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5. Database Design

5.1. Scope

5.1.1. Identification

This chapter details the Database Design of the ‘OMNIVISION’. This document
describes the standards to be used when designing and developing the database.
This design is based on the 'Software Requirements Specifications (SRS)' of the
A Database is a structure that can store information about multiple types of things
(or entities), the characteristics (or attributes) of those entities, and the relationships
among the entities. It also contains data types for attributes and indexes.
Database Design is the process of determining an appropriate database structure,
i.e. deciding on the appropriate tables, attributes and relationships, to satisfy a given
set of requirements.

Title: Database Design Document (DBDD) for ‘OMNIVISION’.

5.1.2. DBDD Overview

Requirement Management involves set of activities, which includes collecting,

analysis and documenting all technical and non-technical requirements of the
‘OMNIVISION’. This will be used for initial estimation and planning to ensure that
all the requirements of the ‘OMNIVISION’ have been addressed and met.
Functional Requirements are based on the functionalities detailed in the
OMNIVISION’s Models and process documents provided by the client. Additional
functionalities shall be added based on the system requirements discussion with the
The Software Requirement System will touch all the department’s functional
DBDD explains all database tables, require for the design of the Online Book
Shopping System. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to:

 Provide detail database design description of the ‘OMNIVISION’ Software.

 Ensure that the design fulfills the relevant requirements of ‘OMNIVISION’.

 Ensure that the design fulfills the relevant architecture of ‘OMNIVISION’.

 Describe the standards to be used when designing and developing the


_________________________________________________________________________________ Objectives of Database Design Document

The main objectives of database design document are

1. To produce Physical database design
2. To produce Logical database design

5.2. Applicable Documents

1. Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document for OMNIVISION

Submitted by:

2. System Design Document (SDD) for OMNIVISION

Submitted by:

5.3. Architectural design

5.3.1. Data type and Description

Some of the data types are:

Data types Description

NUMBER Represents Integer values that can be stored in 4 bytes. The range
of values is –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
TEXT Stores variable-length strings of Unicode characters. The main
difference between the VARCHAR and the NVARCHAR data
types is that each NVARCHAR character is stored in 2 bytes,
while each VARCHAR character uses 1 byte of storage space. The
maximum number of characters in a column of the NVARCHAR
data type is 4000.
DATE/TIME The DATE/TIME data type specifies a date and time, with each
value being stored as an Integer value in 4 bytes. A value of
DATE/TIME is stored Internally as two separate numeric values.


OMNIVISION Software Contains Following Tables and


Table Name: Usermaster

Primary Key: User_Id

Field name Data type Constraint Description

User_Id Number Primary Key User ID is unique number
(Identity) given to each user.
User_Name Text Not Null User login name should
be minimum 6 characters
User_Password Text Not Null User login password
should be minimum 6
characters long.
User_Address Text Allow Null It will specify the address
of the user
Primary_Number Number Not Null It a Number which will
be less than or equal to
10 digits and greater than
6 digits
Secondary_Number Number Not Null It a Number which will
be less than or equal to
10 digits and greater than
6 digits
E-Mail_ID Text Not Null It is a user Email
Folder_Path Text Not Null It is the name of the
folder where images are
Alert_Sound Text Not Null It is the internal alert
Alert_Level Text Not Null It Specify level of
Window_Height Number Not Null Height of image window.
It will in pixels
Window_Width Number Not Null Width of image window.
It will be in pixels.


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