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\A (ot ALCPT FORM 107 PART Direct n I ~ READING tions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark your answer a,b, c, or d, DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET Select the correct sentence. (word order) omuch wish it wouldn't rain. ‘The worst hurricane, in terns of lose of life, to America was the one that hit Galveston, Texas, in 1 6,000 people and caused $20,000,000 in damage. ( reference ) The underlined word = © loss of lite a) Galveston n the paragraph refers to A sound is something you can a) smell b) taste 4) see My mother is b) aman ¢) an uncle aa oes that sweater cost? ( grammar/how much) ») Bow far €) How many 4) How often No . Pim needed the expiration date on her passport. (gramar/infinitive after V2) a) checked ©) checkii €) checks The police saw that the window___broken. ( grammar/passive voice) 5. Select the ‘e, (grammar/ord order) b was althoug gin the park took a walk ¢) Although it was rai in the park, a walk took John 4) John although a walk took, it was raining in the park 6. Our train arrived ___ the station after dark (grammar/ preposition of place) b) for ©) with o ae Bnily worked out the problem. (vecabulary/ synonym ) a) discovered b) solved ded used 4 ‘The child was afraid of the crowd. (vocabulary/ synonym ) a) loud explosion b) size of the buil 4) lock cn my face Mr. smith is a brave person. He faces danger without (vocabulary/ synonysi ) a) sleep b) money e) toca 80. Mr. Bramble ew a giant squash. (voeabulary/ synonym) 4) green a1. we ting up more rigid controls cn dr (vocabulary/ synonym) necking up cn "Sv ite vf (vocab) fs that map__? (erammar/ possessive nguage tapes the past hour. (grammar/past perfect’ continuous) forme x (grammar/using past form as adjective) The children could not play____the rain. (grammar/preposition) b) down computer store: ‘he information. (vocabulary synonyma) a have Little control over such as a speck of dust or a ara is irritated, it signale the brain, which, makes you inhale and, forcefully from the You don't usually sneeze when you are asleep Recording to the paragraph, e}-the-causes- of eneesing-areunknewe bie onecre controls the braints retle Ghmany—peopie-oneese when-thoy-arenebeep machine will beep you if the wind @ high enough to go surfi (reading for comprehension/getting the main idea & summary) ‘ording to the paragraph, wind-surting-can-be-dangerous 0. Rick had two strikes against him before he © a) was complaining b) was very popular @) wae offered a pronotion never throws anything away; he saves everything. He is a 2) pack rat (wocabulary/word with definition) b) eager beaver kind of bird is very around here i: Bega (vocabulary/fil1 in the blank) 94. Try to si to the door as you can. (grammar/ using As + Adj. + As) jeudy tonight; thus, he can't go to the movie (vocabulary. aynonyns) ey/synonyma) (woeabulary - synonyns ) (vocabulary - synonyms (vocabulary / synonyms) 0 \ot The Ultimate ALCPT Practice Reference 25/56/2019 Revision of Vocabulary (Based on vocab sets 1-9) & more 1+ Exam = test 2 ifficultshard 3. Capable= able to 4- Hurricane = storm = bad weather 5+ Disadvantage 6 Classified =arrange 7 They play in the rain 8B Agency 9+ Brave = without fear 10- Was broken 11-Was ended 12-80 people 13-Solve = work out 14 Fifty fifty= half 15: Father 16- Mother extinguish 'svery hot 19- Gunssfirearms= weapons 20- Water into steam= evaporate 21-Drill 22-Smooth=not rough = opposite of rough 23-Will meet 24- Next to=beside 25-2 hours for waiting 26- Enough time 27- invited = asked him to come 28- Close to= near 29- His family came after him 30-Clothing 31-Teeth, 32-He saw it 33-Found out realize 34- Take a picture 35-Woman 36-1 have been listening 37-Family =folks Vocabulary & Grammar The Ultimate ALCPT Practice Reference 38-Glant = huge 39-Jaw = part of face 40- Altitude 41-Commercial plot =ly for an airlines 42. Must=have to 43- Were allowed to 46- He was late for the class 47- Transportation 48: Thus=consequently 49- Alarm clock 50-All night = overnight 1: Drop in = visit = drop by 52- Large group of people = crowd 53-Collect '54-Common = usual = not unusual = easily found 55: Upper part 56- Only adult: person of child 57- Although it rained too much, oe took @ walkin the park 58- Seafood 59-Eat 60- Food 61- Office 62- What 63- How much 64-No taste = no flavor 65-At 66- Was 67-As near as, 68-Check to=lookinto 69. Setting up = establishing 70-Are to 71-Yours 72-Whereis 73-Can you give explanatios 74-Without fear 75-Bird in the sky Vocabulary & Grammar ‘The Utimate ALCPT Practice Reference 25/56°/2019 76-Telephone you= to call someone oe 77-Much 78-(Banuary August 5! September 40: october [HE november 12% December) 79-Hide planes 80- Eggs (why you raise chickens?) B1-Engine 82-His