papanaashani; Nishkrodha; Krodha Shamani; Nirlobha greedless; Lobha naashani;
Nissamsaya or devoid of doubts; Samsayaghni or smasher of doubts; Nirbhava or Unborn;
Bhavanaashyani or Destroyer of the Cycle of births and deaths; Nirvikalpa or devoid of
actions; Nirbaadha; Nirbheda or Consistent ; Bhedanaashani or destroys distinctions;
Nirnaasha or Indestructible; Mrutyumathani or demolisher of death; Nishkriya or Actionless;
and Nishparigraha or Accepts nothing)
Nistula Neela Chikura Nirapaaya Nirathyaya,
Durlabha Durgama Durgaa Duhkhahantri Sukhapradaa/
Dushta doora Duraachaarashamani Doshavarjita,
Sarvajnaa Saandra Karunaa Samaanaadhika varjitaa/
Sarva Shaktimayi Sarva Mangalaa Sadgatipradaa,
Sarveshwari Sarvamayi Sarva mantra swarupini/
Sarva Yantraatmikaa Sarva Tantra Rupaa Manonmani,
Maaheshwari Maha Devi Maha Lakshmi Mrudapriyaa/
Mahaa Rupaa Mahaa Pujyaa Mahaa Paataka Naashini,
Mahaa Maayaa Mahaa Satwaa Mahaa Shaktirahaaratih/
Mahaa Bhogaa Mahaishwarya Mahaa Veeryaa Mahaa Balaa,
Maha Buddhir Mahaasiddhir Mahaa Yogeshwareshvari/
( Nistula or Unparalleled; Nilachikura or dark haired; Nirapaaya or far above any danger;
Durlabha or difficult to achieve; Durgama or Difficult to reach; Durga or the famed Swarupa
of Shakti who killed Mahishaasura; Duhkhahantri or the destroyer of distresses; Sukhaprada
or the Provider of Happiness; Dushta dooraa or away from Evil; Duraachaara shamini or the
reliever of evil deeds; Doshavarjita or deviod of imperfections; Sarvajna or All Knowing;
Saandra Karuna or Provider of Great Benevolence; Samaanaadhika Varjita or Matchless;
Sarva Shaktimayi or Omni Potent; Sarva Mangala or the Symbol of Auspiciousness;
Sadgatiprada or the Provider of Righteousness; Sarveshwari; Sarvamayi or Omni Present;
Sarva Mantra Swarupini or the Personification of all Mantras; Sarva Yantraatmika or The
Epitome of All Yantras; Sarva Tantra Rupa or the Unique Form of all Tantras; Manonmayi or
of Heightened Form of Consciousness; Maheshwari; Maha Devi; Maha Lakshmi; Mridapriya
or the beloved of Shiva; Maha Rupa; Maha Pujya; Maha Paataka Naashani; Maha Maya;
Maha Satwa or of Unique Energy; Maha Shakti; Maha Rati or beyond Sensual Pleasures as
she is Bliss herself; Maha Bhoga; Mahaishwarya; Maha Veeryaa; Mahaa Balaa; Mahaa
Buddhi; Maha Siddhi and Maha Yogeshwareshwari).
Maha Tantraa Maha Mantraa Mahaa Yantraa Mahaasanaa,
Mahaayaagakramaadaadhyaa Mahaa Bhairava Pujitaa/
Maheshwara Mahaa Kalpa Mahaa Taandava Saakshini,
Mahaa Kaamesha Mahishi Mahaa Tripura Sundari/
Chatussastyupachaaraadhyaa Chatussashti Kalaamayi,
Mahaachatusshashti koti Yoginigana sevitaa/
Manu Vidyaa Chandra Vidyaa Chandra mandala madhyagaa,
Chaarurupaa Chaaruhaasaa Charu Chandra Kalaadharaa/
Charaachara Janannathaa Chakra raaja niketana,
Parvati Padmanayanaa, Padmaraaga samaprabhaa/
Pancha Pretaasanaaseena Pancha Brahma Swarupini,
Chinmayi Parama anandaa Vijnaana Ghana rupiney/
Dhyaana dhyaatru dhyeya Rupaa Dharma –adharma Vivarjitaa,
Vishwa rupa Jaagarani Swapanti Taijasaatmikaa/
Suptaa Pragjnaat -mika Turyaa Sarvaavastha Vivarjitaa,
Srishti Kartri Brahma Rupaa Gopti Govinda Rupiney/
Samhaarini Rudrarupa Tirodhaanakareswari,
Sadaa Shivaanugrahadaa Pancha krutya Paraayana!
(Devi Lalita! You are the Maha Tantra, Maha Mantra, Maha Yantra, Mahaasana or Seated on
Elevation; Mahaa Yaga Kramaaraadhya or worshipped at various Maha Yagnas like Amba
Yagna; You are worshipped by Maha Bhairava or Maha Deva himself; You witnessed the
Cosmic Dance of Maheshwara at the end of Maha Kalpa; You are the Maha Kamesha’s
Queen; Maha Tripura Sundari! You are worshipped sixty four types of services; Amba! You
are the Origin of sixty four Kalaas or Arts as contained in Vedas and various other Scriptures;
also served by sixty four crores of Maha Yoginis; You are the Manu Vidya and Chandra
Vidya and are situated on the middle of the Moon’s orbit; You are Charu Rupa or of the
Magnificent Form; of Charu Haasa or with enchanting smile; with the adornment of Ashtama
Chandra; the Maha Raajni of Charaacharas in the Universe; the Dweller of the Chakra
Raajaas like Shri Chakra; Parvati! Padma Nayana; Glittering with Padma Raagaas or Rubies;
Seated on the Five Pretaas of Brahma-Vishnu- Rudra-Ishwara-Sadaashivaas if they are not
provided by life by You! You are of the Form of Five Brahmas; Chinmayi or of Supreme
Consciousness; the Paramananda or of Unique Bliss; Vijnaana Ghana Rupini or of the
Inimitable Swarupini of Vigjnaana; the Dhyana-Dhyaatru- Dheya Rupa or of the Form of the
Meditation-the Meditator and the Meditated! You are beyond Dharma or Adharma! The
Vishwa Swarupa; You are Jaagarani or the Ever Wakeful; the Swapanti or in Dreams; the
Taijasatmika or in a State of Stupor; or in Supta or Trance; Pragjnaatmika or in a Casual
Body without full Consciousness; Turiya or the Fourth Stage when the Senses are inactive on
the verge of senselessness; Devi! You are however beyond all these previous stages as you
are Sarvaavastha Vivarjita.! Lalita Devi! You are the Srishti Kartri being Brahma Rupini; the
Goptri or the Protector as Govinda Rupini; Samhaarini or the Annihilator as of Rudra Rupa;
the Tirodhaanakari or as the withdrawing Swarupini as Ishwara and finally the Sadaa Shiva
who provides Anugraha or impetus to Re-Create again; such are the Five Swarupas of
Yourself Devi viz. Brahma- Vishnu- Rudra-Ishwara and Sada Shiva; You Lalita Devi! Are
thus the Pancha Krutya Paraayana or the Practitioner of Five Sacred Deeds!)
Bhanu mandala madhyastaa Bhiravi Bhaga maalini,
Padmaasana Bhagavati Padmanaabha Sahodari/
Unmesha Nimishotpanna Vipanna Bhuvanaavalih,
Sahasra Seersha Vadanaa Sahasraakshi Sahasra paat/
Aabrahmakeeta janani Varnaashrama vidhaayani,
Nijaajnaa Rupa nigamaa Punyaapunya Phalapradaa/
Shruti seemanta Sindoori kruta paadaabja dhulikaa,
Sakalaagama Sandoha Shukti Samputa Mouktikaa/
Purushaardha pradaa Purnaa Bhogini Bhuvaneshwari,
Ambikaanaadi nidhanaa Hari Brahmendra Sevitaa,
Hreenkaari Hreemati Hridyaa Heyopaadeya varjitaa/
Raja Raajaarchita Raajni Ramyaa Raageva Lochana,
Ranjani Ramani Rasyaa Ranatkinkini mekhala/
Ramaa Rakenduvadanaa ati Rupaa Rati Priya,
Rakshaakari Raakshasaghni Ramaa Ramana lampataa/
Kaamyaa Kamakaloaarupa Kadamba kusumapriyaa,
Kalyaani Jagati kandaa Karunaaras Saagaraa/
(You are in the center of Surya Mandala; Bhairavi! with a garland of Suryas seated in
Padmasana posture as Bhagavati the sister of Padmanabha; Devi! As you open your eyes
Bhuvanaas are sprouted and destroyed as you close the eyes; You have thousand heads,
faces, eyes and feet; the Unique Mother of all Beings from Brahma down to worms; the
Prime Regulator of Varashrama Vidhana; Vedas are at your behest; you provide the results of
every deed of the Beings as per the content of virtue or otherwise; the particles of your Lotus
feet tuns red as ‘Sinduri’ which adorns the foreheads of virtuous women; the collection of
pearl oyster shells comparable to ‘Agamaas’ is your ornament; You bestow the fulfilment of
the Purusharthas viz. Dharma-Artha-Kaama-Mokshas; You are Purna or the Totality; Bhogini
or the Ever-enjoying; Bhuvaneshwari; Ambika; Ananda nidhaana or the Fund of Joy;
worshipped by Hari-Brahma-Indra; Narayani; Nada Rupa or of sounds ranging from subtle to
gross forms; Devoid of a name or a form; Lalita! You are Hrimkari since the sound ‘Hreem’
covers Srishti-Sthiti-Samhara; Hrimati or Symbol of Modesty; Hridya or Happiness replete
within heart; Heyopadeyavarjita or with nothing to accept or reject; Rajaraajaarchita or
worshipped by the Lord of Riches viz. Kubera; Raajni or the Supreme Queen; Ramya;
Rajeevalochana or Lotus Eyed; Ranjani the one who delights; Ramani; Rasyaa or the sense
perception; Ranat kinkini mekhala or adorned with waist belt with small bells; Rama or the
Consort of Vishnu; of Ratipriya as Devi liked Rati since she revived Manmatha the husband
of Rati; Rakshakari or the One who provides security; Raakshasaghni the destroyer of
Rakshasas; Rama the highest representative of feminity; Ramana Lampata or deeply involved
with husband; Kadamba kusuma priya or highly fascinated by Kadamba flowers; Kalyani or
the Symbol of Auspiciousness; Jajatikanda or the root-cause of the Universe; Karunaarasa
Saagara or the Ocean of Kindness).
Kaalavati Kalaalaapaa Kantaa kaadambari Priyaa,
Varadaa Vaamanayanaa Vaaruni Mada Vihvalaa/
Vishwaadhikaa Veda Vedyaa Vindyaachala nivaasini,
Vidhaatri Veda Janani Vishnu Maayaa vilaasini/
Kshetra Swarupa Kshetreshi Kshetra Kshetrajna paalini,
Kshaya vridhi vinirmuktaa Kshetrapaalasamarchita/
Vijayaa Vimalaa vandyaa Vandaaru jana Vatsala,
Vaavaadivi Vaamakeshi Vahnimandala vaasini/
Bhaktimat kalpalathikaa Pashu paasha vimochani,
Samhrutaasesha paashanda Sadaachaara pravartikaa/
Tapartayaagni samtapta Samaahlaadana chandrikaa,
Taruni Taapasaaraadhyaa Tanumadhyaa Tamopahaa/
(You are the Kalavati or of sixty four Arts and all they were your own expressions; you are
the Paramount Form of Feminine Beauty fond of honey or bliss; the bestower of Boons; the
beautiful-eyed; intoxicated with ‘Varuni’-the wine of dates alternatively called the Varuni
‘Nadi’- or a body tendon ; the Vishwaadhika or the Sublime; Vindhyaa chala nivasini;
Vidhatri or Sarasvati the Consort of Brahma; Veda Janani or the Mother of Vedas; the
Vishnu Maya; Vilasini; Kshetra Swarupa or of Supreme Consciousness; Kshetreshi; Kshetra
Kshetrajna Paalini or the Supreme Administrator of the Kshetra or inner self of Jeeva and the
his/her domain; Kshaya Vriddhi Vinirmukta or You have neither growth nor decadence; you
are worshipped by Maha Deva the Kshetrapalaka; Devi! You are always victorious; Vimala
or Clean; Vandya or worshipped by all; Vandaaru jana Vatsala or you have attachment to
devoted children; Vaagvaadini or Proficient in speech; Vamakeshi or the consort of
Vamakeshwara popular in the Tantrik Science; Vahni Mandala Vaasini or the Resider in the
Region of Agni; Bhaktimatkalpa latika or Vriksha that fulfills the desires of devotees; Pashu
Paasha Vimochani or the Reliever of Bonds like Ignorance, Jealousy, Attachment and Anger;
Samhritaasesha Paashanda or Demolition of Non-Believers; Sadaachaara Pravartika or the
Enforcer of ‘Sadaachaara’ or Good Behaviour; You provide Moonshine like cool relief from
‘Tapatrayaagnis’or the Agnis of the Three Difficulties viz. Adhyatmika or of Internal or
Psychological nature, Adhibhoutika or External or Physiological nature and Adhi Daivika
nature like earthquakes, droughts and such natural calamities; Taruni or Ever Youthful
Female; Taapasaaraadhya or worshipped by ‘Taapasis’ engaged in constant meditation; Tanu
Madhya or slender waisted; Tamopaha or destroyer of Ignorance).
Chitistatpada Lakshyaardhaa Chideka Rasarupini,
Swaatmaananda lavibhuta Brahmaadya -ananda santatih/
Paraa pratyakchiti Rupa Pashyanti Para Devataa,
Madhyamaa Vaikhari Rupaa Bhakta Maanasa Hamsikaa/
Kaameswara Praana Naadi Kritajnaa Kaama Pujitaa,
Shrigaara Rasa Sampurnaa Jayaa Jaalandhara Sthitaa/
Odyaana peetha nilayaa Bindumandala vaasini,
Rahoyaaga kramaadaadhyaa Rahastarpana Tarpitaa/
Sadyah Prasaadini Vishwa Saakshini Saakshi Varjitaa,
Shadanga Devataa yuktaa Shaadgunya pari puritaa/
Nityaklinna Nirupamaa Nirvaana Sukhadaayani/
Nityaa Shodasikaa Rupaa Shri Kanthaartha Sharirini/
Prabhavati Prabhaarupaa Prasiddhaa Parameshari,
Moola Prakriti ravyaktaa Vyaaktaavyakta Swarupini/
(You are the Sacchidaananda Swarupini who is the most sought after and targetted at;
Chideka Rasa Rupini or the Unique Form of Bliss; The Bliss experienced by Brahma
downward to every Being was but a drop of the the Ocean of that Bliss; You are the Ultimate
Super Consciousness present in each Being that could hardly be realised nor suitably
expressed by Vagdevi, as is present in a subtle and intermediate stage between you the Para
Deva and an individual; You are the Swan that moves about in the ‘Bhakta Maanasa
Sarovara’; You are the life-force of Kameshwara; the Kritajnaa or the Evaluator of the
actions of Ten Entities viz. Pancha Bhutas, Sun-Moon-Stars-Birth-Death and the Kaala or the
Time; Kama Pujita; Shringara Rasa Sampurna; Jaya; Jaalandhara Sthitaa or Positioned in the
Jaalandhara Peetha or Anaahata Chakra; Odyana Pitha Nilaya or located in Ajnaa Chakraa or
between your Bhrukuti or between your eye-brows; Bindu Mandaka Vaassini or situated in
the Central Point of Shri Chakra; Raho yaga Kramaaraadhyaa or worshipped by ‘Rahasya
Yaga’ (Antar Yaga ) rituals; Rahastarpina Tarpita or Devi! You are contented by Secret
Tarpanas or Sacrificial Offerings; Sadya Prasaadini or pleased with prescribed rituals;
Vishwa Saakshini or the Witness of Univesal Actions! Saakshi Varjitaa or none could ever
realise your own deeds; Shadanga Devataa Yuktaa or You are the Chief of Six ‘Angaas’ or
Six ‘Konaas’ stated to be Heart-Head-Tuft-Eyes-Shield or Kavacha and ‘Astra’ or Weapon;
also Shadgunya Pari Purita or the Six Angles of the Shri Chakra stated to be Qualities like
Virtue, Jnaana, Yasha, Aishwarya, Sampada and Vairagya or detachment; Nitya klinna or
Ever Merciful; Nirupama or Uaparalleled; Nirvaana Sukha Daayani or the Bestower of
Nirvaana or Moksha; Nitya Shodasikaa Rupa or the Kalaas of Chandra or the brightening
features of Moon day by day; Shri Kanthaartha Sharirini or Artha Naareeshwari; Prabhavati
or Provider of Illumination all the directions; Prabha Rupa or of Epitome of Radiance;
Prasiddha the most well known in the Form of the First Person ‘I’! Parameshwari; Mula
Prakriti; Avyakta or Imperceptible; yet Vyaktaavyakta or Evident but Unmanifested).

Vyaapini vividhaakaara Vidyaavidyaa Swarupini,

Maha Kamesha nayana kmdaahlaada Koamudi/
Bhakta haarda Tamobheda Bhaanumadbhaanu santatih,
Shiva dooti Shivaa –raadhyaa Shiva Murtih Shivankari/
Shivapriyaa Shivaparaa Shishteshtaa Shistapujitaa,
Aprameyaa Swaprakaashaa Manovaachaamagocharaa/
Chicchhaktischetanaa rupaa Jada Shaktirjadaatmikaa,
Gayatree vyahrutih Sandhyaa Dwijabrinda nishevitaa/
Tatwaasanaa Tatwamayi Pancha koshaantara sthitaa,
Nisseema mahimaa Nitya Youvanaa Madashaalini/
Madaghurnita Raktaakshi Mada paatala gandabhuh,
Chandanadrava digdhaangi Chaampeya kusuma priyaa/
Kushalaa Komalaakaaraa Kurukullaa Kuleswari,
Kula kundaa-layaa Koula maarga tatpara sevitaa/
Kumaara Gana naathaambaa tushtih pushtirmatir-dhrutih,
Shaantsswastimati Kaantirnandini Vighna naashani/

(Devi! You are omnipresent in myriad forms either as Knowledge or Ignorance; You are
pleasing to Mahesha like a moonshine does to a Lili flower; Your splendour disperses the
darkness of ignorance to your Bhaktaas like the bright Sun does to the Worlds; You are
Shiva’s Sevika adoring Sada Shiva as Shiva Murti, Shivankari and Shiva Para. Persons with
good demeanour worship you and you too are pleased with their Pujas; Aprameya or
immesurable; Swa Prakasha or Brilliant on your own; Mano vaachaama gochara or Beyond
the comprehension of one’s mind or speech; You are Chit Shakti or the Power of your own
Perception; the Chetana Rupa or Awareness and Responsiveness; at the same time you are
also Jada Shakti or non-responsive; in any case, none has the capacity to know you! Gayatri!
Vyahriti or the Syllables of Gayatri Mantra; the Sandhya; Dwija brinda nishevita or pleased
by Brahmanas; You are seated in Tatwa or Truth; Tatwamayi; Pancha Koshaantara Sthita or
the Dweller of Five Sheaths viz. Kaamamaya, Manomaya, Atimanasa, Vigyaana and
Hiranmaya Koshaas; you are of boundless command; ever youthful; blissful; with blood red
eyes of superiority; red cheeks full of bliss; with body smeared with sandal wood paste;
desirous of champaka flowers; proficient in all deeds; subtle and gentle; Goddess named
Kukukulla dominating the Shri Chakra who is also known as critical and objective;
Kuleshwari; Kulakundalaya or Paramatma inside Muladhara Chakra; Kulamarga tatpara
sevita or worshipped by those conversant with Kaulamarga practices; Mother of Skanda and
Ganesha representing prowess and overcoming obstacles; Tusti or embodiment of happiness;
Pushti or of sound health; Dhriti or courage and endurance; Shanti or tranquility; Kanti or
glow and warmth; Nandini or the Ever Vivacious and Vighna nashini or remover of all

Tejovati Trinayana Lolaakshi Kamarupini,

Malini Hamsini Mataa MalayachalaVaasini/
Sumukhi Nalini Subhruh Shobhana Sura Nayika,
Kaala kanthi Kantimati Kshobhini Sukshma Rupini/
Vajreshwari Vamadevi Vayovastha vivarjita,
Siddheshwari Siddha Vidyaa Siddha Maataa Yashaswini/
Vishudda chakra nilaya Rakta Varna Trilochana,
Khatwaangaadi praharana vadanaika samanvita/
Paayasaanna Priyaa Pashuloka Bhayankari,
Amritaadi Maha Shakti samvritaa Daakineshwari/
Anaahataabja nilayaa Shyaamaabhaa Vadana dwayaa,
Damshtrojjwalaaksha maalaadidharaa Rudhira samsthitaa/
Kaala raatryaadi Shaktoughavritaasnighnoudana Priya,
Mahaa Veerendra varadaa Raakinyaambaa Swarupini/
Mani puraabja nilayaa vadanatraya samyutaa,
Vajraayudhaapetaa Daamaryadi bhiraavritaa/

(Tejovati or full of Illumination; Tri Nayana or the Three Eyed of Surya-Chandra-Agnis;

Lokaakshi Kamarupini or of alluring eyes being the Symbol of Feminine Longing for the
Universe; Malini or the wearer of garlands; Hamsini or a Swan representative of Pavitrata
and Vairagya; Mataa or Shri Maata; Malayachala Vasini or the Resident of Malaya
Mountain; Sumukhi or Bright-Faced; Nalini or like a Lotus; Subhru or of Eye brows that
bring in auspiciousness; Sobhana; Sura nayika; Kalaakanti or the spouse of Shiva who by
that epithet killed Darukasura; Kantimati; Kshobini or Excited to Create the Universe;
Sukshma Rupini or of Subtle Form; Vajreshwari one of the Goddesses of Shri Chakra;
Vamadevi or Shiva’s left Body-Part viz. Artha Naareeshwari; Vayovasthaa vivarjita or
devoid of age; Shiddeshwari; Siddha Vidya or Shri Vidya; Siddha Mata or the Mother Siddha
ready to protect devotees; Yashaswini; Visuddha Chakra Nilaya or the Resider of Vishuddha
Lotus with sixteen petals; Arakta Varna or of Blood-red colour; Trilochana; Khatvangaadi-
Praharana or a mace with a skull at its end used as a weapon; Vadanaika samanvita or with a
Unique Face; Payasaanna Priya or fond of rice cooked in milk; Twakstha or absorbed in the
Skin tissues; Pashu Loka Bhayankari or Dreadful to the Boorish and the Ignorant; Amritaadi
Maha Shakti Samvarta or Encircled by Great Shaktis like Amritaakarshini; Daakineshwari
residing in Vishudda Chakra; Anaahataabja Nilaya or inhabitant of Anaahataabja Chakra
with the name of Raakini; Shyaamaabhaa or in the Form of a maiden of Shyama colour of
black and blue; Vadana dwaya or Bi-Faced; Damshtrojjvala or bright with tusks; Aksha -
maalaadhara or the carrier of a Rosary bead garland; Rudhira Samsthita or the occupant of
blood-tissues; Kaalaraatraadi Shakougha Vrita or enclosed by Shaktis like Kaalaraatri;
Snigdhoudana Priya or contented by consuming fried rice; Mahaa Veerendra Varadaa or the
Provider of boons to Maha Veeraas / Tri Murtis and Indra; Raakinyaamba Swarupini or of
the Swarupa of Raakinyamba; Manipuraabja nilaya or the inhabitant of Manipura Padma with
ten petals; Vadana Traya Samyutaa or with Three Faces; Vajraadikaayudhopeta or fortified
with Vajraayudhaa and other weaponries like thunderclaps; Daamaryaadibhiraavruta or
encircled by Yoginis like Damari, Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha etc.

