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1) For the circuit shown determine:

a) the current through the 6Ω resistor. 12V, 1 3 6
b) the terminal voltage of the battery
c) the electrical power supplied by the battery to the external

Solution: We have a reducible network of resistors. We start by

reducing the parallel combination of the 3 & 6 Ω resistors 3
between points 'b' & 'c'. This gives: a

12V, 1 3 6
1/Ra = 1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/3 + 1/6 = 3/6  Ra = 2 Ω
The circuit is now as shown. To obtain the current we apply
Kirchhoff's loop rule:

Σ IR's = Σ E's  I(3 + 2 + 1) = 6 I = 12 V  I = 2

Amps. We then have: a b

12V, 1
V ac = E - I r = 12 - (2)(1) = 10 V 2
V bc = I(2) = (2)(2) = 4 V
Thus the currents through the parallel combination of 3, and 6
Ω resistors are:

I(6) = 4/6 = 2/3 Amp; and I(3) = 4/3 Amps. These add up to 2 amps.

The terminal voltage of the battery is Vad = 10 V; The rate of conversion of energy in a battery is
always E I . Since the battery is discharging we have: P chemelec = (2)(12) = 24 watts. The electrical
power supplied to the external circuit is: P elec. output = I V ac = (2)(10) = 20 watts.
2) For the circuit shown, determine the readings of the (ideal) V
ammeter and voltmeter.
12V, .2


We have a reducible network of resistors. We start by reducing the

parallel combination of the 6 & 3 between points 'a' & 'c'. This V
a b
12V, .2
1/Ra = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 = 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/2 = 6/6  Ra = 1 Ω
6 c

The circuit is now as shown. To obtain the current we apply 2

Kirchhoff's loop rule:

Σ IR's = Σ E's  I(4.8 + 1 +.2) = 6 I = 12 V  I = 2

Amps. We then have:
a b
12V, .2
V ab = E - I r = 12 - (2)(.2) = 11.6 V
V ac = I(1) = (2)(1) = 2 V
1 c

Thus the currents through the parallel combination of 3, 6, and

2 Ω resistors are:

I(3) = 2/3 = 2/3 Amp; I(6) = 2/6 = 1/3 Amp; I(2) = 2/2 = 1 Amp. These add up to 2 amps.

Thus the voltmeter reads 11.6 V and the ammeter reads 1 Amp.

3) For the network shown, determine the equivalent
capacitance of the network, the charge on each capacitor, 1nf 2nf
and the potential difference across each. 6nf
We have a capacitor network to solve. Hence the first step a b

is to determine the equivalent capacitance of the network. 30V

The 2 nf & 1 nf capacitors are in parallel between 'b' & 'c'. 1nf 2nf
Hence, they may be replaced by a single capacitance C' 6nf
C' = C1 + C2 = 1 nf + 2 nf = 3 nf c

a b

The circuit is then reduced as shown. C' is now is series with the 6 30V
nf capacitor between 'a' and 'c'. Hence:
1/Ceq = 1/C' + 1/6 nf = 1/3 + 1/6 = (2 + 1)/6 or Ceq = 2 nf. 6nf

Vab is given as 30 V. Hence, Qst = Ceq Vab = (2 nf)(30 V) = 60 nC. This is also the charge
stored on C' and on the 6 nf capacitor. Hence:

For 6 nf: Q = 60 nC and Vac = Q/C = (60 nC)/(6 nf) = 10 volts.

For C': Q = 60 nC and Vcb = Vab - Vac = 30 V - 10 V = 20 volts.

For 2 nf: Q(2 nf) = C Vcb = (2 nf)(20 V) = 40 nC

For 1 nf: Q(1 nf) = C Vcb = (1 nf)(20 V) = 20 nC.

