Village Pride Party Files Petitions 1,422 Signatures Filed For Lenahan-Lombardo-Corrado Ticket

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The Village Pride Party filed 1,422 signatures today with the East Rockaway Village Clerk,
guaranteeing a spot on the March 15th ballot for mayoral candidate Fran Lenahan and trustee
candidates Stanley Lombardo & Ed Corrado.

The 1,422 signatures filed dwarfs the number of signatures of supporters filed by their
opponents; it is almost two and a half times as many signatures filed by Richard Meagher and
his Freedom Party. The Freedom Party had filed 594 signatures several days ago.

Only 100 valid signatures of Village residents registered to vote are needed for ballot

The 1,422 signatures are a remarkable show of strength for Fran Lenahan and his running-
mates. Considering this immense number of signatures far exceeds the most votes ever cast
for any single Village of East Rockaway candidate, it is clearly yet another sign of the
impending Lenahan-Lombardo-Corrado victory.

Over the past few weeks, Lenahan campaign volunteers scoured the Incorporated Village of
East Rockaway for signatures, battling freezing temperatures, snowstorms, and ice.
Nevertheless, neighbors who were overly eager to sign a Pride Party petition routinely met
campaign volunteers at their doors.

An Independent Nominating Petition that these neighbors signed is the legal mechanism that
places Fran Lenahan, Stanley Lombardo, and Ed Corrado on March’s ballot.

“I’m so grateful for this amazing outpouring of support,” Lenahan said. “It just goes to show
you that our neighbors are overwhelmingly behind my campaign to cut bloated administrative
government salaries, impose a salary cap to keep the Village’s costs down, and use the money
saved to give every homeowner a much-needed tax cut,” he said.

Pride Party Trustee candidate Stanley Lombardo added that “It’s refreshing to see that our
neighbors are so supportive of our ideas and plans. Rhetoric and cheap talk only gets you so
far; our Village’s future depends on much more. That’s exactly what we’ve been proposing
for months.”

Trustee candidate Ed Corrado said “I’m proud to be running a campaign full of ideas that
addresses the most pressing problems East Rockaway faces. What’s also notable about the
Pride Party Team is that we’re the only candidates who will never allow a multi-story high-
rise rental apartment complex to enter our charming Village.”

Looking towards the March 15th Village Election, Lenahan said that he and his running-mates
“will continue to deliver our message of cutting taxes and reducing bloated Village salaries
while maintaining all East Rockaway services to every resident.”


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