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Evidencia 5

“La importancia de aprender un idioma”

John Alexander Rojas Arias


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Centro Agroturístico Regional Santander

Negociación Internacional

Bogotá, Colombia


Teacher: Laura Cuervo



Review: Les Luthiers - Radio Tertulia - Parte VI................................................................3

Which communication problem did you find between the two parts?.............................3

Was the information given by the announcers correct? Justify your answer...................3

List other similar situations you know where this problem occurs..................................3

What do you conclude from this situation?......................................................................4


Review: Les Luthiers - Radio Tertulia - Parte VI

Which communication problem did you find between the two parts?

The main problem is that the announcers do not speak English and because of that they were not

able to transmit the real answers that the band gave them and the communication was not correct

due to they made suppositions about what their guests were trying to say.

Was the information given by the announcers correct? Justify your answer

No, it was not. Because they did not understand what the band was saying and they just make

suppositions based on the sound of some words which could sound similar to Spanish but had

different meanings so all the time the responses translated into Spanish were strangers or


List other similar situations you know where this problem occurs

 When someone travels to another country where no one speaks their language that

factor would make difficult others understand what they are looking or asking for.

 When you really want to read a book or watch a movie or tv program but it is in

English and the translation could take a long time.


 When you could be promoted but you are supposed to be in touch with foreigners

who do not speak Spanish.

 When you want to study in another country but all the classes are in English.

What do you conclude from this situation?

For me, the most important thing about that situation is the importance of having some

knowledge of English because nowadays is the language that connects the world and in almost all

countries it is a compulsory subject for students in schools and universities due to value of being

able to communicate with people from other countries properly. On the other hand, English in

terms of the labor context is an essential requirement to be hired in an important position in most

companies or to do business with foreign clients or partners.

The importance of being able to manage the four communication skills in English could

also be that of a professional who has a good level in that language, could be valuable for many

companies and would be a benefit in terms of being well paid for their work.

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