50 Witty Tales of Akbar and Birbal - Stories Helps To Increase Your Kids Logical Thinking

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© 2014 Maharshi G.
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brief quotations in a book review.
Akbar and Birbal (Usually we will pronounce it as Beerbal)
Stories are very famous and popular in India among all ages of people,
especially for children because of the intelligence which hidden in their
Stories. Children’s thinking capabilities would be increased because of the
smart answers of the Minister Birbal. Birbal gave solutions to many of the
problems with his intelligence which are not able to solve by King Akbar.
There was a Mogul Emperor in India, Akbar the Great (1542-1605).
His full name was “Jalaaluddeen Mohammed Akbar Padshah Ghazi”
(Quite big) and he ruled India from 1560 to 1605 AD. He is an illiterate,
but he invited several learned (literate) people to his court. Among these,
nine were famous and they were called as “Navaratna" (Nine Gems of the
Mogul Crown) of his Darbar (Court).”
Among these nine jewels, five people were more famous named in the
line “Tansen”, “Todarmal”, “Abul Fazal”, “Maan Singh” and “Birbal” .
Brief about Nine Gems (Navaratna) of Akbar's Court is below.
1. Miya Tansen – Mia Tansen (or Miya Tansen) or Ramtanu Pandey was
a prominent Hindustani classical music composer and a musician. He was
an extraordinarily gifted vocalist, known for a large number of
compositions, and also an instrumentalist who popularized and improved
the plucked Rabab (of Central Asian origin). He was among the
Navaratnas (nine jewels) at the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Akbar
gave him the title Mia (an honorific, meaning learned man).
Once Akbar expressed his wish to see the wonder of Tansen’s
music that he could start (ignite) lamps with his music. Tansen then
warned the king that it is risky, but Akbar did not listen to his words,
Tansen started singing “Deepak Raag” in the evening, initially the
courtiers started feeling the heat, later lamp got ignited. Akbar was so
mesmerized with this and still Tansen is singing. Akbar hears the music,
the heat dose so much as fire broke in the court, Tansen still singing and
the fire is spreading more. Now Akbar asked his courtiers to control the
fire, they told only his daughter can control it, as she is also a great singer
as like her father. Akbar gave instructions to courtiers to call her to the Raj
Mahal, she sang “Megh Malhaar” Raag which brought the rain and
controlled the fire.
Other legends tell of his ability to bring wild animals to
listen with attention (or to talk their language). Once, a wild white elephant
was captured, but it was fierce and could not be tamed. Finally, Tansen
sang to the elephant, it calmed down and then only the emperor was able
to ride it.
2. Abul Fazal – Abu al-Fazal ibn Mubarak is also known as Abu’l-
Fazl, Abu'l-Fadl ‘Allami’ is a vizor of the Emperor Akbar, he was one of
the nine jewels in Akbar’s court. He is the author of the great book
“Akbarnama” written in Persian language, which has the history of
Akbar’s reign (Royal Office) and it’s taken whole seven years of
painstaking work. It has a history of Akbar’s ancestors from Timur to
Humayun .
3. Faizi – Shaikh Abu al-Faiz ibn Mubarak, popularly known by name,
Faizi is a poet and he had a significant poetic work in Persian language. He
was the elder brother of Akbar's historian Abul Fazl. Akbar highly
recognized the genius in him and appointed him as the tutor for his sons
and gave place to him among his decorative 'Navaratnas'. He translated
Bhaskaracharya’s famous work on mathematics, “Lilavati” into the
Persian language.
4. Todar Mal – Todar Mal or Raja Todar Mal was a warrior, an able
administrator and excellent finance minister in Akbar’s Kingdom. He was
one of the Navaratna’s of Akbar’s Court. He is a financial wizard, who
from 1560 onwards Overhauled (modernized) the revenue system in the
kingdom. He introduced standard weights and measurements, got revenues
from districts and officers. His systematic approach to revenue collection
became a model for the future Mugals as well as the British also. Todar
Mal was also a warrior who assisted Akbar in controlling the Afghan
rebels in Bengal. Raja Todar Mal had learnt his craft from another able
administrator Sher Shaah. In 1582, Akbar bestowed on the Raajaa the title
of “Diwan-e- Ashraf”.
5. Raja Maan Singh – Raja Maan Singh is known for his chivalry (Nobel
and Horsemen collectively), one of the ‘Navaratnas’ of Akbar’s kingdom.
This trusted lieutenant of Akbar was the grandson of Akbar’s father-in-
law. His family had been inducted into Mugal hierarchy as the Ameer
(Nobles). Raja Man Singh assisted Akbar in many fronts including holding
off advancing Hakim (Akbar’s half-brother, a governor of Kabul) in
Lahore. He also led campaigns in Orissa.
6. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana – Khanzada Mirza Khan Abdul Rahim
Khan-e-Khana, also known as Rahim is a renowned composer during the
time of Mughal emperor Akbar, one of the ‘Navaratna’ of Akbar’s court.
Rahim is famous for his Hindi couplets and his books on Astrology. The
village of Khankhana, is named after him, which is located in the
Nawanshahr district of the state of Punjab, India.
7. Mullah Do Piaza – Mullah Do piazza or Mulla Do Piaza Abul Hasan
came to India from Iran along with Humayoons on his return journey, he
became a favorite courtier of Akbar because of his Humor, was one the
Mughal emperor Akbar’s Chief advisors. Akbar has always shown respect
and high esteem to his advice, placed him in ‘Navaratna’s of his court. He
wrote Mirat Ul Muzhakin, commonly called, Alnama, a manuscript of
which is available at Calcutta now.
8. Faquir Aziao-Din – Faqir Aziao-Din was one of Akbar's chief advisors,
and belonged to his inner circle. Faquir means Sage or Ascetic in Urdu
language. Akbar regarded his advice in high esteem and included him
among the nine gems in his court, or Navratna’s. He used to give the
Emperor Akbar advices especially in religious matters.
9. Raja Birbal - Birbal is known for his valuable advice. Birbal was a poor
Brahman who was appointed to the court of Akbar as a minister for his wit
as well as wisdom. Born by the name Mahesh Das, he was conferred the
name Raja Birbal by the Emperor Akbar. A man of tireless wit and charm,
he enjoyed the Emperor’s favor in administration as his trusted minister,
and for his entertainment as his court jester. There are many witty stories
of exchanges and interactions between the monarch and his minister that
are popular even today. Birbal is an author and a poet too.
The stories are thought provoking, intelligent as well as
educational. Akbar was said to have mourned for a long time on hearing
the news of Birbal death in a battle. He was a minister in the
administration of the Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the members of
the inner council of nine advisors (‘Navaratna’).
Let us go, through the stories of Akbar and Birbal below.
How Akbar Met Birbal
Akbar loves hunting a lot, because of which he used to escape to go
for hunting even from his studies too. Well, later he became a better rider
and hunter than any one of his courtiers. On One day, as a routine Akbar
went for hunting with his courtiers into the Forest. After some time, some
of his courtiers went so fast that they left the others behind. As the evening
fell, everybody got very hungry and thirsty, after so much travel, courtiers
and King finally realized that they had lost their way to the Fort and now
did not know what to do and where to go.
Into the Forest they went for miles, at last they came to a junction
of three roads. King was very happy to see the roads that now he could
reach his capital through one of these roads, but the king was not aware of
which of these roads takes us to the capital – Agra?.. King and his
courtiers thinking about it and could not decide the correct one. In the
mean time they saw a young boy coming along the road. Akbar asked him,
“Hey young boy! Which of this road goes to Agra?” The boy smiled and
told, “Huzoor (My King)”, Everybody knows that road cannot move so
how these roads can go to Agra or anywhere else? And laughed himself by
his own joke.
Everyone became silent, Pin drop silence ruling the area that
time the boy said again, “People travel, not the roads. Do they?” Emperor
laughed at this and said, “No, you are right.” The Emperor asked again,
“What is your name, young boy?” Boy replied as "Mahesh Das" and asked
the Emperor, “And who are you, what is your name?” Then the Emperor
took out his Ring and gave it to the boy. “You are talking to Emperor
Akbar - the King of Hindustan (India). We need fearless people like you.
You can come to the court any time; with this Ring I will recognize you
immediately. Now tell me the way to get to Agra. We have to reach there
soon?” Akbar asked. Mahesh Das Pointed his finger in the direction of the
road which will go to Agra, and the Emperor headed on that road and
reached his Fort safely.
That is how the Emperor Akbar met the Mahesh Das (Future Birbal)
first time.
How Mahesh Das became Birbal
Mahesh Das, Grew up as a fine young man in a Brahmin
family, he took all his savings, along with the Ring of Seal of the Emperor
Akbar, which he received from the Emperor long back, gave adieu
(Farewell) to his mother, and set out for the new capital of India - Fatehpur
“Where do you think, you are going?” told, the guard in an angry
voice. Boy politely said, “Sir, I have come here to see the King.” “Oh!
Really, the King must be waiting for you, as when you would come?” the
guard said sarcastically. Mahesh smiled at him and said “Yes Sir, and now
I am here.”
Mahesh told further, “I am sure you must have fought
wonderfully well on the Emperor's frontiers, but do not risk your life by
stopping me from entering the palace.” The guard kept quiet for a moment,
and then said courageously, “Why do you think so? I will chop off your
head, if you do not stop talking nonsense.” Mahesh was not going to
accept his defeat. He showed Akbar's Ring of Seal to the guard.
Having seen the seal, the guard couldn't say a word. He should
admit him, although he was not willing to do. After much thought, the
guard said to Mahesh, “You can go in on one condition.” “What?” Mahesh
asked. The guard said, “Whatever you will get from the King, you will
share with me half of that.”Agreed, “Mahesh smiled and the guard let him
go inside.”
He went in and finally he could see the golden throne on which a
man “King” was sitting. Akbar smiled and asked him, “What do you want,
young man?” Mahesh rose to his feet and spoke, “Sir, I have come here at
your command.” And he handed over the Ring of Seal, which was given to
him by the King some years before.”That's a good boy, now what do you
want? What is your heart's desire? Tell me, I will try my best to fulfill it.”
Mahesh remembered his promise with the guard, so he asked the Emperor
to punish him with one hundred slashes. The King was surprised to hear
that, “But how can I do this to you, you have done nothing wrong.”
Mahesh said politely, “Sir, please do not go back from your promise of
fulfilling my heart's desire.”
So with great reluctance and perplexed mind, Akbar ordered one
hundred lashes on Mahesh's back. To the surprise of all, Mahesh endured
every stroke without uttering a word. After the fiftieth (50th) whip, he
suddenly shouted, “Stop now.” Akbar asked, “Why? What happened?”
Mahesh said, “Sir when I was coming here, your guard did not allow me to
come inside the palace, unless I promised him to give half of my share of
whatever I will get from you. I have taken half of my share, now it is your
guard's turn to take his share of half.” Everybody burst into the laughter.
The guard was hauled to receive his humiliating bribe. The
King said, “You are as brave as you were when you were a child. You
have grown into a cleverer young man. I was trying to remove the
corrupted people from my court, but your little trick has done what I
wouldn't have done even after passing several laws also. From now on, on
the basis of your wisdom, you shall be called "Birbal" and you will stay by
my side as my advisor.”
That is how Mahesh Das became Birbal or Birbal born.
Answer for Question is the Question
One day Akbar asked Birbal, “Birbal, can you tell me how many
bangles are in your wife's hand?” Birbal said, “No, Huzoor (My King), I
cannot.” “You cannot? Although everyday you see her hand, still you
cannot tell how many bangles are in her hand. How is that?” said Akbar.

