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Grammar – Present perfect vs past simple

2019-05-13, 10:38 pm
0 / 10 points (0%)

He (started) (start) driving when he was 18. 

She (hasn't cleaned) (not clean) her flat for weeks. It smells awful! 
Martin? He isn't here anymore. He (left) (leave) the office twenty minutes ago. 
I (bought) (buy) a new pair of trousers yesterday. 
You (have spent) (spend) two hours chatting on the Internet. I think it's time to have a break. 
(Have) you (ever been) (ever be) to an English-speaking country? 
I (haven't had) (not have) time to read your email yet but I will read it later today. 
(Did) you (watch) (watch) the game last night? What an incredible last ten minutes!


Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Infinitive of purpose

2019-05-13, 10:40 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)
The mother spoke softly for his wife's birthday party. (in order not to wake the baby.)
He sprayed insect repellent on himself in order not to wake the baby. (in order not to get
bitten by mosquitoes.)
The young couple took a trip to the mountains in order to get attention from his mother. (for
a nice weekend break.)
The husband bought a cake for cutting bread and that one is for cutting meat. (for his wife's
birthday party.)
They donated 40 euros to Greenpeace in order not to get bitten by mosquitoes. (to help
preserve oceans and forests.)
The child started crying for a nice weekend break. (in order to get attention from his mother.)
This knife is to help preserve oceans and forests. (for cutting bread and that one is for cutting

Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Reflexive pronouns

2019-05-13, 10:41 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

My niece is only four years old but she knows how to dress (herself) without help.
I taught (myself) how to play the guitar.
Look at (yourself) in the mirror. You can't go to our friends' wedding dressed like that!
Mr Robinson is the only teacher in the whole school that can laugh at (himself).
The father told the children to behave (themselves).
Oops! I think I've cut (myself).
We've bought (ourselves) some bread, ham and cheese to make sandwiches for the trip.
I hope I have enough money to go to New Zealand one day. The flight (itself) costs 1,600

Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Words connected with water

2019-05-13, 10:43 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Modal verbs

2019-05-13, 10:44 pm
0 / 10 points (0%)

You (ought to) eat 5 pieces of fruit every day.

You (must) wear a seat belt during take-off when you travel by plane.
I was feeling so sick yesterday that I (couldn't) eat anything.
It's very late. You (shouldn't) be making all that noise.
I (can) play the guitar very well but I'm a terrible singer.
Can we talk later? I'm in a hurry. I (must) go now.
There is plenty of fruit in the fridge. We (don't have to) buy any.
I (could) speak German a few years ago but I have forgotten it now.
You (mustn't) bring any food or drink in the language lab.
I (have to) be at the meeting at 9 o'clock. I think I'm going to take a taxi.
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Reading – Drowning
2019-05-13, 10:46 pm
1 / 4 points (25%)

Victims… drown faster in sea water. (drown more quickly in fresh water.) 

When drowning, victims… can't control their actions.

When drowning, victims… never call out for help. (don't usually call out for help.) 
Once they are in the water… (lifeguards shouldn't take immediate action.)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Listening – Florida Water Paradise (1)

2019-05-13, 10:46 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

There is a new water ride this season. (TRUE) 

If the weather is bad some attractions may close. (TRUE) 
Parking is free. (FALSE) 
You have to pay to use the lockers. (TRUE) 
You can bring your own food or drink into the park. (FALSE)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Listening – Florida Water Paradise (2)

2019-05-13, 10:47 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

Teenagers and grown-ups can catch a (wave) at the massive pool.

There is a giant (100 feet) slide.
There is a (15) percent discount for season passes bought today.
You can bring your own (beach) towel or buy one at the shop.
If you want to come in and out of the park, get your (hand) stamped.
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – Asking for information (1)

2019-05-13, 10:48 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

Good morning. Can I help you? Sure. Just write a shopping list for me. (Yes, I'm visiting the
area and I'd like some information on interesting things to see and do near here.) 
Could you tell me more about it? Yes, I'm visiting the area and I'd like some information on
interesting things to see and do near here. (Well, the 36 columns of this Memorial represent
the States in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death and...) 
Do me a favour. Go to the store and get a few things for dinner tonight. Well, the 36 columns
of this Memorial represent the States in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death
and... (Sure. Just write a shopping list for me.)

Would you mind lending me your phone?

(I'm afraid the battery has just run out.) 
I wonder if you have concessions for students.
(We do. The guided tour is half price.)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – Asking for information (2)

2019-05-13, 10:49 pm
0 / 9 points (0%)

Is there anything else I can help you with? (Good morning, Broadstairs Public Library. Can I
help you?)
Good morning, Broadstairs Public Library. Can I help you? (Yes, I'm here for a couple of
weeks and I was wondering if I could get a library card to borrow books from the library?)
Yes, we do and it's free. Just ask for the password at the front desk. (I'm afraid you have to
be a resident to get a library card but non-residents may also borrow books by paying a £20
deposit which we return when you leave.)
We're open from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday and 10 am to 4 pm on
Sundays. (That's fine, then.)
I'm afraid you have to be a resident to get a library card but non-residents may also
borrow books by paying a £20 deposit which we return when you leave. (Is there anything
else I can help you with?)
Yes, I'm here for a couple of weeks and I was wondering if I could get a library card to
borrow books from the library? (Yes, I wondered if could bring my laptop in to do some work.
Do you have Wifi?)
Yes, I wondered if could bring my laptop in to do some work. Do you have Wifi? (Yes, we
do and it's free. Just ask for the password at the front desk.)
Just one more thing. What are your opening hours?
That's fine, then. (We're open from 9 am to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday and 10 am to 4 pm
on Sundays.)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Water sports and equipment