Rakta varnaa maamsa nishthaa gudaanna preeta maanasaa,

Samasta Bhakta Sukhadaa Laakinyaambaa Swarupini/
Swaadhishtaanaambujagataa Chatutvaktra Manoharaa,
Shulaadyaayudha sampannaa Peeta varnaati garvitaa/
Medo nishthaa Madhu preetaa bandinyaadi samanvitaa,
Dadhyaannaasakta hridayaa Daakini rupa dhaarini/
Mulaa dhaaraambujaarudhaa Panchavaktraasthi samsthitaa,
Ankushaadi prahananaaVaradaadi nishevitaa/
Mudgoudanaasakta chitthaa Saakinyaambaa Swarupini,
Ajnaa chakraabja nilayaa Shiklavarnaa Shadaanana/
Majjaa samsthaa Hamsavati Mukhya Shakti samanvitaa,
Haridraannaika rasikaa Haakini rupa dhaarini/
Sahasra dala Padmastaa Sarva Varnobhi sevitaa,
Sarvaayuda dharaa Shukla samsthitaa Sarvato mukhi/
Sarvoudana preeta chittaa Yaakinyaambaa Swarupini,
Swaahaa Swadhaa matirmedhaa Shrutih Smritiranuttamaa/

(Rakta Varna; Maamsa Nishta or inhabitant in the tissues of flesh; Gudaanna Preeta Manasa
or likes to eat rice mixed with jaggery; Samasta Bhakta Sukhada or Provides with
contentment to one and all; the Mother Form of Lakini; Swadhishtaanaambuja Gata or the
Insider of the Padma Chakra named that name; Chaturvaktra Manohara or Enchanting with
Four Attractive Faces; Shulaadyayudha Sampanna or is fortified with armaments like Shula;
Pita Varna or of Yellow colour; Ati-Garvita or higly distinguished; Medo nishtha or absorbed
in the tissue of fat; Madhu Preeta or having a penchant for honey; Bandinyaadi samanvita or
in the Company of Bandini and other Shaktis; Dadhyannasakta hridaya or with a longing for
curd rice; Kaakini Rupa dhaarini or taking over the Form of Kaakini; Mulaadhaaraambujaa
rudha or mounted on Mulaadhara at the base point; Panchavaktra or Five Faced; Asthi
Samsthita or present in the bone tissues; Ankushaadi Praharana or equppied with Ankusha or
goad and such other weaponry; Varadaadi nisevita or worshipped by Varada and such other
Yoginis; Mudgoudana sakta chitta or delighted in the taste of green gram cooked rice;
Saakinyaambaa Swarupini or taking over the Form of Saakini Shakti; Ajnaachakaabja nilaya
or resides in the two petalled Agnaachakra in beteeen the eyebrows; Shuka varana or of Pure
White Colour; Shadaanana or of Six Faces; Majja Samstha or of the tissue of brain;
Hamsavati; Mukhya Shakti Samanvita or of Powers of respiration; Haridraannaika Rashika
or fond of Turmeric; Haakini rupa dhaarini or assumes the Form of Hakini in the Shri
Chakra; Sahasra dala padmasthaa or the inhabitant inside in the thousand leafed Lotus; Sava
Varnobhi sevitaa or magnifecent all the Alphabet Letters; from A to Ksha; Sarvaayudha
dhara or is well equipped with all Astra-Shastraas; Shukla samsthitaa or the abode of ‘Ojas’
or tissue of Virility; Sarvatomukhi or has the power visioning from all the directions;
Sarvoudana preeta chitta or fond of all kinds of food; Yaakinyaambaa Swarupini or of the
Form of Yakinyaamba; Devi! You are Swaahaa or the oblataion to Agni and Swadha or
oblation to Pitaras; Mati or Buddhi / Intellect; Shruti or Veda; Smriti or Manu Shastra about
morality and Anuttama or the Supreme Most).

Punya keertih Punya labhyaa Punya Shravana Keertanaa,

Pulomajaarchitaa Bandha mochani Bandhuraalakaa/
Vimarsha rupini Vidyaa viyadaadi Jagatprasuh,
Sarva Vyaadhi prashamani Sarva Mrityu nivaarini/
Agraganyaachinthya rupaa Kalikalmasha naashani,
Katyaayani Kalahantri Kamalaaksha nishevitaa/
Taambula purita mukhi daadimi Kusuma prabhaa,
Mrigaakshi Mohini Mukhyaa Mridaani Mitra Rupini/
Nitya truptaa Bhaktanidhir niyantri Nikhileswari,
Maitryaadi Vaasanaalabhyaa Mahaa Pralaya Saakshini/
Paraa Shaktih Paraa Nishthaa Prajnaana ghana rupini,
Maadhvi paanaalasaa matthaa Maatrikaa Varna rupini/
Mahaa Kailaasa nilayaa Mrinaala Mridu dorlataa,
Mahaniyaa dayaa murtir Mahaa saamraajya shaalini/
Atma Vidyaa Mahaa Vidyaa Shri Vidyaa Kaama Sevitaa,
Shri Shodashaakshari Vidyaa Trikutaa Kaamakotikaa/

Devi! The auspicious episodes of your glory provide worth and value to your Devotees; such
merits are derived due to the attainment of good results of previous births; merely hearing
and extolling your magnificence would be commendable; Pulomajarchita or the wife of Indra
worshipped You to avoid the torments faced by Nahusha the short time Indra, you saved her
with your grace; Bandha Mochani or the liberator of Samsara’s bindings; Barbaraalakaa or
with beautiful and wavy hair style enhancing charm; Vimarsha Rupini or high capacity to
distinguish realities of life or otherwise; Vidya the Epitome of Knowledge; Viyadaadi Jagat
Prasuh or You provide relief from the Elements of Nature; Sarva Vyaadhi Prashamani or the
Curer of all kinds Physical and mental deficiencies; Sarva Mrityu Nivarini or the diffuser of
all types of death; Agraganya or the Superlative; Achintya rupa or Unapproachable by
thought and imagination; Kali Kalmasha Naashini or the demolisher of sins prone to Kali
Yuga; Katyaayani Devi; Kalahantri or the destroyer of the Concept of Time; Kamalaaksha
Nivesita or worshipped by Vishnu; Tambula Poorita Mukhi or satisfied with mouthful of
betel-leaf juice; Daadimi Kusuma Prabha or likened with the redness of pomogranate flower;
Mrigaakshi or of the fascinating eyes of a deer; Mohini; Mukhya the Chief; Mridani or the
Queen of Maha Deva; Mitra Rupini or of the Form of Surya; Nitya Tripta or always
contented; Bhakta Nidhi or the Ever Available Fund of Fulfillment of Devotees; Niyantri or
the Designer and Enforcer of Rules and Regulations; Maitraadi Vaasanaalabhya or the
attainer of excellent propensities like Maitri or amity and rapport; Maha Pralaya Saakshini or
the Sole Witness of the Great Dissolution; Paraa Shakti; Paraa Nishtha or the Ultimate
Spiritual Effort; Prajnaana Ghana Rupini or the Embodiment of the Highest Consciousness;
Maadhvi Paanaalasaa or Intoxicated by Spiritual Excellence; Mattaa or fully oblivious of the
worldly affairs due to that kind of intoxication; Maatrikaa Varna rupini or of the various
Forms of Matrikas; Maha Kailasa Nilaya; Mrinala Mridu Dorlata or with the soft hands like
those of Lotus Stalks; Maaniya; Daya Murti; Mahaa Saamraajya Shaalini; Atma Vidya or the
Knowledge of the Supreme Self; Maha Vidya; Shri Vidya or of Mantras like Bala, Pancha
Dashi, Sodashi and soon; Kama Sevita or worshipped by Manmatha; Shri Shodasaakshari
Vidya viz. the Mantra ofShri Raja Rajeshwari Mantra; Trikuta or of Mantra Panchaadashi
comprising Three Kutaas viz. Kaamaraaja, Vaagbhava and Shakti Kutaas and Kaama Kotika
or Devi has the eminence of Shiva).

Kataaksha kinkari bhuta Kamalaakoti Sevitaa,

Shirasthitaa Chandranibhaa Phaalasthendra Dhanuh Prabha/
Hridayasthaa Ravi prakhyaa Trikonaantara deepikaa,
Daakshaayani Daitya hantri Daksha Yagna Vinaashini/
Daraandolita Deergaakshi Darahaasojjwalanmukhi,
Guru Murtirguna nidhirgomaataa guha janma bhuh/
Devesi danda nitisthaa daharaakaasha rupini,
Pratipanmukyharaakaanta Tithi Mandala Pujitaa/
Kalaatmikaa Kalaanaathaa Kavyaalaapa vinodini,
Sachaamara Ramaa Vaani Savya dakshina sevitaa/
Adi Shaktirameyaatmaa Paramaa Paavanaakritih,
Aneka koti Brahmaanda Janani Divya Vigrahaa/
Kleenkaari Kevalaa Guhyaa Kaivalya pada daayini,
Tripuraa Trijagadvandyaa Trimurtirstridasheshwari/
Tryakshari Divya gandaadhyaa Sindura Tilakaanchitaa,
Umaa Shailendra Ganayaa Gouri Gandharva Sevitaa/

(Devi! Your gracious looks could create crores of Lakshmi Devis who in turn create
innumerable forms of prosperity to your devotees; You are situated at the ‘Brahma Randhra’
of one’s head; Chandranibha! or of Chandra Devas’s sheen; Phaalkastaa or the resident of
forehead shining with the varied colours of rainbows; You are Hridayasthaa or situated in the
hearts; Ravi Prakhya or of Surya’s brilliance; Trikonaantara Deepikaa or the luminosity of
the traingle inside the Shri Chakra; Dakshayni; Daitya hantri the killer of Daityas; Daksha
Yagna Vidnaashani; Daraandolita deergaakshi or with long eyes moving slightly; Darahaaso-
jjvalan mukhi or with a smile indicative of your internal gladness; Guru Murti or the
Untimate Teacher; Guna nidhi or the Fund of Satwa-Raajasika-Taamasika Gunaas! Deveshi!
Danda Nitistha or the Enforcer of Punishments; Daharaakaasha Rupini or of the Form of
Space above all the Lokaas or figuratively the space inside the heart of Lotus! Pratipan-
mukhyaraakaantaa or the Forms of the fifteen phases of Moon as Devi is worshipped;
Kalaatmika or of Chandra’s Sixteen, Surya’s twenty four and Agni’s ten ‘Kalaas’or units of
splendour; Kalaa naathaa or the Chief of Kalaas; Kaavyaalaapa Vinodini or possessive of
interest in Literary Activities; Sachaamara Ramaa Vaani Savya Dakshina Sevita or served
with ‘Chamara’ hand-fan by Lakshmi and Saraswati on Your right and left sides; Adi Shakti;
Ameya or quantifiable; Atma; Parama or the Final; Paavanaakruti or the Form of Sanctity;
Aneka Koti Brahmaanda Janani or the Mother of countless Universes; Divya Vigraha; Kleem
-kaari or the representation of the Beeja by that name; Kevala or the Unique; Guhya or
Enigmatic; Kaivalya pada daayani or the bestower of Moksha; Tri Pura or of Three
Characteristics; Tri Jagad Vandya or worshipped by the Three Lokas; Tri Murti; Tri
Dasheswari or the Ultimate of Three Dashaas or of Jeevatma-Jaagriti-Paramatma or
otherwise : a Person-Awakening and Ishwari; Tryakshari or Three Bija Mantras; Divya
Gandhaadhyaa or the Form of Celestial Fragrance; Sindura Tilakanchita or Devi with Sindura
on her forehead; Uma; Shailendra Tanaya or the daughter of a Mountain King; Gauri;
Gandharva Sevita or worshipped by Gandharvas).

Vishwa Garbha Swarna Garbha Varadaa Vaagadhiswari,

Dhyanagamya paricchedyaa Jnaanada Jnaana Vigrahaa/
Sarva Vedaanta Samvedyaa Satyaananda Swarupini,
Lopaa- mudraarchitaa leelaa klipta Brahmaandalaa/
Adrusyaa Drusya Rahitaa Vigjnaatri Vedya –varjitaa,
Yogini Yogadaa Yogyaa Yogaanandaa Yugandharaa/
Icchaa Shakti Jnaana Shakti Kriyaa Shakti Swarupini,
Sarvaadhaaraa Supratishthaa Sadasadrupa dhaarini/
Ashta Murtirajajaitri Loka Yatraa vidhaayani,
Ekaakini Bhumarupaa Nirdwaitaa Dwaita Varjitaa/
Annadaa Vasudaa Vriddhha Brahmaatmyaikya Swarupini,
Brihati Brahmani Braahmi Brahmaanandaa Balipriyaa/
Bhaashaa rupaa Brihatsenaa Bhaavaabhaava vivarjitaa,
Sukhaaraadhyaa Shubhakari Shobhanaa Sulabhaagatih/
Rajarajeswari Raajya daayini Raja vallabhaa,
Rajatkripaa Raaja Peetha nijaashritaah/

(Vishwa garbha or the Universe is in her; Swarna garbha or the Mother of Vedas and
Bijaaksharaas; Avarada or opposite of Varada / Bestower; Vaagadhishwari or Saraswati;
Dhyana gamya ot the Target of Meditation; Aparicchedyaa or Undividable; Jnaanada or the
Giver of Knowledge; Jnaana Vigraha or the Epitome of Jnana; Sarva Vedanta Samvedya or
All the means of Knowledge like Vedas and Vedaangas are meant only to realise Devi;
Satyaananda Swarupini or the Form of Truth and Happiness; Lopaamudraachita or
worshipped by Devi Lopamudraa the wife of Agastya; Leelaa Klipta Brahmaanda mandalaa
or You create the several Brahhmandaas only for your happiness; Adrushya or Unseen;
Drusya rahita or Unvisionable; Vigjnaatri or the Power of Knowledge;Vedya Varjitaa or You
have nothing to see; Yogini; Yogadaa or the Giver of Yoga; Yogaananda; Yugandhara or the
Protector of Yugas or Time; Icchaa Shakti, Jnaana Shakti, Kriya Shakti Swarupini or the
Shakti of Will, Knowledge and Deed and their Forms; Sarvaadhaara; Supratishta or Well-
Established; Sat-Asat Rupa Dharini; Ashta Murti or Lakshmi-Medha-Dhara-Pushti-Gauri-
Tushti-Prabha-Dhriti; Ajaa Jaitri or the Conquerer of the Unborn or Ignorance; Loka Yatraa
Vidhayani or the Decider of Life-Circle; Ekaakini the Most Lonely; Bhuma Rupa or of the
State beyond Consciousness; Nirdwaita or Unique or The Singular; Beyond Duality;
Ananda; Vasuda or Provider of Prosperity; Vriddha or the Oldest; Brihati or Huge;
Brahmani or the Wife of Brahma or Sarswati; Brahmaananda; Bali Priya or Fond of
Sacrifices; Bhasha Rupa or The Form of Language; Brihatsena or the Possessor of Massive
Army; Sukhaaradhya or worshippable with ease; Shubhakari or the Provider of
Auspiciousness; Shobhana Sulabhaa Gatih or the easiest way of securing Salvation; Raja
Rajeswari or the Maha Raajni; Rajya Dayani or the bestower of Kingdoms; Rajya Vallabha;
Rajat Kripa or the Merciful with grace; and Raja peetha Nivesita Nijaashraya or your
devotees are seated around you on thrones of Rajyas).

Rajya Lakshmih Kosha nathaa Koshanaathaa Chaturanga Baleshwari,

Saamraajya daayani Satya sandhaa Saagara mekhalaa/
Dikshitaa Daitya shamani Sarva loka vashankari,
Sarvaardha Dhaartri Savitri Sacchidaananda Rupini/
Desakaalaa paricchinna sarvagaa Sarva Mohini,
Saraswati Shastra mayi Guhaambaa Guhya Rupini/
Sarvopaadhi vinirmuktaa Sadaa Shiva Pativrataa,
Sampradaayeshwari Saadhvi Gurumandala Rupini/
Kulotteernaa Bhagaaraadhyaa Mayaa Madhumati Mahi,
Ganaambaa Guhyakaaraadhyaa Komalaangi Gurupriyaa/
Swatantraa Sarva Tantresi Dakshinaamurti Rupini,
Sanakaadi Samaaraadhyaa Shiva Jnaana Pradaayani/
Chitkalaananda kalikaa Premarupaa Priyankari,
Naamapaaraa –yana preetaa Nandi Vidyaa Nateswari/
Midhyaa Jagadadhishtaanaa Muktidaa Muktirupini,
Laasyapriyaa Layakari Lajjaa Rambhaadi Vanditaa/
(Rajya Lakshmi! You are the Koshanathaa or the Treasurer or the Chief of Koshas or Sheaths
/ domains viz.Manomaya, Praanamaya, Annamaya, Anaandamaya and Vigyanamaya;
Chaturanga Baleswari or the Head of four types of Army viz. Cavalry, Elephantry, Chariotry
and Infantry; Samrajya dayani; Satya sandha the Upkeeper of Words and Abider of Truth;
Saagara mehala or Oceans are your girdles; Dikshita or the Initiator of Mantras; Daitya
Shamani or the Destroyer of Daityas; Sarva loka vashankari or the Administrator of all
Lokas; Sarvaartha daatri or the Bestower of Purusharthaas of Dharma-Artha-Kaama-Moksha;
Savitri; Sacchidaanada Rupini; Desa Kaala Paricchinna or Unconditioned by Space and
Time; Sarvaga or Present always and every where; Sarva Mohini or the Supreme
Enchantress; Sarasvati; Shastramayi or the Essence of Shastras; Guhamba or the Mother of
Skanda; Guhya Rupini or the Form of Secrecy; Sarvopaadhi Vinirmuktaa or beyond all
limitations and bindings; Sadasiva Paivrata; Sampradaayeswari or the Queen of Traditions;
Saadhvi or the female Sadhu; Guru mandala rupini or the Tradition of Gurus; Kulottirna or
beyond Kula or tradition; Bhagaaraadhya or worshipped by Sun; Maya or Illusion;
Madhumati or Blissful; Mahi or Bhumi; Ganaamba or Mother of Ganaas and Ganesha;
Komalangi or of delicate Body Parts; Guru Priya or the Beloved of Shiva the Adi Guru;
Swarantra or Independent; Sarva Tantreshi or the Ruler of Tantras; Dakshinamurti Rupini or
manifested as Shiva’s Form as Adi Guru; Sanakadi Samaaraadhya or worshipped by Maha
Munis like Sanaka; Shiva jnaana pradaayani or the provider of Shiva Tatwa or Awareness;
Chitkala or Pure Consciousness; Ananda Kalika or the inhabitant of joy; Prema Rupa; Naama
paaraayana preeta or is fond of recitation of her names; Nandi Vidya or the Mantra by which
Nandeswara pleased her; Nateswari or the Queen of NatyaShastra; Midhyaa Jagadadhistaana
or the Presider of the Illusory Universe; Muktidaa or the Provider of Salvation; Mukti Rupini
or the Form of Salvation; Lasya Priya or fond of Cosmic Dance; Layakari or the
Pralayakaarini; Lajja or Modesty; and Rambhaadi vandita or worshipped by Apsaras like

Bhavadaava Sudhaa Vrishtih Paapaaranya Davaanalaa,

Dourbhaagya toolavaatulaa Jaraa-dhvaantaravi prabhaa/
Bhyagyaabhi chandrikaa Bhakta chittha keki Ghanaa Ghana,
Roga Parvatadambholirmrityudaaru kuthaarikaa/
Maheshwari Maha Kaali Mahaa Graasaa Mahaashana,
Aparnaa Chandikaa Chandamundaasura nishudini/
Ksharaksharaatmika Sarva Lokeshi Vishwa dhaarini,
Trivarga dhaatri Subhagaa Traimbikaa Trigunaatmikaa/
Swargaapa vargadaa Shuddhaa Japaapapushpa nibhaakrutih,
Ojovati Dyutidharaa Yagjna rupaa Priyavrataa/
Duraaraadhyaa Duraadharshaa Paatali Kusumapriyaa,
Mahati Meru nilayaa Mandaara kusuma priyaa/
Veeraaraadhyaa Viraadrupaa Virajaa Vishwato mukhi,
Pratyakgrupaa Paraakaashaa Praanadaa Praana rupini/
Maartaanda Bhairavaaraadhyaa Mantrininyasta raajyadhuh,
Tripureshi Jaatsenaa nistraigunyaa Paraaparaa/

(Bhavadaava Sudhaa Vrishtih or the rain of Amrita drowns the forest of Samsaara;
Paapaaranya dawaanala or the Fire broken in the Forest would destroy the woods of sins;
Jaraadhwaanta Ravi prabhaa or old age is dispersed by the emerging Surya’s rays; Bhakta
Chitta keki gahanaa ghana or as a Peacok dances at the sight of clouds on the Sky, Lalita
Devi prompts devotees to dance with their devotion; Roga Parvata Dambholi or Devi
smashes diseases of the mind and body of devotees; Mrityu daaru kuthaarika Devi! You are
the axe that brings down the tree of death; Maheshwari! Maha Kaali! Mahaa Graasaa or the
gigantic heap of Food; Mahaashana or the huge serve of food to the devotees; Aparna or She
who paid penance to Shiva even without eating leaves; Chandika or furious with the Evil;
Chanda Mundaasura Nishudini or the Terminator of the Asuras called Chanda and Munda;
Kshara ksharaatmika or of the Swarupa of both destructible and indestructible forms; Sarva
Lokeshi; Vishwa dhaarini or who covers all the Lokaas with her shield; Trivarga Dhaatri or
the Upholder of Dharma-Artha-and Kaama; Subhaga or the Form of Surya; Traimbika or the
Three Eyed of Surya-Chandra and Agni; Trigunaatmika or of the Swarupa of Satwa-Raajasa-
Tamo gunaas; Swargaapavarga -daa or the provider of Swarga of Happiness for a limited
period till the Punya Phala is drained but Apavarga is everlasting Salvation; Suddha; Ojovati
or the giver of vitality; Dyuti- dhara or the provider of illumination of knowledge; Yajna
Swarupa; Priya Vrata or Devi likes all kinds of Vratas; Duraaraadhyaa or She does not
encourage worship by those who are unable to control their own misgivings; Duraadharsha
or does not assist those who out of evil influences refuse to reform themselves; Paatali
Kusuma Priya or Devi likes Paatali flowers; Meru nilaya or Meru Mountain is her Place of
stay; Mandara Kusuma Priya; Veeraa- raadhyaa or worshipped by the courageous; Vitat Rupa
or of Macro Form; Viraja or without Rajasika Guna; Vishwato mukhi or directly facing the
Universe; Pratyagrupa or introvert; Paraakaasha or the Ultimate Cosmos; Pranada or the Life-
giver; Prana Rupini or the very life; Martanda Bhavravaaraadhya or the one worshipped by
Bhairava named Martanda [ Of the other Bhayairavas are stated to be Kaala Bhairava,
Kshetrapala Bhairava, Ruru Bhairava, Chanda Bhairava, Asitanga Bhairava, Krodha
Bhairava and Unmatta Bhairava]; Mantran –yasta Rajyadhuh or she entrusts the duties of
administration to her Minister Raja Shyamala; Tripuresi; Jayatsena or she has her ever-
victorious divine army; Nistraigunya or unscathed by the Three Gunas and Paraapara or the
Ultimate Reality).

