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Additional notes for PLC Lesson 3

1. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

PLC Processor Module can be divided into two sections:
a) CPU Section
 It executes the program and makes the decisions needed by the PLC
to operate and communicate with other modules.
 CPU used in PLC are designed to facilitate industrial control.
 CPU perform the following:
o Executes the operating system
o Manages memory
o Monitor inputs
o Evaluates the user logic (ladder program)
o Turns on the appropriate outputs
b) Memory section
 It electronically stores the PLC program along with other retrievable
digital information.
Mode of PLC operation
a) RUN
 Executes the ladder program and energize output devices
 Prevents the user from performing editing
 Places the processor in the Program Mode
 Prevents the processor from scanning or executing the ladder
program, and the controller outputs are de-energized.
 Allows user to perform program entry and editing
2. Memory Design
Memory - the element that stores information, programs, and data in a PLC.
Writing - a process of storing data in memory location.
Reading - a process of retrieving data from memory.
Bit – a single binary value, either 0 or 1.
Byte – contains 8 bits.
Word – contains 2 bytes or 16 bits.
Memory Location - refers to an address in the CPU’s memory where a binary
word can be stored
Memory Utilization – refers to the number of memory locations required to
store each type of instruction.

Prepared by E. Flores
Additional notes for PLC Lesson 3

3. Memory Types
a) Volatile Memory – lose its stored information if power is lost or
b) Nonvolatile Memory – retain stored information when power is removed
accidentally or intentionally.
Types of Memory
i. Read Only Memory (ROM) – store programs, and data cannot be
changed after the memory chip has been manufactured. It is used
to store the programs and data that define the capabilities of the
ii. Random Access Memory (RAM) – also referred as read-write
(R/W) memory, designed so that information can be written into
or read from the memory. It is used as a temporary storage area
of data that may need to be quickly changed. A battery backup is
required to avoid losing data in the event of a power loss.
iii. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) – provides
some level of security against unauthorized or unwanted changes
in a program. It is designed so that data stored in them can be
read, but not easily altered without special equipment.
iv. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
(EEPROM) – can be electrically overwritten with new data. It
provides permanent storage of the program and can be changed
easily using standard programming devices. EEPROM memory
module is used to store, back up, or transfer PLC Programs.
v. Flash EEPROM – similar to EEPROM but it is extremely fast at
saving and retrieving files. If power fails while a PLCs with flash
memory is running, the PLC will resume running without having
lost any working data after power is restored.
4. Programming Terminal Devices
 Programming terminal device is needed to enter, modify, and troubleshoot the
PLC program.
 The most popular method of PLC programming is to use a personal computer
(PC) in conjunction with the manufacturer’s programming software.
Capabilities of PLC programming software are :
o Online and offline program editing
o Online program monitoring
o Program documentation
o Diagnosing malfunctions in the PLC

Prepared by E. Flores
Additional notes for PLC Lesson 3

o Troubleshooting the controlled system

Prepared by E. Flores

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