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FOR 2020



子 Geng Zi
In 2020, the Year of the Metal Rat would be a period of
productivity and blessed with plenty of opportunities to
increase one’s wealth. As each of the Five elements are assigned
to a particular season, Metal is the element of autumn. The season
of autumn is associated with, among other things, a time of harvest.
Therefore, in the year of the Metal Rat, it can be said that efforts of
yesteryears would come into fruition and with careful strategy, one may reap
the rewards.

While our natal BaZi chart remains unchanging throughout our lives, the energies within
fluctuate in contrast to the external energies of the year. These subtle changes, while
temporary, plays a part in our decision-making process in the present moment. Having
complete awareness of how we are influenced by the changing times helps us in amplifying
positive results while mitigating negative outcomes. Every year can be a great one with the
power of awareness.

Everything exists in a cyclic pattern and the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac is no different.
As the Pig ushered the end of the previous cycle, the Rat is the beginning of a new one. In
the eyes of metaphysical astral patterns, 2020 is a time of renewal and new beginnings. For
any new initiative taken, it must be deliberated with facts and strategy. The first step of any
endeavour is often the most critical one that would set the tone for further action. With that
being said, decide carefully as whatever choice you make this year would have a lasting impact
on the years to come.

While it is the Year of the Metal Rat for everyone, it has a different meaning for each individual.
As each element perceives one another different, knowing your Day Master makes all the
difference in knowing how the year would affect you personally. Having awareness of how you
will be influenced in 2020 would be crucial in maximizing the opportunities afforded to you
for the year.

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The Yin and Yang version of the Wood element is likened to an elegant flower and
tall, sturdy tree respectively. Jia 甲 Wood Day Masters, being the Yang counterpart,
has the qualities of a towering tree; natural-born leaders, resilient and tough. Yi 乙
Wood Day Masters, on the other hand, like flowers, are gentle in their ways and has
an air of tactfulness around them.

Geng 庚 and Zi 子 are the Influence and Resource structures to the Wood Day
Masters. It can be said that there will be opportunities for both Day Masters to gain
authority and respect for the year. These opportunities however would come at a
cost; there will be hurdles and challenges they would have to overcome before they
are able to reap the benefits.

For the Yi Wood Day Master, they will be able to attract helping hands in their
lives as the year of the Metal Rat brings with it one of their Nobleman Stars 貴人.
Whatever obstacles they have to face, help is readily available. What it means to
have this star with you for the year is that you won’t have to actively look for help.
Rather, help will be looking for you. On your part, simply be receptive to it.

Jia Wood Day masters on the other hand may not see 2020 as favourable because
of the presence of the Yang Metal that is to them the Seven Killings 七殺 star.
While the star itself is an indication of troubling times and burden, it is not
without a solution. The year branch Zi 子 (Rat) contains their Direct
Resource 正印 star which may hold the answer to their problems,
which is knowledge and ample preparation.


Whatever challenges this year
might throw at you, how you handle
it depends on your mindset. Rather
than thinking of it pessimistically, take it
as a lesson. What can you learn? What is the

lesson? By the end of the year, when you’re looking
back at all the problems you managed to solve, you’ll
be able to see how far you have grown.


乙 Yi
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Generous, manganous and burning bright, Bing 丙 Fire Day Masters are comparable
to the sun itself. They are determined in whatever they do and won’t back down
so easily. The Yin counterpart, the Ding 丁 Fire Day Masters are more low profile
in general as they are the flames of a candle that brings light to the dark. They are
often compassionate, intuitive and would go on to become great teachers.

Geng 庚 and Zi 子 are the Wealth and Influence structures for both Fire Day
Masters. 2020 would be a year where Bing and Ding individuals find opportunities
to increase their wealth. It’s possible that they’ll be taking on more responsibilities,
solve more problems and able to improve their overall quality of life. Saying yes to
opportunity would open up more doors and options in the future.

For Bing Fire Day Masters, they also have the blessing of the Heavenly Wealth 天
財 this year. Heavenly Wealth brings the possibility of windfall gains. However, this
does not necessarily mean it will be yours with no effort whatsoever. At the very
least, you have to make yourself receptive. Keep an eye for any opportunity that
might coming your way and you’ll stand a chance to make full use of this luck.

For Ding Fire Day Masters, the year Branch Zi 子 (Rat) contains their Seven Killings
七殺. While there are opportunities to increase wealth, it won’t be free of charge.
Everything comes with a price tag. Something’s got to give; be it time, effort or
even health. Whatever sacrifice you have to give in the pursuit of wealth,
make sure it’s a price none too heavy to pay.


For Fire Day Masters, you will
find the energy to achieve greater
heights this year. It is best that you find
an outlet to channel all this energy to turn
it into something productive. At the same time
however, give some attention to your health. To

make the most out of your opportunities, you need
to be in peak condition as well. Make sure you strike a
healthy balance between the two.


