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"The Myth about Flood: calculations and reality"

History of mankind represents only brief instant in a life evolution on the Earth. However
this "instant" has special interest for us as representatives of this mankind.

In its research the modern historical science is limited basically only to that period of
time for which more or less authentic written sources were kept, and it names
indulgently and scornfully previous period as "prehistoric". But the history of human
civilization began much more before occurrence of writing to what numerous
archaeological data testify. However archeology itself gives frequently only sketchy and
indirect material, not allowing to combine uniform and complete picture comparable with
that the history of "written" period gives.

At the same time there is a huge seam of cultural heritage as myths and transmitted
orally legends where described events concern to times much earlier than writing was
born. Unfortunately, one of characteristic of those sources is their saturation both almost
mystical events and characters which magic and supernatural abilities obviously not
blend with modern scientific picture of the world. Therefore the official historical science
practically does not consider overwhelming majority of stories and legends, having
imposed on them a brand of "myth" and having equated them to inventions and to
stretch of ancient people imagination. But is oral ancient heritage so far from the real

For last century many discoveries are already made, the information containing in
mythology has served as a push to which. The most known of them is the discovery of
legendary Troya by Shliman, who, having cast away opinion of official historians, has
decided to read Gomer’s poem in the literal sense instead of as fascinating book in

Since many recognized researchers have used the data from myths as an initial base of
their researches but - being constrained by frameworks of "unique valid" method of
official historical science - at discoveries description they completely "forgot" about a
source of information or, at the best, only slightly mentioned about it. Perhaps, only
"layman in history and archeology" Shliman opened real Troya was not afraid to refer to
mythology as a source of the authentic data.

Therefore there is a question: whether we can change appraisal about oral heritage
past and proceed from "readings of fairy tales to night" to decoding ancient legends in
searches of the authentic data?
2. A flood in transmitted orally legends

The serious argument for changing of viewpoint to mythology can be that there is
obvious likeness at all variety of myths in different locales and at diverse nations. In
particular, "...all our early civilizations have kept alive memoirs about grandiose
cataclysms which were gone through by their predecessors" (G.Henkok, "Traces of

Certainly, it is possible to declare myths about cataclysms as consequence of heavy life

conditions of prehistoric people which were extremely strongly depend on nature whims
and on local nature disasters (as official historical science does it purely). However "it is
much more difficult to explain specific but discernible imprint of reason in myths about
cataclysms. Frequently the degree of convergence between ancient legends is strong
enough to cause suspicion whether all of them are written by one author"" (ibidem).

Not historians but explorers of mythology (as some variety of folklore) have met with the
given problem when they detected considerable likeness of Flood’s myths of
miscellaneous nations.

"Almost in all cultures of the world there are legends amazingly similar against each
other about the Universal flood - there are more than five hundred of them. There is the
same plot in all these legends: the mankind perishes from the Flood, one person with
his family is rescued only. In the western countries this person is known under name
Noj, atsteks name him is Nene, on Near East his name is "Atrahasis", Utnapishti or
Ziusudra. As to saving means: in the Bible it is called “an ark”, that is the ship; in
Mesopotamija’s legends it is the underwater vessel, and in atsteks legends the speech
goes about the hollowed log" (A.Elford, "Gods of new millennium").

In particular: "...Mesopotamija’s myth about flooding is intercepted with well-known bible

history about Noj and Flood in many respects.... At all variety of legend versions the
main thing is always transferred posterity, namely: there was a global accident which
almost has completely destroyed mankind" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

In India "...scientists have found out versions of the Great Flood! Manu is dravid’s Noj,
and some fish dzhhasha has helped him to be rescued from destruction (the world
creator Brahma, and in other versions - the world keeper Vishnu was embodied in that
fish). "Shatapatha Brahmana" containing this history is also more senior than the Bible!
"Mahabharata" speaks about the Flood too" (V.Batsalev, A.Varakin, "Secrets of

On the Indian mythology "Vishnu [god] has warned Manu [man] about forthcoming
flood. He has sent him the big ship and ordered to embark all alive essences on pair
and seeds of all plants, and then to sit there itself" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").
And in the Greek variant "...people were erased by Zevs, tsar of gods.... The vindictive
deity has used universal flood for clearing of the Earth... In this flood all mankind was
lost except for several people which have run on highest mountains" (ibidem).

"In flood-myths existing in Laos and northern Thailand it is told that entities “tens” lived
in upper kingdom many centuries ago... Once “tens” have pronounced that before
eating something people should be divided with them by meal as the sign of respect.
The people have refused and in fury “tens” have arranged flooding which has
devastated ground" (ibidem).

"There are Japanese legends according to which islands of Oceania have appeared
after the world was destroyed by flooding and then recreated by god Tangaloa.
Inhabitants of Samoa trust in flooding that once has cleared all mankind from face of the
Earth" (ibidem).

In the Mexican mythology "destruction was as torrential rain and flooding. Mountains
have disappeared and people have turned to fishes..." (ibidem).

"...In Ecuador Kanar’s tribe keeps an ancient history about flooding from which two
brothers were rescued having climbed up on high mountain" (ibidem).

"In province Ankasmarka that in five leagues from Cuzco Indians told the following
fable. One month prior to their flood ewes (llamas) steel sad, in day-time they did not
feed, and they keep an eye on stars at night. Eventually the shepherd has taken an
interest a reason of their anxiety and they have answered that the arrangement of stars
predicts destruction of the world from water. Having heard it the shepherd has consulted
to six children and together they have made decision to collect how many is possible
food and ewes and to mount on top of very high mountain under name Ankasmarka.
Indians speak that in process of water line increase the mountain all became higher and
consequently the flood has failed to cover it completely, and when water slept the
mountain has decreased too. Thus, six children of that shepherd again have occupied
that area..." (Kristobal' de Molina).

"In pre-Columbus Chile Araukans have kept legend that upon a time there was flooding
from which few Indians were rescued only. They ran on high mountain under name
Tegteg that means "rattling" or "sparkling" which had three tops and was capable to
float in water" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"In extreme south of continent the legend of nation Yamana from Tierra del Fuego
narrates: "the Flood was caused with the Woman-Moon. It was time of great ascent...
The Moon was full of hatred to human beings... In that time everything have drowned
except for those few who were able to run on five mountain tops which have not
covered by water"" (ibidem).

"Luizens from the bottom California have a legend about flooding which has flooded
mountains and has destroyed the most part of mankind. Only few mans were rescued
having run away on highest peaks which have not disappeared under water how all
ambient... Further to the north the same myths were written down at Gurons. The
legend of mountaineers from Algonkin’s family tells how Great Hare Michabo restored
the world after flood..." (ibidem).

"Lind’s "Dacota Indians History"... expounded Irokez’s myth about how "once the sea
and waters have gushed over the ground having ruined all life human". Indians-Chikaso
asserted that the world was destroyed by waters "but one family and animal on pair of
each kind was rescued". Siu also spoke about time when dry ground did not remain and
all people have disappeared" (ibidem).

The similar likeness of myths practically on all Earth can have one of two reasons.

First, likeness of myths could be caused by their sole author. However results of various
enough profound studies substantially sweep aside such viewpoint.

"There are known more than 500 of such legends [about a flood] all in the world. Having
investigated 86 of them (20 Asian, 3 European, 7 African, 46 American and 10 from
Australia and Oceania), doctor Rishar Andre has come to conclusion that 62 legends
are completely independent from Mesopotamija’s and Jewish variants" (ibidem).

Then it is necessary to recognize that behind all these ancient legends there is a certain
real cataclysm which traces inevitably should be found out and presently.

What natural sciences speak in this occasion?..

3. Archaeological traces of the Flood

According to archeology in India where there are some versions of myth about the
Flood its real attributes are found out. For example, in Shanidar cave:

"Its uniqueness is that ancient people permanently lived in it. The oldest cultural layer
concerns to 65-60 millennia, late - to XI millennium BC... The type of people named
“homo sapiens” has ceased to use the cave as habitation just in XI millennium... The
main thing appeared that cultural layers of Shanidar cave alternated with layers of silt,
sand, cockleshells and fine pebble. And it is in the cave which never was a sea-bottom!
Archeologists have found out four accidents which have overtaken not only the cave but
also people living in it... Only last Great Flood "has expelled" ancient people from under
natural vaults of Shanidar to primitive round dwellings..." (V.Batsalev, A.Varakin,
"Secrets of archeology").

In other region where there are versions of myth about the Flood - in South America -
also there are tracks of such cataclysm dated the same period of time - XI millennium
"In South America Andes, in mountains at altitude 12.500 ft (4200 m) geologists have
found out traces of sea deposits! In the same area some ruins in Tiauanako (at altitude
13.000 ft, 4300 m) appeared filled with six-foot (two-meter) layer of liquid dirty and it
was not possible to find a source of flooding" (A.Elford, "Gods of new millennium").

