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BO Cas Altamifaho ATMA ae . } re Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford, OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 1-4050-0987-X ‘Text @ YWwonne Baker de Altamirano and Simon Mellor-Clark 2005 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2005 All rights reserved! no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publishers. Designed by Keith Shaw, Threefold Design Layout by Carolyn Gibson Cover clesign by Keith Shaw, Threefold Design Nicola King would also like to say a special thank you to her partner Captain César Garcia Varela from the Mountain Brigade, Huesca for his patience, encouragement and professional help, especially with units 3, 8,9 and 12; and welcome to the world to baby Tomas, born 28th December 2004. Special thanks to colleagues at the Spanish General Military Academy (Zaragoza, Spain), and in particular to Lt. Colonel Rafael Jimenez, Major José Garcia Alquézar, ‘Major José Luis Grande Ruiz de la Torre, Major Carlos Lopez Soler; Charles Goodridge, and the Department of Tacties. Yvonne Baker de Altamirano would also like to say another big thank you for all. their unstinting support and encouragement to her sons, Daniel and Rubén Altamirano, and in particular to her husband, Dr Jorge Altamirano forall his help and advice on Unit 11 The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: Action Plus p13; Crown Copyright, images from ‘ reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Oifice pp5, 47(a), 50; Defence Picture Library pP; p47(N; Getty Images p37; Military Picture Library International pp Contents page(t), (0, 10(0, 16(0, 2200, 28(0, 34), 40(0, 42(1), 471a, © & e), 48(0), 40, 60(0, 66(t), 72(), 78(D, 8010, 88(0; Sony UK ps6, Extract from ‘Australia’s New Main Battle Tank’ (Research Note No.19 2003/04) by Peter Rixon taken from wwweaph govmu, reprinted by permission of the author. Ilustrations by Peter Harper, Ben Hasler and Ed McLachlan Cover image by Doug Steley / Alamy Images Picture research by Kevin Brown Whilst every effort has been made to locate owners of copyright material in this book, there may have been cases when the publishers have been unable to contact the owners. We should be grateful to hear from anyone whe recognises copyright ‘material and who is unacknowledged. We shall be pleased to make the necessary amendments in futuze editions of the book, Printed and bound in Italy by Rototito Lombarda 2009 2008 2007 2008 2005 10987654321 Parachute regiment The battalion Military observer March or die The 3d ACR International HQ Carrier Fearless warrior Operation orders United Nations Police Combat Search and Rescue Lessons learned Answer key Tapescript Parachute regiment glossary i Tactics Task1 Translate. advance («) /od'vams) To move fortoard towards the enemy. attack (n) /ataek/ Anty offensive operation against enemy troops or territory. battle (n) fbuetl A major fight between armed forces during the course af a war. charge (w) Afasls/ To move foravard very quickly towards the enemy, either on foot or ina vehicle. counterattack (V) /kaunt(a)ratuek/ An attack by a defending force to stop the enemy's advance or make hire withdrae, dig in (v) /dig un/ To prepare a defensive position, engage (v) /ingerds/ When troops engage the ententy, Hiey open fire on him. fire support (n) ffaro sopoa/ Support from heavy weapons, including machine guns, mortars and artillery ‘open ground (n) /sopen graond) Terrains with little or ro protection for troops or vehicles. pin down (w) /pin dauny If troops pin down the enemy, they stop kim moving. reserve (n) izaiv/ When military nits, vehicles or artillery are held it reserve, they are Iept to the rear so that they are available for emergencies. start line (n) Stat laun/ The place wlrere troops set off for an allack. Also called line of departure. take out (¥) /tetk avt/ To destroy a local objectioe, such as a gun emplacement. withdraw (v) Avibidroy If troops withdraw, they move any from contact with the enemy. Also pull back. Task2 Write the verb forms of these nouns. To engagement arssnininnnnnen 3 counterattack 2 advance 4 withdrawal Task 3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the glossary words. B Company crossed the (1) start litte at 0630 hrs. 1 Platoon was on the left, 2 Platoon on the right and 3 Platoon were in (2) susssnssonnane «1 Platoon advanced across (3) towards their objective, an old farmhouse near the river, About 100 m from the objective, an enemy machine gun position @ 1 Section. 1 Section, led by Corporal Heinz, ) forward and (6) secnnnnnnnnnn the position. Alpha task1 Read tne text and answer the questions. 1 Who organises the Basic Parachute Course? The RAF What is the easiest type of jump that soldiers do? ... 2 3 What do soldiers carry on the most difficult jump? 4 When do they get ‘para pay’? ere 2H) Task 2 Put the questions in the correct order. SiEyUScie cn tenes 1. Parachute | is | Basi | the | Course? | How long ‘Hox long is the Basie Parachute Course? 2 the recruits | jumps | do | do? | How many jump | the day? | always | they | during | Do 4 atthe end | the recruits | of the course? | do | pet | What 5 after | go | do| the course? | Where | the recruits Now read the text in Task 1 again and answer the questions. 1 Four weeks. z 3 4 5 Task 3 Put the ranks in the correct order. : ¥Y Deere | » wy aor ¢ GEEZY pain] 4 CHEE coma] sergeant major [_] : bravo Task 4 Circle the correct words. Idid a(tour of duty), serving in Kosovo in 1998, In 2001, I was deployed | served to Afghanistan for four months, After I left the Academy, I was deployed f commissioned directly as a captain. i 2 - 4 Twas poste / promoted to major in 2003. 5 He was posted / promoted to the airborne division as a mechanic. 6 I commissioned j served as a mine clearance expert in an engineer unit. Task 1 Read the text and label the map. Use these words. TOMCAT TOMBOY TOMTHUMB ACoy BCoy ‘The enemy forces are well dug in and we expect hard resistance. There is a platoon in TOM CAT on the south-facing slope of the hill. Objective TOM BOY isa second platoon situated on the eastern peak of the ridge line, and the TOM ‘THUMB position is situated on the north-eastern side of the western peak. A Coy will capture the TOM CAT position by advancing from the south and then move on to take out TOM BOY. Meanwhile B Coy will assault the TOM THUMB position, advancing from the west. Task2 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple of these verbs. be deploy inform report take digin fight 1 One of the battalions deployed to the Gulf in October. 2. The platoon smn On the slope in preparation for the attack. 3 The sergeant a the 2Lt that they were in position. 4 Assoonasit dark, the attack began. 5 One sol alone and destroyed a machine gun position before he was killed. 6 They the wounded soldiers to the medical tent. 7 The2t sven the incident to his superior, Task 3 Match the verbs and definitions. 1 digin a tomove away from contact with the enemy 2 bepinned down b_ todestroy an enemy position 3 pullback © tobe unable to move in battle 4 takeout d__toprepare a defensive position Now complete the sentences with the verbs. 1 As they were under heavy fire, A Coy were ordered to pull back. 2 Sgt Kenna charged forward with three men and they managed to ononns the enemy position. 31 Platoon are een and unable to move, 4 With no possibility of moving forward, 3 Para started to ies OB the hillside. Charbi@ tose Laver the pictures. Use these words. windsurfing eaneeing rowing sailing sub-aqua diving water skiing ——————— 6 Task2 Put the words in the correct order. Then match. 1 waterskiing | I'm | at | useless 2 windsurfing | people | I | watching | love 3 enjoy 11 | canoeing | really Tt looks so easy! b Lcan‘tstand up atall Its great. delta Task3 Put the conversation in the correct order, A. [_] That's strange. If you're fine at windsurfing, you should be okay at ‘water skiing, A_ [1] Areyouany good at water sports? A. [[] And what are you like at windsurfing? B_ [] Yes, 1m good at sailing. I was a member of the sailing club at school. B [| Well, Pd say Yim quite good at windsurfing, but I'm useless at water skiing. Task 4 Match the sports with the places. 1 swimming, a court golf eee pitch, 2 3. tennis © pool 4 football course 5 running © track Task 1 Put the equipment into the correct columns. | tucksack ‘ebbing combat helmet digging tool beret body armour gloves | waterbottle sleeping bag combat rations radio headset shaving kit towel te SS Fighting order ‘Additional equipment for Additional equipment Marching order for Protection Task2 Put the instructions in the correct order. Then complete the sentences. Use these words. = Viste mig tasi+.e risten and tick the leisure activities the soldier mentions. 