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Topic 1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents are the best

teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

On considering to the mature process of an individual from the earlier periods as

childhood on forwarding to adulthood, education plays one of the most major factors
significantly distributing on his/her development; on reference, it’s necessary to
include both 3 main sources imposing educational effects in terms of: schooling, self-
performing, and parenting. The last one mentioned above outstandingly impacts on
children life since parents possibly their best teachers for such major reasons thanks to
family role performance, and teaching-learning effectiveness.

Putting home-teaching beside schooling on comparison, parenting takes advantages

from mutually family-relationships to perform their responsibility on teaching their
children. Firstly, parents teach kids not only knowledge but also their attitude and
behavior growing. Particularly, children’s developing process closely associate with
witnessing and learning from what their parents act and behave, naturally constituting
their kids’ mimic on treating to surround world. Secondly, the idea of family role
forces the positive results on teaching and learning process thanks to sharing and
sympathizing model. For instance, within family relationships, students feel more
easily and softly to share with their parents either difficult or vulnerable issues rather
than taking with teachers at school. Finally, home education considerably run on the
fundamental blockage of loving that powerfully turn things become more easily. For
instance, children learnt to pay for their parents’ loving and caring by trying to
improve themselves to become better and better as they saw how their parents being
proud of them equal to how happy they are.
On conclusion, the family model naturally gives the parents a change of teaching their
children better than other educational areas.

Also, the effectiveness and efficiency of parental education practically weighted the
bias on comparing with other traditional educating. This provokes arguments when
some suppose that schooling offers much better supports for their children on growing
in that specialized and professional academy environment. Actually, no one can negate
the advantages of school system for students’ development, however, an appropriate
way applied for home education possibly get the highly effectiveness that may show
the surprising results. The idea of home teaching-learning on focus to the point of time
flexibility and practical methods possibly makes this work efficiently over the
traditional schooling. In particular, without any doubt, parents have the right way to
share their time fund for teaching kids better than teachers as lessons can be everything
about life instead of just number and words at class. Moreover, parents seem the one
knowing and understanding exactly what their kids’ potential for forcing them to
pinpoint and develop the areas fitting most with their individual ability, boosting their
fulfill development. For instance, school activities fail to discover all of the hidden
corners inside students’ potential to exploit their extraordinary and distinction. To the
end, parental educating surprisingly contributes on growing children with much
greater possible results for their normal development.

To conclude, parenting role on educating children should be taken highly priority on

comparison with traditional school and class as what we consider here the great
benefits from these kind of special parents-children relationships through its family
role performance and also how effective and efficient this run on teaching-learning

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