2019-05-13, 10:50 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

aqua walking: (weights) 
kitesurfing: (board) 
canoeing: (paddle) 
scuba diving: (breathing apparatus) 
snorkelling: (wet suit) 
swimming: (goggles) 
windsurfing: (board)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Nouns from verbs

2019-05-13, 10:52 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

end: (ending)

begin (beginning)

live: (life)

lose: (loss)

die: (death)
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Verbs with un-

2019-05-13, 10:53 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

We're finally home! Time to (unpack) (unkapc) now. 

The woman got a little electric shock when she tried to (unplug) (plgunu) the fridge. 
I think this is the wrong key. It won't (unlock) (lokcun) the door. 
It's Friday evening! The perfect time to (uncork) (krocnu) a nice bottle of wine. 
The passengers started to (unfasten) (tsfanenu) their seat belts once the plane landed. 
What are you waiting for? Come on! (Unwrap) (pranUw) your birthday presents now! 
The Chief Inspector gave the order to enter the building and (untie) (nutei) the prisoners. 
Did you (unload) (lodaun) the washing machine? Yes, I did. Look! I found: a twenty-pound note!
Extra Practice | Unit 1 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Say and Tell
2019-05-13, 10:54 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)


Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Adverbs of frequency

2019-05-13, 10:58 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

Greg's TV viewing habits

sports news sitcoms films game shows cartoons

100% 90% 70% 50% 20% 0%

He often watches sitcoms.

He (always) watches sports.

He (almost always) watches the news.

He (sometimes) watches films.

He (hardly ever) watches game shows.

He (never) watches cartoons.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of tend  to.

He (tends to) watch sports and news.

He (doesn't tend to) watch game shows or cartoons.

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Used to
2019-05-13, 10:59 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Pau Gasol (used to) play for Los Angeles Lakers. He was one of the best players there ever. 
(Did you use to) go skiing when you lived in Austria? 
They (didn't use to) argue so much years ago. I think they might get divorced soon. 
My best friend (didn't use to) like golf but she loves playing it now. 
I (used to) smoke but I gave it up a few years ago. 
(Didn't you use to) go out with Pam Wilson? Guess what! She's just got engaged to Phil! 
Gangnam Style is playing on the radio! I (used to) know how to dance to it. I was so good at it
(Did you use to) like vegetables when you were a child?

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – TV genres
2019-05-13, 11:00 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)
The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Flintstones game show (cartoon)
Planet Earth, 60 Minutes, Frontline cartoon (documentary)
Get Gorgeous, Clean House, How do I look? soap opera (makeover show)
Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Jeopardy! sitcom (game show)
America's Next Top Model, Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother documentary (reality show)
Eastenders, Ugly Betty, Neighbours makeover show (soap opera)
Friends, The Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother reality show (sitcom)

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Words that go with drama, show, programme.

2019-05-13, 11:00 pm
0 / 19 points (0%)

ckry (cookery) / quz (quiz) / trvl (travel) show

nws (news) / hstry (history) / ntr (nature) programme
cstm (costume) / pltcl (political) drama

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Look at vs watch

2019-05-13, 11:01 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)
Did you (watch) last night's match? What an amazing game that was!
You should (look at) Dave's photos on Facebook. They're hilarious!
It was cold and windy outside so we decided to stay in and (watch) a film.
People in the 80's used to (watch) a lot of video clips.
The painting you're (looking at) is Picasso's Girl before a mirror.
He stood up and (looked at) the view of the city.
There's nothing good to (watch) on TV. I think I'm heading for the pub.

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Adjectives
2019-05-13, 11:02 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

a(n (popular) belief, program, opinion


a(n (shocking) announcement, experience, video


a (pleasant) atmosphere, town, surprise

a(n (leading) role, member, actor


a(n (glamorous) life, personality, party


a(n (ordinary) life, person, conversation


a(n (abandoned) car, idea, cat


Unit 2 Lesson 2
Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Present perfect continuous

2019-05-13, 11:03 pm
0 / 9 points (0%)

How long (have you been learning) English? 

(I've had) this car since 2001 and (it has never broken) down. 
A: You look great, Tom!
B: Thanks! (I've been doing) a lot of exercise lately. 
A: (Have you seen) Still Alice?
B: Not yet, but I know it's supposed to be a cool film. 
(We've known) each other since we met in our first year of university. 
Sorry I'm a bit late. I hope (you haven't been waiting) for a long time. 
(You've been studying) for two hours. Don't you think you need to take a break? 
(I've always wanted) to play the guitar and join a band.

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – For and since
2019-05-13, 11:04 pm
0 / 6 points (0%)

They've been married (for) 25 years.