1 Avisitto the Armed Forces Recreation Centre at Lake Chiemsee. 2 Mountain climbing in the Alps. 3. Aboat trip to Chiemsee Island. 4 Sailing lessons on the lake. 5 Windsurfing. Task 2 (1) Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Which country is Lake Chiemsee 18? senereennn How many islands are there in the lake? .. 2 3. How can you reach Chiemsee Island? 4 Apart from sailing and rowing, what other activities can you do on the lake? 5 What are the names of the two big hotels near the lake? Task3 (2) Listen and complete the specifications. i The battalion glossary Military Ranks/Grades NATO UK Army UK Royal Air [UK Royal US Amy USAirFoxe JUSNavy Foree (RAN) [Navy OF Field Marshal | Marshal of Admiralot | General of General of ‘leet Admiral the RAK the Fleet the Army the Ait Force Ors Genoral ‘Air Chief Marshal] Admizal General General Admiral Ors Lieutenant ‘AirMarshal | Vice-Admiral | Lieutenant “Lieutenant Vice-Adimiral General Genexal General OFF Major General Air Vice Marshal |Rear Admiral | MajorGeneral | MajorGeneral | Rear-Admiral upper i OFe Brigadier ‘Air Commodore | Brigadier Trigadier Rear Admiral Commodore [Captain General General Aower hal (cory) OFS Colonel Group Captain | Captain Colonel Colonel Captain Cantar ee ne ora Lieutenant Wing Commander | Tieatenant “Lieutenant ‘Commander Colonel Commander Colonel Colonel lors Major Squadron Lieutenant | Major Major Lieutenant Linder Commander Commander | lor2 Captain light “Lieutenant Captain (Capitan Lieutenant Lieutenant is ori Lieutenant Flying Officer | Sub-Liewenant | Fist Fist Lieutenant 7AetingSub- | Lieatenant Licutenant Junior Grade E Lieutenant Second Pilot Officer / [Midshipman Second Second Ensign Lieutenant ‘Acting Pilot Lieutenant ieutenant Officer ORD Warrant Officer | Warsant Officer / | Warrant Offer | Command ‘Command Chief | Command Chass 1(RSM) | Master Aircrew | Class Sergeant Major / | Master Sergeant / Master Chief / Sergeant Major |Chief Master | Master Chief Sergeant Petty Officer ons Warrant Officer |* z Waster Senior Master | Senior Chief lass 1(CSMD Sergeant Sergeant Petty Officer oR? ‘Siaif Sergeant / | Right Chiet Paty | Segeant Master Chief Petty ColourSergeant | Sergcant / Chiot | Oficer First Clase Sergeant Officer Teshnician ORs Sergeant = Poity Otter |StalSergeant | Technical Petiy Officer Byars sewer) : Sergeant First Class ORS) Sexgeant See Sergeant StalfSergeant | Petty Officer Second Class fons Corporal Corporal ‘Leading Rating | Corporal Senior Airman / | Petty Oifcer| Sergeant ‘Third Class (O73 Lance Corporal |* . TavaeFist [AimanFirst | Seaman Chass Class fone, Private Jonior Technician /] Able Rating / | PevateE2 ‘Airman Seaman (Classes 1-3) | Senor Aierafsman | Orcinary Rating, Apprentice J Leading “Aireraftsman oni Private ‘Airerftsman [Junior Rating | Private EL ‘Airman Basic | Soaman Recruit Cass) "No Equivalent ‘Source (STANAG 216) 4 Alpha task1 Match the units with the commanders, 1 division a Hieutenant colonel 2 brigade ea Heutenane 3. battalion major general 4 company 4 corporal 8 platoon e. brigadier 6 section major Task 2 Circle the correct words. 1 Abattalion is Gonmanded’bg)/ made up ofa lieutenant colonel Each section is equipped with [has a strong of eight men, Abrigade comprises / is assigned to three or four battle groups. ‘The support company is equipped with / commanded by machine guns, On operations, the battlegroup is made up of / assigned fo a brigade. Task 3 Write Platoon commander or Clerk. 1 Hes responsible for the training and fitness of his men. Platoon commander 2. His duties include processing travel claims and applications for leave. He is responsible for the welfare of his men. He often takes his men on training exercises, cso. 5 When deployed with the battalion on operations, his remit includes casualty, reporting... 6 Onoperations, he is also responsible for registration of prisoners of war. 7 It’s his job to make sure that his men are fully prepared for operations, 8 When on operations, his duties include sentry guard and conducting security patrol... Task 4 Complete the text. Use these words. controls supervises remit reports to responsible charge of deals ‘The Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant is (1) responsible for the running of the battalion stores. He (2) the Officer Commanding and he @) «ones the work of a small staff that assists him, He's in | a the battalion's equipment and supplies. In barracks, he o} the issue of equipment for the stores. He also (6) with orders for spare parts for vehicles. Out of barracks, his main (7) is to provide the battalion with ammunition, rations and clothing. | J : =m DFAVO — taskt rut the requests and orders in the correct order 1 take | Could | this fax | to | Sergeant Jones? | you ‘Could you take this fax to Sergeant Jones? 2 you | Mrs Richards, | process | please? | could | this travel claim 3 thespare parts | you | me | put | in the stores? | help | Can 4 me | please, sir? | some identification | you | show | Could 5 later | him | call | to | back | Tell Now match the answers to the requests. a Uuisonry, bal doe cavtan foe joe called ancl Thayer go and collect weaton [| b Yes, here you are. It's my Military 1D card. [_] ¢ Yes, sir. When would be a good time? Certainly, sir Where exactly can I find him? [7 e Yes, of course. When do you need it for? Task 2 Complete the table. Use these words. sir / mafam (x 2 ie ee Soldiers, junior NCOs | Senior NCOs/cSM =| 1 rank Soldiers, NCOs RSM. 2 All enlisted Officers sir/ ma'am Officers NeOs and WOs Biers Junior officers Officers up tocaptain | 4 Senior officers Stee Task 3 Complete the conversations. Captain Sanchez is female; all others are male, Capt Sanchez (1). Hernandez, the major wants the list of people going on next week's exercise as soon as possible. Sgt Hernandez Right away, (2) SgtHernandez @) _ could you print the list of the people going, on next week's exercise and take it to Captain Sanchez? Cpl Thompson YES, (4) neem charlie Task 1 Complete the conversation. Use these words. serious Jaugh desperate least ages charity come practice Pete So, are you going to play for us in the tournament? As I said it’s only fora bit ofa (1) lmegh. Kris [know, but [haven't played for @) .. ssee- and F'm really out of Ba = why don’t you ask that Italian guy, Luca? I've seen him play. Pete Yes, I'm going to ask him too — but we still need at (4) one more. Kris Br... [don't think lean. Pete Oh, G) un on Kris. Kris Not sure, er Pete Oh, go on! We're (6) Tes for 7) Kris Oh, is it? Who are you playing against? .- and it's fora good cause. Pete It's only the Red Cross team. Don’t worry, it’s nothing (8) ----- Task 2. Read the newspaper article and write true or false. Festerday’s football cournament managed 1 | local hospital. In the first match, the UN Police team heat Méslecins Sans Frontitres by three | to two. At half time the doctors were winning two ~ nil but the police fought back in the second half and started attacking, Their centte forward | scored all three goals in the last bal an hour ~ the | third in the 89th minute In the second match played between the Intemational Press and the local Fire Station, the | journalists won one — nil in a boring game where | neither side had many opportunities to shoot at goal ‘The journalists won thanks to a last-minute penalty. | ‘The third match of the day between the Local Police | and the Red Gross ended in a nil ~ nil draw. It was | an exciting match with both sides atcacking and plenty of opportunity to shoot at goal. Both teams | = were unlucky they didn’t manage to score. The doctors won their match. false The score of the first match was 3-2... 