wife 83-Where did she live 84-The least 85-They are ali 86-Exact 87-Curtain=drapes, 88. Spend 89. Thoroughly= carefully 90-More than 91- (Saturday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday) 92: Dishes-bowls=plate=saucer he same 93-Leakcholes 94- Clock 95-Canada - USA 96-Took 97-Tuen on=switch 98-In turn = one after another 99-Turn in = return 100- Come inzenter 101- Onsale= discount 102- _ Rarely=seldom 103- Allowed 104 Complex 105- Have to = must 105- Pent = keep inside/not released 107- Opera = type of music 108- Go couple=pair-two 109-—Fusinfluenza Brebruary 3 March MApril +May GJune 7 July Vocabulary & Grammar & \or Ahole in the side of a mountain is called a (cave-clitslope-mound) ‘The diameter of this coffee cups (ten cents-thvee inches-a saucer- very hot) 3 He asked the clerk which shirt was the most cheap-as cheap as-more cheap: the cheapest) (her-why-what-avho) do plan to say to her? IF 1 (was-were:am-be) you, ! would finish the report by tonight. Where (i. was-do-did) the plane crash occur? The building was erected in 10 days. The underlined word means: (built-sold-painted. demolished) _ There were (many-a lt of: much of lots) people in the cafeteria today Visiting her grandchildren gives her a lot of pleasure, The underlined word means (options-enjoyment-flexibilty pressure) 20-Kitredge always remember to fasten his (motor lights seatbelt steering wheel} when he gets into his vehicle ‘UL-What s that guy's name. The underiined word means (teacher's nurse's: woman's man's) 12: IF Willam wants to wash his hair, he had better buy some (deodorant-shampco: conditioner-hairspray) — 13-Chris has to study tonight; thus he can't goto the movie. The underlined word means (unless-consequently-however although) 14-1 wish that | (should-can-may-could) go with you, but | can't 15-The national lag (is rised is rasing-wil aise-has raised) early in the morning, 16-Mr. Robert stood us up for dinner. The underlined word means (came eary:came on time didn’t come-didt pay) 17-The doctor want another specimen, The underlined word means (instrument-pod- sample characteristics) ),J3elxy 18- He (took-spent-did-born) his Boyhood in the country. 19: Some ofthe men began to lag 3s the march wore on. The underlined word means (fall bbehind-sing-speed up-clap} _ 20- Jerry slept (across-over-by-under) blanket because it was cold in the house. 21- He was (plans-planned-plan-planning) a trp for the weekend, 22- Stephen and his son suddenly decided to go (fishes fishing fished Fish) 23. The major became angry f-after-unless-in case) the told him the news. 24. The workers divided the bonus among (they/re-ther-themselves-themselves) 25. Books are usualy sol by (stationary store ~ authors — librarians ~| 26-Do you lve inthis vicinity. The underined word means (climate ALCPT Mock Exam Sep, 2018, KAA SEL \o% Thus consequently Favor {eiige 7 Performance — wh = [— cup = FERS Ss ‘Mon - [Sameage => fishng [Seatbelt _ Fveybody alas Didn't come Teal behnd iterlunch | [Shampoo — [Faster - Upper arm | mica Satsfed More important - By tax Telephone after ~ intersection Because o Very litte= not much = Se 7; 5 Return [Refiember Net have enough money =} ‘Three inen Wednesday night) [Repeat Imports= export (opposite) He was pian He does something bd Themselves Physidan | Decree ook ike Feooument Ques Forest The clothes are clean andin Has been raised ond [Rejects ele Trectbuit | Blas - Estabish= set up ‘Acceleraion= peed up —Tinwisibie remind | Now he tikes to meet | both - charge a] sald Home= house dink Successfully ahernoen ear put out the fire started the fire looked for the fire. They reported the fire. The, was torn a) lower part ) upper part a) middle ) Tt was de1iciou (@) re had too much spice. ‘CT It was too hot @) Tt had no flavor needs to it (@ examine ‘sh stitch ©) bandage 4) numb 5. Phil wants some a) fun ¢) sleep a) food a) grocery » clothing rug NOT WRITE a) an officer b) engaged Gh) retired a) a civilian a) She saw him eating dinner, )) She asked him to come to dinner ¢) She told him to eat slowly. 4) She asked him to cook dinner 9. Tomisa fa) father soldier grandfather 4) mechanic 20. She wants something to a) drink s Listen to ©) wear d) eat 11. She had __ 2 a GD eentood ot See feats 3 deoetabtes a) She drank too much soda. ) She sat in the shade. @ She got sunburned. ) She swallowed too much water. a) wait of the group were pres ce ee Tip perocs in fhe group™ ) Theve was only coe chia in the group ai, AE maclere O2 ile gees ere chilares, — ae uu 16. vv. a) fe didn't Like it ) We didn't hear it fe wanted to study it 4) He wanted to keep it secret a) Yes, we will go to the party b) No, the party won't last until tonorrow. © Yes, we enjoyed the party &) No, we won't give 0 party. Joseph stole D ouns v= Seeley 3 detec is cold and windy. is sunny and warm. ig likely to change. will remain clear a) He was in a novie. bieHe was in a library. ¢) He was ina museum. // @pHe was in a cabin it is too bright that will be good. 20. That country ___in 1862 a) ceased to exist b) was defeated @)becane free ) was divided v 7 of 2 4 25. 