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As a global business with more than 21,000 employees in more than 30 countries, our first response to the COVID-19
pandemic has been to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our team, our supplier partners, and the communities in
which we operate. For this purpose, we introduced new protocols to minimize the risk of infection for all our teams
and stakeholders.

Our Business Resilience Task Force has led the transformation of our working practices, championing the safety
of our team and spearheading the move to working from home for as many of our office workers as possible.

At the same time, we must continue to operate. Our phosphate and fertilizers are vital in keeping the world
fed, particularly at this fragile time, so we must keep our mines, manufacturing plants and ports working. Naturally,
we are taking all the steps we can to reduce the risk of infection for the reduced teams working in those sites.

Beyond these actions, we stand alongside our country Morocco, and the communities we serve in our major
international markets. Just as we feel obligated to carefully steward Morocco’s phosphate reserves, we feel connected
to the people and businesses around us.

We support the regulatory authorities in the two essential sectors of health and education, to help our hospital
infrastructure stem this global health crisis, and to ensure educational continuity thanks to the digital expertise on
which we capitalize internally through our educational programs and institutions. We continue to support the small
businesses and cooperatives we have worked with, so they can continue to operate and grow. It is wonderful to see
all the ways our teams are finding to make a positive impact in our society through Act4Community (OCP’s community
engagement association), the OCP Foundation, the Phosboucraa Foundation, all our other social programs, and even
merely informal groups of people acting in common to address the needs of their communities.

Our most important response to this unprecedented global shock is to stay true to our values, and to work openly with
people around the world in the belief that we can collectively solve the hardest problems. Thanks to our collective
intelligence, our good will, and our capacity for innovation, we will get out through this ordeal; we will learn from it;
and we will move forward on our shared mission with more confident, wiser steps.
Introduction of teleworking.
Disinfection of OCP premises, personnel transport vehicles, etc. in
Morocco and internationally, including JVs and representative offices
Installation of around twenty modulars in construction sites and work
units in order to accommodate possible suspicious cases
Regular awareness campaigns for employees and contractors on the
symptoms, the correct actions to adopt and the means of preventing
the Coronavirus via reminder emails, social networks or directly on site
with the participation of OCP doctors and rescuers as well as trained
volunteers from Act4Community
All employees who have been on a mission abroad, or undergoing
training in Morocco with people who have resided in the affected
countries, have been identified and quarantined: regular and
personalized remote monitoring is ensured by the OCP medical team
Installation of sanitizing gel dispensers as well as closed pedal bins
in all of the Group’s buildings - all sites combined
Suspension of all visits
Postponement or cancellation of all events planned for the coming
Postponement or cancellation of all missions abroad
Establishment of a monitoring unit for employees whose state of
health is deemed «at risk» by the medical team, as well as retirees
Establishment of continuity support systems for medical coverage
Installation of temperature control means in all sites
Implementation of strict safety rules: social-distancing of employees
at the workplace, in professional transport …
Extension of all security and awareness measures to subcontractors
Establishment of a psychological support cell that can be contacted by
telephone for the benefit of employees if necessary
In addition to structured voluntary actions such as Act4community, groups of
collaborators felt the spontaneous need, in an unprecedented burst of solidarity, to
express their support by launching a campaign to gather as many ideas and initiatives
as possible. This platform, called #Ana_Mtdamen, suggests to contribute to the national
effort through concrete initiatives that aim to mitigate the health, economic or social
repercussions of the pandemic. Once the ideation phase finalized, the #Ana_Mtdamen
volunteers will launch the operationalization of their actions in the field.
Using their digital expertise, the students of the 1337 coding school, driven by the same values of solidarity and self-
giving, have developed a collaborative platform called “” (I stand by you). The objective of this platform
is to pool voluntary offers of personal services of all kinds (assistance with shopping, repairs, homework assistance
etc.) for the benefit of isolated people, people with reduced mobility or who just need company.
The applicants are geolocated to allow the volunteers to identify them and help them according to their geographical
All productions continues to deliver thanks to a «business continuity
planning» (BCP) implemented at each production site. This Plan ensures
that operations are maintained in optimal conditions and in perfect
coordination with the various private and institutional partners. It
revolves around guiding principles being the preservation of the health
and safety of employees (of both employees on site and those working
from home), the guarantee of the safety of equipment, as well as the
maintenance of a normal production rate at site level. This BCP includes:

Remote control of production units

A local crisis unit

A prevention plan,

Triggering thresholds,

A list of critical activities,

An alert scheme,

An assistance protocol,


‫ فيروس كورونا‬: ‫التدابير الوقائية‬
A communication plan, including an internally,
LES GESTES POUR LIMITER LA TRANSMISSION ‫اإلجراءات للحد من انتقال عدوى‬
DU VIRUS : : ‫الفيروس‬
The use of digital communication tools (Teams, Skype, Webex ...)
Se laver les mains le plus souvent possible ‫غسل اليدين بانتظام‬
instead of physical meetings. avec du savon ou une solution hydroalcoolique .‫رة الكحولية‬‫بالصابون أو بالمواد المط‬

Se couvrir la bouche et le nez avec .‫تغطية الفم واألنف بمنديل عند السعال والعطس‬
un mouchoir en cas de toux ou d’éternuement. .‫ المرجو استعمال أعلى الذراع‬،‫عند عدم توفر المناديل‬
Sans mouchoir, utiliser le pli de votre coude.

Jeter immédiatement le mouchoir, ،‫التخلص من المناديل فورا‬

après usage dans une poubelle fermée. .‫بعد االستعمال في سلة نفايات مغلقة‬

Éviter de se toucher le visage, ،‫تجنب لمس الوجه‬

particulièrement les yeux, le nez et la bouche. .‫ األنف والفم‬،‫وخاصة العينين‬

Éviter les contacts physiques (embrassades, accolades,

،‫تجنب االتصال المباشر مع األشخاص )العناق‬
poignées de main), en maintenant une distance
،‫ مع ترك مسافة متر على األقل‬،(...‫المصافحة‬
d’au moins 1 mètre avec d’autres personnes,
.‫خصوصا إذا كانوا مصابين بأعراض صحية‬
surtout si elles toussent ou éternuent.

Casablanca (incluant siège et filiales) : +212661114119 ou +212661259697 ou +212661437126 ou +212661117083 | Khouribga : +212662049351 ou +212523583838
| Safi : +212524465521 | Jorf Lasfar : +212678747519 Phosboucraa : +212661965366 | Ben Guerir : +212661476374 | Youssoufia : +212661476374
Production of videos and awareness podcasts for the rural communities
(broadcasting content on social media, national and regional radios) in
different languages and dialects, and in sign language :

Raising awareness among farmers to the symptoms and to the

means of prevention against Coronavirus (via operating vehicles, local
influencers, social media ...) and distribution of means of hygiene and
Disinfection campaigns in rural area.
Supporting the supply of drinking water to some villages.
Supporting and assisting agricultural cooperatives and local artisans.
Provision of a hotline to communicate better with farmers.
Establishment in progress of an e-commerce platform for OCP
employees to buy vegetables and fruits directly from farmers /
Support for cooperatives in the creation and management of their
pages on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
Solidarity supply in progress: Supply to OCP establishments (hotel,
training center, etc.) from local farmers in order to help farmers in
vulnerable situation.
Operation «Purchase in Solidarity» in progress: it consists of
approaching farmers directly to obtain their products before
distributing them to orphanages, homes for the elderly, associations,
Purchase of local handicrafts in progress (carpentry, pottery, etc.)
which will serve as decoration for the Group’s offices and hotels, etc.
Provision of livestock feed for vulnerable pastoralists.
Distribution of fertilizers for smallholder farmers.
Assisting production of fodder.
Disinfection operations in public places in several cities, provinces and
surrounding municipalities / douars (premises of municipalities, courts,
prisons, stations, hospitals ...)