1 2 3. The second match was really exciting. e-em 4 The Fire Station scored at the end of the game. 5 ‘There wasn't a winner of the thirel match, 6 There were no goals in the third match. «eee ry delta taxa sergeant has taken notes in preparation for a briefing. Write his orders. Fitness teste: Wednesday 15th Novernber Equipment needed: 1 Get up 0630 hours 7 7 complete PT kit 7 2 Take bus to porte centre 0730 hours 7 B rucksack X 3 Runt0Om-O0800 ¥ 9 swimming kit and towel 7 4 Do push-ups — 0230 hours 7 10 boots X 5 Kun 1500 m- 0930 hoors 7 6 ‘Swim 200 m= 100 hours 7 You will get up at 0630 hours. ‘You will need your complete PT kit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 10 A You = against your body. : ~ play with the trigger. — = be on the rigger when you are keep the safety catchon = aim for the targets assigned to you. " listening 7 Filmore has 40 assign the 2 The drivers have 40 complete their daily operational Task 1 (91 Listen to part 1 and complete the journalists’s notes. Name: Rank: Unik: Baxtation Reporting to: Ae al ae o Sections under his supervision D. ws ANA Dans : «le the various different types of um and reports and perform routine .. eperations 3 Filmore is also in charge of training them to. all types off ransport The men in Maintenance have to make sure the repairs are done on and thal vehicles APE uw = on the day they are needed so the platoon can maintain a state of 5 Filmore has ta plan and schedule occwenennvenee GAL comme ww with Dispatch Together they have to decide On Which vmmmnunann. #0 use and haw 40 avoid Their #Ucks Eravelling asenennan 7 When they deploy on exercises or on operations, H's hard work because they have fo move several .. i ANH cient and aa all more or less at the same time, Task 3 (5) @ Listen and answer the questions. 1 Which teams are playing? 2. Which of these footballers is a goalkeeper? Goncalves Hargreaves Cooper 3 What is the final score? Task 4's} Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Which team does Castleton play for? bbl Which team scored the first goa? eee ‘Which team was playing at home? 2 3 4 Which team missed a penalty? 5 Which team scored the last goal? 5 laa a glossary Control measures in observer missions Task 1 Translate. area of responsibility (n) /eario(e) av n1sponsabrloti/ An area where responsibility i assigned {for the conduct of operations. arms limitation agreement (n) An agreement by both sides to restrict the kinds of weapons ‘and troops deployed. ceasefire agreement (n) /sisfaro(e) agrtimant/ Art agreement to end hostilities. tra conflict between countries, a ceasefire may be temporary wntil a formal peace treaty is signed. ceasefire line (n) /sisfaro launy The forwverd position occupied by the troops at the end of hostiites. checkpoint (n) fifekpoint/ A mated position used to control movement and check vekicles Checkpoints are usually located on roads crossing point (n) fkrosiy paint A location rohere civilians may cross over a border demilitarized zone (n) /digmultorarzd zaun/ An area where both sites agree not to deploy sroops, Also calle buffer zone. peace treaty (n) /pss {it A foreyal agreement between two countries to permanently end observation post (n) /obza'verfn paost) A position where observers and pencekveping forces ‘cant monitor an area United Nations military observer (n) An unarmed officer who is deployed by the United Nations to monitor a peace agreement. ‘weapons exclusion zone (n) Art aren where forces are not permitted 1o deploy certain weapons. Task 2 Write the underlined words in ful There are four (1) UNMOs in our 2) AOR. They regularly set up (3) OPs and (® CPs to check that both sides are respecting the (5) CFA. Malaysian peacekeeping troops are deployed in the (6) DMZ and along the (7) CI United Nations military observers 5 1 Zz 3 Saks 7 4 Task 3 Complete the text. Use the glossary words, UN observers were deployed to the area after both sides signed the Me treaty. They were tasked to monitor the | Q.. sw agreement and deploy in a (3) seme zone that was established to separate the two sides. The peacekeeping forces’ mission was to mount patrols, establish (4) and OPs and investigate reports of prohibited weapons in the buffer zone. alpha. tasx1 complete the sentences. Use the present perfect of these verbs. break clear withdsaw notmade rebuild return get better 1 Redland forces have withdrawn from the area, They are not holding their position, 2. With the help of our engineers, the local people the school and hospital, which were damaged in the attack. 3. Our EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) team ese the minefield. The area is now safe. 4 Most refugees to their homes to find that they no longer exist 5 Neither $1d€ senmnnnnnn the ceasefire agreement. Both sides are working to maintain peace. 6 Since the peacekeeping forces arrived, the situation ‘There are fewer ambushes and suicide bombings. a the terms of the peace treaty public. Task 2 Complete the interview. Use the past simple or present perfect of the verbs. Report How long (2) .. Captain Garcia? Capt Gareia: We (8). sevens: (@tvive) here in January so we a « (not be) here for long ... just four months. Reporter: And what tasks (5) . (you carry out) since you 6) oe : - (arrive) here? Gapt Garcia: Well, asan engineer unit we (7) v (reestablish) the water and electricity supply for the local population. We ————— (rebuild) the local hospital and last week we (9) snsntnnnnnnienensien (REOPEN) the local girls school. Our EOD team (10) --~ (clear) several mine fields last month, which were laid during the confliet. Reporter: How (11) ene you when you arrived? (the local population receive) Capt Garcia: The local population (12) conn (be) extremely kind. We as) = (not notice) any hostility acall. Many of the men (14) (work) with our troops in the reconstruction of the area, Last Saturday we (15) <2. (play) football against the local team. They (16)... (beat) us by the way! We (17) woreenreeren ses (not play) very well at all. 7 Miitary observer ie DFAVO task1 complete the puzzte, 18 fal [Fr E E oT [fet [s N B i [ic I Pp P El [ce s we E ¢ E [[t 1 Ademititarized zone where the parties agree not to deploy military forces. (two words) 2 Anarea where responsibility is assigned for the conduct of operations, (three words) 3. Allocation where civilians may cross over the border. (two words) Anarea where forces are not permitted to deploy certain weapons. (three words) 5 The forward limit of positions occupied at the end of hostilities. (two words) Task2 Complete the text. Use in, at or on. Everybody is now located (1) in the exercise area, The team have established their bbase camp (2) suns the valley (3) this side of the river. BRITBAT have set up an OP (4) een ahill 6) ‘grid 238069. Two checkpoints have been set up and there has been an incident (6) each checkpoint. Aprisoner has escaped from a cat (7). wm checkpoint 1, which is located 6) the junction of the A449 and the A38, and a vehicle has broken down ©) sososmnn tHE A562 (10) snnnnsnm the vicinity of checkpoint 2 and is blocking, the road. Task3 Write in full. Use these words. Observer Officer Information Officer Approval Intelligence Agreement Operations Military Ceasefire Summary Military MO Military Observer CFA INFOSUM MIO OPS OFFR AUR Sete pe a charlie Task 4 Read the INFOSUM and answer the questions, arene UN RESTRICTED. "To: MIOUNMO HQSECTOR WEST —_ From: TEAM 25 BLUEVILLE Subject: WEEKLY INFOSUM FROM 24 OCT TO 30 OCT SUMMARY OF MILITARY ACTIVITY: ‘We have carried out an inspection of the Ammunition Storage Point (ASP). There were thirty guards in total. Four were patrolling the perimeter, two ‘were on gate duty, six were in the watch towers and the others were : resting. MAJOR CHANGES SINCE LAST INSPECTION: ‘We have observed that since our last inspection four lighting towers have been built, there is new barbed wire around the perimeter and there has been a large increase in the amount of anti-tank mines (ATMs) and anti- personnel mines (APMS). : FUTURE INSPECTIONS: ‘We suggest an inspection in three weeks’ time due to the increase in the number of mines in the ASP. = ‘How often does TEAM 25 send an INFOSUM? ‘Where has the military activity mentioned taken place? How many guards were actually on guard duty? How many major changes have taken place since the last inspection? What has worried TEAM 25 particularly? «0. Task 1 Find two possible responses for each sentence. 1 2 3 4 re ‘Would you like some more chicken? There's plenty on the barbecue. | ¢ | [ I've brought you a bottle of Spanish wine. [hope you like it. ] Thanks fora great evening. I've really enjoyed myselt:[ ][_ ] T'm sorry I'm late. I've only just finished work. ‘Oh, that’s all right. Don’t worry, We haven't started yet, Yes, it’s been great, We must do it again some time. I wouldn't say no. IV's delicious. ‘Oh, thank you very much, but it really wasn’t necessary, No, thanks. It was great, but I think I've had enough, Oh, thank you very much. We can have it with dinner. Me, too. See you next weekend at the barbecue. Just in time. We've just started serving the first course. 