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College of Arts and Sciences Education

Matina Campus, Davao City


(WEEK 4-5)
Code number: 820
Course/Subject: GE5 – Science and Technology
SY. 2020-2021

Submitted to

Submitted by

SEPTEMBER 13, 2020

September 13, 2020

Prof. Jenelyn C. Retardo

Biology Instructor/ CASE dept.
University of Mindanao, Matina, Davao City
GE-5 (820) Science and Technology Society

Dear Ma’am Retardo,

I sincerely apologize for the late submission today that I cannot submit on
time because I was focusing and priority for the whole day on my three majors last
September 11-12, 2020, at 11:59 pm. However, I’m having a rough time on what I
am going to start. I almost cried while doing on my assessment tasks to research the
websites, and later, I get lost my internet connection. Time is my weakness and
makes me pressure that I cannot manage myself and fall behind academically. I
apologized for any inconvenience that I may have caused.
This assessment task is very important to me then I will accept a deduction for
my late submission as long as I comply with my assessment task of yours, ma’am.
Thank you for your consideration and God bless always!

Your student,
Let’s Check

Activity 4

1. Technology as a mode of revealing

2. Technology as pojesis
3. Technology as pojesis
4. Enframing it is the way of revealing in modern
5. Questioning as piety of thought
6. Technology as poiesis
7. Meditative thinking
8. Human person swallowed by technology
9. Human person swallowed by technology
10. Human person swallowed by technology

Let’s Analyze

Activity 4


According to my way of thinking, technology is more extensive as we thought

that supply or involve some information. This information is very crucial should be
accessed through everyone in a much as they know how to utilize when it comes to
technology. Besides, everybody can access a computer in as simple as they get so
that people can access directly to various information. Furthermore, apart from easy
access to information in terms of technology, people can facilely share information
and not only to a group of people but also the entire world. Therefore, that is the
reason why technology eventually becomes a mode of revealing.

Based on my comprehension, Martin Heidegger is involved with questioning
in the matter of technology and specific modern technology in which he apprehends
as something different from primitive and pre-industrialized sorts of technology.
However, the difference is to place it roughly in which is our technology
interrelationship with nature. Moreover, the reason for questioning technology is to
spit the chains of technology freely, not in the lack of technology, but through a better
knowledge of technology. There is one instrumental who recognize over it even as to
an end, while others it to recognize as human behavior or activity. Thus, Martin
Heidegger thoughts they pertain together.

Martin Heidegger stated that our understanding of calculative thinking or

preferably its clench over us that provides a condition in which our reflective or
meditative abilities become dulled and meaning covers itself. Some physicians
educated them to save lives in the matter of science and technology may bind
headlong throughout medical-based results with meaning-based results available,
thus covers from calculative perception. Furthermore, meaning to say that meditative
thinking is what we have in thought when we say that contemporary man is in


According to Heidegger, he extremely resists the perception that technology is

“a means to an end” and “a human activity.” These two means in which Heidegger
suggests separately, meaning to say that “instrumental and “anthropological” are
actually “accurate” however, do not go deep sufficient, as what he mentioned; they
are not yet “right.” Undoubtedly, Heidegger shows that technological objects are
means for ends, which are made and controlled by humankind, but the principle of
technology is entirely anything else. Just like the principle of a tree is not itself a
literal tree, Heidegger mentioned that the essence of technology is not something

In a nutshell

Activity 4

1.  Flourishing is more extensive good of human exertions and that toward which
entire activities aim. However, it triumphs as humankind that we need to accomplish
our goal. A great life is one of the magnificent human activities. Therefore, human
flourishing is an exertion to reach self-actualization within the context of the entire
community of individuals, everyone with the right to chase his or her endeavors.

2. In flourishing of technology, we are required to speak freely the beneficial of

relying on technologies while not becoming persecuted to them and recognizing
them as manifestations of comprehension of well-being.

3. This technology is the way of uncovering that characterizes or distinguished

our time. However, technology manifests in a particular aspect of uncovering the
entire world in which humans provide ability over actuality.

4. The flourishing of technology could be terrible or better depends on the

human involving it. Using knowledge with the help of technology would be possible
when there is a demand for medicine, agriculture industry, food, and especially if
there is happening in pandemic to become survive. Besides, it is when used to
provide wrecking to the environment and our humanity, which is becoming dreadful.
Therefore, it depends on one's human beings' behavior in flourishing technology.

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