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1. Why training is necessary?

It’s vital that all employees receive suitable training for their role in order to avoid feelings of
neglect and slow progression. Training also helps the employee to gain necessary skills for the
workplace, which they will then carry with them into future roles. Development opportunities
can be costly for employers, however, and employees can risk missing out on important work
time if they’re regularly attending training sessions. However, the long-term benefits gained
from training make it an essential part of employee development.

Put simply, employee training will make the worker better able to carry out the responsibilities
and tasks that their job requires, whilst improving their knowledge of the job role itself. This will
also help to improve the productivity of the worker, and ultimately that of the business.
Furthermore, training also can make the employees make feel valued and they feel like they are
being cared about their self-development. Thus, employee will feel more inclined to put hard
work back into the business – and will also reduce staff turnover rates.

2. If you been hired in a big company, what do you expect the training will be?

If I were to join a training at a new big company, I would expect the training that’s interactive
and effective. Staff training methods come in all shapes and sizes, and the variety keeps growing
bigger with each passing year. This means that every team, department, and company should
choose the best training methods for their particular needs. I suppose one of the most effective
training methods in the workplace can take the form of simulations, scenarios, role plays, quizzes
or games.

Also, I expect better workplace environment. When conflicts are avoided or resolved quickly,
there is less bitterness, bickering, and jealousy in the office. It creates a more positive
environment where people love to work and achieve results. Thus, it will incline to the improved
productivity as a direct consequence of better communication, productivity inevitably improves.
It allows people to focus on their own jobs instead of worrying about the tasks assigned to their

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