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Estimation Methods for Basic Ship Design

Prof. Manuel Ventura

Ship Design I

MSc in Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture


• Hull Form
• Lightship Weight
• Deadweight Components
• Propulsive Coefficients
• Propulsive Power
• Subdivision and Compartments
• Capacities

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 2


• At the beginning of the basic design there is no sufficient

data to proceed with accurate computations
• It is necessary to use estimate methods which with the few
information available or assumed will allow to obtain
approximate values
• These methods are generally based in statistical regressions
with data compiled from existing ships

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 3

Hull Form Coefficients

Block Coefficient (CB)

C = 1.08 (single screw)

CB = C − 1.68 ⋅ Fn
C = 1.09 (twin screw)
C = 1.06
0.14 L B + 20
CB = ⋅
Fn 26 0.48 ≤ CB ≤ 0.85 0.14 ≤ Fn ≤ 0.32
0.23 L B + 20
CB = 2

F 3 26

CB = −4.22 + 27.8 ⋅ Fn − 39.1 ⋅ Fn + 46.6 ⋅ Fn3 0.15 < Fn < 0.32

Barras (2004)
⎛ V ⎞ V [knots]
CB = 1.20 − 0.39 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ L LPP [m]
⎝ PP ⎠
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 5

Block Coefficient (Cb)

Alexander (1962)

CB = K − 0.5V Lf


K = 1.12 » 1.03 p / navios mercantes

= 1.32 » 1.23 p / navios de guerra
V : velocidade [ knots ]
LF : comprimento da linha de flutuaçao [ ft ]

Van Lameren

CB = 137
. − 2.02V Lf

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 6

Block Coefficient (Cb)


CB = 106
. − 168
. V Lf


CB = 122
. − 2.38V Lf

Munro-Smith (1964)
dCB Cw − Cb
dT T

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 7

Block Coefficient (Cb)

Townsin (1979)

C B = 0.7 + 0.125 ⋅ tg −1 [25 ⋅ (0.23 − Fn )]

Schneekluth (1987)
0.14 + 20
CB = ⋅ B
Fn 26

LPP + 20
0.23 B p / 0.48 < C B < 0.85
CB = ⋅
3 26 0.14 < Fn < 0.32

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 8

Block Coefficient (Cb)

C B = 0.8217 ⋅ f ⋅ LPP ⋅ B −0.3072 ⋅ T 0.1721 ⋅ V −0.6135

In which f is a function of the type of ship:

Ro/Ro Gen. Cargo Containers OBO Bulk Gas Products Ferry

Reefers Tankers Chemicals
0.97 0.99 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.09

Kerlen (1970)

C B = 1.179 − 2.026 ⋅ Fn p / C B > 0.78

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 9

Midship Section Coefficient (CM)

Midship Section Coefficient

CM = 1 −
2.33 ⋅ B ⋅ T

Kerlen (1970) Where:

C M = 1.006 − 0.0056 ⋅ C B R= Bilge radius [m]
Fn = Froude Number
CM =
1 + (1 − C B )

C M = 1 − 0.062 ⋅ Fn 0.792 RO/RO ships and Container-Carriers

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 10

Midship Section Coefficient (CM)

Parson (2003)
⎛ 0.4292 ⋅ R 2 ⎞
CM = 1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ B ⋅T ⎠

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 11

Waterline Area Coefficient (CWL)

CWL = 0.95 ⋅ CP + 0.17 ⋅ 3 1 − CP U shape sections

(1 + 2 ⋅ CB ) Intermediate shape sections
V shape sections
CWL = CB − 0.025

1⎛ C ⎞
CWL = ⎜1 + 2 ⋅ B ⎟
3 ⎜⎝ CM ⎟

A = 0.248 + 0.049 ⋅ G
B = 0.778 − 0.035 ⋅ G
CWL = A + B ⋅ CB G=0 U shaped sec tions
=1 V shaped sec tions

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 12

Waterline Area Coefficient (CWL)

Parson (2003)
0.471 + 0.551 ⋅ CB

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 13

Buoyancy Center Ordinate (KB)

⎛ 5 1 CB ⎞
KB = T ⎜ − ⎟ Normand
⎝ 6 3 CWP ⎠

KB = T ( 0.9 − 0.36 CM ) Normand

KB = T ( 0.9 − 0.3 ⋅ CM − 0.1 ⋅ CB ) Schneekluth

⎛ C ⎞ Wobig
KB = T ⎜ 0.78 − 0.285 B ⎟
⎝ CWP ⎠

⎛ 0.168 ⋅ CWL ⎞ Vlasov

KB = ⎜ 0.372 − ⎟ ⋅T
⎝ CB ⎠

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 14

Buoyancy Center Abscissa (LCB)

As a first approximation, the abscissa of the buoyancy center

can be obtained from the following diagram as a function of the
Block Coefficient (CB):
A - recommended values
B, C – limit values

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 15

Buoyancy Center Abscissa (LCB)

[% Lpp AV MS]
lcb = (8.80 − 38.9 ⋅ Fn ) / 100
lcb = −0.135 + 0.194 ⋅ CP (tankers and bulkers)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 16

Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT)

The Transverse Metacentric Radius is defined by


The transverse moment of inertia of the waterplane (IXX) can
be approximated by the expression:

I XX = k r ⋅ B 3 ⋅ L
In which the values of the factor kr are obtained from the
following Table:

0.68 0.0411 0.78 0.0529 0.88 0.0662

0.70 0.0433 0.80 0.0555 0.90 0.0690

0.72 0.0456 0.82 0.0580 0.92 0.0718

0.74 0.0480 0.84 0.0607 0.94 0.7460

M.Ventura 0.76 Estimation

0.0504 Methods
0.86 0.0634 0.96 17

Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT)

f ( CWP ) ⋅ L ⋅ B 3 f ( CWP ) B 2
BMT = = ⋅
12 ⋅ L ⋅ B ⋅ T ⋅ CB 12 T ⋅ CB

Reduction Factor:

f ( CWP ) = 1.5 ⋅ CWP − 0.5 Murray

f ( CWP ) = 0.096 + 0.89 ⋅ CWP


f ( CWP ) = 0.0372 ⋅ ( 2 ⋅ CWP + 1) Bauer


f ( CWP ) = 1.04 ⋅ CWP

2 N.N.

f ( CWP ) = 0.13 ⋅ CWP + 0.87 ⋅ CWP

± 0.005 Dudszus and Danckwardt

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 18

Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT)

