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The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and

Inference Analysis In addition to the...

The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis In addition to the...

The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis

In addition to the Global M

The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis In addition to the...

The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis

In addition to the Global Motors survey, Cory Rogers of CMG Research was working with Jeff
Dean, who believed there was an opportunity to build an upscale restaurant, possibly to be
called The Hobbit’s Choice, somewhere in the metropolitan area. The proposed restaurant was
described as follows: A restaurant with a very elegant decor, offering very personal service in a
spacious, semi-private atmosphere, featuring menu items, traditional and unusual, prepared by
chefs with international reputations. The atmosphere, food, and service at this restaurant meet a
standard equal to that of the finest restaurants in the world. Menu items are priced separately,
known as “á la carte,” and the prices are what one would expect for a restaurant meeting or
surpassing the highest restaurant standards in the world. Cory’s team had designed an online
questionnaire and gathered a representative sample. The code book for the SPSS dataset

Cory had other marketing research projects and meetings scheduled with present and
prospective clients, so he called in his marketing intern, Christine Yu. Christine was a senior
marketing major at Able State University, and she had taken marketing research in the previous
semester. Cory called Christine into his office, and said, “Christine, it is time to do some
analysis on the survey we did for Jeff Dean. For now, let’s just get a feel for what the data look
like. I’ll leave it up to your judgment as to what basic analysis to run. Let’s meet tomorrow at
2:30 p.m. and see what you have found.” Your task is to take the role of Christine Yu, marketing
intern. The file name is Hobbit.sav, and it is in SPSS data file format. Your instructor will provide
this SPSS data file to you or indicate how you can obtain it.

1. Determine what variables are categorical (either nominal or ordinal scales), perform the
appropriate descriptive analysis, and interpret it.

2. Determine what variables are scale variables (either interval or ratio scales), perform the
appropriate descriptive analysis, and interpret it. The following day Cory says, “Christine, this is
great work. Our client’s name is Jeff Dean, and I am going to meet with him in an hour to show
him what we have found. In the meantime, I want you to look a bit deeper into the data. I have
jotted down some items that I want you to analyze. This is the next step in understanding how
the sample findings generalize to the population of the greater metropolitan area.” Your task
here is to again take the role of Christine Yu, marketing intern. Using The Hobbit’s Choice
Restaurant survey SPSS dataset, perform the proper analysis, and interpret the findings for
each of the following questions specified by Cory Rogers. 3. What are the population estimates
for each of the following?

a. Preference for “easy listening” radio programming

b. Viewing of 10 p.m. local news on TV

c. Subscribe to City Magazine

d. Average age of heads of households

e. Average price paid of an evening meal entrée

4. Because Jeff Dean’s restaurant will be upscale, it will appeal to high-income consumers. Jeff
hopes that 25% of the households have an income level of $100,000 or higher. Test this

5. With respect to those who are “very likely” to patronize The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant, Jeff
believes they will either “somewhat” or “very strongly” prefer each of the following: (a) waitstaff
with tuxedos, (b) unusual desserts, (c) large variety of entrées, (d) unusual entrées, (e) elegant
décor, and (f) jazz combo music. Does the survey support or refute Jeff’s hypotheses? Interpret
your findings.

The Hobbit’s Choice Restaurant Survey Descriptive and Inference Analysis In addition to the...

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