Satyajnaananda Rupaa Saamararya Paraayanaa,

Kapardini Kalaamaalaa Kaamadhuk Kaama rupini/
Kalaanidhih Kaavya Kalaa Rasajnaa Rasa sevadhih,
Pushtaa Puraatanaa Pujyaa Pushkaraa Pushkarekshanaa/
Param Jyotih Paramdhaama Paramaanuh Paraatparaa,
Paasha hastaa Paasha hantri Paramantra Vibhedini/
Murtaamurtaa Nitya tripaa Muni Maanasa hamsikaa,
Satya vrataa Satya rupaa Sarvaantaryaamini Sati/
Brahmaani Brahma janani Bahu rupaa Budhaarchitaa,
Prasavitri Prachandaajnaa Pratishthaa Prakataakritih/
Praaneswari Praana daatri Panchaasatpeetha rupini,
Vishunkhalaa Viviktasthaa Veeramaataa viyatprashuh/
Mukundaa Mukti nilayaa Mula Vigraha rupini,
Bhaavajnaa Bhava rogaghnee Bhava Chakra pravartini/
Chhandassaaraa Saastra saaraa mantra saaraa Taloari,
Udaara keerti ruddhaama Vaibhavaa Varna rupini/

(Devi! Your characteristics are Truth-Knowledge-Bliss; desirous of maintaining the equal

eminence of Shiva; Kapardni! Kalaa maalaa! Kamadhuk or Kamadhenu; Kama Rupini!
Kalaa Nidhi! Kavya kalaa! Rasajna or proficient in tastes; Rasa Sevadhi or Sea of bliss;
Pushta or well-nurtured; Puratana; Pujya; Pushkara or the Sacred Tirtha by that name;
Pushhkarekshana or with charming eyes like lotus-petals; Parama Jyoti or the Supreme
Luminosity that provides radiance to Surya-Chandra-Agni; Parama dhaama or the zenith
point where Devi resides; Paramaanu or the infinitesimal atom; Paraatpara or Out of reach to
the Peak; Pasha Hasta or Pasha in her hand; Paasha hantri or the smasher of bonds;
Paramamtra vibhedini or the demolisher of Evil Mantras; Murtaamurtaa or Perceptible and
Imperceptible Forms; Nitya Triptaa or always satisfied with services tendered with devotion;
Muni Maanasa Hamsikaa or is like a female Swan swimming in the pious minds of Sages;
SatyaVrata;Satya Rupa; Sarvaantaryamini; Bhaahmani; Brahma Janani; Bahu Rupa;
Budhaarchita or worshipped by Jananis or the Enlightened; Prasavitri or the one who
delivers; Prachanda Ever Irated; Pratishtha or of well-established prestige; Prakataakriti or
well experienced Form; Praaneswari; Praana daatri or Provider of Life Force; Panchaashat
Peetha Rupini or the Seat of fifty six alphabet letters from ‘A’ to ‘Ksha’; Vishrunkhala or free
from shackles; Viviktastha or readily realisable in Sacred Places; Vira Mata! Viyatprashuh or
who created Akasha; Mukunda; Mukti Niyaya or of Five Kinds of Mukti viz. Salokya,
Saamipya; Saarupa, Saayujya and Brahma; Mula Vigraha Rupini or the Very Original
Sourcer of all kinds of Energies; Bhaavajna o r who knows the Bhaavas or thoughts and the
Reality; Bhava Rogaghni or the destroyer of all types of dieases; Bhava chakra Pravartini or
the Animator of the Cycle of births and deaths; Talodari! you have the Nether Lokas in your
belly! You are the Essence of Chhandaas or Prosody-the Essence of Shastras; the Essence of
Mantras and you enjoy Keerti and unending magnificence as also the Embodiment of
Varnaas and Vedas).

Janmamrityu jaraatapa Jana vishraanti daayini,

Sarvopanishadudghushtaa Santyateeta kalaatmika/
Gambheera Gaganaantastha Garvitaa Gaanalolupaa,
Kalpanaatahitaa Kaashtaakaantaa Kantaardha Vigrahaa/
Karya kaarana nirmuktaa Kaamakeli tarangitaa,
Kanatkanaka taatankaa Leelaa vigraha dhaarini/
Ajaa Kshaya vinirmuktaa Mugdhaa Kshipra prasaadini,
Antarmukha Samaaraadhyaa Bahirmukha sudurlabhaa/
Trayee Tri –varga nilayaa Tristhaa Tripuramaalini,
Niraamayaa Niuraalambaa Swaatmaaraamaa Sudhaa srutih/
Samsaara panka nirmagna samuddharana Panditaa,
Yagnapriyaa Yagna kartri Yajamaana Swarupini /
Dharmaadhaaraa Dhanaadhyakhsaa Dhana Dhaanya vivardhini,
Vipra Priyaa Vipra rupaa Vishwa bhramana kaarini/
Vishwa graasaa Vidrumaabhaa Vaishnavi Vishnu rupini,
Ayoniryoni nilayaa kutasthaa Kularupini/

(Devi! You have been the Saviour of all those devotees who were smitten in the Birth-Death-
Old Age syndrome by providing them knowledge and solace; all the Upanishads had
declared that there was no duality of existence and that there was only one viz. You who were
Santyatita Kalaatmika or the Singular Force, Gambhira or Complex to Know, Gaganaantasta
or present in Sky and Space beyond; Garvita or rightfully proud as the Cause and Creation;
You were lost in the resonance of Sama Vedaa; Kalpanaa Rahita or of Pure Consciousness;
Kaashtha or the Target to reach; Aakaanta or Anantha; Kaantaardha Vigraha or Artha
Naareeswara; Karya Kaarana Nirmukta or Devoid of Cause and Effect; Kamakeli tarangita or
engaged in constant play with Shiva; Kanatkanaka Tatanka or of sparkling golden ear- rings;
Leelaa Vigraha Dhaarini or You change many Forms for your own fun; Aja or birthless;
Kshaya vinirmuktaa or devoid of degeneration; Mugdhaa or Unassuming; Kshipra Prasaadini
or the Provider of her kindness to her devotees; Antarmukha Samaaraadhyaa or who could
be worshipped through introspection; but you are difficult to be realised only by external
services without that firm faith; Trayi or of the personification of Three Vedas of Ruk-Yajur-
Saamaa; Trivarga nilaya or of Three Gunas; Tripura Malini, Niraamaya or of no ill health;
Niraalamba or Niraadhaara / supportless; Swatmaaraama or Self-delighted; Sudhaa Shruti or
the Stream of Bliss experienced from one’s own devotion; Samsara panka nirmagna
Samuddharana Pandita or Devi! You are an expert to lift up sincere devotees from the
quagmire of Samsara just as Bhagavan Varaha rescued Bhu Devi from Rasaatala! You are
Yagna Priya, Yagna Kartri and Yajamaana Swarupini; You are Dharmaadhaara; Dhaana -
adhyaksha; Dhana Dhaanya Vivarthini or the Developer of wealth and food; You are Vipa
Priya; Vipra Rupa; Vishwa Bhramama Kaarini or rotates the wheel of travel round the World
involving Jeevas; You are also Vishwa graasa or the Rotator of the various lokas till Pralaya
halts the wheel; Vidrumaabhaa or the radiance of coral from the Vidruma Tree of
Knowledge; Vaishnavi; Vishnu Rupini; Ayoniryoni nilaya or the Root Cause being the first
triangle of Shri Chakra and the Source of the Causes; Kutastha or the Peak of Ignorance;
Devi! You are Kula Rupini in the normal sense of Varnaashrama but also referring to Kula
being Mulaadhaara Chakra).

Veera goshthipriya Veera Naishkarmyaa naada Rupini,

Vigjnaana Kakalaa Kalyaa Vidagdhaa Baindavaasanaa/
Tatwaadhikaa Tatwmayi Tatwamadtha Swarupini,
Saamagaana priya Soumya Sadaa Shiva Kutumbini/
Savyaapasavya maargasthaa Sarvaapadvinivaarini,
Swasthaa Swabhaava madhuraa Dhiraa Dhira samarchitaa/
Chaitanyaarghya sanaara –adhyaa Chaitanya Kusumapriya,
Sadoditaa Sadaa Tushtaa Tarunaaditya Paatalaa/
Dakshinaa Dakshinaaraaghyaa Darasmera mukhaambujaa,
Koulini Kevalaanarghya Kaivalya ada daayani/
Stortapriyaa Stutimati Shruti samstuta vaibhavaa,
Manasvinimaanavati Maheshi Mangalaakritih/
Vishwa Maataa Jagaddhaatri Visaalaakshi Viraagini,
Pragalbhaa Paramodaaraa Paraamodaa Manomayi/
Vyomakeshi Vimaanasthaa Vajrini Vaamakeswari,
Pancha Yagna priyaa Pancha preta manchaadhi shayani/

(Viragoshthi priya or Devi is interested in the Advanced ‘Upaasakaas’ or concentrated

Meditators and their goshti or discourses; Veera! as you had killed Bhandasura; Naishkarmya
or without any action since no action is to be done by her seriously; Nadarupini or Shabda
Brahma; Vigjnaana kalana kalya or perceiving Knowledge by way of ‘Atmaanubhava’;
Vidagdha or proficient; Baindavaasana or seated in ‘Bindu’ or the central point of Shri
Chakra the precise place of Shiva; Tatwaadhika or surpassing the zones of Tatwa like
Shabda, Sprarsha and so on; Tatwamayi or however She is the Sarva Tatwa Swarupa;
Tatwamartha Swarupini or the symbol of what Tatwa is all about; Saama gaana priya;
Soumya; Sada Shiva Kutumbini or the entirety of ‘Charaachara Srishti’! Savyaapasaya
Maargasthaa or the Savya Marga or Dakshina Marga followed by Sages, Brahmanas and
Maharshis but Apasavya Marga is followed by Bhairavas and so on called Vaama marga;
Sarvaapad vinivaarini or eliminator of disasters; Swastha or Self- Established; Swabhava
Madhura or of Natural Pleasantness; Dhira or courageous; Dhira Samarchita or worshipped
by the dauntless but not by timid or foolish; Chaitanyaarghya Samaaraadhyaa or worshipped
by those who are enlightened with Sacred Water; Chaitanya Kusuma Priya or Devi enjoys
being offered ‘Atma Jnaana’ as a flower of worship; Sadoditaa : Devi is always in the fresh
memory of her devotees; Sadaa Tusthaa or always gratified due to reverences paid by the
devotees; Tarunaaditya Patala or she is like a rising Sun of crimson hue;
Dakshinaadakshinaaraadhya or or Devi is worshipped by Savyaapasavya marga; Darasmera
Mukhaambujaa or she is ever pleasant and smiling to devotees; Kaulini or worshipped by the
followers of the specified Tantra; Kevala or Solitary; Anarghya Kaivalya Pada daayani or
Devi bestows the matchless Kaivalya to the devotees; Stotra Priya; Stutimati or she is
possessive of such inimitable characteristics that are adorable; Shruti Samstuta Vaibhava or
the glories of Devi are commended by Vedas and Shastras; She is Manaswini or Controller of
Mind; Manavati; Maheshi; Mangalaakriti; Viswa maataa; Jagaddaatri;Vishalaakshi;
Vairaagini or detached; Pragalbha or dominant; Paramodaara or highly liberal; Paraamoda or
of Ultimate Gladness; Manomayi or of Pure Mind; Vyomakeshi or Aakaasha as her hair;
Vimanastha; Vajrini; Vaamakeshwari or worshipped by Vaamakeshwara Tantra; Panchagni
priya or of worship to Deva, Pitara, Brahma, Bhuta and Manushya; Panchapreta Manchaadhi
shayani or of Five Pretas viz. Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Sada Shiva and Maheswara).

Panchami Pancha Bhutesi Pancha samkhyopachaarini,

Shaswati Shashwataishravyaa Sharmadaa Shambumohini/
Dharaa Dharasutaa Dhanyaa Dharmini Dharma vardhini,
Lokaatita Gunaatitaa Sarvaatita Shamatmika/
Bandhuka Kusuma prakhyaa Baalaa Lilaa Vinodini,
Sumangali Sukhakari Suveshaadhyaa Suvaasini/
Suvaasinyarchana preetaa Shobhanaa Shuddha Maanasaa,
Bindu Tarpana Santushtaa Purvajaa Tripuraambikaa/
Dasha Mudraa Samaaraadhyaa Tripuraa Shri Vashankari,
Jnaana Mudraa Jnaana Gamya Jnaana Jneya Swaripini/
Yoni Mudraa Trikhandeshi Trigunaambaa Trikonagaa,
Anaghaadhbhuta Chaaritraa Vaanchitaartha Pradaayani/
Abhyaasaatishayajnaataa Shadadhwaateeta rupini,
Avyaaja Karunaa Murtiajnaana dhwaanta Deepikaa/
Aabaala Gopa Viditaa Sarvaanullanghya Shasanaa/
Shri Chakra Raaja Nilayaa Shrimat Tripura Sundari/
Shri Shivaa Shiva Shaktyaika rupini Lalitaambikaa,
Evam Shri Lalitaa Devyaa Naamnaam Saaharakam Jaguh/
Iti Shri Brahmaanda Puraaney Uttara Khandey
Shri Haya- greevaagasthya Samvaadey
Shri Lalitaa Rahasya naama Saahasra Stotra Kathanam Naama Dwiteeyodhyaayah/

(Panchami or the Spouse of the fifth Lord mentioned afore; You are Pancha Bhuteshi or the
Sovereign of Prithvi-Aapas-Tejas-Vayu-Aakasha; Pancha Samkhyopa –Charini viz. Lam
( Gandham), Ham (Pushpam), Yam (Incense), Vam (Naivedyam) and Sam (Naanaa
Vidhopachaaraan); Shaswati (Ever Lasting); Shasvathaishwarya or Eternal Wealth;
Sharmadaa (Provider of Happiness); Shambhu Mohini; Dhara or the Massive Support; Dhara
Suta or the daughter of Himavaan; Dhanyaa or the Blessed One as Shambhu Patni; Dharmini
or the Embodiment of Virtue and Truth; Dhama Vardhini or the Organiser of Dharma;
Lokaateeta or surpasser of Lokaas; Gunaatita or far beyond the Tri Gunas; Sarvaatita or
transcends Universes; Shamaatmika or the Personification of Tranquility; Bandhuka Kusuma
Prakhyaa or like the Red Bandhuka Flower; Bala or Bala Tripura Sundari; Leelaa Vinodini or
Enjoying the Playful Sport of Universal Creation and so on; Sumangali or the Most
Auspicious wedded spouse of Shiva; Sukhakari; Suveshaadhya or dressed up perfectly with
Vastra, precious jewellery, sandal paste; perfumery, betel juice in mouth and so on; Suvasini;
Suvaasinyarchana preetaa or appy to be worshipped by Suvaasinis; Asobhana or eternallly
youthful and charming; Suddha Maanasa or of Pure Heart and Thought; Bindu Tarpana
Samtushta or she is very contented by performing Bindu Tarpana in the Shri Chakra’s inner
most Chakra called Sarvaananda maya; Purvaja or the First Movement of Supreme
Consciousness of Herself; Tripuraambika; Dasa Mudra Samaaraadhya orworshipped by Ten
Mudras or hand-finger gestures [viz.Sankshobhini (Jolting), Baana (Arrow), Aakarshana
(Attraction), Vashya (Power), Unmaada (Ecstasy), Mahaankusha (the Great Goad), Khechary
( Flying),Vijayini (Victory), Trikhanda (Three Sections) and Dhanu (Bow)] ; Tripuraa Shri
Vashamkari or the Fifth Chakra of Shri Chakra; Jnaana Mudra or the Gesture of Upadesha or
Initiation forming a circle with the thumb and index fingers stretching the other fingers to
signify the Final Reality is complete; Jnaana Gamya or Jnaana is the Goal; Jnaana-Jneya
Swarupini or Lalita Devi is the Knowledge as also the Jneya or the one to Know; Yoni
Mudra one of the Mudras; Tri Khandeshi or another Mudra indicating the Unity of Tri
Khandas; Triguna; Ambaa; Tri Konagaa; Anagha or free from Sins; Adbhuta Chaaritra;
Vaanchitarta prayayani or Fulfiller of desires; Abyaasaatisaya Jnaataa or Devi could be
realised by constant practice of meditation and puja; Shadadhwatita Rupini or Six methods of
Realisation of Lalita Devi include three related to Shakti called Mantraawaas viz. Varnas,
Padaas or words and Mantras as also three Tatwaardhaas of Shiva including Kalaas, Tatwaas
and Bhuvanaas; AvyaajaKarunaa Murti referring to Maternal Affection; Ajnaana dhwaanta
deepikaa or the Great Illumination that destroys darkness / ignorance; Aabaala Gopaala
Viditaa or known to Children and even Cowherds; Sarnaanullangha Shasana or none could
ever disobey this Shasana or Ruling; This command is by Shri Chakra Raja Nilaya, Shrimat
Tripura Sundari, Shri Shiva, Shiva Shaktaika Swarupini and Shri Lalitambika!!)

Lalita Sahasra Naama Phala Shruti

Iteyna Naama Sahasramcha kathitam tey Ghatodbhavah,

Rahasyaanaam rahasyamcha Lalitaa preeti daayakam/
Anena sadrusham Stotram na Bhutam na Bhavishyati,
Sarva roga prashanam Sarva sampadprabandhakam/
Sarvaapamrityu shamanakaala Mrityu nivaarinam,
Sarvajjwaraarti shamanam Deerghayushya pradaayakam/
Putrapradamaputraanaam Purushaarthapradaayakam,
Idam Viseshaacchridevyaah Stotram Preetividhaayakam/
Japennityam Prayatnena Lalitopaasti tatparah,
Praatah Snaatwaa Vidhaanena Sandhyaa Karma samaapyacha/
Puja griham tato gatwaa Chakra Raajam samarchyayet,
Japey sahasram vaa Trishatam shatameyvacha/

(Agastya Muni! Recitation of this highly Sacred and Secret Lalita Sahasra-naama Stotra is
unparalleled either in the Past or in Future. This Stotra prevents diseases, untimely and
nagging deaths, extends life, bestows progeny and fulfills the Purushardhaas of Dharma-
Artha-Kaama-Moksha.Hayagrivadeva strongly advised that one should make a sincere effort
to recite the Stotra after purifying the body and mind, enter the Puja Griha, perform the
Sandhyaa Vandana and Gayatri Japa, worship the Shri Chakra formally and then recite the
Devi Lalita Sahasra Naamaavali. The Punya that is accrued by bathing in Sacred Rivers like
Ganga innumerable times or the Fruit secured by performing Prathishta of countless Shiva
Lingas in Varanasi or the Phala secured by giving away Daanaas during Surya Grahana or
Solar Eclipse at Kurukshetra would indeed exceed the Recitation of the Sahasra Naama.
Digging wells and water bodies in deserts, performing Ashwamedha Yagnas on the banks of
Ganga, organising ‘Anna Daanaas’to several Brahmanas, would all far exceed the Punya
gained by the Recitation. Reciting even one Stanza of the Stotra would suffice to demolish
serious sins, especially neglecting daily duties and continuously and conciously resorting to
confirmed deeds of vice. It is like going to Himalayas to get rid of biting cold would be as
infructuous as demolishig sins by means other than of reciting the Sahasra Naama! The Phala
Shruti futher stated that the Recitation of the Stotras would be specially fruiful on Sacred
days of Sankraanti, Vishu, birthdays of Self and near-dears, Navamis, Chaturdashis,
Purnimas and on all Fridays. On Purnami evenings one could vision Devi Lalita in the
Chandra Bimba and recitation at that time would provide far-reaching fruits of worship of
which Devi Sahasranama is a significant input.

Sarva vyaadhi nivruttvartham Sprushtwaa Bhasma Japedidam

Tadbhasma dhaaranaadeva nashyanti Vyaadhayah Kshanaat!

(To overcome all kinds of ailments, one should apply bhasma or ash on the body of the
patient concerned by reciting the Stotra and indeed the latter would recover as soon as the
Recitation is over. Persons affected by ‘Graha Peedaas’ or obstacles posed by Nava Grahas
are bathed in the waters collected by vessels would soon be freed from the Planetary
Aberrations. Even poison in the body would melt away by consuming water infused with the
Mantras. A ‘kanya’ of one’s desire for a man, or a childless woman intensely craving for a
child, a bhakta desirous of overcoming ‘dushta prayogaas’ of Low Class and Abhicharika
Shaktis, a devoted person who is a victim of theives and robbers or any such devotees of
need, or redressal or justice are all well advised to most earnestly worship Lalita Devi who
would fulfil all human aspirations with certainty.