Birbal said, “Let's go to the garden, Your Majesty. And I will tell
you "How Is that" and they both went to the garden. They both went down
a small staircase which led to the garden. After reaching the garden Birbal
asked, "You daily climb up and down this small staircase, could you tell
how many steps it has?”
Akbar smiled and then changed the subject.
Who is the Donkey?
One day Akbar went to the river with his two sons and wise
Minister Birbal. On the bank of the river, Akbar and his two sons took off
their clothes and asked Birbal to take care of them while they took a bath
in the river.
Birbal was waiting for them to come out of the river. All the
clothes were on his shoulder. By Looking at Birbal standing like this,
Akbar felt like teasing him, so he said to him, "Birbal, You look like as if
you are carrying a washer man’s donkey load."
Birbal quickly retorted, "My King, Washer man’s donkey carries only one
donkey's load, I am carrying three donkey's load." Akbar was speechless
by the answer.
Why is the Camel's Neck Crooked?
Akbar was very impressed with Birbal's wit and wisdom. So one
day, Akbar promised him for many gifts. But it so happened that several
days passed, but there was no sign of the gift. Birbal was very
disappointed. He didn't know what to do? One day when Akbar was taking
a stroll at the bank of Yamuna with his dear minister Birbal, he happened
to notice a camel.
Akbar asked Birbal, "Tell me Birbal, why the camel's neck is

Birbal thought this is a good time, so he thought for a moment and

spoke, "Your Majesty, it might be possible that the camel has forgotten to
honor his promise made to somebody that is why his neck is crooked.
Scriptures mention that whoever will forget their promises will have
crooked neck. So this might seem the reason of his crooked neck."
Akbar soon realized that he promised to give some gifts to Birbal,
but has not yet done so. As soon as they arrived at the palace, the King
gave him his reward.
So Birbal was so wise that he got what he wanted without
asking for it.
Birbal’s Visit to Heaven
As Birbal is very wise and witty, the Emperor's courtiers and
other people used to be jealous with him and used to find some way to
degrade him.
One day the court barber, who was very jealous with Birbal, plotted
a plan against him. So when the King called him again to trim his beard,
he went and started trimming his beard. He said, "Sir, last night I dreamed
about your father."

The King got interested, so he asked, "What did he say to

you?" "Sir, he said to me, that everything is good in paradise, but he feels
a great absence of a good humorous man who can amuse him." The King
thought and thought, but nobody else he could think of except Birbal who
could perform this kind of duty very well. And, naturally, the only way to
go to heaven was through death. For a moment, Akbar was very sad to lose
such a good man, but thinking of his father, he made up his mind.
He summoned Birbal and said, "I think Birbal, you love me very
much and you can sacrifice anything for me." Birbal tried to understand
his point but couldn't guess. He said, "You know Majesty, I do." "Then
Birbal, please go to heaven to give company to my dear father."
Birbal understood that this was a wicked plan of somebody to kill
him. He said to Emperor politely, "I will do so, but I need a few days to
prepare myself to go to heaven." The King said, certainly.
You are giving me such a great favor, I allow you one week to prepare
Now Birbal was worried. He thought, somebody has planned very
well and he could not escape from this plan. He thought and thought and
then he found a way for this hurdle. He dug a ditch near his house which
would serve as his grave, and dug a tunnel and connected it to one of the
rooms of his house. After doing this, he returned to the Imperial Court. He
said, "I am ready my Majesty, but there are two conditions." Akbar was so
happy to hear this that he forgot that Birbal could put some odd conditions
to him. He asked, "What are those conditions? Tell me soon. I will try to
fulfill them so that you can go to heaven to be with my dear father."
Birbal said, "My Majesty, I wish to be buried near my house. And
I want to be buried alive so that I can reach heaven alive to amuse your
dear father." The King found this logical and agreed up on them
immediately. So Birbal was buried alive near his house. Of course he made
his way to his house where he lived in confinement for six months. After
six months, he came out of hiding with his grown beard and shabby hair
and asked the permission to appear in the Royal Court.
Looking at him Akbar cried, "Where have you been Birbal?" Birbal said,
"Your Majesty, I was in Heaven with your dear father. I had a very good
time there with your father. He was so happy with my services that he
gave me special permission to return to Earth." Akbar was very anxious to
know about his father, he asked, "Did he send any message for me?"
Birbal said, "Yes Your Majesty, he said that very few barber can make it
go to Heaven, you can make out this from my grown beard and shabby
hair, so he has asked to send your own barber to him immediately.
Akbar understood everything. He gave Birbal a big prize, and his barber
the life sentence.
Birbal Caught the Thief
It so happened once that once a rich merchant's house was robbed. The
merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. He tried to find
out the thief was on his own, but failed. So he went to Birbal and
explained the whole incident in detail. Birbal went to his house and
assembled all of his servants in the front hall and asked that who stole the
merchant's things.
Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave a stick of
equal length to all the servants of the merchant and said to them that “The
stick of the real thief will be long by two inches tomorrow”. All the
servants should be present here again tomorrow with their sticks.

All the servants went to their homes and gathered again at the
same place the next day. Birbal asked them to show him their sticks. One
of the servants had his stick shorter by two inches.
Birbal said, "This is your thief, merchant." Later the merchant
asked Birbal, "How did you catch him?" Birbal said, "The thief had
already cut his stick shorter by two inches in the night fearing that it is a
magical stick and will become longer by two inches by morning. But In
fact it was not a magical stick rather it was an ordinary stick."
Akbar felt Very Happy with Birbal’s fair Judgment.
I am Your Servant, my Lord.
Once, Akbar and Birbal passed through some farms while riding on
their horses. They happened to pass through a cabbage patch. Looking at
the patch, Akbar said to Birbal, "What a delightful vegetable the cabbage
is. I like it very much." Birbal said, "Majesty, cabbage is the king of the
vegetables." Akbar did not reply to this, and they went on.