I've been doing grammar exercises (for) the last 20 minutes.
We haven't eaten anything (since) we had breakfast this morning.
She's been sick (since) Tuesday.
I've had this bike (for) about a month.
He's been playing for Inter Milan (since) 2013.
Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – had better

2019-05-13, 11:04 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

The plane's about to take off. Turn off your mobile phone.
(You'd better turn off your mobile phone.) 
It's very cold outside. I think you should wear a jacket.
(You'd better wear a jacket.) 
You haven't been feeling well for three days now. It would be a good thing to go to the doctor's.
(You'd better go to the doctor's.) 
If I were you, I wouldn't order another drink. You have had too many.
(You'd better stop drinking now.) 
There's a red flag. Don't swim in the sea.
(You'd better not swim in the sea.)

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Listening – Sports round-up (1)

2019-05-13, 11:05 pm
1 / 5 points (20%)

What was the final score in the first match? Chelsea 2 Swansea 2

What was the final score in the second match? Manchester United 1 Tottenham
1 (Manchester United 1 Tottenham 0) 

Which of the following is incorrect? The weather was hot and sunny. (Wales won the match
against Ireland.) 
Jazz Carling won: two medals in Kazan. (one medal in Kazan.) 

Heather Watson lost her game: in three sets. (in two sets.)

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Listening – Sports round-up (2)

2019-05-13, 11:06 pm
0 / 4 points (0%)

Which of the following teams wasn’t playing at home? Manchester United (Ireland) 

Which of the following did not have an easy game? Ireland (Manchester United) 

Who didn’t play a full game? Heather Watson (Thibau Courtois) 

Which sport didn’t we hear about in the news? (skiing)

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Reading – Cilla Black (1)

2019-05-13, 11:08 pm
1 / 9 points (11%)

cloakroom artistic name (place in a theatre or club where people can leave their coats or
spotted place in a theatre or club where people can leave their coats or jackets (seen)
a flop was mostly interested in (not successful at all)
struggled presenter (had a difficult time)
stage name not successful at all (artistic name)
a duet seen (a song sung by two singers)
focused on a song sung by two singers (was mostly interested in)
took off became successful again
host had a difficult time (presenter)
Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Reading – Cilla Black (2)

2019-05-13, 11:09 pm
3 / 5 points (60%)

Cilla Black was very fond of her first performance with The Beatles. (FALSE) 
Cilla Black's artistic name came from an error in a newspaper. TRUE
Cilla Black was a very popular singer in the 70s. FALSE
Tom Jones was the host for the first episode of Cilla. (FALSE) 
Cilla didn't appear on television much in the early 80s. TRUE

Unit 2 Lesson 3

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – TV talk
2019-05-13, 11:11 pm
0 / 6 points (0%)

What's up? (on)

Nothing much. Just the news.

What canal is it on? (channel)

It's on Sky One.

Do you matter if I switch over? (mind)

Not at all. Go ahead.

Can you do the volume down a bit, please? It's too loud. (turn)

Would you stop do that, please? It's very annoying! (doing)

I'm sorry.

Would you mind be quiet? I'm trying to study. (being)

You shouldn't be in the living room then. Why don't you go to your bedroom?

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – TV talk: requests and responses

2019-05-13, 11:14 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

What's o (n)?
Nothing m (uch). Football, as usual.
Do you m (ind) if I s (witch) over? Let's watch something else.
Go a (head).
Where's the r (emote) control?
Here it is.
Inside Out's on on Sky 1. That's a cool animation film. 
It is. Let's watch it then. T (urn) the volume up a bit.
Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Un- and im-
2019-05-13, 11:14 pm
0 / 10 points (0%)

Not popular: (unpopular)

Not perfect (imperfect)

Not possible: (impossible)

Not pleasant: (unpleasant)

Not polite: (impolite)

Not important: (unimportant)

Not partial: (impartial)

Not personal: (impersonal)

Not kind: (unkind)

Not tidy: (untidy)

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Used to vs get used to

2019-05-13, 11:15 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)
I never got used to (commuting) to work when I lived in the US. 
He used to (be) a footballer but he's retired now. 
Sheila used to (get) bad marks when she was at school but she's a good university student
Paul used to (buy) lots of meat but he's a vegetarian now and he doesn't eat it anymore. 
If you move to England, you'll have to get used to (driving) on the left. 
Winters in Norway are long but you will soon get used to (living) there. 
I didn't use to (like) cricket but I do now. 
I don't think I would get used to (having) dinner at 9 or 10 at night if I lived in Spain.

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Verbs of the senses

2019-05-13, 11:15 pm
0 / 6 points (0%)

The laptop is working fine but it (smells) like something inside is burning.
A day trip to the beach? It (sounds) like a good plan to me!
There was a lot of turbulence on the flight and it (seemed) never-ending.
This soup (tastes) nasty! It’s so salty!
She could (feel) a nice breeze as she opened the window.
Those strawberry cakes (look) delicious. We should buy one.

Extra Practice | Unit 2 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Phrasal verbs: turn

2019-05-13, 11:16 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Could you turn the volume (down), please? That music's too loud!
Time to turn (off) the lights and go to bed.
She turned the engine (on) and drove off.
Who turned (up) the heating? It's boiling in here!
It got really hot inside so they turned the air conditioning (on).
Would you mind turning the air conditioning (down) a bit? I'm freezing.
Turn the volume (up). I love this song!
The electrician turned (off) the electricity and fixed the light switch.