Shrimatcchanadana Charchitojjolavapuh Shuklamabara dharaa Mallika Malaa Lalitha kuntalaa

pravila sanmuktaavali shobhanaa/ Sarva jnaana nidhana pustakadharaa Rudrakshamalaankita
Vagdevi vadanambujey vasatumey trailokya Mataa shubhaa/

(Devi Maha Saraswati! You possess a radiant physique smeared with the cool and fragrant
sandalwood paste attired in spotless white clothing wearing garlands of aromatic jasmine flowers
around the neatly arranged head hair lock of yours and is ornamented with impeccable pearl
necklaces. Indeed you are the epitome of wisdom carrying books of knowledge adorned with strings
of Rudraksha Beads. You are the unique Goddess of Voice and Speech; the Lotus Faced and the
Lotus Resider ; and the Mother of the Three Worlds of Earth, Nether and Higher Realms being the
most auspicious and the benevolent.)

Narada Uvaacha

Bhagavan Parameshaana Sarva Lokaika Nayaka, Katham Saraswati Saakshaat prasannaa

Parameshthinah/ Katham Devyaa Maha Vagyaah Satatpraapa sudurlabham, Yetanmey Vada tatvena
Maha Yogeshwara Prabho/

(Sage Narada requested Sanat Kumara Maharshi the Maha Yogeshwara to delineate in detail the
features of Devi Saraswati the merciful who is none too difficult to learn about, yet so complex to
understand in depth and much less to accomplish).

Shri Sanat Kumara Uvacha

Saadhu pushtam twayaa Brahman Guhyaadguhya manuttamam, Bhayaanugopitam yatnaadidaanim

Satprakaashyatey/ Puraa Pitaamaham drushtwaa jagatsthaavara jangamam, Nirvikaram
Niraabhaasam stambhi bhutamachetasam/ Srushtwaa Trailokyamakhilam Vaagabhaavaatathaa
vidham, Adhikyaabhavatah swasya Parameshthi Jajadguruh/ Divyavarshaayutam tena tapo
dushkaramuttamam, Tatah kadaachisanjaataa Vaani Sarvaartha shobhitaa/ Ahamasmi Maha Vidyaa
Sarva Vaachaamadhishwari, Mama Naamnaam Sahasramtu Upadeshyaamyanuttamam/ Anena
samstutaa nityam patnitava bhavaamyaham, Twayaa srashtam Jagatsarvam Vaani yuktam
bhabishyati/ Idam rahasyam Paramammama naama sahasrakam, Sarva paapougha shamanam
Mahaa Saarasvata pradam/ Mahakavitwadam lokey Vaageeshatwapradaayakam, Twamvaa parah
Pumaanyastastustaveynaanena toshayet/ Tasyaaham kinkari saakshaat bhavishyaami na samshayah,
Ityuttkavaanantardadhey Vaani tadaarabhya Pitaamahah/ Stutwaa stotrenaa divyena tatpatitwa
mavaaptavaan, Vaaniyuktam Jagatsarvam tadaarabhyaabhaven Muney/ Tatteyham sampravak –
shyaami shrunu yatnena Narada, Saavadhaanamanaa bhutwaa kshanaam shuddho Muneshwarah/

(Narada!This utmost confidential narration of the features of Devi Saraswati is indeed worthy of
learning by all the persons of virtue as that is not only the effective medium to smash all kinds of
fears and impediments but also to pave the smooth way for achieving shining success of possible
endeavours. In the times immemorial, Lord Brahma noticed ‘Sthavara jangamas’ or the Moveable or
Immobile Beings and after meditation to the Almighty for innumerable Divya Years and at long last
succeeded in the creation of the Three Lokas when Devi Vani the Unique Shakti manifested by

herself as the Maha Vidya or the Embodiment of Immortal Knowledge as the Goddess of Learning
and Vocal Powers. I am now instructing you now the Thousand and Odd Names of Saraswati for the
benefit of the posterity so that the latter could live with confidence and self reliance. The inhabitants
of the next generations of the Worlds would indeed be enlightened and blessed with this following
Script of the ‘Maha Saaraswatwa’ and ‘Vaagishatwa’ – the essence of Saraswati Vidya and of
Vaageswari Tatwa as they would be highly contented undoubtedly. The inner voice initiated by
Pitamaha Brahma got expressed as Stutis and Stotras of Devi Saraswati ever since then. Narada! Do
concentrate the following with earnestness and with clean conscience).

Vaagvani Varada Vandya Varaaroha Varaprada, Vrittirvaageeshwari Vaartaa Varaa Vageesha

vallabha/ Vishveshwari Vishya Vandya Vishwesha Priya Kaarini, Vaagvaadineecha Vaagdevi
Vriddhidaa Vriddhi kaarini/ Vriddhir Vriddhaa Vishaghni cha Vrishtirvrishti pradaayani, Vishwa –
araadhya Vishwa Maata Vishwadhaatri Vinaayaka/ Vishwa Shaktir Vishwasaaraa Vishwaa Vishya
vibhaavari, Varenyaa Vangmayi Vriddhaa Vishishta Priyakaarini/ Vishwato Vadanaa Vyaaptaa
Vyaapini Vyaapakaatmika, Vyaalaghni Vyaala bhushaani Virajaa Veda naayikaa/ Veda Vedaanta
Samvedyaa Vedaanta Jnaana Rupini,Vibhaavaricha Vikranta Vishwaamitra Vidhi Priya/ Varishthaa
Viprakrishta cha Vipravarya prapujita, Vedarupa Veda Mayi Veda Murtischa vallabha/

(Om Vaachey namah : Salutations to the Goddess of Speech ; Vaani the Deity of Voice; Varada or the
Provider of Boons; Vandya the Devi most worthy of sincere greetings; Varaaroha or the One who
rides all over and shovers boons; Varaprada the bestower of windfalls; Vritti or the embodiment of
Profession and Career; Vaageeswari or the Queen of Conversation; Vaarta or the Symbol of
Intelligence and of Business; Vara the Bonus; Vaageesa vallabha or the Sovereign of Expression;
Vishweswari the Empress of the Universe; Vishwa vandya or the most deserving of prayers and
beseechings; Vishwesa Priya Kaarini or the Cause of Happiness to the Over Lord of the Universe;
Vaagvaadini or the Supreme Entity of Analysis and Eloquence; Vaakdevi or the Goddess of
Vocabulary and Communication; Vriddhida or the Provider of Growth and Progress; Vriddhikaarini
or the Prime Source of Advancement; Vriddhi Vriddhaa or the Ageless in bestowing constant
Improvement and Development; Vishaghni or the destroyer of every thing poisonous; Vrishti or
Progress;Vrishti pradayani or the Originator of Growth ; Vishwaaraadhyaa or the One who is
worshipped by the totality of the Universe; Vishwa Maata the Mother of Creation and Life; Vishwa
dhaatri the Supreme Fulcrum of the Universe; Vinayaka or the Destroyer of all Obstacles; Vishwa
Shakti or the Unique Power of the Universe; Vishwa saraa or the Quintessence of the Universe;
Vishwa or the Manifestation of Universe; Vishwa Vibhavari or the darkness (negation) of the
Universe so that the Illumination of Knowledge is appreciated; Vedanta Vedini or the Erudite Master
of Vedas; Vedya the Learned par excellence; Vitta the Symbol of Wealth; Veda Trayaatmika or the
Soul of the Three Vedas of Ruk-Yajur-Saama; Vedajna or She who surpasses Vedas; Veda Janani or
the Mother Goddess of Vedas; Vishwa or the Creation Itself; Vishwa Vibhavari or the Absence of
Universe without her is non-perceivable ; Varenya or the Peak of Excellence and Distinction;
Vaangmayi or the Symbol of Elegant Voice; Vriddha or the Embodiment of Progress; Visishta
Priyakarini or the Distinguished Source of Happiness; Vishwatovadana or the Prime Face the
Universe; Vyapta or the All Pervasive; Vyapakatmika or the Omni Present; Vyalaghni the Destroyer
of the Wicked and Vicious; Vyala Bhushani or the Ornamented with Poisonous Snakes; Viraja or the
Impassioned and Placid; Vedanayika or the Supreme Chief of Vedas; Veda Vedanta Samvedya or the
Master of the Four Vedas of Ruk-Yajur-Saama-Adharvanas and of the Six Vedangas of Siksha or the
Science of Pronounciation and Articulation, Chandas or the Science of Prosody, Vyakarana or of
Grammar, Nirukta or the ulterior explanation of Veda Sentences and Words, Jyotisha or the Science

of Astronomy, Kalpa or the explanations of Rituals and Ceremonies; Vedanta Jnaana Rupini or the
Personification of the Knowledge of Vedanta comprising explanations of Vedas in the form of
Upanishads, the Six prominent Darshanas signifying the Systems of Philosophy, Meemaamsa etc;
Vibhavaricha or the Form of Nothingness or of Ignorance or Maya the Illusion; Vikranta or the All
Overcoming Power of Victory; Vishwamitra or the Companion and Guide of the Universe; Vidhipriya
or the Enforcer and Ruler of destiny as per one's own Karma or Action; Varishtha or the Ultimate;
Viprakrishta or the One who entices Brahmanas; Vipravarya prapujita or worshipped by the high
echelons of Brahmanas; Veda Rupa or the epitome of Brahmanas; Vedamayi or the System of Vedas;
Veda Murtischa or the Ingredient of Vedas; Vallabha or the Beloved or the Supreme).

Om Hreem Guru Rupey Maam Grihna Grihna Aim Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaaha

Gouri Gunavati Gopya Gandharva Nagara Priya, Guna Maataa Gunaantasthaa Gururupa
Gurupriya/ Giri Vidya Gaanatushta Gaayaka Priyakaarini,Gayatri Girishaaraadhyaa Girisha Giri
priyankari/ Girijnaa Jnaana Vidya cha Girirupa Girishwari, Girmatrey Gana samstutya Gananiya
Gunaanvita/ Goodha Rupaa Guhaa Gopyaa Gorupa Gowrgunatmika, Gurvi Gurvambika Guhya
Geyaja Griha naashani/ Grihini Grihadoshaghni Navaghni Guruvatsala, Grihatmika
Grihaaraadhyaa Griha badhaa vinaashani/ Gangaa Giri sutaa Gamyaa Gajayaanaa Guhastuta,
Garudaasana samsevyaa Gomati Guna Shaalini/

(Devi Saraswati! You are Gauri or of wheatish complexion symbolic of Purity or an alternative form
of Devi Parvati; Gunavati or of excellent features; Gopya or Unrevealed or Unknown; Gandharva
nagara priya or Devi who is fond of Gandharvas for their extraordinary qualities of Singing especially
related to Saama Veda as also Music and Dance; Guna Mata or the Mother of the Trigunas viz.
Sattwa-Rajo-Tamasika and their variations; Gunaantastha or the One concealed in the Trigunas;
Gururupa or the Supreme Teacher of the Universe; Gurupriya or the Beloved of Brahma the Utmost
Preceptor; Giri Vidya the Mountain like Form of Abundant Vidyas or Knowledge spread across
fourteen Components viz. Four Vedas, six Angas, Dharma, Meemaamsa, Tarka/ Nyaaya and Puranas
Gaana tushta or She who is contented with Song, Singing and Music; Gaayaka Priya kaarini or the
Creator of the Topmost Singers and those fond of celestial music; Gayatri or the Sacred Hymn of Om
Tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo Devasya dheemahi dhiyoyona prachodayaat composed and recited in
Gatatri Chhandas and stated to expiate sins and impediments repetitively as per one’s capacity and
with dedication; Girishaaraadhya or Devi Saraswati as worshipped by Lord Shiva Himself; Girisha or
Parama Shiva the Alternate Form of Saraswati Herself; Giri Priyankari or the One who is extremely
fond of Shiva-Parvati pair; Girijnaa or possessive of the full knowledge of Parvati and Shiva; Jnaana
Vidya or the full knowledge of philosophy that connects humanity and the Supreme; Giri Rupa or of
the Mountainous / Gigantic Form ; Girishwari or of the Devi Parvati Swarupa; Girmatrey or the
Image of Devi Parvati; Gaana samstutyaa or the One who is invoked by hymns of tributary praises;
Gananeeya or the Distinctive and Illustrative; Gunaanvita or of Virtuous Excellence and Eminence;
Goodha Rupa or of Concealed appearance; Guha or of the Swarupa of Lord Subrahmanya; Gopyaa or
of Invisible Nature; Gorupaa or of the Hallowed Form of a Cow representative of Sacredness and
immense utility; Gourguanaatmika or of the Characteristic of purity and transparency; Gurvi the
Instructor par excellence; Gurvambika the Goddess Guide to the path of Righteousness and Morality;
Guhya or the Unknown yet Actual; Geyaja or the Greatest example of a Singer; Griha naashani the
destroyer of Families of disrepute; Grihini or the exemplary house wife; Grihadoshaghni or the
demolisher of harmful defects and evils of a family and household; Navaghnai-literally a trap or the
cracker of impediments and disorders; Guru Vatsala or the affectionate mother / teacher figure to
children and innocent; Grihamika or the Guiding Soul of Families and Households; Grihaaraadhyaa or
the Worship worthy Devata of each and every household; Griha baadhaa vinaashani or the Eliminator
of all kinds of house- hold problems and difficulties; Devi Saraswati! You are akin to Ganga who is
swift and clean in purifying all the Beings in Creation; Giri Suta or like the offspring of Giri or
Parvati; Gamya the Single Final Goal that all the Beings on Srishti crave to reach; Gajayaana or the
Devi who rides an elephant with steadiness and surety; Guha stuta or Commended by Shiva Kumara
always; Garudaasana Samsevyaa or worshipped and served by Garuda Deva the Celestial Carrier of
Maha Vishnu; Gomati or the Sacred River by that name; Guna shaalini or of the One possessive of
virtuous features and qualities).

Om Aim Namah Sharadey Shreem Shuddhey Namah Sharadey Aim Vada Vada Vagvadini

Sharadaa Shaswati Shaivi Shankari Shankaraatmika, Shri Sharvaani Shataghni cha Sharaschandra
nibhaanana/ Sharmishtha Shamanaghnicha Shata Saahasrarupini, Shiva Shambhupriya Shraddhaa
Shruti rupaa Shrutipriya/ Shuchishm,ati Sharmakari Shuddhidaa Shuddhi rupini, Shiva Sivankara
Suddha Shivaaraadhyaa Shivatmika/ Shrimati Shrimayi Shraavyaa Shruti Sharavana gochara,
Shantisshaanti kari Shanti Shantichaara Priyankari/ Sheela labhyaa Sheelavati Shrimaataa Shubha
kaarini, Shubha Vaani Shuddha Vidyaa Shuddha Chitta prapujita/ Shrikari Shuta paapaghni
Shubhaakshi Shuchi vallabhaa, Shivetaraghni Shabari Shravaneeya Gunaanvitaa/ Shara Shirisha
pushpaabhaa Shama -nishthaa Shamaatmika, Shamaanvitaa Shamaaraadhyaa Shiti kantha
prapujitaa/ Shuddhihi Shuddhi kari Shreshthaa Shrutaanantaa Shubhaavaha, Saraswati cha
Sarvagjnaa Sarva Siddhi Pradaayani/

(Sharada the bashful and modest as stated literally or the Full Moon Kartika Month; but in this context
the Deity Saraswati as the Epitome of Vidya and Wisdom; Shaswati or the Ageless and Permanent;
Shaivi or the beloved of Shiva in the Form of Devi Parvati; Shankari or the Spouse of Shankara again
in the Appearance of Parvati; Shankaratmika or once again in the Form of Devi Gauri; Shri or in the
Form of Devi Lakshmi; Sharvani or as Durga the Consort of Shiva; Shataghni or the hundred edged
thunderbolt of Indra with the prowess of destroying hundreds of demons in one shot; *Sharaschandra
nibhaanana or of the visage of Autumnal Moon akin to a white Lotus ;

*[The Seasons are Vasanta/Spring/Chaitra-Vaishakha/ Feb 19-April 19 approx; Greeshma/ Summer/

Jyeshtha-Ashadha/ April 20-June 21 approx; Varsha/Monsoon/Shravana-Bhadrapada/ June 22-Aug
22 approx; Sharad/Autumn/Ashwin-Kartika/ Aug 23-Oct 22 approx; Hemanta/ Pre Winter/
Margasirsha-Pushya/Oct 23-Dec 21 approx; and Sishira/Winter/Magha-Phalguna/Dec22-Feb18

*Sharmishtha the epitome of Loyalty and Modesty;

*[Sharmishtha was the younger wife of King Yayati of Maha Bharata fame the elder wife being
Devayani the haughty daughter of Shukracharya the Rakshasa Guru. Sharmishtha the daughter of a
Rakshasa King was liked immensely by the King and Devayani’s father Shukracharya cursed the
King to become old unless any of the sons agreed to exchange his youth to Yayati’s old age;
Devayani’s son Yadu refused but Puru the son of Sharmishthya agreed to exchange his youth to
Yayati’s old age];

Shamanaghni or the Subduer of Situations of undue placidity where ever needed; Shata sahasra
rupinyai or She assumes hundred thousand forms simultanenously; Shiva the incarnation of
Auspiciousness; Shambhupriaya or the One extremely fond of Shambhu Deva; Shraddha the emblem
of Patience and Sacrifice; Shruti Rupa or the personification of Shrutis / Vedas; Shruti priya or She
who is eager to hear or assimilate the content of Veda Swaras; Shutismati or She who has the mental
frame of clean thoughts and feelings; Sharmakari or She who is the provider of happiness to
Brahmanas encouraging them to affix their names with the word Sharma; Shuddhida or the Provider
of ‘Bahyaantara Shuchi’ or the external and internal purity; Shuddhi Rupini or the Crest of
Cleanliness; Shiva or Devi Saraswati in the alternate Form as Bhagavan Shiva; Shuddha or the hall-
mark of Purity and Clarity; Shivaaraadhyaa the One who worships Bhagavan Shiva; Shivatmika or
the Soul of Shiva Himself; Shrimati or the Lakshmi Swarupa being the alternate Form of Opulence
and Fulfillment; Shrimayi or the one who is surfeit with Material Possessions ; Shraavya the Provider
of the the faculty of Pleasant Hearing and Talking; Shruti or the Incarnation of Vedas; Shravana
Gochara or the Goddess of Excellent Audibility and Vision; Shanti or the image of Peace and
Tranquility; Shantikari the Bestower of Serenity and Repose; Shantichaara Priyankari or Devi
Saraswati who is delighted with Peaceful Conduct and Softness; Sheelalabhya or the one who is
attainable with character and good behaviour; Sheelavati ot the Emblem of excellent demeanour and
disposition; Shri Maata the Mother Goddess of Prosperity and Happiness; Shubhakaarini or the
Source and Benefactor of auspiciousness; Shubha Vaani or the One with Outstanding Voice of
Pleasantness and extrarordinary charm; Shuddha Vidya or the Origin of Clean Learning and of Pure
Knowledge; Suddha Chitta Prapujita or the One who is worshipped by transparent mind and heart;
Shrikari or the Provider of Wealth as an alternate form of Maha Lakshmi; Shruta paapaghni or the
eliminator of sins and blemishes perpetrated by humanity against the canons prescribed by Vedas;
Shubhakshi or the One with benign looks and eyes; Shuchivallabha or the Alternate Form of Brahma
the embodiment of Pureness; Shivetaraghni or the destroyer of the Evil Forces except Bhagavan Shiva
or His Alternate Swarupas of Brahma, Vishnu, Devis and so on; Shabari or the illustrative devotee of
Shri Rama who was the resident of ‘Dandakaranya’ awaiting the latter’s arrival for decades with
unending faith and determination; Shravaniya or the exemplary Devi who is most worthy of being
listened to and be worshipped; Gunaanvitha or the Deity who is the Manifestation of Outstanding
Characteristics and Features; Shara or Arrow representing speed and power; Shirisha Pushpaabha or
the One with a Charming Face adorned with of Sirisha Flowers; Shama nishtha or Devi dedicated to
Self-Control and Discipline; Shamatmika or the Emblem of Restraint and Composure; Sitikantha
prapujita or worshipped of Bhagavan Shiva whose epithet is black neck deposited with poisonous
flames; Shuddhi or the characterisation of Spotlessness; Shiddhikari or the Benefactor of
Transparency; Shreshtha or the Noblest and the Unsurpassed; Shrutaananta or the Infinity of Vedas;
Shubhavaha the Motif of Happiness and Fortune; Sarasvati the Maha Devi Saraswati the Supreme
Priestess of Erudition and Intellect; Sarvajna or the Omni-scient and Sarva Siddhi pradaayani or the
Provider of all kinds of faculties and powers).