Another day, they were riding past the same cabbage patch
again. This time Akbar made a face, and said, "This cabbage is such a
tasteless vegetable. How people tolerate it." Birbal replied, "Yes My King,
really it is difficult to even look at such a tasteless vegetable." Akbar again
listened to this and they went on.
After a while the king remembered something. He said to
Birbal, "Birbal, I don't understand you. Last time when we passed through
this patch, you said that the cabbage was the king of vegetable, and today
you said that "It is even difficult to look at such a tasteless vegetable. What
do you mean by that?"
Birbal said, bowing, "My Lord, I am your servant, not of
cabbage." One day Akbar and Birbal were roaming around the Royal
gardens. Akbar was in a good mood. So he said to Birbal, "Birbal,
eggplant is such a good vegetable that I have never tasted such a delicious
vegetable till today." Birbal said, "Yes My King, it is. It is very tasty and
delicious, that is why God has put a crown on its head."
Akbar was very pleased to hear this that he appreciated vegetable
has been crowned by God. After a few weeks again Akbar and Birbal were
in the Royal Gardens. Akbar remembered something and spoke to Birbal,
"Look Birbal, this eggplant is such a nasty vegetable, that I have never
tasted such a tasteless vegetable till today." Birbal said, "Yes King, it is
tasteless. You said it right. That is why its name is "Baygun" (Eggplant's
name in India's local language Hindi is "Bengan". Birbal twisted the name
which means "without any good nutrients").
Now Akbar got very angry. He said to Birbal, "What is this?
Whatever I say, you say the same thing. How is it possible that both the
statements are right about eggplant?" Birbal bowed a little and said
politely, "King, I am loyal to you, not to eggplant. It cannot do me any
favor, you can." Akbar was very pleased to hear this bold, witty and honest
How Many Crows in the Kingdom?
One day Akbar was strolling in his palace gardens with his dear
minister Birbal. Many crows were flying around. The King enjoyed their
flying. Just then he thought that how many crows could be in his kingdom
and immediately posed this question to Birbal.
Birbal thought a moment, then said, "My lord, There are Fifty-
five thousand, six hundred and sixty one (55, 661) crows in your kingdom
" "How do you know that for sure?" the King asked." You can get them
counted, my lord." Birbal said.

The king again said, "If there will be less than that, then?" Birbal
replied immediately, "That means that the rest of them have gone on
vacation to some neighboring kingdoms" "Or if there were more than that,
then?" "Then it means that other crows are visiting your kingdom,My
Akbar was very pleased with this answer to his question.
Birbal Solves the Problem
Several courtiers were competing to be the Royal Advisor of
Emperor Akbar. So one day, when they came to the court, they said to the
Emperor, "We want to be your Royal Advisor." Akbar said, "No Problem,
but you will have to pass the test before you could be my Royal Advisor.
And whoever would pass the test will be appointed my Advisor." They

The King unfastened his waist cloth and lay down on the floor, and
asked the candidates to cover him with that cloth from head to toe. Now
everybody tried to cover him, but in vain. If one wanted to cover the head,
then feet remained uncovered, or if the feet were covered, then his head
remained open.
Just then Birbal entered the court, the king asked Birbal also, if he
could cover him with that cloth from head to toe. Birbal paused a moment,
then asked the Emperor politely, "King, Could you pull up your knees a
little bit?" The King did so, and Birbal could cover him from head to toe
with that cloth.
Realizing that they failed the test, the courtiers left the court
quietly and then they never, thought about being the King's Advisor.
Flowers for Akbar
One day Akbar was taking a walk in his Royal gardens with several
courtiers. Many flowers were flowering at that time of the season. A poet
pointed out towards a beautiful flower and said, "Look King
(Jahaanpanaah), how beautiful flower that is? No man can produce such a
beautiful thing as this."

Birbal was also there. He said, "I don't agree with this, sometimes
man can make more beautiful things than this." Akbar said, "Oh! No
Birbal, you are talking nonsense. This flower is really very beautiful."
After a few days, Birbal presented Akbar a very skilled
craftsman from Agra. He presented a beautiful carved marble bouquet of
flowers. The Emperor was very happy to see it, and gave him one
thousand gold coins.
Just then a boy came and presented the Emperor a beautiful
bouquet of real flowers. The Emperor was very happy to see it too, so he
gave a silver coin to the boy. Birbal said, "So the carving was more
beautiful than the real thing."
Akbar understood that he had fallen in the hands of his witty
minister once again.
Birbal’s Sweet Reply
Akbar used to ask many odd questions from his courtiers and
entertained himself. One day he entered the Royal Court, settled in his
Royal chair, and asked his courtiers: "What punishment should be given to
a person who pulls my mustache?" One said, "He should be beheaded
(Head Cut off)."Another said, "He should be flogged."Yet another said,
"He should be hanged."

"What do you think, Birbal?" the Emperor asked Birbal. Birbal

kept quiet for a moment, and then said, "My King, he should be given
sweets." "What, Birbal? Have you gone crazy? Do you know what are
you saying?" Birbal replied politely, "I am not crazy, My Lord, and I
know what I am saying." "Then how can you talk like this?" the King
asked in anger. Birbal again replied politely, "Because, My Lord, the only
person can dare to do this is your grandson."
King calms down with this polite answer, and he gave his ring
to Birbal as a reward.
Birabl Identifies the Guest
One day, Birbal was invited for dinner by a rich man. When
Birbal reached there, he found himself in a large crowd. The host greeted
him warmly and took him inside. Birbal said, "I did not know that there
will be so many guests at this gathering." The host replied politely, "They
are not guests, Sir. They are my employees except one who is the only
other guest here besides you. Could you tell who is that other one guest
here?" Birbal questioned.

"Maybe, I could. Tell them a joke, and I will observe

them." The rich man told the joke and everybody laughed uproariously.
Perhaps this was the worst joke Birbal had ever heard in his life. Now the
rich man asked Birbal."I have told the joke, now you tell me who will be
the other guest here?" Birbal pointed out towards a man and said, "He is
that other guest." The rich man was very surprised hearing this that how
could he recognize the other guest. Rich man said to Birbal, "You are
right, but how did you recognize him?"
Birbal said, "Because only employees can laugh at such a joke.
He was the only person who did not even smile on your joke, so I
immediately recognized him as the other guest."
TitBits (Between Akbar and Birbal)
Akbar's court was famous for the witty question answer sessions.
On one such occasion, Akbar asked his courtiers whether they
could tell the difference between the “Truth and the False” within three
words. All courtiers got busy in finding out the three words or less to tell
the difference between the truth and the false. But enough time passed and
they could not tell.
"What about you, Birbal?" "My King" Birbal looked around and
replied, "Four fingers" The King got surprised and asked him, "How,
Birbal?" "Yes, Your Majesty, this is the difference between true and false.
Because what your eyes see is the truth, and what your ears hear, more
often than not, may be false."

"That is right, but then why do you say "four fingers"?" Akbar
said. Birbal bowed a little and said, "Because Your Majesty, only four
fingers is the distance between the ear and eyes." Akbar was very
astonished to hear this reply.
On another occasion, Akbar drew a line on the floor and asked his
courtiers to shorten it without touching it. No courtier could do it. Then,
Birbal came forward and drew another longer line beside it. Now the
King's line was shorter than Birbal's line.
On another occasion, Akbar asked what is the thing, both Sun and
Moon cannot see, but others can see. As usual his courtiers could not able
to solve it. Then Birbal said, "It is Darkness, My King."Akbar became
speechless with Birbal answer.
A Little lesser and Little more
One day Birbal's five-year old daughter accompanied him to the Royal
Court. When Akbar saw her, it just came to his mind that he should test
her wits whether she had the same type of wits as her father had.
He started talking to her. "Little girl, Do you know Persian?" "A
little lesser and a little more, Sir" The girl replied to Akbar. Birbal smiled
at her reply, but Akbar could not understand it, so he asked Birbal to
explain this.

Birbal said, "She knows Persian a little more than those who do
not know Persian, and knows a little lesser than those who know Persian
Akbar smiled and understood that she had the same wits as her
Birbal’s Beautiful Explanation
One day the Emperor Akbar saw a woman hugging and
kissing a very dark, ugly and unattractive child. He was very surprised to
see that. He thought and thought but could not think why, so he asked
Birbal, that's why she was doing that to such an unattractive child. Birbal
replied innocently, "Majesty, he must have been her own child. For every
mother her own child is the most beautiful child in the world."
The Emperor did not seem to be convinced by this explanation,
and Birbal had guessed this from the Emperor's face. Next day, in the
presence of the Emperor, Birbal ordered a Guard to present the most
beautiful child in the world in the court. Next day, the Guard brought a
most unattractive and an ugly child with buck teeth than of yesterday's
child. His hair stood like a porky on his head. He presented him to the
Emperor. "This is the most beautiful child in the world, your majesty." the
Guard stammered.