Unit 3 Lesson 1

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Could / was able to / managed to (1)

2019-05-13, 11:18 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

The window was small but he still (managed to) climb through it. 
He (could) speak Russian when he was 12. He was a genius! 
She realised she (was able to) see into the future. 
They (managed to) put things in order before they left. 
I (wasn't able to) save the boy from drowning.
Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Could / was able to / managed to

2019-05-13, 11:18 pm
0 / 9 points (0%)

He (could) swim when he was five. 

He started to feel dizzy but fortunately he (managed to) swim back to the shore safely. 
They (managed to) find a parking space after driving in circles for 20 minutes. 
We were in New York again for a couple of weeks but we (didn't manage to) go to see a musical
this time.  
Don't worry about Fred. I think he ('ll be able to) do it by himself. 
Sorry I (couldn't) see you off at the airport. Did you have a good flight? 
There's no need to call the repair service. I think I (might be able to) fix the washing machine
this time. 
They (weren't able to) have their tea outside because of the rain. 
The fire spread very quickly but luckily everybody (was able to) leave the building.

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Musical instruments

2019-05-13, 11:19 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

(bass guitar)
Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Body metaphors

2019-05-13, 11:19 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Be careful not to drop your phone. If the screen gets damaged, it will cost you an arm and
a (leg) to have it repaired. 
It was supposed to be a team project but Alison didn't lift a (finger). 
I've just bought a new wardrobe from IKEA. Would you mind lending me a (hand) to assemble
the parts? I don't think I can do it by myself. 
He won't accept he made a mistake because he doesn't want to lose (face). 
And the score is still a goalless draw after 30 minutes of extra time. Keep your (fingers) crossed
for the penalty shootout! 
Kate and her partner have just broken up. I think she needs a (shoulder) to cry on. 
Things will get better, Sean. You'll soon find a new job. Just keep your (chin) up. 
Don't take her seriously. She's just pulling your (leg).

Unit 3 Lesson 2

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Past continuous

2019-05-13, 11:20 pm
0 / 9 points (0%)

Sir, can you tell us what (you were doing) at 4 pm yesterday? 

(It was raining) for so long that many streets got flooded. 
(You weren't listening) to me when I told you to lock the bike. 
Sorry (I wasn't paying) attention. Can you say that again? 
(She was talking) on the phone for hours until it died. Then she let it charge for a few minutes
and called again. 
When the parents walked into the living room the children (were painting) on the walls. 
A: What (were) you (wearing) at the party?
B: Nothing too fancy. Just casual clothes. 
Sorry I missed your call. (I was having) a shower.

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Past perfect

2019-05-13, 11:21 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

She got sick the film had already started. (because she had drunk water from the tap.)
When they got to the airport they realised because she had drunk water from the tap. (they
had forgotten their passports.)
They hadn't learned any Japanese they were shocked to see that the picture had been
stolen. (before they travelled there.)
The waiter brought us a dish that the supermarket hadn't closed yet. (which we hadn't
When we arrived before they travelled there. (the film had already started.)
The game had already finished they had forgotten their passports. (when I turned the TV on.)
When they opened the door when I turned the TV on. (they were shocked to see that the
picture had been stolen.)
I was very pleased to see which we hadn't ordered. (that the supermarket hadn't closed yet.)
Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Reading – The Pros and Cons of Spotify (1)

2019-05-13, 11:22 pm
0 / 4 points (0%)

(monthly subscription to Spotify) 
(payment to artists after their song is streamed) 
30 secs
(time of a 'proper play') 
(artist's earnings from album on Spotify)

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Reading – The Pros and Cons of Spotify (2)

2019-05-13, 11:23 pm
1 / 5 points (20%)

Taylor Swift’s fans think that her music should be free to listen to. (are unhappy about her
decision to remove most of her music from Spotify.) 
Users of Spotify can only use a free subscription for a limited time. (A free subscription to
Spotify has lower sound quality than a premium subscription.) 
Artists on Spotify are paid if a song is played for at least 30 seconds.
Zoe Keating is in favour of Spotify because it helps the battle against illegal
downloads. (because it gives artists exposure.) 

According to Spotify, (there is good news ahead for artists on their platform.)

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Where to put things

2019-05-13, 11:23 pm
0 / 0 points (0%)

a garbage can - (a garbage can)

a landfill dump - (a landfill dump)
a laundry basket - (a laundry basket)
a recycling bin - (a recycling bin)
a rubbish bin - (a rubbish bin)
a wastepaper basket - (a wastepaper basket)

Unit 3 Lesson 3
Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – Compliments and responses (1)

2019-05-13, 11:25 pm
1 / 4 points (25%)

That's shameful! (You're amazing!) 

You really rock!

You're pitiful! (You deserve a pat on the back!) 

You're such an awful person! (High five!)

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – Compliments and responses (2)

2019-05-13, 11:25 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

Interviewer (Congratulations) on your gold medal, Gavin!

Gavin Thank you very much.

Interviewer What a magnificent race! You were absolutely (amazing) from start to finish!

Gavin I (appreciate) that.

Interviewer This is your fourth gold medal at the Rio Olympics so far. You’ve just become the

Australian athlete in history. You’re (absolutely) incredible!