Om Aim Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaaha

Sarasvati cha Savitri Sandhya Sarvepsita pradaa, Sarvartaghni Sarvamayi Sarva Vidya pradaayani/
Sarveshwari Sarva Punya Sarga Sthityanta kaarini, Sarvaraadhya Sarva Mata Sarvadeva nishevita/
Sarvaishwaryaprada Nitya Sati Satwagunashraya,Sarvakramapadakaaraa Sarvadosha nishudini/
Sahstaakshi Sahasraasya Sahasrapada samyuta, Sdahastahasta Saahasragunalaankrita vigraha/
Sahasrarupa sadrupa Swadhaa Swaaha Sudhaamayi, Shadgrandhibhedini Seva Sarvalokaika pujita/
Stutya Stutimayi Saadhya Savitrupriyakarini, Samshayacchedini Sankhyavedya Sankhyaa Sadishwari/
Siddhidaa Siddhasampujyaa Sarvasiddhipradayani, Sarvajna Sarva Shaktischa Sarvasampad-
pradayani/ Sarvaashubhaghni Sukhada Sukhasamvitswarupini, Sarvasambhashini
Sarvajagatsammohini tathaa/ Sarvapriyankari Shubhada Sarvamangala, Sarvamantramayi Sarva

Tirtha Punyaphala pradaa/ Sarvapunyamayi Sarvavyadhighni Sarvakaamada, Sarva Vighnahari
Sarva vandita Sarva Mangala/ Sarva Mantrakari Sarva Lakshmi Sarvagunaanvita, Sarvaanandamayi
Sarva Jnaanada Satya naayika/ Sarva Jnaanamayi Sarva Raajyaada Sarva Muktida, Suprabha
Sarvadaa Sarvaa Sdarvaloka Vashamkari/ Subhaga Sundari Siddha Siddhamba Siddhamatrika,
Siddhamata Siddha Vidya Siddheshi Siddharupini/ Suripini Sukhamayi Sevakapriyakaarini, Swamini
Sarvada Sevya Sthula Sukshmaa paraambika/ Saararupa Sarorupa Satyabhuta Samashraya, Sitaa
Sita Sarojaakshi Sarojaasana Vallabha/ Saroruhaabhaa Sarvaangi Surendraadi prapujita, Maha
Devi Maheshaani Mahaa Saaraswata pradaa/

(Salutations to you Devi Saraswati; *Savitri-the daughter of the Solar Deity called Savitur and the
wife of Brahma whose prayer from Rigveda viz. Gayatri Mantra is practised daily thrice by all
Dwijas or the Twice Born Brahmans after Upanayana ;

[* An allusion on Savitri was about a Royal Couple Ashwapati and Malati of Madra Desha referred in
Matsya Purana who were great devotees of Bhagavati Savitri; the latter blessed the couple with a girl
child who was named too Savitri eventually married to Prince Satyavan but in course of time the
Prince faced a sudden accident and Yama Dharma Raja was about to take his life away but the
Princess Savitri encountered Yama by virtue of her unique devotion to Bhagavati Savitri. Yama
granted the Princess Boons like eyesight to her parents, return of the father in law’s lost Kingdom and
so on, but finally was so pleased with Savitri’s Pativratya, Knowledge of Dharma / Virtue, persistence
and devotion to Bhagavati that finally he spared the life of her husband];

Devi Sandhya or Goddess governing the Ritual of worship three times a day as the Pratah-
Madhyahinka-Saayam Kaalas or of Early Morning-Mid Day-Evening; Sarvepsitaprada or the Fulfller
of desires of the Virtuous and the Truthful; Sarvaaghni or the Saviour of retributions to the faithful;
Sarvamayi the Omni Present and All Pervasive; Sarva Vidyaa Pradaayani or the Benefactor of all
types of Knowledge and Mental faculties to the well deserved; Sarveswari or the Highest Authority to
all Beings; Sarva Punya or the Personification of Abstract Punya or the Fruits or the Return
Advantages of Quality Deeds; Sarga Sthityanta Kaarini or the Creator-Preserver-and Destroyer of the
Universe; Sarvaaraadhya or the Singular Entity who is Worshipped and Worship-worthy; Sarva
Maata or the Mother of One and All; Sarva Deva Nishevita or the One possessive of and accompanied
/ backed up by all Devas; Sarvaishwaryaprada or the bestower of all kinds of affluence; Nitya or the
Everlasting; Sati or the alternative manifestation of Sati Devi the Consort of Maha Deva; Satva
Gunaashraya or the byword of Satva Guna; Sarvakrama padaakaara or the One with perfect lined
steps or the epitome of Logically Systemised Learning; Sarva dosha nishudini or the obliterator of all
types of imperfections and flaws; Sahastakshi or the Visioner of countless events and happenings;
Saharaasya or of Thousnads of Asanaas or Seats; Sahasrapada samyuta or the One with myriad feet
and mobility; Sahasra hasta or has numerous hands and of endless reach ; Saahasra Gunaalankrita
Samyuta or the Unique Devi with innumerable variations of features simultaneously; Sahasra Seersha
or of plentiful heads and of abundant Thinking Capacity; Sadrupa or of the Stunningly Distinct Form
of Virtue; Swadha the Specified Deity approachable to Pitru Devatas; Swaha the designated Deity
amenable to Devas through the medium of Yagnas, Homas and Agni Karyas; Sudhamayi the
depository of Amrita or of Life-Providing elixir; *Shadgrandhi bhedini or the interrupter knots or
breakages of physical energies;

*[Rudra Grandhi is between Agjnaa Chakra / wheel or at the Third Eye Point and Sahasrara Chakra or
Super Consciousness; Vishnu Granthi is between Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddhi Chakras
signifying high sensitivity points at the top of human head representing human attachments and
emotions; and Brahma Granthi at Sushumna Nadi lying in Mooladhara Chakra the balancer and
energiser; Devi Saraswati is the Utmost Guru of Yoga Practice to align human energies with the
Parama Shakti];

Sevya or the Highest Deity who is venerable; Sarva Lokaika Pujita or the Para Shakti esteemed by
one and all including Devas and Danavaas too; Stutya or the One prayed to by all; Stutimayi or the
One eulogised sincerely; Saadhya or the One who is achievable spiritually; Savitru or the the Fulfiller
and the daughter of Surya; Priyakrarini or the Cause of Happiness; Samshayacchedni or the smasher
of doubts ; Sankhya Vedya or the Epithet of Shankhya Shastra which strongly believes in the
Concept of Dualism of Purusha the Unknown and Prakriti the Perceivable Matter; Sankhya or the
Origin of Numerical / Ganita Shastra; Sadeeshwari or the Exemplary Deity of Virtue and Dharma;
Sidhida or the Povider of Accomplishment; Siddha sampujya or the One adored by those who are the
Expert Achievers; Sarva Siddhi pradayani or She who enables to secure success; Sarvagjna or the All-
Knowing; Sarva Shakti or the Symbol of Highest Power and Energy; Sarva Samprad pradayani or the
Contributor of all types of Prosperity; Sarvaashubhaghni or the Total Eliminator of Inauspiciousness;
Shukhada or the Giver of Joy; Sukha samvitswarupini or the Personification of Contentment; Sarva
Sambhashni or The Goddess of Convincing Skills of Oratory; Sarva Jagatsammohini or the Devi who
mesmerises all Lokas by her example and charm; Sarva Priyaankari or the One who pleases all by her
mere looks and conclusive talents; Sarva Shubhada or the Donor of enjoyment to everybody; Sarva
Mangala the sponsor of Delight; Sarva Mantramayi the Substance of Mantras; Sarva Tirtha punya
phalaprada the Granter of Punya or the Fruits of Visits to Sacred Tirthas; Sarva Punyamayi or the
Guarantee of Punya earned through right thought and action; Sarva Rajyada or the Awarder of
Kingdoms; Sarva Vyadhighni or the Curer of Physical and Mental ailments; Sarva Kaamada or the
Fulfiller of Wishes; Sarva Vighnahari or the reverser of obstacles and difficulties; Sarva Vandita the
One who is spontaneously saluted and esteemed; Sarva Mangala or the Source of Excellent
Propitiousness; Sarva Mantrakari or the Origin of Mantras with which to appease and please Gods;
Sarva Lakshmi or the Emblem of Fortune and Contentment; Sarva Gunanvita or the Ideal Reserve of
Features; Sarvananda mayi or the Unending Spring of Joy; Sarva Jnaanada or the bestower of varied
branches of Knowledge and Learning; Satya naayika or the Protagonist of Truth and Virtue; Sarva
Jnanamayi the Super Star of diverse disciplines of Learning; Sarva Rajyada or the Conferor of
Authorities and Kingships; Sarva Muktida the Unique Liberator from the shackles of Samsara or the
Cycle of Births and Deaths; Suprabha or the Radiance Personified; Sundari or the Most Charming
Female of Beauty and Grace; Sarvada or the One capable of providing disregard of considerations;
Sarva or the Totality in absoluteness; Sarva Loka Vashamkari or the Enthraller of all Lokas; Subhaga
or the Mine of Propitiousness; * Siddha the One Endowed with Ashta Siddhis or Supernatural

[ *Anima or the capacity to miniaturing one’s Physique-Garima or the art of making one’s body
heavy as required-Laghima capability to lighten one’s body-Prapti or to secure powers to achieve
one’s desires-Prakamya or the ability to make one’s body invisible-Mahima or the increasing
heaviness of one’s body-Ishitwa or to attain Divine Powers-Vashitwa or Controlling the behaviour of

Siddhaamba or the Devi representing the powers of Siddhas; Siddha *Matrikaa or the Universal
Mothers or Shaktis;

*[Several references have been made in Varaha, Agni, Matsya and Devi Mahatmya Puranas to Ashta
Matrikas viz. Brahmi with four heads, six arms holding japamala, kamandalu, pustaka, Ghanta,
Padma and noose riding a swan; Vaishnavi riding on Garuda with six hands carrying shankha-Chakra-
gada,Padma, baana and asi or sword besides abhaya mudra; Maheswari riding Nandi in white
complexion, Trinetra, holding Trishula, Damaru, Aksha maala, Kapala, serpents and Moon; Aindri
riding elephant in dark complexion, thousand eyes, Vajra or thunderbolt, goad, noose etc; Koumari
riding peacock with twelve arms carrying axe, Shakti, bow etc; Varahi with Boar head on buffalo with
danda, goad, sword, chakra etc. Chamunda/Kali with Mundamaala or Garland of Skulls, damaru,
goad, sword, with three eyes riding a Preta or a corpse with frightening appearance; and Nrisimhi or a
Woman Lion with features of Narasimha Deva];

Siddha Maata; Siddha Vidya or the Knowledge of Siddha or of the Supernatural powers personified;
Siddheshi or the Goddess of Siddhas; Siddha Rupini; Surupini or of the Swarupa of Virtue and
Goodness; Sukhamayi or the Symbol of Ecstasy; Sevaka Priya kaarini or the One who takes full care
of her devotees; Swamini or the Master in all respects to her Subjects; Sarvadaa Sevya or the One
demanding loyalty in all respects; Shtula Sukshma Paraambika the Universal Mother of Huge and
Tiny Forms as required by situations; Saara Rupa or of the Quintessetial Form; Sarorupa or of the
Appearance of a Lotus Pond; Satya bhuta or the Embodiment of Truthfulness; Samaashraya or the
Shelter of all Beings in Creation; Sitaasita or the bright and dark phases of Chandra; Sarojaakshi or
the Lotus Eyed; Sarojaasana Vallabha or the Alternate Form of Brahma who is seated on a Lotus;
Saroruhaabha or of the Most Gorgeous Countenance; Sarvaangi or of the Stunning Physique of
Attraction and Allurement; Surendraadi prapujita or the One revered and worshipped by Indra and
crores of Devatas; Maha Devi; Maheshaani or The Alternative Shakti in the Form of Ishwara’s
spouse; Maha Saarasvata Pradaa or the Great Instructor of various faculties that she is celebrated for
like Speech, Memory, Writing, Voice, Knowledge, Philosophy, Intellect, Wisdom, Art of
Communication and Conviction, Veda Shastras and Siddhis).

Om Hreem Aim Maha Saraswati Saaraswata pradey Aim Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaahaa/

Maha Saraswati Muktaa Muktidaa Malanaashani,Maheshwari Mahaananda Maha Mantrtamayi

Mahi/ Maha Lakshmirmahavidya Maata Mandaravasini,Mantrigamya Mantra Mataa
Mahamantraphalaprada/ Mahamuktirmahaanitya Mahasiddhipradaayani, Maha Siddha Maha
Maataa Mahadaakara Samyuta/ Maha Maheswari Murtyai Mokshada Manibhushana, Menaka
Maanini Maanya Mrityughni Merurupini/ Madiraakshi Madavaasa Makharupa
Maheswari,Mahamoha Mahamaya Maatrunam Murtisamsthitaam/ Mahapunyaa Mudaavaasaa Maha
Sampad pradayani, Manipuraika nilaya Madhurupa Madotkata/ Maha Sukshma Maha Shanta Maha
Shanti pradaayani,Munistutaa Mohahantri Madhavi Madhavapriya/ Maaya Mahadeva Samstutya
Mahishiganapujita, Mrishtaannada cha Mahendri Mahendra pada daayani/ Matirmatipradaa Medha
Martya Loka nivaasini, Mukhya Maha Nivaasa cha Mahabhagya janaashriyta/ Mahila Mahima
Mrityuhaari Medha pradayani, Medhyaa Maha Vegavat Maha Moksha phalapradaa/ Maha
Prabhaacha Mahati Mahadeva priyankari, Mahaposha Mahaarthyaicha Muktahaara vibhushana/
ani/ Maha Kaarunya Sampurna Manonayana vandita, Maha Paataka jaalaghni muktidaa Mukta
bhushana/ Manomani Mahaa Sthulaa Maha Kratu phalaprada, Mahapunya phala praapya Maha
Tripura naashani/ Mahanana Maha Medha Maha Modaa Maheswari, Maalaadhari Mahopaaya
Maha Tirtha phalaprada/ Maha Mangala sampurnaa Maha Daridranashani, Maha Makha Maha
Megha Maha Kaali Maha Priya/ Mahaa Bhusha Maha Deva Maha Raagni Mudaalaya/

(Maha Saraswati! You are Mukta or the Personification of Mukti or Liberation from Samsara; Mukta
or the *Pearl Oyster or the Mother of the Spotless Pearl [*Component of the Nine Precious Gems viz.
diamonds, emeralds, pearls, sapphires, Corals, Rubies, Gomedha and Vaidurya]; Muktida or the
Bestower of Emancipation from the Unending Cycle of Births and Deaths; Mala naashani or the Great
Cleanser of Impurities and Physical-Mental-Psychological Contaminations; Maheshwari or the
Incarnation of Devi Parvati; Manaananda or The Source of Eternal Happiness; *Maha Mantramayi or
the Unique Deposit of Mantras;

[*Mantras are Vedic Hymns or Sacred Prayers addressed to Deities as Ruchas meant for recitation set
up in Metrical or Chhandorupa or Yaju Swarupa meant for reciting in low tones or Saamana meant for
chanting in musical form of cadence; or incantations of Veda Samhitas; Beeja Swarupa or the
Representative Alphabetic Words of Confidential Invocations to specfiic Aspects of the Almighty;
plain prayers to various characteristics of the Almighty in innumerable Male Forms or Appearances
like Vishnu, Mahesha, Brahma, Ganesha, Kumara, Indra, Nava Grahas, and Countless Manifestations
of Devis especially Lalitha-Durga-Lakshmi-Saraswati- Gayatri etc. or as the Invocation Medium of
Vratas, Pujas, Tirtha Darshanas, Pitru Oriented Karmas, Agni Oriented Karyas, Ritulas like birth /
death orientation, Upanayana-Vivahaadi Samskaras; various Mystic hymns, Yoga Practice, Astra-
Shastra- Chikitsa based, negative Mantras, and so on].

Mahi or the Mother Earth; Maha Lakshmi Swarupa; Maha Vidyaa Maata or the Mother of all kinds of
Learning and Knowledge; Mandara Vasini or the Resident of the famed Mountain Mandara that had
the distinction of service as the churning rod in the context of Deva-Danava Amrita Manthana;
Mantra gamya or the Ultimate Destination of all types of Mantras mentioned above; Mantra Maata or
the Iconic Mother of Mantras; Maha Mantra Phalaprada or the Primary Shakti that imparts the
resultant fruits of the usage of the Mantras to the concerned persons; Maha Mukti or the
Personification of Mukti; Maha Nitya or the Singular and Formless Nothingness of Eternity; Maha
Siddhi pradaayani or the Superlative Power that grants Fulfllment; Maha Siddha or the Embodiment
of Siddhi; Maha Maata or the Matchless Mother of Creation; Mahadaakaara Samyuta or The *Virat

*[The Supreme Energy in only a half manifested collossal Form to enable human comprehension
rather than of abstraction was described in many Puranas especially Maha Bhagavata as possessive of
Earth as feet, Sky as navel, Sun as three eyes, Brahma as the precreating part, Moon as mind,
heavenly planets as head, dishas or directions as ears, demi Gods as protecting Planets as arms,
destructive Powers as eye-brows, shame as lower lip, greed and arrogance as upper lip, delusion as
smile, Moonshine as teeth, trees as body hairs, clouds as head hairs, garlands as Material Energy
representing Goodness, Passion and Ignorance; garments as Vedic meters, ear rings as Yoga and
Sankhya, Crown as Protection and Courage, Throne as Religiosity and Knowledge, Ananta as the Seat
signifying the unmanifested segment of Existence, club/mace as the Life Force or as Prana
incorporating Sensory, Mental and Physical energies; Conch shell as the Element of Water,
Sudarshana Chakra as the Element of Agni; Sword the Element of Ether or Sky; Shield as the resistor
of Ignorance; Saranga the bow as the Concept of Kaalamaana; Arrows as Material Senses; Chariot or
as Speed of Mind or Garuda (Swan in the case of Saraswati); Vedas and Personal Assistant to the
Virat; Vishwaksena as Tanrtras; and the Gate Keepers as Mystic Powers and Siddhis!]

Maha Maheswari Murti or the Alternate Incarnation of Parvati Devi; Moksha daayani or the Bestower
of Moksha; Mani bhushana or the One who is magnificently ornamented with invaluable precious
jewels; Menaka or the Outstanding Celestial Beauty of Apsaras by that name who was also the Wife
of Himawan and the mother of Parvati; Manini the most esteemed Goddess of Knowledge; Manya an
Authority of Erudition and Education; Mrityughni or the Destroyer of Death; Meru Rupini or of the
Tallest Mountain in Srishti namely Meru; Madirakshi or of such voluptuous looks that Brahma the
Creator could not resist marrrying her; Madaavaasa or of the Abode of Pride and Resistance; Makha
Rupa or of the Emblem of Sacrificial Fire or an epithet for Lord Shiva; Maheshwari; Maha Moha or
the Great Enchantress reminiscent of Devi Mohini the Avatara of Lord Vishnu who distribued Amrita
by Deva-Danavas at the Samudra Mathana or the Gigantic Churning of Ksheera Samudra of the
Ocean of Milk; Maha Maya the Peerless Delusion; Matrunaam or the Mother Figure of the Universe;
Murthna Samsthita or the One present at the mid-eyebrow Point or the forehead which indeed is the
summit of vision and of thought; Maha Punya or the Unending Deposit of Punya or the Fruits of
Virtue; Mudaavaasa or of the Countenance of Pleasure; Maha Sampat -pradayani or the Giver of
Lavishness and Luxury; *Mani Puraika Nilaya or the Resident of * Manipura Chakra at the navel
point of human body envigorating Icchaa Shakti in the context of Kundalini Vidya since that is the
center of dynamism, energy and Siddhi or accompish ment; Madhurupa or the Look of an intoxicant
or of Sweet Honey; Madotkata or full of justified conceit and passion; Maha Sukshma or of the
Tiniest form of an atom on account of Anima Siddhi; Maha Shanta or the Embodiment of
Peacefulness and Tranquility; Maha Shanti pradaayani or the Bestower of Peace and Righteousness;
Muni Stuta or the One who is never tired of Eulogies and homages by Sages; Moha hantri or the
demolisher of obsessions and passionate feelings; Madhavi or the Lakshmi Swarupa; Madhava Priya
or the Beloved of Vishnu; Maya or Prakriti- the Make-Believe illusion; Maha Deva Samstutya or the
One commended by Maha Deva himself; Mahishi gana pujita or the Goddess worshipped by the
Followers of Mahishasura who were versatile in achieving Shaktis and Siddhis; Mrishtaannada or the
Provider of excellent and lavish food; Mahendri of the Alternate manifestation of Lord Indra’s Spouse
who too is a Siddha Matrika as aforementioned; Mahendra pada pradayani or the One who could
bestow the status of a Mahendri to the well-deserved; Matyai or the Huge Fund of Intellect and
Resolution; Matiprada or the Provider of mental faculties; Medha the memory and analytical power
besides cerebral energy; Martya Loka Nivasini or the Resider of Bhu Loka where Intellect is much
sought after by human beings; Mukhyaa or the Foremost Deity who is constantly revered by persons
in search of intellectual excellence; Maha Nivasa or the Great Abode worshipped; Maha Bhagya or
the Personification of Prosperity; Janaashrita or surrounded by all desirous of mental sharpness;
Mahila or the Uiltimate of Womanhood for all their qualities of grace, service and faithfulness;
Mahima or the Seat of Magnificence; Mrityu haari or the Terminator of Death and Destruction;
Medhaa pradaayani or the Singular Sourcer of Intelligence; Medhaya or the portrayal of Intellect;
Maha Vegavati or the Personification of Speed and Sharpness; Maha Moksha Phalaprada or the
bestower of Sublime Status of Liberation; Maha Prabhaa or the Form of Abundant Luminosity;
Mahati or Epithet of Paramountcy and Exclusiveness; Maha Deva Priyankari or the One who is
immensely fond of by Maha Deva; Maha Posha or the Great Sustainer and Nourisher; Maharthyai or
the One approached with supplications for boons; Muktaahaara Vibhushana or the One ornamented
with necklaces of spotless and shining pearls of rarity and exclusivity; Manikya bhushana or
Saraswati adorned with priceless and dazzling diamonds all over her physique; Mantra Mukhya or the
Goddess who is pleased with the recitation of Mantras; Chandraardha Sekhara or the One who is
embellished with the most pleasing half Moon on her crown ; Manorupa or Her Mind as her Image
with high transparency; Manah Shuddhih or with her mind of Sparkling cleanliness; Manasshuddhi
pradaayani or the Provider of Internal / Mental hygiene; Maha Kaarunya sampurna or the One with
unreserved benevolence; Mano nayana vandita or Who is saluted with mental vision; Maha Pataka
Jaalaghni or the One who is merciful as also snares even grave Sins that humans beings perpetrate
provided they are remorseful and repentant; Muktida or the Giver of Mukti; Mukta bhushana or the
One with ornamentation of Pearls; Manonmani or the One with heart as a jewel; Maha Sthula or of
Gigantic Physique; Maha Kratu phalaprada or the benefactor of those who perform Yagnas of great
magnitude; Maha Punya phala prapya or She who grants incredible returns of virtuous deeds; *Maya
Tripura naashani or the Destroyer of Tripuraasuras as Devi’s incarnation of Mahesha;

[*Following the killing of Tarakasura by Kartikeya, his sons Tarakaksha and Vidyunmali joined by a
nasty and obnoxious demon Maya performed most brutal Tapasyas in snow valleys, torrential rains
and amid blistering Panchagnis to Brahma who granted the most unusual boons of invincibility of
invisible Flying Castles called Tripuras on Earth made of iron, Sky made of silver and beyond Sky
made of gold; the boon prescribed that all the City-Castles be simultaneously destroyed, if at all, by
one single weapon! The wicked deeds of the demons and their followers became intolerable in course
of time and the Three Worlds were subjected to harassment. Maha Deva decided to construct an
unusual chariot of Prithvi, Surya-Chandras as Chakras, Meru-Mandara mountains as wheel-axles, four
Vedas as horses, famous serpents like Karkotaka, Dhananjaya and Takshaka as horse strings, dhanush
made of Six Ritus or Seasons, Nava Grahas and Dikpalakas as the side-warriors, Devi Ambika as the
Protector of the Chariot, Brahma as the Charioteer; Vishnu Maya as the propellor of the Chariot and
Maha Deva as the Unique Warrior with ‘Tri Deva Maya’ split in three parts simultaneously and
destroyed the Tripuras ] ;

