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Case in Point

Forgotten but Not Gone?

A Probable Case of Wet Beriberi
Crystal E. Alvarez, MD; Bryan I. Shaw; and Thomas M. Brown, MD

Thiamine deficiency may be more prevalent than is recognized. These authors describe
a case of probable wet beriberi, outline challenges in making this diagnosis, review
factors that may precipitate the disorder, and discuss treatment.

n the United States, malnutri- beriberi dates back to ancient times, Given the prevalence of thiamine
tion is a common and severe and until recently it was well recog- deficiency, it may seem odd that wet
medical problem. The obesity nized. At the end of the 19th century beriberi is not seen more often. This
epidemic is well recognized. But in Japan, for instance, the prevalence may be due to failure to recognize
overconsumption of calories does of beriberi among Japanese naval per- factors that may contribute to a thia-
not guarantee adequate nutrition. sonnel was 50% of those at sea.2 mine deficiency, the frequent pres-
Many Americans are deficient in im- The beginning of the end for beri- ence of stressors that may unmask a
portant micronutrients. Cordain and beri as a disease without a cure was thiamine deficiency yet be mistaken
colleagues report that one-third of in the 1890s, when Christiaan Eijk- as the etiology of the subsequent
Americans are deficient in folate, as man discovered that polished rice— findings, and the symptoms of beri-
defined by the U. S. recommended di- but not rice with remnant of the hull beri. The following case illustrates
etary allowances from 1989, and 30% still attached—caused the disease in some of the factors that may both
of Americans are deficient in thia- chickens. This precipitated a search confound and clarify the presence of
mine by the same criteria.1 Recogniz- for the antineuritic factor contained wet beriberi.
ing micronutrient deficiencies can be in the hulls, resulting in the discovery
difficult. The authors present a case of the first “vital amine,” or vitamin: CASE REPORT
of thiamine deficiency, or beriberi, thiamine.3 In the West today, vitamin A 50-year-old Hispanic man with
which was not clearly identified until deficiencies such as beriberi are often type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic neu-
its response to thiamine replacement. considered uncommon. This may ropathy, hypertension, alcohol depen-
Beriberi is a Sinhalese phrase that result in underrecognition of poten- dence, and tobacco abuse presented
means “I cannot, I cannot,” in refer- tially treatable cases. with a 25-pound weight gain over 2.5
ence to the profound weakness that O’Keefe and colleagues found that months, abdominal distention, and
may accompany the disorder. Beriberi among 36 geriatric patients without lower extremity edema. On physical
is recognized as having 2 potential dementia 31% had marginal evidence examination, his lungs were clear, he
subtypes—a “wet” subtype, in which of thiamine deficiency, and another had a regular cardiac rate and rhythm
congestive heart failure is present, 17% had frank thiamine deficiency.4 with no murmurs, rubs, gallops, or
and a “dry” subtype, in which the pe- In a study of 50 terminally ill patients third heart sounds. His abdomen
ripheral or central nervous system is on a palliative care unit, borderline was distended and 1+ peripheral as
primarily symptomatic. The origin of thiamine deficiency was found in well as sacral edema was noted. He
36% of patients and frank deficiency was tested for alcoholic cirrhosis and
Dr. Alvarez is a post-graduate year-1 intern in in another 28%.5 The elderly, the very edema of unknown origin, and dis-
obstetrics and gynecology at the University of
Texas Medical Branch in Houston. Dr. Shaw is ill, and alcohol-dependent patients charged on furosemide 40 mg twice
a postgraduate year-4 resident in psychiatry at are among those at high risk for nu- a day and spironolactone 25 mg daily.
the University of Texas Health Care Center in San tritional deficiencies; 30% to 80% of Three weeks later, the patient re-
Antonio. Dr. Brown is the section chief of psycho-
somatic medicine at the Audie L. Murphy Memo- alcoholics may have some degree of turned with worsening edema and
rial VA Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. thiamine deficiency.6 abdominal distention, and new-on-