Xuebin (2009)

BMT = (0.085 ⋅ CB − 0.002 ) ⋅ (bulk-carriers)
T ⋅ CB

Xuebin, Li (2009), “Multiobjective Optimization and Multiattribute

Decision Making Study of Ship’s Principal Parameters in Conceptual
Design”, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.53, No.2, pp.83-02.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 19

Longitudinal Metacentric Radius

The Longitudinal Metacentric Radius is defined by


The longitudinal moment of inertia of the waterplane (IYY) can
be obtained approximately by the expression:

IYY = k R ⋅ B ⋅ L3
In which the values of the factor kR are obtained from the
following Table:
0.68 0.0332 0.78 0.0450 0.88 0.0588
0.70 0.0350 0.80 0.0475 0.90 0.0616
0.72 0.0375 0.82 0.0503 0.92 0.0645
0.74 0.0400 0.84 0.0532 0.94 0.0675
0.76 0.0425 0.86 0.0560 0.96 0.0710
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 20

Stability Parameters

Metacentric Height KM

⎛ C ⎛C ⎞
⎛C ⎞ ⎞

KM = B ⋅ ⎜ 13.61 − 45.4 B + 52.17 ⎜ B ⎟ − 19.88 ⎜ B ⎟ ⎟

⎜ CWP ⎝ CWP ⎠ ⎝ CWP ⎠ ⎟⎠

Applicable to ships with 0.73 < (CB/CWP ) < 0.95

⎛ 0.08 B 0.9 − 0.3 ⋅ CM − 0.1 ⋅ CB ⎞

KM = B ⋅ ⎜ ⋅ ⋅C + ⎟ Schneekluth
⎜ CM T B ⎟
⎝ T ⎠

If CWP is unknown:

1⎛ C ⎞
CWP , N = ⎜ 1 + 2 ⋅ B ⎟⎟ C = 1.0
3 ⎜⎝ CM ⎠
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 21

Period of Roll

• An excessively high value of GMT implies a very small period of roll

and leads to high accelerations, which are uncomfortable to crew
and passengers and also results into higher loads in some equipment
• A maximum value of GMT should therefore be assumed based on na
acceptable value of the roll period (T = 10 seconds is typical value)
• The period of roll (T) can be estimated by the expression:

0.43 ⋅ B
TR = [s]
B [m]
GMT [m]

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 22

Wetted Surface (SW)

em que:
∇ SW : wetted surface [ft2]
SW = 1.7 ⋅ LPP ⋅ T + LPP : length bet. perpendiculars [ft]
T T : draught [ft]
∇ : displacement volume [ft3]


SW = 0.17 ⋅ c ⋅ ∇ ⋅ LWL

em que:
SW : surface [m2]
∇ : displacement volume [ m3]
LPP : length on the waterline [m]
c : f(CM, B/T)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 23

Wetted Surface (SW)

Holtrop and Mennen (1978)

SW = Lwl ⋅ ( 2 ⋅ T + B ) ⋅ CM ⋅

( 0.453 + 0.4425 ⋅ C B − 0.2862 ⋅ CM − 0.003467 ⋅ B

T )
+ 0.369 ⋅ CWP +
2.38 ⋅
In which:
ABT – transverse section area of the bulb on FWD PP

Schneekluss and Bertram (1998)

( 1
SW = 3.4 ⋅ ∇ 3 + 0.5 ⋅ LWL ⋅ ∇ ) 1

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 24

Cylindrical Mid-Body

Lindblad (1961)

LE p/ Cb < 0.75
= 1.975 − 2.27 ⋅ CB
= 1.12 − CB
L Le = length of entry
LX = L − LE − LR Lr = length of run
Lx = length of parallel body

Lindblad, Anders F. (1961), “On the Design of Lines for Merchant

Ships” , Chalmers University Books.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 25

Cylindrical Mid-Body

Approximate extent of the cylindrical body:

• Full shape (CB > 0.80) LX = 30% ≈ 35% LPP
• Full shape (0.70 ≤ CB ≤ 0.80) LX = 15% ≈ 20% LPP
• Slender shape (CB < 0.70) LX decreasing to 0

In alternative, the length of

the cylindrical body (LX)
and the proportion between
the entry and the run
bodies (L1/L2) can be
obtained from the graphic
of the figure, as a function
of the block coefficient

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 26


Tabular Freeboard (ILLC)

• The tabular freeboard can be approximated by a parabolic

curve regression of the tabular values from the Load Lines
Convention as follows
– Ships of Type A:

FB = −0.027415 × Lfb 2 + 21.007881 × Lfb − 562.067149 [mm]

– Ships of Type B:

FB = −0.016944 × Lfb 2 + 22.803499 × Lfb − 691.269920 [mm]

where Lfb = ship length according to the rules [m]

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 28


Gross Tonnage

• The Gross Tonnage can be estimated as a function of the Cubic

Number (CN = Lpp x B x D), by the following expression:

GT = k ⋅ CN

Type of Ship K
Tanker, Bulk Carrier 0.26 – 0.30

Product Tanker, Chemical Tanker 0.25 – 0.35

Multi-Purpose 0.25 – 0.40

Fast Container Carrier 0.25 – 0.33

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 30

Net Tonnage

• The Net Tonnage can be estimated as a fraction of the

Gross Tonnage, as follows:

NT = k ⋅ GT

Type of Ship K
Container Carrier 0.3 – 0.5

Others 0.5 – 0.7

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 31

Compensated Gross Tonnage (1)

• Compensated Gross Tonnage (CGT) is related to the amount

of work required to build a ship and it depends on her size,
as measured by the GT, and her sophistication, as defined by
a coefficient increasing with the ship type complexity.
• Its definition and calculation procedure are set down by the
OECD (2007).
• CGT is used to measure and compare the capacity or
production of a shipyard, a group, a country etc., for the
purpose of statistics and comparisons.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 32

Compensated Gross Tonnage (2)

• CGT can be estimated by the following expression:

CGT = a ⋅ GT b

Ship Type a b
GT: Gross Tonnage
Bulk Carrier 29 0.61
a, b: coefficients that can be
obtained from the Table Oil Tanker 48 0.57
as a function of the type Chemical Tanker 84 0.55
of ship Product Tanker 48 0.57
General Cargo 27 0.64
Coaster 27 0.64
Reefer 27 0.68
LPG 62 0.57
Container Carrier 19 0.68