26 @) te flies tor th b) He flies for the ¢) He flies for sport 4) He sells airplanes a) They attacked the troops B) They searched for the trovpes They Gided)ehe troops ) They signaled the troops. ‘The two scores are @ aitterent ») low ©) accurate @) high ) He ie wearing then. He is washing then. €) He is holding them a) He is pressing then a) A policeman was coming. b) A bridge was destroyed. g] It was getting cold QD bad weather was just ahead. a) They couldn't pay the check b) They complained about the coat c) Their dinner cost tty dollars. @ rey each paid half of the che a) It is across from the bank epted the offer. turned down the offer he car smelled it heard it tasted it a) aknife @ aarill ©) a compass 4) abuckee a) It was delivered to the wrong person. b) Tt never reached its destination, ) It was completely paid for /&) tt was received in good — condition 32. Tt was flying __ a) through clouds b) at high speeds ¢) at high altitudes @) in circies (@ 3 ruined everything “p) It heated the houses €) Te made a qood campfire 4) Tt improved the scener om becane sleepy when he atudied: har died Ton realized that he had to study harder Tom suddenty harder 38 3 GP 1 am confused ») x am pleased. your ticker T need to read a t: @) tn ap fuesunte Beines es 48. Frank injured his Ga coward b) studious c) abused Shara Boers ey back Gye a. 49, she ___about tt 2) maa too ime time ” ©) Ieeeieerton Che 2) Thad enough tine Gi tas Vinibea tune, a) precise By quick eooaeet ® i a) He sat down in the class b) He began class © He lett the class permanently. 4) He was late to class. We have hot and cold b) We have two chairs cl We have two trunks @)) We have a refrigerator and 45. He needs it to a) hold water “b) keep out aninals ‘c) kill weeds 4) pick vegetables because she is angry B) because she is cold ) because she is tired a) because she a) joked b) complained ¢) studied 4) raved a) The students did not know about schedule B)) The class could not becone accustomed to the echedule The students new schedule. hed the 4) the class had fficulty reading the schedule. His family a) could not join b) went before ©) came aster went with a) 20 b) 40 ogo ais 53. The symptoms have _ &) returmea D) changed ©) increased a) decreased 54, It's caused by a disterence in BY gender ©) location ) education 55 infornation. ‘The land was, sé a) forested b) swampy. 1 mountainous @ nondescript or a. 57 59. 60 62 a) He doesn't know anything. bl He likes mathematics best. g) He thinks that mathematics Se hard. 4) He knows every course well 58. She will 4) go to schoo! b) take pictures 2 ¢) eat lunch a) visit his frien she wants to clean her 64 a) hands b) face ¢) feet a) teeth He wants to see 65 a)a book ©)an example @) @ bulletin board 4) ateacher She is going to be here a) pvernight Ca) impossibie ’b) unquestionable cc) probable a) certain rections for items 57-66. You will hear conversations or persons giving Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, Bb, Steve works with a machine ‘that turns fa) metal into liquid b) water into Gas into a Liquid Galerie steam 63. They are discussing a) administration @> popslation @) Ranagenent a) transportation ‘The company will George a) evaluate b) criticize ) ignore a) compensate ‘The woman thinks the man is b) two days c) a week 4) two hours PAR ~ READING pireetions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark your answer 69 a,b, rd. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET Select the correct sentence. a) It wouldn't rain so mich I wish b) Rain somuch Wish it wouldn't @) Wwish it wouldn't rain so much. &) Somuch wish it wouldn't rain The worst hurricane, in terms of loss of life, to strike North Bmevica was the one that hit Galveston, Texas, in 1900. It killed 6,000 people and caused $20,000,000 in danage. underlined word in the paragraph refers to __ a)) a hurricane ©) loss of lite 8) Galveston A sound is something you can _ a) smell My mother is fa) a woman a) anephew does that sweater cost? a) How much ) How far ©) How many a) How often —/ 20. a) mee! after cla a) meet ugh raining Although it was ra ning in the park John although a walk took, train arrived ne station after dark a) by b) for or Emily worked out the problem @ solves SB avoia a) caused me child was afraid a) loud exp! p) size of the building @) large group of people look on my face Mr. smith ie a brave per a) sie b) money €) food Q)) fear Mz, Bramble grew a giant squash a) huge b) yellow

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