"...Skeleton fragments of people and animals lay in chaotic disorder together with
treated rocks, instruments, tools and uncountable quantity of other subjects. It is visible
that any force pulled, fractured and dumped all this in a heap" (G.Henkok, "Traces of

"It is possible not to doubt that the reason of destruction Tiauanako was natural
accident... It has taken place more than 12000 years back" (ibidem).

The similar tracks are discovered in the whole continent.

"In whole South America also they detected Glacial Age fossilized remains in which
skeletons of incompatible kinds animal (predators and herbivorouses) are mixed
disorderly with human bones. It is not less important that the combination (in enough
extended areas) fossilized overland and sea animals disorderly mixed but buried in the
same geologic horizon" (ibidem).

It is necessary to note that the ending of last so-called Glacial Age is dated by the same
XI millennium BC. However character of fossilized remains obviously does not
correspond to "smooth" change of World ocean level, that takes place in the time of
gradual melting of ices at the end of the Glacial Age (according to the conventional
theory). Faster, all of this reminds result of influence of powerful water stream which is
very short-term and more comparable with cataclysm but not with gradual change of
weather conditions.

The similar picture can be observed also in Europe:

"...Cracks in rocks at tops of separately worth hills in the Central France are filled with
remains of bones of mammoths, hairy rhinoceroses and other animals. Top of Mon-
gene mountain in Burgundy is peppered with skeleton fragments of mammoth, northern
deer, horse and other animals" (ibidem).

But the most impressing traces of powerful cataclysm of the same period are found out
in northern regions.

"The permafrost in which remains... of animals are buried on Alaska resembles fine
dark-grey sand. Being ice-bound in this mass, speaking by words of professor Hibbena
from New Mexico University: "...interlaced parts of animals and trees lay alternating with
ice stratums and layers of peat and moss... There are bisons, horses, wolves, bears,
lions... Apparently whole herds of animals were lost together being struck down any
general malicious force... Such heaps of bodies of animals and people are not formed in
usual conditions..."" (ibidem).
"In permafrost of Alaska... it is possible to see... the evidence of atmospheric
perturbations with anything not comparable power. Mammoths and bisons were broken
off on a part and were interlaced so as if any space hands of gods operated in fury. In
one place... a forward leg and a shoulder of mammoth were found; soft tissues rests
adjoining to backbone together with sinews and chords still kept on turned black bones,
and chitin capsule of tusks was not injured. Also traces of carcasses dismemberment by
knife or other instrument are not detected (as it would be in case of hunters participation
to dismemberment). Animals has simply broken off and has scattered on district as
products from plaited straw though some of them weighed some tons. Trees which also
have been torn up, braided and mixed are hashed with congestions of bones; all of this
is covered with subsequently tightly frozen fine-grained quicksand" (ibidem).

"These animals on Alaska were lost so suddenly that at once they have frozen not
having had time to be spread out - and it proves to be true that quite often local
residents de-froze carcasses and used meat in food" (A.Elford, "Gods of new

Character of fossilized remains of vegetative and animal origin, and especially

conditions in which they are found, obviously testify that they are result of action of the
most powerful tsunami which collected all in itself and has thrown out its contents in
strong cold area (that is quite possible at sufficient wave force).

"It is possible to observe approximately the same picture in Siberia where catastrophic
change of a climate and geological processes took place almost at the same time"
(G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"The same history has taken place in Siberia - many buried in permafrost animals most
part of which was typical for temperate climate areas also was revealed here. Here
again corpses of animals were among uprooted trunks of trees and other vegetation
and carried on themselves attributes of destruction from unexpected and sudden
accident... Mammoths were lost suddenly in plenties at a strong frost. The death has
come so quickly that they had no time to digest swallowed food..." (A.Elford, "Gods of
new millennium").

"Apparently northern areas of Alaska and Siberia have suffered most of all from killing
cataclysms 13000-11000 years ago. As though the death has waved scythe along the
Polar circle - remains of countless amount of large animals, including many carcasses
with intact soft tissues and improbable amount of ideally kept tusks of mammoths were
found out there. Moreover, in both regions tissues of mammoths de-froze to feed
draught dogs and steaks from the mammoth even appeared in restaurant menus"
(G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

Thus archeological researches give us evidences of cataclysm of XI millennium BC not

less horrifying than the Flood picture represented by mythology does. You can to
imagine the scale of event from provisional map made on the data both of myths and
archeology (see Fig.1).

However the data saved up by modern science also testify to that consequences of
cataclysm were not limited to "single" destruction of part of living creatures. Sharp
change of climatic conditions in various regions of a planet falls on the same period.

"As number of oxygen isotope received in deep-water tests of Atlantic ocean and
equatorial waters of Pacific ocean shows, the last of 100 thousands years of icing were
suddenly finished approximately 12 thousand years ago. Very fast ice thawing has
caused fast rise of seas level..." (ibidem).

Strong climate change has caused great advance of animal kinds extinction.

"...mass animals extinction has really taken place as a result of turmoil of last Glacial
Age.... For example in New World over 70 kinds of large mammal have died out
between 15000 and 8000 BC... These losses, meaning as a matter of fact a violent
death over 40 million of animals, were not in regular intervals allocated on all period; on
the contrary their basic part falls to two thousand years between 11000 and 9000 BC.
To sense dynamics we shall note that only about 20 kinds have disappeared during
previous 300 thousand years" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"The same picture of mass extinction was observed in Europe and Asia. Even far
Australia was not exception, by some estimations having lost for rather short time
interval nineteen kinds of large vertebrates but not only mammal" (ibidem).

"Animals died out most intensively between 11000 and 9000 BC when rough and
inexplicable climate fluctuations took place. (According to geologist John Imbri, the
climatic revolution was done about 11000 years ago.) Besides accelerated precipitation
of sedimentary rocks and sharp rise... of superficial water layers of Atlantic ocean took
place" (ibidem).

As a whole the objective data convincingly testify that in XI millennium BC there was a
powerful cataclysm which has caused so significant consequences that it became
original "watershed" between two completely different periods in history of our planet.

"The accident which destroyed an advanced civilization and has caused set of serious
changes on Earth surface has taken place ostensibly about 10 000 years back. From
the viewpoint of archeology it is the end of ancient Stone Age, Paleolith; on geological
classification it is the end of last Glacial Age - border between Pleistocene, bottom
section of the Quaternary period, and Holocene, its top section" (J.Malina, R.Malinova,
"Natural accidents and newcomers from space").

"This epoch [XI millennium BC] was decisive not only for ancient Egyptians but also for
many other peoples. Really... it was epoch of drama climate changes, fast rise of sea
level, earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions and lava rains from black sky. This
epoch was the most probable source of many distributed worldwide myths about
universal cataclysm" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

4. The Flood - flooding or something other?

But what is the cause of such accident? According to one of meeting versions, - so-
called "tidal theory", - the cataclysm has arisen as a result of some space body passing
nearby from the Earth.

"Some experts believe that the terrible mix carcasses of mammoths with broken and
hashed trees in Siberia "is obliged by its origin to a huge tidal wave which pulled out
trees with roots and heated them together with animals in dirty. In polar areas all of this
froze strong together and kept up to now in permafrost"" (ibidem).

Basically the given hypothesis co-ordinates with that at occurrence of such powerful
tidal wave in particular tectonic processes should become more active. It proves to be
true by obvious description of earthquakes and volcanoes eruptions in myths.

"Enough frequently various kinds of natural disasters (two and more) are represented so
as if they have happened simultaneously (more often there are flooding and
earthquakes, but sometimes there are fires in combination with horrifying darkness)"

"Meanwhile wolf Fenrir, that gods diligently chained long before it, has torn fetters and
has run away. It began to shake off and the world has trembled. Serving by an axis of
the ground ash Iggdrasil was turned out upwards by roots. Mountains began to be
crumbled and burst from top up to bottom, and dwarfs desperately but unsuccessfully
tried to find familiar but now missed entrances in their underground dwellings... The
universe has turned into a huge furnace. The flame was pulled out from cracks in rocks,
steam hissed everywhere. All living creatures, all vegetation were destroyed. There was
only a naked ground, but it as well as the sky has become whole covered by cracks and
clefts. And then all rivers and all seas have risen and have left from coasts. Waves
collided with each other from different directions. They were raised and boiled, hiding
under themselves the sinking ground..." (Teutonic legends).

