100 Debates

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Geography 20PB – 100 Debates on the Environment

Taylor Keen

After attending the debate, I have to say that I would support Daniel Blaikie. Most of my choice is
honestly based off process of elimination. I really didn’t like Jennifer Malabar as she seemed to contradict
herself a lot (mainly about the pipeline). It made it hard to follow what her opinions were so I couldn’t
even understand what she meant half of the time. I also didn’t like Ryland Reed. Ryland Reed tended to
mumble a lot, so it made it hard to understand him. It wasn’t just me either, I heard others complain as
well. Most of the time I heard him, he seemed to go topic a little. I found it a slightly unprofessional but
maybe I am being too critical. Daniel Blaikie seemed to be the most knowledgeable of the three. I could
understand him clearly. That is what makes me support Daniel Blaikie the most out of the three of them.

I believe that the environmental issue that was most important was the discussion of “saving”
Lake Winnipeg. A lake may not seem as important as other things, but that’s the issue, it is very
overlooked. Lake Winnipeg is the home to a lot of wildlife, if we don’t take care of it, we sit back and just
watch them die. Lake Winnipeg is used by many to swim in, and we also use it for fishing and for our
drinking water. We depend on it. A simple search will show photos of just how out-of-hand the algae
blooms have gotten. Manitoba needs to go forward with saving this Lake. It is an incredibly essential part
of Manitoba as without it, we simply couldn’t function the same.

After taking the quiz, I believe I am conservative. Pretty in the middle, but a little more on the
right side. So that means that I line up most closely with the conservatives.
Lawrence Toet- The Conservatives are striving to lower the greenhouse gas emissions and are
planning to make our environment strong while keeping costs low for all Canadians. The website made
the Conservatives’ policies very to the point. They want to have green technology without taxes, create a
cleaner and greener natural environment, and fight against climate change globally. Essentially, they want
to do as much for the environment while using the least amount of Canadian’s money through carbon
Jennifer Malabar- The Liberal Party has a very vague platform when it comes to the environment.
They did recognize that climate change is very important, and that it is very much real. They seem to be
very ready for start changing the world. It seems like an urgent issue to them. They even took a jab at the
Conservatives and claimed that they didn’t do anything. They also stated that they are going to make it
cheaper and easier for us to have a clean world in the future.
Daniel Blaikie- The NDP has a very defensive stance on this. They first attack the Liberals by saying
that there are wasting money and time. They then go after the Conservatives by saying that they are in
denial of the issues. The NDP claims that they would like to have a more affordable future by having
electric transportation. They believe that we can convert to clean energy and have a carbon-free
Kelly Manweiler- The Green Party believes creating a sustainable world for future generations by
having our carbon emissions cut by 60% by 2030 along with cancelling the Trans Mountain pipeline. The
Green Party plans to work with others to get the job done. The Green party is also committed to making
electric vehicles for cleaner and more sustainable future.
Noel Gautron- The People’s Party seems to take a different approach to this topic compared to
the other parties. The People’s Party doesn’t believe in climate change, they even put it in quotations.
They plan to stop sending money to developing countries because they don’t want them to use the
money for reducing emissions. They also want to abandon all emissions reducing plans and they want to
get rid of all the subsidies for green technology. They also, on the brighter side, plan to bring clean water
to First Nations communities.
After researching all the environmental platforms, I think I agree most with either the NDP or the
Conservative Party. They are very different, but they also sound very similar platform-wise. Although, I
have seen that the Conservative Party seems to have a poor reputation when it comes to climate change.
That makes me lean more to the NDP. If the Conservative Party would stay true to its commitments, then
I would agree most with them.

For the debate, I had the question “What are you going to do to sustain wildlife while creating
sustainable technology?”
Lawrence Toet- The Conservative Party didn’t have much of anything to say about wildlife. You
can assume they care at least a little, but there isn’t much to support anything.
Jennifer Malabar- The Liberal Party cares quite a bit about climate change and sustainable
futures. Their platform mentions sustaining Canada’s beauty and part of that is the wildlife. A good
estimate would be that they do care for the wildlife and will keep that in mind while creating technology
for a cleaner future.
Daniel Blakie- The NDP has a lot of care when it comes to Canada’s wildlife. They plan to protect
species by using the Species at Risk Act so that we can preserve the wildlife in Canada while trying to
create more sustainable futures. This proves that they will do their best to sustain our wildlife in Canada.
Kelly Manweiler- The Green Party has quite a lot in mind for wildlife sustainability. They are
planning to ban certain pesticides that are killing the precious bees. They also want to protect at least
30% of freshwaters, oceans and lands in the coming years. This makes it clear that wildlife sustainability is
very important to them. We can safely assume that they will protect wildlife as best as possible while
taking care of the world.
Noel Gautron- The People’s Party are in a similar position to the Conservative party. There just
isn’t much to prove or support anything. You may assume that they wouldn’t have as much care because
they clearly do not believe in climate change, so they may believe that the wildlife isn’t at much risk.

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