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Course Prospectus:

Welcome to Transition Excellence.

I am incredibly proud to share the personal,
insight-driven approach that I’ve used with my
one-on-one, high-performing clients for over
15 years. It’s the same approach I use at my
live intensives, and with my community of
extraordinary leaders, 4PC. Now, I am excited
to offer this comprehensive program where
I’ll teach you the skills, mindsets, and
strategies necessary to create a powerful,
profitable coaching practice.

When I work with clients, we agree to hide

nothing and hold nothing back during our
sessions. That’s the same philosophy I used
when developing Transition Excellence.
It’s the culmination of my life’s work and I’m
opening the curtain to share all of it with you.

“You are more powerful than you know.” - Rich Litvin

Do you have – or want to build – a business as a world-class coach?

Do you want high-performing, high-fee clients?

Do you have a background as a high-achieving executive or entrepreneur?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then you’re in the right place.

If you are a high-achiever, who has led, built, or worked in a business, you already have more
impressive coaching skills than you realize.

You understand people. You know how to handle (and mitigate) risk. You know how to
perform in high-stakes situations. You know when to challenge people and when to nurture
them. You know how to negotiate; you know how to delegate, and you know how to
communicate. You know how to sell (whether it’s products, services, or ideas). You’re not
afraid to speak truth to power. And – let’s be honest – you’ve been successful because of
the lessons you learned from the struggles you’ve faced…

But it is easy to forget how powerful you are, as you transition into coaching. Your previous
successes no longer seem relevant. And, if you’re a really high-performer, it never felt like
you worked that hard, anyway, right? Keep reading.
The 5 Biggest Challenges for High-Performing Leaders
For over a decade, I’ve been supporting former executives and entrepreneurs to thrive as
coaches and consultants. I have a track record in supporting leaders, on almost every
continent, to create high-performing, high-fee clients. I’ve trained many of the most
successful – and exclusive – coaches on the planet.

And there are 5 major issues I see, time and again, that successful leaders face, once they
become a coach:

1. Confidence. You’re a successful leader but now you feel like a complete beginner.
You have no idea how to get to your next level of success. Your confidence has shrunk
and there’s no-one to talk to. It’s frustrating to feel like your spouse, or your former
colleagues, don’t believe in you. Or even that they are just waiting for you to screw up.

2. Coaching. You became a great leader through decades of learning and experience.
But you can’t possibly wait that long in this career. You want to learn world-class skills.
You want to learn from the best. But you’re impatient for change and you’re longing for

3. Clients. You know you have great coaching skills but it’s much harder than you
realized to enroll great clients. It’s so noisy online. Everyone is telling you to create a
website, build a ‘list’, learn SEO, do Facebook ads, use social media. It’s overwhelming. It
literally sucks the energy out of your body.

4. Cash. You loved your coach training but it was frustrating to be surrounded by ‘needy’
coaches. You can’t say this out loud (and you mean no disrespect) but you used to earn
$100K+, $300K+, or $500K+, and now you’re surrounded by coaches who hope one day
to make $40K/year. That wouldn’t even cover the expenses for you and the family. It’s
confusing to know what to do and who to believe…

5. Community. Your coach training was great but after it was over, life became really
lonely – sitting in front of your computer all day. You miss having a team. And you’re
tired of being the most interesting person in the room, in most rooms you’re in. It’s not
actually fun to have almost every coach you meet want to learn from you or seek your

You’re not alone. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

Build an action plan to create the biggest impact for you – and your clients.

Learn how to thrive in uncertain times. (I grew my own business during the worst
economic recession in recent history.)

Utilize a personalized action tracker and assessments to support you in creating

high-performing, high-fee clients.

Plus, you’ll have a peer group of top performers who will hold you to a high bar. Much
of the value of this program is in the caliber of your new community and the support
you bring to one another.

When you join Transition Excellence, you’ll access 100 days of support, coaching, and

You join a vibrant community of high-performing coaches.

You build the skills, the confidence, and the powerful language you need to enroll
high-performing, high-fee, elite clients.

“You are far closer to everything you

want than you could ever imagine.”
- Rich Litvin
When I first met Helen, she was recovering from the burnout and frustration of a couple of
decades of corporate life. She was the former Vice President of a $1B healthcare company
who had become a professional coach because she dreamed of making a real impact on
people’s lives.

But she was exhausted.

You see, she had all the skills needed to be a successful coach but she was struggling to get
clients. She’d tried all the online marketing ideas that screamed at her from every Facebook
ad. But they drained her of energy because they never seemed to work – despite all the

Life was really lonely. She’d be at home, with tears running down her face – still in her
pajamas at noon – wondering where on earth her next client would come from. And there
was no-one she could speak to. She had never met a successful coach (every coaching
event she attended seemed to be full of struggling coaches, who’d never earned what she’d
earned at the height of her career). And how could she talk to her old friends? After all, they
were jealous she’d escaped the corporate world; they were busy with work; and the only
response she’d likely hear was, ‘I wish I had your problems…’

I love working with coaches who have a track record of success behind them in another
career. And I know I will have to begin by messing with their thinking!

I quickly help them see that they are not a ‘new’ coach. In fact, they have years of learning
and insights behind them. They’ve often built decades of career capital and sweat equity
from a previous career. And that shouldn’t be dismissed.
I often remind them of a short story about Picasso...