Raising awareness of the populations via social networks as well as

in the field (vehicles fitted with loudspeakers), especially in rural areas

Disinfection operation of means of transport (taxis, coaches, ...) as well

as bus and train stations

Support in the continuity of cooperative activities: Push marketing of

products, Solidarity purchasing, establishment of an ‘’ E-Souk ’’ (online
purchasing platform for cooperative products) ...

Socio-economic support for disadvantaged populations: foodstuffs,

provision of a list of local craftsmen to contact in the event of an
emergency (plumbers, electricians , masons ...)

Contribution to equipping spaces for the reception and care of

homeless people.

Launching on the internal exchange platform «Facebook Workplace»

of several solidarity initiatives, volunteers, employees (online courses,
food distribution, provision of income, solidarity platforms bringing
together volunteers and people in need .. .)

Production of videos for monitoring online courses for all school levels
to ensure distance teaching continuity
Support for the educational continuity system set up by the
Government via the contribution of our ecosystem (UM6P, LYDEX, IPSE,
1337, YouCode and the OCP Foundation) :
Recording and filming of courses as well as educational content in the
form of educational capsules for schoolchildren, to be broadcasted
on national educational channels and educational platforms
Availability of the Group’s audio-visual studios (Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University, head office, 1337, Youcode, Industrial
Competence Centers and the OCP Foundation) for video recordings
of distance courses.
Mobilization of teachers from the Ministry of Education and OCP
professors for the production of capsules according to the needs
Sharing of expertise and skills from the 1337 and YouCode coding
schools to support the optimization of the functionalities of the
TelmidTICE educational portal.
Provision of connectivity tools for the benefit of central directors
and MEN managers (up to 170 licenses planned).
Setting up of a hotline to support students and teachers in
the appropriation of distance learning platforms (TilmidTICE -
TaalimTICE - Teams) with the help of students from 1337 coding
schools and voluntary OCP collaborators.
Implementation of collaborative tools to facilitate teleworking and
coordination for the benefit of the management of the Ministry of
National Education.
Implementation in progress of a UM6P / LYDEX platform for
Preparatory Classes for Grandes Ecoles (400 capsules produced
out of 2,000 planned).
Endowments of hospitals, regional health directorates and dispensaries in bibs, gloves, sanitary products, surgical masks, over-shoes,
coveralls, glasses, disinfectant gel, soap, IR thermometers ...;

Development and refurbishment of public hospitals in our regions of implantation (painting of walls, lighting works, installation of
isolation rooms, installation of a generator ...)

Repair of medical equipment in public hospitals when necessary (oxygen compressor, oxygen vents, electrical installation ...)

Provision of public hospitals in modulars intended for the isolation of suspected or confirmed cases (Delivery, installation and

Provision of an ambulance for the benefit of the health delegation if necessary

Provision of all units deployed in public health and hospitals with various equipment: resuscitation beds, resuscitation respirators,
mobile respirators, resuscitation trolleys, syringe pumps, nebulizers ...

Production of sanitizing gel

Design and 3D printing of medical prototypes for hospitals. It is a prototype of a «face shield» protecting the medical profession
from any risk of contamination and a «T-connector» intended to double the capacity of the respiratory equipment.

Dissemination of awareness videos animated by OCP doctors

HSE audits on compliance with hygiene and sanitary measures.

Control of all accesses by thermal cameras.

Broad and permanent awareness campaigns for the benefit of subcontractor employees.

Constitution of strategic stocks of perishable and non-perishable products.

Permanent monitoring of the situation of public supply markets at the sites.

Census of target populations and escalation of the database of potential beneficiaries to A4C.

Ongoing strengthening of the public health workforce by medical and paramedical staff through the deployment of teams from
the «Club des Sauveteurs-Secouristes» where more than 1,400 people have been trained (subcontractors, etc.).

Reinforcement of regional medical staff by the OCP Group nurses.

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