Storyboard Week 7 Elearning Module

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Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

Audience: Kindergarten through second grade students

Learning Objective: Students will be introduced to one principle of design – Line. At the end of the eLearning module, students will be able to
identify straight, zig zag, wavy, dotted, and curly lines.


Visual Description: Description of Audio

This is the title page. The background consists of black curly and wavy None
lines on a white background.

The title reads: What is Line?

The subtitle reads: A kindergarten through 2nd grade e-Learning module.

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

Clicking on the “next” button at the bottom right corner of the page takes
you to the next page.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 2: Introduction Slide

Visual Description: Description of Audio

The heading reads: What is Line? None.

The body text says: Many people say that a line is made by a dot that goes
for a walk.

At the bottom, there is an image of a long pink horizontal line connected

to a pink dot.

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

There is one information button that contains prompting information for

students to think about. The information is automatically visible when
you arrive at the page. It says “Can you see how the dot made a long line
behind it as it moved?”

The “Next” button at the bottom of the page takes students to the next
page when clicked.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 3: Content Slide – Different Types of Line

Visual Description: Description of Audio

The heading reads: “Different Types of Line” None

The subheading reads: There are many different types of line…

There is a visual that includes pink examples of each type of line (straight,
zig zag, wavy, dotted, and curly).

Body text tells students to click on the green buttons to learn each type of

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

Green information buttons reveal each type of line when clicked. The
labels say straight, zig zag, wavy, dotted, and curly.

The blue “next” button at the bottom takes students to the next page.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 4: Content slide – Line Directions

Visual Description: Description of Audio

The title of the slide says: Lines Can Be… None

The three labels below say: Horizontal, Vertical, and Diagonal.

Each label sits below a double-headed arrow that points in the

corresponding direction.

Green buttons sit below each label. When students hover over the
button, definitions of each term (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal), pop-

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

There are three green information pop-up buttons on this page. When
they are hovered over, definitions of each vocabulary term are revealed.

The blue “next” button takes students to the next page when pressed.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 5: Assessment Slide – What Lines Do You See?

Visual Description: Description of Audio

There is an image of a student-made line design. None.

The title of the page says: “What Lines do You See?”

The subheading says: Choose the type of line that each arrow points to.

There are three different drop-down boxes, each next to an arrow that
points to a different type of line. When students click on the drop-down
boxes, they see choices for the different types of line. They identify the
type of line the arrow is pointing to by choosing the correct term in the
drop-down menu. Correct answers include straight line, zig zag line, and
wavy line.

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

Student knowledge is assessed with the use of drop-down boxes.

Students click on the blue “next” button at the bottom of the page to go
to the next slide.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 6: Self-Reflection Slide – What is Your Favorite Type of Line?

Visual Description: Description of Audio

The title of the page says: “What is your favorite type of line?” None.

There is a multiple choice section where students are asked to select their
favorite line. There is then a text box and students are asked to write in
the type of line they chose.

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

Students use multiple choice, and writing in a text box, to answer these
questions. There is a “next” button on the bottom of the screen that
students click on to go to the next screen.

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity
Project Name: A K-2 Interactive eLearning Module

SLIDE 7: Conclusion

Visual Description: Description of Audio

The title of this slide says: Nice Work! Narration:

The body text says: “You know about the different types of line. Now it’s
your turn! Go outside, take a walk, and find the types of lines in the trees,
in the sky, in the houses you walk by…”

Interactions, Branching, and Programming Notes: Miscellaneous Notes:

Students click the “Check” button to go to move on, at which point they
see the pop-up box that says “You’re done! Congratulations on finishing
the lesson.”

Elizabeth Haynes
USMx LDT 300x Week 4 Activity

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