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 33

Lightship Weight

Lightship Weight Estimate

• Components of the Lightship Weight

– Structure
– Machinery
– Outfitting
• Centers of Gravity
• Longitudinal distribution of the lightship weight

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 35

Displacement and Weights of the Ship

The displacement is computed by:

Δ = γ . LBP . B.T . Cb

The displacement is equal to the sum of the fixed and variable

weights of the ship:
Δ = DW + WLS

in which:
DW - deadweight
WLS - lightship weight


CDW - cargo deadweight

DWs - ship’s own deadweight
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 36

Lightship Weight

For the purpose of estimate, generally the lightship weight is

considered to be the sum of three main components:

WLS = WS + WE + WM

in which:
WS - Weight of the structural steel of the hull, the
superstructure and of the outfit steel (machinery
foundations, supports, masts, ladders, handrails, etc).
W S = W H + W SPS

WE - Weight of the equipment, outfit, deck machinery, etc.

WM – Weight of all the machinery located in the engine room

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 37

Weight Estimates

A reasonable structure for a generic expression to compute the

weights of the ship can be as follows

W = k .V a .Δ b
in which:
k - constant obtained from similar ships
V - service speed
Δ - displacement
a, b - constants depending from the type of weight under
consideration, obtained from statistical regressions

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 38

Weight Estimate

Hull Weight
WH = k ⋅V 0.5 ⋅ Δ

Equipment Weight
WE = k ⋅V 0.9 ⋅ Δ 3/4

Machinery Weight

WM = k ⋅ V 3 ⋅ Δ 2/3

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 39

Methods to Estimate the Hull Weight

1. Methods that consider the weights as function of the main

characteristics of the hull
– Appropriate to be used in processes for the optimization of
the main dimensions
2. Methods based in the existence of data from existing
– More precise estimates
– Results not satisfactory when dealing with new types of ships
3. Methods based in surfaces.
– When the hull form, the general arrangement and the
subdivision are already roughly known
4. Methods based in the midship section modulus.
– Based on the scantlings of the midship section

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 40

Estimate the Hull Weight

• Most estimate methods consider separately the weights of
the hull and of the superstructure
• For the purpose of cost estimation, the hull weight should be
subdivided into:
– Weight of structural steel (hull structure)
– Weight of outfit steel (foundations, ladders, steps, etc.)
• Each of these components should be subdivided into:
– Weight of plates
– Weight of stiffeners
• For the purpose of cost estimation, and due to the waste
resulting from the cutting process, should be used:
Gross Steel Weight = 1.08 ~ 1.12 x Net Steel Weight

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 41

Hull Weight

Quadric Number

WH = k ⎡⎣ L ⋅ ( B + D )⎤⎦

Cubic Number

WH = k ⋅ ( L ⋅ B ⋅ D )

In both expressions, k is a constant, obtained from similar

existing ships

• The draught is not considered
• The cubic number gives the same relevance to the three hull
dimensions, which is not realistic
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 42

Hull Weight

Quadricubic Number (Marsich, Genova)

WH = k ⋅ N qc
1/ 2
⎛ 3 ⎞
N qc = L . B. D . ⎜1 + Cb⎟
4/ 3 1/ 2

⎝ 4 ⎠

Sato (tankers with 150 000 t< DW < 300 000 t), 1967

⎛ Cb ⎞ ⎡ 2⎤
3L2 B
WH = 10 ⎜ −5
⎟ ⎢5.11 + 2.56 ⋅ L2 ( B + D ) ⎥
⎝ 0.8 ⎠ ⎣ D ⎦

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 43

Hull Weight

Some methods take advantage of the knowledge of the weight

distribution from a similar existing ship (parent ship)

LRS Method
f sl = 1.133 (LBP − LBPp ) LBPp
WH = WHP (1 + f sl + f sb + f sd + f sc )
f sb = 0.688 (B − B p ) B p
f sd = 0.45 (D − D p ) D p
f sc = 0.50[1 − ( f sl + f sb + f sd )] (Cb − Cb p )
DNV Method
WH = WHP (1 + f sl + f sb + f sd + f sc + f st ) f sl = 1.167 (LBP − LBPp ) LBPp
f sb = 0.67 (B − B p ) B p
f sd = 0.50 (D − D p ) D p
f sc = 0.17 (Cb − Cb p ) Cb p
f st = 0.17 (T − T p ) T p
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 44

Hull Weight

• From statistical analysis regression (d’Almeida, 2009):

WH = k1 ⋅ LS k 2 ⋅ B k 3 ⋅ D k 4

k1 k2 k3 k4

Oil Tankers 0.0361 1.600 1.000 0.220

Bulk Carriers 0.0328 1.600 1.000 0.220

Container Carriers 0.0293 1.760 0.712 0.374

General Cargo 0.0313 1.675 0.850 0.280

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 45

Hull Weight

Cudina et al (2010)
(Tankers and Bulk-Carriers)

⎛ f ⎞⎧ 1.36 ⎧ ⎡ 0.8D − T ⎤ ⎫ ⎫
WH = ⎜1 − 1 ⎟ ⎨0.0282[Lpp ⋅ (B + 0.85D + 0.15T )] ⎨1 + 0.5⎢(CB − 0.7 ) + (1 − CB ) T ⎥ ⎬ + 450 ⎬
⎝ 100 ⎠ ⎩ ⎩ ⎣ 3 ⎦⎭ ⎭

f1 – reduction of the hull weight due to the use of high-tensile steel

Cudina, P.; Zanic, V. and Preberg, P. (2010), “Multiattribute Decision Making

Methodology in the Concept Design of Tankers and Bulk-Carriers”, 11th
Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures,

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 46

Hull Weight Correction

The hull weight estimate can be improved by considering some particular

aspects such as the usage of special steels, the need of structural
reinforcements for high density cargos or the existence of ice belts.

