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ST – Mastery 35%

Strategies Planned
 During the math lesson, the students watch the teacher model and demonstration how to
divide the pizza and create fractions then the student do it themselves.
 Hands-on experience digging for fossils in the station and making observations about real
 All of the lesson have direct instructions through the mini lessons.
 In the second science lesson, students are categorizing and sorting the rocks.
 The students will complete an exit slip at the end of the math lesson.
Multiple Intelligences fostered
      Body/Kinesthetic – digging for fossils and creating their own pizza/ dividing it into fractions.
Students will also be moving around the room to go to the different stations.
 Naturalistic – learning about fossils and the Earth before our time (digging for fossils)
 Logical/Mathematical – Students explain why they sorted the rocks the way they did
SF – Interpersonal 35%
Strategies Planned
 Group experiences and working with others (the stations in each of the lessons)
 Chances to share ideas with other students and present ideas to the class (present during
the closure activities. Students have a chance to display and explain work)
 During the math lesson, students are displaying ideas through pattern blocks with their
group and communicating the fractions.
 The students sing/chant along to a song and discuss their favorite part in a group.
Multiple Intelligences fostered
 Musical/Rhythmic – Sing along to the fraction song and discuss favorite part in a group
 Interpersonal – working in groups and sharing work to the whole class
 Verbal/Linguistic – Discussion among groups in stations, class discussion, and sharing
completed work.
NI - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
      Gaining information through direct instruction, exploration, and virtual fieldtrip
      Chances to work independently in several stations (illustrations)
Multiple Intelligences fostered
      Intrapersonal – Science illustrations based on their own thoughts and creativity
      Verbal/Linguistic – Presenting completed work to the class. Group discussion in
NF – Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
      Discussion and chances to ask questions during instruction, stations, and closure
      Discovery learning (during fossil dig activity and rock activity)
      Creating hypotheses (about what the animal might look like based on fossils)
Multiple Intelligences fostered
      Visual/Spatial – drawing illustrations of fractions in the world and creatures based on

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