Gavin Thank you for your (kind) words.

Interviewer How does it feel?

Gavin I feel very emotional and I’m very (grateful) for the great support I’ve had

from fans, the press, my family and friends.

Interviewer Once again, Gavin, what a fantastic performance!

Gavin Thanks for the (compliments).

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Past conclusions

2019-05-13, 11:26 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

It (can't have) been an easy test. Only three students passed it.
You (could have) got your money back if you had asked for a refund. You never know…
He (must have) missed the bus. I'm sure of it. He's always on time.
It (can't have) been him. The robber was a lot taller and more muscular.
It (could have) been the fish we ate. It didn't smell fresh. Who knows?
We (could have) spotted a celebrity if we had gone to Beyonce's concert. 
They (must have) gone out. All the lights are off.
They (could have) won the game if they had been a bit more aggressive.

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Listening – Busking in the London underground (1)

2019-05-13, 11:27 pm
0 / 5 points (0%)

Main reason for busking. (Time spent busking.)

Time spent busking. (Getting a permit.)
Best places to busk. (Main reason for busking.)
How to get a place.
Getting a permit. (Best places to busk.)
Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Household tasks

2019-05-13, 11:28 pm
0 / 9 points (0%)

I'll (do) the dusting if you (do) the washing up. 

Sorry, I forgot to (make) arrangements to get a babysitter. It looks like we will have to stay in. 
I'm about to (make) coffee. Who wants some? 
I like listening to music while I (do) the ironing. 
Did you learn your lesson? Now don't (make) the same mistake again! 
My sister and I used to (make) our beds when we were children. 
Does anyone want to (do) the dishes or is it me again? 
He would be a great cook if he didn't (make) such a mess in the kitchen every time he tries to
be creative.

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Collocations
2019-05-13, 11:30 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

I was talking to my dad about the (state) (tsaet) of the music industry today and he thought that
rock is definitely dead. 
Ennio Morricone mostly (composes) (spomoces) music for film soundtracks. 
I can't stand (background) (rguodnbcak) music when I'm eating at a restaurant. 
What kind of music do you (listen) (stenli) to? 
So they're getting married? That's music to my (ears) (resa). 
Reims festival opens today with lots of (live) (ilev) music and street food. 
It's time to (face) (ecaf) the music. I'm no longer your partner. 
Is that Rob on the piano? I didn't know he could (play) (lpya).

Extra Practice | Unit 3 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Phrasal verbs: make

2019-05-13, 11:31 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Can you make do with his children with a treat of all-you-can-eat pizza. (ten pounds for
The mugger made off with ten pounds for now? (the woman's earrings and gold ring.)
I can't make out but I can't make out who it is. (a word they're saying.)
Don't worry. I'm sure she'll make it up to a crate of beer without paying. (you in other ways.)
He made it up to a word they're saying. (his children with a treat of all-you-can-eat pizza.)
Many retired people have to make do with the woman's earrings and gold ring. (a pension of
600 euros a month.)
There's someone standing outside a pension of 600 euros a month. (but I can't make out who
it is.)
The man walked into a shop and made off with you in other ways. (a crate of beer without

Unit 4 Lesson 1
Unit 4 Lesson 2

Extra Practice | Unit 4 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Comparison
2019-05-13, 11:36 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

The cheetah is (a lot) faster than the brown bear. 

The coyote is (nearly) as fast as the ostrich.  
The ostrich is (a little bit) faster than the zebra.  
The squirrel is (a lot) faster than the garden snail. 
The coyote is (a lot) faster than the squirrel. 
The coyote is (a little bit) faster than the zebra. 
The ostrich isn't (nearly) as fast as the cheetah. 
The domestic cat is (a lot) faster than the garden snail.

Extra Practice | Unit 4 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Adjectives to describe people

2019-05-13, 11:36 pm
0 / 7 points (0%)

a ... person, ... in vitamin A, a ... flavour (rich)

to be ... about something, to go ..., to drive someone ... (crazy)

a ... person, dead ..., wildly ... (funny)

to feel ..., to look ..., poor ... thing (old)

to grow ..., very ... for her age, a ... building (tall)

to be extremely ..., a ... person, it was ... of you (generous)

to get ..., terribly ..., a ... street (noisy)

Unit 4 Lesson 3
Extra Practice | Unit 4 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Dialogue – Discussing opinions and making judgements (1)

2019-05-13, 11:41 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

What do you think? If we have to. (I think it's a bit expensive, actually.)
Do you really think so? I think it's a bit expensive, actually. (I'm positive.)
What's wrong with it? Only if I can have half of yours. (Well, it's a horrible colour combination.
It's just hideous.)
Would you buy this for £40? OK. Point taken. (I might. Let me think about it for a minute.)
So let's agree to disagree, shall we? Well, it's a horrible colour combination. It's just
hideous. (If we have to.)
Why do I bother with you at all? I'm positive. (Because you rather like me!)
Shall we order a pizza for dinner? Because you rather like me! (Only if I can have half of
You know that's not true. Why would he say that? I might. Let me think about it for a
minute. (OK. Point taken.)
Unit 5 Lesson 1
Extra Practice | Unit 5 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – First conditional

2019-05-13, 11:45 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

Your parents won't be very pleased you'll be able to change the picture. (if you fail the exam
If you buy your tickets now, if you fail the exam again. (I'm sure you'll save some money.)
If it doesn't stop raining, it will bite you. (the game will be cancelled.)
We'll go to the beach if you take a holiday. (if the weather is fine.)
If you use Photoshop, the game will be cancelled. (you'll be able to change the picture.)
You will never find a good job I'm sure you'll save some money. (if you don't speak English
If you don't stop hitting the dog, if you don't speak English well. (it will bite you.)
I'm sure you'll feel more relaxed if the weather is fine. (if you take a holiday.)