set dyspnea at rest. He was taking
his medications but was still drink-
ing alcohol. His blood alcohol level
was 266 mg/dL upon admission. His
blood pressure was 117/78 mm Hg,
respirations were 20 breaths per min-
ute, and pulse was 110 beats per min-
ute. Jugular venous distention (JVD)
of 9 cm and 2+ peripheral edema as-
cending from his legs to his sacrum
were noted. Rales were heard at both
lung bases, as was a third heart sound
and a 4/6 systolic ejection murmur.
His cognition and cerebellar examina-
tions were normal.
Laboratory tests revealed mild
macrocytic anemia with mean cor-
puscular volume of 104.7 and folate
deficiency. Thiamine replacement
was initiated emergently, and before
the thiamine level could be obtained.
Aspartate aminotransferase and ala-
nine aminotransferase were 62 IU/L
(normal range: 13 IU/L to 47 IU/L)
and 18 IU/L (normal range: 5 IU/L
to 40 IU/L), respectively. Serum al-
bumin was 2.6 g/dL (normal range:
3.0 g/dL to 4.6 g/dL). An abdominal
computed tomography (CT) scan re-
vealed mild cirrhosis with no other
significant hepatic findings. Hepatitis Figure 1. Key steps in the induction of beriberi. ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CNS =
panel was negative, alpha fetoprotein central nervous system; CoA = coenzyme A; eNOS = endothelial nitric oxide synthase;
was within normal limits, and a tri- KGDH = alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase; NAD = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide;
ple-phase liver scan was unremark- NADPH = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; PDH = pyruvate dehydroge-
nase; TCA = tricarboxylic acid cycle; TK = transketolase.
able. Brain natriuretic peptide was
within normal limits. An electrocar-
diogram (ECG) was unremarkable. A nitive examinations were normal. eral edema and abdominal distention
chest x-ray was remarkable only for On hospital day 3, a trial of thiamine were much improved. The patient’s
a “small pleural effusion,” which re- 200 mg orally daily was begun. Results dyspnea resolved, and the bilateral
solved during the patient’s admission. were evident within the first 24 hours. rales were diminished. He was dis-
The patient was given furosemide T h e p a t i e n t d ro p p e d f ro m charged to home, and lost to follow-
40 mg intravenously twice daily and 186.2 pounds to 176.3 pounds, and up. Although follow-up was arranged,
spironolactone 50 mg intravenously his peripheral edema improved. His the patient chose to not keep his ap-
daily with no improvement of periph- JVD was improved at 7 cm and the pointments.
eral edema or weight loss. The sys- systolic ejection murmur reduced
tolic ejection murmur and third heart to 2/6; the third heart sound was no DISCUSSION
sound were still audible, and bilat- longer audible. The patient noted a Pathophysiology
eral rales were still present. The pa- marked improvement in his sleep. Thiamine deficiency may present in
tient’s peripheral neuropathy was Within 48 hours of beginning oral thi- several ways. Classic presentations
unchanged. His cerebellar and cog- amine, JVD was 5 cm, and the periph- include Wernicke’s encephalopa-



Table 1. Diagnosing wet beriberi

thy, dry beriberi—in which the pe-
ripheral nervous system is primarily
affected—wet beriberi, Shoshin beri-
factors Significance
beri, and infantile beriberi (wet beri-
beri in an infant, which is otherwise Exam findings Lower extremity and sacral edema are classic, but
indistinguishable in etiology and ap- while usually found, have low specificity22
pearance from wet beriberi).7,8 Thia- High-output heart failure and reduced peripheral
mine is required by several enzymes resistance, as measured by diastolic blood pressure,
involved in the production or me- and dyspnea are also classic
tabolism of energy substrates, includ-
ing pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), Laboratory Red cell transketolase: the activity of this enzyme de-
alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase findings pends upon adequate thiamine levels23
(AKGD), and transketolase (TK).9
Serum thiamine level: serum levels of thiamine and its
PDH and AKGD are components of
metabolites can identify deficiency states24
the tricarboxylic acid cycle, a funda-
mental component of aerobic metab- Serum lactate level: lactic acidosis without shock can
olism. TK is necessary for glycolysis occur with thiamine deficiency25
and helps produce the high-energy Chest x-ray: may reveal enlargement of the cardiac
compound nicotinamide adenine di- silhouette or pleural effusions, both reversible with
nucleotide phosphate (NADPH). treatment
Not surprisingly, rapid consumers
of high-energy compounds, such as Response to Classically, a swift and robust response to thiamine
nervous and cardiac tissue, are partic- thiamine typically appears within days. However, in some
ularly susceptible to impairments of patients, response may be incomplete or even
the functions of these enzymes. Both lacking
neurons and astrocytes have high
metabolic demands. Thiamine defi-
Table 2. Diagnosing dry beriberi
ciency can impair the functioning of
both, leading to abnormal release of
neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, Diagnostic
and reduced ability to maintain nor- factors Significance
mal transmembrane ion gradients.10 Exam findings Peripheral polyneuropathy: ascending, usually affect-
Thiamine stimulates the catalytic ac- ing legs more than arms initially, and face last; usually
tivity of PDH and additionally has a sensation affected more than motor function
positive regulatory effect on PDH ac-
Encephalopathy: may be present, this being the
tivity. 11 AKGD requires thiamine in
classic Wernicke’s type with impaired cognition,
the synthesis of nicotinamide adenine
pancerebellar findings, and ophthalmoplegia,
nucleotide (NAD), which, in turn, is
although all findings usually are not present
critically important in aerobic metab-
olism. TK participates in the pentose Laboratory Red cell transketolase: the activity of this enzyme
phosphate pathway, another pathway findings depends upon adequate thiamine levels23
with important roles in the synthesis Serum thiamine level: serum levels of thiamine and its
of energy-storing compounds such metabolites can identify deficiency states24
as ATP and NADPH, as well as DNA
and RNA.12 Serum lactate level: lactic acidosis without shock can
Similarly, cardiac myocytes are occur with thiamine deficiency25
highly susceptible to impairments of Response to Classically, a swift and robust response to thiamine
oxidative metabolism, and in thia- thiamine appears, typically within days. However, in some
mine deficiency this impairment may patients response may be incomplete or even lacking
translate into impaired contractile