"The volcanic phenomena and earthquakes also are frequently mentioned in connection
with flooding especially in both America. Chilean Araukans directly speak that "flooding
was caused by volcanoes eruptions which were accompanied by strong earthquakes".
Mums-Maya from Santiago-Chimaltenango in western uplands of Guatemala keep
memory about "burning pitch stream" which as they speak was one of world destruction
tools. And in Gran Chaco (Argentina) Mataco Indians tell about "black storm-cloud
which has come from the south during flooding and has closed all sky. Lightning
sparkled, thunder rattled. But drops that fell from the sky resembled not a rain but a
fire..."" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").
"Many myths about cataclysm narrate about times of awful cold, of darkened sky and of
black rain consisting of burning pitch" (ibidem).

The archeological data testify to tectonic activity increase too:

"Layers of volcanic ashes sometimes alternately with heaps of bones and tusks are
deposited in depths of a permafrost ...along death arch had passed Siberia [including
Novosibirsk islands], Yukon and Alaska. There is no doubt that simultaneously with
wholesale deaths there were volcanic eruptions of horrifying force" (ibidem).

"...Thousand prehistoric animals and plants have sunk at one moment in well-known
lakes of bitumen La-Brea near Los Angeles. Bisons, horses, camels, sloths, mammoths,
mastodons and not less than seven hundred saber-toothed tigers there are among
essences taken on a surface... Found at La-Brea remains ("broken, crumpled, deformed
and mixed in homogeneous mass") clearly speak about sudden and awful volcanic
cataclysm" (ibidem).

"Similar finds of typical birds and mammal of last Glacial Age were made in two other
deposits of asphalt in California (Carpintery and Mac-Kittrik). In San-Pedro valley
mastodons skeletons buried in thickness of volcanic ash and sand were found out in
standing position. Fossilized remains from glacial lake Floristan in Colorado and from
John-Day basin in Oregon also were found in volcanic ash" (ibidem).

"Remains of animals and sometimes heaps of bones and canines were covered with a
layer of volcanic ash. It is not subject to doubt that there was a volcanic eruption of
enormous scales simultaneously to mass destruction of animals " (A.Elford, "Gods of
new millennium").

However the tidal wave theory, being coordinated with tectonic activity traces, does not
explain other consequences of cataclysm of that period. One of strong divergences
between facts and this theory is that in any areas a cold snap has come, and on the
contrary warming has come in others areas.

In particular it has sharply become cold in areas of Siberia and Alaska.

"Some islands at Arctic ocean were not covered with ice during last Glacial Age. For
example on Baffin island, at 1400 kilometers from North Pole, rests of alder and birch
were found out in turbary; this forces to assume that less than 30 thousand years ago
climate there was much warmer than today. Such conditions were kept there still 17
thousands years ago. During Visconsin congelation in the center of Arctic ocean there
was a zone of temperate climate favorable for flora and fauna which could not exist in
territory of Canada and United States at that time" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"Russian scientists came to a conclusion that the Arctic ocean was warm during the
most part of last Glacial Age. In the report of academicians Sax, Belov and Lapina,
devoted to various stages of their oceanographic researches, it is spoken that especially
warm conditions prevailed up to 18 thousands years ago" (ibidem).

"...Undoubtedly that at any moment, 12-13 thousands years back, baneful cold has
come to Siberia with horrifying speed and since did not weaken its grasp" (ibidem).

Recently also the data are received that glaciers of Antarctica not have at all a history in
hundred thousand years (as considered earlier) and really they are much younger. Their
appearance can be quite connected to a cold snap in the Antarctic region also as a
result of the cataclysm which has brought in "freezing" of Siberia and Alaska.

"Using radioisotope method of dating developed by doctor U.D.Uri, scientists from

institute Karnegi in Washington have managed to establish with sufficient accuracy that
great Antarctic rivers which were a source... of small-dispersion sediments, really flew
approximately 6000 years back... Only after this date, about 4000 years BC, deposits of
glacial type began to collect at the bottom of Ross sea... Samples specify that this was
preceded with the long warm period" (ibidem).

On the other hand, the ending of "Glacial Age" in Europe exactly falls on the period of

"...The Scandinavian glacier fastly thawed at interval between 11-th and 9-th millennia.
Deciding stage has come in 10-th millennium. Then all rest of the Scandinavian glacier
"was dissolved" during two thousand years" (by J.Malina, R.Malinova, "Natural
accidents and newcomers from space").

"Just at that moment climate pendulum was intensively rocked to opposite side.
Thawing began so suddenly and on such extensive area that it have named "some kind
of miracle". In Europe geologists name this period as Balling phase of warm climate,
and in Northern America - Brad interval. In both regions... the ice cap accruing during 40
thousand years has disappeared during only two millennia. It is obvious that it could not
be result of slowly influence of climatic factors to which usually explain glacial ages...
Thawing speed forces to assume any unusual factor influence on climate. The data
testify to this factor for the first time has proved about 16500 years ago, having
destroyed the most part (it is possible, three quarters of glaciers during two thousand
years) and that the basic part of these drama events has taken place during thousand
years or less" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

Such picture of climatic changes is not entered in any way in results of influence of
some space body which are orbiting nearby from the Earth. Produced by gravitational
interaction between Earth and this body tidal wave and intensification thus tectonic
activity (as show numerous scientific researches and calculations) should result in such
climate change which would be homogeneous enough on whole surface of planet. But it
has not taken place.
Thus "the tidal theory" does not for causes substantiation of cataclysm of XI millennium
BC, since it not only does not explain all picture of cataclysm but also rather essentially
contradicts its observably consequences.

5. Leapfrog at heavens

And here myths according to which a seen sky change there in various regions was
simultaneously with cataclysm on the Earth surface are also capable to prompt the next

"Inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego... spoke that the Sun and the Moon "have fallen from
the sky", and The Chinese told that "planets have changed their way. The Sun, the
Moon and stars began to move in a new fashion"... Tarahumara in northern Mexico
have kept legends about destruction of the world because Sun way has changed...
Other tribe from Tierra del Fuego, Pehuanche, connects flooding to long period of
darkness: "the Sun and the Moon have fallen from the sky and the world remained
without light"" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

In China exists "...a number of legends which spoke about consequences of that
"people have risen against gods and universe system has come in disorder": "Planets
have changed way. The sky has moved to the north. The Sun, the Moon and stars
began to move in a new fashion. The Earth was fallen to pieces, from its bowels water
has gushed out and has flooded the ground"" (ibidem).

"And the Earth itself began to lose the shape. Stars began float away the sky and
disappear in gaping emptiness..." (ibidem).

Greek legend about the Phaeton tells: "Fiery horses have quickly felt that reins are held
with an inexperienced hand. They have left usual way sometimes backing, sometimes
rushing aside; then whole earth has seen with amazement how the magnificent Sun has
suddenly somersaulted and has headlong started to fly downward as meteor instead to
follow in eternal and majestic way... The grass has faded; crops have burnt out; woods
have been set on fire and smoke; then striped ground began to crack and crumble, and
turned black rocks have split from heat".

Greeks themselves specified change of Earth’s axis position as the reason of this
cataclysm. Not only myths of some other nations but also a number of modern
researchers adhere to a similar conclusion.

"The event known from the Bible under the name of Flood is described in multitude of
other ancient sources. In a number from them it is directly pointed to the main reason of
a flood - change of an sky inclination in relation to the ground that it is possible only at
displacement of Earth axis" (V.Demin, "Secrets of the universe").

The theory of inclination change of Earth’s rotation axis is capable not only to prove the
reason of cataclysm and to explain its consequences but also to remove contradictions
of "glacial theory" that still prevails in official science and reduces periodic climate
changes in that or another region to change of glaciers area on planet.

"...How to explain the fact that any of ice caps evolved during glacial ages has not
arisen on present poles or even near to them?" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"...The best theory explaining glacial age is that what speaks: because the pole was in
this place. Thus it is easy to explain presence of glacier in India and Africa in the past
though presently these places are in tropics. In the same way it is possible to explain an
origin of any continental-scale glacier" (Hepgud).

However the hypothesis of sudden change of Earth’s rotation axis inclination does not
sustain even simple analysis from the viewpoint of physics.

The rotating Earth is a gyroscope with greatly impressive own movement quantity
moment (at radius of 6400 kilometers and weight of 6.1021 tons the Earth accomplishes
one revolution only for day!), i.e. it is very inertial object (object which "strongly resists"
to attempts to change the characteristic of its movement).

Besides very specific kind of influence is necessary to receive indispensable effect (not
simple physical force, but namely rotary-overturning moment), whence it follows in
particular that such sudden change of Earth’s rotation axis inclination can not be
caused, say, by gravitational interaction with any "passing by" space body. Such rotary-
overturning moment can arise for example at tangent (or close to tangent) meteorite
impact (see Fig.2).