Extra Practice | Unit 5 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – -ed / -ing adjectives
2019-05-13, 11:46 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

The students didn't seem (interested) in the grammar lesson. (INTEREST) 

I'm reading a very (interesting) book on the human brain. (INTEREST) 
This is a very (confusing) movie. I can't follow the story at all. (CONFUSE) 
We got very (confused) and got lost in the shopping centre. (CONFUSE) 
This video game is so (frustrating)! I've been playing it for hours and I can't get past level 2.
We are a little (frustrated) by today's result, but we think we can win our next game.
I've just taken a hot bath. I feel so (relaxed)! (RELAX) 
Does anyone want a (relaxing) cup of herbal tea? (RELAX)

Extra Practice | Unit 5 Lesson 1  


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Words connected with the body

2019-05-13, 11:46 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

south (mouth)

cheque (neck)

boat (throat)

start (heart)

rewind (mind)

skies (eyes)

folders (shoulders)

froze (toes)

Unit 5 Lesson 2
Extra Practice | Unit 5 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – unless + first conditional

2019-05-13, 11:47 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

If he doesn't revise more, he won't pass the exam.

(Unless he revises more), he won't pass the exam. 
I will never speak to you again if you don't apologise to me.
I will never speak to you again (unless you apologise to me). 
We'll play the game at 6pm if it doesn't rain.
We'll play the game at 6pm (unless it rains). 
If we don't hurry up, we'll miss the bus.
(Unless we hurry up), we'll miss the bus. 
If we don't take action, the climate will get hotter and drier.
(Unless we take action), the climate will get hotter and drier. 
The child won't stop crying if his parents don't buy him some sweets.
The child won't stop crying (unless his parents buy him some sweets). 
They'll never be able to win the league if they don't sign a new goalkeeper.
They'll never be able to win the league (unless they sign a new goalkeeper). 
If you don't turn the air conditioning on, I will pass out.
(Unless you turn the air conditioning on), I will pass out.
Unit 5 Lesson 3
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Unit 6 Lesson 2

Extra Practice | Unit 6 Lesson 2  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Past obligation and permission

2019-05-13, 11:57 pm
0 / 8 points (0%)

You (didn't have to) take a taxi to get here. Didn't you know there was a free bus service? 
You (had to) wear a school uniform in those days. If you didn't, they would send you home to
When I was a child, I (could) eat sweets any time I wanted. My parents didn't mind. 
Her heart stopped and they (had to) call 999 for an ambulance. Luckily, it arrived in just five
The doctor told the patient that she (couldn't) exercise at all because her condition was very
I miss the time when I was a kid and I (could) watch TV all the time. 
We (didn't have to) pay to go into the museum. It was free. 
Sorry I (couldn't) hang out with you last night. My parents wouldn't let me leave the house.
Extra Practice | Unit 6 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Reading – A different kind of supermarket (2)

2019-05-14, 12:22 am
1 / 5 points (20%)

The owners of Original Unverpackt got the idea to open the supermarket ... when they were
shopping. (when they were cooking dinner.) 
Customers at Original Unverpackt ... have to bring their own containers. (can buy as much as
they want of each product.) 

Customers at Original Unverpackt ... won't feel pushed to buy nicely packaged items.
Customers at Original Unverpackt ... have to pay a deposit for every container. (can find
information about where the products come from.) 

Which of these is NOT a suitable alternative title for the text? (Shopping in Berlin)
Unit 6 Lesson 3
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Extra Practice | Unit 7 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Future plans and predictions (2)

2019-05-14, 12:33 am
8 / 18 points (44%)

...for a drive in about half an hour. Do you want to come?

We're going - not selected (selected)
We're going to go - selected

...English at the moment.

I'm learning - selected
I'm going to learn - selected (not selected)

...cloudy and rainy this afternoon.

It will be - not selected (selected)
It's going to be - selected

I can't wait for the weekend...my girlfriend.

I'm going to see - selected
I'm seeing - not selected (selected)

What...tonight? Do you have any plans?

are you doing - not selected (selected)
will you do - selected (not selected)

A Which shirt do you like the best? The blue one or the green one?
B I think...the green one, but I'm not sure.
I'm going to take - selected
I'll take - not selected

A...anything exciting this weekend?

Are you doing - not selected (selected)
Will you do - selected (not selected)

B No, I think...the weekend watching movies.