(As check we note sum of charges on 2 nf & 1 nf must = 60 nC)

4) For the circuit shown, find:
a) current through the 2 Ω resistor 12V, 1
6 3
b) terminal voltage of the 12V battery
c) electrical power supplied by the 24 V battery to the external
24V, 1
Solution: We have a reducible network of resistors. We start
by reducing the parallel combination of the 6 & 3 Ω resistors a b
between 'd' & 'c'. Hence: 12V, 1
6 3
1/Ra = 1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/3 + 1/6 = 3/6  Ra = 2Ω
24V, 1

The circuit is now as shown. To obtain the current we apply 2

Kirchhoff's loop rule: a b c

12V, 1
Σ IR's = Σ E's  I(1 + 2 + 2 + 1) = 6 I = 24 - 12  I 2
= 2 Amps.
We now can calculate the various potential drops in the 24V, 1


V ad = E - I r = 24 - (2)(1) = 22 V
V ab = E + I r = 12 + (2)(1) = 14 V
V bc = I(2) = (2)(2) = 4 V .
V cd = I(2) = (2)(2) = 4 V . As a check we note that the last three add up to 22 V.

Since we have 4 V across the parallel combination of 6, & 3, then the currents through these resistors
are: I(6) = 4/6 = 2/3 A; I(3) = 4/3 . As a check we note that the total current through the parallel
combination is: 2/3 + 4/3 = 2 Amp as expected. The current through the 2 Ω resistor is then the total
current in the circuit = 2 Amp.

The terminal voltage of the 12 V battery is V ed = 14 V. The electrical power output of the 24 V
battery is: P elec. output = I V ab = (2)(22) = 44 watts.
R1 E1.r1
5) For the circuit illustrated, assume that you are given
the values for all emf's and resistances. Apply Kirchhoff's R3 E2,r2
Rules in order to develop a system of equations which R4
could be solved for the currents in the circuit.
R5 E3,r3


Note: equations resulting from the application of Kirchhoff's rules depend on the selection of variables
(currents) and on current and path directions chosen. One possible solution set is given here.

Solution: We have drawn in all possible different currents

(6 in all). The branch points 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' are identified, and
we have selected 3 'interior' loops identified as A, B, & C. E1,r1

Branch Point Equations: R1 A

a) + I1 + I2 - I3 = 0 I3
E2,r2 I6
b) - I1 - I 2 - I 6 = 0 c

R5 E3,r3 C
c) I3 + I 4 + I5 = 0 R6

Loop Equations:

I) -(R1 + r1) I1 + (R2 + r2) I2 = - E1 + E2

II) - (R2 + r2) I2 - R3 I3 + (R4 + r3) I4 = - E2 + E3

III) - (R4 + r3) I4 + (R6 + r4 + R5) I5 = - E3 + E4

6) A galvanometer has a coil resistance of 10 ohms and deflects full scale with a current of 5 mA.
a) Show how this can be used to construct an ammeter which reads 0 - 1 A.
b) Show how this can be used to construct a voltmeter which reads 25 volts maximum.
Solution: An ammeter is constructed as shown in
the figure. Here we place a resistor (shunt
resistor) in parallel with the galvanometer. If we I fs
have the maximum possible current (I = 1 A) in G
the circuit then we have: a b
Vab = Ifs RG = (I - Ifs) Rsh ( I- ) I fs R sh

Thus: Rsh = (5 x 10-3)(10)/(1 - .005)

= (5 x 10-2)/(.995) ≈ .05 ohms.

Solution: The voltmeter is constructed by

placing a resistor in series with the a b
galvanometer. Assuming that the potential
difference from 'a' to 'b' is the maximum desired
(100 V), then the condition is: R s
Vab = Ifs(RG + Rs) I fs

Thus: 25 = (5 x 10-3)(10 + Rs)

Hence: (10 + Rs) = 5 x 103 --> Rs = 4,990


6 16

7) For the circuit shown, determine the current in each resistor
100V 4 2
and the charge on each capacitor.
8 5 nf

Solution: We have a reducible network of resistors. We start 16

by reducing the parallel combination of the 16, 16,& 8 6 16
between points 'b' & 'c'. This gives: a b c
1/Ra = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 = 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/8
100V 4 2
= 4/16  Ra = 4 ohms. 8 5 nf
e d 3
We then reduce the series combination of the 4 & 2 between
points 'c' & 'd'.
Rb = R1 + R2 = 4 + 2  Rb = 6 Ω.

