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Reviewing the ICT Review Form


Agenda for a ½ Day Session:

Time Activity
10.00 – 10.15 COFFEE
10.15 – 10.50 Defining & agreeing what the document will be
(beware of design by committee!)
10.50 – 11.30 Identify New Section & Create the Sections (working
in groups)
11.30 – 11.45 COFFEE
11.45 – 13.15 Evaluate each sections then amalgamate into
13.15 Congratulate ourselves and close

Key Themes for Change:

1. Shared document between C2.0 Staff & Clients
2. Recommendations and a clear progression path need to be included
3. Reflect the fact that CR focus is Mission based, Enquiry based and capacity aware
4. Use of open questions to generate creative strategic thinking, such as ‘Magic Wand’ idea
5. Shine light on opportunities around social media and online communications strategy to
increase awareness, members, donors and funding
6. Solutions should highlight available training opportunities within C2.0 sphere and beyond
7. Potential to adapt document into ICT Handbook for the organisation

Some Starters for 10:

 Your Mission / Aims  Timescales & working patterns
 Role of ICT in you org  Responsibilities (who makes decision
 General & Specific (ICT) issues & who implements)
 What currently works well, what  Legal Issues (H&S, DP & Risk
doesn’t Assessment)
 Magic Wand  Training needs
ICT Review Form Comments:
John Paul: approach rather than an emphasis on
I'm thinking something along the lines of a 3 hardware. I think the future of Circuit Riding is
column working document  with questions ... going to be more analogous to helping a
answers ..and possible solutions maybe also cyclist (see what I did there!) plan their route
additional private notes identifying blockages than teaching them how to index their gears.
to progress within the organisation. The
outcome would be that we gather relevant We need some open questions like the
information to inform ourselves, we then ‘Miracle question’ (how would it be if you
show a clear path towards progression which could ‘miraculously ‘ achieve whatever you
is also on the same document with dates for wanted with ICT – what would be different
follow up or resolution. about your organisation and its
  communications and functioning?) to
maybe also bring marketing in to look at how encourage creative strategic thinking and free
organisations sell themselves as in my up individuals from fixating on wiring together
experience ..they all want a boxes with all the attendant techno fears, and
website/Facebook/twitter/MySpace ad to raise aspirations to take full advantage of
nauseum ...but have no idea about marketing, Web 2.0 and beyond. Its only when we know
akin to the idea of walking 50 miles to the where they want to get to that we need to
market and forgetting to bring the stuff to inventories what they have available as part
sell!  of identifying solutions and unmet needs.

As a field officer meeting an organisation for Another point is that since we do not need to
possibly the first time I find that most groups collect this data for project target purposes
don't actually know the answers ...they might any form design should reflect the need to
not know who supplies their broadband ... use forms (if at all) as creative interview tools
they might not know what social media is or to facilitate the process of strategic review
video conferencing ... if you've got msn then and facilitate the identification of achievable
you’ve got video conferencing.  So I think the goals and priorities.
questions need to be re-approached and
toned down a key or two.  A document that
will help to inform as well as gather
I agree will all comments made so far!
information that is relevant to us as field
officers. Perhaps it may be worth using the form to
also capture information about any specific
I'd be more than happy to spend an afternoon
looking at redeveloping the form ..maybe use training an organisation may be interested in
as well - particularly if the form will be used at
some of the techniques that the professor
chap talked about yesterday.  first contact, and if the form is going to move
away from being an equipment check list.
Chris Allman: 1) would you organisation/staff benefit from
I think the form needs changing to reflect a free training in:
more process/communication orientated a. Social Media & Web 2.0 (I think
we should push this one)
b. Digital security for your being added to over time thus freeing them
organisation up to, like Chris says, take advantage of the
c. Etc etc technology and not be tied down by it.
Or something along those lines?
This would provide us with a solid progression We need to be clear on what we are using the
route to directly support that organisation document for and what we want to use the
and get them up over 7 hours. information to do. Filling this document out
May be stabbing in the dark here – any away from the client doesn’t make sense if we
thoughts? want their involvement and for them to buy
into taking control of their own ICT. The
Matt: document would benefit from explaining
Hi All, certain things like why it’s good to have an ICT
I agree, I think the form would be best used budget, only a couple of lines but this again
for mutual benefit to us to capture will encourage a good practice mindset.
information and also to leave the client with a
useful document to start what could be seen I agree discussing this would be a good idea as
as an ICT handbook of sorts. I’ve attached one there seems to be a good consensus on where
I picked up, way too complicated but some we are going with it and what can be achieved
useful things. Some of this information would through an effective review.
help them control their ICT a little more and Regards and happy new year all,
take more ownership with this information

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