9 delta Task 1 Match the words and phrases with the definitions. ‘Communication is difficult. I will transmit each word or phrase twice. [F Repeat the word you said before this one. ‘There has been an error in this transmission, e Repeat the transmission back to me exactly as you received it. Repeat all of your last transmission after this word. Your last transmission was incorrect. ‘Task 2. Write the conversation. Include these words. Pe | out send say again message STREP Isay again wait roger Fissteming tesco] risten and ick the comect map. | G Checkpoint Echo G- Checkpoint Foxtrot = Observation Post Task 2 (6) Listen again and write true or false. 1. Relations between the local people on either side of the border have never been Very FIMADY, enn 2 Blackland and Blueland were at war three years ago. Blackland sent troops across the Blueland border earlier this Week, ss... 4 The checkpoints along the borcier are manned by UN peace keepers. 5. Blueland soldiers crossed the old ceasefire line this morning, 0. 6 Several people have been killed. Task 317.1 Listen to the two radio conversations and complete the reports. Time What time did the incident begin? (3) Identification What type of vehicle was involved? (4) Location Where did the incident happen?) (grid Response What are the UNMOs ordered to do? (6) sun FIRING CLOSE TO OP REPORT (FIREREP) ‘Sending station (7)... Receiving station (8)... Time ‘What time did the firing start? @) 3 ‘Weapons What type of weapon was fired? (10) ae Location ‘Where did the firing come from? (11) = ot. What ate the coordinates of the impact area? (12) March or die glossary CE - Airborne operations Task 1 Translate. air drop (n) feo drop/ When troops oF equipment leave an aircraft drop zone (n) firop zeun/ The area where paratroops land or where equipment is dropped by parachute. ‘embark (v) /imbark? Wher troops, velicles or equipment are embarked in an aircraft, they go into the airera high altitude, wih ‘opening (n) A parachute technique where the paratrooper exits the aircraft at about 8,000 metres aid deploys his chute almost immediately high altitude, low opening (n) A parachute technique there the paratrooper jumps from the aircraft at about 8,000 metres and then deploys his chute at about 700 metres. jampmaster (n) /dsampmarsta/ The person who controls paratroops from the tine they enter the aircraft until they ext. landing zone (n) laendiy zoun/ Ar area where helicopters cam uraload. static line (n) /staeik lain/ A parachute fechnique cohere the paratrooper junrps at around 800 ‘metres and iis parachute és autoraatically pulled open by a Hine attached to the aircraft stick (n} (stk A group of pavatroops assigned to one aircrajt. Also called chalk, wave (n) Averv/ A formation of paratroops that land at the saute tims. Task 2 Write the words in full. 1 DZ EAL nso 2 HAHO. 2 1Z.. Special operations Task 3 Translate. covert operation (n) /kavat opataifny A secret special forces or intelligence operation. demolition (n) /demstifa/ Destroying buildings, bridges and other structures with explosives. egress (n) figres! Another word for escape. extract (v) /ikstaeki/ When personnel are extracied frome hostile territory, they are removed either openly or covertly. infiltrate (v) /infiltrest/ When personel are infiltrated into hostile territory, they are inserted without making contact with or alerting the enemy. link up (¥) Sink ap To make contact with neutral or friendly forces. rendezvous (v) /rondivuy To meet ata certain time and place, sniping (n) /snaupuy Killing enemy personnel with a single shot from a hidden position. special forces (n) /spefl fossie/ Small military units that are organised, trained and equipped to conduct special operations, special operations (n) /spefl opsrei{nz/ Usually covert operations where small units operate ‘independently in hostile territory. Task 4 Write words for each group. 1 enter 2 exit 3 make contact Task 1 Complete the sentences. Use fo, fromt or ~ (10 word). 1 Only the best are permitted 10 join the French Foreign Legion. 2 Inthe past, criminals were allowed the Foreign Legion, but now they are prohibited ..ncneononn joining. 3 Inthe legion, recruits are not allowed oe any contact with the outside ‘world for at least three months. 4 Recruits are prohibited ..... using the phone for the first three months. 5 After three years’ service, recruits are permitted French nationality Task 2 Rewrite the rules. Use the words in brackets. 1 You cannot use your mobile phone while you are on duty. (not allowed) ‘You are no allowed to use your mobile plione while you are ox duty, 2 You cannot drink alcohol while you are on duty: (prohibited) 3. You can only go on leave if you have permission. (not permitted) 4 You can go home on leave during your training period. allowed) 5 You cannot load a weapon without permission. (prohibited) 6 You cannot entera military base without your ID. (not allowed) Task 3 Match the times with the soldier's daily routine. 1 breakfast a 530 p.m.-9.00 p.m. 2. free time b 10.00 p.m. 3 lights out c¢ 530am. 4 physical training 4 620am. 5 wakeup © 7.00a.m-8.30 a.m. FAVE task1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. esses atcha jumpmoster eindrop waves drop zone 1 Our mission is to zinérop medical equipment and troops into the area. 2 The nenenmnwmnnnennnne Will be located at grid 672915 to the south of the city. 3. Ouraircraft will make three ~ over the area. 4 On the first pass, the “sssnsnnnne Will indicate when to launch the medical equipment. 5 1 Battalion is to jump in two 6 On the second and third passes, the jumpmaster will indicate when the 2 er = should jump. Ey Task2 Write the sentences. Use the past simple and past continuous. 1 Therebels / attack / while / A Coy sleep The rebels attacked rohile A Coy were sleeping. 2 When the aircraft / make / its first pass / the wind / blow very strongly 4 When / the rebels / cross / the river / the old bridge / break 5 While / Band © Coys / approach the drop zone / the rebels attack Task3 Complete the text. Use the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous. ee (happen) ar 4.30 pm when (return) to hase after a routine pateol. Their (receive) serious burns and cuts from fl team that (8) vetuessne (patrol) in the area (9) (manage) to catch the tetrorists as they (10) the scene. Task 4 Write the questions. Use the past simple or past continuous. 1 What time / incident / happen? 2 Where / the soldiers / go? 3. Why / their vehicle / slow down? Charlie tases waite the recommendations. Te eed Task2 Complete the sentences. Use these words. | faney why could (x2) don't Do you farrcy exploring the mountains tomorrow? hire a bicycle and go to the lake. wwe take our sleeping bags and spend the night there? book the bicycles now: don’t we check the map and the weather first, just in case? delta tex: ‘Complete the paragraph. Use these words. reconnaissance sniping amphibious demolition exetic plan an operation or task is known as (5) . Parachute Commando Group, : Eo Task 2 Complete the sentences. Use is or are. 1 All Legionnaires of the 2d REP are trained to be qualified parachutist. 2 CompANY -nnnnemnnen stationed at Camp Raffalli in Corsica, 2 3. Inthe mountain warfare company, all soldiers expert skiers. 4 Each new group of recruits trained in mountain survival techniques. 5 The company deployed in Afghanistan at the moment. Task 3 Circle the correct words. {All Legionnaires of the 2d REP (1 is /(@e) trained to be qualified parachutists. Each company (2) ir clude [includes a Parachute Commando Group (PCG), a team which (9) is /are trained for special high-altitude, low-opening (HALO) jumps. Once on the ground, the soldiers (4) perform / performs actions such as destruction of objectives behind enemy lines, capture of enemy officers for interrogation, reconnaissance, and intelligence gathering. Task 4 Read the text and write true or false, ‘There are three types of military parachuting. Both static line parachuting and the HALO technique are used for delivering troops, equipment and supplies, In static line parachuting, you jump from a height of around 800 metres and your parachute is ‘automatically pulled open by a line attached to the aircraft. This method is used to get a lange number of troops or even light armoured vehicles on the ground as fast as possible. This method is the basic method of military parachuting, ‘The HALO technique is used by special forces. Troops jump from a high altitude, about 8,000 metres, and open the chute at about 700 metres. Troops, equipment and supplies are delivered in this way. ‘The third technique is also only used by special forces. This is the HAHO technique and is mainly used to drop troops irom outside hostile territory to land silently behind the enemy lines. Personnel also jump from an altitude of about 8,000 metres, but open their chute almost immediately, which allows them to travel for distances of up to 30 km, 1 _ Static line parachuting is the fastest way to drop troops or equipment. true 2 All parachutists know how to use the static line technique... 