Mahaanana or the Giant Face; Maha Medha the phenomenal Brain Energy; Maha Moda the Huge
Fund of Joy; Maheswari or of the Form of Devi Parvati; Maala Dhari the One wearing numberless
garlands; Mahopaaya or Saraswati who possesses remarkable feasibilities; Maha Tirtha Phala prada
or the benefactor to the ardent Pilgrims to Illustrious Tithaas; Maha Mangala Sampurna or the
quintessence of Auspiciousness; Maha Daaridra naashani or the great destroyer of utter poverty;
Mahamakha or the Great Sacrifice /Yagna or the Epithet of Shiva; Maha Megha or the Huge Cloud,
the Representation of Varuna Deva and Indra Deva; Maha Kaali or the Goddess of Extermination;
Maha Priya or the One identifiable with Utmost Pleasure and Desire; Maha Bhusha or Goddess with
magnificent ornamentation; Maha Deva or the Alternative Image of Maha Deva; Maha Ragjni the
Empress of the Universe; Mudalaya or the Symbol of Bliss;

Om Hreem Aim Namo Bhagavati Aim Vada Vada Vagvaadini Swaaha/

Bhuda Bhagyada Bhogya Bhogyada Bhogadayani, Bhavani Bhutida Bhutih Bhumir Bhumi
Sunaayika/ Bhutadhaatri Bhayahari Bhakta Saaraswata prada, Bhuktirbhukti Prajaa Bheki
Bhakribhakti pradayani/ Bhakta saayujyada Bhakta Swargada Bhakta rajyada,Baagirahi
Bhavaaraadhya Bhagya sajjana pujita/ Bhavasstutya Bhanumati Bhavasaagara taarini,Bhutir bhusha
cha Bhuteshi Phaala lochana pujita/ Bhavaghni Bhaktilabhyacha Bhaktarakshanatatpara,
Bhaktashamani Bhagya Bhogadaanakritodyama/ Bhujanga bhushana Bhima Bhimakshi Bhimarpini,
Baavini Bhraatru rupaacha Bharati Bhava nayika/ Bhasha Bhashaavati Bhishma Bhairavi
Bhairavapriya,Bhutirbhaasita Sarvaangi Bhutidaa Bhutinaayika/ Bhaswati Bhagamalacha Bithishaa
daana kritodyma, Bhiksharupa BhaktikaryBhakta Lakshmiprdaayani/ Bhraantighna Bhrantrupa
chaBhutida Bhurikaarini, Bhakshaniyaa Bhagvavari Bhaktougha vinaasini/

Om Aim Kleem Saah Baaley Brahmapatni Aim VadaVada Vaagvaadini Swaha

Bhuda or the Bestower of Landed Property; Bhagyada or the Provider of Fortune; Bhogya or the
Picture of Opulence; Bhogyada /Bhogyadayani or the Provider of Comforts and Luxuries; Bhavani or
the Alternate Form of Devi Parvati; Bhutida or the Giver of Welfare and Prosperity; Bhutih the
Emblem of Supernatural Powers as also of welfare and fortune; Bhumi or the Goddess of Earth;
Bhumi Sunaayika or the Chief of all Events on Earth; Bhutadhaatri or the Sustainer of all the Beings;
Bhayahari or the smasher of fears; Bhakta Saarsvataprada or the approver of Acumen and Expertise to
her devotees; Bhuktir Muktir Prajaa bhekya or the Awarder of Good Eating / Possession as also
Bhukti and reverser of Sufference by neck or Retribution to human beings; Bhaktirbhakti pradayani
or the Provider of Devotion or Obsession of Fair and Evil means too; Bhakta Sayujyada or the
assigner of Redemption to the Faithful; Bhakta Swargada or the Gifter of Heavenly Life to the
Believers; Bhakta Rajyada or the granter of Kingship to Devi’s followers; Bhagirathi or the Swarupa
of the Sacred River Ganga; Bhavaraadhya or the Goddess of Vidya who is respected by Bhava the
epithet of Brahma; Bhagya Sajjana Pujita or worshipped by the Fortunate and Rich persons of Virtue;
Bhavastutya or earneastly extolled by Vidhata; Bhanumati or the Swarupa of Surya Deva; Bhava
Sagara Taarini or the Goddess capable of crossing the Deep Ocean of Samsara with ease;
Bhutirbhusha or adorned with Grandeur and Majesty; Bhuteshi or of the Image of Devi Parvati; Phala
Lochana Pujita or esteemed by Trinetra Himself; Bhuta Bhavya Bhavishya or The Visionary of Tri
Kaalas of the Past-Present-and Future; Bhava Vidya or the Byword of the Art of Creation;
Bhavatmika or the Very Soul of Brahma; Badhaapahaani or the Reverser of Distresses and
Disappointments; Bandhu rupa or far more akin to close relatives who look after and share the
fluctuations of life; *Bhuvana Pujita or the Singular Goddess who is adored in the Chaturdasha
Bhuvanas or the Fourteen Lokas;

* [Upper Lokas of Bhuloka-Bhuvarloka-Swarloka-Maharloka-Janarloka-Tapoloka and Satya lokas as

also the Sapta Paataalas viz. Atala-Vitala-Sutala-Talaatala-Mahatala-Rasatala-Paatalas ];

Bhavaghni or the Destroyer of the Tribulations of Life; Bhakti labhya or the One who could surely be
accomplished by faith and persistence; Bhakta Rakshana tatpara or She who is fully engaged in
safeguarding her Admirers; Bhaktaarthi shamana or the Insant Mitigator of the Difficulties of those
who are ever truthful to her; Bhagya or the Picture of Fortune and Affluence; Bhoga daana
kritodyama or She has the principal misson to reward Happiness and Luck; Bhujanga bhushana or
Devi Saraswati is decorated with serpents all over her Physique; Bheema or of the Epithet of Devi
Durga or the Formidable or the Pandava Madhyama the Picture of Courage and extraordinary strength
of Maha Bharata Fame; Bheemakshi or the One with Dreadful Looks to the Opponents; Bhima Rupini
who is of the Image of Valour and Determination; *Bhaavini or the Possessor of ‘Bhaavas’ or
Dispositions or Feelings;

* [Shat/ Six Bhavaas viz. Shanti Bhava or the Attitude of Peacefulness as practised by ages; Daya
Bhava or of the Feeling of a Master to a Servant; Sakhya Bhava or the attitude of friends and
supporters; Vatsala bhava or of a parent to progeny; Mathura bhava of Love and Belonging; and
Tanmaya Bhava or of Spell ];

Bhratru Rupa or Devi Saraswati displays the disposition of brother hood to her Admirers; Bharati or
the Emblem of Speech, Voice, Eloquence, Argument, Conviction, Knowledge, Acumen, Faculties of
Mind and Psychology; [Alternative explanation is that Devi Saraswati is indeed the Prime Celebrity
of Bharata Desha being the personification of Vidya and Vedas]; Bhava Naayika or the Heroine of the
Drama of Samsara; Bhasha or the Originator of the Innumerable Languages in the Universe and their
varied applications and disciplines such as their distinct Alphabets, Expression, Literature, Poetry,
Prose, Song, Grammar, Syntax , Phraseology, Pronounciation, and so on; Bhashaavati or the Goddess
of endless forms of Languages; *Bhishma or the Swarupa of Shiva the formidable and tough:

*[Another allusion of Bhishma is about the Most Illustrious Character of the Epic of Maha Bharata
viz. Bhishma the Grand Father of Pandavas and Kouravas, the son of Devi Ganga and King Shantanu.
Devi Ganga abandoned Shantanu as she questioned her actions of immersing their progeny one by

one since the sons were actually the Ashta Vashus cursed to be born by a Sage which Ganga only
knew. After some time King Shantanu desired to marry a fisher woman called Satyavati and Gangeya
/ Bhishma made the Extreme ‘Pratigjna’ or Resolve and Sacrifice of not marrying and not claiming
Kingship in his life but allow the next progeny of Satyavati and Shantanu. Incidentally, Satyavati who
was the mother of the famed Veda Vyasa who was born of Maha Muni Parashara ( the son of
Vassishtha) who took one-time fancy for her and gave the boon that she would be be the Queen of
Kuru Dynasty and their resultant son would be an Outstanding Manifestation of Vishnu Himself as
the Interprter of Vedas and the Great Scripter of Ashtaadasha Puranas!]

* Bhairavi or of Dasha Maha Vidya Manifestations

*[viz. Kaali or of the Eternal Darkness; Tara or the Goddess of Kindness; Maha Tripura Sundari or
the Shodashi Devi Vidya; Bhuvaneshwari the Creator of the Universe; Chhinna Mastaka or The Self-
Destroyer; Bhairavi or the Goddess of Degeneration, Goddess of Speech, Meditation, Bright like
thousand Suryas, carrying milk, books, dispersing fear, providing boons and with constant smile;
Dhumavati displaying smoke, dissatisfaction, widowhood seeking even to harm Shiva; Bagalamukhi
the crane headed, elongate- tongued , evil natured and of frightening appearance; Matangi full of
pollution, dusky and of negative disposition eating Ucchishtha Bhojana; and finally Kamala Devi /
Lakshmi the Goddess of Creation and Preservation, Fulfillment and Auspiciousness];

*Bhairava Priya or Saraswati as the Alternate Form of Devi Parvati;

* [ Bhagavan Shiva opened his Third Eye to snip the Fifth Head of Brahma as the latter did the sin of
temptation with his own daughter. But the sin of Brahma hatya haunted Bhairava and his atonment
was to beg alms in the skull of Brahma which did not leave Shiva’s arms . He approached Vaikuntha
and Devi Lakshmi gifted him a Vidya called ‘Manoratha’ and Vishnu directed Shiva to visit Kashi but
the latter could not enter the Temple; meanwhile he was bestowed with Anna (Cooked Rice) by
Annapurna. Finally Shiva left for Patala and got rid of the skull and the Place was regarded as Kapala
Moksha when he was absolved of the Brahma Hatya sin too. The Eight Manifestations of Maha
Bhirava are Kaala Bhairava, Asitaanga Bhairava, Rudra Bhairava, Krodha Bhairava, Kapala
Bhairava, Bhishana Bhairava, Unmatta Bhairava and Samhara Bhairava.];

Bhuti or the Symbol of Contentment and of achievement of powers by Maya; Bhasita Sarvangi or of
the Lustrous Physical Parts; Bhutida or the Giver of Fortunes; Bhuti naayika or the Leader of Bhutas
or the Feminine Followers of Maha Deva; Bhaswati or Devi Saraswati; *Bhaga maala the Resident of
the Eighth Enclosure of the Navaavarana of the Shaktis representing Excellence, Fortune and

[*Bhaga is also the Illustrious Dwadasha Adityas viz. Dhata, Mitra, Aryama, Pusha, Shakra, Varuna,
Bhaga, Twashta, Viwaswan, Savita, Vishnu and of course Aditya];

Bhikshaa daana kritodyama or Devi Saraswati in the Form of Shiva who resorted to Bhiksha as
explained above; Bhiksa Rupa or in this very context Devi assumed the Profile of Bhagavan Shiva;
Bhaktikari or the One who encourages the endeavour towards Devotion; Bhakta Lakshmipradayani or
the Provider of Wealth to her Devotees; Bhrantighna or the eradicator of Illusions; Bhranti Rupa or
the Profile of Delusion; Bhutida or the donor of Contentment; Bhutikaarini or the Provider of
Happiness; Bhikshaniya or of the Form of Bhagavan Shiva who practised beseeching; Bhikshu Maata
or the Mother of Charities; Bhagyavadrushta gochara or the Discerner of Fortune; Bhogavati or the
One enjoying Affluence; Bhogarupa or the Substance of Luxury; Bhoga Moksha phalaprada or the
Sponsor of Ultimate Status of Salvation; Bhogashranta or the preserver of Wealth; Bhagyavati or the
Sourcer of Abundance; Bhaktougha vinashani or the Eliminator of the Sins and Follys of her

Om Aim Kleem Souh Baaley Braahmi rahmapatni Aim Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaaha

Braahmi Brahmaswarupacha Brihati Brahmavallabha, Brahmadaacha Brahma Maata Brahmaani

Brahmadaayani/ Brahmeshi Brahmasamstutya Brahmavedya Budhapriya, Balendu Shekhara Baala
Puja karapriya/ Baladaa Bindurupaacha Balasuryasamaprabha, Brahmarupa Brahmamayi
Badhnamandala madhyaga/ Brahmani Buddhidaa Buddhirbuddhirupa Budheswari,
Bandhakshayakari Baadha naashani Bandhurupini/ Bindwalaya Bindubhusha Bindunaada
samanvita, Beejarupa Beejamaata Brahmanya Brahmacharini/ Bahurupa Balavati Brahmanya
Brahmacharini, Brahma stutya Brahma Vidya Brahmaandaadhina vallabha/ Brahmesha
Vishnurupacha Brahma Vishnveesha samsthita, Buddhi Rupa Budheshani Bandhi Bandha Vimochani/

(Braahmi or the Matrika and the personified Female Energy of Brahma Deva; Brahma Swarupa or the
Alternate Form of Lord Brahma; Brihati or The Collossal Form; Brahma Vallabha the Controller of
Brahma; Brahmada or the Provider of Brahma Tatwa; Brahma maata or the Mother Figure of all
Brahmanas; Brahmani or Role Model of Brahmanas; Brahmadayani or the Provider of Brahmatwa;
Brahmeshi the Paradigm of Brahmanas; Brahmasamtutya or The Devi applauded by Brahma; Brahma
Vidya or of the Knowledge of Atma and Paramatma or the Awareness of the Self and Beyond; Budha
Priya or the Goddess fond of the Virtuous and Righteous; Balendu Shehkara or the One embellished
with the Emerging Moon on her head gear; Bala or the Parama Shakti assuming the Form of Bala as
one of the Maha Vidyas; Pujaakara Priya or Devi who is pleased with the Proverbial Shodashopa-
chaaras like Avahana-Snaana-Gandha-Pushpa-Dhoopa-Deepa-Naivedyadi Services; Balada or the
Bestower of Power and Energy; Bindu Rupa or of the Concept of ‘Shoonyata’ and ‘Paripurnata’-that
is of Nothingness and of Sublimity /Ampleness or of Reality and Illusion; Bala Surya Samaprabha or
of the Spendour of Rising Sun; Brahma Rupa or of the outline of Brahma; Brahma mayi or full of
Brahma Tatwa clearly distinguishing Paramatma and Maya or the Truth and Fallacy; Badhna
mandala Madhyaga or of the Pivotal Hold of the Tied Knots of Lokas; Brahmaani or the Authority
Figure Controlling the affairs of Brahma; Buddhida or the Awarder of Intellect; Buddhi or the
Manifestation of Mental Energy; Buddhi Rupa or of the Sketch of Intellect; Budheswari or the Chief
Regulator and Organiser of Buddhi or alternatively of the Planet of Budha; Bandha Kshayakari or the
smasher of worldly shackles; Badhaa nashani or the Terminator of Sorrows and Impediments;
Bandhu rupini or of the soothing and encouraging presence of relatives and well wishers;
Bindwaalaya or the Temple of Bindu or Parama Shakti represented by Omkaara the Reality of the
Almighty as distinguished from Maya.or the Make-Believe; Bindu Bhasha or the Expression of what
Bindu is all about; *Bindu Naada Samanvita or Devi Sarasavati –

*The Sound of Omkara represented by Icchaa Shakti, Jnaana Shakti, Kriya Shakti and of select
accessibility to these aspects];

Beeja Rupa or the Manifestation of Sacred Seed Mantras that invoke the correspondng Shaktis; Beeja
Maata or the Originator of the Beeja Mantras and their methodology of application to gain specific
purposes and end-objectives; Brahmanya or the Supreme Possessor of Brahma Tatwa; Brahma Karini
or the Shakti that creates the Energy of Brahma; Brahma Stutya or The Power that Brahma
acknowledges and applauds;
*Brahma Vidya or the Science of Brahma including the Concept, Origin, Definition, Analysis,
Practice, Means of Achievement, and the Capacity of imparting to others;

Brahmandaadheena vallabha or that Primary Shakti which regulates and promotes the Universe in
Totality; Brahmesha or the Force that Kick-Starts the Actions of Brahma; Vishnu Rupaacha or of the
Essence of Vishnu and his Activties of Universal Evolution; Brahma-Vishnesha Samshthita or the
True Embodiment of Tri Murtis; Buddhi Rupa or the Swarupa or Form of Buddhi or Discernment
and Sensitivity; Budheshani or the Controller of Mental Faculties; Bandhi or the One who is tied to
the Absorbing Responsibilities of Universal Creation- Upkeep- and Dissolution; Bandha Mochani or
the One who alone could break the shackles of the Unending Cycle of Births and Deaths and the great
interregnum of Life in between.

Om Hreem Aim Am Am Im Eem Vum Voom Rum Rumta Yem Aim Om Aoum/ Kam Kham
Gam Gham Cham Chham Jam Jham Im Tam Tham Dum Dham Nam Tam Tham/ Dum Dham
Nam Pam Pham Bham Bham Mam Yam Rum Lam Vam Sham Sham Sum Ham Lam/ Ksham
Aksha maaley Akshara Maalikaa Sdamaalamkritey Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaaha/

Akshamaala Aksharaakaaraa Ksharaakshara Phalaprada, Anantaananda Sukhadaananta Chandra

nibhaanana/ Ananta Mahimaaghora Anantagambhira samyutaa, Adrushtaadrushta bhagyaphala
prada/ Arundhatyavyayi Naadha Aneka Sadguna samyuta, Aneka Bhushana adrushya aneka Loka
nishevita/ Anantaananta sukhadaa Ghoraaghora Swarupini, Asesha Devataarupa
amritarupaamriteswari/ Anavadyaaneka hastaaneka Maanikya bhushana, Aneka Vighnasamharti
twaanekaabharana anvita/ Avidyaajnaana samhartri hya Vidyaa Jaala naashani, Abhirupa
anavadyaangi hyapra tarkya gati prada/ Akalankarupini cha hyanugraha paraayana, Ambarastha
ambaramaya ambara Maalaambujekshana/ Ambikaabjakara abjastha amshumatya
amshushataanvita,Ambujaamrita anavara akhandambujaasana maha priya/ Ajaraamara Samsevya
ajara sevita padyugaa, Atulaartha prada ardrikya atyudaaraa bhayanvitaa/ Anaadha vatsala ananta
priya Aanantepsita pradaa, Ambujaakshya Amburupa Ambujato -dbhava Maha Priya/
Akhandaamarastutya Amara nayika pujita, Ajeya Aja samkaasha Agjnaana naashinya Abhishtadaa/
Akta Aghanena chaastreshi hyalakshmi naashana tathaa, Anantasaara Anantashrir ananta vidhi
pujitaa/ Abhishtaa Amartya Sampujyaahya Astodaya vivarjita, Aastika swanta nilaya Astrarupa
Astravati tathaa/ Askhalatya Askhaladrupa Askhala dwidyaapraadayani, Askhalat -ssiddhida Ananda
Ambuja Amaranaayikaa/ Ameya Asesha paapoaghna Akshara Saarasvata pradaa, Jaya Jayanti
Jayadaa Janma Karma vivarjita/

(Aksha maalaa or Devi! Your main accompaniment is rosary or the string of Rudraaksha to perform
constant Tapasya; you are the Aksharaa kaara or of the Swarupa of Aksharas or the Alphabets of
Imperishable Syllables which yield lasting value since these constitute a ‘Bhasha’ or the specific
language which indeed is a fountain of words, expressions, literature, poetry, communication and
richness of human life; Anantaananda or the Embodiment of Lasting Happiness; Sukhadaanata or the
Provider of endless satisfaction; Chandra nibhaavana or of the Cool and Placid Countenance of Moon;
Ananta Mahima or of eternal magnificence; Aghora or never distressful; Ananta Gambhira or of
boundless equanimity; Adrushtaadrushtida or of the Provider of Invisible Vision of Values;
Anantaadrushta bhagya phalapra or the granter of imperceivable fortune ; Devi! you are of the
Swarupa of *Arundhati, the Eminent wife of Vasishtha -of the famed Sapta Rishis viz. Marichi, Atri,
Angirasa, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vasishtha-

[* Arundhati Devi is regarded as the highest priestess of conjugal happiness and mutual adjustment of

new couples as the latter are asked to invoke the Star of Arundhati on the Sky at the time of nuptial
ceremonies ; she was the guardian mother of Devi Sita of Ramayana when the latter was abandoned
by Rama before the birth of Lava and Kusha];

Avyayi or the Indestructible; Nadhaa or the Master of any House hold; Aneka Sadguna Samyuta or
the Goddess replete with excellent features; Aneka bhushana or Fully ornamented; Adrushya or
Invisible; Aneka Loka nishevita or worshipped by many Lokas; Ananta or the Infinite; Ananta Sukha
da or the bestower of eternal happiness; Ghoraaghora Swarupini or of the Form at once of
Peacefulness and Dreadfulness; Asesha Devata rupa or the Displayer of innumerable Swarupas of
Devatas; Amritarupa or the Symbol of Amrita or Elixir; Amriteswari the Personification of Amrita;
Anavadya or the Devi of exquisite beauty and grace; Aneka hasta or of countless hands of Abhaya
Mudra assuring security and fearlessness; Aneka manikya bhushana or adorned with several priceless
diamonds of glitter; Aneka Vighna Samhartri or the destroyer of numerous obstacles experienced by
the faithful devotees; Anekaabharanaanvita or the Goddess who is adorned with invaluable
ornaments; Avidya-Agjnaana samharti or the demolisher of Illiteracy and Ignorance; Abhirupa or of
the most pleasing and enchanting profile; Anavdyangi or of gorgeous physique; Apratarkya gati
prada or of irrefutable gait and bearing; Akalanka Rupini or of Spotless Form; Anugraha Paraayana or
Constantly engaged in offering benevolence and magnanimity; Ambarastha or the One stationed on
the Skies; Ambara maya or She is spread all over the Sky; Ambara maala or the garland of the huge
sky; Ambujekshana or Devi has the incredible vision and farsight comparable to the softness of
Lotuses; Ambika or the Mother of the Universe; Abja karaayai or of the hands comparable to the
smoothness of Lotuses; Abjastha or the Resider of Lotuses; Amsumati or of the translucent Mind of a
dew drop; Amshu shataanvita or like hundreds of dew drops; Ambuja or the Lotus itself; Amrita or
the personification of Amrita itself; Anavara or of excellence; Akhanda or Indivisible; Ambujaasana
Maha Priya or the One who enjoys the indulgent comfort of Lotus seat; Ajaraamara samsevya or the
worshipper of Devas who are devoid of Old age and death; Ajara sevita padyuga or Devas revere the
supple feet of Saraswati; Atulartha prada or the bestower of limitless wealth; Ardraika or the One who
possesses extremely compassionate reaction to the needy; Atyudaara or the Epitome of liberal
responses; Abhayanvita or the One with Abhaya Mudra or the sign of Fearlessness; Anadha vatsala or
the Savior of those who have no succor or help; Ananta Priya or the beloved of Ananta Deva or
Vishnu; Anantepsida prada or the fulfiller of endless desires; Ambujaksha or of the charming eys of
Lotuses; Ambu rupa or of the Form of Clean Water; Ambujodhhava maha priya or Devi Vani who is
obsessed with the desire of Brahma Deva who was manifested atop a Lotus stalk ; Akhanda or
Unbreakable; Amara stutwaaya or constantly extolled by Amaraas or Devatas; Amara naayaka pujita
or worshipped by Indra Deva the Chief of Devas; Ajeya or Invincible; Aja sankaasha or the Ever
Resplendent Unborn Eternity; Agjnaana nashinya or the Obliterator of the Darkness of Ignorance;
Abhishta dayani or the Great Fulfiller of Desires; Akta or smeared like dark night; Aghana or the
Sinless; Astreshi or of the Speed and Power of Mantrika Arrows; Alakshmi nashini or the uprooter of
poverty and paucity; Anantasaara or the Eternal Truth or the Essence of Life and Death as a cycle;
Ananta Shri or the Boundless Opulence or Affluence; Ananta Vidhi pujita or Worshipper of Endless
Destiny; Abhishta or the Characterisation of Desire; Amartya sampuyjya or the One ever worshipped
by Devas; Astodaya Vigvarjita or the Bhagavati has neither Rise or Fall like in a day and night;
Aastika swanta Nilaya or the One who always stays near Confirmists but never the Non –Believers;
Astra rupa or of the Form of Sacred Arrows; Astravati or the Possessor of limitless Arrrows released
with Mantras; Askhalita or the example of chastity- alternative meaning is that Devi is Unshaken or
Undaunted; Askhaldrupa or of the Swarupa of Firmness; Askhalidvidya pradaayani or the acceder of
complete and unblemished knowledge; Askhaladsiddhi or the Provider of untarnished Siddhis or
accomplishments; Ananda or the personification of Happiness; Ambuja or the appearance of Lotuses;
Amara nayika or of the High Satus of Amaras or Devatas ; Ameya or boundless or Immeasurable;
Asesha paapaghnai or She who is the destroyer of huge stock of sins; Akshara Sarasvtaprada or the
benefactor of lasting Literature and Learning; Jaya or the Personification of Victory; Jayanta or the
Son of Indra deputed to accompany the horse deputed for the Sacrifices of Ashwamedha Yagna;
Jayadaaya or the renderor of victory in battles; Janma karma vivarjita or the One who is devoid of
Samskaraas or Vedic Traditions after the birth of a child such as Naama Karana, Anna Pashana,
Chooda Karana, Karna vedha, Vidyarambha, Upanayana etc.)