The circuit is now as shown. We note that we have 6 4

resistances in parallel between points 'c' and 'd'. Thus we a b c
100V 6

1/Rb = 1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/6 + 1/3  Rb = 2 Ω. 8 5 nf

e d 3

The circuit is now fully reduced. No current flows through 6 4

the capacitor branch. a b c
To obtain the current we apply Kirchhoff's loop rule:
8 2

Σ IR's = Σ E's  I(6+4+2+8) = 100 V  I = 5 Amps. e d

5 nf

We now can evaluate the potential drops around the circuit.

V ab = I(6) = (5)(6) = 30 V
V bc = I(4) = (5)(4) = 20 V
V de = I(8) = (5)(2) = 10 V
V cd = I(2) = (5)(8) = 40 V . As a check we note that these add up to 100 V.

Since we have 20 V across the combination of 16, 16, & 8, then the currents through these resistors
are: I(16) = 20/16 = 5/4 A; I(8) = 20/8 = 5/2. Since there are two 16 Ω resistors, the total current
through the parallel combination is: 5/4 + 5/4 +5/2 = 5 Amps as expected.

Since we have 10 V across the parallel combination of 6, & 3 Ω resistors then the currents through
these resistors are: I(6) = 10/6 = 5/3 A; I(3) = 10/3. The total current through the parallel
combination is: 5/3 + 10/3 = 5 Amps as expected.
We have a voltage drop of 10 V across the 5 nf capacitor. Hence the charge on this is: Q(5 nf) = (5
nf)(10 V) = 50 nC .

6 3 nf
8) For the circuit shown, determine the current in the circuit and 20V,1
the charges on the capacitors:
a) With the switch open.
b) With the switch closed. 6 nf 3

With the switch open there is no path for current in the

circuit. Thus there are no voltage drops across any of the
resistors. Thus V a = V b and V c = V d.
6 3 nf
Hence: Vac = 20 V  Q(on 3 nf) = (3 nf)(20 V) = 60 nC. b c

Vbd = 20 V  Q(on 6 nf) = (6 nf)(20 V) = 120 nC. 6 nf 3

Closing the switch provides a path for the current. No

current exists in the branches with capacitors. a

To obtain the current we apply Kirchhoff's loop rule:

6 3 nf
Σ IR's = Σ E's  I(6+3+1) = 20 V  I = 2 Amps. b c
We now can evaluate the potential drops around the circuit. 6 nf 3

V ab = I(6) = (2)(6) = 12 V
V cd = I(3) = (2)(3) = 6 V d

V ad = E - I r = 20 - 2(1) = 18 V

Since points 'b' and 'c' are identical, we have a voltage drop of 12 V across the 3 nf capacitor. Hence
the charge on this is: Q(3 nf) = (3 nf)(12 V) = 36 nC . Likewise we have a voltage drop of 6 V
across the 6 nf capacitor. Hence Q(6 nf) = (6 nf)(6 V) = 36 nC. Just as the resistors are effectively in
series, so are the capacitors.

36 V
o c

9) Determine the equivalent resistance of the network shown, and the 6 3

potential difference Vab (a) if the switch is open. (b) With the switch 3
closed. (Resistances are in ohms.) a o o b
3 6

Solution: With the switch open we can neglect entirely the branch between 'a' and 'b' since no current can
flow through the open switch. Thus we have a reducible network. We have two resistances of 6 ohms
and 3 ohms in series with each other on both sides of network. Hence the resistance on each side is 6 + 3
= 9 ohms. Then these two 9 ohm resistances are in parallel. Hence the total equivalent resistance of the
network is:

1/Req = l/9 + 1/9 = 2/9 --> Req = 9/2 ohms.

