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Evaluation of Trainee’s Performance and Personal Attributes


Kindly fill up the necessary information concerning the performance and

personal attributes of concerned Saint Louis College student who is
undertaking practical training in your agency.

Thank you very much for accommodating the student and for the
assistance you are extending him/her.

Name of Student Trainee: Patricia Jen Romulo

Agency/Company: Accounting Solutions
Division/Unit (Place of Assignment of Trainee):
Number of Accomplished Training Hours:

Please check the corresponding rating to the student trainee for each
indicator using the following codes:
5 - outstanding/excellent
4 - very satisfactory
3 - satisfactory
2 - fair/needs improvement
1 - poor

(To evaluate the student’s clerical, technical and communication skills)

I. Assigned Activities 5 4 3 2 1
a. Xerox or photocopy documents
b. Type business correspondence
c. Type reports using typewriters
d. Encode raw data using computer
e. Encode reports using computer
f. Fill up office forms
g. Answer the telephone
h. Use adding machine or big calculator
i. File office documents
j. Classify office documents
k. Prepare reports
l. Conduct research
m. Transmit or distribute inter-office
n. Sell goods/services
o. Others, please specify
II. Attendance and Punctuality 5 4 3 2 1
a. Attendance
b. Punctuality
IV. Performance 5 4 3 2 1
1. Quality of Work
a. Accuracy
b. Neatness
c. Completeness
2. Quantity of Work
a. Use of Time
b. Amount of Work
3. Adaptability
a. Comprehension
b. Personal Adjustment
c. Initiative
4. Dependability
a. Reliability
5. Attitude
a. Toward Supervision
b. Toward Fellow Employees
c. Toward Fellow Trainees

Strengths of the Trainee:

Weaknesses of the Trainee:


Conforme: Rated by:

_______________________________ __________________________________
Trainee’s Signature Signature over Printed Name


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