I'll spend - selected
I'm spending - not selected

I think Inter Milan...the Champions League.

are going to win - not selected (selected)
will win - not selected (selected)
Extra Practice | Unit 7 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Collocations
2019-05-14, 12:37 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

It will be impossible would mean a brighter future for the country. (to find intelligent life on
other planets in the foreseeable future.)
She just wants to know to find intelligent life on other planets in the foreseeable
future. (what the future may hold for her.)
Peace talks in the troubled region because of mobile technologies. (face an uncertain future.)
She realised she had no future in the company to lower interest rates for the immediate
future. (and decided to look for another job.)
The Prime Minister said that sacrifices made today face an uncertain future. (would mean a
brighter future for the country.)
I don't think anyone knows what the future may hold for her. (what the immediate future holds
at the moment.)
Phone boxes face an uncertain future what the immediate future holds at the
moment. (because of mobile technologies.)
The government decided and decided to look for another job. (to lower interest rates for the
immediate future.)
Extra Practice | Unit 8 Lesson 1  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Reporting orders and requests

2019-05-14, 12:40 am
0 / 16 points (0%)

'Eat your vegetables.'

Hannah (told) her son (to eat his vegetables). 
'Can you please stay here a bit longer?'
Sue (asked) John (to stay there a bit longer). 
'Don't do this again.'
The police officer (told) the young man (not to do that again). 
'Would you mind speaking a little louder?'
The student (asked) the teacher (to speak a little louder). 
'Could you help me complete the crossword?'
Jane (asked) her boyfriend (to help her complete the crossword). 
'Don't talk to me while I'm cooking.'
My mother (told) me (not to talk to her while she was cooking). 
'Please follow me.'
The tour guide (told) the group (to follow him). 
'Can I use your phone for a minute?'
My brother (asked) me (if he could use my phone for a minute).
Extra Practice | Unit 8 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Reporting what people say

2019-05-14, 12:44 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

'I don't really like extreme sports.'

He says that (he doesn't really like extreme sports). 
'I used to live in this street.'
He says that (he used to live in this street). 
'We haven't been to Paris yet.'
They say that (they haven't been to Paris yet). 
'I want it now.'
She says that (she wants it now). 
'You can't ride a motorbike without a helmet.'
The police officer says that I (can't ride a motorbike without a helmet). 
'The weather tomorrow will be hot and sunny.'
The newscaster says that (the weather tomorrow will be hot and sunny). 
'I watched a great movie last night.'
Carol says that (she watched a great movie last night). 
'We're going to be late.'
They say that (they're going to be late).
Extra Practice | Unit 9 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Passive: modals

2019-05-14, 12:52 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

They will cancel the game.

The game (will be cancelled). 
The students must hand in their essays tomorrow.
(The essays must be handed in tomorrow). 
You can't cook omelettes without eggs.
Omelettes (can't be cooked without eggs). 
They should build a new hospital here.
(A new hospital should be built here). 
Anyone can do this easily.
(This can be done easily). 
They should repair the roof.
(The roof should be repaired). 
You can see the sea from the top of the mountain.
(The sea can be seen from the top of the mountain). 
We must do something about global warming.
(Something must be done about global warming).
Extra Practice | Unit 9 Lesson 2  

Exercise CLOSE

Reading – A fascinating museum (2)

2019-05-14, 12:53 am
0 / 12 points (0%)
Find … 
four different types of art that you can find inside the building.
(electronic forms), (paintings), (sculptures),
an animal that influenced the architect.
three materials used in the making of the building.
(glass), (stone), (titanium) 
three unusual materials used in sculptures.
(flowers), (fog), (water) 
how one review described the building.
(a fantastic dream ship of titanium)
Extra Practice | Unit 9 Lesson 3  

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – have / get something done

2019-05-14, 12:56 am
0 / 7 points (0%)

Example: I'm at the hairdresser's. (HAIR / CUT) I'm having /  getting my hair  c


I'm at the doctor's. (BLOOD PRESSURE / TAKE)

I'm (having my blood pressure taken).

I'm at the dentist's. (TOOTH / FILL)

I'm (having a tooth filled).

I'm at the computer shop. (COMPUTER / REPAIR)

I'm (having my computer repaired).

I'm at the beauty salon. (NAILS / PAINT)

I'm (having my nails painted).

I'm at the optician's. (EYES / TEST)

I'm (having my eyes tested).

I'm at the copy shop. (COPIES / MAKE)

I'm (having some copies made).

I'm at the dry cleaner's. (SUITS / DRY CLEAN)

I'm (having some suits dry cleaned).

Extra Practice | Unit 9 Lesson 3  


Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – need
2019-05-14, 12:57 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

The floors need mopping. The floors (need to be mopped).

The windows need to be cleaned. The windows (need cleaning).

The furniture needs dusting. The furniture (needs to be dusted).

The clothes need to be ironed. The clothes (need ironing).

The carpet needs vacuuming. The carpet (needs to be vacuumed).

The dishes need to be washed. The dishes (need washing).

The fridge needs to be defrosted. The fridge (needs defrosting).

The bed linen needs changing. The bed linen (needs to be changed).

Extra Practice | Unit 10 Lesson 1

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Wishes and regrets

2019-05-14, 01:01 am
0 / 12 points (0%)

'We can't draw very well,' the children say.