The Emperor asked, "How do you know that he is the most

beautiful child in the world?" "Your Majesty, I went home and posed my
problem to my wife. She told me to bring our children to the court." the
Guard replied humbly.
Akbar admitted his fault and appreciated Birbal.
The Noblest Beggar
One day the Emperor asked Birbal, "Birbal, is it possible to be the
"Noblest" and the "Lowest" together?" Birbal said, "Yes, My Lord" "Then
bring me such a person."
Birbal went and returned to the court next day with a beggar and
presenting him to Akbar said, "This is the lowest among all of your
subjects, My King" Akbar asked, "Good, that may be true, but I don't see
that how he can be the noblest?"
"He has been given the honor of having an audience with the
Emperor that makes him the noblest among the beggars, my lord." Akbar
was very happy to hear this answer that he gave lots of money to that
Fast Horse
One day, when Akbar saw a person Hodja coming on foot, he
promised him to give a horse. Accordingly, he instructed his stable man to
give a horse to Hodja. Now, it so happened that the stable man selected a
very weak and sick horse from the stable and sent it to the Hodja's house.
The horse was so weak and sick that it died on the same night it was

When next day Akbar saw Hodja coming on foot again, he asked in
surprise, "What happened to your horse, Hodja, I arranged for you
yesterday?" Hodja said, "Jahaanpanaah (King), The horse had a fleet of
feet that it crossed the distance from Earth to Heaven in one night only."
Akbar was very sorry to know this, and this time he arranged a
very good horse for him.
The Loyal Gardener
One day Akbar was stumbling on a rock in his garden while
taking a stroll. He was not in a good mood already, and then this fall. He
got very angry and ordered for the gardener's arrest and execution.
The next day, at the time of execution, the gardener was asked
what his last wish was. He requested for an audience with the Emperor.
His wish was granted and he was brought in the
Court. When he came near the throne, he loudly cleared the throat and spat
at the feet of the Emperor. The Emperor demanded to know why he did
such a thing. The gardener did this on Birbal's advice, so Birbal stepped
forward in the gardener's defense.

He said, "There could be no person more loyal than this

unfortunate gardener. Fearing that you ordered him for hanging for a small
reason, he went out of his way to give you a genuine reason for ordering
him to be hanged."
The Emperor realized his mistake and set him free.
Birabl Betrays Himself
One day Birbal happened to pass a harmless comment on Akbar's
sense of humor. But Akbar was no fool. He got very angry with Birbal and
ordered him to not only leave the court, and city of Agra, his capital.
Birbal was terribly hurt but could not do anything about it. So Birbal left.
But then Akbar was missing him. He wanted him back in the Court. He
could not do anything without him because he didn't know his
whereabouts. Nobody else also knew where he was.
One day an intelligent Saadhu (saint) came to his court and told
him the way to search for him. Now Akbar did as the Saadhu (saint) said
to him. He announced that he will give one thousand gold coins whosoever
will come to his Court in half Sun and in half shade.

Next day a villager came carrying a string cot over his head and
claimed the money. He said, "I am in half sun and in half shade." Akbar
understood that this man cannot do it himself. On interrogation he
confessed that Birbal suggested him this plan. Akbar was very happy to
hear this. He asked him the whereabouts of Birbal and immediately
ordered him to come back to his court. And they had a happy reunion.
Red Hot Test
One day, one man wanted to punish a man named Hasan. He
accused him of stealing his necklace, and reported this to Akbar’s court.
The case was brought in the Akbar's court. Akbar knew Hasan very well,
and he also knew that he was not a thief.
So he asked the man, "Why do you think that Hasan has stolen your
necklace?" The man replied, "My lord, I have seen him stealing the
necklace." Hasan said, "I am innocent my lord, I do not know anything
about his necklace."
The man then said, "All right, if he is innocent, let him prove his
innocence. Let me bring the hot iron, and if he can hold it in his bare
hands, then I will agree that he has not stolen my necklace, and he is
speaking truth."
The man said, "It means that if I am speaking the truth, then I will
not burn my hands with that red hot iron?" "Yes, you are right. God will
protect you."
Now, Hasan could not do anything but to hold red hot iron in his
hands to prove his innocence, and that he was speaking the truth. He asked
judge to give him one day to look for that necklace again. The judge gave
him permission. He went home.
He took advice from Birbal. He returned the next day he came back
and said, "I am ready for the test. My king, if you think so. But the same
thing should apply to him too. If he is speaking the truth, then the red hot
iron should not burn his hands also. So let him bring that red hot iron
holding in his both hands, then I will hold that iron in my bare hands."
Now the man was speechless. He told the King that he would go and
search his necklace again in his house; maybe it was misplaced somewhere
there, bowed hastily and went away.
Four Fools
Once, Akbar asked Birbal to bring four fools of the first order to
him. He said - "It is not difficult because this world is full of fools. Birbal
said - "OK" and asked some time to find them, which Akbar readily gave
to him.
Now Birbal started looking for fools. He was going somewhere that
he saw a man carrying a large plate on which were kept some clothes,
betel leaves and sweets. He looked like a fool to Birbal, so he asked him -
"Where are you going to? And to whom you are carrying this?" The man
replied - "My wife has remarried. Now they have a child so I am taking
this gift for them." Birbal got convinced that he was a fool, so he
considered him a candidate to take to the king.
At another time he saw a man riding a buffalo carrying a bundle of
grass on his head. Birbal thought he was also a fool, so he asked him -
"Why are you carrying this bundle on your head?" The man replied - "In
fact my buffalo is pregnant, so I thought that she should not carry too
much load that is why I have put this bundle on my own head instead of
putting it on it." Birbal considered him also a candidate to take to the king.

So next morning he took those people to Akbar's court and

presented them to him as the biggest fools. "But these are only two fools;
where are the other two? I asked you to bring four Fools." King asked.
Birbal folded his hands and bending a little Said - "Jahaanpanaah (King),
The third Fool is you who asked me to bring the fools; and the fourth fool
is me who has brought these fools for you."
When the King heard about them, he laughed a lot on their
Milk of an Ox
Once King Akbar called Birbal to his palace and said, “Birbal, I
want you to bring a Vessel full of Ox’s milk”. Birbal was surprised by this
unusual request, but did not express it out. Birbal said “My King, I Shall
get if for you, but I want a Week Time”. Akbar agreed and allowed Birbal
to leave the Place. At the evening time, Birbal thinks a lot on “ Emperor
had asked to bring a Vessel of Ox’s milk, which is an impossible task”.
Birbal’s daughter noted her fathers’s worried look asked him what
was wrong. Birbal told “King Akbar has asked me to get a Vessel of Ox’s
milk in a Week time. I don’t know What to do now?”. To his great
surprise, his daughter began laughing loudly and said “That is very easy
task father, I will tell you what to do later. But Promise me not to leave the
house for 7 days. Birbal agreed to this, he knew that his daughter’s
cleverness would help him to get out of his tricky situation.
Six Days Passed, On the seventh night, Birbal’s daughter left her
home with a large bundle of clothes and went to King’s Palace to wash
them. She opened the bundle near the lake and started washing one by one.
The Emperor was awakened by this noise and said “Who is washing the
Cloths in the lake? He wondered and went to the balcony for a look.
Akbar sent his guards to fetch the Person. King asked “Why are you
washing clothes so late at night”. Birbal’s daughter told “My King, Seven
days ago, my father gave a birth to a baby. Our maid did no come to work,
so I have to do all work myself. I just finished the other works before
washing the cloths”.
“What are you saying” exclaimed Akbar, “ How can a man give
birth to a baby”. The lady smiled at the Emperor and said, “My king, It is
not surprising at all! If you can ask for Ox’s milk, why can’t a man give
birth to a baby?”.
Akbar nodded his head as he understood the truth in her statement. A
man could not give birth to a baby, just as an Ox could not give milk. He
remembered the impossible task he had asked Birbal to Perform.
Emperor awarded Birbal’s daughter with gifts and sent her
Just One Question
Once a scholar came to Akbar's Court and challenged Birbal to
answer his question. He wanted to test Birbal's wits, whether he was really
like that as he heard about him. Birbal accepted the challenge. Then the
scholar asked Birbal, "Whether you would like to answer one hundred
easy questions or one difficult question. Akbar and Birbal had a very long
day. They were in a hurry to go home, so Birbal agreed on one difficult

The scholar asked, "Who Came first Chicken or egg?" Birbal

answered the question without giving any second thought, "The chicken"
The scholar was astonished to hear that, "How do you know?"
"We agreed up on only one question, so no second question." Birbal
said. And Akbar and Birbal left the Court without looking back at him.
The Parrot neither Eats, nor Drinks…
A person was very fond of parrots. He used to catch parrots, train
them and sell them to interested people. One time he got a good parrot, so
he trained him in talking, and when he was trained he presented him to the
king. King liked the parrot because he used to reply his questions too.
The king made special arrangements for his safety, security and
care and if somebody will tell me about his death, he will be hung. Hearing
this the parrot was kept under special care. But one day suddenly the parrot
died. Now who should go and inform this to the king?