Pablo Picasso was sketching in the park when a woman approached him.

“It’s you, Picasso, the great artist! Oh, you must sketch my portrait! I insist.”

So Picasso agreed to sketch her. After studying her for a moment, he used a single pencil
stroke to create her portrait. He handed the woman his work of art.

“It’s perfect!” she gushed. “You managed to capture my essence with one stroke, in one
moment. Thank you! How much do I owe you?”

“Five thousand dollars,” the artist replied.

“But, what?” the woman sputtered. “How could you want so much money for this picture?
It only took you a second to draw it!”

To which Picasso responded, “Madame, it took me my entire life.”

Helen became one of my clients and joined my community. She began to reclaim the power,
audacity, and confidence that she’d had most of her life. And within two years, she was
making $500K a year as a coach. She’s teaching women the skills they need to navigate
corporate life with power and grace, in companies that include American Express,
GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson. And her first book, The Unwritten Rules of
Women’s Leadership, has just been published.
How to beat the odds
High-performing leaders in the corporate world are burned out and tired. C-suite executives
are looking for a way out. Coaching is a way for them to make a great deal of income and a
huge impact, on their own terms. And be happier!

Yet, statistics indicate that at least 80% of coaches make $20K a year or less... They spend
tens of thousands of dollars on coach training, branding, and marketing, expensive websites,
or search engine optimization. And then they get no clients…

The top 4% of coaches consistently make between $200K – $1M a year, coaching
extraordinary clients, a few days a month. And that’s where WE come together.

You DON’T want… to learn how to get clients online using social media, SEO, Google
Adwords, Facebook ads, or email lists, right? You’re tired of marketing ‘experts’ telling
you to build a website, start a campaign, or learn the latest ad technology, right? And
who wants more soul-sucking networking meetings?!

You DO want… to create clients by serving people so powerfully that they

never forget your conversation – for the rest of their life. You do want to 10X your
clients’ results. You’d love to make $100K, $200K, $500K a year – by word-of-mouth.
And you’d love to coach a few days a week, a few weeks a month. Right?

During Transition Excellence you will….

Learn how to coach your own clients powerfully.

Build a sense of deep, natural confidence.

Learn extraordinary, world-class coaching skills.

Join a community of high-level leaders and coaches.

What else you’ll learn...
How to uplevel your coaching skills

The single-most important factor for enrolling high performing clients is to be a high-level
coach. With Transition Excellence, you’ll witness powerful deep coaching throughout all 12
modules. You will hone your own high-level coaching skills. You will create a powerful and
compelling vision for your future. And you’ll overcome the fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, or
insecurities that hold you back.

How to create clients

Clients are created. And high-fee clients are created through a powerful framework. You’ll
learn to “create” clients by mastering ‘The Prosperous Coach’ approach. You’ll practice
high-level client creation skills. You’ll learn how to build a business by invitation and referral
only. You’ll learn how to make $10K proposals, $20K proposals, and even $50K or $100K
proposals. You’ll collect NOs and you’ll be able to “fail” in a safe space.

How to optimize your environment

If you can’t create and control your environment, your environment will control you. You will
learn to optimize your environment, to create goals, opportunities, actions, and thoughts that
energize you. You will create habits and rituals that support and renew you. You’ll learn how
to let go of burnout, forever. And you’ll help your clients do the same.

How to 10x the value of this program

You will join me in a small cohort of talented and successful individuals, where you can share
your ideas and be heard. You’ll get 10x the value of Executive Insight by creating peer
coaching opportunities and ways to serve and be served by this amazing community. And
finally, you will learn how to create your own communities of extraordinary people –
wherever you are in the world.
A program designed with YOU in mind
Transition Excellence is a 100-day program divided into 12 modules. In addition to the robust
teachings and tools presented in each module, you’ll witness powerful coaching
demonstrations with individuals and in small groups. Throughout the 100 days, you’ll
participate in challenges designed to build skills and expand your range. And we’re here
to support you throughout the journey.

Dedicated Access to Email Support

My team is here to help with any Transition Excellence (TE) query, right from the beginning of
your training. If you need assistance to access the course or have any questions about the
content, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Exclusive Slack Group

Our Slack groups are lively discussion forums that enable you to interact with your peers.
They are an invaluable source of support and enable you to give and receive help and
advice. Your peers also provide an unrivaled opportunity to practice the techniques in a
supported environment and receive practical feedback to help you improve and build

“The job of an extraordinary coach is not to answer

their client’s questions — it’s to help them find more
powerful questions to live into.”
- Rich Litvin
“Rich Litvin is a business thought leader who counts. He shatters the myth that you can’t
create wealth whilst making a big impact on people’s lives.”

-Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels and author of Peak.

“I was really hoping to become a six-figure coach when I started working with Rich. And what
Rich helped me realize was, that was only the beginning. Once I started working with him, I
got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. The universe is flinging doors open left and right...”

-Shelley Paxton, former CMO of Harley Davidson, and author of Soulbattical.

“Rich is committed to helping you remember how powerful you are. He holds nothing back
and truly serves the one person in front of him. Rich can hold the space for the group and, at
the same time, focus on YOU, making you feel that you are the most powerful person in the

-Linda Scotti, Executive Coach, former Leadership Coach at Google.

“I will teach you to 10X your impact, your income, and your inner peace. So you can do the
same for your clients.”

-Rich Litvin

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