The children wish whrgb (they could) draw well. 
'I don't speak English very well,' the woman says.
The woman wishes 4wgb (she spoke) English well. 
'I'm bald,' the man says.
The man wishes te dsgbh (he had) hair. 
'I have a lot of work to do,' I say.
I wish ywtbe (I didn't have) a lot of work to do. 
'It's a shame we don't have a job,' the two brothers say.
The two brothers wish thgbd (they had) a job. 
'It was a bad idea to wear that dress,' the lady says.
The lady wishes rtb (she hadn't worn) that dress.

'It was a bad idea to go out last night,' the teenager says.
The teenager wishes (he hadn't gone) out last night. 
'I should have learned to play a musical instrument when I was a child,' the man says.
The man wishes he (had learned) to play a musical instrument when he was a child. 
'It was a bad idea to buy those koi fish,' the woman says.
'If only (I hadn't bought) those koi fish,' she says. 
'It's a pity the students don't pay attention in class,' the teacher says.
'If only the students (would pay attention) in class,' he says. 
'I'd really like it if my children tidied their rooms,' says the mother.
The mother (wishes her children would tidy) their rooms. 
'It would be great if the dog didn't bark all night,' said the man.
The man wishes (the dog wouldn't bark) all night.
Extra Practice | Unit 10 Lesson 2

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Third conditional

2019-05-14, 01:02 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

You failed the exam because you didn't study hard enough.
If you had studied hard enough, (you wouldn't have failed the exam). 
We missed the bus because we got up late.
We wouldn't have missed the bus (if we hadn't got up late). 
Mark didn't have enough money, so he didn't buy a new pair of shoes.
Mark would have bought a new pair of shoes (if he had had enough money). 
Sandra wasn't paying attention, so she slipped on the ice.
If Sandra had been paying attention, (she wouldn't have slipped on the ice). 
The dog bit you because you teased him.
The dog wouldn't have bitten you (if you hadn't teased him). 
They didn't come with us, so they didn't have a good time.
If they had come with us, (they would have had a good time). 
You didn't ask for help, so I didn't help you.
I would have helped you (if you had asked for help). 
We didn't swim in the sea because there was a red flag.
If there hadn't been a red flag, (we would have swum in the sea).
Extra Practice | Unit 11 Lesson 1

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Indirect questions

2019-05-14, 01:11 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

What's the time?

Can you tell me (what the time is)? 
Is this the right way to the station?
Do you know (if this is the right way to the station)? 
Has the film started?
Could you tell me (if the film has started)? 
Why are you so late?
Would you mind telling me (why you are so late)? 
How did you manage to get here?
Can you tell me (how you managed to get here)? 
Where are the toilets?
Have you any idea (where the toilets are)? 
Was Jonathan at the party too?
Do you know (if Jonathan was at the party too)? 
Have you ever been on TV?
Could you tell me (if you have ever been on TV)?

Extra Practice | Unit 11 Lesson 1


Exercise CLOSE

Vocabulary – Board games

2019-05-14, 01:14 am
14 / 36 points (38%)
dice - selected
knight - selected (not selected)
pawn - selected (not selected)
cards - selected
board - selected (not selected)
squares - selected (not selected)

points - selected (not selected)
dice - selected (not selected)
board - selected (not selected)
cards - selected
timer - selected
checkers - selected (not selected)

cards - selected (not selected)
timer - selected (not selected)
pencils - selected (not selected)
money - selected
bishop - selected
squares - selected (not selected)

Trivial Pursuit
die - selected (not selected)
board - selected (not selected)
pencils - selected
squares - selected (not selected)
houses - selected
cards - selected (not selected)

cards - not selected
board - not selected
timer - selected
money - selected (not selected)
checkers - selected
houses - selected (not selected)

cards - selected
board - selected (not selected)
dice - selected
letter tiles - selected (not selected)
triple letter score - selected (not selected)
double word score - selected (not selected)
Extra Practice | Unit 12 Lesson 2

Exercise CLOSE

Grammar – Non-defining relative clauses

2019-05-14, 01:23 am
0 / 8 points (0%)

Example: Claire is turning 31.  She is celebrating  her  birthday  today.

Claire, who is celebrating  her  birthday  today,  is  turning  31. 
My brother is an engineer. He lives in Lima.
h (My brother, who lives in Lima, is an engineer.) 
My car broke down on my way to work. It is very old.
u6v (My car, which is very old, broke down on my way to work.) 
Sabina has a Norwegian father. Her surname is Loge.
yg (Sabina, whose surname is Loge, has a Norwegian father.) 
Barcelona is in the north-east of Spain. It is where my favourite football team plays.
6tv (Barcelona, where my favourite football team plays, is in the north-east of Spain.) 
My father will be retiring next month. He has been working for 40 years.
tvi (My father, who has been working for 40 years, will be retiring next month.)

Example: Claire is turning 31.  She is celebrating  her  birthday  today.

Claire, who is celebrating  her  birthday  today,  is  turning  31. 
These shoes are in the sale. They are the ones that I want.
(These shoes, which are the ones that I want, are in the sale.) 
The Museo Reina Sofia is in Madrid. It is where you can see Picasso's Guernica.
(The Museo Reina Sofia, where you can see Picasso's Guernica, is in Madrid.) 
Jana is in my English class. Her sister is a famous actress.
(Jana, whose sister is a famous actress, is in my English class.)

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