36 V
o c
Since we are applying a potential difference of 36 volts to the
network (point 'd' is arbitrarily assigned a value 0, making 'c' 36 V),
then: I1 I2

I 1 = I 2 = V cd /9 = 36/9 = 4 A . 9 9

Hence: Vca = Vc - Va = I1 (6 Ω ) = 24 V
36 V
o c
Vcb = Vc - Vb = I2 (3 Ω ) = 12 V

Subtracting the 1st from the 2nd gives: V ab =

- 12 V . That is, since the potential drops by 24
24 V
{ 6
a o
I1 I2
} 12 V
V across the 6 ohm resistor, and we start at V c
= 36 V, then Va= 12 V. Likewise on the right
hand side, we drop by 12 volts from 'c' to 'b',
hence Vb must be 24 V. Thus 'b' is higher than
12 V { 3
} 24 V

'a' by 12 volts. d

When we close the switch we note that the circuit is no longer reducible. This means we are faced with a
Kirchhoff type problem. Counting 4 branch points means that we will have to solve for a total of 6
currents. Thus we need 6 algebraic equations.

We start by drawing in all possible currents; selecting 3 of the 4

branch points to use for branch point equations; and drawing in the 36 V
o c
3 interior loops we will need to solve the problem. At first we might I6
miss the '3rd loop' in this problem. It's the loop that contains the I1 I2
'source' providing the potential difference of 36 volts to the circuit. 6 3
A path direction is selected for each loop (we have chosen A
clockwise for all 3). Selecting branch points 'c', 'a', & 'b' we then a o o b
have the 3 branch point equations: I3
3 6
I4 B I5
Branch pt. (c): I6 -I1-I2 = 0 (1) o
Branch pt. (a): I1 -I3-I4 = 0 (2)

Branch pt. (b): I3 +I2-I5 = 0 (3)

The 3 loop equations are:

Loop A: - I 1(6) + I 2(3) - I 3(3) = 0 (4)

Loop B: + I 5(6) - I 4(3) + I 3(3) = 0 (5)

At this point we should recognize the necessity of a third loop in
the problem. The theory of simultaneous algebraic equations, says I6
that a solution for 6 unknowns with 6 equations is guaranteed
provided that (a) the equations are independent (this is guaranteed
by using only n-1 branch point equations and interior loops); (b) I 1 6
36 V
the equations must be in-homogeneous. That is, we must have at
least one 'non-zero' on the right hand sides. So far we have 5
I 3
equations, all having zeros on the right. Thus we must find an 4
equation with some 'emf' value given in the problem. This value
must be the '36 volts'.

Loop C: + I 1(6) + I 4(3) = 36 . (6)

We have finished the 'physics' of the problem. We have constructed 6 equations in 6 unknowns. The
remainder is an exercise (and not a trivial one!) in algebra!

Let us start by substitution. We solve equations (1), (2), & (3) for the currents I4, I5 and I6. We find:

(1') I 6 = I 1 + I 2 ; (2') I 4 = I 1 - I 3 ; (3') I 5 = I 2 + I 3

If these are then substituted into equations (4), (5), & (6) we have:

- I 1(6) + I 2(3) - I 3(3) = 0 (4')

+ (I 2 + I 3)(6) - (I 1 - I 3)(3) + I 3(3) = 0 (5')

+ I 1(6) + (I 1 - I 3)(3) = 36 (6')

This has reduced the problem to one of 3 unknowns in 3 equations. Combining terms and rewriting we

(a) -6 I 1 + 3 I 2 - 3 I 3 = 0

(b) -3 I 1 + 6 I 2 + 12 I 3 = 0

(c) +9 I 1 -3I3 = 36

Since equation (c) only contains currents (1) & (3), then we will use (a) & (b) to eliminate current (2).
Multiply (a) by 2 and subtract (b):

2 x (a): -12 I 1 + 6 I 2 - 6 I 3 = 0

(b) -3 I 1 + 6 I 2 + 12 I 3 = 0

Subtraction gives: -9 I 1 - 18 I 3 = 0 Now multiply (c) by 6:

6 x (c) + 54 I 1 - 18 I 3 = 216 .

Then we subtract -9 I 1 - 18 I 3 = 0 from this to give:

+ 63 I 1 = 216 ---> I 1 = 216/63 = 24/7 A .

This result can be substituted back into the equation immediately above to yield I 3 (I 3 = - 12/7 A). The
negative sign indicates that the direction selected for I3 in the original diagram was incorrect.

Continuing to substitute back we find:

I 2 = 36/7 A; I 4 = 36/7 A; I 5 = 24/7 A; I 6 = 60/7 A.

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