The servant went to Birbal and told him his plight. He said - "If I
inform him about parrot's death, then he will kill me, but if I do not tell
him, then also he will kill me, so please save me."
Birbal thought a while and sent him back to his work, and he
himself went to the king and said - "Sir, Your parrot..." King asked -"What
about the parrot?" Birbal again stammered - "Your parrot, Sir." King asked
- "Birbal, What happened to my parrot?" Birbal again said - "Your
parrot..." King asked - "I am asking you, what happened to my parrot? Say
something in the name of God."
Birbal said - "Jahaanpanaah (King), Your parrot neither eats
anything, nor drink water, nor speaks, nor moves his feathers, nor opens
his eyes..." The King said - "What? Has the parrot died?" Birbal said - "I
did not say it. You said it."
King understood why Birbal had to say this in this way. He got
very happy with Birbal's way of telling him about his parrot.
Neither Here, Nor There
Akbar always used to admire Birbal in his court. And because of
that many other courtiers used to be envious with him so they always
thought some or the other way to let him down.
Once one of them said to the King - "Huzoor (My King), You are
always given work to Birbal, we can also do the same what Birbal can do,
just give us a try." King said - "OK, Let me give you some work." He
called one of them and said - "I give you three Rupees (Indian currency).
You go and buy three things from them of one Rupee each. The first thing
should be of "here", the second thing should be of "there", and the third
thing should be of "neither here, nor there".
That courtier immediately went to the market and asked those
things from the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper laughed loudly - "Where in
the world you can get these things? You can't." Tired of searching those
things the courtier came back empty-handed and reported to King - "These
things cannot be got anywhere at any price. So if Birbal can bring them
then we will consider him great."
Akbar called Birbal and asked him to bring the same things. Birbal
said - "They will be here tomorrow." Next day as Birbal came on the court,
Akbar reminded him his things. Birbal said - "Yes Jehaanpanaah, The first
Rupee I gave to one beggar. That reached God from there (from the beggar
to the other world). The second Rupee I spent to buy some sweets, that
was used here; and third Rupee I spent in playing dice, this Rupee is
neither used here nor there (the other world).
All courtiers were very surprised to hear Birbal's logic. Akbar
gave him a big prize.
Birbal’s Help to Astrologer
Once the King Akbar heard that a certain astrologer was boasting
for his accurate predictions. He called him for a test. When he came to the
Court, he asked him, "I have heard that you predict everything very
accurately." The astrologer was trembling with fear. "Tell me, when will
you die?" Akbar asked him.

The astrologer said he will have to consult his charts to predict it

correctly. The King gave him one hour time to do so. Instead of consulting
his charts, the astrologer went to Birbal and described the whole thing.
Birbal gave him advice as what he should say to the King.
The astrologer returned to the Court and told the King, "He would
die three days before the King." Akbar understood very well that he was
bluffing, but he did not want to take any chance, so he let him go. Thus
Birbal saved the astrologer's life.
Heavy Burden
Once, a man came to Birbal for his help. He said that the King
wanted to construct some building on the land where his house was. He
did not want to leave that place because that place belonged to his
ancestors. Birbal told him that you should be patient and he would try his

Construction began. Now, one day, Birbal came to that site with King
Akbar for inspection. He saw many gunny bags lying near the pile of mud.
Birbal started filling the gunny bags with that mud. "Why are you doing
this, Birbal?" asked the King. Birbal replied, "To earn merit for my next
Amused by this statement, Akbar also joined him. After Birbal had
filled some bags, he requested Akbar to help him lift one of the gunny
bags filled with mud."Oh, it is very heavy." Akbar said lifting one bag.
Birbal said, "Think Huzoor (My King), when only one bag is so heavy,
how much mud will weigh in this piece of land. Will it not weigh heavily
on your conscience?"
Akbar realized his mistake and ordered to stop
construction on that site.
Birbal Passes the Test
Once a Pundit came to Akbar's court and expressed his desire to test
the intelligence of his courtiers. Akbar granted the permission, so all his
courtiers gathered in the court at the appointed time. The Pundit had a pot
covered with a cloth. He asked the courtiers, "What is in the pot?"
Everybody was silent. Nobody knew how to tell the contents of a
covered pot. Then Birbal came forward, he uncovered the pot, peeped
inside, and said, "There is nothing inside the pot. It is empty."
The Pundit said, "But you opened it." Birbal said, "But you never
said not to open it." Pundit understood that he did a mistake. He bowed to
the Emperor and walked away.
The Magical Donkey
One Day, A Minister from Emperor Akbar’s court had gathered in
the assembly hall. He informed to all people that, King Akbar’s valuables
had stolen by thieves at Previous night. Akbar was shocked to hear this
because the place where that minister was lived was the safest place in the
King invited Birbal to solve this mystery as usual. Akbar said, “It is
definitely not possible for an outsider to enter into the minister’s house and
steal the valuables. This blunder is definitely done by one of the courtiers
only.” Birbal said, “ My king, I have a friend who has magical powers, he
will help us to find the thief. I will bring him to court tomorrow. Give me
one day.”

Next day, Birbal arrived to the court with a Donkey and said “My king,
This Donkey is my friend, he has magical powers”. Everyone shocked and
surprised including King. Birbal tied the donkey to a Pillar and ordered all
the courtiers to lift the donkey’s tail and say “I have not stolen”, then only
we can identify the culprit. After everyone finished, he asked the courtiers
to show their palm to him. All the courtiers except one had a black patch
of paint on their palm. Birbal said “My king, thief is the one who doesn’t
have black paint on his palm”.
Akbar said, “How can you say that, he is the culprit”. Birbal replied,
“My king, I painted the donkey’s tail with a black coat of paint” and asked
everyone to touch the donkey’s tail. The Guilty culprit did not touch the
donkey’s tail. Thus, I concluded that he is the culprit.
Thus, Birbal once again proved his intelligence and was
rewarded by the king with gold coins.
Pickled Clue
One day a man gave a jar to his neighbor to keep until he comes
back from the pilgrimage. The jar had his life's earnings. After keeping it
safely, the man left for the pilgrimage. After six months when he returned
from the pilgrimage, he went to his neighbor and asked for his jar.

The neighbor brought the jar and gave it to the man. The man
opened the jar and found the mango pickle, instead of his money. He said
to the neighbor politely, "Sir I gave the money to you in this jar, now it
contains pickle." The neighbor said, "I don't know anything about your
money. Whatever you gave to me I kept it, and only now I am bringing it
out to give it to you."
The man got very sad and went to Birbal for justice. Birbal asked
the neighbor, "Where is the money which was kept in this jar." The
neighbor said, "I have already told that I do not know anything about the
money kept in this jar. I didn't open it before, and I didn't open it now. I
just took it and kept it as it was, and took it out as it was."
Then Birbal called some women from the Royal kitchen, and
asked them, "How old this pickle is?" They said it is definitely not six
months old. It is very new, maybe even a month old only."
Now the neighbor got caught. He returned all the money he took
out from the jar.
Hunting and the Dowry
Akbar had a passion for hunting. One day Akbar was on his
hunting trip, there he heard two owls quarreling very fiercely. Akbar asked
Birbal, "Birbal, what are these owls saying? Why are they quarreling so
Birbal said, "Both of them are settling the dowry amount, Huzoor
(My King). The first one, who is the groom's father, is saying that he wants
to take 40 jungles in the dowry, with no animals at all. The other owl, who
is bride's father, is saying that he can arrange only 20 jungles at the

In the mean time one owl hooted once more very loudly. Akbar
asked Birbal, "Now what is he saying?" Birbal said, "Now he is saying that
if you wait for six months more, I can give you 40 jungles without
Akbar understood what Birbal wanted to say - Do not kill
animals, so he gave up hunting altogether.
Birbal and Akbars’ Ring
Once Akbar went for hunting, and there his ring fell into a dry
well. Now, How to take that ring out. They did not have any means to take
it out. Then Birbal said, "Huzoor (My King), if you give me some time I
can take your ring out of this well. Akbar had no alternative, so he
permitted him.