Table 3. Selected causes of thiamine deficiency

Causes Pathophysiology

High-calorie carbohydrate diet Increases demand for thiamine and can, over time, cause deficiency
Alcoholism Alcohol is a source of calories but lacks thiamine. Often accompanied by
reduced food intake
Loop diuretics Markedly increase thiamine excretion26
Anorexia Reduced oral intake of thiamine occurs in anorexia of all kinds, including
chronic illness and psychiatric disease27
Hyperthyroidism A hypermetabolic state increases demand for thiamine28
Parenteral nutrition May contain inadequate thiamine, or be a marker for a hypermetabolic
Dialysis Hemodialysis, and possibly other forms of dialysis, may remove thiamine
or its metabolites from the circulation30
Diabetes Over 70% of patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes have low serum thiamine
levels due to increased renal thiamine losses31
Folate deficiency Folate deficiency causes the intestinal thiamine transporter to take up
folate, which can reduce thiamine uptake32

Coffee, tea, raw fish, shellfish Thiaminases in these foodstuffs inactivate thiamine9

activity, and subsequent congestive activities of alpha-ketoglutarate de- sitive to 2 important facts: (1) The
heart failure.13 hydrogenase and of mitochondria, in 2 forms of beriberi tend to travel to-
Another factor affecting both the general, are impaired by the excess gether. (2) It is much more likely not
brain and the heart is the effect of release of NO from eNOS.16 to see a full, classic example of wet
thiamine deficiency on endothelial In addition, congestive heart fail- or dry beriberi than it is to see a few
function. In both the brain and the ure may selectively injure brain struc- symptoms, which if untreated, may
vasculature, enhanced inflamma- tures already sensitive to thiamine progress to an unmistakable picture
tory activity, including the increased deficiency, such as the mammillary of thiamine deficiency.
synthesis and release of nitric oxide bodies and fornix.17 It is unknown The initial difficulties in recogniz-
(NO) by endothelial nitric oxide syn- why, in some cases, thiamine defi- ing beriberi were well described by
thase (eNOS), contributes to inflam- ciency tends to affect the cardiovas- Igata. Between 1973 and 1975, Igata
matory injury and edema.14 Within cular system more than the nervous identified 73 cases of beriberi in a
the heart, NO may affect both the system, and vice versa. Figure 1 small area of Japan.19 Detective work
timing of myocyte relaxation as well graphically depicts some of the key was required by Igata to determine
as the ability of myocytes to utilize steps in the induction of beriberi. that he indeed was seeing thiamine
oxygen.15 Disturbances in NO syn- deficiency. Pretibial edema was al-
thesis and release may impair both Presentation and Diagnosis most always the sentinel complaint
of these functions. In the periphery, Beriberi is classically divided into wet and was identified in all patients. Ab-
excessive release of NO by eNOS may and dry forms. In wet beriberi, car- normal, deep tendon reflexes were
promote dependent edema. In the diovascular symptoms predominate. observed in 72 of the 73 patients.
brain, excess release of NO by eNOS In dry beriberi, the nervous system is Weakness was noted in 80%, sen-
appears to contribute to the selective mainly affected. This distinction does sory disturbances in just over 60%,
damage typical of thiamine deficiency seem to capture some clinical cases.18 and heart dilatation in about 50%.
and Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The However, the clinician must be sen- Reassuringly, Igata reported that “all



