DSTL Annual Report 2003 4

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Annual Report and Accounts

Dstl Annual Report 2003/04

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03 Chief Executive’s foreword

04 Financial highlights

05 Technical highlights

12 Support to operations: Op Telic

14 People

16 Technical and exploitation

18 Site rationalisation

20 Critical success factors

23 Key targets

24 Corporate governance

26 Foreword to the accounts

27 Statement on internal control

29 Accounts
Dstl Annual Report 2003/04

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Annual Report and Accounts 2003/2004

Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 4 (6) of

the Government Trading Funds Act 1973 as amended
by the Government Trading Act 1990.

Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed

21 July 2004.

HC728 London: The Stationery Office £13.60

Dstl Annual Report 2003/04 02

Mission, vision and values of Dstl

Our mission describes the fundamental purpose of the organisation
in terms of the impact we want to make in the world. It addresses
what we are passionate about doing, what motivates us.

Our mission is to create the winning edge for UK forces and

government through the best use of science and technology.

Our vision describes the kind of organisation we aspire to be. It is
an expression of what would constitute success in three, five or ten

Our vision is to be the indispensable source of science and

technology at the heart of defence.

The type of organisation Dstl becomes corporately, and what will
distinguish us from others, will be defined by the way we behave
as individuals. Our values describe the way we behave, day by day.

• Supporting each other regardless of position in the organisation

• Cherishing knowledge
• Commitment to the public interest
• Responsiveness
• Excellence
• Creativity

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