Birbal went around and brought some fresh cow dung and threw it
on the ring. He then tied a stone on one end of a string, and holding the
other end in his hand threw the stone on the cow dung. He waited for a
long time - for the cow dung to be dried, and then pulled the string out of
the well. The string brought the stone, the stone was stuck into cow dung
and the cow dung had the Emperor's ring at its bottom.
Akbar got very happy with Birbal's intelligence.
Akbar’s Dream
Once, Akbar had a dream that his all teeth have fallen down except
one. In the morning he invited all the astrologers and asked them to
interpret this dream. All the astrologers sat to interpret that dream. At last
they all reached on this conclusion that it meant that - all of his relatives
will die before him. So they said to Akbar.

Hearing this Akbar felt very bad and got concerned about his
relatives. He sent all the astrologers away without giving anything. He got
restless. The whole day passed, but he could not find rest in his mind. In
the evening Birbal came. Akbar told his dream to Birbal too, and asked
him to interpret it.
Birbal thought for a minute and said, "This means Huzoor (My
King) that you will live very long and much fulfilled life than any of your
relatives." Hearing this Akbar got very pleased and he rewarded him
Birbal Helps a Pundit
Once a Brahman named Sevaaraam came to Birbal for his help. He
told him that his father was a very good Pundit and all people used to call
him Pundit Jee (Jee is the word, used in India to show their respect to
someone). Since he cannot do all those things what his father did, nobody
calls him Pundit Jee. Although he was very much contented with his work,
life, and income, but he had this wish that all people should call him
Pundit Jee. Birbal said it was not difficult at all, but he had to follow his
advice word by word. Pundit agreed.

Birbal said, "Whenever somebody calls you Pundit Jee, you should
be very angry and shout at him loudly, that is all." Pundit agreed. Next day
Birbal went to the locality where that Pundit used to live. There he talked
to the children. He came to know that children didn't like him because he
used to scold them. So he told them if you call that man "Pundit Jee,
Pundit Jee" he will get irritated, and you could take your revenge. The
children were very happy.
From next day the children started calling him "Pundit Jee", "Pundit
Jee"; and the Brahman started to shout at them. After some time
Sevaaraam stopped shouting at children as his aim was fulfilled, because
the children and other people still kept calling him Pandit Jee. So the game
was over, and the name "Pundit Jee" stuck to Sevaaraam. That is what he
Birbal’s Khichadee*
Once, Akbar and Birbal were taking a stroll. It was winter
season. Winter was at its peak at that time of the season. A thought came
to Birbal's mind, and he expressed to the Emperor, "A man can do
anything for money." Emperor also thought something, and he just dipped
his finger in the almost freezing water of a nearby pond. He drew his hand
immediately, and replied Birbal, "I don't think so. Do you think somebody
can stand in this almost freezing water for the whole night for money?"
Birbal said, "I think so."
Birbal told that he can find such a man who can stand in this water
for the whole night for money. Akbar couldn't believe, so he accepted the
challenge and said that he would give one thousand gold coins to that man.
Next day Birbal brought a man who was very poor and thin. He
told the King that that man would stand in that water. "Good" the King
said and sent him to the pond. Because he did not believe this, so he sent
some guards too to see whether he was really standing in that almost
freezing water for the whole night.
The man went away. Next day, the man came back to claim his
prize. Akbar asked his guards about the whole thing and they said, "Yes
Huzoor (My King), he stood there the whole night." Akbar asked that man,
"Just tell me how you stood in that cold water the whole water?" The man
said, "There was a lamp post at some distance. I just gazed at it for the
whole night. The heat of that lamp was my only hope."
Akbar refused to give him his prize, saying that since he got the
heat from that lamp, he was not in the cold water absolutely. Hearing this,
the man got very disappointed and went away. When Birbal heard this, he
didn't like it. Next day he didn't come into the court. Akbar got worried
about him and sends his men to bring him to the court.
The men went to his house and came back with the message that
Birbal was cooking his Khichadee* and only after eating that he will come
to the court. One hour passed, two hours passed, several hours passed.
Evening fell, but there was no sign of Birbal. Now Akbar got impatient,
and got ready to see him himself.
So he went to Birbal's house. What he sees, that Birbal is sitting in
a room, fire was burning and a pot was hung about 8-10 feet higher than
the fire. The King asked, "Birbal what are you doing?" Birbal replied,
"Huzoor (My King) I am cooking my Khichadee*." Hearing this King
and his people laughed loudly. Akbar said to him, "Birbal, you can't cook
your Khichadee* in this way. It is not getting enough heat to be cooked."
Birbal said, "If that man can get the heat from such a distance to
keep him enough warm to stand in this cold water for the whole night, then
why my Khichadee* can't be cooked in this way?"
King understood, and returned to his palace. The next day he called
that man and gave his prize to him.
* Khichadee is an Indian dish, made of rice and split green beans mixed
normally in equal amount with some salt. Normally people eat it in lunch
in dysentery. It is supposed to be light food.
The Poet Raayadaas
There was a poet named Raayadaas at Akbar Kingdom. He was a
very good poet. And there was a rich man also in Akbar's capital. But that
rich man was enough misers too. He used to make promises to give
something to somebody but never gave it to him. Raaydaas also heard this
about that rich man, but didn't believe it.
So one day he went to that rich man and said to him that he had
written many good poems and wanted to recite them before somebody
who could appreciate his poems. He could not find any other man better
than him.
The rich man got very happy, and asked him to recite his poems.
The poet recited his poems, some poems were written in the praise of this
rich man too. The rich man became very happy to hear those poems. So he
promised to give him some money and asked him to come back the next
Next day Raayadaas came to the rich man's house to take his
reward, but the rich man refused to recognize him. After some references,
he said, "I said it only to encourage you, not that I wanted to reward you."
Raayadaas got very disappointed and went away towards his house.
On the way he met Birbal, he told his story to Birbal. Birbal thought
for a moment, then took out five gold coins and gave them to Raayadaas,
and said, "Arrange a dinner for that rich man on the next full moon night."
Raayadaas went away.

Raayadaas had a very good friend, Maayaadaas. He arranged the

dinner in his house. At this dinner, the food was to be served in gold pots
and the guest was to take those to his house. Rich man was very happy for
this invitation.
The full moon night came. The rich man came for the dinner. Now
Raayadaas and Maayaadaas have already eaten their food first, so they
were not worried about it. They talked and talked a lot but did not talk
about the food. Midnight fell. The rich man was very hungry. When he
could bear no longer, then he reminded about the food. Raayadaas said,
"What food? We don't know anything about the food." Rich man said,
"You have invited me for the dinner." Raayadaas said, "That is because we
just wanted you to be here, not because that we wanted to offer you any
At that time Birbal entered the house and reminded the rich man the
happening of Raayadaas. Now the rich man realized his mistake and
begged for forgiveness. He said that Raayadaas was a very good poet and
he will surely give his reward to him. He took out his necklace and gave to
Raayadaas. Then they all sat for a happy meal. Raayadaas was also invited
by Akbar and got reward from the Royal Court. Thanks to Birbal.
The Three Questions
King Akbar was very fond of Birbal. This made many courtiers very
jealous. One day one of those courtiers, who always wanted to be the chief
minister of the Emperor, got an idea. Since, it was not possible as long as
Birbal filled that position.
One day Akbar praised Birbal in front of the courtier. This made this
courtier very angry and he said that the Emperor praised Birbal unjustly
and if Birbal could answer his three questions, he would accept the fact
that Birbal was intelligent. Akbar knew that Birbal will win so he
immediately agreed.
His three questions were
1. How many stars were there in the sky?
2. Where was the center of the Earth and
3. How many men and how many women were there in the world.
Immediately Akbar asked Birbal these three questions and instructed
him that if he could not answer them, he would have to resign from the
chief minister's position.

To answer the first question, Birbal brought a sheep and said

“There are as many stars in the sky as there is hair on this sheep’s body.
My friend, the courtier is welcome to count them if he likes.”
To answer the second question, Birbal drew a couple of lines on the
floor and bore an iron rod in it and said “this is the center of the Earth, the
courtier may measure it himself if he doubts.”
In answer to the third question, Birbal said “Counting the exact
number of men and women in the world would be a problem as there are
some specimens like our courtier friend here who cannot easily be
classified as either. Therefore if all people like him are killed, then and
only then can one count the exact number of men and women.”
Akbar became very happy as always, and that courtier went
away without saying a word.
Fear is the Key
One day King Akbar said to Birbal, "Birbal, my people are very
obedient to me. They love me very much." Birbal smiled and replied,
"This is true, but they fear you too, Jahaanpanaah (King)." Akbar could
not agree on this, so it was decided that Birbal's statement should be tested.
Next day, according to Birbal's instructions, the King announced that
he would be going for hunting, and people should pour a pot of milk in a
tub kept in the courtyard. Next day when Akbar returned from hunting, he
found that there was no milk in the tub, instead there was only water.
Akbar got very disappointed, but couldn't do anything.