Om Jyaam Hree Jaya Jaya Jagan Maatah Aim VadaVada Vaagvadini Swaha

Jagtpriya Jagan mataa Jagadiswara Vallabha, Jaatirjaya Jitaamitraa Japyaa japana kaarini/
Jeenanijeevanilaya Jeevaakhyaa Jeevadharini, Jahnavi jyaa Japavati Jaatirupaa Jayaprada/
Janardanapriyakari Joshaneeyaa Jagat stitha, Jagatjjyeshthaa Jaganmaaya Jeevana traana kaarini/
Jeevaatulatikaa Jeevaa Janma Janma nibarhani, Jaadyavidhvamsana kari Jagadyonirjayaatmikaa/
Jagadaananda Janani Jambuscha Jalajekshanaa, Jayanti Janga pugaghni Janita Jnaana Vgrahaa/
Jataajatavati Japyaa Japa kartru priyankari, Japakrut paapa samhatri Japa krut phala daayani/
Japaapushpa sama prakhyaa Japaa kusuma dhaarini, Janani Janma rahita Jyoirvrityabhidhaayani/
Jutaajutana Chandraarthaa Jagat srishtikara tathaa, Jagatraanakari Jaadya dhvamsa kartri
Jayeswari/ Jagadbeejaa Jayaavaasaa Janmabhurjanma naashini, Janmaantya rahita Jaitri
Jagadyonir japaatmikaa/ Jayalakshana sampurnaa Jayadaana kritodyamaa, Jambharaadyaadi
samstutyaa Jambhaa phaladaayani/ Jagatraya hitaa Jyeshthaa Jagatraya vashamkari,
Jagatrayaambaa Jagati jwaalaa jwalita lochanaa/ Jwaalini jwalanaabhaasaa Jwalanti
Jwalanaatmika, Jitaaraati surastutyaa Jitakrodhaa Jitendriyaa/ Jaraamarana shunyaacha Janitri
Janma naashini, Jalajaabhaa Jalamayi Jalajaasana Vallabhaa/ Jalajastha Japaaraadhya Jana
Mangalakaarini, Kaamini Kaamarupa cha Kamyaakaamyapradayani/

(Jagatpriya or the One who is most sought after in the Universe; Jagan Matrey or the Unique Mother
of the Worlds; Jagadeeswara Vallabha or the Companion of Maha Deva; Jaati or the Chaturvarna /
Four Established Castes of Brahmana-Kshatriya-Vaishya and Others; Jayaamaya or of the Essence of
Massive Victory; Jita mitra or the One who ensures that her friends are victorious; Japyaa or the
worshipped by way of Japa; Japana kaarinya or the One who is the cause of the Japa; Jeevanya or the
very Life Force of all; Jeeva nilaya or the Storage and Stock of Life; Jeevaakhya or the chapter of
Life; Jeeva dhaarini or the One who preserves life for others; Jahnavi or of the Swarupa of Sacred
River; Jyaa or its Tributary; Japavati or Devi Saraswati is the portrayal of constant Japa or meditative
repetition of Mantras; Jayaprada or the One ensuring success to the followers; Janardana priya kari or
the One who mobilises ardent devotion to Vishnu; Joshaniya or Symbol of Awakening; Jagat Sthita or
the Preserver of the Universe; Jagajjeshtha or the Eldest of the Universe; Jaganmaya or the Illusion of
the Universe; Jeevana traana karini or Shelter and Saviour of Life; Jeevatu latika or the Unique
Creeper enabling gradual evolution of Life; Jeeva Janani or the Mother of Existence of the Beings;
Janma nibarhani or the destroyer of Life; Jadya vidhwamshana kari or the exterminator of diseases;
Jagadyoni or the Supreme Creator; Jayatmika or the Profile of Victory and Success; Jagadaananda
Janani or the Universal Mother of Delight and Contentment; Jamba seed /fruit; Jalajekshana or of the
Charming Looks of Lotus; Janita Jnaana Vigraha or the Figure of Self-Manifested Knowledge; Jataa
or of similar matted hair of Bhagavan Shiva; Jataavatya or the Devi possessive of the affinity of Shiva
Juta; Japya or the Deity who is constantly recited about; Japa kartru priyankari or She provides
fulfillment to those who perform Japa in her name; Japakritphala dayinyai or the Bestower of the
fruits of the Japa to the concerned devotees; Japa Pushpa samaprakhya or of the charm and beauty of
Japa Pushpa commonly called the China Rose; Janani or the Supreme Mother; Janmarahitaya or
Devi who is devoid of Beginning and End; Jyotirvrityabhidaayina or The massive Deposit of Lustre
greets Devi constantly with veneration; Jataajutana Chandraardha or the Half Moon oranamenting
the Jataajuta of Shiva is paying tributes to Devi ; Jagatsrishti kari or She is the Creator of the Worlds;
Jagatraana kari or the Preserver too; Jaadya dhwamsakari or the blower of illnesses; Jayeshwari or the
Queen of Triumphs; Jagad beeja or the Creative Seed of the Jagat; Jayaavasaayai or the Full Form of
Conquest; Janma bhuvey or the Creative Energy producing countless Births; Janma Nashinyai or the
destructive Energy too; Janmanta rahita or the Force responsible for the cycle of births and death;
Jaitri or Conqueror an epithet of Vishnu; Jaya lakshana supmurnaa or the One with the Fullness of the
never faulting features of Success; Jaya daana kritodyama or One who is launching victory on the
success pad of charity and sacrifice; Jambharadyadi samstutya or Rakshasas like Jambhasura
eventually realised the magnificence of Devi and were fully engaged in commendations to her;
Jambhari phaladayani or She granted the fruits of pardons by the Asura’s realisation of Devi’s
supremacy; Jaga Traya hita or Devi always aims at the welfare of all the Three Worlds; Jyeshtha or
the Senior Most Elder of the Universe; Jagatraya Vashankari or the Unique Mesmoriser of the hree
Worlds; Jagati or She is the Universe herself; Jagayonaye or the Paramount Mother-Creator;
Japatmika or the Personification of Japa; *Jwaala or the Goddess of Flames the Alternate Form of
Shakti as Devi Saraswati [ One of the reputed Shakti peethas in Kangra in Himachal Pradesh];
Jwaalita lochana or of flames as her eyes; Jwaalinya or the Sourcer-Goddess of Flames;
Jwalanaabhaasa or the Countenance of Flames; Jwalanti or the Symbol of Flames; Jwalanatmika or
the Innner Form of Burnig Flames; Jitaaraati surastutya or the Devi appealed to by all the Leading
Devatas to assume calmness; Jitakrodha or Devi has overpowered wrath and fury; *Jitendriya or the
One who controls physical parts and features;

*[‘Panchendriyas’ of Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin and the corresponding senses of vision,
hearing, smell, taste and touch, besides ‘Shadvargas’ viz. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and
Matsaras and the corresponding human aberrations of Desire, Anger, Greed, Infatuation, Arrogance,
and Jealousy;]

Janitri or the Supreme Mother; Jaraamarana Shunya or completely free from old age and death;
Jalajaabha or of the splendid resemblance of a Lotus; Jalamaya or full of water; Jalajaanana
Vallabhya or of the Alternate Form of rahma, Jalajashtaa or the inhabitant of water; Japaraadhya or
she who is worshipped by the medium of Japa; Jana mangala kaarinya or Devi Saraswati is the
provider of auspiciousness to the General Public; Kaamini or the Fulfiller; Kamarupa or the pictogram
of Desire and Aspirations; Kaamya or the One identical to fulfillment; Kamaprada or the deliverer of

Aim Kleem Kalyani Kamadharini vada vada Vagvaadini Swaaha

Kamakhya Kamada Kartri Kratukarma Phalaprada, Kritaghnaghni Kriyarupaa Karya karana rupini/
Kanjaakshi Karunarupa Kevalaamara sevita, Kalyana kaarani Kantaa Kantida Kanti rupini/
KamalaaKamalaa vaasa Kamalotpala Malini, Kumudwati cha Kalyani Kantaa Kamesha Vallabha/
Kameshwari Kamalini Kamada Kamabandhini, Kamadhenuh Kanchanakshi Kanchanaabha
Kalanidhih/ Kriya Kirtikari Kirti Kratusreshtha Kriteshwari, Kratuh Sarva Kriya Stutya Kratu
krutpriya kaarinii/ Kleshanashakari Kartri Karmada Karmabandhini,Karmabandha HariKrishna
Klamaghni Kanjalochana/ Kandarpa janani Kantaa Karuna Karunavati, Kleem kaarini Kripaakaara
Kripasindhuh Kripavati/ KarunadraKamalodbhava Kirtikari Kalmashaghni Kriyakari ,Kriyashakti
KamarupaKamalotpalagandhini/ Kala Kalavati Kurma kutastha Kanja samsthita,Kalika
Kalmashaghni cha Kamaniya jataanvita/ Karapadma Karaabhishthaprada Kratuphalaprada,
Koushiki Koshadaa Kavyakartri Kosheswari Krusha/ Kurmahyaana Kalpalata Kaalakuta vinaashani,
Kalpodyaanavati Kalpa Vanastha Kalpakaarini/ Kadamba Kusumaabhaasa Kadamba Kusuma priya,
Kadambodyana Madhyastha Kirtida Kirtibhushana/ Kula maata Kulaavaasaa Kulaachara
Priyankari, Kulaanaatha Kaamakala Kalanaathaa Kaleswari/ Kundamandara Pushpabha
Kapardasthita Chandrika, Kavitwada Kavyamaata Kavimaata Kalaaprada/

Om Souh Kleem Aim Tato Vada Vada Vaagvaadini Swaahaa

(Kamakhya or the Goddess of Sensuousness and gratification; Kaamada or the giver of one’s
requirements in full; Kartri or the Performer; Kratukarma phalaprada or the bestower of the fruits of
accomplishing Yagnas; the exterminator of the ingratitude; Karya Karana Rupini or Devi the Swarupa
of the Cause and Causation/Action; Kanjakshi or the Lotus Eyed; Kevalaamara Sevita or the One
worshipped by Devas in entirety and exclusivity; Kalyana Karini or the Subscriber of Propitiousness;
Kanta or the Epitome of Womanhood; Kantida or the Generator of Illumination; Kanti rupini or the
Profile of Lustre; Kamala or the Lotus; Kamala vaasa or the Home of Lotuses; Kamalotpala or the
Generator of Lotuses; Malini or the Garland of Elegance; Kumudvati or the White Water Lily stated
to open at Moon Rise-an epithet of Vishnu; Kalyani or the Blessed Excellence; Kanta or the Ideal
Femininity; Kamesha Vallabha or of the Dominant Power Form of Shiva; Kameshwari or the
Auxiliary Form of Parvati; Kamalini or the Substitute Swarupa of Lotus; Kamada or the Originator of
Kama or Desire; Kama bandhini or the Binding Power of Aspirations; Kamadhenu or the Celestial
Milch Cow that fulfils wishes; Kanchanakshi or the Golden Visioned; Kancha nabha or Vishnu the
Golden Navelled; *Kalanidhi or the Presider of ‘Shodasha Kalas’ or of Sixteen Art Forms;

[* Shodasha Chandra Kalas: Amrita, Manada, Tushti, Pushti, Rati, Dhruti, Shashini,Chandrika,
Kanta, Jyotsna, Shri, Priti, Angada, Poorna and Poornaamrita; The Corresponding *Shodasha Nitya
Devis are: Maha Tripura Sundari, Kameshwari, Bhaga maalini, Nityaklinna, Bherunda, Vahni vaasini,
Maha Vajreshwari, Shiva dooti /Roudri, Twarita, Kala Sundari, Nitya, Vijaya, Sarva Mangala, Jwala
Malini and Chidrupa]

Kriya or the Action Form, Kirti kari or the Harvestor of Reputation; Kirti or the Celebrity; Kratu
Shreshtha or the Luminary of Yagnas; Kriteswari or the Goddess of Deeds; The Authority of
Organising the Systematic Acts of Kratus; The One who enjoys the Organisation of Kratus; Klesha
naashakari or the blower of obstacles; Kartri or the Supreme Perforrmer; Karmada or the Decider of
the Results of Actions; Karma bandhini or the Enforcer of Resultant Fruits of Actions; Karma bandha
hari or She has the power of reversing the effects of Karma also; Krishta or the One who pulls /
cultivates or motivates action; Klamaghni or the Liberator from Obstacles; Kanja lochana or the
Visionary of clearness like that of Lotus Eyes; Kandarpa Janani or the Mother Figure of Manmadha or
that of Devi Lakshmi; Kanta or the Exemplary Female Energy; Karuna or the byword of Compassion;
Karunavati or the Rarity of Kindness; *Kleem Kaarini or of the Creator of Seed Energy from the
Word Kleem

*[Kleem generates Spiritual Power connecting the Supreme and Maha Maya or the transformer of
Materialism into Spititualism as facilitated by a Guru to seek Spiritual Empowerment];

Kripaakara or the Profile of Mercy; Kripa Sindhu or the Ocean of Benevolence; Kripavati or the
Goddess of Compassion; Karunardra or the One replete with Kindness; Kamalodbhava or Manifested
from Lotus; Keertikara or the Provider of Fame and Recognition; Kalmashagni or the destroyer of
imperfections and blotches; Kriya kari or the Facilitator of Action; Kriya Shakti or the Top Inspirer of
Motivation; Kamalotpala gandhini or the Huge Stock of Fragrance from Lotuses; Kala or the Art
Form [See Kala Nidhi above]; Kalavati or The Characterisation of Kalas as referred to above; Kurma
or the Incarnation of Maha Vishnu who steadied the Huge Churner of Vasuki in the context of Amrita
Mathana by Deva-Danavas; *Kutastha or the Dormant olr Latent Shakti which gets activised at the
time of Universal Peril as assured by Lord Krishna stating : Pavitraanaya Sadhunaam Vinashayacha
dushkrutaam, Dharma samsthaapanardhaaya sambhavami yugey yugey/; Kanja samsthita or the
inhabitant of Lotuses; Kalika or of the Kalika Swarupa; Kanameya jataanvita or Devi the possesor of
soft matted head hair; Kara Padma or the Displayer of Lotus Stalk in her hand; Karaabhishta pradaaya
or the hand provider of wishes to her devotees; Kratu phala pradaya or the conferror of the positive
results of observing Kratus; *Koushiki or the Extension Shakti of Devi Parvati;

*[There are two versions of manifestations of Koushiki; Markandeya Purana described that Durga
Devi created Koushiki from Durga’s body cells / Kosha as the Devi was fighting the demon brothers
Shumba and Nishumbha. Matsya Purana described that originally Devi Parvati was of dark
complexion and resorted to extreme Tapasya to Lord Brahma who enabled the transfer of the dark
cells of Parvati’s body to Devi Kaushiki and created new cells of extreme fairness and brightness to
Parvati called Devi Gauri! It is widely believed that the manifestation of Koushiki resides in Vindhya
Region as present there].

*Koshada or Devi is the Resider of * ‘Koshas’ or the Sheaths of Human System akin to layers of an

* [The layers are stated to be Annamaya or food based; Pranamaya or based on Vital Air; Manomaya
or based on mind or mental faculty; Vigjnaana maya or wisdom / intellect based and Anandamaya or
on the basis of extreme gratification or bliss];

*Kanya or maiden;

[* Mythologically stated there are Pancha Kanyas whose worship assures the washing of sins; these
were Mandodari, Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti and Tara; these illustrious women represented Pancha
Bhutas; during Devi Durga Nava Raatri Pujas Kanya worship of girls before the state of puberty is
still observed each day as representing Durga Devi herself ; Kumaris from the age of one year to
Sixteen are known as Sandhya, Saraswati, Tridha, Kalika, Shubhaga, Uma, Malini, Kubjika, Kaala
Sandarbha, Aparajita, Rudrani, Bhairavi, Maha Lakshmi, Peetha Nayaki, Kshetrajna and Ambika];

Kartri or the One who is Action-oriented always; Kosheswari or Devi Lakshmi / or the Kuberi or the
Celestial Treasurer; Krisha or of the Form of Extreme Thinness as is the constant practitioner of
Tapasya; Kurma yana or the leisurely pacer of the Universe to take stock of the activities of Beings;
Kalpa Lata or the Interminable Creeper Form of the Worlds bestowing boons to the virtuous and
punishing the wicked; Kaala Kuta Vinaashani or the destroyer of poisonous flames; Kalpodyaanavati
or Saraswati the charming damsel enjoying the beauty of Celestial Gardens; Kalpa Vanastha or the
Resider of Heavenly Forests; *Kalpa kaarini or the Maker of Kalpas;

* [Kaala Mana or the Time Frame is repetitive, cyclical and everlasting. A human year is a day of
Devas. The totality of Four Yugas is 1200 Deva years comprising Satya Yuga of 4800 Deva Years +
Treta Yuga of 3600 Deva years+ Dwapara Yuga of 2400 Deva Years + Kali Yuga of 1200 Deva
Years. One Maha Yuga is a circle of Yugas and 100 Maha Yugas make one Kalpa. It is stated in
Matsya Purana that there are 30 Kalpas named Sweta, Nilohita, Vamadeva, Rathaantara, Rourava,
Deva, Brihat etc. We are in Sweta Varaha Kalpa now being the first half. Thus Kalamaana is in a
continuous flux and Yugas and Kalpas roll by for ever; after the Yugas Pralayas would happen and
after Kalpas the Maha Pralayas and a fresh count of thirty Kalpas would recur again!]

Kadamba kusuma abhaasa or of the beauty and fragrance akin to that of a Kadamba flower;
Kadamba kumsuma priya or Devi Saraswati is enormously fond of the Flower; Kadambodyana
madhyastha or She enjoys being in the middle of the Kadamba garden; Kirti daaya or the boon
provider of reputation and distinction; Kirti bhushana or She enjoys the ornamentation of status and
fame; Kula mataa or the Mother of all Kulas and Vamshas; Kulaavasa or She feels at home or happy
in any Kula or Family; Kulaachara priyankari or is delighted in observing the regulations and
disciplines of all or any Kula; Kalaanaatha or is the Prime Deity of every Kula; Kama kala or the
embodiment of romance and love; Kaleswari or the Goddess of all types of Art Forms; Kunda
Mandaara Pushpaabha or of the bright countenance of Mandara Pushpa; [Mandara is stated to be one
of the six kinds of flowers of the celestial gardens of Indra like Kadamba, Mallika, Padma, Parijata];
Kaparda sthita Chandrika or Devi Saraswarti is comparable to the inimitable illumnation and grace of
the half moon ornamented on Parama Shiva’s Jataajuta or the matted and curled head hair; Kavitva
daayi or Saraswati is indeed the Authority of Excellent Poetry; Kavya matrey or She is the Mother
ready to bestow the gift of scripting and rendering Kavyas to her admirers and followers; Kavi maata
or the unparalleled Goddess Mother of Poets and Creativity; Kala prada or the Symbol of Magnificent
Arts and Artistic Faculties).