丁 Ding
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Earth Day Masters are associated with traits such as stability, trustworthy and
patient. The Wu 戊 Earth Day Masters, like tall mountains, are dependable and
independent. Ji 己 Earth Day Masters, represented by fertile soil, are resourceful
and empathic. If you are an Earth Day Master, you’ll be able to endure a lot of
hardship and make it through in one piece because you are built to last.

Geng 庚 and Zi 子 are the Output and Wealth structures for both Earth Day Masters.
Creativity will be the key to success in 2020 and you have to work on getting your
ideas out there. Whether it’s generating original ideas or find new refreshing ways
to repackage conventional wisdom, either which are likely to bring an increase to
your wealth and financial aspect.

The Ji Earth Day Masters are likely to enjoy an improved wealth luck as the year
branch Zi 子 (Rat) contains their Indirect Wealth star. As it is the star of innovation
and taking the road less travelled, you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment and apply
new approaches to your life. Shake things up, be committed to challenge the norm
you’ll be able to prevail this year.

The Year of the Metal Rat also brings the Nobleman Star 貴人 into the Ji Earth
Day Masters; life. In all areas of their life, they would be able to find help or Noble
People easily. In this case, they don’t need to be afraid to take the first step and
put themselves forward. If they have goals to accomplish, supporters are
all around. If they falter in their journey, there will be those who’ll catch
them when they fall.


Let your creativity flourish. Share
your ideas and make them known;
you won’t get anywhere with what’s
inside your head if you keep it to yourself.
Eventually, you might meet just the right
person who can appreciate the value you offer.

This in turn will lead you to more opportunities and
success in your path ahead.



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Likened to raw, untampered iron ore, Geng 庚 Metal Day Masters are built for
hardship. They need challenges in their life in order to thrive. In contrast to the
blunt and direct Geng Metal, Xin 辛 Metal Day Masters are much more refined.
They are as elegant as diamonds with an equal need for attention and recognition.
They value appearance and can be very diplomatic.

Geng 庚 and Zi 子 are the Companion and Output structures to the Metal Day
Masters. In 2020, these Day Masters will get the opportunity to have a wider reach
in their social network. They will be able to meet new people, form new connections
and realize new ideas as a result. From the people they meet, they would be able
to create more value and generate creativity by exchanging ideas with others.

The Geng Day Masters will find that they will have more peers of equal standing as
denoted by the Friend Star in the year’s Heavenly Star. The Branch Zi 子 (Rat) on
the other hand contains the Hurting Officer 傷官star which, among other things, a
star that represents standing out, gaining attention and communication. Don’t be
afraid to say “yes” to social gatherings and events as you’ll definitely gain positive
attention there.

The Xin Metal Day Masters will have a boost in learning and acquiring new
knowledge the year branch Zi 子 (Rat) also brings in their Intelligence Star 文昌.
The effect of this star allows the Xin Metal Day Masters to better digest and
compartmentalize ideas, therefore are able to learn with greater ease.
They are encouraged to learn as much as possible throughout the
year of the Metal Rat.


If you are invited to any social
events, make the best out of them.
Get out of your comfort zone and
mingle around. Creativity thrives when
it is challenged and contrasted by differing
opinions and ideas, which can only open if
you are able to meet new people. As you adopt

the values of the people around you, make sure you
surround yourself with positivity as well.


辛 Xin
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Ren 壬 Water Day Masters are the embodiment of great rivers. They are relentless,
dynamic, adaptable and quick on their feet. Their tenacity is second to none and
once they set out to accomplish a goal, nothing can stand in their way. The Yin
counterpart, Gui 癸 Water Day Master, are less forceful in their determination. Like
the gentle mist or light rain, they are calm, refreshing and highly perceptive.

Geng 庚 and Zi 子 are the Resource and Companion structures for both Water
Day Masters. For Ren and Gui individuals, 2020 will be a year of learning and self-
development. It is recommended that they put education as their top priority and
pick up new skills as they progress through the year. One of the best ways to learn
is to have peers by your side not only to learn together, but to exchange insights
as well.

The Ren Water Day Masters are especially affected; particularly where their finances
are concerned as the year stem Yang Metal represents their Indirect Resource
while the year branch Zi 子 (Rat) contains their Rob Wealth 劫財 star. Ren Water
Day Masters are more inclined to miss out on important details which may lead to
costly mistakes and decrease in wealth.

To the Gui Day Masters, it will be a Direct Resource 正印 Star in the year stem
Yang Metal and the year Branch Zi 子 (Rat) contains their Friend Star 比肩.
As opposed to the street-smart Indirect Resource star, Gui individuals
are more academic this year and may get the opportunity to receive
formal training. They may also receive support from their peers
that would encourage them in their endeavour.


For both of the Water Day
Masters, it will be a year of learning.
Whatever you learn however would
be wasted if it’s not applied or practiced.
As soon as you gain a new skill or obtain
new knowledge, make it practical instead of
theoretical. Exchange passive learning for an

active learning. Share what you learn with the people
around you and you will see positive results.


癸 Gui
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