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Name : Yuni Rafika

Class : English Education

Subject : Interpretative Listening
NPM : 190402090030

Asking for and Giving Personal Information in English

The do’s we might use for exchanging information on social media:
1. It has to be polite if we want to find someone's information, like using the word “Do
you use instagram? Do you use Facebook? Do you use whatsapp? Are you on in
Instagram?” Because by asking like that, if that person doesn't want to provide social
media information so that person will reject it with a no. If the person says yes, then
our response should use a word that “can I add you as a friend? May I follow you?
May I have your number?” It is recommended to use the word “can” because on
social media it is casual, if we use the word “could”, it is too formal.
2. If we're talking about business, but someone doesn't give us a card, then we should
have a conversation like asking “is there an email address? Is there a phone number?”
or asking “where I can reach you? (About the topic)”. We recommend that if in a
business situation, we have to do it formally.
3. If we want to exchange cards, we should say “here is my card. I (summary of our
job)” when giving a card to someone. We have to explain what our status is, such as
students, teachers, lecturers, or so on, then we explain what our business or job
politely while giving our cards to others.
4. If someone wants to know our information and asks if we have a telephone number
and we reject it, we should say very politely, kindly and understanding the feeling
other people or use the general reason like "I'm sorry, but it's private"
5. If someone wants to know our information and asks if we have a social media like
instagram and facebook and we reject it, we should say very politely or use the
general reason like “No. My Instagram is for close friends only. I’m sorry”, “Sorry,
but I use Facebook for family members only” the point is that is very private for us.
The don’ts we might use for exchanging information on social media:
1. Don't be creepy because it causes someone to feel nervous. We do have to find out the
information we want but don't get creepy, such as directly asking for a phone number,
what is the person's Instagram and email because that will make it uncomfortable.
2. Don’t be pushy. Once more, don't ask right away their social media or we should
remain polite or not sound pushy.
3. I recommend that in a business situation, we have to do it formally or don't have to
ask what the social media is.

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