In the most rough approximation with the help of gyroscopes mechanics it is quite
possible to estimate loading which is necessary for turn of Earth axis at such meteorite

For simplification of calculations we shall count the Earth as a homogeneous solid ball
with radius R and mass M rotating before collision with angular speed . We shall
consider also that all pulse (or quantity of movement) of meteorite at it tangent collision
with Earth’s surface will turn into displacement of Earth’s axis (i.e. into change of vector
of Earth’s rotation angular speed).

That is all movement quantity moment of meteorite (relatively the Earth’s center) at
collision with the Earth will go on change of the own movement quantity moment of the
Earth. Or in mathematical expression:

where - the inertia moment of the Earth relatively the axis of symmetry,

m - mass of falling meteorite,

v - speed of falling meteorite,

- change quantity of Earth rotation angular speed, determined by ratio

Accepting for simplicity that angular speed of Earth’s rotation after meteorite impact is

(that is only an axis but not value of rotation changes), we shall receive

where - is displacement corner of Earth axis.

Then it is easy to calculate that according to the most conservative estimates to turn of
Earth’s rotation axis on a corner equal 20o (it is determined from necessary climatic
changes - see further) the required sizes of meteorite flying up to the Earth with speed
of 100 km/s should be not less than 1000 kilometers in diameter in any case. And this is
in the case of very idealized picture of collision - taking into account real heterogeneity
of the Earth and losses of energy on processes which have been not connected to axis
displacement reduces to appreciable increase of required meteorite sizes.

The similar sizes have only the largest known meteorites in Solar system, probability of
collision with which though is not equal to zero but very and very much small.

Besides it is obvious that if "stone" of such sizes will not result to "demolition" a part of
the planet Earth (which diameter only 12800 km) but certainly it will annihilate all living
creatures on it. (Sizes of the largest known asteroid of Solar system Tserera by
diameter just 1000 km are shown on Fig.3 in comparison with Europe sizes.)

As annihilation of all living creatures on the Earth (as well as the planet Earth) is not
among results of cataclysm of XI millennium BC, hardly there is a sense to consider
seriously the version of Earth’s rotation axis inclination. Is it impasse again?..

The way out from this impasse can be found in the theory of earth's crust "slip" offered
by Shults which has assumed that the mechanism of described changes is connected
with "movement of lithosphere as single whole... by fast jerks which follow prolonged

To understand essence of the given theory it is necessary to recollect Earth’s structure

(Fig. 4). The solid earth's crust (or lithosphere) is based upon powerful layers of mantle
consisting of liquid fused breeds like shell in egg. Besides thickness of crust under the
order of value makes from 5 km at oceans up to 50 km in area of continental plates
while the general Earth radius is 6400 km.

Even only speculative it is clear that this allows to earth's crust under certain conditions
"to slip" on a liquid layer of magma making up Earth’s mantle without any appreciable
change of rotation of gyroscope named "the planet Earth". You can imagine how
"easily" it can take place if you remember how easily and quickly hot lava (the same
magma) is capable to move on a ground surface during volcanoes eruption.
Such "crust-slip" is capable to provide both Earth poles position change accompanied
with global non-uniform climate changes and change of seen heaven. (At "slip" seen
sky inclination changes though Earth’s rotation axis inclination in relation to orbit plane
does not change).

6. Myths correct the theory of "slip"

Now it is a necessary to understand with possible reasons of such "slip".

Under the initial version of this theory the given effect can be caused by fluctuations
(oscillations) of the Sun attraction of the Earth with centrifugal forces acting on glacial
caps of planet.

"When the form of Earth’s orbit deviates from ideal circle more than on one percent
Sun’s gravitational influence on the Earth grows more strongly drawing and all planet as
a whole and its massive ice caps. Their enormous weight in turn presses on a crust and
this pressure in a combination with increased inclination of Earth’s axis forces a crust to
move..." (Hepgud).

However simple physical estimations for such process show its insignificant probability.

Because mass of ice caps in polar areas is almost insignificantly small in comparison
with mass of earth's crust the weight difference caused by centrifugal forces on a pole
and on equator is less than one percent (!) that reduces in general rotating influence of
ice caps on earth's crust on extremely low level. Such difference is at level of tidal
fluctuations with which we daily face (however it does not result daily in similar

Thus it is necessary to search for other reasons capable to provide "slip" of earth's
crust. For this purpose we shall return to mythology...

On myths in territory of modern Iran: " a result of an attack of devil Angro-Mainu a

garden of pleasures... has turned to lifeless desert where ten months are winter and
only two - summer" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

Under the sacred book of zoroastrism "Avesta": "Ahuramazda has addressed to Iima
and has told him: "Oh, just Iima... The fatal winter carrying with self a violent destructive
frost is going to fall on material world. This is fatal winter when huge quantity of snow
drops out"".

In another zoroastrism sacred book "Bundahish" we can read: "When Angro-Mainu has
sent violent destructive frost he also "has attacked the sky and has disordered it".
"Bundahish" tells that this attack has allowed impious to take hold "of one third of the
sky and to close its by darkness" while crawling ice compressed all around.
"...In South America Indians Toba from the area of Gran-Chaco which is on a joint of
modern borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Chile, still repeat myth about arrival of "the
Great Cold". In this case the warning is received from semi-divine figure by name Asin:
"Asin ordered to man to collect as much as possible fire wood and to cover a hut with
thick layer of reed because the Great Cold comes... Ice and slush kept very long...""
(G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"In Maya’s book Popol’-Vuh flooding ties together with "strong hail, black rain, fog and
indescribable cold". There it is spoken also that at this time "it was cloudy and gloomy
over the whole world... faces of the Sun and the Moon were concealed". In other Maya’s
sources it is spoken that these strange and awful phenomena have fallen upon mankind
"in time of ancestors. The Earth has darkened... At first the sun shined brightly. Then in
broad daylight it became dark..." (ibidem).

"Catastrophic flood was followed with long period during which sunlight has disappeared
from heavens and air was filled with gloomy darkness... "Gods waited for a long time,
while at last the sky did not begin to redden in the East. There huge sphere of the Sun
giving life has risen..." At this moment of space revival Ketsal’koatl’ has appeared"

Even in Europe where glacial age was in whole finished it is found a description of
temporary cold snap. Under Teutonic legends: "In a far wood in the east elderly
giantess has brought into the world whole brood of wolf-cubes which father was Fenrir.
One of these monsters has run after the Sun to take hold it. The pursuit long was vain
but with each season the wolf gained strength and at last it has succeeded in catch up
the Sun. Its bright beams have become dim one by one. It began blood-red shade and
then has absolutely disappeared... After this there has come awful winter in the world.
Snow storms have flown from different directions".

"...More often the flood appears in other legends, however familiar motives of divine
warning and rescue of mankind rests in various areas of the world frequently
communicate with a sudden congelation" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

Besides myths inform that a few later winter stops in these regions. Given details of
cataclysm strongly remind so-called "shock winter" which (as it is calculated by
scientists long ago) arises at falling a large meteorite to the Earth.

Actually the significant amount of myths names directly heavenly objects as the reasons
of the Flood.

"At a number of tribes of Australian natives... it is popular belief that they by own origin
are obliged to great flooding which has washed off earlier existing landscape together
with inhabitants. According to myths about an origin of some other tribes, the
responsibility for flood lays on space dragon Urlungur which symbol is the rainbow"
"In hymns to Viracocha which have been written down by Pachacuti Yamki there is a
term anancocha, literally - "a sea from above", in the direct relation to star heavens.
That the given myth would not mean yet sources of approaching flood were somewhere
outside in astronomical sphere" (U.Sallivan, "Secrets of Inks").

"In other myth about Ketsal’koatl’ also written down in Nauatle language we get to know
that the death of the Fourth Sun (previous to the Fifth Sun which Asteks tried to keep in
alive) has come from hands of stars. This myth, the remaking of some older (and,
probably, destroyed) versions, has exact own duplicate in Andes in a myth about llama
and flood. For Asteks stars were enemies of the Sun, the Fifth Sun" (ibidem).

"...Ancient and later traditions repeatedly connected the legend about Flood to
symbolism of comets..." (N.Mamuna, "The Zodiac of mysteries").

As meteorites very seldom fall to the Earth strictly vertically, at their impact about
ground surface it takes place both vertical and a tangent component of force influence
(Fig. 5). Clearly that at sufficient force of impact the given tangent component can serve
as the reason of earth's crust displacement over a magma layer, as the reason "slip".

It is obvious, that as earth's crust mass is much less mass of whole Earth (if one will
compare even thickness of a crust with radius of the Earth and will take into account
increase of density with depth) so far as the effort necessary for displacement only of an
earth's crust is much weaker than that effort which would be required for influence on
the whole planet.