Correction [%]
HTS (about 60% of total) -12.0
HTS (about 35% of total) -8.0
Systems for corrosion control (tankers) -4.0
Corrugated bulkheads -1.7
Reinforcements for Ore Carriers +4.0
Reinforcements for heavy cargo in alt. holds +5.5
Reinforcements of holds (general cargo) +1.5
Reinforcements of decks (general cargo) +0.5
Ice Class I +8.0
Ice Class II +6.0
Ice Class III
M.Ventura Estimation Methods +4.0 47

Weight of Superstructures

• Can be obtained as a function of the hull weight (Pc) and the type
of ship:
– Cargo liners - Wsps = 10 ~ 12 % Pc
– Tankers - Wsps = 6 ~ 8 % Pc
– Bulk carriers - Wsps = 6 ~ 7 % Pc
• When the arrangement of the superstructures is already known, a
criteria based in the average weight per unit area (Wu) can be
used, assuming that the corresponding height of the decks is equal
to 2.40 m.
A – covered area of decks
Wu = 190 kg/m2 (castles)
Wu = 210 kg/m2 (superstructures amidships)
Wu = 225 kg/m2 (superstructures aft)
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 48

Machinery Weight (1)

The weight of the machinery can be obtained from a similar

ship, by alteration of the ship’s speed and/or of the
WM = K ⋅ V 3 ⋅ Δ 2/3

K - obtained from similar ships
V – ship’s service speed [knots]
Δ - Displacement

The variation of the weight is obtained by deriving the

previous expression:
dWM dV 2 d Δ
= 3. + .
WM V 3 Δ
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 49

Machinery Weight (2)

From statistical analysis regression (d’Almeida, 2009):

WM = k1 ⋅ PMCR

PMCR: Propulsive power [bhp]

The coefficients k1 and k2 are characteristic of the type of
propulsive plant:

k1 k2

Diesel (2 stroke) 2.41 0.62

Diesel (4 stroke) 1.88 0.60
2 x Diesel (2 stroke) 2.35 0.60
Steam Turbine 5.00 0.54
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 50

Weight of the Propeller (1)

Some authors suggest formulas for the estimate of the weight

of a propeller as a function of its design parameters such as
the diameter (D) and the blade area ratio (AE/A0)


( D ) ⋅ ⎛⎜⎝ A
WPROP = 1.982 ⋅ t E ⎞ ⋅ γ ⋅ R3
A0 ⎟⎠

γ - specific weight of the material (ref. to table)
R - hub radius
t - blade thickness ratio
WPROP – weight of the blades, without the hub

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 51

Weight of the Propeller (2)


WPROP = 0.004 ⋅ ⎛⎜ E ⎞⎟ ⋅ DPROP

A 3
(fixed pitch propellers)
⎝ A0 ⎠

WPROP = 0.008 ⋅ ⎛⎜ E ⎞⎟ ⋅ DPROP

A 3
(controllable pitch propellers)
⎝ A0 ⎠

DPROP - propeller diameter [ft] 1 ft = 0.3048 m
WPROP – total weight [ton] 1 ton US = 0.91 t

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 52

Weight of the Propeller (3)

• Gerr (2001)

W = 0.00241 D 3.05 (3 blade propellers)

W = 0.00323 D 3.05 (4 blade propellers)

D – propeller diameter [ft]
1 ft = 0.3048 m
W – propeller weight [lb]
1 lb = 0.454 kg

Gerr, David (2001), “Propeller Handbook: The Complete Reference for

Choosing, Installing and Understanding Boat Propellers”, International Marine.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 53

Propeller Material

Specific Weight
Bronze Manganese 8.30
Bronze Nickel/Manganese 8.44
Bronze Nickel/Aluminum 7.70
Bronze Copper/Nickel/Aluminum
Bronze Manganese/Nickel/Aluminum
Cast steel 7.85
Stainless steel 7.48 ~ 8.00
Cast iron 7.21

Composite materials are already being used in propellers for military


M.Ventura Estimation Methods 54

Equipment Weight

• From statistical analysis regression (d’Almeida, 2009):

WE = k1 ⋅ ( L ⋅ B ⋅ D )

k1 k2

Oil Tankers 10.820 0.41

Bulk Carriers 6.1790 0.48

Container Carriers 0.1156 0.85
General Cargo 0.5166 0.75

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 55

Equipment Weight

Cudina et al (2010)

⎛ Lpp ⎞ (Tankers and Bulk-Carriers)

WE = ⎜ 0.28 − ⎟ ⋅ Lpp ⋅ B
⎝ 1620 ⎠

Cudina, P.; Zanic, V. and Preberg, P. (2010), “Multiattribute Decision Making

Methodology in the Concept Design of Tankers and Bulk-Carriers”, 11th
Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures,

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 56

Equipment Weight


⎛1 1 L B ⎞
WE = WEb . ⎜ + ⎟
⎝ 2 2 Lb Bb ⎠
WEb = weight of the equipment of
the parent ship
Fisher (bulk carriers)

⎛1 3 L B ⎞
WE = WEb . ⎜ + ⎟
⎝ 4 4 Lb Bb ⎠

Parker (tankers)

⎛2 1 L B ⎞
WE = WEb . ⎜ + ⎟
⎝ 3 3 Lb Bb ⎠
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 57

Equipment Weight

Lee and Kim

The weight is the result of the average of the 3 values
obtained by the following expressions:

WE = (WE1 + WE 2 + WE 3 ) / 3

WE1 = f E1 ⋅ L ⋅ B

WE 2 = f E 2 ⋅ L ⋅ ( B + D )

WE 3 = f E 3 ⋅ L1.3 ⋅ B 0.8 ⋅ D 0.3

fE1, fE2, fE3 - constants of proportionality obtained from
similar ship
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 58

Ordinate of the Centers of Gravity

Steel (Kupras)

KGS 1 = 0.01D ⎡ 46.6 + 0.135 ( 0.81 − Cb )( L D ) ⎤ + 0.008 D ( L B − 6.5)

L ≥ 120 m
⎣ ⎦

KGS 2 = KGS 1 + 0.001D ⎡⎣1 − ( L − 60 ) / 60⎤⎦ L < 120 m

Equipment (Kupras)
KGE = D + 1.25 p/ L ≤ 125 m
KGE = D + 1.25 + 0.01 ( L − 125) p / 125 ≤ L < 250 m
KGE = D + 2.50 p/ L ≥ 250 m

Machinery (Watson and Gilfillan)

KGM = hDB + 0.35 ( D − hDB ) in which
hDB – height of double-bottom
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 59

Lightship Weight Distribution (1)

Ships with Parallel middle-body

• Defining the unit hull weight (wH) by:
wH =
The distribution of the hull weight, in
a ship with parallel mid-body, can be b = 1.19 wH
represented in accordance with the a = (0.62 ± 0.077x).wH
following figure: x = LCGH [% Lff]

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 60

Lightship Weight Distribution (2)

Ships without parallel middle-body

• The distribution can be considered as the sum of a
rectangular distribution with a parabolic distribution

a = wH/2
b = 3wH/4
x = value of the required LCGH shift
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 61

Trapezoidal Distribution

• Na approach quite common is to assume a trapezoidal

distribution of the weight components.