3. All parachutists know how to use the HALO and HAHO techniques. 4 The HALO technique is only used to deliver personnel. =~ 5. With the HAH technique troops can travel long distances... Task 5 Match to make eight words connected with parachuting. 1 can erve 2 suspe gles 3 gos ness 4 res opy 5 nip gen 6 oxy ring 7 har sion 8 stee cord Tisteming resistin isten and mark the initial positions on the ground of A, B and C Companies. Task2 isi @ Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What happened to Sgt Crocker? 2 Where were the hostages being held? 3. What was the mission objective of A Company? 5 How did they originally plan to escape? Task 3 (10) @ Listen to a corporal from B Company and tick the correct statements. 1. Some of the soldiers in B Company had a drink or a chat while they were waiting to embark, Other soldiers spent all their time running around before boarding the plane. One of the parachutes didn’t open properly. They parachuted onto the drop zone exactly as planned. ‘The soldiers covered each other as they moved towards the embassy. ‘They were hit by sniper fixe on their way to the embassy compound. ‘They were attacked by a rocket-propelled grenade outside the embassy. a Beet aL glossary IIE = War and confliet ‘Task 1 Translate. battle (n) /boetl/ A major fight betcween armed forces during the course of a war. civil war (n) /sivl wou] A war fought betoeen people from the same country. engagement (n) fingeidsmant/ A fight bettoeen fro small units of opposing armed forces, An engagement can be part ofa battle. guerrilla (2) /goitla/ A member of an irregular enititary group that fights with sudden, unexpected attacks on the official armed forces. outbreak (n) /auybreik/ The sudden beginning of a conflict. rebel (n} Jrebl/ Someone who opposes his government with force uprising (n) /apratzuy A situation where « group of people use force fo oppose their government war (n) /wo:/ An armed conflict zohere a country uses all its national resources and military strength. Task2 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the glossary words. ‘The Redland (1) Cioi! War broke out in August when (2) ssussnmnn FORE attacked government troops. The rebels were backed by the government of Orange, Redland’s southern neighbour, and in October (3) broke out between the two countries when the Orange army invaded. The war ‘was over quickly ~ the Orange Army was defeated at the (4) of Redford in November. The rebels continued fighting until January although with no further support from Orange and no popular support for the soe their actions were limited to a number of small between (7) and government forces. Tactical missions Task 3 Translate. defensive mission (n) flifensrv mufny An operation designed to cause an enemy attack to fail offensive mission (n) /a'fenstv ‘mijn/ An operetion to destroy the enemy in order to secure forrain or hold the enemy in position. reconnaissance mission (n) /rrkonis(a)ns 'mifn/ An operation fo obtaist information about the ‘eniomy and about the area of operations security mission (n) /srkuorati mafn/ Art operation to protect a moving force, provide tine to react and space to meanoewore. Task 4 Write the words. 1 reconnoitre (¥eED) sons (noun) 2 defend (verb) (adjective) 3 secure (verb) (noun) alpha Task 1 Complete the sentences. Use during, while or for. 1 The 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment carned their title ‘The Brave Rifles’ during the Mexican War. 2 In 851, the Regiment was sent to Texas and four years they defended settlers from the Indians. .. the American Civil War, many soldiers from the 3d ACR joined the rebels. 4 After the Civil War, the 3d ACR was stationed on the Western frontier thirty years. 5 The dd ACR fought in few engagements _ it was deployed to Europe sven: World War I. ac war raged in Vietnam in the 60s and 70s, the regiment was stationed in West Germany. Task 2 Complete the names of the vehicles. Use these words. Then mateh the pictures with the vehicles. | attack battle fighting helicopter howitzer scout 1 scout helicopter [¢] 4 self-propelled ... sn 2 cavalry. vehicle [7] 5 vamsonennenun helicopter 3° transport ct 6 main tank Task 3. Write the words in numbers. The ninety-eighth Division 98th ‘The hundred and fifty-fifth Armoured Brigade ‘The two hundred and thirty-first Infantry Brigade ... ‘The eighty-second Airborne Division ‘The sixty-third Regional Support Command, ‘The eleventh Signal Regiment .... ® Task 1 Complete the directions. Use these words. reach proceed (x2) head get Man turn go past on the comer of ate el _ ~ AOOSEVELT = Directions from the main gate to the unit HQ: = From the main gate, (1) head east along Roosevelt = Boulevard until you @) toHQ = | f = which is (3) soosnes Roosevelt a =| Boulevard and Wetzel Avenue. Turn right and = ovenene Gown Wetzel Avenue until (gery — souLe = you 5) Liberty Boulevard. = . o left into Liberty Boulevard S iE ANG (7) ceennnnnne the First Aid Post on 5 == your left. At the junction (8) south down Harvard Avenue and the unit HQ is on your left, Charlie test compete the crossword. across Ho] Bi LW SA [82 p ORE 1 Ifyou need some nails and a hammer, you ga here. (US English) (8,8) 7 5 7 4 You cal hee i thetes aire. 4,7) 6 You can find your local government offices here. 44) F 8 This is where you go when you want to send a i E parcel to your fami. (4, 6) P 7 E 49 You go hereto buy a laf of bread and some cakes. 10 If your uniform is dirty, you take it here, (3, 8} B LIr own 2 This is where they helo you find an apartment to rent. (UK English) (6, 6) © N 3 if someone has an accident, take them there. 5 Ifyou want to buy some meat, this is where you go. y 7 you want to borrow a book, this isthe place to go. Task 2. Circle the correct words. 1 InBritain you go to an (fonmonger’) {hardware store i you need material to repair your house. 2. Inthe United States you fill your car with fuel at the gas station | service station, 3. InBritain you go to a greengrocer’s j grocery store if you want to buy vegetables. 4 Goto the chemists | pharmacy in the United States if you need to buy some painkillers. ‘You visit ata) estate agent's / realtor in the United States when you are looking for accommodation. delta Task3 Complete the conversation. Use these words. asmuchas big {00 enough (x2) asniceas So which house shall we rent? ‘Well, I prefer the house in Fort Carson, The one in Fort Polk isn’t (1) as sice as that one. Carlos That's true, What about the apartment on Fifth Avenue? Maria Oh no, it was a very dark house. It didn’t have (2) ssenccnmnnennns light, Carlos Yes, and the apartment isn’t really (8) con enough for a family of four. There aren't (4) . Maria And it was (5) Carlos OK, so it’s the house in Fort Carson. It doesn’t cost (6) the house in Fort Polk and it’s much nicer. bedrooms, .. expensive, We can't pay that much, ‘Task 1 Match the parts of a tank to the definitions. cupola a The band of metal that goes around the wheels of a tank. ees sR pst hl gt in yh it cc The revolving turret which has guns or machine guns. 1 2 3 barrel 4 5 sideskirt © The device on a weapon used to aim at a target. Task 2. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. 1 Inyour opinion, what's the best (good) tank in the world? 2. believe the Abrams MIA2 has s..s.snsssenennnen (high) fuel consumption than the Leclerc. 3 The tank With sosocomnnnnennnnnn (long) firing range is the Leopard it has Peo . (big) gun. 4 The French tank is (slow) than the Leopard. 5 TheMIA2's shooting system is... (advanced) than many tanks. 6 Ofall these tanks, does anyone know which is - (heavy)? That's the one which will have een (bad) fuel consumption a cen 32 Task 3 Match the pictures with the paragraphs. Then read and write true or false. ‘The column formation is used when speed is an important factor and also when the platoon is moving through restrictive terrain such as a road, track, forest or narrow valley. Enemy contact is unlikely inthis case as the column formation only permits firing to the platoon's flanks and only one tank can fire to the front. ‘The staggered column formation is also used when speed is important but in this case contact with the enemy is possible. It is a variation of the column and it permits good fire to the front and the flanks. ‘The wedge formation is used when the platoon is moving in open terrain. itis the best formation to meet every possible situation as it allows excellent firing to the front and good firing to the flanks {at least three tanks can cover either flank), ‘The echelon formation is again used in open terrain. Contact with the enemy is likely and the platoon needs to protect an exposed flank. This formation allows excellent firepower to the front and one flank. In restricted terrain and where contact is likely the vee formation is used. Excellent contro! and protection is provided but firepower to the front is limited. For assaulting enemy positions and crossing danger areas the line formation is used. It gives maximum firepower to the front as all tanks can fire but only one tank can cover each flank. 