Om Souh Kleem Aim Tato Vada Vada Vaagwadini Swaaha

Taruni Tarunitraatey Taaraadhipa Samaanaya, Triptaye Triptiprada Tarkya Tapani Taapinitatha/

Tarpani Tirtha RupaachaTripada Tridasheswari, Trideveshi Trijanani Trimaataa Trayambakeshwai/
Tripura Tripureshaani Traimbaka Tripurambika, Tripurashristrayirupa Trayivedya Traishwari/
Traiyantavedini Taamraa Taapattrtaya haarini,Tamaala sadrushya Traatrey Tarunadityasannibha/
Trailokya Vyapini Triptaa Triptikrit Tatwarupini, Turya Trailokyasamstutya Triguna Triguneshwari/
Tripuraghni Trimaataacha Traimbika Trigunaanvita, Trishnaachhedakari Tikshna Tiksha swarupini/
Tulaatulaadi Rahita Tatwa Brahma Swarupini,Traanakartri Tripaapaghni Tripadaa Tridashanvitaa/
Tatthya Tri Shaktistripadaa Turyaa Trailokyasundari,Tejaskari Trimurtyaadya Tejorupa
Tridhaamata/ Trichakra Kartri Tribhaga Turyaatita Phalaprada, Tejaswini Taapaha Taapopaplava
naashani/ Tejogarbhaa Tapassaara Tripura Priyankari,Tanyai Taapanasantushta Tapanangaja
bheetinut/ Trilochana Trimargaacha Tritiya Tridashastutaa,Tri Sundari Tripathagaa Turiyapada

( Taruni or Youthful and Vivacious; Tarunitraatey or the Great Protector of Womanhood; Taaraadhipa
Samaanaya or the One alike Chandra Deva; Triptaye or the Symbol of High Contentment;Triptiprada
or the Provider of Fulfillment; Tarkya or She has the Capacity to endure and bear difficult situations;
Tapani or the Sacrificer; Taapini or the One to make others suffer; Tarpani or the One who observes
libation of water to Pitru Devatas and performs daily homas; Tirtha Rupa or the One Present at Tirthas
and inculcates the habit of pilgrimages by infusing their faith and devotion; Tripada or the One who
takes three steps always by being present in Three Lokas; Tridasheswari or the Goddess governing the
three dashaas of life viz. Koumara, Youvana and Varthakya or of Studentship, Householder and the
Old; Trideveshi or of Devis engaged in Srishti-Sthiti-Samhara; Tri Janani or of the Swarupas of
Lalita-Lakshmi-Saraswati representing Courage-Prosperity and Wisdom; Tri Mata or the Three
Mothers responsible for Birth, Upbringing and Termination; Trayambakeshwari or of Three
Goddesses; Tripura or the Goddess Tripura Sundari referred to as Kali with four hands bearing
Akshamaala and Abhaya Vara Mudra, Asura Munda or the head of a demon, Paasha and Khadga as
existent in Tripura a North East State of Bharat; Tripureshaani; Tripurambika; Tripura Shri; Trayirupa
or of the Three Forms; Trayi Vedya or the Exponents of Ruk-Yajur-Sama Vedas;Trayeshwari;
Trayyanta Vedini or the Expert of Vedaantaas; Taamra or of a coppery red complexioned Devi
Parvati; *Taapatraya harini or the destroyer of three Tapatrayas of three kinds;

*[Adhi Bhoudika or Ailments of Physical Nature; Adhyatmika or of Mental-Psychological Nature;

and Adhi Daivika or of Natural Calamities like Earth quakes, floods, lightnings etc. beyond human

Tamala sadrusya or like a dark bark of a tree; Traatrey or the Great Shield of Protection;
Tarunaaditya sannibha or of the Heat and Radiance of mid-day Sun; Trailokya vyapinya or the Devi
who is spread all out among the Bhu-Akasha-Patala Lokas; Tripta or the Icon of Contentment; Tripti
kritey or the One who grants satisfaction; *Tatwa rupini or of the Swarupa of Tatwas;

[*Maha Tatwa emerged from Maha Purusha and Prakriti leading to three kinds of Ahamkaras or Egos
or Self Awareness viz. Vaikarika, Taijasa and Tamasa; the Ahamkaras created Five ‘Tanmatras’ or
Subtle Forms of Matter comprising Pancha Bhutas of Prithivi-Jala-Teja-Vaayu and Akasha or Earth-
Water-Radiance-Air and Sky; of Shabda-Sparsha-Rupa-Rasa-Gandha or Sound-Touch-Vision-Taste-
Smell from the corresponding Jnanendriyas or Body Parts viz.Ears-Skin-Eyes-Tongue-Nose;
Karmendriyas of Hands, feet, tongue, Paayu or Anus and Upastha or Marmendriya as also of Manas
or Mind. Thus the Tatwas of Trigunas, Pancha Bhutas, PanchaTanmatras, Pancha Jnanendriyas,
Pancha Karnmendriyas all controlled by and Manas or Mind].

Turya or the Final State of Soul in which Yogi becomes identified with Brahman; Trilokya samstutya
or Devi is extolled and admired in the Tri Lokas; Triguna or the Single Entity displaying all the Three
Features or Characteristics of Satvika-Rajasika and Tamasika nature yet being a Nirguna;
Triguneswara or the Presiding Deity of the Three Gunas; Tripuraghni or the destroyer of Tripurasura
in the Form of Maha Deva as explained above ; Tri Maata; Trigunanvita; Trishna cchedakari or the
eradicator of thirst; Tikshna or the Byword for Sharpness or Severity; Tikshna Swarupini or of
Ruthlessness and even Cruelty; Tula or Highly Balanced and Composed; Tuladi Rahita or She has no
similarity or likeness in terms of her features or actions; Tatwa Brahma Swarupini or of the likeness
of Brahma; Tranakartri or the Eminent Defender; Tripapaghni or the eliminator of three kinds of Sins
perpetrated by Mind, Tounge and Action-wise ie.Manasa-Vaachaa-Karmana;Tripada or of Three
Steps leading to Trilokas; Tridashaanvita of Bound to Three Directions viz. on Earth, Sky High or
Underneath; Tathya or the Absolute Truth and the Reality Alone; Trishakti of Creation-Progress-
Extinction; Triprada or of imparter of Dharma-Artha-Moksha; Turya or of Climactic and Super-
Conciousness; Trailokya Sundari or the Unparalleled Beauty of the Three Worlds on Earth, Sky and
Undernreath; Tejaskari or the Creator of Luminosity; Tri Murtaadya or the Originator of Brahma-
Vishnu-Maheshwara; Tejorupa or the Personification of Illumination; Tridhaamata or the Essence of
Three Supreme Abodes of Satya Loka of Brahma, Vaikuntha of Bhagavan Vishnu and Kailasha of
Maha Deva; Tri Chakra Kartri or the Creator of Three Wheels or Paths to achieve Moksha viz.
Karma, Bhakti and Jnaana;*Tribhaga or the Shakti of the three parts of day or night in Vedic

*[Tribhaga Bala or the power of three parts of day or night is indicated in reference to Grahas or
Planets: Budha gains strength in the first third part of a day; Surya gains strengh in the middle one-
third of a day and Shani becomes powerful in the last one third of a day; Similarly Chandra, Shukra
and Mangala gain strength in the successive one-third parts of the night; however Guru is powerful all

the times in a day or night.]

Turyaatita phala prada or Devi Saraswati is capable of bestowing the Status far beyond Turya or of
Supreme Awareness; Tejaswini or the Grand Fund of Radiance and Vivacity; Taapaha or the
mitigator of extreme heat; Tapoplava nashani or the terminator of dangerously high temperature;
Tejogarbha or the Devi whose belly is replete with sparkle and energy; Tapassara or the Quintessence
of Tapas or Magnifecent Meditation; Tripura Priyankaari or the Beloved of Tripura Samhara; Tapaswi
or the exemplary meditator of excellence; Taapana samtushta or She is exhilarated and excited in
performing elevated level of Tapasya; Taapasangaja bheetinudey or as though one might be
apprehensive of the abnormality of her physical health due to the rigorous tapasya; Trilochana or of
Three Eyes when the third is never opened unless extreme situations are called for; Tri Maraagaya or
Devi commends Three Paths of Seeking Salvation viz. Bhakti or Jnaana or Vairagya; Tritiya or the
Third Day of each month both in the Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha with special significance on
Akshaya Tritiya in Vaishakha and Teej Festival for women in Shravana months; Tridasha Stuta or
Commended by the three directions of Sky, Earth and the Under worlds of Patala; Tri Sundari or the
Paradigm of Charm and Gorgeousness in the Tri Lokas; Tripathaga or of the Three Paths seeking
Vidya, Vitta and Vairagya; Turiya Pada daayni or the Goddess with powers to guide Yogis to the
Supreme Reality).

Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Namasshuddha Phaladey Aim Vada Vada Vaagvadini Swaaha

Shubha Shubhavati Shanta Shantida Shubadayani, Sheetala Shulini Sheeta Shrimati Shubjanvita/

( Shubha or the Auspiciousness of Devi; Shubhavati or the Image of Propitiousness; Shanta or

Tranquility; Shanti daa or the Endower of Peacefulness; Shubha dayani or the provider of
Contentment; Sheetala or Coolness; Shulini or the Displayer of Trident as a gesture of Confidence to
her devotees; Sheeta or the One with placidity devoid of anxieties; Shrimati or Lakshmi Swarupa or
the Jewel of Womanhood; Shubhanvita or the Harbinger of favourableness and success ).

Om Aim yaam Eem Yum Youm Yah Aim Vada Vada Vaagvadini Swaaha

Yoga siddhiprada Yogya Yagjnenaparipurita, Yajya Yagnamayi Yakshi Yakshinin Yaksha Vallabha/
Yagjnapriya Yagjna pujyaa Yagjnatushta Yamastuta, Yamaniyaprabha Yamya Yajaniya Yasaskari/
Yagjnakartri Yagjnarupa Yashoda Yagjna samstuta,Yagjneshi Yagjnaphalada Yoga Yoniryajustuta/
Yamisenyaa Yamaraadhya Yamipujya Yameswari, Yogini Yogarupaacha Yogakartru priyankari/
Yogayuktaa Yogamayi YogaYogiswaraambika,Yoga Yagjnamayi Yonih YamaadyashataangaYogata/
Yantritaaghoughasamhara Yamalokanivarini,Yashtivyashtishasamstustya Yamaadyashtangayogayuk/
Yogiswari Yogamataa Yoga Siddhaa cha Yogadaa,Yogaaroodha Yogamayi Yogarupaa Yaviyasi/
Yantrarupacha Yantrastha Yantrapujya cha Yantrika,Yuga kartri Yugamayi Yugadharmavivarjita/
Yamuna Yamini Yaamya Yamunaajalamadhyaga,Yataayaata prashamani yatanaanaam nikruntani/
Yogaavasa Yogivandya Yattacchabda Swarupini, Yogakshemamayi Yantra Yaavadakshara Matrika/
Yavatpadamayi Yavacchabdarupa Yatheswari,Yattadiya YakshavandyaYadvidya Yati samsthuta/
Yaavadvidyaamayi Yavadvidyaabrinda Suvanditaa,Yogihrudpadma nilaya Yogivaryapriyankari/
Yogivandya Yogi maata Yogisha phaladayani, Yaksha vandya Yaksha pujya Yaksharaja supujita/
Yagjnarupa Yagjnatushta Yaayajuk swarupini,Yantraaraadhya YantramadhyaYantrakatrupriyankari/
Yantraarudha Yantrapujya Yogidhyana parayana,Yagjaniya Yamastutyaa Yogayukta Yashaskari/
Yogabaddha Yatistutya Yogagjna Yoganayaki, Yoga Yagjnaprada Yakshi Yamabadhaa vinaashani/
Yogi Kaamya pradaatricha Yogimokshapradayani/

Iti naamnaam Saraswatyahsahasram samudeetam/ Mantratmakam MahagopyamMaha
Saaraswatapradam,YahpathecchrunuyadbhaktyaTrikalam Sadhakah puman/ Sarva
Vidyanidhissaakshaat sa eva bhavati dhruvam,Labhatey Sampadassarvaah Putra poutraadi
samyutaah/Mookopi Sarva Vidyaa Suchaturmukha Ivaaparah, Bhutwa prapnoti Saannidhyam Antey
Dhaturmuniswara/ Sava Mantramayam Sarva Vidyaamaana phalapradam, Kasmai Chinna
pradaatavyam Praanaih Kantha Gatairapi/ Mahaa Rahaasya satatam Vani naama Sahasrakam,
Susiddha masmaadeenaam Stotram tey samuditam/

Iti Shri Skaanda Puraaney Shri Saraswati Sahasra Naama Stotram Sampurnam/

(Yoga Siddiprada or Devi Saraswati is the provider of Achievement to Yogis; Yogya or the
Manifestation of Worthiness; Yagnjnena paripurita or the Successful accomplisher of all Yagjnas;
Yajya or the One to whom Yagjnas are addressed to; Yagjnamayi or the Incarnation of Yagjnas;
Yakshi or the High representation of Wealth being the wife of Kubera the Treasurer of Devas;
Yakshini or of the Form of Yakshinis or the Female Form of Yakshas or Nymphs who is in the
service of Devi Durga; Yakshini Vallabha or the Goddess of Yakshas; Yagjna priya or the One who
is delighted with Yagjnas or the Sacrificial Offerings to Devas; Yagjna pujya or the Goddess
worshipped through the medium of Yagjnas; Yagjna Tushta or the Deity who is happy and contented
with the performance of Yagjnas; Yama Stuta or the Goddess is acclaimed and well applauded by
Yama Dharmaraja; Yamaniya prabha or the fresh brightness of each ‘Yaama’ or Three Hours of a
Day/Night; alternatively explained as the personification of Self-Restraint and Discipline; Yaamya or
the One with tolerance and leniency; Yajaniya or Worthy of high worship in the medium of Yagjnas;
Yasaskari the awarder of name and fame; Yagjnakartri or the Top Organiser of Yagjnas; Yagjna
Rupa or the very appearance of Yagjnas; Yashoda or the contributor of reputation and eminence or
alternatively explained the foster mother of Lord Krishna and the wife of Nanda; Yagjna samstuta or
She is celebrated by Yagjnas as their Goddess; Yagjneshi or the Presiding Queen of Yagjnas; Yagjna
phalata of the provider of the fruits of Yagjnas; Yogayoni or the Mother Goddess of Yagjnas;
Yajustuta or the Personifiction of Yagjnas is never tired of commending and praying to her; Yami
Sevya or the Devi worshipped and served by the wife of Yama the God of Death;:

[*Yama is a component of *Ashtaanga Yoga: ‘Yama niyamaasana Praanaayama Pratyaahra Dharanaa

Dhyaana Samaadhyayoshtangavavaani’ or Yama-Niyama-Aasana-Prayanama-Pratyaahara-Dharana-

Yogini or Saraswati is herself the Supreme Practitioner of Yoga; Yoga rupa of the Original
Expression of Yoga; Yoga kartru priyankari or Devi Vani is extremely pleased with Yoga
Practitioners; Yogayukta or the One with the Unique Art of Yoga; Yagamayi or the or Immersed in
Yoga; Yoga Yogiswaraambika or the Goddess of Yoga and of Yogiswaras the High Qualified
Masters of Yoga; Yoga Jnaana mayi or the One with the Specialised Knowledge of Yoga; Yonih or
the Generator of Yoga Vidya; Yamaadyashtaanga Yogata as explained above; Yantrita or the Deity of
Yantras and their extensive Science; Aghougha samhara or the Exterminator of Sins and Sinners;
Yamaloka nivarini or the Preventor of Yaaloka Yatra; Yashti Vyashtisha samstuta or hailed and
venerated by the General Public and the Distinguished Classes of the World alike; Yamaadyashtaanga
Yoga yuk or the Perfectionist of Yama-Niyama and such other Eight-folded Yoga; Yogiswari; Yoga
Maata; Yoga Siddha or the Paramount Accomplisher of the Art of Yoga; Yogada or the Teacher and
Instructor of Yoga too; Yogaarudha or the One seated on the High Seat of Yoga; Yogamayi or the
Essence of Yoga; Yogarupa or the Image of Yoga; Yaviyasi or the Incarnation of Yoga; Yantra rupa
or the embodiment of Yantras; Yantrastha or embedded in Yantras; Yantra Pujya or Goddess
Saraswati is worshippped by the totality of Yantras; Yantrika or She is the Yantra herself; *Yantrika
or the Symbol of Unique Energy of mystical / spiritual nature as the word ‘Yam’seeks to create,
sustain and support the inherent power;

*[ There has been a very wide range of Yantras and Sadhana or Practice of the Yantras has been in
existence from times immemorial addressed to varied Deities such as Devis and Devis, Planets,
Spirits etc. invoked for countless end-purposes some for Self-Enhancement, some for attaining
Siddhis and some others even for destructive ends.]

Yuga Kartri or the Creator of Yugas or Passages of Kaala or of Time Circles; Yugamayi or Devi who
is the Essence of the concerned Yuga kaala; but She is Yuga dharma Vivarjita or is devoid of the
features and regulations of the conerned Yugas since she is the Decider of the Yuga dharmas as also
of the Enforcer of the Priniciples; Yamuna or of the Swarupa of the Sacred River by that name as also
the daughter of Lord Surya and the Sister of Yama, Vaivaswata Manu and Lord Shani; Yamini or the
Swarupa of a sister or daughter; Yaamya or the Personification of Yaamaas or Units of Three Hours
of Time each; Yamunaa jala madhyaga or Devi Saraswati flowing at the mid-point of River Yamuna
as the Antarvahini at Prayaga; Yaataayaaa prashamani or the Controller of rapid motion;
Yaatananaam nikruntani or the obstructer of the high speed of the water-flows; Yogaavaasa or the
Resider of Yoga; Yogivandtya or Devi is saluted and respected by all the Yogis; Yattatcchabdha
swarupini or the Manifestation of Each and Every Sound of Words and Sentences; Yogakshemamayi
or the Goddess of tracking the welfare of one and all; Yantra or the Instrumenation of Spiritual
Enablement; Yaavadakshara Matrika or the Mother-Goddess of Alphtabets; Yaavatpadamayi or the
formulator of Steps in terms of Words, Sentences and Expressions; Yaavacchabda Rupa or the Image
of endless Sounds and Vocabulary; Yateshwari or the Independent Self-Starter unbound by barriers;
Yattadeeya or as She thinks and Acts as per her imagination freely and spontaneouly; Yaksha Vandya
or worshipped by Yakshas; Yadvidya or Vidya or Knowledge is as per her own creation alone; Yati
samstuta or commended incessantly by Yatis of extraodinary Powers; Yavadvidyaa mayi or the
Personification of all kinds of Vidya or Knowledge; Yaavad- Vidyaa brinda Suvandita or all the
Branches of Knowledge do prostrate before her Magnificence; Yogi hridpadma nilaya or Devi
Saraswati is the dweller of the Mind-Visioned Lotuses of Yogis in Totality; Yogivarya priyankari or
the Unique Magician and Fascinator of the Best of Yogis in the Worlds; Yogi Vandya; Yogi Mata;
Yogisha phaladayani or the Rewarder of Favours and Largess to the Outstanding Yogis; Yaksha
Vandya; Yaksha Pujya; Yaksha Raja Supujita or Devi is worshipped by the King of Yakshas Kubera;
Yagjna Rupa; Yagjna tushta or contented by Yagjnas; Yaayayajaaka Swarupini or of the Emblem of
Yaajana or Yagjna; Yantraaraadhya or Devi Saraswati is best worshipped by the media of Yantras;
Yantrakatru priyankari or Devi is excited and gladdened by the worship through Yantras;
Yantraarudha or the Presiding Deity seated high on Yantras by the means of Sacrifices and Mantrik
Applications ; Yantra Pujya or all the Yantras are demonstrative of their reverence; Yogi Dhyana
Parayana or the Single Objective that all Yogis seek and surrender; Yajayeena or perform Sacrifices
and Yagjnas to Devi the Supreme; Yama Stutya or entreated to her by Lord Yama; YogaYukta or
She is always accompanied by Yoga Vidya; Yashaskari or the bestower of High Fame and
Distinction; Yoga baddha or She is regulated by the rigourous discipline and regulation of Yoga; Yati
stutya or implored by Yatis of Outstanding Virtue; Yogagjna or Totally Knowledgeable of Yogas to
such an extent that there could be nothing beyond; Yoga nayaki or the Queen of all the nuances of
YogaVidya; Yoga Jnaanaprada or the One who imparts the best of Yogic Knowledge; Yakshi; Yama
baadhaa Vinaashani or the desroyer of various kinds of difficulties threatened by Yama Deva; Yogi
kaamyapradatri or the Ultimate Fulfiller of the wishes of Yogis; Yogi Moksha pradayani or the final

bestower of Moksha to Yogis);

Phala Shruti

Iti Naamnaam Sarswatyaah Sahasram Samudeetam: The above are theThousand Sacred Names of
Maha Devi Saraswati; Mantraatmakam Maha Gopyam Maha Saaraswata pradam or These
Outstanding Names are replete with Mantras which are of Confidential nature constituting the
Quintessence of Invaluable Knowledge, Wisdom and Discernment that Devi Saraswati is all about;
Yah pathetcchrunu yad Bhaktyaa Trikaalam Sadhakah Puman or those who accomplish full reading
and hearing of the Devi Naamas three times a day are indeed bestowed the best of everything; Sarva
Vidyaanidhi -ssaakshaat sa yeva bhavati dhruvam or They are blessed high with Complete Fulfillment
of achieving unique Vidyas most certainly; Labhatey Sampada or Prosperity in Full; Putra poutraadi
samyuta or the benediction of excellent progeny of several generations ahead; Mookopi Sarva
Vidyaasu Chaturmukha Paraa Parah Bhutwa Praapnoti Saannidhyam or Even the dumb, mute and
wreched human beings once exposed to the invaluable Sahasra naama in commendation of Devi
would be eligible to excelllence in the domains of Knowledge by the grace of Chaturmukha; all those
absorbed in this Sahasranamaa shall indeed attain Devi Saannidhyam or Appearance and nearness;
Sarva Mantra mayam Sarva Vidyaa maana Phalapradam or this Sahasranama is a concentrate of Sarva
Mantras and is the conferrer of Sarva Vidyas; Mahaa Rahasya satatam Vani Naama Sahasrakam, Su
Siddha masmadaadeenam Stotram tey samuditam/ Susidda masma daadeenam Sotram : This Highly
Confidential Sahasra naama of Devi Vani naama is the most apropriate and rewarding to persons of
my minimal standing and average intellect in all respects.

Iti Shri Skaanda Puraaney Shri Saraswati Sahasra naama Stotram Sampurnam/ (This as a Part of
Skanda Purana describing the Thousand Names of Shri Saraswati is complete).


Prathamam Bharatinaama Dwitiyamcha Saraswati,Tritiyam Sharadadevi Chaturtham

Hamsavaahana/ Panchamam Jagati Khyatam Shashthim Vaageeswari tathaa/ Kaumari Saptamam
Prokta mashtamam Brahmacharini/ Navamam Buddhidhatricha Dashamam Bhuvaneshwari, Brahmi
Dwadashanaamaani Tri Sandhyam Yah Pathennarah,Sarvasiddhikari tasya prasannna Parameswari/


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