English Mkoa

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1. This paper consists 45 questions in section A, B, C, D and E

2. Answer all questions as instructed in every section

3. All answers must be written in the special answer sheet (OMR) and fill in all the
required information

4. Write your Examination number and then shade the digits of the number in the
respective place in your answer sheet.

5. Shade a letter of the correct answer in the answer sheets provide, for example if
the correct answer is a shade as follows:-

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6. Avoid unnecessary rubbing

7. If you have to change your answer, you must rub out the shading very neatly
before shading the new one. Use a clean rubber.

8. Use HB pencil only.

9. Mobile phones are not allowed in the examination room

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Choose the most appropriate answer and shade its letter on the answer sheet provided.
1. Some of the passengers were very tired but they _______to continue their journey.
(A) Decides (B) are deciding (C) decided (D) is decided (E) will decide
2. At the moment Musa and his brother__________ their hands
(A)Was clapping (B) is clapped (C) had clap (D) clapped (E) are clapping
3. The students__________ when the lights went off.
(A) Studies (B) study (C) were studying (D) Studying (E) Studied
4. It is obvious that water__________ down wards
(A) flowed (B) flows (C) flew (D) flowing (E) flies
5. In the plane there ____________many people and none of them seemed to frighten at all.
(A) were (B) will (C) has (D)had (E) is
6. If she _______the letter, I shall post it to you the next day.
(A) Will wrote (B) write (C) are writing (D) will write (E) had written
7. The boys like _______football, but the girls like boxing.
(A) Are playing (B) plays (C) playing (D) is playing (E) have played.
8. Has she _________ him a new phone?
(A) Lent (B) is lending (C) lend (D) lends (E)is lend
9. You and I _______ work together after two days.
(A) Are (B) is (C) am (D) will (E) could
10. The doctor went into the room, when my father _________
(A) Resting (B) were resting (C) was resting (D) will rest (E) is resting
11. Some of ________ are singing the religious song.
(A) the (B) they (C) them (D) their (E) she
12. Juma drank water. Water ___________ drunk by Juma last week.
(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) wili (E) was
13. She is studying _________ the University of Dar es Salaam.
(A) in (B) on (C) by (D) at (E) since
14. Always, they do __________ in colors.
(A) different (B) difference (C) differences (D) differ (E) differing.
15. A person who deals with forecasting weather conditions is called a_____________.
(A) mateologist (B) map drawer (C) fisherman (D) sailor (E) technician
16. The bus arrived______ 4.00 pm to Mahenge station
(A) on (B) for. (C) in (D) by (E) at
17. We took our bags to the playing ground but after the game we could not remember _____we
had put them (A) Where (B) Which (C) Whose (D) Who (E)That
18. My shirt looks dirty but yours looks ______
(A) More dirty (B)Dirtiest (C)Dirtier (D) Most (E) Dirty
19. If it doesn’t rain, the plants______ dry up.
(A) does (B) will (C) do (D) are (E) did
20. ______ you pay the money , he won’t allow you to enter the bus,
(A) because (B) if (C) although (D) unless (E) since
21. They were many people who attended the meeting____
(A) were they? (B) weren’t they? (C) are they? (D)don’t they (E) didn’t they?
22. This will take _____ hour to solve the problem.
(A) a B) the (C)some (D) the (E) an
23. Joseph managed to go to school _______ his sickness.
(A) of(B) because of (C)despite (D) inspite(E) although
24. _____roads and bridges are made of stones.
(A) all (B)either (C)nor (D) Neither (E) both
25. The pupils walked to school early ________they would not be late for the trip
(A) too-to (B). in order to (C) so that (D) enough to (E) but.
26. They always make__________ useful around the house by planting flowers
(A) herself(B) yourself (C) himself (D) themselves (E) yourselves
27. __________ Joyce,Petro,Anna and Joshua went to school yesterday.
(A) Both (B)All (C) Neither (D)Also (E) Either
28. The boy _________clothes are dirty will be punished by their parents.
(A) whom (B)Where (C) Which (D) Who (E) Whose
29. An Indian ocean is not only deep___________wide
(A) Also (B) But also (C) And (D) As (E) Again
30. We wear shoes ____________ protect our feet.
(A) in order to (B) So that(C) Some (D).In order (E)For

SECTION B: Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer and shade its letter in the answer sheet provided.
31. The daughter of my brother or sister is my ________
(A) nephew (B) niece (C) cousin (D) sister (E) uncle
32. A place where planes land and take off is called------
(A) garage (B)harbor (C)an airport (D)station (E)terminal
33. The unmarried woman is called________
(A) bachelor (B) widow (C) sailor (D) spinster (E) Mary
34. A captain works in a___________
(A) shop (B) farm (C) ship (D) hospital (E) hotel
35. A young cow is called a ___________
(A) puppy (B) calf (C) kitten (D) kid (E) chick
36. A person who is unable to speak is called a………
(A) blind (B) cripple (C) dumb (D)cobbler (E) chief


Rearrange the following sentences to make meaningful story use letters A-D
37. The cracks started at its tip and went down to its base
38. Our Geography teacher miss Babato entered the classroom holding something
39. It was a fine Monday morning.
40. Something white and fluffy appered in the cracks.


Questions 41 – 45 read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions below by
filling in the blanks. Write a word or words correctly.

Protein is very important for health growth and it is highly needed for body repair after injuries
and sickness. Food with calcium makes bones strong and helpful in the body. It also contains
proteins and salt, so it is very rich and important food. Children need plenty of milk but adults
are not allowed to drink too much milk because it may lead to obesity.

41. What make bones strong________________________________
42. Sick people get much __________________________________ to help them to recover.
43. Who are allowed to take much milk?__________________________________________
44. Why it is prohibited to adults to take too much milk?______________________________
45. What is highly needed by children?____________________________________________

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