1 The column formation should not be used if enemy contact is likely. true 2 When speed is an important factor both the column and the staggered column formation can be used. 3. Inorder to be ready for every possible situation, itis best to use the echelon formation. 4 Inthe vee formation, the platoon has good control and protection but not very good firepower to the front... ‘The formation that gives maximum assault power is the wedge formation. 6 Inthe staggered column and line formation, only one tank can cover each flank. listening Task 1:1) Listen to the first part of the conversation and answer the questions. 1 er What didi Gary think of the Defence School of Languages? Js DSL ina noisy area of town? How far is it from the base to the town centre? Which restaurant does Gary recommend? .. Which is the best street for the banks and main shops? .. ae Is there a shop on the base? Task 2 (12) @ Listen to the second part of the conversation and mark the route on the map. E = ih Wycombe Task3 tis) @ Listen to two Australian officers and tick the points they mention against buying new tanks. New tanks will probably use more fuel ‘Their gunners are likely to need more expensive training. ‘The cargo planes in the Australian Air force aren’ t big enough to lift them. Australia doesn’t have enough amphibious ships to move them. ‘They are vulnerable in open ground ‘They can’t move through forests or urban areas very well. Task 4 1si@ Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Without tanks, the infantry are more exposed. 2 Without tanks, helicopters cannot provide enough ... .- to soldiers on the ground. ‘Tanks offer greater protection and make forces more Nowadays the Australian Army is more likely to deploy A country with a similar problem to Australia is, ‘That country decided to buy a lighter vehicle with bigger Conc a= (¢ F (6) International HO glossary CII: Headquarters organisation Task 1 ‘Translate. Personnel Division (G1) (n) /poisonel divisn/ Intelligence Division (G2) (n) /mnteluds(@)ns dvesny Operations Division (G3) (n) fopareifnz divisn) Logistics Division (G4) (n) ladsisuiks devisn/ Plans and Policy Division (G5) {n) fplasnz an ‘polasi divisn/ Communications Division (G6) (n) /kamjusmkorfiz dvisn/ ‘Training Division (G7) (n) firermg dvisn/ Budget, Contracting and Finance Division (G8) (n) Civil-Military Co-operation Division (G9) (n) Engineer Division (G ENG) (n) fendyinta divign! Public Information Office (PIO) (n) Protocol Oifice (n) fproutsu kol‘ohis/ Headquarters Support Group (SPT) (n) Task2 Which division is responsible for .. providing the HQ with secure communications? Communications Division (G6) contracting personnel from a civilian company? cen organising field training exercises? evenness liaison with the media? . an ene coordinating military engineer support? Headquarters staff Task 3 Translate. Chief of Staff (COS) (n) /tfif av sta:f/ The staf officer who directs, coordinates and supervises all staf activities in te headquarters. Chief, Public Information (n) This person leads the Public information Office and serves as the healquarier’s spokesperson. Commander (n)/kotme:ndo/ The Commander's primary mission is to be prepared to conduct military operations ist is aren of responsibility. Deputy Chief of Staff (n) Ths person leads the Operations Division and advises the Commander and Chief of Staff on operational matters Director of Staff (DOS) (n) Mdarekts av sta! This person ts Hike Chief of Staff's advisor about staff matters. He is responsible forthe day-to-day management of te registry, staff management astd protocol. Protocol Chief (n) /preotakol tif The Protocol Chief tends the Protocol Office and is responsible for all protocol matters. Senior National Representative (n) The highest ranking representatioe of nations working in the headquarters Task 4 Who. 1 advises the COS about staff matters? 2 is the HQ’s spokesperson? .. 3. advises the Commander on operational matters? alpha tas: Complete he tx. Use these words ‘DirecorofStalf SNR COS. SeniorNationat Representative Chief of Staff DOS In an international HQ such as NATO HQ, the highest ranking representative of member nations is the (1) Senior National Representative or in its abbreviated form @) ®. the () ‘The principle advisor to the Commander is the or). .. - His advisor about staff matter ~ OF (6) « Task 2 Circle the correct form of the verbs. 1 The Manpower and Personnel division is tasked with fo manage / managing military and civilian personnel 2 TheG6 branch has the mission to plan / plamring and to organise / organising communications and information systems. 3. The G4 branch has the mission of to co-ordinate J co-ordinating and to supervise | supervising logistics matters. 4 The G9 branch is tasked with establishing / lo establish contacts with government agencies and NGOs. 5 The G2 branch is tasked with to advise / afvising the Commander on intelligence matters Task3 Complete the e-mails. Use these phrases. Tam sending you Can you organise Please evaluate _ Please reply Can you please indicate | From: SNR To: Protocol Chiot i ‘The outline plan sounds fine but we would prefer to come one week later on 23rd or 24th Nov, with 29th Nov as a reserve date. (1) = | _ which date is most appropriate asap? From: Protocol Chief To: PIO The COS willbe arriving on ‘4th Dec at 1100 hours, (2). ‘0 our HO and coordinate the visit? We wil be having lunch on the base. (3) | allthe details and any comments no later than 3rd Dec. | From: SNR Ta: DOS 7 | The GHOD has accepted our propose and vil be accompanied by his Miltary Assistant and the SNR from Hungary. | have L | arranged for 2 tour of the base at 1530 hours on Wed Oct 28th. (4) c simone @OOpY OE — EE | timetable and route we wil follow. (6) ve the attached document and iat us have your. comments. BS : DFAVO task+ complete the text. Use these words. y welcome package suspense office call vin d’honneur primary-responsibility: Inan International HQ, the Protocol office is tasked with preparing and co-ordinating visits. The person responsible for this task is the officer of, (D) primary responsibility. Fle/She will organise a visit to the Commander's office, which is known as an (2) He/She may also organise a reception for the visitor with drinks and snacks, called a o He/She will also probably prepare helpful documents such as maps of the base or local town, known asa @ - The date all of these tasks have to be completed is known as the (5) .. sons date, Task2 Circle the correct words. (eli) Say Go to organise a visit to the CIS centre. Ask | Say him to submit a copy of his report. Get someone in protocol prepare {to prepare the auditorium for the conference. 1 2 2 4 Could you ask them if/ to prepare coffee for twelve officers? 5. Call PIO and have them prepare to prepare a photo service. 6 Could you ask him if/ t0 he has the welcome packages? Task3 Correct the sentences. 1 Could you get them organise security passes? Could you get them to organise security passes? 2. Call Protocol and have someone to give this to the DOS, 3 Can you tell catering if they can prepare a vin d'honneur? Task 4 Complete the sentences. Use these phrases. why didn’t you can you tell me why come why 1 You're leaving tomorrow! How come you've waited until now to tell me? If they called us last week, --owvenene Pass on the message then? they can't find the overhead projector? [don't understand ccc you can’t give me another computer. charlie delta Task 1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. nice to see you doyoudo thisis tomeet you present back 1 This is my Military Assistant, Major Pérez. 2 Hello, Juan. It's again. 3 Gentlemen, may I ---» Lieutenant Moreno. 4 Welcome to England. 