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Maryhill College, Inc.

Lucena City

Teaching Music in Elementary Grades

Prelim Examination Part I

Name: Paula Elise R. Bobon

Answer the following in maximum of 10 sentences.

1. What is the importance of teaching music specially in elementary pupils?
2. As a teacher, how can you contribute in the realization of the DepEd K-12 framework for Music

Type your answers below:

The importance of teaching musically it is empowering students with the iterative nature of learning. Early
childhood is a magical period for humans. There are certain windows of opportunity that, if you can teach
the child while the window is open, the child will be able to use that knowledge forever. There are so many
reasons for a child to learn music or more specifically to play an instrument. It should absolutely be taught
and encouraged in schools because it gifts children with an opportunity to learn a massive array of skills
without even realizing that they’re learning. Playing music, even activities as simple as clapping in time
together, singing, hitting a drum or blowing a whistle in time, develop the skills like Language, Counting,
Motor skills, Social learning and friendship. And also the other reason for learning music is that God is
beautiful and made us beautiful. If you’re not expressing that beauty through music your life is incomplete.
Any other benefit of music can be done in other ways, but the expression of your inner beauty through
music cannot be satisfactorily replaced with any other activity. Let music stand on its own, not as a means to
some other end.

The lengthening of time allocation for music subject, as shown in the early Grade 1. We all know the
importance of music as part of the core subjects in basic education. The transition of learning concepts from
one-grade level to another is seamless as per written in the curriculum and should provide learning
efficiency and mastery for the learner’s part. Furthermore, the new curriculum uses the native language as
mode instruction in the early childhood learning of music in the lower primary education. As a future
teacher I know that music study helps them to develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses
on “doing,” as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to perform, literally, anywhere in the world.
Employers are looking for multi-dimensional workers with the sort of flexible and supple intellects that
music education helps to create as described above. In the music classroom, students can also learn to better
communicate and cooperate with one another. Music provides children with a means of self-expression.
Now that there is relative security in the basics of existence, the challenge is to make life meaningful and to
reach for a higher stage of development. Everyone needs to be in touch at some time in his life with his
core, with what he is and what he feels. Self-esteem is a by-product of this self-expression.

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