The weight is represented

by the area of the trapezoid
that is given by:

a+b lcg =
b−a L

W= ⋅L
2 a+b 6

Knowing the weight and the LCG of the component, the

trapezoid is defined by: W 6 ⋅W ⋅ lcg
a= −
L L2
W 6 ⋅ W ⋅ lcg
b= +
L L2
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 62

Deadweight Components

Deadweight Components

• The deadweight is the sum of all the variable weights on

board and is generally assumed to have two main
DW = CDW + DWs

• The first approximation, when almost everything is unknown

or undefined is to assume:
DW = 1.05 x CDW

• As the knowledge about the ship characteristics and systems

increases the 5% DW approximation of the component non-
dependent of the cargo can be replaced by the estimate of
the several individual contributions:

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 64


• The Deadweight Coefficient is a concept useful in the first

steps of the design process and is defined by the
• Typical values of the Deadweight Coefficient for different
types of ships are presented in the table (Barras, 2004):

Ship Type CDW Ship Type CDW

Oil Tanker 0.800 - 0.860 Container Carrier 0.600

Ore Carrier 0.820 Passenger Liner 0.35 – 0.40

General Cargo 0.700 Ro/Ro Vessel 0.300

LNG/LPG 0.620 Cross-Chanel Ferries 0.200

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 65

Cargo Capacity

• When dealing with cargo holds (solid cargoes) it is common

to use different measures of the volume:
– Moulded capacity – gross volume computed directly from the
moulded lines of the hull
– Grain capacity – net volume, discounting the volume occupied by
the hull structures
– Bale capacity – net volume, discounting the volume occupied by
the hull structures and irregular shaped volumes not usable by
packed cargo
– Insulated capacity – discounting all the above plus the
thickness of the insulation, if any, which can range from 200 to
350 mm (refrigerated spaces)
• These capacities can be approximated as follows:
– Grain Capacity = 0.985 x Moulded Capacity
– Bale Capacity = 0.90 x Moulded Capacity
– Insulated capacity = 0.75 x Moulded Capacity

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 66

Fuel Oils

Fuel Oils
• The total capacity of fuel oil on board is a function of the
required autonomy, the service speed (Vs) and the
propulsive power (Pcsr)

WFO = × PCSR × SFOC × 10−6 [t ]

• The daily consumption is computed by the expression

Daily Consumption = PCSR × SFOC × ( 24 + 6 ) × 10−6 [t ]

with a tolerance of 6 hours and:
SFOC ≡ Specific Fuel Oil Consumption ⎡⎣ g ⋅ kW ⋅ h −1 ⎤⎦

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 67

Fuel Oil Tanks

• The fuel oil system includes the following types of tanks:

– Storage tanks (Tanques de armazenamento)
– Settling tanks (Tanques de decantação)
– Daily tanks (Tanques diários)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 68

Fuel Oils - Storage Tanks

VT – volume total do tank (90%) [m3]

NP – number of ports
Fs – specific FO consumption factor (1.03)
Cc – aux. Boiler consumption
Fe – expansion factor (0.96)
Qup – consumo de vapor em porto
ρOP – specific weight of the HFO [t/m3] [kg/h]
BHP – máx. power of the main engine TCS – time for load/unload
Cs – specific FO consumption [g/kW/h] QUM – steam consumption manoeuv.
A – autonomy [horas] [kg/h]

NMCA – number of Aux. Engines Tman – time for manoeuv. [h]

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 69

Fuel Oils - Daily Tanks

(Settling and Service )
Settling Tank
T – time for settling (24 + 6 hours)
Cs – specific FO consumption
fs – service factor (margin)
fe – FO expansion factor
Ρ – FO density

Service Tank

Capacity identical to the settling tank.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 70

Deadweight Estimate (2)

Lubricating Oils
The weight of the Lub.
WLO = 0.03 ⋅ (WFO + WDO + WBO ) Oils can be estimated as
a function of the FO, DO
and BO weights

For the purpose of its maintenance there is onboard the ship a
set of spare parts of the main machinery and of other
equipment of the engine room, whose weight can be assumed as
proportional to the machinery weight

Wspar = 0.03 ⋅ WM

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 71

HFO, DO, BO and LO Densities

For the weight estimates the following values can be used:

Specific Gravity [t/m3]

Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) 0.935 ~ 0.996

Diesel Oil (DO) 0.86 ~ 0.90

Boiler Fuel Oil (BO) 0.94 ~ 0.96

Lubricating Oil (LO) 0.90 ~ 0.924

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 72

Fresh Water

There are different types of fresh water onboard, associated

to different systems:
• Cooling Water Systems (Main, aux. engines, central cooling)
• Feed Water Systems (Main and aux. boilers)
• Sanitary Water Systems
• Drinking Water Systems

To estimate tank capacity of the Sanitary and Drinking Water systems,

a typical consumption of about 200 liter/person/day can be used.

In passenger ships, due to the high number of people on board,

the capacity of the FW tanks is complemented with the
installation of evaporators, that extract FW from SW

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 73

Crew and Passengers

Crew and belongings

The total weight of the crew and their personal objects on
board can be estimated by the expression

WCrew = N Crew × 500 [kg ] NCrew = number of crew


Passengers and belongings

The total weight associated with the passengers can be
estimated using a smaller vale for the luggage, due to their
shorter staying on board
W pass = N pass × 200 [kg ] NPass = number of

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 74

Propulsive Coefficients

Wake Fraction (w)

Va = ( 1 - w ) ⋅ V
w= 1-
w = -0.05 +0.50 ⋅ Cb


3CWL B (T - Z P ) ⎛ 3 ⋅ DP ⎞
w= - ⎜ 0.9 - ⎟
CWL - CP 2
LWL ⋅ T ⎝ 2B ⎠

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 76

Wake Fraction (w)