5 How. , Lieutenant, 6 Pleased annem _ma‘am. Task?2 Write the questions, 1 Where are you staying? We're staying at the Italia Hotel The flight was fine, but we were delayed by fog, No, it isn’t. Iwas here in Madrid last spring attending a course. Unfortunately, we're only staying for two days this time. Gite cane Sit cRSATTE craae of In London at the moment it’s cold and rainy. Task 1 Put the conversation in the correct order. B_ [_] That's Major Pérez on 609 4345 42. Til make sure he gets the message as ‘soon as he returns. B_ [_]L'msorry, but he isn't in the office at the moment. Yes, sir, go ahead. Goodbye, sir, Can I speak to Captain Thomas, please? > pas ‘My name is Major Pérez, I'm calling, from G8 at NATO HQ in Madrid. Could you ask Captain Thomas to call me, please? My number is 609 43.45 42. Can you take a message? > A [_] Thank you very much. Goodbye. > eo ‘Task 2 Match the sentences to the telephone situations. 1 Vl make sure he gets the message as soon as he arrives. 2 Wait one minute please, sir. 3. Have you got five minutes? 4 Can [speak to Major Townsend, please? 5 msorry, but he isn’t in the office at the moment. 6 [think you must have the wrong number. [_] a Asking to speak to someone, b Asking if the other person has time to talk. © Informing the caller they have the wrong number d_ Saying someone is not available, € Promising to deliver a message. Asking the caller to hold. Task 3 Complete the sentences. Use these words. where whattime how if why who 1. Do you know that tine the conference starts and finishes? 2. Vd like to NOW snssnsmnnnn the first speaker is this afternoon, 3 Do you know the price of the hotel includes breakfast? 4 Could you tell me sow Tean obtain a registration form? 5 Vdllike to know ». to get to the nearest hotel. 6 Can youtell me ---. Major Wilkinson isn’t coming to the conference? Task 4 Correct the sentences. 1 Id like to know how much is the conference. Id like to kurow how much the conference is. 2 Could you tell me if is inchided in the price accommodation? 3 Could you tell me what are the dates for the conference? 4 Do you know which the best hotel? 5 I'd like to know who do I have to send the registration form to. 6 Fmealling find out when the conference starts, listening Task 1 (14,15, 1 @ Read the e-mail. Then listen to three telephone messages and note the changes to the original arrangements. From: Detence Attaché Germany To: PID Sir, Further to our telephone corversation yesterday afternoon, | confirm January 15th as an acceptable date for our Chiet of Defence, General Heldemann, to visit your base, and inform you that his ETA at the airport will be at 1035 hours, The CHOD will be accompanied by Captain Keller. Please infarm Commander Green that they will be delighted to accept his, invitation to lunch, Task 2 (17) @ Listen to the first part of a tour of Eurocorps and write true or false. 1 The Eurocorps has always been a High Readiness Force. false 2. The Eurocorps headquarters has the same type of organisation as a NATO army corps. . 3. The person speaking is the current Chief of Staff from Belgium. .. 4 The Deputy Chief of Staff Operations and the Deputy Chief of Staff Support are both from Spain. 5. These staff officers also act as their own countries’ Senior National Representatives. Task 3 110! @ Listen to the second part of the tour and tick the branches visited. Gl G2 Gs Gt Gs col] cs co Task 4 (11,6) @ Listen to parts 1 and 2 of the tour again and complete the chart. = Engineers G9 (7)... Co-operation (CIMIC) Review 1 (Units 1-6) Task 1 Which word is different? Why? Bxaniplera’ captain b corporal ©) ‘batfacka major tn'ean army rank 1a court b track © pool golf 2 a ridge b townhall c slope peak 3a destroy withdraw © ~moveaway d_ pull back 4a rowing b hiking canoeing —d_ sailing 5 a magazine b load snorkel do aim 6 a tweplate — b canopy ¢_harmess ——d_ripeord Task 2 Complete the words. Example: windsurfing (awater sport) m_zz1_ (part ofa gun) st_ff s_rg__nt (senior NCO) w_bb_ng (piece of soldier's equipment) j_mpm_st_r (member of para brigade) _ng_g_m_nt (another word for battle) er ry st_r_ Ghop) Task 3. Circle the correct words. Example: The team set up base camp at /(i)/ on /1o the valley. 1 Inthe past, criminals were allowed for j from fo / by join the French Foreign Legion. 21 Coy has / were / dit f have recently returned from a UN mission in Africa, ‘The Coy rebuilt the school during | while / for / since they were deployed in Kosovo. S 4 Stay int fat / on / to the right-hand lane until you see the signs for Fort Carson. 5 Call G9 and fel {get ask ) have them make the arrangements. 6 Tam responsible fo / for | with /of maintenance of equipment and weapons. Task 4 Circle the correct form of the verbs. Example: Two soldiers have been pl injured in yesterday's accident. 1. Troops have cleared J cleared mines from the border area since they have been here. They have withdrawn / withdrew from the area yesterday. During the conflict his unit lias deployed / deployed to Afghanistan. Have you ever served { Did you ever serve in a peacekeeping mission? anon He's still on patrol. He hasn't returned ( didn’t retern to base yet. Task5 Correct the sentences. Example: The French tank is slewest than the Leopard. slower ‘You must always to point a weapon in a safe direction. ‘This apartment isn’t enough big. In 1998 I commissioned directly as a captain. Recruits are prohibited to use the phone for the first three months. ‘The rebels wasn’t expecting an airdrop in daylight. ‘The Company went to Afghanistan during four months. ‘The apartment isn’t as nice than the house on 7th Avenue, The G2 branch is tasked with advise the Commander. Could you ask to them to preparea welcome package? 10. Can you tell me where is this morning's briefing? Task 6 Complete the sentences. Use af, in or on. Example: The incident occurred af the checkpoint, 1 The forward right section is... the area of grid 544075, 2 BCoy will capture the position the hill. 3 ACoy will take out the other enemy position the woods, 4 CCoy will remain en» the northern slope. 5. There have been reports of movements .. > grid 349071 Task7 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous. Example: 4 Coy cows approaching (approach) the DZ when the commander postponed (postpone) the second airdrop. DStrong WINKS eee (blow) from the north and as a result MANY MEN seennenennnnnnnnnsnnenns (land) outside the DZ, 2 When the team een ~» (artive) at the top of the mountain the wind coves (DOW) aNd it ene (snow) Task 8 Complete the sentences. Use during, while or for. Example: The contingent supervised elections while they were deployed to Afghanistan He first saw action the Gulf War. 1 2 [served in my first unit .. six years. 3 1 was deployed in Kosovo I was promoted to Capt Task 9 Complete the sentences. Use for, to, with, of or ~ (no word). Example: Our area of responsibility is managing military and civilian personnel 1 Tam responsible the Officer Commanding maintenance of equipment. 2 He supervises ... the work of a small team, 3. Protocol deals wns the preparation and supervision of the visi: : =r alae glossary Naval terms Task Translate. boat (n) /bout/ Submarines are called boats bow (n) baw) The frant of « ship. bulkhead (n) foatkhed/ The zalls bettocer compartments: compartment (1) /kompasimont/ What sailors call a room on a ship. deck (n) Adck! The floors on board a ship, disembark () iaisimback/ When you leave a ship or submarine, you disembark or deburk. embark (w) /imiback/ When you go onboard a ship or submarine, you embark galley (a) /galif The word tat sailors use for kitchen. go aft (v) /gou ailt/ When you move towards the stern, you go aft. go below (¥) jeau bilau/ Wert you mone fo a fower deck, yout go below. 0 forward (v) /gou To:wod/ When you move towants the bow of a vessel, you go forward. 0 topside (¥) /gou topsard/ Where you move fo a higher deck, you go topside, hhatch (a) aet|/ The operting that goes from ome deck to another. head (n) fed The word tha sailors use for bathroom ar toite. hull (n) fill The body of a ship. overhead (nv (auvahed/ The ceiling in a compartment ort (n) pow (1) What sailors calla window om a ship. (2) The left side of the ship as you are {facing the bow. (3) An area where ships can stop and goods ard people can be embarked and disembarked. ship (a) /fup/ Naval surface vessels are called ships shore station (n) ffow Stern A naval establishment on land. starboard (n)}/sto:bad/ The right side ofthe skip as you are facing the bow. stern (n) stszn/ Te back ofa ship, underway (adj) /anda'wei) When a ship is af sen ‘waterline (n) /wortolam) The level that eater reaches om the side ofa ship. Task2 Write the opposite of the underlined words. 1 Twant you to goaft and secure the hatches. go foreoard 2 Gobelow and find Lieutenant Homblower. 3. There's a vessel 3000 metres off our port Side. enn 4 Helicopters shouldn't fly within 500 metres of a carrier's stern. 