And besides falling of large meteorite causing also appreciable displacement of earth's
crust is quite capable to cause all those effects which were already mentioned. In
particular it is capable to cause "explosive" character of processes, - fast climate
change, sudden approach of "shock winter", intensification of tectonic processes and
powerful tsunami (Flood), - confirmed both myths and real geological and archeological

7. Physical calculation of "slip" opportunity

Now it is possible to estimate an opportunity of earth's crust "slip" at impact of large

meteorite from the viewpoint of physics for that it is enough to take advantage of rather
simple reasons.

At the moment of meteorite impact Earth‘s crust receives additional rotation with initial
angular speed around some "slip" axes which obviously does not coincide with an axis
of own Earth rotation (otherwise there will be no change of poles position). Thus each
point of Earth’s surface gets the additional speed which depend on initial angular speed
and distance R from the given point up to an axis of "slip" (see Fig. 6).

"Sliping" on liquid and "motionless" mantle the earth's crust will test braking which in this
case will be similar to braking of moving body in viscous liquid (the more speed of body
the more force braking this movement). Therefore for any point of Earth’s surface it will
be true:


Where v - speed of surface point at the moment of time t,

F - force of crust braking in given point,

k - some constant coefficient.

Then for any thin ring layer of earth's crust in plane that is perpendicular "slip" axis from
the law of Newton follows:


where m - mass of this ring layer of crust.

Having made summation on all surface of the Earth (i.e. integration on corner between
direction to point of Earth’s surface and "slip" axis) and in view of that from (2) we
receive differential equation of earth's crust movement as:


where M - mass of Earth's crust.

The decision of the equation (3):


shows that movement of Earth’s crust after meteorite impact is slowed down very
quickly (as exponent). Final displacement of each point of Earth’s surface will make


Taking into account that vdt = ds from (4) and (5) it is possible to receive that work of
braking forces for full stopping of "slip" will make


where - Smax the maximal displacement of points of Earth’s surface (on "slip equator",
i.e. at R = R3, where R3 - radius of the Earth).


where T - certain characteristic time of process, i.e. time for which "slip" movement will
practically be stopped: .

In applied calculations frequently characteristic time of process is determined from a



Given characteristic time of "slip" process can be accepted equal to one day (twenty-
four hours) both from speculative reasons and from the data met in mythology.

"In ancient times the Sun has died. Because of its death night proceeded five days.
Rocks rattled friend about friend. Mortars and stone millstones have started to eat
people. Male of llamas began to transport people" (Uarochiry Myths).

"In 1872 George Smith, restorer of the British museum, re-establishing and reading clay
tablets which have been found out at excavation of Ninevia, capital of ancient Assyria,
has investigated an cuneiform inscription on one of fragments which was... the
description of the Great Flood in the same details but with other heroes! And it was the
poem! And bible Noi was called in it Utnapishtim, and Ararat mountain Nitsir. It is truth,
the Flood last only six days and seven night (in the Bible - 40)... The Poem was named
"Epos about Gilgamesh" (V.Batsalev, A.Varakin, "Secrets of archeology").

"Arne Pebel has published in 1914 translation of Shumerian tablet kept in Philadelphia,
in museum of Pennsylvania university. In them it is told that devout and pious tsar
Ziusurda has received the instruction from Utu (the sun god) and departed by the ship,
being rescued from the Flood raged seven days and seven night" (ibidem).

Further. Proceeding from the general picture of climate change in Europe, Siberia,
Alaska and Antarctica it is possible to estimate displacement of poles in 2-3 thousand
kilometers. Under assumption of Hapgud: "...Up to the end of last Glacial Age, say
before XI millennium BC, the continent of Antarctica was approximately on 3 thousand
kilometers to the north, that is in more favorable moderate latitudes then it has moved
on the present position inside the Southern polar circle as a result of powerful moving of
Earth’s crust".

Besides it is necessary to take into account that the size of poles displacement
obviously is less than size of the maximal displacement of earth's crust. It is clear from
Fig.5: the tangent component of force influences at meteorite impact to Earth’s surface
can be spread out on meridian and latitude components. It is rather obvious that moving
of poles occurs only under influence at meridian (perpendicularly to equator)
component. However under "favorable conditions", i.e. at the appropriate trajectory of
falling meteorite, the size of meridian component not strongly differs from the size of
whole tangent component.
Accepting for simplicity that displacement of poles equally Smax, also that energy of
falling meteorite completely has gone to "slip", from all aforesaid and from formula (7) it
is possible to receive that the "stone" with radius only 20 km, flying up to the Earth with
speed of 50 km/c (usual speed for object flying towards to the Earth), satisfies to all
conditions. Taking into account errors of fulfilled estimations it is possible to receive a
conclusion that from the viewpoint of physics quite there can be enough meteorite with
size about 50 km for making such "slip".

As it is known there is a lot of similar "dust" in our Solar system...

8. Preliminary estimations of meteorite falling region

However it is possible not only to estimate an opportunity of Flood occurrence owing to

meteorite falling but also more precisely to determine the place of this falling on the
base of those consequences which were caused by it.

Unfortunately we hardly seriously can be helped by mythology as it gives rather general

picture of occurred cataclysm without references to any exact position of events
epicenter. In ancient texts it is possible to find only the most general hints.

Natural sciences give much more material. And first these are the climatic data which
determine that up to the Flood glaciers dominated in area of northeast Canada
(peninsula Labrador) and in Europe, but Siberia, Alaska and Arctic ocean were in
moderate zone.

If we base on that where is a pole there is and more coldly (i.e. formation of glaciers is
most probably) then climatic conditions enough unequivocally specify that "pre-Flood"
North Pole was roughly somewhere in area between 20 and 60 western meridian and
between 45 and 75 northern parallel (Fig.7).

For pole point the latitude component of force influences at meteorite impact, turning the
Earth’s crust around the same axis of own rotation, has no any importance and pole
displacement occurs under influence only the meridian component. Hence meteorite
falling should take place somewhere on a circle which pass through old and modern
poles. That is it should to have coordinates or in range 20o-60o of western longitude or
in range 120o-160o of east longitude.

Even the glance on a map of western hemisphere shows full absence in mentioned
area though any traces of falling of so large meteorite which inevitably should leave
after itself a considerable crater.

But east hemisphere appears more attractive. Here the area of search is appreciably
covered with water area of Pacific ocean which ground relief allows to assume
associations with residual crater.
It is necessary to note that variant of meteorite falling in Pacific ocean is wonderfully
conformed to character of fossilized remains in Siberia and Alaska.

"Scientists confirm that from thirty four animals kinds lived in Siberia before accidents of
XI millennium BC... not less than twenty eight were adapted only to moderate climatic
conditions. Therefore one of the most surprising moments connected to extinction of
animals is that in a counterbalance to presently geographical and climatic conditions,
the further we move to the north the more we meet remains of mammoths and other
animals" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

The tsunami which have come from the south (from Pacific ocean - area of meteorite
falling) moved to the north gradually losing force in process. The cold which has come
right after it (the crust has moved sharply to the north) has as though photographed the
general picture of that how "tired" tsunami has left its "crop".

But tectonic map gives the biggest information...

Clearly, that meteorite of such sizes, shifting an earth's crust as a whole, quite could
cause breaks and cracks in it. Especially if we take into account that in place of
approximate falling of such "stone" earth's crust thickness appears comparable with
meteorite size.

Character of tectonic plates and breaks specifies that the place of meteorite falling
which has caused the Flood quite could be the area of Philippine sea. There we see as
though small "splinter" of crust - the Philippine plate, which is much less any another
one on our planet (Fig.8). Others such plates are not present behind exception only the
Scott plate (Fig.9) which size is comparable with Philippine plate.

However the origin of the Scott plate can be quite explained by other reasons. In
particular by that such loading on earth's crust inevitably should cause in it strong
internal strain which, according to the theory of elasticity, considerably grow near to
sharp edges or corners. And we can observe the result of it in form of the Scott plate, as
though squeezed between sharp extremity of the South America continental plate and
sharp ledge of the Antarctic (besides - continental) plate.

But we shall return to Philippine sea which (together with nearby islands) in itself
strongly reminds a crater (Fig.10). The given place is characterized not only that a lot of
tectonic breaks converges to it. Apparently on Fig.8, it is a region where there is a
maximum quantity of earthquakes centers and there are most of all of deep centers
here. It well corresponds to tectonic consequences of meteoric impact too.

Other result of meteorite falling can be also the following: according to geology the area
of Philippine sea is characterized by that sedimentary layers of various age are as
though in the mixed condition here. It denies sometimes met statement about absence
of meteoric traces in sedimentary rocks of that period.
"At ground of oceans, of internal and border seas the severe sequence of sediments
even in those cases which correspond to the period of probable accident is traced. It is
impossible to imagine that falling of so huge body in ocean would not cause hashing
sedimentary rocks. And if the meteorite has fallen on land, clouds of sand and dust
would rise in air. Referred by wind aside ocean they would accumulate on it ground,
having formed a layer of sediments among usual deep-water precipitations. But any
such layer on the appropriate depth under ocean ground is not found out" (J.Malina,
R.Malinova, "Natural accidents and newcomers from space").