4.5 ⋅

CWL Lpp 1⎛Z D ⎞
w = 0.10 + + ⎜ H - - 0.175 ⋅ k ⎟
⎛ 6 ⋅ CB ⎞ 2⎝ T T ⎠
⎜7 - ⎟ ⋅ ( 2.8 - 1.8 ⋅ CP )
⎝ CWL ⎠
Zh = average immersion of
the propeller shaft
Holtrop and Mennen (1978) K = 0.3 (ships with normal
B S CV ⎛ 0.0661875 1.21756 CV ⎞
w= ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ +
DTA ⎝ TA D (1 − CP ) ⎠
B 0.09726 0.11434
+0.24558 − +
L (1 − CP ) 0.95 − CP 0.95 − CB

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 77

Wake Fraction (w)

Holtrop and Mennen (1982)

LWL ⎛ CV ⎞
w = c9 ⋅ CV ⋅ ⎜ 0.0661875 + 1.21756 ⋅ c11 ⋅ ⎟+
Taft ⎝ 1 − C P1 ⎠
B 0.09726 0.11434
+ 0.24558 − + +
LWL ⋅ (1 − CP1 ) 0.95 − CP 0.95 − CB
+ 0.75 ⋅ Cstern ⋅ CV + 0.002 ⋅ Cstern

CP1 = 1.45 ⋅ CP − 0.315 − 0.0225 ⋅ lcb
B ⋅ SW
c8 = if B TAFT ≤ 5.0
L ⋅ D ⋅ TAFT
⎛ 7⋅B ⎞
SW ⋅ ⎜ − 25.0 ⎟
c8 = ⎝ AFT
T ⎠ if B TAFT > 5.0
⎛ B ⎞
LWL ⋅ DP ⋅ ⎜ − 3.0 ⎟
⎝ TAFT ⎠
Cstern = +10.0
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 78

Wake Fraction (w)


Linear interpolation in the following table, as a function of CB

and the number of propellers.

Cb 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

w (1 propeller) 0.14 0.23 0.29 0.35
w (2 propellers) 0.15 0.19 0.19 0.23

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 79

Thrust Deduction Factor (t)

RT = (1 - t) ⋅ TP
t = 1-
t =k⋅w k = 0.50 ~ 0.70 w/ hydrodynamic rudder
k = 0.70 ~ 0.90 w/ double plate rudder and stern post
k = 0.90 ~ 1.05 w/ simple plate rudder

Holtrop and Mennen (1978)

L B D2
t = 0.001979 + 1.0585 − 0.00524 − 0.1418 P
B − B ⋅ CP L B ⋅T

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 80

Thrust Deduction Factor (t)

Holtrop and Mennen (1982)

t = 0.001979 ⋅ + 1.0585 ⋅ c10 + 0.00524 −
B − B ⋅ C P1
0.1418 ⋅ + 0.0015 ⋅ Cstern
B ⋅T
CP1 = 1.45 ⋅ CP − 0.315 − 0.0225 ⋅ lcb
c10 = B if LWL B > 5.2
0.25 − 0.003328402
c10 = if LWL B ≤ 5.2
− 0.134615385
Cstern = +10.0
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 81

Hull Efficiency (ηC)


1− t
ηC =
1− w


Linear interpolation in the following table, as a function of CB

and the number of propellers.
Cb 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

ηC (1 hélice) 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15

ηC (2 hélices) 0.96 1.00 1.03 1.07

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 82

Propulsive Power

Propulsive Power

The propulsive power is given by:

PD = [kW]
ηG η M η H η R ηO
PE = effective power:
RT = Total hull resistance [kN]
PE = RT V [kW] V = Ship speed [m/s]

ηG Efficiency of the gear

ηR = 1.01 Rotation relative
= 0.99 (non-reversible)
= 0.98 (reversible)
ηO Open water efficiency
of the propeller
ηM = 0.995 Mechanical efficiency
of the shaft line
1− t
ηH = Efficiency of the hull
1− w
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 84

Estimate of the Total Hull Resistance

• At the initial design stage, the estimate of the total hull

resistance RT can be done mainly using methods based in
statistical analysis of results from towing tank tests.
• There are several published methods:
– Oossanen (small high-speed displacement craft)
– Keunung and Gerritsma (planing hull forms)
– Savitsky (planing hull forms)
– Sabit (Series 60)
– Keller
– Harvald
– Holtrop & Mennen (1978, 1980), Holtrop (1982)
• The method of Holtrop & Mennen has proved to give good
results for merchant ships

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 85

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (1)

The total resistance is the sum of the following components

RT = RF + RW + RV + RB [kN]

The viscous resistance (that includes form + appendages)

RV = ρ V 2CF (1 + k ) Stot [kN]

The frictional resistance coefficient, CF is computed by

CF =
( log Rn − 2 )

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 86

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (2)

The form coefficient (1+k) is the sum of the form coefficient of

the naked hull (1+k1) with a contribution due to the resistance
of the hull appendages (1+k2)
1 + k = 1 + k1 + ⎡⎣(1 + k2 ) − (1 + k1 ) ⎤⎦

The form coefficient of the naked hull can be estimated by the


1 + k1 = 0.93 + (T L ) (B LR ) ( 0.95 − CP ) (1 − CP + 0.0225)

0.22284 0.92497 −0.521448 0.6906

The value of (1+k2) is obtained from the following table, in

accordance with the configuration of the hull appendages

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 87

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (3)

Configuration of the Hull Appendages 1+k2

Rudder (1 propeller) 1.1~1.5

Rudder (2 propellers) 2.2

Rudder + structs (1 propeller) 2.7

Rudder + boss (2 propellers) 2.4
Stabilizer Fins 2.8
Bilge Keels 1.4
Domes 2.7

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 88

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (4)

The length of the aft body, LR, can be approximated by

LR L = 1 − C P + 0.06 C P Lcb ( 4C P − 1)

When the wetted surface is still unknown, it can be approximated

S = L ( 2T + B ) CM 0.453 + 0.4425CB − 0.2862 CM − 0.003467 B + 0.3696 CWP
T )
+2.38 ABT CB

The wave resistance RW (generated wave + broken wave) is

= c1 c2 exp ⎡⎣ m1 Fnd + m2 cos λ Fn−2 ⎤⎦ ) d = 0.9

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 89

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (5)

in which the coefficients are computed by the following expressions:

λ = 1.446 CP − 0.03 L B
α = semi-angle of
( L) ( B)
3.78613 1.07961
( 90 − 0.5α )
c1 = 2223105 B T entrance of the
load waterline
c2 = exp −1.89 c3 ) 1
m1 = 0.0140407 L − 1.75254 ∇ − 4.79323 B − 8.07981CP
+13.8673 CP − 6.984388 CP
2 3