5 Amphibious assault ships are designed to embark troops and equipment quickly. alpha Task 1 Complete the text. Use these words. bow flotilla knots sorties stern aviators ‘The Aircraft Carrier ‘The US Navy has some of the most ‘modem aircraft carriers in the world From (1) bow to @) they are the length of about three football pitches. They can launch or land a plane every twenty-five seconds which ‘means that up to a hundred and sixty o pet day can take place, The (4) are highly-trained pilots. As well as being the biggest in the world, these super carriers are fast and can travel at a speed of over thirty-five (5) cee which allows forces to be deployed rapidly. However, a carrier is vulnerable to ‘enemy attack and so is always escorted by a (6) soomons OF Ships for its protection. Task2 Complete the words. Use a, ¢, i, 0 or 1. 1 ASW _nt_-s_bmor_n_ worf_r 2 ASUW _nt_-s rfc. worf_r_ 3 AAW _nt_ -rer_ft wirf Task 3 Complete the sentences. Use these words. cruiser destroyer frigate submarine The (D frigate and the (2) have as their primary mission anti-submarine warfare, The type of vessel involved in anti-aircraft warfare as its main mission is the (3) .osmsannnnnnnn and the (4) oe! main mission is anti-surface warfare. Task 4 Put the phrases in order of how sure you are the prediction will happen. 100% [ 4 1. Itislikely to / will probably happen. 4_Tt will definitely happen 2 Itprobably won't happen. 5. Itdefinitely won't happen. i 3 Itwillalmost certainly happen. 1 Period of daily duty on a ship. Anavy word for a bed. A naval establishment on land, Sleeping quarters on board a ship. Anavy word for NCO. When a ship is at sea. A ‘The back part of a ship. charlie ‘ Task2 Circle the correct words. 1 An officer has entered the room. A junior officer says: Officer on deck, Aye aye, sir. 2. Ajunior has just reported to a senior. The senior responds: As you were / Very well 3 Asailor wishes to pass by another group of sailors with his luggage. One of his colleagues says: Ter-hut, | Gangeony, luggage. 4 Asenior officer tells a junior officer to ignore the last order he received and to change direction. He says: Belay / Hold that last order. Change direction. 5. Asenior officer enters a room where a junior officer is writing a letter. He does not wish to disturb him, He says: Good evening. Ten-hu! j As you were 6 Asenior officer tells a junior officer to do something. The junior officer says: Aye aye, | Very well, sir. ‘Task 1 Write the questions about the mobile phone. Customer (1) Howe much does tis mobile phone cost? Shop assistant This model costs 255 euros. Customer) : Shop assistant Yes, we do. This model is on offer at the moment and is cheaper, 2 Customer (3) .. Shop assistant With normal use, this battery lasts for about 110 hours and it gives ‘you about six hours’ talking time. Customer (4) enennn a Shop assistant It comes with a hands-free set and a car battery charger: Task 2 Write mobile phone, camera or both next to each problem. 1 Thebattery’s very LOW. ene 2 The lens keeps getting stuck. 3. The folding tripod is broken... 4 5 6 ‘The card won't come out. The light won't come on. Tean’t get my messages. ..uncrnninnnnnun delta Task 3 Complete the conversation. Use these words. properly perfectly matter won't refund keeps problems exactly change Shop assistant Good afternoon sir, may help you? Customer Yes, it’s this mobile phone. I bought it yesterday but there seems to be a problem. Shop assistant What's the (1) matter with it? Customer Tused itall yesterday and it worked 2 sonnnnnnnanas DUE DOW it's not WOrKNg (8) seen Shop assistant What (4). seemstobe the problem? \\ Customer The battery (5) charge properly. 1¢(6) running out and then switching itself off. Look, can you see? Shop assistant Yes sir, I see. Well, it’s under guarantee 0 we can (7) it for you or give youa (8) Customer ike this model so I think I'd like you to change it. Shop assistant Yes, of course. Here you are. I hope you don’t have any (9) sun. with this one. Customer hope so too. Thank you very much. Task 1 Complete the text. Use these words. bow decks galley passageway hatches port starboard stern head compartment At the front of a ship you will find the (1) bow and at the back you'll find the @ 6) will be on your left if you are facing the front and (@) - will be on your right. The floors on a ship are knownas (5) and to move from one to another you pass through (6) -eenneeaeene- NOt doors. A room ina ship is known as a @ and to go from one room to another you walk down a ® - Food is prepared in the (9) and the ‘bathroom is called the (10) ‘Task 2 Match the words. 1 hatha Feet floor bulkhead door 2 b 3 passageway © wall 4 deck corridor 5 galley © goupstairs 6 overhead f geton 7 compartment & go downstairs 8 port h getoff 9 embark i kitchen 10. disembark j room Igo topside k window 12. gobelow 1 ceiling Task3 Complete the text. Use these words. are able powered by madeof etypeof rectangular and flat purpose APDA\s (1) a type of portable computer. It is @2) smmsnnnnenn Plastic and is @ 0 itis light and can be carried easily in any pocket. With, PDA YOU (4) -ovmnneennnnnnnnnnanen 10 Carty Out everyday office tasks and its 6) : is to allow you to continue your work when you are away from your office for any reason. Itis 6) a rechargeable battery. Task 4 Match to make sentences. 1 Anaircraft carrier isa hook attached to the which accelerates it from plane's tail, (0-240 kph in two seconds. 2 The arresting wire located two decks below fitted with a flight deck, the flight deck, ay 3° The tail hook is a type of warship that is used for stopping, airoraft. 4 The aircraft isa strong metal cable Which catches the arresting wire, 5 The hangar bay, is launched by a catapult, is where the aireraft are secured when not in-use, Ds listening Task 1 (19,201 Listen to the two parts of the talk and number the photos. PLATFORM ALPHIBIOUS ASSAULT she Task 2 (is) @ Listen to the first part of the talk again and complete the chart. HMS Invincible Aircraft Carrier: Specifications BeamAWidth (1) snr MEHTES Length (2) o» Metres, Displacement (3) covers TONNES Maximum Speed (4) . _ Knots Range C= nautical miles at (6)... kaots Crew a sailors and officers @ _ Ait Group personnel ‘Task 3 (201 @ Listen to the second part of the talk again and answer the questions. 1 What missions are the Sea King helicopters often used for? 2 When are the Merlin helicopters deployed? 3 Whatis the mission of the Sea Harrier FA2 aircraft? 4 What are the members of the Flight Deck responsible for? 5 Why were mounts for mini-gun and GPMG added to the ship’s armament? y 8 P at (8 ) Fearless warrior glossary Military exercises Task 1 Translate. ‘augment () /oie!ment/ To iacrease the mumber of personel or other assets augmentee (n) /owsmenti’ A person temporarily attached during an exercise in order to increase the number of exercise staf combined arms exercise (n) Art exercise where different branches of the army participate. combined exercise (n) /komibaind ‘eksosaiz/ An exercise clsere the armed forces of more than one country participate, Also called rnultinational exercise command post exercise (n) Am exercise fo practise command, control and communications ‘with simulated forces. end of exercise (n) The last day of an exercise. field training exercise (n) An exercise conducted under sinnulated combat conditions in the field joint exercise (n) kdsoint‘eksasaia/ An exercise where more fia one sorvice participates. live firing exercise (n) A military exercise using real amnsunition scenario (n) /soncitiaut A description of possible future events ‘war fighting skills (n) /wosfaitn skilz/ Another word for combat fechnigues. Task 2 Write the underlined words in full. The first phase of Exercise Cooperative Shield will comprise a (1) CPX with staff from 2 Div and augmentees from HQ RRC. This will be followed by a (2) FIX between SEP 12 and SEP 18. The field exercise includes a (3) LEX to take place on the Nickel All Arms Range. (4) ENDBX is SEPT 19. Facilities Task3 Translate. ablutions (n) /ablusfnz/ Washing facilities, including showers and toilets barracks room (n) fbaeroks rusni/ Shared sleeping quarters for soldiers. HQ MAIN (n) fen kju: mein/ Central headquarters building, Orientation brief (n) outianter{n bris/ An information briefing for participants, Reception Centre (n) /ifsep[n senta/ Where participants should report for in-processing. Regimental Aid Post (n) Location of medical section, with medies and ambulances. Task4 Where do augmentees... 1 report when they arrive? 2 sleep? 3. see a doctor? A wash? 48

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