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Due Date: 1 November 2015

1. The following exercise is an individual written task. It is meant to help equip you
with the essential writing skills required in producing academic texts. Therefore,
please complete the task as honestly as possible.

2. Submit the task via Edmodo by uploading the completed exercise according to
the due date.

3. The completed task will be graded. Marks will only be awarded for the task that
is submitted on time.


Name: Amy Lim Jia Hui

Matric no.: 177485 Group: 25


1. Summarise the excerpt on culture shock and eco-shock. Add an in-text

citation within the sentence.

There are a number of things to remember when visiting a new country. One
needs to prepare for culture shock. It is helpful to learn the language as much
as possible before going to the country. It is also beneficial to learn about the
new culture especially aspects such as time differences, climate,
transportation, holidays, superstitions and taboos. However, something that is
extremely difficult to prepare for is eco-shock, the result of a person’s
physiological and psychological reaction to a new, diverse or changed
ecology. Physiological adjustment to the temperature, humidity and altitude
are also features of eco-shock, though these are generally coped with in the
initial stage of culture shock rather than being prolonged difficulties in the
process of adjustment to live in a new country.
Source Book
Author John Martin and Henry Chaney
Date October 2006
Title Global Business Etiquette
____________Martin and Chaney (2006) argues that preparing culture shock

and eco-shock are needed when travelling to a new country. It is useful in

learning different languages before travelling .One also able s to experience

different cultures in a new country. The ability of a person to adapt in a new

environment is the most difficult because mentally and physically prepared are

needed. However, the problem of eco-shock will no longer exist at the time

when one is dealing with the problem of culture shock.

2. Summarise the excerpt on how technology improves communication in

the workplace. Add an in-text citation at the end of the sentence.

The use of technology in a workplace simplifies the way workmates
communicate. Today, employees and business managers use advanced


communication tools and means to exchange information. The use of virtual

communication tools such as electronic mail and video conferencing is on the
rise amongst employees and business managers. Good communication at the
workplace builds strong relationships among employees and it also facilitates
the flow of information through multiple channels which might be needed in the
decision making process. Some of this communication technology used in
most workplaces includes; mobile texting apps like ”whatsapp messenger”
which is a cross-platform mobile messaging app for all smart phones.

Source Online Article

Author Brian Tracy
Date January 2012
Title Technology and Workplace Communication

Nowadays, technology ease the communication among colleagues in a working

place. Communication tools such as e-mails and video are commonly use by

employees and employers to exchange information. A strong connection among

workers can be strengthen . The information able to convey through different

channels easily which might involved decision making process. “ Whatsapp

messenger” is one of the of communication tools that use in working places

( Tracy, 2012).

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