Such mixture of sedimentary rocks just takes place at the ground of Philippine sea.

One more aspect of meteorite influence on earth's crust can be occurrence of rotary
moment acting on "splinters" of crust in a place of meteorite falling (Fig.11).

Because earth's crust displacement occurred in such manner that the point of old North
Pole has moved into direction of Atlantic ocean so far as meridian component of
meteorite trajectory which has fallen in area of Philippine sea should be directed from
the south to the north. Besides as the Earth rotates from the west to the east so far as
influence force of fallen meteorite could have with big value of probability a latitude
component directed from the east to the west. Thus, the tangent component meteoric
influences had (roughly) direction from southeast to northwest.

Apparently on Fig.12 general relief of Philippine sea ground wonderfully corresponds to

adduced reasons and specifies that the Philippine plate has inclination in direction from
southeast to northwest as it should be at given trajectory of falling meteorite.

It is necessary to note that the given region is characterized also by that it as though is
framed with the most on the Earth deep-water cavities, which completely coincide on
position with tectonic breaks (read - cracks) in earth's crust. There is also well-known
Mariansk’s cavity (11022 meters depth) here.

The conclusion about meteorite falling to Philippine sea is coordinated as well to the fact
that exactly in nearby regions (from Japan and China up to Australia and Oceania) as
the reason of the Flood the mythology names a rainbow or the Dragon frequently
identified among themselves. It is clearly that in eyes of primitive peoples the trace of
falling meteorite quite could look as fiery dragon.

And the last. Philippine sea is in a southeast from China while ancient-China treatise
"Huainan-tszy" narrates: "Heavenly arch has broken, Earth supports have broken. The
sky has tilted to northwest; the Sun, the Moon and stars have moved. The Earth in a
southeast became incomplete and consequently waters and silt have directed there... ".

9. Specification of Earth’s pre-Flood poles position

However still now we take only rather approximate place of meteorite falling and very
big range of old North Pole location. For their more exact definition we shall try to profit
by the data which have reached us from deep times apparently in completely other
sphere. The question is about architectural constructions of antiquity.

First we pay attention to widely known Egyptian pyramids, to be exact - to those three of
them which are on the Giza plateau and near to which well-known Sphinx (Fig.13) is

Already well-known that Giza pyramids are erected with an extreme degree of accuracy
which is on a limit not only of modern building technology but also of modern methods
of measurement. But accuracy of orientation on lightsides is most important for us in
this case...

Great pyramid " oriented on a meridian, and its sides look at four sides of light. An
entrance... is on northern side of construction, and thus all internal pyramid structure is
planned on axis from the north to the south too, emphasizing by it the importance of
meridian arrangement" (R.Bjuvell, E.Dzhilbert, "Secrets of pyramids").

"Northern side is turned almost ideally to the north, east - to the east and so on. The
average error is about two angular minutes (for the southern side - less than two
minutes) it is exclusive accuracy for any construction of any epoch and really
improbable..." (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

"Three angular minutes error [of orientation of the Great pyramid on sides of light]
corresponds to relative mistake equal only 0,015 %. In opinion of engineers-builders... it
is impossible to understand necessity of such accuracy.... If even the basis of
monument was distorted on two-three degrees (a mistake about one percent) the naked
eye could not simply notice this difference. On the other hand additional difficulties
which should be overcome to lower error from three degrees to three minutes are
huge... It follows from here that ancient builders erecting the pyramid at the beginning of
human civilization should have very weighty motives inducing to provide such exact
orientation on light sides" (ibidem).

Ignoring of the reason of need for so high accuracy and a question about authors of
construction, it is possible to notice that without dependence from concrete date of
pyramid construction its erection was made obviously after the Flood and earth's crust
"slip". This conclusion is inevitable if one will take into account insignificant small
probability of such exact calculation of "slip" consequences which would allow to
achieve the highest degree of orientation of the object constructed up to the Flood.

Last time researches rather argued refute the dating of Giza pyramids construction by
IV dynasty of pharaohs as that is asserted with official Egyptology. Except for that
various ways of definition of pyramids age coincide practically with sole date -
approximately 10450 BC

"... The important evidences on age of pyramids were constantly ignored.... Among such
evidences there was an inscription with dedication of pyramid to Isida, the goddess
which time Manefon refers by 10450 BC; and also surprising opening of Robert Bjuvell
and Edrian Dzhilbert who established that three pyramids of Giza precisely display
position of three stars of Orion Belt which they occupied in 10450 BC" (A.Elford, "Gods
of new millennium").

"Position of stars of Orion Belt on western "coast" of the Milky Way with amazing
accuracy corresponds to disposition and orientation of three Giza pyramids concerning
Nile!... Time of full coincidence... concerns approximately to 10450 BC" (R.Bjuvell,
E.Dzhilbert, "Secrets of pyramids").

"They [stars of Orion Belt] are located with an inclination to southwest in relation to Milky
Way axis while pyramids are inclined to southwest in relation to Nile axis too. If one will
look attentively in clear night he will possible to see that least of three stars, that is
above and which Arabian name is Mintaka, is little displaced to the east from straight
line on which two other stars lay. This picture is reproduced on the Earth where
Menkaura pyramid is displaced in the came manner to the east from straight line formed
by Khafra pyramid (analogue of an average star, Al-Nilam) and by Great pyramid which
represents a star Al-Nitak. It is absolutely clear that three monuments are placed on a
coherent plan which with high accuracy models an arrangement of these three stars...
Thus in Giza they have represented Orion Belt on the Earth" (Bjuvell). (see Fig.14).

"In 10450 year BC - and only! - pyramids disposition on the Earth precisely reflects stars
disposition on the sky. I mean ideal conformity, correctly, and it can not be casual as
whole complex correctly displays two enough unusual heavenly phenomena which
occurred only at this time. First, absolutely casually the Milky Way as it was seen in
Giza in 10450 BC precisely reproduced meridian direction of Nile valley; second, to the
west from Milky Way three stars of Orion Belt were at minimal height according to
precession cycle..." (Bjuvell).

It is necessary to specify here that real mutual position of Orion Belt stars nevertheless
essentially differs from relative positioning of Giza pyramids as show modern programs
of astronomical modeling - RedShift and StarCal. The deviation of the third star of Orion
Belt from straight line during all period past from middle of XI millennium BC does not
fall outside the limits of 7-8 degrees while a deviation of the third pyramid on Giza
plateau from straight line makes all of 10 degrees. So it is necessary to talk only about
approximate "reproduction" of stars disposition on plateau.

Other thing is that there is one more moment which can connect time of pyramids
construction to this date. The matter is that in day of spring equinox 10450 BC at the
moment of sunrise Orion Belt not only is at minimal height above horizon but also
settles down strictly in the south...

Irrespective of Bjuvell’s astronomical researches West, on the basis of the analysis of

Sphinx surface erosion and of Egypt’s climatic conditions, has investigated according to
age of the Sphinx located near to Giza pyramids and entering with them in the uniform
complex. Results of his researches (adduced here in statement of Henkok) again turn
our attention to XI millennium BC.

"Erosion of the Sphinx and of environmental it trench which have been cut down in a
rock is a result of influence not of wind but of strong rains which during thousand years
poured on them long before the Ancient Empire has appeared on light" (G.Henkok,
"Traces of gods").

"As show a photo of the Sphinx and of trench walls which made by Santoy Faiya the
surface structure is characterized by a combination deep vertical furrows and wavy
horizontal flutes, speaking words of Shoh - "it is classical example from the textbook of
that occurs to limestone structure if rain waters it during several thousand years...
Absolutely clearly that erosion of such kind is caused by rains"" (ibidem).

"Wind-sand erosion gives other structure of surface: horizontal crack-form channels with
sharp edges which result from strengthened deterioration of softer stone layers. Under
no circumstances it does not result in occurrence of vertical grooves which are
especially good appreciable on walls of trench" (ibidem).

"It is supposed that the Sphinx was built by Khafra about 2500 BC, but from the
beginning of the dynastic period, say, about 3000 BC, on Giza plateau there were
simple not enough rains to cause such extensive erosion that we can observe on
Sphinx body. You should get into times up to 10000 BC to meet in Egypt a climate
damp enough that erosion of such type and of such scale would take place. It follows
from here that the Sphinx should be built up to 10000 BC" (ibidem).

"...Position [of West] was supported almost by 300 participants of annual conference of
the Geological society of America in 1992" (ibidem).

