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1-Instructions: Complete these definitions with the words given.

(Clown, chef, mechanic,

dentist, secretary, doctor, teacher, taxi driver, nurse, dancer, photographer, firefighter, police
officer, gardener, manager, musician). (Valor 0, 5. Total 6 pts.).

a-A doctor takes care of your health.

b-A photographer takes pictures.

c-A firefighter put of fires.

d-A teacher transmits knowledge.

e-A nurse helps doctors.

f-A police officer protects people.

g-A mechanic repairs engines.

h-A dancer dances beautifully.

i-A chef cooks food.

j-A taxi driver takes you places.

k-A dentist cleans your teeth.

l-A secretary answers the phone.


Hobbies A hobby is an activity that people do in their free time for entertainment and
enjoyment. Many people like to do be in contact with nature that is the reason why they
practice individual sports such as surfing swimming and climbing. Others enjoy collective
sports such as soccer, baseball and volleyball. Yet others prefer to stay home to fit together
pieces of big puzzles, solve riddles or crosswords, read or write poetry or stories. Many people
choose collect coins, stamps, stickers or build model planes, ships and cars. Going to the
movies or the theaters, listening to music, dancing and playing a musical instrument are also
activities that people like to do, especially because they have opportunity to share with their
families and close friends.

2-Please, answer these questions about the reading. (Valor 1 pts. Total 6 pts.)

a. What is a hobby? A hobby is an activity that people do in their free time.

b. Name three sports that are mentioned in the text. Soccer, baseball and volleyball.

c. What do people do when they stay home? Puzzles, solve riddles or crosswords, read or
write poetry or stories.
d. Which things do people collect? Choose collect coins, stamps, stickers.

e. Which activities do people share with family and friends? Doing to the movies or the
theaters, listening to music, dancing and playing a musical.

f. Do you have any hobby? What is your hobby? My hobby favorite is watching series on

3-Instructions: find four (4) adjectives and four (4) nouns in the text, write and then
translate them. (Valor 0,5 pts. total 4 pts.)


 Hobby: Pasatiempo
 Contact: Contacto
 Enjoy: Disfrutar
 Families: Familias


 Surfing: Surf
 Swimming: Nadando
 Climbing: Alpinismo
 Soccer: Fútbol

4-Instructions: Translate the text into Spanish. (Valor 0, 5 pts. total 4 pts.)

A hobby is an activity that people do in their free time for entertainment and enjoyment. Many
people like to do be in contact with nature that is the reason why they practice individual sports
such as surfing swimming and climbing. Others enjoy collective sports such as soccer, baseball and
volleyball. Yet others prefer to stay home to fit together pieces of big puzzles, solve riddles or
crosswords, read or write poetry or stories. Many people choose collect coins, stamps, stickers or
build model planes, ships and cars. Going to the movies or the theaters, listening to music, dancing
and playing a musical instrument are also activities that people like to do, especially because they
have opportunity to share with their families and close friends.

Un hobby es una actividad que las personas realizan en su tiempo libre para entretenerse y
divertirse. A muchas personas les gusta estar en el contacto con la naturaleza, por eso practican
deportes individuales como el surf, la natación y la escalada. Otros disfrutan de deportes
colectivos como fútbol, béisbol y voleibol. Sin embargo, otros prefieren quedarse en casa para
encajar piezas de grandes rompecabezas, resolver acertijos o crucigramas, leer o escribir poesía o
cuentos. Mucha gente elige coleccionar monedas, sellos, pegatinas o construir modelos de
aviones, barcos y coches. Ir al cine o al teatro, escuchar música, bailar y tocar un música
instrumento también son actividades que a la gente le gusta hacer, especialmente porque tienen
la oportunidad de compartir con sus familias y amigos cercanos.

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