Then Birbal said, "This time you will announce that you will come
back and see the tub yourself." King did as Birbal said. Once again the tub
was kept in the courtyard. This time when King returned from the hunting,
he found the tub overflowing with milk. Birbal said, "I told you. It is your
fear which made people obeys you. The first time there was no one to
check the tub, so people poured the water, but the second time; they knew
that you would check yourself that is why they brought the milk."
Protection of the Foot-mark of an Elephant
Once, The Emperor Akbar had a great quarrel with Birbal so Birbal
left the place and went some 30-40 miles away in a village. There he
started living in hiding his identity.
Now Birbal's position (Deevaan or Minister) could not be kept
empty, so the King appointed his brother-in-law (wife' brother) in Birbal's
place. Although Akbar didn't like this, but he had to do this to please his
wife. Very soon the city got undisciplined and complaints started coming
to the king.
This was the time to test his brother-in-law's intelligence. So he
went out to a Peer's Mazaar (the tomb of a saint). While returning from
there he saw a foot-mark of an elephant. He asked his brother-in-law to
protect that mark for three days. Baadshaah (Emperor) went to his palace
and his brother-in-law starting vigilance around it. The first day passed,
the new Deevaan could not get any food; the second day also passed
without any food. The third day he got very weak, but somehow survived.
The fourth day he went to the king and told everything to him.
Baadshaah (Emperor) thought "I have to call Birbal back; I can't
do with this Deevaan." So he found a way to get him back. He announced
that there is some quarrel over a government well so all Zameendaar
(owner) of nearby villages should come to him with their wells, otherwise
they will have to pay a fine of 10,000 Rupees (Indian currency).
This order was heard in that village where Birbal lived. Its
Zameendaar abused the king that "That this king has gone mad. Has
anybody ever heard moving Wells to other places? But if I did not go then
I will have to pay 10,000 Rupees fine which is a lot of money."
When Birbal heard this, he knew that it was a trick to find him. He
thought that now is the time to reveal his identity and keep king's words.
So he explained something to the Zameendaar and next day the
Zameendaar along with Birbal and some of his servants arrived in Delhi.
They did not enter the city, they stayed outside the city and sent a
messenger to the king - "Huzoor (My King), According to your orders we
are here with our Wells, now you sent your wells to welcome them."
When Akbar heard this, he understood that Birbal was there. He
asked the Zameendaar - "Who told this to tell me? Tell me the truth." The
Zameendaar said - "Some time ago, a stranger came to stay in our village,
he has asked us to tell you this." When asked about his form, it matched
Birbal's. Then he sent his people to welcome Birbal and he was brought
into the city with a great pomp and show. Birbal was again appointed to
his old position.
This time the Emperor asked Birbal to protect that foot-mark of an
elephant. Birbal said "Done". He fixed an iron bar near the foot-mark and
tied a 50-yard rope to it and told the villagers that whoever's house will fall
inside the circumference of that rope his house will be demolished to
protect that foot-mark."
People requested him not to do so and gave him Rupees as bribery
not to demolish their houses. Thus he collected approximately 100,000 (1
Lakh) Rupees. He deposited that money in the royal treasury and told the
Emperor that the work is done and 100,000 Rupees have been deposited in
his treasury.
The king called his brother-in-law and said to him - "You were hungry
for three days and gained nothing while protecting the foot-mark, but see,
Birbal has earned 100,000 Rupees in one day only. That is why you can
never be my Deevaan." The brother-in-law went away from their hanging
his head down.
Birbal, The Problem Solver
Once, a milkman named Shiva went to market along with his cow.
On the way, he met another milkman Shaker of the same village. Both of
them went to market chatting with each other. In the market Shaker took
hold of Shiva’s cow and started taking it for selling. When Shiva protested,
Shaker beat him severely and went away to the market after taking the cow
by force.
Shiva came to the city, lodged a complaint against Shaker for having
stolen his cow. As usual the Emperor handed the case to Birbal. Birbal
carefully listened to Shiva. The next day, he sent a guard to fetch Shaker
along with the cow.
The next morning, both Shaker and Shiva were present in the court.
Then, Birbal asked Shaker, “Tell me, to whom does this cow belong?”.

Shaker said, “Your Majesty, the cow is mine. This man has lodged
a false complaint against me.”
Hearing this, Birbal turned towards Shiva and asked him the name
of the cow. He said it is Narmada. Then Birbal said, “Do as I say. You
both stand at a distance of about fifty feet from the cow. Then you both
start calling her by name Narmada.
Both Shiva and Shaker stood quite far from the cow. Then both of
them called her. At once, the cow came running towards Shiva and started
rubbing her body to his with affection
Birbal immediately understood who is the real owner of the cow.
Still, to be quite sure he said, “Now, you both turn your backs and start
walking ahead. One should go towards the left and another to the right”.
When Shiva and Shaker started walking ahead in different
directions, the cow at once followed Shiva.
Now, Birbal was fully convinced. He took Shaker to task and asked,
“You thief, you steal another’s cow and then dare to lodge a false
complaint against the real owner!”
What could Shaker say? He accepted his crime. Then, Birbal told
Shiva to go along with his cow and punished Shaker.
Who is the Real King…?
King Akbar was one of the greatest Kings in Mughal History. His court
was adorned by intelligent men from all over the world who used to ask
interesting and difficult (very) questions to his courtiers. Birbal would
answer all the questions in just a few minutes and the King would always
praise Birbal.
The King of Egypt heard about Birbal's wisdom and wanted to test
him. So he asked King Akbar to send Birbal to his court. So Birbal left for
Egypt the next day. When Birbal arrived in Egypt, the Minister of the King
of Egypt told Birbal "The King will see you in the morning tomorrow."
The following morning Birbal entered the court and what did he see?
He saw six identical Kings and not one! They were all seated on different
royal thrones wearing the same royal costumes and jewelry.

Birbal was perplexed. However, he observed all of them for some

time and then walked up to one of the Kings and said "Long live the
The King was surprised and asked Birbal "How did you know I was the
real King?"
Birbal replied "Your Majesty, the other Kings were watching you
closely and trying to imitate you all the time. But you on the other hand,
were sitting calm, cool and relaxed. So I guessed you were "the Real
The King was surprised at the wit and common sense of Birbal. He
praised Birbal in his court and rewarded him with rich gifts and jewels.
Who is the Foolded…?
Since Birbal always outwitted Akbar, Akbar thought of a plan to
make Birbal look like a fool. He gave one egg to each of his ministers
before Birbal reached the court one morning.
So when Birbal arrived, the king narrated a dream he had had the
previous night saying that he would be able to judge the honesty of his
ministers if they were able to bring back an egg from the royal garden

So, Akbar asked all his courtiers to go to the pond, one at a time and
return with an egg. So, one by one, all his ministers went to the pond and
returned with the egg which he had previously given them.
Then it was Birbal’s turn. He jumped into the pond and could find
no eggs. He finally realized that the King was trying to play a trick on him.
So he entered the court crowing like a cock. The Emperor asked him to
stop making that irritating noise and then asked him for the egg. Birbal
smiled and replied that only hens lay eggs, and as he was a cock, he could
not produce it.
Everyone laughed loudly and the King realized that Birbal could
never be easily fooled, rewarded him with rich gifts.
Birbal, the Child…
One day King Akbar invited his wise minister Birbal for a lunch,
Minister arrived late for it and the King Akbar was displeased.
Akbar questioned the reason for the late, Birbal explained in a low voice,
King "My child was crying and I had to appease him."

"Does it take so long to calm down a child?" asked the emperor. "It
appears you know nothing about child rearing. Now you pretend to be a
child and I shall act as your father and I will show you how you should
have dealt with your child. Go on. Ask me for whatever he asked of you."
"I want a cow," said Birbal.
Akbar ordered a cow to be brought to the palace.
"I want it’s milk. I want it’s milk," said Birbal, imitating the voice of a
small child."Milk the cow and give to him," said Akbar to his servants.
The cow was milked and the milk was offered to Birbal. He drank a little
and then handed the bowl back to Akbar."Now put the rest of it back into
the cow put it back, put in back, put it back..." mewled Birbal.
The emperor was dumbfounded and quietly left the place.
Birbal’s list of Blinds
One day, In the Court King Akbar questioned Birbal if he knows
the number of blind citizens of their kingdom.
Minister Birbal had requested Akbar to give him a week’s time to count.

