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A pre-clinical medical student who spend most of his time to develop self-improvement, politics,
and social knowledges. Being a curious man and noisy people is few of his uniqueness.
He believe, that giant things start with small steps. Thats why he keep on moving and trusting
that one day he will be true global changemaker. Critical and deep thinking also one of his speciality.
Sometimes, he trapped inside his own mind, to think about the true meaning of 'life'.


1. Most Outstanding Student
LIVE (Mahasiswa Berprestasi Utama)
Jl Surya RT 1/ XXV, Jebres, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University 2018
Surakarta 57126
HOME 2. Histology Laboratorium Assistant
Taman Century 1 Blok E No. 12, (Asisten Dosen Laboratorium Histologi)
Bekasi 17149 Sebelas Maret University

Islam 3. Founder and Current Leader of

BISMILLAH Social Community
Malang, April 25 1999
4. Awardee of International Exchange and Event
Single (Soon!) to Sweden, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore
5. Minister of Social at Executive Board
Faculty of Medicine
(Menteri Sosial BEM FK UNS)
Sebelas Maret University 2016-2017
0813 8072 4098
6. Minister of Human Resource Development
at Executive Board
Gaming (Menteri PSDM BEM UNS)
Writing Sebelas Maret University 2017-2018
7. The 1st Winner of DotA (Defence of the Ancient)
E-sport National Competition Bali 2015

2004-2010 Al-Azhar Islamic Elementary School 9
2010-2013 Al-Azhar Islamic Junior High School 8
2013-2015 81 Senior High School
(Acceleration Class - Science)
2015-now Medical Student
at Sebelas Maret University
2016 'Islam for The World' in Youth Yogyakarta Tabligh Akbar (2016)
'Leadership' in Islamic Senior High School 4 Yogyakarta (2016)
'Dream and Hope' in Routine Islamic Study Al-Ikhlas Mosque Karanganyar (2016)
'Leadership Responsibility' in Managerial Training
Islamic Senior High Shcool 2 Yogyakarta (2016)
'Community Health Analysis' in School of Pengmas ISMKI (2016)
'Iman and Islam' in KANSAS (Kajian Selasa Sore) SKI FK UNS (2016)
'Aqidah and Taqwa' in Daurah Recruitment SKI FK UNS (2016)
2017 'Mentoring' in Grand Opening Mentoring FKMM FISIP UNDIP (2017)
'Islamic Tarbiyah' in Grand Opening Mentoring Kharisma FIB UNDIP (2017)
'Islam Religion' in Pra-Grand Opening Mentoring RohisKU FK UNDIP (2017)
'Miracle in Islam' in Routine Islamic Study BKI K3 FK UNS (2017)
'Miracle of Ukhuwah' in HIMADAN FK UNS (2017)
'Leadership' in Basic Leadership Training Senior High School 3 Madiun (2017)
'College Student Triases' in Routine Islamic Study HIMAFIS UMS (2017)
'Leadership' in OSIS Leadership Training Youth Yogyakarta Forum (2017)
'Public Speaking' in Executive Board FKG UMS (2017)
'Islam for the World' in Islamic Study Islamic Senior High School 1 Klaten (2017)
'Social and Education' in Tokyo Global Sharing, Takushoku University (2017)
'Human Resource' in Hyperkes Internship Training KEMA HIPERKES UNS (2017)
'Leadership' in In House Training IKAMABI Jateng Region (2017)
2018 Organization’ in Basic Organization Training
'Internalization in Organization'
'Community Health Analysis' in Advanced Managerial Training FK UNSOED (2018)
View’ in ROHIS Training RohisKU FK UNDIP (2018)
'Islamic Point of View'
'Motivation and Courage' in Commitment Training ROHIS FMIPA UGM. (2018)
'How to Inspire' in KITA CAMP Executive Board FK UNS (2018)
'Start Writing' in SEMESTA Online Discussion ISMKI Region 3 (2018)
'Influence and Lead!' in Youth Bogor Forum (2018)
'Deen' in Routine Study SKI FK UNS (2018)
'Leadership’ in Basic Matriculation PEMA FK USU. (2018)
'Contribution for Nation' in Basic Leadership Training BEM FK UMP (2018)
'Islamic Way of Thinking' in Upgrading HIMATEK SIPIL UNS (2018)
'Communication Skills' in Upgrading HIMAGO UNS (2018)
'Islamic Life' in Routine Islamic Study Tsaqofi FEB UNS (2018)
'Prophetic Leadership' in Basic Leadership Training ROHIS Senior High School 1 Bekasi
'Leadership' in Basic Leadership Training Executive Board UNEJ (2018)
'How to Write Essay' in IOSH Online Talks K3 UNS (2018)
'Islamic Faith' in Spiritual PMB NURANI FKM UI (2018)
'Influencer of Faith' in PMB DKM Al-Mushlih FIB UNPAD (2018)
Organization’in Internalization Night HMJ KBMK UNSOED (2018)
'Courage in Organization
'Allah's Way' in Online Dicussion IMM UAD (2018)
'Leadership’ in PMB IAIN Surakarta (2018)
'Organization vs Achievement' in Negarawan Class Lunaris Politics Party FK UNS (2018)
2016 3rd Winner of Health Essay FK UI (2016)

2017 1st Winner National Health Essay KPI Indonesia (2017)

2017 1st Winner Literature Review Scientific Week

Kastrat de Geneeskunde Sebelas Maret University (2017)

2017 3rd Winner Literature Review DMHSC

(Diponegoro Medical Health Scientific Competetion) FK UNDIP (2017)

2017 Finalist of Health Educational Video MEDSMOTION

(Medical Sebelas Maret Scientific Competition) FK UNS (2017)

2018 Finalist of Literature Review SRF (Scripta Research Festifal) FK USU (2018)

2018 1st Winner of Most Outstanding Student (Mahasiswa Berprestasi)

Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University (2018)

“Because life is like a tree, that its leaf grow from the kindness of helping people.
So, don’t ever stop sharing your deen to others.
Make your tree grow more and more!
Then, you’ll just gather your fruit in the end.”


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