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Ancient Greek era:

Psychology is interested in the nature of humanity in understanding how human beings
function is by meant by only in the field of inquiry that seeks answer to the puzzles of
human nature. Even psychology as an independent field of study is only 125 or so years
old as indicate above the question that interest have been for countries. The
psychology that you are studying developed in western country and its largely derived
from influence from western European culture traditions , which can be trace back the
incident Greeks .Some records attempt to understand human psychology can be found
in work of literature . Ancient literature often provides insights into early views of
human behavior; the earliest root of the modern discipline of psychology can be trace
two difference approaches to human behavior.

 Philosophy
 Physiology

 Philosophy
Philosophy operates primarily through introspection – the self examination of
ideas and inner experience.

 Physiology
It is scientific study of living organism and of life sustaining process and

Hippocrates (460-377 B.C) who is known as the father of medicine had

an impact on both philosophy and physical. He proposed the radical idea
that is not punishment sent by God and physical malfunction rather than demand cause mantas
illness. Hippocrates was the first to suggest that the mind reside in the brain .The
famous scientist Plato and Aristotle also bellied that mind found in the body. Plato
located it in the heart . With regard to psychology they particularly impacted three

 The relationship between mind and body

 The use of observation versus introspection as a means of discovering truth.
 The question what is original source of idea

Early Christian era and the middle age:

The idea of Plato and Aristotle continued to from the basis of debate about human nature
during the period from the 200-450 A.D. The Christian philosophers of this era agreed
Plato that introspection was the better path to discover truth.

Early modern period:

The modern period (1600-1850) debate between Aristotelian and platonic continued to
thrive. Rene Descartes (1596-1704). A French mathematician and philosopher
disagreed bacon’s emphasis on empirical methods were superior to observation .A
Englishman John locks (1632-1650) believed that the interaction between mind and
body is a symmetrical relationship between two aspects of the same unified
phenomenon. the mind depend on the body through the since for its information while
the body depends on the mind to process and store sensory experience for later use.

Early theoretical prospection in psychology:

The year 1879 is generally regarded as the in which psychology as a formal science was
officially born. A German scholar named Wilhelm Wundt who trained in both
philosophy and medicine had written in the his first book on sense perception in 1862
that psychology could become science only if it employed the experience method in the
study of its subject matter and that furthermore ,the mind could be studied. In the early
days of psychology there were two dominant theoretical perspectives.
 Structurism:
The goal of structurism was to understand the structure of mind. It was thought that
this could be accomplished by analyzing sensation image and feeling into their
basic element.
 Funactionism:
A American psychologist named William James (1842-1910) devilled a compete
ting approach which came to be known as funactionism.Jame said the important
question were how and why an organism does something they broader the field to
fuse children animal religious experience and what James called the steam of
The American john B Watson (1878-1958) is typically credited as a father of
behaviorism. Behaviorism is a theoretical perspective that is based on premise that
scientist method psychology should study only observable be

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