The next day Birbal was found to be mending shoes in the town market.
People were astonished to see Birbal doing such work. Many of them
started to question "Birbal!! What are you doing?"
Once when he was asked this question by someone he started writing
something. It continued for a week when on the 7th day King Akbar
himself asked Birbal the same question.
Giving him no answer, Birbal reported on the court the next day and
handed over a note to King Akbar. Akbar read the note when he found that
it was the big list of people who were blind.
Emperor Akbar was stunned when he found his own name in the list.
Angered by this, Akbar asked Birbal the reason for writing his name in the
Birbal said, "O! My majesty! Like all other people you also saw me
mending the slippers but you still asked me what I was doing. Therefore I
had to include your name too."
Akbar started laughing at this and everyone enjoyed Birbal's sense of
humor, King rewarded him with rich gifts.
The Blind Saint. Really Is he?
Once, there lived a blind saint in an ashram in the kingdom of
Emperor Akbar. He was believed to predict the future correctly. Once he
had a visitor who had come to greet the saint and to take blessings from
him along with his niece.
Long ago, niece’s parents were killed by saint in front of her. Once
she saw the saint and remembered everything and started to scream loudly
saying that that saint was the culprit and killed my parents.
Angered by the girl's words, the saint demanded the couple to get away
with their child. The whole day the girl cried which made the couple to
realize that the girl was not lying to them.
Parents believed the girl Words, they decided to seek the help of Birbal.
Birbal consoled them and asked them to wait at the Emperor's assembly.
Birbal had invited the saint to Akbar's court too.

Then in front of all the ministers Birbal drew a sword and neared the saint
to kill him. The saint in confusion immediately drew another sword and
began to fight. Thus in this act of the saint it was proved that he wasn’t
Therefore, Akbar demanded to hang the culprit and rewarded the girl for
her bravery for telling the truth even at the critical situation.
The Sharp Shield & Sword (Really Sharper than
A man who made spears and shields once came to Akbar's court
and said in a high voice "My lord, nobody can make shields and spears to
equal mine," he said. "My shields are so strong that nothing can pierce
them and my Spears are so sharp that there's nothing they cannot pierce."
"I can prove you wrong on one count certainly," said Birbal suddenly.
"Impossible!" declared the man.

"Hold up one of your shields and I will pierce it with one of your spears,"
said Birbal with a smile. Everyone (Including King), laughed loudly
because of Birbal’s humor.
The Lost Ring
One day, Akbar lost his ring in the Court, could not find a way to
get it back. When Birbal arrived at the court, Akbar told him “I have lost
my ring. My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me to find it.”
Birbal said “Don’t worry your Majesty, I will find your ring right now.”

He said Your Majesty the ring is here in this court itself; it is

with one of the courtiers.“The courtier who has a small stick in his beard
has your ring.” The courtier who had the emperor’s ring was shocked and
immediately moved his hand over his beard to check the stick. Birbal
noticed this act of the courtier. He immediately pointed towards the
courtier and said, “Please search this man. He has the emperor’s ring.”
Akbar could understand how Birbal had managed to find the ring
and rewarded him with gold. Birbal then told Akbar that a guilty person is
always scared.
Who is the Real Mother…?
One day, two women came to the Akbar court with a baby. Both of
them were crying. Akbar said “What is your Problem? Why are you
One of the women said “Your Majesty! I am Anita and she is
Sunita. This is my baby. But Sunita says that my baby belongs to her”.
Anita interrupted the conversation and said “No Majesty! This is my baby;
I have given birth to her.” Both of them started crying and quarrelling.
As both of them did not belong to this town, there was nobody who
knew them. Everyone looked at Birbal. Birbal whispered something to the
Soldier. He went and came back with a sharp sword as told by Birbal.

Birbal said to the women “As both of you claim to be the mother of
this child, I have decided to give it to both of you.” I will cut this baby into
two pieces and give it to both of you”. Saying so, he raised the sword to
the baby into two pieces. Sunita came running to Birbal and held his hand
and said “Please spare my baby. Let Anita have this baby. Do not kill the
Birbal handed over the baby to Sunita and said “No mother wants
to have her baby killed. She does not want to cause harm to her innocent
baby. So, Sunita reacted immediately while Anita did not. Hence, Sunita is
the mother of this child.”
Akbar felt happy with the judgment of Birbal as usual, ordered to
arrest Anita. In the court, everybody gave a standing ovation to Birbal.
A Merchant and the Stolen Treasure…
One day, two merchants named Ramu and Shamu came to Akbar’s
court. Ramu spoke first and said “Your Majesty! This is my friend Shamu.
I had given him my treasure before going to business work to another
town. After returning from there when I ask him to return treasure, he says
that I never gave him anything.”

Shamu said “No, Your Majesty! You can check my house If you
want, Ramu never gave me any treasure. He is lying.”Akbar told his
soldiers to check Shamu house in the evening. The soldiers did not find
Ramu and Shamu were again in the court the next day. Akbar said
“We could not find anything in Shamu house. So, Ramu must be lying.”
Ramu said “No, My King, I am not lying.”Birbal was listening and said
“Your Majesty! Give me a chance to solve this case. Actually, I have
found the treasure and I have kept in my house. I will submit it to the court
tomorrow.” Everyone was surprised. The court was adjourned. Ramu and
Shamu went to their respective houses.
Birbal asked the soldiers to follow Shamu in disguise. Shamu went
home and after some time he came out. He then went into a forest and dug
a place near a big Banyan tree. He took out a big bag in which there were
ornaments. Immediately the soldiers arrested him.
They produced him in the court before the king. Birbal said,
“Your Majesty! Yesterday I lied to you. I did not find any treasure. I
wanted to find out whether Shamu was innocent. But, when I said so,
Shamu became anxious and went and checked the place for treasure where
he had really hidden the treasure. So please arrest Shamu and hand over
this treasure to Ramu.” Akbar was very happy with Birbal, ordered the
soldiers to arrest Shamu for lying.
Birbal Strikes again…
Once, A famous astrologer had come from a far away country to
Akbar’s Court. He was talking about the Solar System and the Earth's
shape. At one point Akbar said, "If the earth is round, and if one travel
straight towards one direction, he will come back to the same spot from
where he has started the journey."

“Theoretically it is correct”, said the astrologer. “Why not in real

life?”, asked the king. “One has to cross oceans, mountains and forests are
to keep the path straight.” the astrologer said.
“Sail through the oceans, make tunnels in the mountains
and use elephants to cross the forests.” Akbar found the solution. “Still it is
impossible” said the astrologer. "Why?" Asked Akbar. “It may take years
to complete the whole journey” said the astrologer. “Years? How many?”
asked Akbar.
“I don't know. May be a hundred years or more” said the astrologer
“Don't worry I will ask my ministers. They have an answer for everything”
Akbar looked at the ministers.
"Around 25 years" or "Fifty years or less" or "80 days"…? Said
"Why Birbal, you haven't uttered a word" the king showed his surprise
at Birbal's silence. I was just calculating the time required to go round the
earth" explained Birbal."And did you get the answer? Asked the king.
Sure. Birbal said " My lord, It will take just one day." "Just one day!
Birbal it is Impossible! Even it will take more than one day to cross our
country." Said Akbar.
"It is possible. Provided you travel at the speed of the Sun" said Birbal
with a smile. Akbar realized his mistake and left the court with a smile.
The Linguist’s Challenge
Once, An eminent Pundit visited Akbar’s court, who was well versed
in many languages. He challenged everyone in the Court that he could
answer any question in any language. Akbar’s ministers questioned Pundit
in different languages (Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi). Pundit answered
all the questions raised by ministers in the language question asked.
Nobody is able to guess the mother tongue of the Pundit. Pundit also said
to Emperor Akbar that by tomorrow your courtier’s should tell my mother
tongue, if they failed to do so, Then you need to announce me as the “The
superior than all of your ministers” and left the court.
Everyone in the court thought that, it is very easy job and pleaded their
inability judge his mother tongue. As everyone in court failed, Akbar
turned to Birbal to solve this problem. As usual, Birbal accepted the
challenge and requested the king to give one day time to solve this. Akbar
granted the time, everyone left the court.
That night, Birbal went to the Pundit’s house and entered into his
bedroom. When Pundit was fast asleep, Birbal tickled his ear with a grass.
Pundit’s sleep was disturbed, he turned to the other side and slept, again
Birbal tickled his other ear. Now Pundit’s sleep was disturbed, he woke up
and loudly said “Kaun hai woo.” (Who is that?) and seeing no one he went
back to sleep again. Birbal came out the house silently, as his work is

The next morning, court assembled again pundit also invited. Pundit
again started answering questions in different languages, finally Birbal
came up front and said “My King, “HINDI” is the Mother Tongue of the
Pundit”. Pundit was very much surprised at Birbal’s answer and he
accepted his defeat.
Akbar asked Birbal, how you found out that “HINDI” is Pundit’s
mother tongue. Birbal said that a man will talk in mother tongue whenever
his sleep is disturbed. Birbal narrated the happening of last night.
Akbar praised Birbal for his wisdom.
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