Table 4. Factors that may precipitate or aggravate wet beriberi

Factors Pathophysiology

Infection May increase metabolic activity and thus demand for thiamine

Surgery May increase demand for thiamine through increased metabolic activity, as well
as reduce intake of thiamine in cases of bowel rest
Pregnancy Increased metabolic activity may be accompanied by anorexia, nausea, and
Diarrheal illness Can markedly reduce oral thiamine bioavailability

Liver disease Reduced albumin synthesis may independently produce or aggravate edema

Alcoholic cardiomyopathy An independent cause of heart failure

Glucose given before Can stimulate metabolic pathways requiring thiamine and unmask a thiamine
thiamine deficiency33

symptoms disappeared promptly by factor in diagnosing wet beriberi. Elic- mine demand is sensitive to many
the administration of thiamine.”19 iting a history of thiamine deficiency types of physiologic stress. Before
The presence of edema as the ini- involves recognizing the many ways the role of thiamine in causing beri-
tial or only finding has previously in which the uptake of thiamine may beri was recognized, it was assumed
been reported, and in prior case se- be blocked or its use abnormally in- that an unknown bacillus must be
ries “isolated involvement of the car- creased. This is important of course, involved, due in part to the associa-
diovascular or nervous system was not just in helping to recognize the tion of beriberi with prior infections
infrequent.”20 The challenge of recog- illness, but in treating it and establish- or other stressors. As noted by H.
nizing mild or early beriberi is great. ing ways of preventing its recurrence. Wright in 1905, “Therefore, we not
The development of symptomatic Table 3 is a brief outline of some of infrequently see beriberi after surgi-
thiamine deficiency is often gradual.21 the causes of thiamine deficiency. cal operation, in chronic ulcer cases,
Wet beriberi is usually a high-output A simple way to conceptualize a and in parturient women.”21 For the
form of subacute or chronic cardiac patient at risk for thiamine deficiency modern clinician, who is less likely
failure. A fulminant form of wet beri- is to think of someone who is poten- to encounter severe and untreated
beri also exists. This is called Shoshin tially malnourished, as well as cata- thiamine deficiency, the challenge has
beriberi and is characterized by acute bolic. Igata emphasized this interplay evolved to recognizing beriberi after
hypotension, tachycardia, and lactic of diet and activity in his work, and a precipitating insult has been identi-
acidosis.7 A thorough physical exami- railed against the carbohydrate-rich, fied, rather than stopping at the diag-
nation and medical history, as well as thiamine deficient diet of the vigor- nosis of the precipitating insult. Table
considering the possibility of malnu- ous young men whom he saw as the 4 outlines factors that may precipitate
trition, are required to make the di- face of thiamine deficiency. “Some or worsen wet beriberi.
agnosis of wet beriberi. Other causes young men, living alone,” Igata
of high-output cardiac failure, such as wrote, “took ‘instant noodle’ at every Treatment
anemia and hyperthyroidism, should meal, and then finally suffered from The treatment of any thiamine defi-
be considered, even though they do beriberi in a few months.”19 The med- ciency begins with thiamine replace-
not exclude a diagnosis of wet beri- ically ill patient with an inadequate ment. As a water-soluble vitamin,
beri. Table 1 lists some of the features diet faces a similar risk. thiamine is not stored in the body
and factors that help in making the The role of catabolism in produc- as well as fat-soluble vitamins. The
diagnosis, and Table 2 lists features of ing beriberi, if not recognized, may body stores about 30 mg of thia-
dry beriberi; note the overlap. actually cause the clinician to miss mine. Roughly 0.5 mg of thiamine
As mentioned previously, the pa- the diagnosis. Because of its role in is needed for every 1,000 calories of
tient’s medical history is an important producing energy substrates, thia- food. Symptomatic deficiency can



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