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Options for self-selected flexible seating.

Student selected activities from math and reading.

Parent communication used to send pictures and

Choice board where students make their daily choice messages about classroom activities.
of where to work.
Multiple activities reinforcing the same skill allowing
students to choose.

Self-selected writing goals based on student needs.

Parent survey completed at back to school night.

In my classroom, I was able to find several examples of learner-centered practices I am already

implementing. When looking at Domain one cognitive and metacognitive factors, these principles are focused

on students learning and thinking about thinking. LCP 2 is about learners understanding of their learning and

selecting meaningful learning goals. In our classroom students select writing goals based on their personal

writing and what they feel is a skill that need to focus on. As the teacher I do not determine or guide them to

select a goal, it is completely up to them what they feel they need to work on.

Domain two; motivational and affective factors is related to the students intrinsic motivation as well as

individuals beliefs, interests and goals. At the beginning of the school year I ask my parents to complete a

survey. This survey asks them to identify their child’s strengths and interests, what motivates them and how

they would like to see their child improve or grow. This is the first steps I use to help me to develop a

understanding of each child as an individual. This is connected with LCP 7 motivational and emotional

influences of learning. By knowing this information, I am able to use this to gear instruction, whether it is

making up lessons based on dinosaurs or allowing students to complete work on a tablet or computer. In

addition to the parent survey completed by parents, I also using the app called ClassDojo this allows me to be in

constant communication with parents. Parents are able to send me information about family events that could

affect my learners motivation or interest in school. An example of this happened this week, one of my students

families experienced a death in the family. The mother of this student was able to message me before school to

let me know that the student maybe upset or distance themselves. This helped me prepare for her day and

prepare myself for if she felt the need to talk about the loss. Shortly after arriving to school this student became

upset and refused to complete any work. I was able to pull her side and talk to her about how I could imagine

she was very upset and sad about the news she received at home and if she wanted to talk about it with me I was

available. She immediately relaxed and began talking about how she just felt too sad to concentrate. This

information from her mother helped me to understand her lack of motivation and help me to determine ways to
help her. My last example of a motivation and affective factor is in relation to LCP 8, during my daily

instruction I provide opportunities to appeal to my students intrinsic motivation, I do this by providing my

students with multiple games or activities that are challenging and highly motivating to students. These

activities are again self-selected and provide students with challenges or games based on student interests.

These are displayed in a colored drawer system where they are able to select and take out a drawer to move

around the classroom and work.

Domain three is developmental and social factors. Looking at my flexible seating choice board this

provided my students a variety of opportunities for social interactions with peers. They use communication to

interact with their peers in their self-selected seating options which ties to LCP 11.

The fourth domain of learner-centered principles is individual differences factors. This is the domain

that I feel I have the most examples of in my classroom. The first example of this are my word work activities,

currently we are working to identify and construct a specific letter. After developing a understanding of my

learners I have provided three different options for my students, one is that they are able to construct the letter

using a Q-tip and paint or they are able to construct the letter using playdough. My last activity is that the

students can use a bingo dabber to identify the letter. When students are working at this station they are able to

select which activity they would like to complete which ties into LCP 12 individuals approaches to learning.

Another example of LCP 12 is my flexible seating options, my students are able to select their working space.

Whether they work better on a cushion, in a scoop chair, using a lap desk or sitting or standing at a traditional

table they are able to self-select where and in what type of seating they work best around the classroom.

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