Group Members Learning and Feedback Regarding 2 Month: Participants

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ODCP ICON Consultants

Group members learning and

feedback regarding 2nd month

Report on 2st Month - August 2020

Masuder Rahaman
Uzzwal Hayder
Shaila Ashraf
Md. Shamim
Anisur Rahman

Ashis Acharjee
Shipon Sarker
Ali Azim Muhammad Nasim
Siddik Mia
Rakibul Islam
Reduanul Mahmud

CODP 2nd Batch

14 September 2020
Summary Report:
Month – August, 2020

Captions of Learning:
1. Self as an instrument of Change: It was a very insightful learning about self as an instrument of
change. In case of change we must create self-awareness first then considered the others state of
mind, situation and patterns. For making change the action may be evocative or provocative would
be played an important role. Importantly, provocative action is appropriate and effective rather than
evocative action. It has been observed that provocative action, the way of task involvement is not
followed by us. Being an OD consultant, it is highly required to under go in a provocative way that
would be worked as an Influencer.
We have a lack of diversified information, coordination and interaction about our group members
engagement, contribution to share knowledge, learnings as well as professional attachment.
Remarkably, we all stayed in a limited boundary about our thought process, working on present ego
state which is not analyzed by the present situation. A part of it, emotional reactions and
understanding of Bias are also predominating among us.

Action Plan:
Change is not an easy which will not occur over night. It depends on paradigm shift of thought-
provoking process. Everywhere there are various resistant in change management. We cannot
accept the change initially; day by day start to see the essence of change and becoming a habituate
to adopt with the change due to increase self-awareness, feeling of others understanding and
situation through our group discussion and interaction with others.

2. There are there (3) types of Ego states of mind in every human being that is child, parent and adult.
Basically, we acted in every way of these three types of EGO by performing our activities or
communication. Among of three EGO states we need to work on Adult process because it comprises
the actual situation with facts and figures.
Present Situation of our group:
Most of the time we behaved in a parental way of action that might be came from our observation.
But we need to practice in adult ego states to get the better result and avoid the conflicting situation
through game theory. We already knew about the game theory of implication that might be worked
in our group which is occurred consciously and unconsciously among us.
Action Plan: It is always important to work in the adult ego states based on the analysis with facts
and figure. We already decided that we will notify and provide the real data of current situation to act
accordingly. Furthermore, we are become very conscious to avoid playing game and focused on the
adult ego state.
3. Learning from Movie Review “One Million BC”:
There is a lot of things of cultural insight of learning from watching movie. Specially we learned from
situational leadership as well as considered the polarization of individual thought process that directly
change the new behavior and pattern.
Current status and behavior of our team: In our group we respect each other behavior and their
communication style. Sometimes we shared our organizational culture and care our members
problem and situation. We observed that situational leadership is working among us.

4. We have discussed in five (5) topics that are Compassion, Observation, non-judgmental, empathy
and relationship in our group. Out of five only three topics found interesting as well as good
understanding about compassion, Observation and empathy. Even we are watching a good
symptom of reflection in members behavior regarding compassion, Observation and empathy.
However, in most cases, judgmental attitude and lack of relationship existed in our group.
Action Plan: To enhance healthy relationship and non-judgmental attitude, we are gradually
developing our social communication and taking care of team members. We also realized others
feeling and situation in a non-judgmental way.

Overall observation and feelings of Team members in the 2nd month:

1. Lack of intention of being a change agent.
2. Lack of patience while talking with other members
3. Pre-judgement and lack of adult Ego state.
4. Lack of trust for sharing true feelings.
5. Frustration due to lack of communication and continuation of team building initiatives.
6. Existence of show up respect
7. Existence of favoritism to particular members rather than team inclusion.
8. Prolonged observation rather than team contribution.
9. Intentional creation and involvement in game.
10. Expecting mentor’s role to unite group members to minimize the gap among members as well as
enhance motivation and learning interest as OD professional.

Action Plan: We already communicated all the above-mentioned issues in group. Now we are creating
awareness, doing motivate and promising to take real life action to change and adopt the best one as
OD perspective.

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