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P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence

individual and team behaviour and performance.


Organizational culture is the reflection of the overall organization. It

includes how an organization plans and implements policies, rules, and
regulations. This also includes the different aspects of employee
behaviour and performance and the extent to which politics is affecting
the organization on both positive and negative way. Culture also includes
the organization’s values, norms, vision, symbols, systems, assumptions ,
language, beliefs, and habits . organizational culture simply is the way
things are done around an running organization .


There are 4 types of organizational culture and they are given below :

1. Power culture
2. Role culture
3. Task culture
4. Person culture.


Now a days people from different nations and culture work together in
the same organization . Its very important for all the employee to show
respect towards cultural diversity. This will help all the employees to
maintain a collaborative environment in the organization, also if the
employee is aware of the cultural diversity , it will increase the work
efficiency and enhance the overall organizational culture. This is an era of
globalization Because of globalization workforce , diversity has increased
a lot.

Its helps to create boundaries between one company to other the same
goes for individuals as well . Culture plays an very import role in an
organization . Strong corporate cultures suggest that workers are similar
and have common views and ethical values. If these principles and ethical
values are aligned with business goals, they will prove to be successful in
building teams which will resolves around trust and honesty .
Furthermore, culture could transform individual self-interests into
something greater that matches the goal of an organization. Positive
organizational culture brings positive bonding between the team
members. It creates a good understanding between all the team
members which motivates the employees and helps to grow the
confidence level of the employees. It then reflects in the performance of
the individual team members. If any of the team members fail to
complete the given tasks the whole team will fail. So, the team members
are interrelated with one another. If any of the team members feel
demotivated, it is the duty of another member to encourage and inspire
that employee. This will make the employee motivated and the team
member will be able to complete the work. Completing a work enhances
the satisfaction level. And it is also very important because, if goals are
achieved by a team it gives recognition and rewards from
organization.organization. If good organizational culture prevails, the
perspectives and ethics of the team member will change in a positive
way, which encourages one member to another to help each other.
Organizational Politics

Organizational culture supports the system of the organization to design,

implement and practice a specific behaviour pattern for the employees of
organization. Organizational politics can be unofficial, informal and
sometimes behind-the-scenes efforts to sell ideas, influence an
organization. Now a days politics became a huge part of most of the
organization . Its really difficult to move politics from any organization .
Organization culture where employees are considered an integral part of
the growth process of the organization encourage employee commitment
towards organization. Employee aligns their goals and objectives with
those of the organization and feels responsible for the overall well-being
of the organization. As their efforts are in turn appreciated by the
management and suitably rewarded, the employee has immense job
satisfaction. In such organizational cultures, the employees are
committed to achieve their goals and thus have a positive effect on the
overall performance of the organization.


There are six types of organizational politics they are :

1 . Managing impressions

2 . Attacking and blaming

3. Controlling informations

4. Forming coalitions

5.Forming coalitions

6.Creating obligations

7. Cultivating networks


If organization has negative politics, it affects the employees negatively.
The employees will not be able to work with concentration and as a
result, the productivity will decrease. It will definitely hamper the
performance of the employees and for this, organization may face loss.
When an employee will not get a good environment, the work life of that
employee will become imbalanced and as a result, the employee will feel
stressed. It also diverts the concentration of an employee. Frustration and
stress make an employee feel demotivated. The employee will not be
able to utilize his or her skills properly. The attitude of the employee will
also change in a negative way because negative organizational politics
changes the loyal employees. Organizational politics affects a team
member negatively because every member of a team should work
together by cooperating each other. If one member of the team does not
cooperate with other members, the overall productivity of the team will
decrease because of the organizational politics. A mistake of one member
affects all the other members negatively. The members may give wrong
information, as the organization politics is ruining within the work

Organizational Power

Politics becomes a negative concept from the perspective of an

organization since it is sometimes used to preserve individual interests
rather than the organizational interests. Organizational politics is the way
of operating an organization and its various functions. As a result,
different chaotic situations might get arisen within the organization which
might affect the organisational productivity and stability negatively.
Politics is found everywhere even in the work place.


There are 5 sources of power in the organizations and they are :

1. Legitimate power

2. Expert power

3. Referent power

4. Coercive power

5.Reward power


If any company is influenced by positive power, it encourages the

productivity of an employee. The employee focuses on achieving
organizational goals. The employee gets rewarded and it motivates to
work harder. When employees gain confidence, the organizational
culture enhances in a positive way. As a result, it increases mutual
respect. A Powerful leader or manager in an organization helps to
increase the overall power of the working group. They also helps to
increase the chances for their subordinates to be promoted on time and
their action happens to be very effective. These kinds of leaders tends to
share power widely and also help his staffs to develop and this makes his
staff to be motivated and confident . When there is a positive use of
power in the organization, the upper management may provide rewards
to the efficient and skilled employees and it enhances the motivation and
encourages all the employees to work better. Ensuring the proper rights
of the employees is also a sign of positive power within the organization.
Positive power influences a team positively. The opposite things happen
when there is a negative power in the organization. It discourages the
employees and team members. As the team members do not co-operate
each other, which create conflicts between them. Hence, the assigned
work remains incomplete and it affects the organization negatively and
leads towards loses. When there is a negative usage of power in the
organization, the upper management may provide rewards to an
employee who is not skilled enough to get that reward. As a result, the
deserving candidate gets deprived of his rights.

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