⎛ ⎞
m2 = −1.69385 CP2 exp ⎜ −0.1 2 ⎟
⎝ Fn ⎠
0.56 ABT
c3 =
BT 0.56 ABT + TF − hB − 0.25 ABT )
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 90

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (6)

When still unknown, the half-angle of entrance (α) of the design

waterline can be estimated by

0.5α = 125.67 B − 162.25 CP2 + 234.32 CP3 +

6.8 ( TA − TF ) ⎞

+0.155087 ⎜ Lcb + ⎟ [degrees]
⎝ T ⎠

The bulb resistance RB is computed from the expression

i = TF − hB − 0.25 ABT
c Fni3
RB = [kN] Fni =
1+ F 2
ni g i + 0.15V 2 V [m/s]

0.56 ABT
pB =
TF − 1.5hB
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 91

Method of Holtrop & Mennen (7)

The bulb resistance RB is

0.11 ⋅ exp ( −3 pB−2 ) ⋅ Fni3 ⋅ ABT

⋅ρ⋅g [kN]
RB =
1 + Fni2

The model-ship correlation defined by

CA =
1 ρ Stot V 2
can be determined from the expression

C A = 0.006 ( LS + 100 ) CB4 ⋅ c2 ( 0.04 − c4 )

−0.16 LS
− 0.00205 + 0.003

c4 = TF p / TF ≤ 0.04

c4 = 0.04 p / TF > 0.04

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 92

Subdivision and Compartments

Length of the Ship

• Formulas based in the economical performance
• Statistics from existing ships
• Procedures of control to define limits of variation

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 94

Length of the Ship

Schneekluth and Bertram (1998)

C B + 0.5
L pp = Δ0.3 ⋅ V 0.3 ⋅ 3.2 ⋅
⎛ 0.145 ⎞ + 0.5
⎜ Fn ⎟⎠

Lpp – Length bet. Perpendiculars [m]
V – Ship Speed [knots]
Cb – Block Coefficient V
Fn – Froude Number Fn =
g = 9.81 m/s2 gL

• Based on statistical analysis from the results of optimizations with

economical criteria
• Applicable to ships with Δ ≥ 1000 t
0.16 ≤ Fn ≤ 0.32
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 95

Length of the Ship

• The length of the ship can also be obtained from the

Deadweight Coefficient (CDW) and some common dimensional
ratios and form coefficients obtained from similar ships:

⎛ L⎞ ⎛B⎞
DW ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ B⎠ ⎝T ⎠ [m]
ρ ⋅ CB ⋅ CDW
Ρ = 1.025 t/m3
CDW = DW/∆

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 96

Relations From Statistical Analysis of
Existing Ships (1)
Formula of Ayre

= 3.33 + 1.67 ⋅
Δ 3 L

Posdunine (Wageningen)
⎛ V ⎞ 1
L = C ⋅⎜ ⎟ ⋅∇

⎝V + 2 ⎠
C = 7.25 ships with 15.5 ≤ V ≤ 18.5 knots
V [knots ]
∇ ⎡⎣ m 3 ⎤⎦

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 97

Relations From Statistical Analysis of

Existing Ships (2)
Volker (Statistics 1974)

= 3.5 + 4.5 ⋅

g ⋅∇
3 3

V [m/s]
Applicable to cargo ships and container-carriers

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 98

Validation/Comparison of Formulas

• Example: Container Carrier “Capiapo” Lpp = 263.80 m

∆ = 91.187 t B = 40.00 m
V = 25.92’ T = 12.00 m
DW = 50.846 t
Cb = 0.703
Source: “Significant Ships 2004”

Formulas LPP [m] Obs.

Schneekluth N/A Fn=0.55

Ayre 153.38

Posdunine 278.94* V > 18.5’

Volker 284.24

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 99

Limitative Factors for the Length

• Physical Limitations
– Shipbuilding
• Length of the building ramp or of the dry dock
– Ship Operation
• Locks
• Port limitations

• Check the interference between the bow and stern wave

systems, in accordance with the Froude Number
– The wave resistance begins to present considerable values
starting at Fn = 0.25
– The intervals 0.25 < Fn < 0.27 and 0.37 < Fn < 0.50 shall be
avoided (Jensen, 1994)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 100

Collision Bulkhead

• The location of the collision bulkhead is established in the

IMO Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 101

Length of the Engine Room

• The length of the Engine Room <LER> can be estimated as a

function of the power of the main machinery
• With the current trend of the decrease of the length (LENG)
of the Diesel engines used it is acceptable to estimate:
LER = 2 ~ 3 x LENG

• The resulting length should be rounded to a value multiple of

the frame spacing in the Engine Room

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 102

Height of Double-Bottom

• The minimum height of the double-bottom is established by

the Classification Societies taking into consideration only
the longitudinal resistance of the hull girder
• For DNV the minimum height is:
H DB = 250 + 20 ⋅ B + 50 ⋅ T [mm]

HDB – height of double-bottom [mm]
B - breadth, molded [mm]
T - draught [mm]

The actual value of the double-bottom height must represent a

compromise between the volume of ballast required (due to ballast
voyage condition, stability, etc.) and the associated decrease of the
cargo volume. In tankers, MARPOL requirements establish in addition

M.Ventura HDB = MIN(Estimation

B/15, 2.0 m)
Methods 103

Height of the Superstructure

• The total height of the superstructure can be estimated based on

the IMO SOLAS visibility requirements (Burgos, 2008)

⎛ 0.85 ⋅ LWL ⎞
H SPST = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ (D − TM + H DK ) + H DK + 1.5
⎝ LVIS ⎠

Lvis = MIN( 2Lpp, 500 )
Hdk = average height of the superstructure decks
Tm = average draught

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 104

Estimate of Capacities

Cubic Efficiency Factor (CEF)

• The CED is a useful ratio defined by

Typically presents values of [0.50,0.65] and it can be
estimated for similar ships by the expression:
CCRG [m3]
CEF = k1 ⋅ Cbk 2 ⋅ CCRG

k1 k2 k3 k4
Oil Tankers 0.6213 0.80 0.094 -0.10
Bulk Carriers 0.7314 0.66 0.079 -0.10
Multi-Purpose 1.2068 0.60 0.077 -0.15
General Cargo (box-shaped) 1.9640 0.60 0.075 -0.20