Despite of all resistance of official Egyptology it is necessary to recognize doubtfulness

of casual concurrence of results of pyramids dating by different researchers and to
agree that Giza pyramids were constructed not only after the Flood, but also through
rather small time interval after it.

Confirmation of the given conclusion can be found in mythology, to be exact - in

mythology connected to the Zodiac. As it is known the Sphinx has a figure of lion and
the lion on Zodiac symbolism (not suffered essential changes during all own existence)
concerns to the so-called Lion’s era beginning approximately in middle of XI millennium
BC, i.e. to time when the Sun in spring equinox day ascends in area of Lion

And moreover the mythology obviously emphasizes connection of Lion era with the

"Whether are available... evidences of the zodiac at the moment of flood? It was found
out two such evidences. One of them contains in ancient-Babylon New Year's holiday
ritual where it is spoken about "constellation of the Lion which measures depth of
waters". Other evidence was revealed in small cuneiform tablet where it is spoken that
the Flood has taken place when Nibiru planet [identified by other source with the Sun]
was in constellation of the Lion" (A.Elford, "Gods of new millennium").

"...Egyptians placed on flood-gates of irrigational channels sluices directing water on

fields the image of lion's head with open mouth. From here also the custom to decorate
fountains with open lion's mouth from which water is poured out has begun which kept
still now. Plutarh wrote that there was a usage to put at temples doors figures of lions
ejecting water from mouth. And Egyptians represented flooding itself as a lion whom
they named "the guard of waters" (N.Mamuna, "The Zodiac of mysteries").

Now we shall be moved from east hemisphere to western one where surprisingly we
find out object reminding Giza pyramids up to a pain (Fig.15).

"In thirty miles to northeast from present Mexico-City Teotiuakan is located which called
by Asteks as "the Place of gods". Undoubtedly it was one of the most sacred places in
ancient America. It agrees to Asteks legends, the Sun and the Moon were born and
time began just here, on the central plateau of Mexico. These legends have found
reflection in two main monuments of Teotiuakan - pyramids of the Sun and of the Moon.
Pyramids tower above environmental landscape - height of one is 212, of another - 140
ft" (A.Elford, "Gods of new millennium").

"In Teotiuakan three main pyramids are constructed exactly as in Giza: pyramid and
temple of Ketsal’koatl’, pyramid of the Sun and pyramid of the Moon. Precisely as well
as in Giza the lay-out of construction is not symmetric, as it would be possible to expect,
and two constructions are located against each other but the third is deliberately
displaced aside [see Fig.14]. And at last in Giza tops of the Great pyramid and of
Khefren’s pyramid are at one level though the height of first is more than the height of
second. Similarly in Teotiuakan tops of pyramids of the Sun and of the Moon are at one
level though the first is higher. The difference of height of pyramids in both cases
compensates a difference of levels of the bases" (G.Henkok, "Traces of gods").

( Strictly speaking, here speech should go only about approximate similarity too as the
deviation of pyramid of the Moon from straight line connecting other two basic
Teotiuakan constructions is already almost 14 degrees …)

Moreover "...the number "pi" is involved dimensions of the Great pyramid in Giza
and of pyramid of the Sun in Teotiuakan. This connection on both sides of Atlantic is
made out by similar image, not leaving doubt that architects of those places were well
familiar with this transcendental number.. Initial height of the Great pyramid makes 147
meters, perimeter of the basis - 920 meters; accordingly the ratio of these sizes is 6,28
(2 "pi"), that is equal to the ratio of circle length to its radius..." (ibidem).

"Now we shall consider pyramid of the Sun in Teotiuakan. The inclination corner of its
lateral sides makes 43,5 degrees (in comparison with 52 degrees at the Great pyramid),
that is the form of the Mexican monument more gentle. The perimeter of its basis is 895
meters, not much less than at the Egyptian colleague, but the height is much less
(before Bartres-"restoration" it made about 71 meter)... Here already formula not 2 "pi"
as in a case with the Great pyramid but 4 "pi" "works"! That is the ratio of basis
perimeter of the Sun pyramid to its height is equaled 4 "pi"" (ibidem).

Similarity hardly can be casual.

“...The fact that sizes of both constructions are connected by similar ratio testifies not
only to existence of the advanced mathematical knowledge in antiquity but also of some
common purpose” (ibidem).

The common character of building purpose of so similar constructions complexes is

emphasized also by ancient legends:

"According [to legends of Central America] the Gods City named so because sovereigns
buried there after death were not exposed to decay but turned to gods... Differently it
was "the place where people became gods". Besides this place was known as "the
abode of those who knows road to gods" and "the place where they makes gods""

"Whether is simple concurrence... that the same religious purpose is pursued with three
pyramids in Giza? Ancient hieroglyphic "Texts of Pyramids", the most ancient
monuments of writing in the world, do not leave place for doubts in ultimate goal of
rituals which were carried out in these enormous constructions: to make transformation
of deceased pharaoh, "to fling open gates the heavenly arch and to clear the way" on
which he could "rise in community of gods"" (ibidem).

And according to researches of last decades pyramid form itself is capable to cause
changes biological and physical processes occurring inside pyramid. Including, under
certain conditions the organic matter inside pyramid (even inside its simple model) is not
exposed to decay but become mummified. Besides researchers mark that maximal
effects are observed at strict geographical orientation of pyramids.

Let's leave in side a mass of arising in this connection questions which are rather
fascinating and are capable to make a subject of separate research. We shall profit only
by that at such similarity of two complexes of constructions it will rather logical to
recognize that with very big degree of probability both objects (Giza and Teotiuakan)
had certain uniform purpose and common (or coordinated) authorship.

However Teotiuakan constructions have no so rigid attachment to graticule in distinction

from Giza pyramids. Besides Teotiuakan constructions are rigidly attached to each
other and to the certain direction too.

"It is similar, amazingly high engineering was applied at a laying of city [Teotiuakan].
The main street of city - street of Dead - lasts absolutely directly during two miles, and
archeological researches testify that any rather perfect devices were applied to direction
definition during its creation. Further, all lay-out is based on deviation from the north-
south direction on 15,5 degrees..." (A.Elford, "Gods of new millennium"). (see Fig.16).

If we shall look at the globe we shall be possible to notice that continuation of an axis of
Teotiuakan attachment results us in that area where presumably there was a North Pole
earlier (before the Flood).

Taking into account rigid attachment of Giza pyramids to modern North Pole and
obvious connection of two constructions complexes, it is logical to state the following
hypothesis: Teotiuakan also was oriented on "pre-Flood" North Pole as Giza pyramids
are oriented on modern North Pole nowadays. Only "slip" of earth's crust under
influence of meteorite falling accompanied with the Flood and with changing of all
coordinate attachments has resulted Teotiuakan to its modern "incongruous"
attachment to a corner 15,5o.

Two conclusions follow at once from here. First, if Giza pyramids were constructed
directly after the Flood then in case of common authorship of two objects the
construction of complex in Teotiuakan was carried out directly before the Flood.
Differently, Teotiuakan is the pre-Flood construction (in literal sense), that indirectly
proves to be true also by myths.

"In one from [Asteks] legends it is told that once the whole Earth has plunged into
darkness - only in Teotiuakan sacred fire has remained to burn. Then gods have
gathered on council in Teotiuakan and tried to actuate stopped Sun and Moon. That
agrees to different variants of legend sometimes gods shot from a bow, sometimes the
god of a wind blew to move the Sun. Anyhow, the Sun and the Moon again came in
movement and the world was rescued. Asteks have made to itself representation from
this legend that time at any moment has stopped and then has again come in
movement. Since then Teotiuakan pyramids are associated with the Sun and the Moon
at them. The impression is created that pyramids of the Sun and of the Moon were
constructed in commemoration of that day when the Sun has not risen. Whether it was
real event, and if yes when it has taken place?" (ibidem).

The given legend obviously contacts events of the Flood, and it follows from its content
that Teotiuakan was already constructed (!!!) to that time, i.e. it is pre-Flood
construction... And as all lay-out of it corresponds to coherent plan pyramids hardly
were constructed considerably after this event – it is most likely that they put together
with all other constructions a single whole and thus performed main functional role.

And second, it becomes possible to determine more precisely the position of old North
Pole on base of given Teotiuakan attachment: if both complexes were so rigidly
attached to graticule and both are so similar it is logical to assume that Teotiuakan was
up to the Flood (i.e. up to earth's crust "slip") at the same latitude as Giza complex (in
relation to modern North Pole) is nowadays.
Measuring in a direction 15,5o from Teotiuakan the same distance on what Giza is
removed from modern North Pole, we shall receive a point with approximate
coordinates 51o of western longitude and 71o of northern latitude (Fig.17). North Pole
was presumably just at this place up to falling in XI millennium BC of meteorite, caused
powerful cataclysm on surface of our planet though certainly discounting errors during
estimations it is necessary to expand region of "pre-Flood" North Pole position to 2-3
degrees (that is much better of some tens degrees range for previous estimations).

