Units of Threading: 1. Metric System

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Generally threading has two systems of units.

 Metric system / SI system

 Whit worth / BSW / English system
1. Metric System:
Metric system is also called SI systems of units.In this
system dimensions are usually taken in Meter (m) and its sub units such as

 Milimeter (mm)
 Centimeter (cm)
 Micrometre (um)
 Setting

It is distance between two consecutive or adjacent threads.

It this system of units dimensions are usually taken as

(M 18 * 2.5). Here

 M is Metric
 18 is diameter
 2.5 is Pitch

2. Whit Worth / BSW System:

This system of units is also called
English system of units. In this system dimensions are taken in inches
and its sub units such as:
 Foot (ft)
 Yard (yd)
 Sooter


1 inch = 8 sooter

1 sooter = 1/8 inches

 Setting
Threading Per inches:
It is the distance between two threads in this

In this system dimensions are always in fraction i.e p/q

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