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 106

Capacities of Cargo Holds and Tanks

Knowing CEF from similar ships, the cargo capacity of a ship can be
computed by

CCRG = L ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CEF

The Depth required to obtain a certain cargo capacity can be

obtained also with CEF by the expression:

L ⋅ B ⋅ CEF

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 107

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (1)

Volume of Cargo Holds

Can be estimated from the midship section geometry, deducting

VH = f ps ⋅ AMS ⋅ LH ⋅ Cb

fPS = factor obtained from a similar ship
AMS = area of the midship section
LH = length of the cargo zone

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 108

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (2)

Volume of Ballast Tanks

The volume of the ballast tanks in the cargo area can be
estimated from a similar ship

VWB = f ps ⋅ AMS ⋅ LH

The volume of the ballast tanks in the aft and fore bodies can
be estimated by the expression:

VWBaft = 0.13 f ps ⋅ B ⋅ (T + 0.5) ⋅ Laft

VWBfwd = 0.35 ⋅ T ⋅ B

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 109

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (3)

Hull Volume (excluding FWD Peak)

Vol = 0.987 ⋅ Lpp ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CBD

⎛D ⎞
CBD = 0.086 ⋅ ⎜ − 1.0 ⎟ + 0.0475 ⋅ ( 0.7 − CB ) + CB
⎝ T ⎠

Volume of Double-Bottom

Vol = 0.987 ⋅ Lpp ⋅ B ⋅ H DB ⋅ CBDB

⎛H ⎞ ⎛H ⎞
CBD = 1.88 ⋅ ⎜ DB ⎟ − 1.364 ⋅ ⎜ DB ⎟ + 1.15 ⋅ ( CB − 0.7 )
⎝ T ⎠ ⎝ T ⎠

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 110

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (4)

Volume of the Engine Room and Aft Peak

Vol = Lpp ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CBm + dCBm

⎛D⎞ ⎛L ⎞
CBm = 0.042 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ − 0.04 ⋅ CB + ⎜ cm ⎟ ⋅ ( CB − 0.02 ) − 0.08
⎝T ⎠ ⎝ Lpp ⎠

⎛H ⎞
dCBm = ⎜ DB − 0.1⎟ ⋅ ( 0.133 ⋅ CB − 0.048 )
⎝ T ⎠

• Kupras, L. K. (1976), “Optimisation Method and Parametric Design in

Precontracted Ship Design”, International Shipbuilding Progress.

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 111

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (5)

Total Hull Volume (Lamb, 2003)

⎛ 0.8D − T ⎞
CBD = CB + (1 − CB ) ⋅ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3T ⎠

Vol = Lpp ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CBD

Engine Room Volume

Vol = LCM ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CB ⋅ k
LCM = 0.002 ⋅ PD + 5.5 LCM – Length of Engine Room
PD - Propulsive power
K = 0.85 (Engine Room aft)

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 112

Volumes of Cargo Holds and Tanks (6)

Volume of the Double Bottom

Vol = LDB ⋅ B ⋅ H DB ⋅ CBDB
⎛H ⎞
CBD = CB ⋅ ⎜ DB ⎟ a=
− 1.0
⎝ T ⎠ CB
CFF = 0.70 ⋅ CB + 0.3 p / CB < 0.75
= CB p / CB ≥ 0.75
Volume of Peak
Vol = 0.037 ⋅ Lpk ⋅ B ⋅ D ⋅ CB

Lpk = 0.05 ⋅ Lpp

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 113

Volumes of Wing and Hopper Tanks

• Kupras, L. K. (1976), “Optimisation Method and Parametric Design in

Precontracted Ship Design”, International Shipbuilding Progress.

Volume of the Wing Tanks

Vol = 2 ⋅ f ⋅ ( 0.82 ⋅ CB + 0.217 ) ⋅ LC
f = 0.02 ⋅ B ⋅ BW + 0.5 ⋅ BW 2 ⋅ tg (α )

Volume of the Hopper Tanks

Vol = 2 ⋅ f ⋅ ( 0.82 ⋅ CB + 0.217 ) ⋅ LC
f = 0.02 ⋅ B ⋅ BH + 0.5 ⋅ BH 2 ⋅ tg ( β )

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 114

Capacity of Containers
(Ships with Cell Guides)
Containers in Holds

for Lpp < 185 m

N HOLD = 15.64 ⋅ ( N B ⋅ N D ) MS
⋅ N L 0.5503 ⋅ CB 0.598 − 126

for Lpp > 185 m

N HOLD = 15.64 ⋅ ( N B ⋅ N D ) MS
⋅ N L1.555 ⋅ CB 3.505 + 704

NB – Number of transverse stacks
ND – Number of vertical tiers
NL - Number of longitudinal stacks

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 115

Capacity of Containers
(Ships with Cell Guides)

The number of stacks can be estimated by the expressions:

N B = ( B − 2 ⋅ BDH ) / 2.54
N D = ( D + H DK + H HA − H DB − H MRG ) / 2.60
N L = LHOLDS / 6.55
BDH – Breadth of the double-hull
HDK – Height of the deck (salto do convés)
HHA – Height of the hatch
HDB - Height of the double-bottom
HMRG – Distance from the top of the upper container to the hatch cover
LHOLDS – Total length of the cargo holds [m]

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 116

Capacity of Containers
(Ships with Cell Guides)
• Assuming the margins between stacks of containers
∆bTEU = 100 mm (transverse direction)
∆lTEU = 900 mm (longitudinal direction)
∆hTEU = 13 mm (vertical direction)

• From the statistical analysis of recent ships, the number of

longitudinal stacks of containers inside the holds can be
estimated by the expression:

N L = 0.0064 ⋅ Lpp 0.414 ⋅ LHOLDS 0.806 + 4.22

M.Ventura Estimation Methods 117

Capacity of Containers
(Ships with Cell Guides)
Containers On Deck

NB = B The number of vertical stacks

2.464 depends on the stability and also
NL =
LDK from the bridge visibility.

In ships with Engine Room aft, the height of the bridge can
be approximated by:
H BDG = 0.22 ⋅ LPP + 0.28 ⋅ D1.56 − 0.02 ⋅ LPP 0.806 ⋅ D1.1

The total number of containers on deck, based in recent

statistics, can be approximated by the expression:

N DK = 145 ⋅ L0.36
PP ⋅ B
+ 0.032 ⋅ BHP1.18 − 1074
M.Ventura Estimation Methods 118

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