10. Climatic consequences of the Flood

The found displacement of poles - 2100 km - appears near to the bottom limit of a range
(2-3 thousand kilometers) of tentative estimations received from climatic changes.

However even such "minimal" displacement actually is enough to provide climate

change having place if to take into account the important role not so much only
"latitude" displacement of crust but and caused by it changes of oceans temperature
mode which (according to a modern science) is one of determinatives in formation of
climate on our planet.

Say for Northern hemisphere (see Fig.18): modern rather "warm" mode of Arctic ocean
in many respects is provided with the warm Atlantic current Gulf-Stream penetrating far
to the north.

The position of North Pole in area of Greenland (in area of calculated coordinates) sets
completely other temperature mode of northern part of Atlantic, that quite could have
consequence both other direction of the stream and its temperature. And really from
available data "it is known... that the direction of warm current Gulf Stream in this period
has changed" (V.Babakin, "The greatest riddles of the past"), that quite can be
consequence of earth's crust "slip" and thawing of "old" pole ice.

For Southern hemisphere (Fig.19) we have just opposite picture. The modern cold
climate of Antarctica is provided in particular and for that as though closed ring from
cold streams is formed in ocean around of continent interfering penetration on the south
of warm equatorial waters.

And "Pre-Flood" position of the South Pole sets completely other heating mode,
providing at the same time and other oceanic streams mode which quite could result to
that the significant part of Antarctica was free from ice (it was already spoken about
that), rivers flew and life prospered there.

Thus, general results of calculations give a picture rather close to available objective

11. Astronomical analysis of eyewitnesses evidences

More exact definition of site of "pre-Flood" North Pole allows to determine also more
precisely meteorite falling place which as it was already spoken should be on the same
line with all four poles (old and new Southern and Northern poles).

From calculated position of old North Pole follows that the meteorite has fallen on a
meridian close to 130o of east longitude. In this area there is a hollow in the center of
Philippine sea (see Fig.10 and Fig.12).

The knowledge of exact meteorite falling place and of Earth poles displacement at this
falling allows to carry out one more analysis mythology data.

At ancient Indians of America the Flood event frequently contacted with symbolism of
lightning. Both aboriginals of Australia and Oceania named atmospheric trace of
meteorite which has fallen in area of the Philippine sea as "rainbow" and American
Indians quite could use for this purpose image of "lightning". And though the distance
between area of ancient civilization of South America and Philippine sea conforms to
ten-hour difference in time, it appears that Indians quite could see a meteorite falling
from southeast to area of present Philippine sea.

Let's consider in more detail what myths speak about it...

"Andes mythology names year - and even hours between twilight and dawn conducting
to sunrise of June solstice - when the whole world was destroyed by "Flood""
(U.Sallivan, "Secrets of Inks").

"...That area of the sky which associated with western Twins in their crossing with Milky
Way is connected in Andes mythologies to a place of heavenly fire origin" (ibidem).

"Astek’s god of war Uitsilopochtli identified with the sun was born in struggle against his
brothers, "four hundred southern stars" which vainly aspired to kill him" (ibidem).

"In Kiche-Maya legend Pleiades most are frequently mentioned as "four hundred boys".
In displaying sensation of danger on life of the Sun expressed in "warlike" actions of
motionless stars sphere Astek’s myth does original hint on a role of Pleiades in death of
the Fourth Sun" (ibidem).

But just "death of the Fourth Sun" corresponds to the Flood in Andes myths...

As it is possible to see, the mythology mentions at once three heavenly objects in

connection with the Flood: congestion of Pleiades, constellation of a Taurus and
constellation of Twins. But Pleiades are in constellation of Taurus which adjoins to
Twins. Means, the question is about the same region of star sky.

The constellation of Taurus is known nowadays as well to that from its area one of
largest meteoric streams annually falls to the Earth. It occurs in the period from October,
20 up to November, 30.
If to take into account only wobbling of Earth orbit it is possible to receive that in XI
millennium BC this meteoric stream should fall upon the Earth in May. But if to admit for
this time an opportunity some other crossing of Earth orbit with orbit of Taurus meteoric
stream (see Fig.20) or wobbling of orbit meteoric stream itself that meteorite falling in
June from this meteoric stream connected to Pleiades and Taurus is quite probable
(though by and large, meteorite "origin" has no presence of value and it can not be a
member of given meteoric stream).

Further. Exact enough knowledge of earth's crust displacement in result of "slip" and
knowledge of Earth orbit wobbling allow to reproduce (even rather roughly) state of star
sky in any point of the Earth both after the Flood and before it. That analysis was carried
out by the author with the help of computer program RedShift of company Maris
Multimedia (see later) for regions of Andes and Philippine sea at the moment of
meteorite falling, basing for time specified in myths.

Provisional state of western part of star sky for area of Andes in twilight before dawn in
day of summer solstice in first half XI millennia BC (provided that meteorite has not
fallen yet) with the account wobbling and further crust "slip" is shown on Fig.21. And on
Fig.22 provisional state of star sky is shown at supervision from area of Philippine sea
at the same time moment.

From resulted figures it is visible that, first, at time moment indicated by mythology both
Twins constellation of and Taurus constellation (together with Pleiades included in it)
are at southeast from Philippine sea that coincides with determined direction of fallen
meteorite trajectory.

Second, from Andes region at the same moment the given area of star sky appears
slightly to the south of horizon western point that coincides with position of modern
Philippine sea area but still before earth's crust "slip".

Falling on background of Taurus constellation to a place where the Twins constellation

has just gone the meteorite which has caused the Flood quite could give the reason to
American Indians "to accuse" Pleiades, Taurus constellation and Twins constellation in
generation by them of cataclysm with darkness "swallowed up the Fourth Sun".

Let's note also that the time moment which for South America concerns to twilight
before dawn corresponds to day in Europe. Thus time of cataclysm indicated in Andes
mythology is quite coordinated to Greek’s legend about Phaeton according which
events have taken place in broad daylight.

"...All ground with amazement has seen how the magnificent Sun instead of following in
the eternal and majestic way suddenly has become in somersaults and has headlong
fallen down similarly to a meteor..." (legend about Phaeton).
There are also other cataclysm eyewitnesses who give us next portion of the data for

"On Palau islands which are in the extreme west of Oceania nearby to Philippines they
speaks that gods have sent a flood on people for their sins during a full moon"
(N.Mamuna, "The Zodiac of mysteries").

"...One of Polynesian legends says: "And, to time of a full moon the strong storm with
downpour has burst. The sea began to rise all above sinking islands, it has broken off
mountains and has demolished any human habitation. People did not know where to be
rescued and everything were lost except for one just woman saved on raft"" (ibidem).

Really, if Andes Indians observed falling of meteorite at pre-dawn o'clock and if this day
there was full moon natives of western part of Pacific ocean quite could see full Moon in
the sky (at them there has come evening at this moment).

But as far as probably such coincidence: meteorite falling occurs in day of summer
solstice, moreover and at full moon?.. It Appears, it quite can be...

Taking into account that Earth duration is equal 365,256 days and full change of Moon
phases occurs with 29,53 day interval, it is easily possible to determine that Moon is in
the same phase in the same day of calendar year each 19 years. And moreover during
this 19-years cycle the Moon still twice is in the same phase in the same calendar day -
in 8 and 11 years after beginning of 19-years cycle.

But it is not absolutely exact. Actually there is some slow displacement of concrete
Moon phase date: say, full moon comes hardly later gradually from cycle to cycle. As
RedShift program shows, there is additional cycle approximately in 535 years as a
result of it.

Further. Also it is necessary to take into account that for ordinary observer the full moon
is not single-moment event (as say for the astronomer or the astrologist). Usually if not
clouds prevent we monthly see practically "full" Moon during three-four days.

In view of all aforesaid it turns out that as a result of available rotation of Moon around
Earth and Earth around Sun an approximately 60 years period is formed, during which
almost full Moon can be observed in day of summer solstice as a minimum of 10 times.
Then there comes a break almost in 500 years, during which coincidence of full moon
with summer solstice practically does not occur.

Estimated calculations with help of RedShift program give the following result: in XI
millennium BC similar "period of full moon in day of summer solstice" took place twice -
from 11015 up to 10955 year BC and from 10480 up to 10420 year BC. As it is possible
to see period from 10480 up to 10420 year BC is coordinated to conjectural time of
meteorite falling. And really, inhabitants of western part of Pacific ocean could observe
full Moon directly per day (more precisely – per evening) of Flood.
Thus, "cross-examination" of eyewitnesses in three Earth regions removed from each
other (Greece, Oceania, South America) reveals practically full coincidence of

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